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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’évolution du système de vulgarisation agricole face aux nouveaux défis de l’agriculture et aux enjeux de l’agroécologie dans les pays du Sud et de l’Est de la Méditerranée : le cas de la Syrie et de la Tunisie / The evolution of the agricultural extension system in the face of new challenges agriculture and the stakes of agroecology in the countries of the South and East of the Mediterranean : the case of Syria and Tunisia

Alaadrah, Najwa 05 November 2018 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est d’analyser l’évolution du système de vulgarisation agricole en contexte méditerranéen, en termes d’organisation, de dimensions du conseil et de méthodes d’intervention à partir d’une analyse régionale des systèmes syrien et tunisien. Cette évolution répond à des changements profonds du modèle de production agricole, basé historiquement sur les principes de la Révolution verte, qui s’oriente vers des modèles agro-écologiques. Nous nous situons dans le mouvement dit de la « transition agroécologique », qui propose un cadre de développement associant les dimensions socioéconomiques et environnementales. Elle permet d'envisager une meilleure intégration de l'agriculture et de ses enjeux dans le projet de développement territorial. Concevoir et mettre en œuvre cette approche nécessite de changer profondément la gestion des systèmes de production. Pour assurer ces changements, les agriculteurs ont besoin de nouveaux dispositifs d’accompagnement. L’analyse de l’évolution des systèmes de vulgarisation est conduite à partir d’un cadre théorique et méthodologique construit en référence aux théories du développement, notamment évolutionniste, pour tenir compte des forces générales qui déterminent les actions locales, et historiciste, pour donner place aux trajectoires de développement et aux combinaisons territoriales singulières. Ce cadre suppose que le développement ne dépend pas de producteurs prêts à adopter des innovations exogènes mais plutôt à participer à son élaboration. Cette participation répond à deux besoins : i) l’adaptation de l’innovation à la particularité des situations comme la transition agroécologique le préconise, ii) la décentralisation de la gestion des biens socio-environnementaux, vers des formes de communs. Face à ces enjeux de transformation des systèmes agricoles, on peut s’attendre à ce que l’organisation de la vulgarisation agricole s’est adaptée par le passage d’un système piloté principalement par un dispositif public, basé sur une seule dimension de conseil technique et sur des méthodes diffusionnistes de vulgarisation de masse, à un système composite proposant plusieurs dimensions de conseil et de méthodes d’intervention individuelles ou communes basées sur la co-construction du conseil. L’analyse est conduite en prenant appui sur un travail empirique adapté à la situation des deux pays d’étude, circonscrit sur la région d’Al Ghâb en Syrie et de Nabeul en Tunisie. Les résultats sont assez proches dans les deux pays où l’évolution du secteur agricole se réalise par petites touches qui tiennent plus de la substitution de pratiques plus économes et plus respectueuses du milieu que les précédentes, mais elle n’a pas été accompagnée par une évolution marquante du système de vulgarisation agricole. Le dispositif étatique occupe toujours une position de monopole en Al Ghâb, et dominante à Nabeul. L’évolution organisationnelle de ce système se borne, dans les deux régions, à la déconcentration des services, avec une timide privatisation sur le terrain de Nabeul. Dans les deux régions d’études, le dispositif étatique utilise classiquement des méthodes collectives de conseil basées sur le modèle « Training and Visit » et se limite à une dimension technique basée principalement sur les recettes de la Révolution verte ; leur contribution à l’évolution des pratiques agricoles vers l’agroécologie n’est pas notable. / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the evolution of the agricultural extension system in a Mediterranean context, in terms of organization, types of advice and methods of intervention drawn from a regional analysis of Syrian and Tunisian systems. This evolution responds to profound changes in the agricultural production model, historically based on the principles of the Green Revolution, which is evolving towards agro-ecological models. We situate this work in the movement known as the "agro-ecological transition", which proposes a framework of development associating socio-economic and environmental dimensions. This movement allows us to envision a better integration of agriculture and its stakes in the territorial development project. To design and implement the agro-ecological approach requires a profound change in the management of production systems. To ensure these changes, farmers need new support schemes. The analysis of the evolution of the extension systems is conducted from a theoretical and methodological framework constructed with reference to development theories, notably especially evolutionist, which take into account the general forces that determine local actions, and historicist, which give pace to development trajectories and singular territorial combinations. This framework assumes that the development does not depend on producers willing to adopt exogenous innovations but rather to participate in its elaboration. This participation meets two needs: i) the adaptation of innovation to the particularity of situations as the agroecological transition advocates ii) the decentralization of the management of socio-environmental goods, towards common forms. To deal with these challenges of transforming agricultural systems, we can be expected that the organization of agricultural extension has adapted by the passage of a system driven primarily by a public device, based on a single type of technical advice and on diffusionist methods of mass of extension, to a composite system offering several types of advice and individual or joint intervention methods based on the co-construction of the advice. Our analysis is based on an empirical work adapted to the situation of the two countries under study, circumscribed to the regions of Al Ghâb in Syria and Nabeul in Tunisia. The results are quite similar in both countries where the evolution of the agricultural sector occurs through small changes that rely more on the substitution of practices more economical and more respectful of the environment than previous practices, but these changes have not been accompanied by a significant evolution of the agricultural extension system. The state apparatus still occupies a monopoly position in Al Ghâb, and dominant in Nabeul. The organizational evolution of this system is limited, in both regions, to the deconcentration of services, with a timid privatization on the site of Nabeul. In both regions of study, the state apparatus uses classically collective counseling methods of advice based on the "Training and Visit" model, and is limited to a technical dimension based mainly on the proceeds of the Green Revolution, their contribution to the evolution of agricultural practices towards agroecology is not notable.

La Déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les droits de l'homme : une vision du bien commun dans un contexte mondial de pluralité et de diversité culturelle?

Stanton-Jean, Michèle 10 1900 (has links)
En octobre 2005, l’assemblée générale de l’UNESCO adoptait la Déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les droits de l’Homme. Le projet de cette déclaration a été élaboré par le Comité international de bioéthique (CIB) en consultation avec le Comité intergouvernemental de bioéthique (CIGB), les États membres, le comité interagences des Nations Unies, des organisations gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, des comités nationaux d’éthiques et de multiples acteurs impliqués en bioéthique. Cette déclaration faisait suite à deux autres textes sur le même sujet produits en 1997 et 2003, la Déclaration sur le génome humain et les droits de l’homme et la Déclaration internationale sur les données génétiques humaines. Les nouvelles questions éthiques que suscitaient les développements scientifiques et technologiques ainsi que la mondialisation de la recherche avaient incité cette organisation à se doter d’instruments normatifs pouvant rejoindre toutes les nations. Seule organisation mondiale ayant une vocation spécifique en éthique, l’UNESCO a voulu par cette dernière déclaration fournir à ses États membres un cadre normatif susceptible de les aider à formuler des lois et des lignes directrices. Ayant été impliquée, à titre de présidente du Comité international de bioéthique dans la préparation de cet instrument nous nous sommes posée la question suivante : Dans un contexte de mondialisation, une bioéthique qui vise le bien commun universel est-elle possible au sein de la diversité et de la pluralité culturelle des nations ? L’exemple de l’élaboration de la déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les droits de l’homme de l’UNESCO. Le bien commun étant un concept fréquemment mentionné et à peu près jamais défini clairement, il nous a semblé intéressant d’en retracer l’histoire et de dégager un cadre conceptuel qui a ensuite servi à étudier et dégager le sens donné à ces concepts dans la préparation de la déclaration. Un premier chapitre présente le contexte et la problématique. Le deuxième chapitre présente la revue de la littérature et la définition des concepts ainsi que le cadre conceptuel. Le troisième chapitre présente le cadre théorique et les données analysées et la méthodologie. Le quatrième chapitre présente l’analyse détaillée des différentes étapes de l’élaboration de la déclaration. Le cinquième chapitre présente la portée et les limites de la thèse et le cinquième chapitre la conclusion. Nous concluons que la déclaration en ayant utilisé une méthode de consultation, de délibération et de consensus pragmatique, offre un texte avec une vision d’un bien commun universel susceptible d’être utilisé dans tous les contextes culturels et par toutes les nations, spécialement les nations en développement. En effet, son architecture flexible et son souci de ne pas catégoriser les principes, mais plutôt de les utiliser en complémentarité les uns avec les autres, en fait un texte souple et adaptable au plan mondial. Ce travail pourra aussi contribuer à enrichir la réflexion et l’action des organisations internationales impliquées en bioéthique. Il pourra aussi inspirer les recherches actuelles en sciences politiques et en droit alors que sont explorés de nouveaux modèles de gouvernance et de nouvelles façons de construire les législations et les normes et de faire face aux défis actuels qui se posent aux droits de l’homme. / In October 2005 the General Assembly of UNESCO adopted the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. This declaration was produced by the International Bioethics Committee in consultation with the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee, Member States, Interagency Committee of the United Nations, governmental and non governmental organisations, national bioethics committees and many actors involved in bioethics. This declaration had been preceded by two other declarations adopted in 1997 and 2003: The Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights and the International Declaration on Human Genetic Data. The ethical questions posed by the scientific and technological developments and globalization had prompted the organization to prepare normative instruments susceptible of being endorsed and used by all nations, especially developing ones. Being the only global organization with a specific mandate in ethics UNESCO wanted to give its Member States a normative framework that could help them in the formulation of their legislations and guidelines. Having been involved in that process as the Chair of the International Bioethics Committee, we asked ourselves this question: In the context of globalization, is it possible to have a bioethics based on a universal common good vision that could take into account cultural diversity and pluralism? The example of the elaboration of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights? Common good is a concept that is often mentioned without any specific definition. It appeared to us that it would be interesting to trace back its history and conception and to develop a conceptual framework that would serve after to study and find the meaning given to its basic concepts in the elaboration of the declaration. The first chapter of this work present the context and the problematic. The second chapter present a review of the literature, and the conceptual framework. The third chapter presents the theoretical perspective, the methodology and the data that have been analysed. The fourth chapter offers a detailed analysis of the different steps and the different versions of the declaration by looking at what was said about the concepts included in the conceptual framework. The fifth chapter presents the scope and the limits of the declaration and the sixth chapter offers a conclusion. We conclude that the declaration in going through a process of deliberation, consultation and pragmatic consensus offers a text that presents a renewed universal vision of the common good susceptible to take into account cultural diversity and pluralism, thus offering an instrument that can be used by all nations in different contexts its text being flexible and adaptable at the global level. That declaration offers a general framework of principles able to be used by all nations, specially the developing ones, in a globalized context because its flexible architecture and its willingness to not categorize the principles but to use them complementarily, presents us with a text that can be adaptable at the global level. This work will contribute to the enrichment of the thinking of international organizations involved in bioethics. It will also provide some ideas to the researchers in political sciences and laws when they are looking at new models of governance and at new ways of building legislations and norms, or at ways of facing human rights new challenges.

Management strategies for effective social justice practice in schools / Idilette van Deventer née Kirchner

Van Deventer, Idilette January 2013 (has links)
Research problem: This research focused on the following problem statement: What management strategies can be developed and used to advance effective social justice practice in schools? Research aims: Arising from the problem question, the research aims were firstly to determine theoretically, the nature of social justice (Chapter Two) and secondly to identify and analyse theoretically, the determinants that contribute to social justice practices (Chapter Three). This was done by means of a comprehensive literature review. The third aim was to qualitatively analyse effective social justice praxis in selected schools in the North-West and Western Cape Provinces (Chapter Four and Five). From the analysis and literature review, management strategies for effective social justice practice in schools (Chapter Six) were developed as part of the empirical investigation. Research methodology: The empirical investigation realised the third aim, to analyse qualitatively effective social justice praxis in selected schools by means of individual and focus group interviews which were based on the philosophical paradigm of a constructivist-grounded theory and a hermeneutic, phenomenological methodology that enabled me to listen and be part of the discursive portrayals of the participant-principals’ effective social justice praxis. The qualitative data collection and methodology entailed considerations with regard to ethical conduct between myself and the role-players, i.e. the researcher, the Ethics Committee (NWU Faculty of Education Sciences), the role of departmental officials, the role of participant principals, and documentation used. Attention was paid to determine the target population, participant and sample selection from the North-West and Western Cape provinces in accordance with predetermined criteria. These criteria were, inter alia, that these principals would: have a proven track record to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of justice and social justice; would adhere to and implement legal determinants of social justice praxis with regard to the constitutional values and human rights; provide proven evidence of social justice praxis as equality, human dignity and freedom; implement political imperatives such as the Manifesto on Values, Education for All; acknowledge the need for fair distribution and educational transformation; provide a moral basis for recognition, identity formation and social justice praxis; apply a deliberative democratic praxis; promote accountability, school achievement, and as prospective and transformative leaders believe in and practice an embracing social justice. The researcher prepared the necessary documentation, the interview protocol and interview schedule to enter the field, as well as entering the field of research (principals at schools and district offices) to conduct and record the interviews which she afterwards transcribed. The method of qualitative data analysis included three phases: Phase I that considered the first hearing-reading, Atlas.ti™ dry-run and initial code-lists; Phase II, the translation processes, and Phase III, the abstraction and crystallisation processes. The criteria for soundness were established in the account of authentic validity and credibility of the study. The collected qualitative data was analysed by means of the Atlas.ti™ software programme as a result of which seven themes and three sub-themes for each theme emerged. These themes were the principal and social justice praxis, learners, education in general, constitutional values, educational partners, the government and political establishments, and social justice: its ontology and praxis. Development of management strategies: Education is about understanding and this study presented those management strategies that culminated in answers to the fundamental question: “What management strategies can be developed and used to advance effective social justice practice in schools?” The development of management strategies are the result of the literature review and the empirical investigation. The strategy development process consisted of a three-phase strategy framework: strategy planning (aims and objectives), strategy implementation (action plan and persons), and strategy evaluation. From this process, seven aims were developed in accordance with the seven identified themes: the principal, the learners, education in general, Constitutional values, partners in education, government, political and union matters, and the ontology and praxis of social justice. These management strategies include inter alia: • Optimising the school principal’s virtues of responsibility, authenticity and presence as gemeinschaft (community) relationships to ensure effective social justice praxis (§5.2). • Inculcate a disciplined school environment for learners to embrace human diversity and dignity, democracy, and Ubuntu-principles (§5.3) to optimise effective social justice praxis. • Influence education in general - system and structures - to optimise effective social justice praxis (§5.4). • Foster constitutional values and human rights as effective social justice praxis (§5.5). • Establish a social justice culture amongst educational partners who are essential to school development and governance to optimise effective social justice praxis (§5.6). • Convince government and union officials and influence political matters to serve the best interest of the child (§5.7) to ensure social justice praxis. • Actualise management strategies for social justice praxis that epitomise compassion, love, care and human rights in a participative and respectful environment (§5.8). • These management strategies were described as techniques or aims, objectives and action steps to provide answers to the questions where and how, which determined on which level or levels these strategies were to be performed. Main findings: • At a conceptual and a theoretical level: Conceptually and theoretically this study established, for the first time, specific determinants of social justice praxis (Chapters Two and Three) and its management. This contribution is found in the syntheses that followed each conceptual discussion of justice (§2.2.7) and social justice (§2.3.4), as well as the syntheses and evaluation of these determinants (§3.2-§3.4) for social justice praxis. These determinants may be regarded as an attempt at purified, cleansed theorising with respect to social justice praxis. This study found that social justice does exist in the hearts of the principals who took part in this study and that social justice belongs to all learners, to all of humanity, whoever they are or whatever their circumstances may be. Social justice is, essentially, embodied and lived love-in-practice towards all. However, the effectiveness of social justice praxis is usually determined by pragmatic circumstances that dictate the scale and scope of its efficacy. This study found that social justice praxis in schools should deviate from a mere legalistic or juridical notion because it progressed beyond the conceptual boundaries and theoretical limits of juristic thinking towards an attempt at linking social justice praxis to a humanising pedagogy. As a consequence, social justice in this research cuts across all man-made barriers: it has become a prospective notion that reflects its restorative and transformational nature and role. • At a strategic level: Strategically, this research found that the possibility of various cycles of action research in schools as well as in higher education institutions exists. The seven themes could be viewed in isolation, but if regarded, as found in this research, as seven levels that build upon each other and whose strengths or weaknesses are interdependent, it becomes self-evident that social justice forms the basis of cohesive and holistic social justice praxis. The seven strategies (§5.2-§5.8) developed in this research may, in future, inform research and praxis in schools and higher learning institutions in order to confirm or refute the theory presented herewith. • At policy-making level: This study has implications for policy design and management development, not only at basic education level, but also at national level. This study found that social justice specifically, has neither adequately, nor officially been addressed in relevant policies. If policy amendments were to be made and management strategies for social justice praxis in schools become an essential part of national policy, it will have implications at the level of further professional development of school principals, such as the current ACE School Leadership Programme. In addition, teachers’ in-service professional development will have to include these management strategies in the offering of short courses. Furthermore curriculum changes will have to follow to incorporate pre-service or initial training programmes of Higher Education institutions that offer teacher training programmes which may have a snowball effect at provincial and school curricula levels. Another important finding of this research is that, in future, the binding agent amongst schools may yet prove to be social justice and not geo-social and/or socio-economic markers, as is the case at present. In this manner social justice may become a lived curriculum that will permeate the entire education system in South Africa, but more so, will permeate the school culture of every school. Recommendations: A management strategy for effective social justice praxis in schools should be developed at national level but specifically to schools should be tailor-made for each school, because social justice praxis becomes visible in the acts of individual men and women, girls and boys, who regard the other as equally well as the self and therefore the following recommendations are important: • Continuous professional development of principals and teachers. • The right to education and its praxis to ensure the best interest of the child should be incorporated in the Life Orientation curriculum. • Have a collective vision of schools that truly strive, cherish and inculcate a pedagogy of social justice praxis to ensure that education is life-generating, life engendering, causing life or life awakening (onderwys is lewe wek). • Fairness as a moral construct should be visible in institutions where values of fairness, equality and social justice permeate the institution and provide a moral and structural frame for judgements based on the principle of fiduciary trust. • Schools should become community hubs as centrifugal force that embraces views on African culture, Ubuntu principles and Indigenous Knowledge Systems. • Create district-wide power teams that will train teachers in positive conduct as well as assist and provide interventions. • Principals and teachers have to take responsibility and agency for social justice pedagogy. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Property rights and natural resources /

Barnes, Richard A. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Hervorgegangen aus Diss. / Bibliogr.

A critical exposition of Kwame Gyekye's communitarianism

Mwimnobi, Odirachukwu Stephen 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation argues that Gyekye, in his idea of communitarianism, has a contribution to make towards the understanding of the socio-political structures of multicultural communities in Africa. Gyekye's construct of metanationality, in relation to his communitarian ethics, addresses the socio-political and cultural problems confronting multicultural communities, with particular reference to Nigeria. In an attempt to achieve his idea of a "metanational state", Gyekye claims that: (1) "personhood" is partially defined by a communal structure; (2) equal moral attention should be given both to individual interests and community interests; (3) it is necessary to integrate the "ethic of responsibility" with "rights"; (4) members of the nation-state should be considered equal; (5) in order to achieve nationhood in a multicultural community, it is essential to move beyond "ethnicity" and (6) in an attempt to form a national culture, attention should be drawn to "the elegant" aspects of cultures of various ethno-cultural communities. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Philosophy)

Tasse e donazioni: due facce della stessa medaglia? Una ricerca sul contributo economico-finanziario al bene comune dal punto di vista della psicologia economica / ARE TAXES AND DONATIONS TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN? AN ECONOMIC-PSYCHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON THE FINANCIAL PROVISION FOR THE COMMON GOOD

CASTIGLIONI, CINZIA 23 February 2018 (has links)
Per comprendere in che modo promuovere il contributo economico-finanziario al bene comune tramite tasse e donazioni monetarie, è stato adottato l’approccio della psicologia economica e un disegno di ricerca misto, utilizzando strumenti di ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa. Un primo studio di carattere qualitativo ha evidenziato come tasse e donazioni siano riconosciute come due forme alternative e complementari per contribuire al bene comune solo da punto di vista cognitivo, non affettivo. Successivamente, uno studio sperimentale basato sull’utilizzo dell’effetto framing ha mostrato che un ‘gain frame’ (ritorno di tipo materiale) è efficace nell’aumentare la propensione alla correttezza fiscale, mentre un ‘hedonic frame’ (ritorno di tipo emozionale) è efficace nell’aumentare la propensione a effettuare donazioni monetarie. Questi frame risultano particolarmente rivelanti quando prevale una motivazione di carattere estrinseco. Inoltre, la distanza a livello affettivo tra tasse e donazioni sembra emergere soprattutto con l’acquisizione di reale esperienza fiscale, come suggerito dalla differenza riscontrata tra studenti e lavoratori. Infine si suggerisce che, nonostante le differenze individuate, versare correttamente le tasse ed effettuare donazioni monetarie presentano alcuni elementi di somiglianza in quanto condividono antecedenti comuni, ovvero la motivazione a contribuire legata all’accessibilità (rendere il bene comune accessibile a chiunque) e la motivazione legata al guadagno personale (ottenere un ritorno personale in cambio del proprio contributo). In conclusione, i risultati offrono spunti teorici e pratici (per esempio, ‘nudge’) per lo sviluppo di interventi atti a favorire il contributo economico-finanziario al bene comune. / To understand how to promote the financial provision for the common good through paying taxes and making charitable donations, an economic-psychological perspective and a mixed-method approach – combining both qualitative and quantitative research tools – are adopted. First, a qualitative study shows that the acknowledgment of taxes and donations as two alternative and complementary ways to provide for the common good seems to stand merely on a formal and cognitive level, whilst at an affective level they appear to be very distant. Next, an experimental study using framing effect shows that a gain frame (i.e., material return) is effective in increasing intended tax compliance, whereas a hedonic frame (i.e. emotional return) is effective in increasing donation intention. Such frames are especially relevant when extrinsic motivation prevails. Moreover, the distance at affective level between taxes and donations seems to mostly arise with the acquisition of real tax experience, as suggested by the difference that is found between students and taxpayers. A final study suggests that, despite the above-mentioned differences, paying taxes and making donations are similar in that they share some common antecedents, which are the motives to provide for the common good. Such motives are ‘Accessibility’ (i.e., making the common good accessible to anyone and fulfilling people’s basic needs) and ‘Personal Gain’ (i.e., getting a return and personal advantage in exchange for one’s contribution). In conclusion, insights are offered to scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers to support the development of policies, interventions, and nudges aimed at promoting the financial provision for the common good.

Droit et biopiraterie. Contribution à l'étude du partage des ressources naturelles. / Law and biopiracy. Contribution to the study of the sharing of natural resources.

Peyen, Loïc 30 May 2017 (has links)
Sources de convoitises, les ressources naturelles font parfois l'objet d’actes de prédation tels que la biopiraterie. Le phénomène, de plus en plus médiatisé, mais encore largement sous-étudié, est souvent dénoncé comme un véritable pillage des ressources naturelles. En fait, même si elle recouvre une réalité plurielle, la pratique de la biopirateriepeut être caractérisée comme un accaparement des ressources naturelles. Saisie comme telle, il est permis de comprendre comment elle est née et a évolué, ce qui est du plus grand intérêt pour son appréhension. Aussi, parce que la biopiraterie interroge les modalités de partage des ressources naturelles, elle contribue à un renforcement des dimensions solidaristes du statut juridique de ces ressources. Cependant, si des règles existent, elles ne sont pas pleinement satisfaisantes. Cette situation invite à une réflexion plus globale sur le statut juridique de l'environnement et conduisant à le considérer, juridiquement, comme un bien commun. / Because they are highly desired, natural resources are subjected to acts of predation, like biopiracy. The phenomenon draws more and more attention but is still not much studied. It is often condemned as real plundering of natural resources. Indeed, even if it covers a pluralist reality, the biopiracy practice can be characteristic of a monopolizing of naturalresources. Thus, it is possible to understand how it emerged and developed, which is important to comprehend it. Furthermore, biopiracy raises the question of the sharing conditions of natural resources and thereby contributes to strengthen the solidarist dimensions of the natural resources legal status. However, current rules are insufficient. This situation is inviting for a general reflection about the legal status of the environment that leads to consider it as a common good.

Value creation and value awareness: Toward a psychological perspective

Fröhlich, Andreas 02 April 2019 (has links)
This dissertation is an inquiry into the concept of value creation, motivated by a need for orientation in our demanding times. Based on the idea that true value only arises out of human (inter)subjective evaluations, we apply a psychological perspective on individual and collective value creation, thereby investigating a micro-foundation of value, as well as its application and operationalization. The dissertation is a cumulative dissertation that begins with an introductory chapter followed by four independent, yet connected studies. In Study 1, we develop a conceptual foundation for all other studies that involves a micro-foundation of value and value awareness as the competency to recognize fundamental evaluation categories as relevant. In Study 2, we conceptually delineate organizational public value and organizational reputation, two concepts of strategic relevance to organizations, that share similarities, but differ in fundamental dimensions. In Study 3 we operationalize value awareness through a practice-oriented instrument that helps individuals reflect, understand and develop their value awareness. In Study 4, we empirically investigate the link of an organization’s corporate social responsibility and work addiction via work meaningfulness and organizational identification, as well as value awareness. The studies are diverse and have multiple implications for research and practice. Overall, we suggest that individuals and collective entities should develop and operationalize their consideration of value creation on the level of (inter)subjective human experience. To realize actual value creation, many additional factors are important, but more value awareness could play a central role in increasing the chances of finding and creating more value for ourselves, others, and society as a whole.:INTRODUCTION Abstract Motivation and Purpose Theoretical Basis Research Objectives and Studies Excursion: The Leipzig Leadership Model Discussion of Findings Implications for Research Implications for Practice Conclusion References STUDY 1: MORE VALUE AWARENESS FOR MORE (PUBLIC) VALUE: RECOGNIZING HOW AND FOR WHOM VALUE IS TRULY CREATED 68 Abstract STUDY 2: SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL REPUTATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL PUBLIC VALUE Abstract Introduction Organizational Public Value and Organizational Reputation Comparing Public Value and Reputation Implications Conclusion References STUDY 3: THE VALUE AWARENESS PROFILE AS A NEW INSTRUMENT FOR INCREASING INDIVIDUAL VALUE AWARENESS: FOUNDATIONS AND FIRST EXPERIENCES Zusammenfassung Einleitung Theoretische Grundlagen: Wertschöpfung und Wertbewusstsein Wertbewusstsein messen und schaffen: Das Value Awareness Profile Evaluierung des Instruments auf Basis erster Anwendungserfahrungen Ergebnisdarstellung, Typifikation und Hypothesen Diskussion Fazit Literaturverzeichnis STUDY 4: TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CSR AND EMPLOYEE WORK ADDICTION Abstract Introduction The Positive Outcomes and Potential Risks of CSR for Employees Work Addiction: The Best-Dressed Mental Health Problem in Business Development of Hypotheses Method Results Discussion and Conclusion References

Psychological perspectives on public value creation

Bäro, Anne 23 September 2019 (has links)
This dissertation offers an integrative perspective on the interrelation of individual purpose, public value, and organizations in society. The cumulative dissertation comprises six independently published papers that differ in terms of methodology, research context, objectives, and contribution. The first study is based on the notion that an organization’s value depends on its contributions to the common good, as perceived by the public. The purpose of this study is to provide a corporate reporting approach that incorporates societal perspectives and, thus, advances (non-)financial reporting. The second study takes an explorative approach to investigate the individual-level characteristics of people who participate in the sharing economy as users and as providers. Study 3 examines the role of age as a determinant of individuals’ entrepreneurial behavior. Building on lifespan psychology and institutional theory, it argues for a U-shaped relationship between entrepreneurs’ age and their choice to create social value for their communities and societies. Study 4 enlarges the debate on the multifaceted consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by discussing the relationship between organizational CSR engagement and employee work addiction, shedding light on the potential risks associated with CSR. Study 5 is a case study and deals with the German family-equity company Haniel and depicts the process of implementing a Corporate Responsibility strategy throughout a holding company and its divisions. Study 6 provides an overview of public value research conducted by Moore, Bozeman, and Meynhardt and shows how public managers can make use of two management tools, the Public Value Scorecard and the Public Value Atlas. This dissertation contributes to a deeper understanding of the drivers and outcomes of public value perceptions and helps to close some knowledge gaps while stimulating further thought and action pertaining to the multiple aspects of public value.:CHAPTER 1: FRAMEWORK PAPER CHAPTER 2: PUBLIC VALUE REPORTING: ADDING VALUE TO (NON-) FINANCIAL REPORTING CHAPTER 3: DRIVERS OF SHARING ECONOMY SUPPLY AND DEMAND: THE ROLE OF INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS CHAPTER 4: ENTREPRENEURS’ AGE, INSTITUTIONS, AND SOCIAL VALUE CREATION: A MULTI-COUNTRY STUDY CHAPTER 5: TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CSR AND EMPLOYEE WORK ADDICTION CHAPTER 6: HANIEL: IMPLEMENTING THE CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY STRATEGY CHAPTER 7: PUBLIC VALUE PERFORMANCE: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO CREATE VALUE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR?

Leading Deeply: A Heroic Journey Toward Wisdom and Transformation

Warm, Richard 31 May 2012 (has links)
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