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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The research of trade exchanges between China and Germany¡GFor automobile industry

Su, Yu-Hao 01 July 2011 (has links)
This research analysis automobile industry of China and Germany, based on theory of the competitive advantage of nations. Currently China is the largest market of automobile production and sales of the world. The huge domestic market demand is sufficient to reflect the rapid growth of the automobile industry for the Chinese automotive industry, while Germany automobile industry has long been acknowledged by the average consumer due to its technology and quality assurance. Global warming and energy consumption has led to global environmental awareness, which influence the cooperation model of China and Germany on automobile industry. In this thesis the cooperation model will be analyzed, the conclusion of analyze could be as the positive advice for the development of Taiwan automobile industry in the future.

Central American Media: A Comparative Study of Media Industries in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica.

Salzman, Catherine C. 08 1900 (has links)
The five countries that lie on the isthmus connecting North and South America have endured a past of colonialism, civil war, and natural disaster. As these countries evolve in the 21st century, growing economies and political peace provide a promising outlook for the citizens of these nations. The media industries in these nations have varying levels of development which are explored in this thesis. Using Michael Porter's 1990 framework and a case study methodology, this thesis explores the differences and similarities of media industries in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and what may be done to ensure future success in an increasingly global world.

Competitive analysis of the software industry in China.

Yang, Deli, Sonmez, M., Ghauri, P. January 2005 (has links)
No / The software industry in the People's Republic of China has been growing rapidly over the last decades and has played a significant role in the economy. Alongside the industrial development, it appears that a comprehensive competitiveness assessment of this growing industry needs to be conducted. This paper draws on Porter's ''diamond'' theory of competitive advantage of nations and the suggested improvements of the framework from relevant scholars to assess the growing competitiveness of China's software industry. In particular, the focus is on the role of government policies and corporate strategies in shaping the competitiveness of the industry in China in comparison to the top players in the world. Specifically, the paper pays attention to the competitiveness of industry in China as to how and why it has developed the way it has in recent years and what have been the facilitating and impeding factors that has strengthened or weakened the industrial development. In the discussion and conclusions, the overall competitiveness status of China's software industry is evaluated and the diamond framework is reappraised in light of the industrial analysis and the previous research.

台灣文具業的國際競爭策略分析:以P公司為例 / The International Competition and Strategic Analysis of Taiwan's Stationery Industries—with P Company as an Example

范清富, Fan, Ching Fu Unknown Date (has links)
文具的歷史源遠流長,許多數百年老店,至今屹立不搖。國際文具市場的規模約六千億美金,以歐、美、亞太為三大市場。目前世界文具市場年成長僅約4%,歐、美、日更低於此數字,可見已有飽和趨勢。而台灣的現代文具產業,起始於二次大戰後。最早的業者有兩種: 一為台籍人士接下日人留下的設備與技術;另一則是從大陸播遷來台的文具商人另起爐灶。隨著70年代台灣出口導向型的經濟成長,文具業者開始進軍國際。挾日系技術、及當時低工資的優勢,搶下一席之地。然自1980年代後期起,大陸、東南亞的製造商,從低價市場搶進,藉由模仿開始做起。近年來更在不斷引進新設備及技術下,開始有足以與台灣文具業抗衡的業者出現。至此,台灣的文具業不得不開始改變策略,一部分開始外移到東南亞或大陸,尋找製造成本更低的生產地;一部分則投入研發,尋求高附加價值;更有業者是兩種策略都採取。顯然,在總體經濟環境改變、內外在競爭優劣勢消長的情形下,台灣文具業者的策略也跟著在因應、變動。然而,文具產品雖消耗數量大,但單價低,產值亦偏低,故多不受政府、學界重視,相關研究付之闕如。 / 自波特於1980年發表競爭策略(Competitive Strategy)一書以來,競爭優劣勢分析,成為現代企業策略訂定時必做之功課。本文對台灣文具產業的發展做一回顧,並詳述並分析目前市場環境,再以波特的競爭策略理論(五力分析、國家競爭優勢—鑽石體系),分析個案P公司的競爭優劣勢,及未來策略的建議。研究結果顯示:(1)資訊流通的容易、技術門檻降低,易吸引文具業新進者,造成產業飽和;(2)現有業者的背景、實力相近,又為成熟產業,又本地文具業者多為家族企業,在情感包袱下無人輕易退出,造成競爭激化。再者,全球文具市場成長趨緩的情形,導致市佔率掠奪戰;(3)大型通路取得議價力量。且文具規格已定型化,網路搜尋又日益便利,買主轉換供應商的難度低。又各國不斷推出的新法規,大幅增加了成本;(4)個人電腦侵入了傳統文具的空間。但傳統文具的易攜帶性與低廉價格、美術顏料技法的多變性,仍非電腦設備所能取代;(5)我國文具上游廠商精密技術不足,關鍵零件掌握先進國家手中。但近年韓、大陸供應商漸成氣候,或許可扭轉此情勢。又,文具業多為中小型企業,採購量低,難取得議價力量。 / 最後,對P公司及文具業者的建議:(1)持續研發,創造新利基,建立難以模仿的核心能耐(core capability);(2) 在低階大量產品市場,如無意繼續投資,則即應選擇退出(或淡出);反之,可考慮製程外包,或考慮使用替代原物料以降低成本,更可努力提升生產自動化程度;(3)於高階市場,品牌行銷有賴耕耘,若中小型企業財力不足,可考慮自小區域做起,另更可考慮以OEM/ODM形式為歐、美品牌代工;(4)為對買主提升其轉移成本,應努力降低道德危機成本與建立共同資產;(5)專注電子產品尚無法取代的功能加以發揮,並進一步與電子產品結合;(6)持續尋求原物料來源分散;(7)善用專業經理人協助管理。又,對政府的建議為:(1)加強總體競爭力;(2)特別加強對中小企業的輔導;(3)協助廠商開拓大陸市場。 / Modern stationery industry of Taiwan sprouted since the end of World War II. Early industry players could be roughly divided into two kinds: (1) those stationery dealers emigrated from mainland China after Chinese Civil War; (2) locals that bought out manufacturing facilities left over by departing Japanese. With the roaring up of Taiwan’s export-oriented economy, stationery players extend their business into the international markets. With their Japan-rooted technologies and low labor costs, Taiwanese stationery makers became major suppliers for the world, elbowing their way through German and Japanese competitors. / With the economic reform and liberalization of mainland China since late 1980’s, however, Taiwan’s stationery industries went over a turning point. Those low-cost mainland Chinese makers, providing products mainly copying advanced counterparts in other countries, first entered low-price markets. After years of imitation, learning, and introduction of new facilities and technologies, they gradually establish capability strong enough to compete with Taiwanese. To cope with this change, Taiwan’s stationers either move to Southeast Asia or China to gain cheaper production cost or stay home and invest more in innovation for upgrading their produce and making more added values. Obviously, the change in macroeconomic environment and competition has forced Taiwanese stationers to adjust themselves accordingly. Studies on this developing progress, however, can hardly found within governmental authorities or academic communities. The absence of research on stationery industries could most likely be attributed to the fact that this business accounts for a truly tiny part of the world’s economic production. / In view of this, it arouses the interest in discussing the competitive advantages and disadvantages—an idea brought about by Michael Porter, with his publication of Competitive Advantages in 1980—of Taiwan’s stationery industries for finding a new way. Thus, this thesis is intended to provide an overview of Taiwan’s stationery industries—their history, development, and analysis of current environment. And then, through Porter’s competitive theories—five forces analysis and diamond of national competitive advantages—it looks into the current competitive advantages and disadvantages of Taiwan’s stationery industries and tries to find strategic suggestions for Taiwan’s stationers as well as government. / The conclusion is:(a) for the industries: (1) keep on investing in innovation and finding new niches in order to establish sustainable core capabilities; (2) as to low-end markets, either fade out or stay but pursue low cost by production outsourcing, using alternative materials, and automation; (3) for high-end markets, branding marketing could cost a great deal, a regional, small-scale trial to begin is a safer way; besides, OEM/ODM for existing foreign brands can be a choice; (4) for enhancing switching cost of buyers, lower their moral hazard risk and build up common assets; (5) focus on functions that electronic alternative products haven’t covered, and further incorporate electronic functions with traditional stationery; (6) diversify sources of materials; (7) make good use of professional managers;(b) for the government: (1) keep on enhancing macroeconomic competitive advantages; (2) render more assistances to small- and middle-sized business like stationery industries; (3) render more assistance to business planning to enter mainland China market.

論台灣資訊軟體產業發展策略-從開源碼到混合碼的國際發展趨勢分析 / The developing strategy of Taiwan software and information industry–analysed from the international trend of moving from open source to mixed source

施立成, Shih, Vincent L.C. Unknown Date (has links)
開放原始碼軟體(Open Source Software;OSS)或稱自由軟體(free software)近年來備受矚目,許多政府、企業、機構團體認為相較於專屬軟體(proprietary software),開放原始碼軟體的成本低廉、安全性高,因而支持開放原始碼軟體,一些國際知名大廠也投入開發相關產品以支援開放原始碼軟體;然而,深入分析開放原始碼軟體與專屬軟體在價格、穩定性及功能性之優、缺點,可發現開放原始碼軟體未必如其支持者所稱較專屬軟體具有低成本、高技術性等之優點;至於市場佔有率方面,近十年來開放原始碼軟體雖在網頁瀏覽器(Brower)及行動設備作業系統的市占率呈現顯著成長,但在桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、小筆電及伺服器的市場占有率則仍遠不及專屬軟體。   隨著開放原始碼軟體的興起,相關的問題及風險亦隨之產生。在商業模式方面,過去鼎力支持開放原始碼軟體,並且保證決不會以自家專利攻擊Linux社群及業者的IBM,如今也開始手持自家專利對付開放原始碼軟體業者,此一案例凸顯了開放原始碼軟體追求自由、開放分享的精神,與追求市占率及利潤為目標之企業經營環境,兩者間存在著本質上的衝突與矛盾。而為了降低使用開放原始碼軟體可能產生之風險,已有越來越多使用開放原始碼軟體的企業,改採混合碼(Mixed Source)的軟體策略,亦即在一項產品中,同時使用開放原始碼軟體和專屬軟體,儼然已成為國際趨勢;現今,已有超過50%的開放原始碼軟體供應商將開放原始碼軟體結合其內部專屬原始碼使用,有60%以上的開放原始碼軟體供應商已採用某些類型的商業授權方式,而一些原本非開放原始碼軟體的公司也開始利用開放原始碼來加強其市場競爭力。   在智慧財產權方面,部分開放原始碼軟體社群雖強烈反對以智慧財產權保護軟體,然此實與知識經濟時代下保護智慧財產權的發展趨勢背道而馳,因此,開放原始碼軟體不可避免的仍須面對智慧財產權管理及侵權訴訟等問題。然由於傳統開原碼軟體社群缺乏專業之法律或智慧財產管理人員,而技術或程式碼貢獻者又為數眾多,使得採用開放原始碼軟體在智慧財產權的管理、執行及訴訟風險上,面臨許多困難及挑戰。在開放原始碼軟體授權協議方面,開放原始碼軟體社群愈來愈強調使用者必須嚴格遵守授權協議之約定,且對於一些違反授權協議之使用者,已積極展開訴訟程序強制要求其遵守,因此,企業組織若要採用開放原始碼軟體,勢必需建立相關之風險管理和內部管理機制。   在歐洲、美洲及亞洲等世界各主要國家的軟體政策方面,過去雖有許多積極推動開放原始碼軟體計劃之媒體報導,然而,近幾年來,各國政府已較少採取獨厚開原碼的推廣政策,而大多數是以技術中立(Technical Neutral)或強調互通性的方式兼容並蓄的廣納各種不同的軟體授權模式,此也印證了混合碼的國際發展趨勢。至於我國的軟體發展政策,過去一直偏重在開放原始碼軟體的發展及補助上,然而執行的結果,不但市場現況與預期成果有相當大的落差,投入與產出顯不成比例,且由我國政府的自由軟體發展政策,亦可看出我國政府在資訊軟體產業發展政策上存在著將對開放原始碼的補助方案當作對整體資訊軟體產業的政策發展方向等等之混淆及迷思,此皆阻礙了我國資訊軟體產業之發展。   有鑑於此,本研究乃由策略大師麥可•波特(Michael E. Porter)所提出之國家競爭優勢鑽石體系(National Diamond)架構,分析我國在資訊軟體產業發展上的國家競爭力,並針對我國政府的資訊軟體產業發展政策,由組織領導、法令環境、創新商業模式、施政指標及匡正智庫角色等面向提出具體建議,期能對我國資訊軟體產業之發展有所貢獻及助益。 / Open Source Software (OSS) or Free Software has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. Comparing with traditional proprietary software, many governments, enterprises and institutions seems to believe that OSS is more cost effective and more secure, and thus support OSS. Similarly, a number of global companies have also started to invest in the development of related products that support OSS. However, after some in-depth analysis of the advantages and shorcomings in pricing, stability and functionality between OSS and proprietary software, it could be found that OSS may not have such high advantages in cost and technical level as its supporters asserted. Regarding the market shares in the last ten years, OSS has gained significant growth in the markets of Web Browser and Mobile Devise OS, but its market shares in Desktop Computer, Notebook, Netbook and Server markets are still far hehind proprietary software.    The increasing popularity of OSS has inevitably triggered relevant issues and risk. From business model perspectives, previously IBM has been a long term OSS supporter and also publicly announced that it will never attack Linux companies and communities with its own patents. However, IBM recently began leveraging its patent portfolio and sending patent infringement warning to an OSS company who may compete with IBM in the server market. This recent case is a good example to highlight the inherent conflict and contradictions between the pursuit of freedom and open sharing spirit in OSS and the pursuit of profit and market shares in enterprise business environment. In order to reduce or manage the potential risk that could be triggered by OSS, more and more companies who use OSS begin to adjust their software strategy by adopting Mixed Source strategy. It has also become a trend in the global ICT industry to adopt or combine both OSS and Commercial Software into one product. Nowadays, more than 50% of OSS vendors start to combine OSS with their internal proprietary source code, more than 60% of OSS vendors have adopted certain types of commercial software licensing model, and some of the original non-OSS companies are also starting to leverage OSS to improve their market competitiveness.   With respect to intellectual property rights (IPR), even though some OSS communities still strongly oppose to the concept of IPR protection, some recent cases clearly prove that this kind of ideology is contrary to the trend of further improving IPR protection in the era of knowledge-based economy. Consequently, OSS still inevitably needs to face IPR management, infringement risk and licensing terms enforcement issues. However, due to the lack of professional legal or IPR management personnels in traditional OSS community and OSS projects usually involve numerous technical or code contributors, adopting OSS in current business environment will face many difficulties and challenges in IPR management, IPR enforcement and litigation risk. Another issue lies in the enforcement of OSS licensing terms, recently some OSS communities began to increasingly emphasize that users must strictly comply with all the licensing terms or requirements of the OSS model, and subsequently began to actively pursue legal enforcement actions against those violators. Therefore, it is imperative for any enterprise organization to establish comprehensive risk management and internal control/audit mechanism if it wishes to adopt OSS model.   In the past there were lots of media reports that actively promote government sponsored OSS policies in Europe, Asia and other major countries. However, there were less and less OSS only policy in recent years, governments around the world began to take Technical Neutral position or focus on interoperability by adopting a variety of different software licensing models. This development also confirms the international trend of adopting Mixed Source model. As for the software industry development policy in Taiwan, previously it has been focus on OSS related development and subsidy programs only. However, from the execution results, not only there is a huge gap between current market status and the expected results, the return of investment (ROI) from all those government funding programs is also extremely low. Furthermore, from the OSS development policy announced by the government, it is quite clear that there are confusions and myths among related government agencies that our current OSS development or subsidy programs equal to our national information software industry development policy. All of the above issues have seriously hindered the development of information software industry in Taiwan.   Based on the above analysis, this study leverages the National Diamond model proposed by the famous compete strategy expert, Michael E. Porter, to analyse the competitive advantages of Taiwan's information software industry. The study further proposes specific recommendations focusing on the organizational leadership, legal environment, innovation of business models, policy index, and the accurate role of think tanks in our government's information software industry development policy. Hopefully there will be some value-added and contributions to the development of information software industy in Taiwan.

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