Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe constitutional court"" "subject:"ehe constitutional fourt""
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Schutzpflichten und die horizontale Wirkung von Grundrechten in der Verfassung Georgiens vom 24. August 1995 : eine vergleichende Untersuchung der staatlichen Schutzpflichten aus der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention und der georgischen Verfassung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Schutzpflichtenlehre / Protection duties and basic human rights horizontal effect of Georgian constitution from August 24th 1995 : the comparative research of the state duty from the European convention of human rights and Georgian Constitution based on German regulationsPhirtskhalashvili, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt das ständige Wachstum der Dimension und Bedeutung der staatlichen Schutzpflichten als eine eigenständige Funktion der Grundrechte. Mit jedem Fortschritt und der Entwicklung in der modernen Welt, entstehen in der Gesellschaft immer wieder neue Bereiche, die gesetzlicher Regulierung bedürfen. Daher ist die staatliche Aufgabe eindeutig: Der Staat muss die in der Verfassung ausgelegten Prinzipien in der Realität durch die Gesetze umsetzen und sie ständig wiederkehrend nachbessern. Daher ist der Staat gefordert, die Einzelnen repressiv und präventiv zu schützen.
Die Dissertation untersucht die Problematik von staatlichen Schutzpflichten im Rahmen der Grundrechte der georgischen Verfassung vom 24. August 1995 im Vergleich mit den Menschenrechten und Grundfreiheiten der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention. Die Arbeit greift ein Grundrechtsproblem auf, das sich gerade in rechtlichen und politischen Umbruchssituationen wie diejenige, die Georgien als Nachfolgestaat der zerbrochenen Sowjetunion durchlebt, als besonders wichtig erweist. Auf dem Weg zur dogmatischen Entfaltung einer grundrechtlichen Schutzpflicht wird als eine Art Leitbild die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK) herangezogen. Dies erklärt sich aus der Natur der EMRK, die sich als eine Art Verfassung für Europa darstellt und in Georgien seit 1999 in Kraft ist. In der Arbeit wird auf die deutsche Schutzpflichtenlehre verwiesen. Das erklärt sich aus der in Deutschland schon seit etwa 30 Jahren geführten Diskussion, die immer noch nicht abgeschlossen ist, aber aus der sich bemerkenswerte und kontroverse Ergebnisse ziehen lassen.
Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die georgische Verfassung zahlreiche Ansätze der staatlichen Schutzpflichten – allgemeiner und konkreter Art – liefert, die auch vor allem in der Rechtsprechung des Georgischen Verfassungsgerichts verschiedentlich schon aufgegriffen wurden, durchaus zum Teil unter Rückgriff auf Aussagen der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK) bzw. des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte (EGMR).
Den Bereich der grundrechtlichen Schutzpflichten der georgischen Verfassung auszuleuchten ist für eine relativ neue Rechtstaatlichkeit eines postsowjetischen Staates wichtig, um den Anstoß für eine dringend nötige Debatte zu geben. / The research clarifies the state responsibilities, as one of the functions of human rights and their everlasting rise and improvement. Every change and progress in modern society causes to create the new spheres and they need the law enforcement regulation. In this case it is obvious how important the state duties are. The state with the law enforcement has to provide the principles of the constitution and has to try improving them gradually. The comparative dissertation method researches the state duty and responsibility problems from Georgian and European human rights conventions. It is clear that European human right convention is the constitution for the whole Europe and among them for Georgia. Here European convention was recognized in 1999.
The work leans on German law as a source of literature. It is explained with 30 year discussion about human rights improvement as the most important topic of the law in Germany.
From the research it is clearly shown that the constitution which was established in August 24th 1994 describes the state duty with constitutional legislation and this is connected with the justice of European human rights.
The importance of this work will obtain the push of discussion in Georgian legislation.
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Lygiateisiškumo principas Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencijoje / The principle of persons equality in the jurisprudence of Constitutional Court of the Republic of LithuaniaLasauskas, Dainius 22 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe atskleidžiama konstitucinio asmenų lygiateisiškumo principo samprata ir kilmė, analizuojama konstitucinio lygiateisiškumo principo doktrina, suformuota Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencijoje. Konstituciniams principams tenka pagrindinis vaidmuo konstitucinio reguliavimo procese. Konstituciniai principai organizuoja į darnią visumą visas Konstitucijos nuostatas.
Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencijos analizė leidžia teigti, kad konstitucinis asmenų lygiateisiškumo principas yra vienas universaliausių ir dažniausiai taikomų teisės aktų atitikties Konstitucijai tikrinimo matų. Konstitucinis Teismas, tirdamas teisės aktų konstitucingumą, suformavo plačią ir išsamią lygiateisiškumo principo doktriną. Konstitucinis asmenų lygiateisiškumo principas yra pamatinis šiuolaikinės demokratinės visuomenės principas. Lygiateisiškumo principas formuluojamas ne tik Konstitucijos 29 straipsnyje, reikšmingi šio principo aspektai įtvirtinti ir Konstitucijos 33, 38, 50, 55, 78, 82, 119 straipsnių nuostatose.
Konstitucinio Teismo nutarimuose atskleista, kad tai formalios teisinės lygybės principas, šio principo turi būti laikomasi ir leidžiant įstatymus, ir juos taikant, ir vykdant teisingumą. Lygiateisiškumo principo turi būti laikomasi ne tik Lietuvos Respublikos piliečių, bet ir užsienio piliečių bei asmenų be pilietybės atžvilgiu, šis principas taikytinas ne tik fiziniams, bet ir juridiniams asmenims.
Asmenų lygiateisiškumo principas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The study discusses origins and concepts of the constitutional principle of the persons equality, furthermore, it analyzes doctrine of persons equality in jurisprudence of Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania. Constitutional principles take leading role in process of constitutional regulation. The analyzis of the jurisprudence of Constitutional Court allows to state that the constitutional principle of the persons equality is one of the most applicable measures for the correspondence between law acts and the Constitution. While construing Article 29 of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court has formed an extensive and thorough doctrine of the principle of the persons equality.
The Constitutional Court has noted that this is a principle of the formal legal equality. The constitutional principle of the persons equality must be followed while passing laws, applying them and administering justice. This principle is applied not only in the aspect of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, but also of citizens of foreign states and persons without citizenship, this principle is applicable not only to natural but also to legal persons.
The study points out that in the Article 29 of Constitution the feature list, which specifies when the privilege rendering is not allowed and when the rights can not be limited, is not comprehensive, furthermore, this discrimination is impossible for other features, which are not foreseen in the Constitution, too.
The constitutional... [to full text]
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Teisės akto, kuriuo pagrįstas teismo sprendimas, pripažinimas antikonstituciniu kaip pagrindas atnaujinti civilinį procesą / Legal act, which was the basis for a judicial decision, declared as unconstitutional as the basis to reopen civil proceedingsRaščiukevičius, Osvaldas 14 June 2014 (has links)
Civilinio proceso atnaujinimas yra išimtinė procesinė priemonė, padedanti užtikrinti žmogaus teisę į teismą. Jo tikslas yra pašalinti galimai neteisėtą teismo sprendimą, taip įvykdant teisingumą ir išvengiant tokio sprendimo pasekmių. Tačiau pažvelgus į LR Civilinio proceso kodeksą, matome, jog Lietuvoje nėra įtvirtinta galimybė atnaujinti procesą, kuomet LR Konstitucinis Teismas pripažįsta teisės aktą, kuriuo teismas rėmėsi priimdamas sprendimą civilinėje byloje, prieštaraujančiu LR Konstitucijai. Suformuota LR teismų praktika draudžia proceso atnaujinimą civilinėse bylose šiuo pagrindu, kadangi būtų pažeistas teisinių santykių stabilumo bei teisinių santykių subjektų teisių ir pareigų apibrėžtumo principai. Tačiau priešingai nei civilinėse bylose, administracinėse bylose proceso atnaujinimas šiuo pagrindu yra leidžiamas. Panagrinėję užsienio valstybių teisinį reguliavimą, matome, jog apie pusė Europos valstybių leidžia proceso atnaujinimą šiuo pagrindu civilinėse bylose bylose, o baudžiamosiose bylose – beveik visos nagrinėtos valstybės. Žmogaus teisių užtikrinimo svarbą civilinėse bylose pabrėžia Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismas. Nors EŽTT laikosi nuomonės, jog proceso atnaujinimą riboja teisinio tikrumo principas, tačiau tam tikrais atvejais proceso atnaujinimas gali būti efektyviausia priemone atstatant teisingumą, kuris buvo paneigtas pažeidus žmogaus teises. Tuo tarpu LR Konstitucinis Teismas laikosi pozicijos, jog proceso atnaujinimas nagrinėjamu pagrindu yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Reopening of civil proceedings is an exclusive procedural measure, which helps to ensure a right to court. It‘s aim is to remove possibly unlawful court decision, thus delivering justice and avoiding consequences of such decision. Therefore, reopening of civil proceedings seeks to protect not only interests of private parties, but also public interest. However, if we look to Code of Civil procedure of the Republic of Lithuania, we can see a lack of possibility in Lithuania to reopen proceedings, when Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania declares that law applied in a specific case is in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. Lithuanian case law does not allow reopening of proceedings in civil cases based on mentioned ground, because otherwise principles of stability of legal relations and certainty of rights and duties of subjects‘ legal relations would be breached. Contrary to civil cases, administrative cases may be reopened based on mantioned grounds. Moreover, administrative courts examine cases regarding damages, incurred due to unlawful actions of public administration bodies, and these cases may also be reopened based on mentioned ground, though they are civil cases. Therefore, administrative courts case law and general competence courts case law differs on the question regarding reopening of proceedings in civil cases, when Constituional Court of the Republic of Lithuania declares that law applied in a specific case is in conflict... [to full text]
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The dismissal in the legislation and in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court Rulings on labor cases / El despido en la legislación y en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional y los Plenos Jurisprudenciales Supremos en materia laboralNeves Mujica, Javier 25 September 2017 (has links)
The treatment of labor dismissal has been evolving in the legislation and in the jurisprudence. Whatis the current regulation of this subject? What is the procedure to ask for reparation in the case ofnon justified dismissal? These and other subjects related to this matter have been treated by the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court inthe last binding precedents and in laboral courtrulings, respectively.Within this framework, the author illustrates us regarding the evolution of dismissal’s treatment in the legislation and recent jurisprudential pronouncements. / El tratamiento del despido laboral ha evolucionadotanto en la legislación como en la jurisprudencia. ¿Cuál es la actual regulación de dicha materia?¿Cuáles son las vías procesales para solicitar lasreparaciones en caso de despidos no justificados?Estas y otras cuestiones relacionadas han sido tratadas por el Tribunal Constitucional y la Corte Supremaen sus últimos precedentes vinculantes y plenos jurisdiccionales en materia laboral, respectivamente.En este marco, el autor nos ilustra respecto de la evolución del tratamiento del despido en la legislación y en los pronunciamientos jurisprudenciales recientes.
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The Court of Roberts (the United States Supreme Court) versus the peruvian Constitutional Court: free competition in constitutional jurisprudence / La Corte de Roberts (Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos) versus el Tribunal Constitucional peruano: la libre competencia en la jurisprudencia constitucionalSumar Albujar, Oscar 25 September 2017 (has links)
Within the framework of the process of constitutionalization of Law, the treatment towards antitrust regulation is being discussed on the jurisprudential level. An idea has appeared that suggests that deciding against antitrust regulationis beneficial for companies, but has a negative impact towards societyIn the present article, the author does a comparison between the Peruvian Constitutional Court jurisprudence about antitrust and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the United States, demonstrating that tending towards regulation is harmful for society.The author also raises the question about the reasons for which the Supreme Court of the United States has a clear and defined criteria to decide when it is convenient to regulate antitrust, called “decision theory”, while the Peruvian Court has an erratic and unjustified criteria to decide aboutregulation of antitrust. / En el marco del proceso de constitucionalización del Derecho, el tratamiento de la libre competencia se ha venido discutiendo a nivel jurisprudencial. Así, ha surgido la idea de que decidir no regu-lar la libre competencia beneficia a las empresas,mas no a la sociedad en general.En el presente artículo, el autor propone una comparación entre la jurisprudencia respecto a la libre competencia del Tribunal Constitucional peruano y la de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, buscando demostrar que, más bien, tender a la re- gulación es perjudicial para la sociedad.Asimismo, el autor abre la interrogante acerca de las razones por las cuales la Corte estadounidense tiene un criterio claro respecto a cuándo no es conveniente la regulación, mientras que el Tribunal peruano tiene un criterio errático y no justificado para tomar decisiones al respecto.
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What is unfair discrimination? : a study of the South African Constitutional Court's unfair discrimination jurisprudenceMcConnachie, Chris January 2014 (has links)
This thesis offers an original account of the South African Constitutional Court's reasoning in identifying unfair discrimination perpetrated by the state. I use this account to develop proposals for improving the Court's jurisprudence, in line with its stated aim of addressing patterns of group disadvantage. The Court's Harksen test for unfair discrimination makes dignity the touchstone for identifying this wrong. However, the Court has not explained what is required to prove a violation of dignity or how dignity fits with its concern for group disadvantage. I demonstrate that three necessary conditions must be satisfied for the Court to conclude that dignity has been violated: there must be a) unfavourable treatment on the basis of protected grounds; b) that threatens to create or perpetuate patterns of group disadvantage; and c) that lacks adequate justification. I also investigate important features of the Court's reasoning that have been overlooked in the existing literature, including its concern for messages expressed by discrimination and the fluctuating intensity with which it reviews justifications. Among my proposals for developing this reasoning, I argue that the Court should remove human dignity from the Harksen test and openly acknowledge the considerations doing the work in its decisions. I also provide a detailed critique of five of the Court's most controversial decisions where it found discrimination to be fair despite clear indications that it entrenched patterns of disadvantage. I show that in all five cases the Court applied an indefensibly weak intensity of review, falling below the baseline level of scrutiny which ought to be applied in unfair discrimination cases. I contend that consistent application of this baseline will help to make the Court better at preventing and addressing patterns of group disadvantage. I conclude with a restatement of the Harksen test that consolidates the Court's reasoning and my proposals.
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Aspectos laborales en la ley de libertad religiosa y su reglamentoUlloa, Daniel 10 April 2018 (has links)
Labor Issues in the religious freedom act and its regulationThis text reviews the constitutional and legal regulation of religious freedom, considering the definition of its content established by the Constitutional Court and its application in the labor contracts, both common and those involving an ideological employer or with ideological trend / En el presente texto se repasa la regulación constitucional y legal de la libertad religiosa, considerando la definición de su contenido establecida por el Tribunal Constitucional y su aplicación en las relacionales laborales, tanto comunes como en aquellas que involucran a un empleador ideológico o de tendencia.
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Sex change and its registration on the Personal Identity Registry. The change that Constitutional Court did not dare to approve / El cambio de sexo y su inscripción en el registro de Identidad Personal. El cambio que el Tribunal Constitucional no se atrevió a aprobarEguiguren Praeli, Francisco José 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author tries to clarify various aspects of the fundamental right to Personal identity, this with regard to a recent sentence by the Peruvian Constitutional Court which dismissed the claim of a citizen to register in the National Registry of Identification and Civil status his sex change. Also, the autor analyze the arguments that the Court used to make this decision, as well as also used by two of its judges who expressed their disagreement through unique votes. it is point outs that in Peru, as in other countries, there isn’t a law regulating to the registration of sex change. However, for the author this should not limit the Constitutional Court to approve this change. / En el presente artículo, el autor trata de esclarecer diversos aspectos del derecho fundamental a la identidad Personal, esto a propósito de una reciente sentencia emitida por el t ribunal Constitucional peruano donde se desestima la pretensión de un ciudadano a que se inscriba en el Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil su cambio de sexo. Asimismo, se encarga de analizar los argumentos que el t ribunal empleó para tomar esta decisión, así como también los usados por dos de sus magistrados que expresaron su desacuerdo mediante votos singulares. Se señala que en Perú no existe, como en otros países, una ley que regule el registro de cambio de sexo, sin embargo, para el autor esto no debió impedir que el Tribunal Constitucional aprobará este cambio.
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The amparo process in Peru: antecedents, legal development and current regulation / El proceso de amparo en el Perú: antecedentes, desarrollo normativo y regulación vigenteAbad Yupanqui, Samuel B. 25 September 2017 (has links)
In Peru, the amparo process is the most widely used constitutional process, and one of the most important ones. For that reason, there is a strong need to analyze in detail this emblematic legal form, as the next questions should be answered: has the amparo process always hadthe same regulation in Peru? Is there only onetype of amparo process? What is the importance of the Constitutional ProcedureCode and the Constitutional Court regarding this process?In this article, the author conducts the mentioned analysis in a remarkable way, providing answers to those and other questions from a historic and legal point of view. / En el Perú, el amparo es el proceso constitucionalmás utilizado y uno de los más importantes. Poresa razón, es muy necesario un análisis detalladode esta emblemática figura, en el que se respon-dan las siguientes cuestiones: ¿el amparo tuvo siempre la misma regulación en el Perú? ¿Existesólo un tipo de amparo? ¿Cuál es la importanciadel Código Procesal Constitucional y del TribunalConstitucional con respecto a este proceso?En el presente artículo, el autor realiza este análisis de forma notable, dando respuesta a estas y otras preguntas desde una visión tanto histórica como jurídica.
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South Africa’s human rights centred approach to extraditionHartnick, Envar Robin January 2013 (has links)
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