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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic Structure and Demographic Analysis of Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium)

Villanova, Vicki 01 January 2015 (has links)
Recent improvements in genetic analyses have paved the way in using molecular data to answer questions regarding evolutionary history, genetic structure, and demography. Key deer are a federally endangered subspecies assumed to be genetically unique (based on one allozyme study), homogeneous, and have a female-biased population of approximately 900 deer. I used 985bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and 12 microsatellite loci to test two hypotheses: 1) if the Moser Channel is a barrier to gene flow, I should expect that Key deer are differentiated and have reduced diversity compared to mainland deer and (2) if isolation on islands leads to a higher probability of extinction, I should expect that Key deer exhibit a small population size and a high risk of extinction. My results indicate that Key deer are genetically isolated from mainland white-tailed deer and that there is a lack of genetic substructure between islands. While Key deer exhibit reduced levels of genetic diversity compared to their mainland counterparts, they contain enough diversity of which to uniquely identify individual deer. Based on genetic identification, I estimated a census size of around 1,000 individuals with a heavily skewed female-biased adult sex ratio. Furthermore, I combined genetic and contemporary demographic data to generate a species persistence model of the Key deer. Sensitivity tests within the population viability analysis brought to light the importance of fetal sex ratio and female survival as the primary factors at risk of driving the subspecies to extinction.

Vom »schönsten Tongeschlecht« zum »unisonierenden Dualismus«: Zur Ästhetik akustischer, funktionaler und visueller Enharmonik

Moßburger, Hubert 17 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Die gemeenteboumodel van Kenon L Callahan : die prakties- teologiese implikasie vir die gemeenskap van gelowiges in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Meyer, Lukas Johannes. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Talle Christelike kerke in Suid- Afrika, onder meer die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, verkeer tans in 'n krisis. Die lidmaattalle toon 'n drasties dalende tendens, minder kinders word gedoop en minder Iidmate le belydenis van geloof af Hierdie krisis, asook die invloed van die postmodernisme op die hedendaagse mens, word aan die hand van die handelingswetenskaplike benadering ondersoek. Die gemeenteboumodel van Kenon L Callahan word gebruik, en daar word gevra tot watter mate hierdie model op die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika toegepas kan word. Wat sal die prakties- teologiese implikasies daarvan op die gemeenskap van gelowiges in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika wees? Die resultaat van die studie is dat die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika wel met vrug gebruik kan maak van Callahan se model, met inagneming van die kerk se bestaande struktuur, tradisie en geskiedenis. In die toepassing van die model sal daar nuwe, ongekende eise aan die kerk gestel word. / Numerous christian churches in South Africa, including the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa is currently experiencing a crisis. Membership is declining, less children are baptised While new and unknown demands will be made on the church, new and exciting opportunities will also be met each year, and less members are confirmed. This crisis, together with the influence of the post- modernism, is explored using an operational science approach, and a possible solution to this problem is sought. The church growth model ofK.L. Callahan is used to facilitate this research. The applicability of this model to the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa is explored, together with the practical theological implications thereof on the holy community. The result of the study is that the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa can apply Callahan' s model to great affect, while cognisance should be taken of the church's own structure, tradition and history. / Practical Theology / Th. M. (Practical Theology)

A Vegetative Key to the Conspicuous Flowering Herbs of Denton County, Texas

Fate, Dwight Wesley 01 1900 (has links)
"The area of study was restricted to those common flowering herbs of Denton County, Texas, which have conspicuous flowers or a conspicuous flower cluster. There were, however, many plants included in this flora which are common to several counties of north-central Texas. Since there has been no previous key devised for the herbs of Denton County, Texas, the purpose of this key was to provide a flora which could be used by elementary and high school instructors, as well as any other interested persons who lack an extensive knowledge of botanical nomenclature." -- leaf iv.

Relay-attacker : Utnyttjande av trådlösa bilnycklar

Marklind, Anton, Marklind, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Bilen är en av de saker som många människor använder dagligenoch för att underlätta användandet kommer det hela tiden nya funk-tioner som underlättar användandet. Ett exempel är trådlösa nycklar.Många moderna bilar använder en teknik som kallas för “keyless” vilketinnebär att bilnycklarna under intervaller sänder ut radiosignaler. Detger en möjlighet att inte behöva hålla i nyckeln när bilen ska användasoch bilägaren har det lättare att öppna bilen och lasta in saker, utanatt aktivt behöva använda nycklen.Men är det tillräckligt säkert med helt trådlösa nycklar? Signaler-na är öppen för alla som kan avlyssna dem. Signalerna mellan bil ochnyckel skickas trådlöst och obehöriga kan lyssna av innehållet. I dettaprojekt undersöker vi möjligheten att spela in signalen och därefterspela upp den igen i syfte att låsa upp en bil, utan tillgång till denverkliga nyckeln. Vi utför experiment på X fordon, med olika nycklaroch olika signalfrekvenser. Om det är öppet för alla borde det ock-så gå att spela in dessa signaler och sända ut dem med hjälp utaven radiosändare. Det kallas för en relay-attack och där kommer syftetmed detta arbete, nämligen en studie om hur attackerna går till ochhur enkelt det egentligen är att göra dem själva. Samt att ett experi-ment utförs på en mängd olika bilar med olika typer av bilnycklar medvarierande frekvenser. / On a daily basis the car is frequently used, and a lot of people arein need of their cars. New technologies are developed to make it easierfor car owners to unlock the car and drive away without making theeffort of using the car keys. A technology called “keyless” car keys areimplemented in modern cars, the car keys sends out radio frequenciesin an interval on a couple of seconds.But is a complete wireless key system secure enough? The radiosignals are open to whoever wants to listen to them, and that couldhave devastating consequences. If it is open to everyone, then it shouldalso be possible to record these signals and send them out using a radiotransmitter. It’s called a relay attack and the purpose of this report isto get broader perspective of how an attack like that works and howeasy it is to execute the attack. The experiment was performed ondifferent types of cars and their keys with varying frequencies.

Estudo de cálice de fundação com ênfase nos esforços nas paredes transversais do colarinho / Study of the socket base foundation with emphasis on the efforts of transverse walls

Nunes, Vinicius César Pereira 08 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da ligação pilar-fundação por meio de cálice em estruturas de concreto pré-moldado, focando os esforços nas paredes transversais do colarinho. No programa experimental foram ensaiados dois protótipos submetidos à flexão com grande excentricidade: um com interface pilar-colarinho lisa e o outro com interface rugosa por meio de chaves de cisalhamento. Foi adotado um detalhamento diferenciado para as armaduras verticais principais concentrando as mesmas próximas aos cantos, bem como foi adotada, para o colarinho, uma espessura inferior à recomendada pela literatura técnica. Com os resultados experimentais foi possível analisar a resistência dos protótipos, as deformações das armaduras e os deslocamentos das paredes. Foi realizada uma análise dos resultados experimentais com um modelo de cálculo da literatura técnica, no que diz respeito às forças resultantes nas armaduras verticais principais e nas armaduras horizontais principais situadas nas paredes transversais do colarinho, considerando duas situações distintas de comportamento para as paredes transversais: flexo-tração e tração. Em função dos resultados foi verificado que as armaduras verticais situadas próximo aos cantos contribuíram efetivamente para a resistência do protótipo com interface lisa. Comprovou-se que as paredes transversais foram submetidas a uma flexo-tração e que o modelo teórico aplicado considerando 15% de flexão e 85% de tração apresenta os melhores resultados, se comparados com os valores obtidos experimentalmente. / This research presents an analysis of socket base connections of precast concrete structures, with emphasis on the e orts of transverse walls. In the experimental program were tested two prototypes subjected to bending with great eccentricity: one with smooth interface, and other with rough interface through shear keys. It adopted a different detail for main vertical reiforcement, concentrating them around the corner, and was adopted for the socket, a thickness less than that recommended by the technical literature. Based on experimental results were performed the analysis of the strenght of prototypes, the deformations of the reinforcement, and the deflection of the walls. It was performed an analysis of experimental results with a design model of the technical literature regarding to the forces resulting in main vertical and horizontal reinforcement located on the transverse walls of socket, considering two different situations of behavior to transverse walls: bending-tension and tension. Analyzing the results, it was verified that the vertical reinforcement located near the corners effectively contributed to the strength of the prototype with smooth interface. It has been proved that the walls were subjected to a bending tension and that the theoretical model applied with 15% of bending and 85% of tension gives the best results, when compared with the values obtained experimentally.

Ett parti i marknadsföring : Strategier på en föränderlig spelplan / A match in marketing : Strategies for an ever changing gameplan

Turesson, Sofi, Ottosson, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
På modemarknaden råder idag en stor konkurrens och det blir allt svårare att differentiera sitt företag. Ett ökat mediebrus distraherar kontinuerligt det budskap företaget vill sända ut till kundgruppen. Idag tvingas företagen ta ett allt större socialt ansvar främst av kommersiella skäl. Miljöengagemanget blir allt större och framför allt attityden och beteendet hos konsumenterna leder till en annan slags konsumtion eller rent av till en ny trend. Utifrån problematiseringen har vi undersökt, beskrivit samt analyserat marknadsförings-strategin av en kedjeägd- respektive en privatägd butik. De utvalda butikerna blev Brothers & Sisters i Borås City respektive Centrum Manufaktur i Alingsås. Fokus låg på jämförelsen av marknadsföringen mellan två butiker, där en är centralstyrd och ingår i en kedja medan den andra är en enskild butik som är styrd i privat regi. Hur miljöperspektivet inkluderas i kommunikationen berördes också. Vi kartlagde skillnader och likheter samt fördelar och nackdelar med butikernas kommunikation och påverkan. De datainsamlingstekniker som har legat till grund för undersökningen är två personliga intervjuer och två enkäter. Intervjun har skett i möte med respondenten för respektive företag. Enkätundersökningen har genomförts på stan i Alingsås och Borås med ett icke sannolikhetsurval av respondenter. Undersökningen visade att både Brothers & Sisters och Centrum Manufaktur använder sig främst av interna åtgärder för att konkurrera och skapa lönsamhet. Den övergripande strategin för att skapa differentiering och påverkan är genom valet av tre faktorer; service, sortiment och människor. Det som skiljer företagens marknadsföringsstrategier åt är valet av informationskanaler i marknadskommunikationen, organisationens uppbyggnad samt varumärkena som ingår i sortimentet. Företagen lyckas med att kommunicera ett starkt sortiment och god service då kunden förknippar företagen med just de här faktorerna. Att döma utifrån de genomförda intervjuerna och enkätundersökningarna blir det tydligt att en butik tillhörande en kedja samt en butik som bedrivs i privat regi, kan ha likvärdiga strategier och stöta på liknande problem när det gäller marknadsföringen och dess genomslagskraft.The fashion market is today highly competitive and it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate their businesses. An increased media noise continually distracts the message the company wants to send to the client group. Today, companies are forced to take greater social responsibility mainly for commercial reasons. Environmental commitment is increasing, and above all the attitude and behavior of consumers leads to another kind of consumption or even to a new trend. From the issue we have examined, described and analyzed the marketing strategy of a chainstore and a privately owned shop. The selected stores were Brothers & Sisters in Borås City and Centrum Manufaktur in Alingsås. The focus was on comparison of marketing between the two stores, one of which is part of a chain while the other is a single store that is operated privately. The environmental aspect included in the communication was also a part of the study. We map minded, similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages of store communication and the influence on the market. The data collection techniques that were the subject of the investigation are two personal interviews and two surveys. The interview took place in a meeting with the respondent for their respective companies. The survey has been carried out on the town in Alingsås and Borås with a non-probability sample of respondents. The investigation revealed that both Brothers & Sisters and Centrum Manufaktur mostly uses internal measures to compete and operate profitably. The overall strategy for creating differentiation and impact is through the choice of three factors: service, assortment and people. What distinguishes the firms marketing strategies were the selection of information channels of marketing communication, organization structure and the brands included in the assortment. The companies manage to communicate a strong range and good service when the customer associate companies with just these factors. Judging from the interviews and questionnaires, it becomes clear that a shop belonging to a chain and a store that is conducted in private, may have similar strategies and encounter similar problems in terms of marketing and its impact. / Program: Butikschefsutbildningen

Ligação pilar-fundação por meio de cálice em estruturas de concreto pré-moldado com profundidade de embutimento reduzida / Column-foundation connection through socket of precast concrete structures with reduced depth

Jaguaribe Júnior, Kenneth de Borja 17 November 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na análise experimental da ligação pilar-fundação por meio de cálice em estruturas de concreto pré-moldado, com profundidade de embutimento reduzida em relação a recomendada pela NBR 9062:(1985). No programa experimental, foram ensaiados dois protótipos sob ação de força com grande excentricidade, variando-se o tipo e condição de interface: um com interface lisa e outro com interface rugosa. Em ambos os modelos, procurou-se eliminar a adesão na interface da ligação para representar a situação mais adequada de projeto. Com os resultados experimentais, foi possível analisar o comportamento da cada modelo no que diz respeito as deformações nas armaduras, os deslocamentos no cálice, a configuração das fissuras ocorridas durante o ensaio e a resistência última alcançada por cada modelo. Foi apresentada também uma análise comparativa entre estes modelos e os analisados em trabalho anterior sobre o mesmo tema, sendo que nestes os cálices possuíam profundidades de embutimento recomendados pela norma brasileira. Aplicou-se também os principais modelos de projeto encontrados na literatura com o objetivo de verificar a eficácia de cada um no que diz respeito a capacidade resistente da ligação, comparando-a aos obtidos experimentalmente. Com base em todas estas análises, pôde-se concluir que com a redução da profundidade de embutimento a capacidade resistente do protótipo também diminuiu e os modelos de projeto que melhor representaram os protótipos com comprimento de embutimento maior, não forneceram bons resultados para os cálices com profundidade reduzida / This research is an experimental analysis of column-foundation connection through socket of precast concrete structures, with the reduced depth of the socket comparing to that recommended by the NBR 9062:(1985). The experimental program included two models submitted to normal load with large eccentricity, changing the type and the condition interface: one model had smooth interface and other had rough interface. At both models, it was tried to eliminate the bond on the interface to represent the more appropriate situation of design. With the experimental results, it was possible to analyze each model behavior concerning reinforcements deformation, the socket displacement, cracks configuration during the tests and the maximum strength reached by each model. A comparative analysis was made of these models with those studied at a previous research, that had a depth of the socket recommended by the brazilian normalization. The main design models found at the technical literature were also applied to verify the efficiency of each one for strength capacity of the connection, comparing the results with those obtained experimentally. Based on all analysis, it was possible to conclude that with the depth reduction of the socket, the strength capacity also reduced and the design models that better represented the sockets with the recommended depth no more represented the reduced one

Key Distribution In Wireless Sensor Networks

Gupta, Abhishek 06 1900 (has links)
In the last few years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become a very actively researched area. The impetus for this spurt of interest were developments in wireless technologies and low-cost VLSI, that made it possible to build inexpensive sensors and actuators. Each such device has limited computational power, memory and energy supply. Nevertheless, because of the low cost, such devices can be deployed in large numbers, and can thereafter form a sensor network. Usually, one or more base stations are also present which act as sink nodes. When sensors are deployed in hostile environments, security becomes an integral part for such type of networks. A first step in this direction is to provide secure communication between any two nodes and between a node and the base station. Since the public key cryptographic techniques are computationally expensive for resource constrained sensors, one need to rely on symmetric key cryptography for secure communication. The distribution and management of cryptographic keys poses a unique challenge in sensor networks. One requires efficient key distribution algorithms for such type of networks. In this thesis, we address the problem of secure path key establishment in wireless sensor networks. We first propose a pairwise key distribution algorithm for probabilistic schemes. Inspired by the recent proxy-based schemes, we introduce a friend-based scheme for establishing pairwise keys securely. We show that the chances of finding friends in a neighbourhood are considerably more than that of finding proxies, leading to lower communication overhead. Further, we prove that the friend-based scheme performs better than the proxy-based scheme both in terms of resilience against node capture as well as in energy consumption for pairwise key establishment. A recent study has shown that the advantages of the probabilistic approach over the deterministic approach, are not as much as people have believed. Thus, we focus our attention on deterministic schemes in which we first discuss why one cannot use the conventional security measure for determining the resilience of a key distribution scheme in case of schemes in which nodes share more than one key. Then, we propose a new and a more general security metric for measuring the resilience of a key distribution scheme in wireless sensor networks. Further, we present a polynomial-based scheme and a novel complete connectivity scheme for distributing keys to sensors and show an analytical comparison, in terms of security and connectivity, between the schemes. Motivated by the schemes, we derive general expressions for the new security measure and the connectivity. A number of conclusions are made using these general expressions. Then, we conclude our work with a number of future directions that can be followed with this piece of work.

Last of the watermen : the end of the commercial fishing tradition in the Florida Keys

Jones-Garcia, Dawn Elizabeth 21 February 2011 (has links)
The time-honored profession of commercial fishing in the Florida Keys is in danger of extinction as each year passes and fewer commercial fishermen remain in an industry that is sinking in the wake of politicians, land developers, and financial woes. At the heart of the problem is the threat of overfishing, a subject that is increasingly at the forefront of media attention and environmental campaigns. The villain in this story of death and destruction more often than not are commercial fishermen. But the blame is misguided. Our fishermen work according to the letter of the law and strive to maintain healthy sustainable fish stocks and sound marine ecosystems. It is unlikely that the American hunger for seafood will diminish so in the absence of locally caught fish the public has no choice but to support the efforts of unchecked foreign fisheries—Fisheries that are not managed as well as ours and in some instances fish until there is nothing left to take. / text

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