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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O interesse público nas sociedades de economia mista / The public interest in joint ventures

Bonfim, Natália Bertolo 16 April 2012 (has links)
O trabalho trata do interesse público nas sociedades de economia mista enquanto tipo societário que agrega participação estatal e privada em seu capital social, e que se constitui em instrumento do Estado para a implementação de políticas públicas. Analisa os elementos que as caracterizam e os problemas internos e externos que delas decorrem, buscando demonstrar que toda sua estrutura gravita em torno do interesse público que lhes dá causa. Em um segundo momento, percorre os meandros da expressão interesse público, investigando seus aspectos ideológicos e a compreensão do conceito no decorrer da evolução histórico-cultural do pensamento jurídico-político. Assegura que sua essência de conceito jurídico indeterminado não retira a possibilidade de sua melhor aplicação a cada caso concreto, tendo em vista que seu núcleo permanece aberto à realidade. Entende que, com a instituição do Estado Democrático de Direito pela Constituição Federal de 1988, que erigiu a dignidade da pessoa humana como princípio fundamental da ordem econômicasocial, o interesse público passou a constituir uma forma de garantir a satisfação dos interesses privados, pelo que não se pode incorrer no erro de afirmar que o interesse público coloca em risco os direitos fundamentais, conferindo à expressão um caráter autoritário que, em verdade, ela não contém. Aduz sobre a propalada idéia de supremacia do interesse público sobre o interesse privado, não contemplada explicitamente pelo texto constitucional, mas amplamente admitida pelo Direito Administrativo como princípio que consagra uma finalidade imperativa e indisponível da Administração e de seus agentes. Apresenta o embate atual na doutrina brasileira entre a corrente de juristas que propugna pela reconstrução do princípio da supremacia do interesse público, com base na nova roupagem que lhe foi conferida pela Constituição Federal, de garantidor dos direitos fundamentais, frente à corrente que defende a desconstrução do princípio que, a seu ver, colocaria em risco os interesses privados, o que demandaria um juízo de ponderação entre os interesses conflitantes. Em seguida, passa a analisar o interesse público como elemento fundamental da atividade estatal e combate que a participação do Estado na exploração direta de atividade econômica tenha caráter subsidiário; o Estado não só pode, como deve intervir no domínio econômico, visando assegurar o melhor interesse público a ser realizado. Em sua parte final, o trabalho traz, especificamente, a compreensão do interesse público nas sociedades de economia mista com base nas questões clássicas que derivam da atuação do Estado em um contexto macroeconômico, sob a perspectiva do poder de controle, da função social da empresa, do lucro e da concorrência. Conclui que o interesse público nas sociedades de economia mista se confunde com sua própria finalidade e deve ser compreendido tanto como elemento que norteia todos os aspectos de sua constituição, tanto como elemento que direciona a atuação estatal na atividade econômica. / The paper discusses the public interest in joint ventures as a type of company that combines state and private participation in its capital stock, and that it constitutes in an instrument of the State for the implementation of public policies. It analyzes the elements that characterize them and the internal and external problems resulting thereon, seeking to demonstrate that their whole structure revolves around the public interest that gives them rise. Then it goes through the intricacies of the term public interest by investigating its ideological aspects and understanding the concept in the course of historical and cultural evolution of the legal and political thought. It ensures that its essence of indeterminate legal concept does not remove the possibility of its best application in each specific case, given that its core remains open to reality. It considers that, with the establishment of the Democratic Rule-of-law State by the Federal Constitution of 1988, that raised the human dignity as a fundamental principle of social-economic order, public interest began to be a way to ensure satisfaction of private interests, by that you cannot make the mistake of asserting that the public interest endangers the fundamental rights, giving the expression an authoritarian character that, in fact, it does not have. It brings forward the divulged idea about supremacy of the public interest over the private interest, not covered explicitly by the Constitution, but widely accepted by the Administrative Law as the principle that elects a mandatory and unavailable purpose of the Administration and its agents. It presents the current resistance in Brazilian doctrine between the jurists current who advocates the reconstruction of the public interest supremacy principle, based on the new look given to it by the Federal Constitution, of guarantor of fundamental rights, and the current that defends the deconstruction of the principle that, in their opinion, endanger the private interests, which would require a court to deliberate between conflicting interests. Then it analyzes the public interest as a fundamental element of the state activity and it combats that the States participation in the direct exploitation of economic activity has subsidiary nature; the State not only may, but must intervene in the economic order, in order to ensure the best interest public. In its final part, this paper brings, specifically, the understanding of the public interest in joint ventures based on the classic questions that arise from the actions of the State in a macroeconomic context, from the perspective of controlling power, companys social function, profit and competition. Its conclusion is that the public interest in joint ventures is confounded with its own purpose and should be understood both as an element that guides all aspects of its constitution, and as an element that directs the State action in economic activity.

Incubar ou acelerar? análise sobre o valor entregue para as startups pelas incubadoras e aceleradoras de negócios. / Incubate or accelerate? analysis of the value delivered to startups by business incubators and business accelerators.

Maruyama, Felipe Massami 11 December 2017 (has links)
Tanto as incubadoras como as aceleradoras são organizações especializadas no suporte de empreendimentos em fases iniciais, em especial, aqueles intensivos em inovação conhecidos como startups. Apesar da grande disseminação dessas organizações, há poucas informações na literatura que evidenciem as suas diferenças e as contribuições na jornada do empreendedorismo inovador. Assim, o objetivo principal deste estudo é comparar a diferença entre as propostas de valor das aceleradoras e das incubadoras a partir da percepção das startups que tenham sido tanto incubadas como aceleradas. Entre os objetivos específicos temos: discutir possíveis relações entre as aceleradoras e as incubadoras de negócios; apresentar a evolução das incubadoras e os fatores que induziram o surgimento das aceleradoras, descrevendo os diferentes arquétipos e as implicações que essas organizações têm no ecossistema de empreendedorismo; apresentar o cenário nacional do fenômeno de aceleração e de incubação. O levantamento de dados contará com duas etapas: análise documental de fontes de dados secundárias e estudos de caso com uso de técnica de entrevista e questionário semiestruturado. A análise documental foi feita a partir de banco de dados de artigos científicos, dados oficiais de governos, fundações, revistas e páginas web especializadas e editais de chamamento das próprias organizações. A análise documental fornecerá o retrato de como as incubadoras e as aceleradoras se promovem no ecossistema como organizações importantes no apoio às startups. Em seguida, através de abordagem exploratória descritiva e qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas com roteiros semiestruturados com fundadores de startups que foram incubadas e aceleradas, para compreender o valor que cada um desses processos forneceu ao desenvolvimento dessas empresas. Concluiu-se que existe uma dissonância entre o valor percebido pelas startups e o que as incubadoras e as aceleradoras promovem. Também foi possível identificar que a busca por recursos pelas startups tende a não seguir um processo linear, capturando as melhores oportunidades que estejam disponíveis no momento. Por fim, esta pesquisa é um passo exploratório para trazer novas evidências do fenômeno das startups e dos diferentes instrumentos que as constroem. Sugerem-se encaminhamentos que possam preencher lacunas na literatura a respeito dos fenômenos citados, indicando a necessidade de estudos futuros que adensem o conhecimento desse fenômeno. / Both incubators and acelerators are specialized organizations to support early-stage ventures, especially innovation-intensive ones known as startups. Despite the great spread of these organizations, there is a few information in the literature that show their differences and contributions in the journey of innovative entrepreneurship. The main objective of this study is comparing the difference between value porposition of accelerators and incubators from the perception of startups that have been both incubated and accelerated. The specific objectives are: to discuss possible relationships between accelerators and incubators; to present the evolution of the incubators and the factors that led to the emergence of the accelerators, describing the different accelerators archetypes and the implications in entrepreneurship ecosystem; to present the national scenario of acceleration and incubation. The data collection stage had two stages: documentary analysis of secondary data sources; and the case study using interview technique through semi-structured questionnaire. The documentary analysis was made from a database of scientific articles, official data from governments, foundations, journals and specialized web pages and incubators and accelerators calls for proposals. Documentary analysis provided a picture of how incubators and accelerators are promoted to the ecosystem and startups. Then, through a descriptive and qualitative exploratory approach, interviews were conducted with semistructured scripts with founders of startups that were incubated and accelerated to understand the value that each of these processes provided to the development of these companies. It was concluded that there is a dissonance between what the incubators and the accelerators promote and the value perceived by the startups, they are not being able to identify enough characteristics that distinguish them. The reason for it is the diversity of the needs and demands of the startups, different models of accelerators and incubators are formulated that, in many cases, overlap in the benefits offered. It was also possible to identify that the search for resources by startups, whether radical or disruptive startups, does not follow a linear process, capturing the best opportunities available in the ecosystem through a minimally tactical and selective approach. In order to contribute to the understanding of the growing formation of organizations supporting startups, such as incubators and accelerators, and considering the findings of this research, a tool was suggested to define the types of these organizations, loosely termed \"startup guiders\". This tool analyzes three basic dimensions: business model, value proposition and stage of intervention in the development of early-stages ventures. Finally, this research is an exploratory step in bringing new evidence of the phenomenon of startups and of the different instruments that construct them. It is suggested that there be gaps in the literature regarding the mentioned phenomena, indicating the need for future studies that increase the knowledge of this phenomenon.

Geoindicadores de mudanças morfológicas em sistemas físicos impactados por empreendimentos hidrelétricos: uma leitura da geografia histórica da paisagem - PCH Rio do Peixe I e II (1925-2016) / Geoindicators of morphological changes in physical systems impacted by hydroelectric power plants: a perspective of reading the historical geography of landscape - Rio do Peixe I and II small hydroelectric power plants (1925-2016)

Alves Filho, Edson 30 November 2017 (has links)
Os empreendimentos hidrelétricos são sistemas de engenharia empregados para extrair energia dos sistemas naturais e por isso, são alteradores de paisagem por excelência. Para compreender o histórico de derivações da paisagem, faz-se mister compreender o histórico de intervenções sobre os sistemas físicos (vales, encostas, rios lagos). Pela dimensão dos impactos causados por empreendimentos hidrelétricos nos sistemas físicos é que se define o objetivo principal da pesquisa que foi realizar uma leitura da História da Paisagem na área diretamente afetada pelas PCH Rio do Peixe I e II (área de estudo). A sub-bacia do rio do Peixe abrange o reservatório e as estruturas civis das usinas mencionadas, localizadas nos municípios de São José do Rio Pardo e Divinolândia, estado de São Paulo), tendo como pano de fundo conceitos e teorias Biogeográficas e da Geomorfologia Antropogênica). Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica ressaltando-se os conceitos de mudança e impacto por meio da abordagem Antropogeomorfológica, sendo possível compreender, assim, o processo de derivação da paisagem analisada, enaltecendo-se os impactos e mudanças de natureza geomorfológica típicas da intervenção do setor elétrico na paisagem. Para tal, foi feita uma sistematização de geoindicadores referentes às morfologias original semipreservada e antropogênica, de modo a promover uma avaliação de impactos em empreendimentos hidrelétricos. Na sequência, definiram-se, a partir dos geoindicadores nas condições de morfologia original semi-preservada e antropogênica, os conteúdos das legendas dos mapas correlatos, de modo a se elaborar uma cartografia geomorfológica de detalhe em ambas as condições. A partir dos mapeamentos mencionados, foi possível quantificar e comparar os impactos atribuídos à implantação das PCH Rio do Peixe I e II, demonstrando, assim, a magnitude das transformações na paisagem dos empreendimentos em estudo. Por fim, promoveu-se uma comparação dos mapeamentos geomorfológicos de detalhe realizados com a metodologia de Avaliação Ambiental Integrada de empreendimentos hidrelétricos, utilizada pelo Sistema Eletrobrás em estudos de viabilidade ambiental de obras relacionadas ao setor elétrico. Nesta metodologia são definidos índices e indicadores para avaliação do grau de sensibilidade, impactos e fragilidades ambientais decorrentes da implantação de empreendimentos hidrelétricos. De modo geral, os resultados contribuíram para o conhecimento dos impactos relacionados ao meio físico na paisagem diretamente afetadas pelas PCH Rio do Peixe I e II, resultando em indicações para um maior aprimoramento nas propostas metodológicas utilizadas na avaliação de viabilidade ambiental de empreendimentos hidrelétricos. / Hydroelectric Power Plants are engeneering systems to extract energy of natural systems and for that reason they highly modify the landscape. In order to understand the history of lansdcape derivations is it necessary understand the history of interventions upon physical systems (river valleys, slopes, rivers and lakes.) Considering the dimensions of impacts caused to hydroelectric ventures in physical systems, this research intends to perform a reading of the Hystorical Geography of Landscape in the direct affected area of Rio do Peixe I and II Small Power Plants (study area). The Rio do Peixe sub-basin wich includes reservoir and civil infrastructure of mentioned hydroelectric power plants, located in São José do Rio Pardo and Divinolândia municipalities, São Paulo State), having as background biogeographicals and of Anthropogenic Geomorphology concepts and theories. An extensive review of literature highlighting the concepts of environment changes and impacts through Anthropogeomorphology approach is made, leading to understand the process of derivation of the landscape analysed, exalting too, the impacts and environmental changes of geomorphological nature, typical of the intervention of electrical sector in the landscape.To achieve this goal, a systematization of geoindicators referring to semipreserved and anthropogenic morphologies is made, in order to promove an environmental impact assessment in hydroelectric ventures. On the way of research the content of legends of the maps is defined related to a list of geoindicators concerning the semi-preserved and anthropogenic morphologies conditions. This had led elaboration of a detailed geomorphological cartography under both conditions. From the mentioned maps it was possible quantifying and mapping the impacts assigned to the implantation of Rio do Peixe I and II Small Power Plants, demonstrating the magnitude of the landscape transformations of the ventures in study. Finally, a comparision among detailed geomorphological maps and the maps produced using the methodology of Integrated Environmental Assessment of Hydroelectric Ventures (applied by Eletrobras System in studies of environmental feasibility of ventures concerned to the electric sector) is made. In this methodology rates and indicators are defined to evaluate the environmental sensibilities, fragilities and impacts arising from the implantation of hydroelectric ventures. In general, the results of the research allows the identification of the impacts concerning the physical environment in the directly affected landscape by Rio do Peixe I and II Small Power Plants, providing contributions to deeper the methodological proposals used in studies of environmental feasibility of hydroelectrical ventures.

Les déterminants du mode d'implantation d'une firme multinationale en Syrie / Determinants of how to implement a multinational firm in Syria

Hassan, Yasser 25 March 2011 (has links)
Les partenariats inter-entreprises continuent d'être une tendance majeure dans le contexte B2B. Les entreprises cherchent des projets de collaboration pour pénétrer les marchés étrangers, pour combiner les ressources, partager les coûts et les risques, et créer des synergies dans un environnement de plus en plus concurrentiel. Ainsi, les impacts du pays hôte, et les caractéristiques de l'entreprise sur le choix du mode d'entrée ont été largement étudiées dans la littérature. Les ressources du pays hôte, sa culture et ses risques, couplés avec les particularités de chaque mode d'entrée, nécessitent plus d'enquêtes ancrées dans la littérature sur le mode d'entrée. Puisant dans le cadre OLI, cette étude porte sur les entreprises conjointes (JVI) et analyse l'impact des avantages de propriété et de la localisation sur le niveau de contrôle (par exemple, sur le niveau de l'internalisation) dans un JVI entre la Syrie et l'Iran, dans l'industrie automobile. Les résultats indiquent une relation positive entre les avantages de propriété et le niveau de contrôle. Il est également constaté que les entreprises tendent à privilégier un mode de contrôle plus élevé lorsque le pays d'accueil offre de meilleurs avantages de localisation. / Inter-firm partnerships continue to be a major trend in the B2B context. Companies are looking for collaborative projects to penetrate foreign markets, to combine resources, share costs and risks, and create synergies in an increasingly competitive. Thus, the impacts of host country and firm characteristics the choice of entry mode have been widely studied in the literature. The resources of the host country, its culture, these risks. Are the possibilities, coupled with the peculiarities of each mode of entry, requiring more focused investigation in the literature on user input. Drawing the OLI framework, this study is on joint ventures (JVI) and analyzes the impact of the benefits of ownership and location of the business decision on the level of control (eg, the level of internalization) JVI in between Syria and Iran in the automotive industry. The results indicate a positive relationship between the benefits of ownership and control level. It is also found that companies tend to focus on higher control mode when the host country offers the best location advantages.

The Research on Political Risk and Choice between Joint Venture and Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Taiwanese MNEs¡¦ Investment in Vietnam: The Role of Moderators

Liu, Chih-feng 08 February 2010 (has links)
Since ¡§Doi Moi¡¨ (renovation) begun in 1986, Vietnam has engaged in economic reform on an on-going basis in order to create a fruitful investment environment and attract foreign investors to engage in its market. As the total investment amount is over 19 billion US dollars, the role of Taiwanese investors played is more important than before. Notwithstanding that the investment environment in Vietnam has improved more significantly than ever, the enterprises¡¦ operation still has to bear considerable risk. Due to Vietnam¡¦s special single-party state constitution, for foreign investors, it is expected that the political risk is existed with the high feasibility of government change policies and ignore investors¡¦ benefits. According to this, the purpose of this research is to realize how the host¡¦s political risk influences Taiwanese MNEs¡¦ entry mode choice. As previous studies generally focused on the discussion of the relationship between political risk and entry mode choice, however, the moderating effects of firms¡¦ own resource and advantages are less mentioned. Therefore, this thesis tries to provide a theoretical framework based on resource-based view, eclectic theory and other related theories that includes profitability, financial structure, and R&D capability as the contingency factors to examine how these factors moderate the relationship between political risk and entry mode choice. The findings of this study reveal that when the political risk in Vietnam getting higher, Taiwanese MNEs are more likely to engage in Vietnam through JVs. Besides, the positive moderating effect of profitability is also existed. It shows when a firm with higher profitability, it will more tend to choose JVs as the political risk in Vietnam rising.

Risikobewusstes Wissensmanagement in Technologiekooperationen : theoretische Grundlagen und Realisierungsmöglichkeiten /

Zacher, Benedikt, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität der Bundeswehr, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 239-253).

Internationalisation of the health club industry : theory, practice and context

Richardson, Nicole H. January 2003 (has links)
The leisure industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in Britain (Grade, 1998), and in the year 2000 accounted for approximately 10% of Britain's gross domestic product (LeisureWeek, 2000a). Health clubs have been one of the fastest developing business sectors within the leisure industry (Mintel, 1999), and there is predicted to be plenty of scope for future growth (Mintel, 2001). The health club sector has evolved greatly since its inception, with developments including consolidation, diversification, bi-polarisation and market segmentation. One of the most recent trends in the sector has been intenationalisation, with fifteen British companies now having a presence overseas. This research seeks to analyse the process by which the British health club sector has developed from being purely domestic based to having significant overseas investment. A number of stages within that process are identified including the motives to internationalise, the choice of country, the mode of entry utilised and the management and co-ordination of overseas activities. One of the key objectives of this research is to determine if a holistic view of internationalisation is appropriate, or even plausible for the health club sector. The research suggests that the influence of environmental and company-factors results in a company's initial decision to internationalise, with certain 'determinants' regulating which companies actually invest overseas. A number of ownershipspecific factors are identified that establish which companies might be able to compete effectively overseas. The process of internationalisation. is then analysed and a number of factors established which influence the companies' choice of country to invest in, the mode of entry and the manner in which the overseas investments are managed.

由中外合資走向外商獨資 -以在中國之國際快遞業為例 / From IJVs to WFOE: World Express Enterprises in China

徐崇寶, Hsu,Chung Pao Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於中國政府相關政策限制或是中國市場獨特的機會和風險,合資企業(Joint Ventures,JV)一直是外商直接投資中國相當重要的一種形式。就實務上而言,在企業的國際化過程中,廠商經常為因應快速的技術創新與市場的全球化,或為降低風險、規避地主國政府限制、學習等因素,而與地主國之企業合作,其中國際合資(International Joint Ventures, IJVs)模式是最直接、最密切的合作形式,也是企業國際化時,最常採用的海外進入模式之一。 近年來,外商對華直接投資中獨資企業比重大幅上升,或併購中外合資企業中方資產、轉化為外商獨資企業或外商控股企業的案例迅速增加,外資對華投資的獨資化逐漸成為趨勢。外商為了獲得高利潤,基於制度變遷、資源依賴程度、企業的控制力、交易成本等方面的考慮,會傾向選擇獨資化的投資方式(李維安,李寶權,2003)。因此衍生出本研究之研究問題:「中外合資企業在中國運作多年後,何以外方能將合資公司轉變為外方100%獨資之公司?」 本研究試圖將IJVs形成目的、形成後階段與外資在中國合資企業中的獨資傾向做連結,嘗試去發掘是否因為一些預期或非預期因素,使得合資公司控制結構不平衡,進而造成於中國的中外合資公司獨資化現象。本研究將站在中方合夥人的角度,分析中外合資企業不穩定性的原因。 透過企業訪談及資料收集研究後,本研究整理出一些因素,這些因素有利於去解釋外商將它們與地主國企業之合資公司轉變為外商全資子公司的可能原因,解釋進入中國之後外商股權形式之轉變,另外也提供了獨資化現象的具體證據。 研究結果所討論的幾項外商獨資化因素因素: (一) 外方合資目的之達成 1. 政策開放 2. 已獲取當地市場知識 (二) 雙方資源貢獻不均 1. 外方提供關鍵技術 2. 外方之全球配銷系統所形成的獨佔力 (三) 外在環境開放對外方有利 1. 外在環境不確定性降低-地主國政策之改變 2. 產業競爭態勢之改變 (四) 夥伴關係不再重要 1. 中外雙方學習程度之不同 2. 外方逐漸降低對中方合資夥伴之依賴 上述任一項因素都會引起合資雙方談判力、雙方衝突及對合資夥伴之依賴程度發生變化,進而影響該合資公司之控制結構。 從本研究之個案就可以發現,因為上述幾項因素,隨著合資時間之增加,導致合資公司的中方雖然佔有跟外方相同的股份,卻會逐漸失去其在合資公司之相對談判力、擁有較低的合資公司管理控制程度。

O impacto da cultura organizacional na implementação de alianças estratégicas

Paschini, Selma Regina 06 July 1995 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:20:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 1995-07-06T00:00:00Z / Além da produção acadêmica, os especialistas em estratégia criam novas fórmulas para o aumento da competitividade, para o fim do planejamento estratégico, para a busca de vantagens competitivas, para estratégias alternativas de mercado, para a formação de alianças, para o estabelecimento de visões de futuro compartilhadas com os empregados e outros enfoques relativos ao assunto. As alianças estratégicas, justamente em função das mudanças decorrentes do novo cenário econômico mundial, da competitividade e das inúmeras Joint Ventures e outros tipos de alinaças que se concretizaram nas últimas duas dácadas, tem merecido especial atneção por parte dos estudiosos da estratégia empresarial

Gestão de empreendimentos econômicos solidários: um instrumento de qualificação lúdica

Paula, Sueli Carvalho Santana de 29 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-03-20T17:59:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 _Dissertacao_ Sueli C S de Paula_ 18.12.2014.pdf: 3590933 bytes, checksum: 8a75253443a16ae89a1cf9585df704eb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-03-23T21:36:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 _Dissertacao_ Sueli C S de Paula_ 18.12.2014.pdf: 3590933 bytes, checksum: 8a75253443a16ae89a1cf9585df704eb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-23T21:36:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 _Dissertacao_ Sueli C S de Paula_ 18.12.2014.pdf: 3590933 bytes, checksum: 8a75253443a16ae89a1cf9585df704eb (MD5) / Os empreendimentos solidários são avanços importantes para consolidação de uma nova economia, que tem, como alicerce, a busca de uma sociedade mais igualitária; apesar disto, enfrentam dificuldades na sua gestão. O objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um instrumento para qualificação da gestão desses tipos de empreendimentos ao apresentar um Jogo Educativo de Gestão. Espera-se que esta Tecnologia de Gestão Social (TGS) contribua para a profissionalização e sustentabilidade daqueles que fizerem uso. O instrumento proposto foi alicerçado em três referências teóricas: as características dos empreendimentos solidários de França Filho e Laville (2004); as dimensões da economia solidária de Andion (2005) e os Processos Gerenciais do Fayol (1990). Além destas referências teóricas, foram utilizadas as pesquisas junto a CULTUARTE e a Residência Social na AVIVE e na ASPAC. As considerações finais apontam que a utilização desse instrumento possibilitará o conhecimento sobre os vários aspectos da gestão de uma organização de forma lúdica e, com isto, facilitar o seu aprendizado por parte dos integrantes dos Empreendimentos Econômicos Solidários. The solidary enterprises are important advances for consolidating a new economy, which has as its foundation the search for a more egalitarian society, despite this, facing difficulties in their management. The aim of this study is to develop a tool for qualifying the management of these types of projects, resulting in an Educational Game Management. It is expected that Social Technology Management (TGS) contributes to the professionalization and sustainability of those who do use. The instrument was based on three theoretical frameworks: the characteristics of Solidarity Enterprises of França Filho e Laville (2004), the dimensions of the solidarity economy of Andion (2005) and the management processes Fayol (1990). Besides these theoretical references were used in the study the research with the CULTUARTE and Social Housing along the AVIVE and ASPAC. The conclusion shows that the use of this instrument will enable a thorough knowledge about the various aspects of managing an organization, in a playful manner, which can facilitate their learning by local members of the Solidarity Economic Enterprises.

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