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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding help-seeking behavior in college students of Mexican origin who are suffering from anxious and/or depressive symptoms

Aguirre, Fabian 18 July 2012 (has links)
This study sought to understand why college students of Mexican origin underutilize mental health services (i.e., university counseling services). Previous research has identified several potential reasons for the underutilization of mental health services by Mexican Americans. These reasons can be grouped into one of three categories: (1) negative attitudes toward mental illness and mental health services, (2) greater use of alternative, informal resources, and (3) barriers. To examine these factors in the context of help-seeking behavior, Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior (TPB) was used. The TPB assumes that the best predictor of a certain behavior is an individual’s intention to perform that specific behavior. This model includes three determinants of the intent to perform a certain behavior: (1) attitudes toward the behavior, (2) subjective normative beliefs about performing the behavior, and (3) perceived behavioral control of performing the behavior. The primary aim of this study was to examine the meditating effects of culture on the TPB and investigate the unique factors contributing to help-seeking behavior in college students of Mexican origin reporting anxious and/or depressive symptoms. Results showed that the TPB was effective in predicting help-seeking behavior, with attitudes and subjective normative beliefs as the strongest predictors. Acculturation and cultural values did not mediate the TPB model as originally predicted, however the TPB determinants differed in predictability between help-seekers and non help-seekers. Specifically, among help-seekers, attitudes predicted intent to seek psychological services; among non help-seekers, subjective normative beliefs predicted intent. Help-seekers also reported more ease than non help-seekers on a few of the steps toward help-seeking. Lastly, qualitative measures supported findings based on the TPB and provided additional support for the strong stigmatizing views among college students of Mexican origin. These findings suggest that non help-seekers are a complex group and other variables, such as acculturative stress, perceived social support, and screening participants on perceived symptom distress and impairment, need to be addressed. In addition, subjective normative beliefs need to be considered in the development of psychoeducational interventions which encourage seeking psychological services for individuals of Mexican origin experiencing significant anxious or depressive symptoms. / text

The effect of practitioner title and gender socialization on men's attitudes, stigma, and preferences for seeking help

McKelley, Ryan Andrew 11 September 2012 (has links)
Men’s underutilization of mental health services continues to be one of the most consistent findings in the help-seeking literature. Many scholars suggest that the culture of therapy may be at odds with masculine socialization and men who might be most in need of help are not seeking or receiving it. Interestingly, this aversion to seeking help is not reflected in the recent growth in the practice of executive coaching. However, no studies have investigated coaching as an alternative treatment option. The purpose of this study was to explore men’s attitudes and preferences about seeking professional help based on practitioner title (psychologist or executive coach), examine the stigma of seeking professional help based on intervention (therapy or executive coaching), and provide additional data on barriers to seeking help. It was hypothesized that men’s conformity to masculine norms would be related to attitudes, stigma, and preferences for seeking help in several important ways. First, most men would have more positive attitudes toward seeking help from executive coaching than therapy. Second, differences in attitudes would be most pronounced for more “traditional” men. Third, executive coaching was expected to be less stigmatizing than therapy. Finally, although men might view a psychologist as more expert and trustworthy, coaching would be a more attractive treatment option. Two-hundred-nine working adult men in the U.S. participated in the online study. After filling out demographic information and assessing their conformity to masculine norms and help-seeking attitudes, participants chose one of three audio vignettes depicting a man getting professional help for a work concern. Afterwards, their attitudes toward seeking help, evaluations of the session, and ratings of stigma for the vignette character were collected. Participants also listed reasons for and against seeking professional help. Results indicate that men in the study had similar help-seeking attitudes for therapy and executive coaching; however, conformity to masculine norms predicted stigma for seeking help, and therapy was viewed as the more stigmatizing intervention. Several interesting themes around reasons for and against seeking help for both modalities also emerged. Implications of the study, as well as limitations and directions for future research, are discussed. / text

Samuel Johnson's Rambler and the invention of self-help literature

Kinkade, John Steven 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Childhood temperament and adolescent personality : dispositional behavioural styles influencing help seeking behaviour

Spence, Ruth January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Socialinių paslaugų asmens namuose atvejų analizė / The case study of home help services

Vinikienė, Ramutė 14 January 2009 (has links)
Paslaugų namuose pagyvenusiems ir seniems žmonėms kokybės tyrimo aktualumą apsprendžia tai, kad šios paslaugos yra neatsiejama socialinių paslaugų infrastruktūros dalis, senstančioje visuomenėje. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti asmens namuose teikiamų socialinių paslaugų seniems žmonėms pobūdį ir trukmę socialinių paslaugų įstaigos (teikėjo) ir paslaugų gavėjo lygmenyse. Tyrimo objektas – socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų asmens namuose, pobūdis (turinys) ir trukmė. Uždaviniai: Atskleisti socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų asmens namuose, teorinius, teisinius ir organizacinius aspektus. Atskleisti socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų asmens namuose, turinio aspektus socialinių paslaugų įstaigos ir paslaugų gavėjo lygmenyse. Atskleisti socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų asmens namuose, trukmės aspektus socialinių paslaugų įstaigos ir paslaugų gavėjo lygmenyse. Siekiant atskleisti probleminius socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų asmens namuose teisinio reglamentavimo ir organizavimo klausimus, buvo pasirinktas kokybinis atvejų studijos tyrimas. Atvejo empirinę medžiagą sudarė organizacijoje vedami užrašai apie klientus (bylos), pokalbių su paslaugų gavėjais ir teikėjais išrašai. Tyrime dalyvavo dešimt asmenų, kuriems teikiamos socialinės priežiūros paslaugos vienoje iš įstaigų. Taip pat buvo kalbamasi su keturiomis lankomosios priežiūros darbuotojomis. Tyrimo duomenys buvo rinkti rugpjūčio – rugsėjo mėnesiais vienoje iš kaimiškųjų seniūnijų. Kiekvieno tyrime dalyvavusio paslaugų gavėjo situacija... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Home help services are integral part of the system of social services in the aging society. The aim of the study was to analyze the nature (content) and timescale of home help services for the elderly looking at service provider and service receiver levels. The object of the study was content and timescale of home help services. To achieve the aim were formulated four objectives: to disclose theoretical, legislative and organizational aspects of home help services for the elderly; to disclose the content of home help services at the agency level; to disclose content of services at receiver level; to disclose timescale of home help services at agency level; and to disclose timescale of home help services at services receivers‘ level. To achieve the goal was conducted qualitative research. The case study strategy was used. The case consisted from formal case records about services receivers at the agency, interviews with services provider’s and receivers. Ten services receivers and four providers participated in the study. Data were collected in August and September. The place of the study – agency which provides home help services in the rural area. Theme analysis was used to analyze text. Similarities and differences between cases were analyzed. The study disclosed that both: services providers and receivers emphasize the same aspects for content and timescale of home help services. The structure of family, age, health status and earlier life experience influences the content... [to full text]

The activities of the United Nations in housing, building and planning between 1945-76 /

Rajk, Laszlo January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

Help-seeking behavior in early childhood / Help-seeking behavior

Koulnazarian, Manouchak. January 2007 (has links)
In the literature on adults, there is an abundance of studies in which there are clear gender differences in the overt expression of vulnerability. Significantly more females than males have been found to express vulnerability. Similar findings have been reported in the adolescence literature, indicating that these gender differences begin much earlier than adulthood. However, the age at which these gender differences occur is not known because few studies have investigated these behaviors in early or middle childhood. The primary focus of this study was to determine if there are gender differences in young children's help-seeking behavior and at what age these differences emerge. The type of help children sought and the orientation of their statements were also examined. Sixty-four preschoolers and kindergarteners from lower and upper-middle socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds were engaged by 1 male or 1 female researcher on 4 non-sex-typed tasks. Key variables that were examined were the number of requests for help, latency to request help, types of request, and types of orientation. The results of this study revealed that, between 3 and 6 years of age, girls sought help more often and more rapidly than boys. Children from lower SES backgrounds sought significantly more help than children from upper-middle SES backgrounds. Similarly, preschoolers sought help more often and more rapidly than kindergarteners. Females made significantly more direct requests whereas males made significantly more references of having difficulty with the tasks. Furthermore, preschoolers made significantly more statements that were oriented to the experimenter and task. Lastly, the results revealed clear gender differences that emerge as early as 3 years of age. These findings are important because help-seeking behavior is related to achievement (Lee, 1997; Ryan, Patrick, & Shim, 2005). Therefore, training boys who are avoidant help-seekers to seek appropriate help as well as training psychologists, teachers, and parents to identify those who are avoidant help seekers may help children increase their academic performance and experience success in school.

What are the personal and cultural criteria of Indo-Canadian women in deciding to seek counselling help?

McLellan, Marla 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the decision-making process of Indo-Canadian women in seeking counselling help. Little research regarding help-seeking behaviours and attitudes of minority groups has been done in the area of counselling psychology. Even less attention has been given to the Indo-Canadian community. The aim of this study was to contribute to existing research through a contextual understanding of the influences on an Indo-Canadian woman whe/n faced with the decision to pursue counselling help. It was further intended to provide mental health services with information on ways of encouraging this cultural group to utilize the available help resources. This study used narrative and multiple case study methodology. Seven Indo-Canadian women, all having previously used mental health services, were interviewed. Interviews were then transcribed, and 'straightened' into individual narratives based on the unique story of each participant. Factors of hindrance and facilitation with regard to help-seeking were extracted from the narratives and then analyzed for commonalities. The transcripts and narratives were validated by an external examiner to ensure freedom from distortion and bias. Five of the seven stories along with the factors of hindrance and facilitation were further validated by the respective participants. In addition, an abstract story was constructed from the individual accounts. Findings extended the research through the identification of facilitating factors in the decision-making process of Indo-Canadian women in seeking counselling.

Socialinė pagalba moksleiviams sprendžiant mokyklos lankomumo problemas: Lietuvos ir Lenkijos lankomumo lyginamoji analizė / Social assistance for students solving problems for school attendance:the comparative analysis of school attendance in Lithuania and Poland

Savickaja, Aleksandra 16 August 2007 (has links)
Kiekvienos tautos gyvenime be galo svarbi vieta tenka mokyklai, žmonių išsilavinimo lygiui. Išsilavinimas reikalingas ne tik asmenybės ugdymui, bet ir valstybės gerovei užtikrinti. Švietimas - tai veikla, kuria siekiama suteikti asmeniui visaverčio savarankiško gyvenimo pagrindus ir padėti jam nuolat tobulinti savo gebėjimus. Sėkmingam vaikų mokymuisi didelę įtaką daro teisingas auklėjimas, visapusis tėvų bei visuomenės rūpinamasis vaikais. Dažniausia tėvai nori, kad jų vaikai sėkmingai mokytųsi mokykloje, daug pasiektų gyvenime, kad būtų savimi pasitikintys, patenkinti ir atsparūs gyvenimo mestiems iššūkiams. Mokymosi motyvaciją stiprina tėvai, mokykla bei glaudus tėvų, pedagogų ir mokyklos administracijos bendradarbiavimas. Į mokyklą vaikas patenka iš šeimos ir tai - jo antri namai, jo šeima. / The topic of the Master thesis is „ Social assistance for students solving problems of school attendance: the comparative analysis of school attendance in Lithuania and Poland“. The objective of this work is to investigate and to prove the importance of organizing social assistance in schools. The research was conducted using questionnaires and it is illustrated with diagrams. The aim of the research was to compare organizing social assistance in Lithuanian and Polish schools, to analyse documents and different forms of social assistance rendering in two countries. The educational – psychological characteristics of teenagers as well as the reasons of their being reluctant to study are also presented. The importance and the influence on improving the school attendance of social assistance are also analysed here. Students and teachers were given questionnaires with questions about the quality of relationskip among students and their classmates and students and teachers as well as the influence of harmful habits on the attendance of school. Questions about forms of cooperation among class teachers and parents were also included. The attendance of school in both countries is summarised and compared in the conclusion.

Terapinio profilio specializuotos ambulatorinės pagalbos prieinamumas miesto poliklinikoje / Accessability of therapeutic profile specialized ambulatory care in city outpatien clinic

Kameneckaitė, Indrė 12 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti pacientų požiūrį į terapinio profilio specializuotos ambulatorinės pagalbos prieinamumą VšĮ Kauno Dainavos poliklinikoje. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas – VšĮ Kauno Dainavos poliklinikos ambulatorinio kardiologinio, endokrinologinio, neurologinio konsultacinių skyrių pacientai. Tyrimo metodas – anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Nustatytas imties tūris 293 tyrimo atvejai. Išdalinta 600 anketų, atitinkamai kiekvienos srities specialistų pacientams po 200 anketų. Atsakymų dažnis buvo 76,7 proc. Duomenų analizė atlikta SPSS 16 versijos programiniu paketu. Rezultatai. Beveik du trečdaliai respondentų (65,9 proc.) pas specialistus pateko paskirtu laiku (kardiologo – 51,7 proc., endokrinologo – 82,8 proc., neurologo – 62,5 proc.). Nepatekusiems paskirtu laiku, prie kardiologo kabineto durų didesnė dalis respondentų laukė ilgiau nei prie endokrinologo bei neurologo kabinetų durų (46,5 proc.; 17,2 proc.; 36,3 proc.). Daugiau nei du trečdaliai respondentų (76,3 proc.) buvo visada informuojami apie sveikatos būklę, tyrimus, gydymo eigą (kardiologo pacientai – 66,2 proc., endokrinologo – 86,6 proc. bei neurologo – 75,7 proc.). Daugiausiai informacijos respondentai apie specialistų darbo laiką gavo iš registratūros darbuotojų (42,6 proc.) bei paskambinus telefonu (30,9 proc.), rečiau – iš šeimos gydytojo (7,4 proc.) ir interneto (0,2 proc.). Penktadaliui respondentų (18,7 proc.) teko papildomai mokėti už paslaugas: kardiologo pacientų – 35 proc., endokrinologo – 11... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate patients‘opinion on accessability of therapeutic profile specialized ambulatory care in outpatient clinic “Dainava”. Methods. Object of the research – patients of the neurologists‘, endocrinologists‘and cardiologists‘consultative department of outpatient clinic “Dainava”. Research method – anonymous questionnaire inquiry. Stated sample size – 293 research cases. 600 questionnaires were handed to respondents, accordingly over 200 questionnaires to patients of specialists of each field. The response rate was 76.7 %. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed using the SPSS v. 16 software package. Results. Two thirds of respondents (65.9 %) got to specialists on the appointed time (cardiologists’ – 51.7 %, endocrinologists’ – 82.8 %, neurologists’ – 62.5 %). These respondents who didn’t get to specialists on the appointed time, major part of cardiologists’ patients waited consultation at specialists’ door longer than endocrinologists’ and neurologists’ (46.5 %; 17.2 %; 36.3 %). More than two thirds of respondents (76.3 %) were always informed about their health condition, analysis, medical course (66.2 % patients of cardiologist, 86.6 % - of endocrinologist and 75.7 % - of neurologist). Mostly respondents got information about their consulting specialists’ work time from workers of registry (42.6 %) and by telephone call (30.9 %), more rarely – from family doctors (7.4 %) and internet (0.2 %). 1/5 of respondents (18.7 %) had to pay... [to full text]

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