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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zásady soukromého práva / The principles of private law

Čermák, Dalibor January 2012 (has links)
The Principles of Private Law In my thesis I occupied myself mainly with representative principles that master private law and that should lead to the implementation of the idea of justice as an ultimate goal of a legal set of rules in general. Despite of Sisyphean character of this task and impossibility of reaching it, there is nothing that can discourage from trying it again and again. I would like to admit that this attempt was at least ambitious and meaningful. Inability of perfect recognition "an sich" turns attention into extralegal sources of information, such as ethics, political sciences, sociology, economy and the head of all sciences - philosophy. This thesis also reflects intuitive approach to the principles of private law as a result of dependency on my personal preferences and cited sources and their authors (which also reflects my own disposition). The main issue was a function of the principles of private law in the normative set of rules. These principles make an important place in the normative set of rules as they form its limits. We can hardly imagine its "commission" without such principles of private law. They protect the integrity and the compactness, because Czech private law is nowadays extremely heterogeneous complex of rules. According to the restriction mentioned in the...

La réception de règles de droit exogènes : l’exemple de la mise en jeu de la responsabilité sans faute de l’Etat du fait de ses actes normatifs en France et aux Pays-Bas / The reception of exogenous rules of law : the example of the implementation of the no-fault liability of the State as a result of its normative acts in France and the Netherlands

Armbruster, Néda 05 December 2012 (has links)
L'objectif est d'analyser la jonction des principes généraux du droit au niveau européen. cette étude se limite aux principes généraux du droit à ces deux cultures juridiques, soit aux principes admis par la jurisprudence et s'imposant à l'administration et à ses rapports avec les particuliers. il s'agira ainsi de répondre à plusieurs questions dont : les principes généraux du droit tendent-ils réellement à converger ? faut-il déceler une uniformisation du droit sous l'influence des principes généraux de droits européens ou cela permet-il de mettre en avant que certains principes sont <<universels>> ? dans le cas contraire pourquoi certains principes restent-ils propres à certains systèmes juridiques ? ne faut-il pas voir dans les droits européens la possibilité de s'enrichir des principes généraux des droits d'origine extranationale ? mais également de partager les principes généraux du droit français ? /... / The aim is to analyze the junction of general principles of law at European level. this study is limited to the general principles of the right to these two legal cultures, to the principles accepted by the jurisprudence and imposing itself on the administration and its relations with individuals. it will thus be necessary to answer several questions, including: do general principles of law really tend to converge? Is it necessary to detect a uniformity of law under the influence of the general principles of European rights or does it make it possible to emphasize that certain principles are "universal"? if not, why do certain principles remain specific to certain legal systems? should we not see in European rights the possibility of enriched by the general principles of rights of extranational origin? but also to share the general principles of French law? / ...

Política urbana e princípios de direito urbanístico: repercussões no Estado contemporâneo / Urban politics and principles of town planning right: trepercussions in the contemporary state.

Bruno Filho, Fernando Guilherme 03 June 2013 (has links)
Em qualquer sistema de normas que se procura estabelecer ou interpretar é decisivo o papel dos princípios jurídicos, seja para dar coerência às relações que se estabelecem entre essas normas, seja principalmente para interpretá-las de maneira afinada com os objetivos que delas se esperam. Isso faz ainda mais sentido quando o sistema de normas está fadado pela própria Constituição a promover transformações de realidades indesejadas, como a pobreza e a marginalização, pois está-se então diante de valores caros à comunidade. O direito urbanístico tem justamente a função de tornar mais efetiva a política urbana, escolhida pela Constituição como o instrumento para ordenar o pleno desenvolvimento das funções sociais da cidade e garantir o bem-estar de seus habitantes. Identificar os princípios de direito urbanístico é uma forma de colaborar nessa tarefa. O trabalho parte da constatação de que muitos dos planos diretores municipais foram aprovados ou estão sendo aplicados de maneira insuficiente para fazer frente aos problemas específicos de cada município, especialmente se considerada a complexidade das pressões que atuam na expansão ou na reconfiguração das cidades brasileiras, e a compreensão dos princípios de direito urbanístico podem dar argumentos para evitar que isso ocorra. Pretende então debater e posicionar adequadamente as visões acerca de o que seja a política urbana e também do estágio atual de desenvolvimento do direito urbanístico, considerando especialmente os conceitos de função social da cidade e de função social da propriedade imóvel urbana, analisando a evolução mais recente da legislação que deve dar concretude a eles, partindo do Estatuto da Cidade (Lei 10.257/2001), mas avançando para as leis nacionais que dispõem sobre setores específicos, como o parcelamento do solo e a regularização fundiária, o saneamento e a gestão de resíduos sólidos, a mobilidade urbana e a prevenção de desastres. Em seguida, estabelece um quadro sintético das teorias e das ações que configuraram o urbanismo contemporâneo, desde o final do século XIX até propostas mais recentes e que vão além do uso e ocupação do solo, com ênfase nos movimentos da reforma urbana e do planejamento estratégico de cidades. Insere para discussão aspectos considerados decisivos à reflexão atual sobre as cidades, quais sejam, as crises econômicas e seus efeitos, os problemas ambientais globais e o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e os novos usos possíveis da tecnologia da informação. Adentra na teoria dos princípios de direito, buscando identificar seus fundamentos e as consequências para a interpretação jurídica. Por fim, examina mais detidamente certas questões relacionadas ao direito urbanístico (as diretrizes da política urbana e os planos diretores) e apresenta uma proposta de princípios que orientam esse sistema de normas. / The role of the legal principles is crucial in any regulatory system that seeks to interpret or to establish to give coherence to the relations established between these rules or mainly to accurately interpret them according to the goals expected. This makes even more sense when the regulatory system is fated by its own Constitution to promote change of unwanted realities such as poverty and marginalisation because one would be facing expensive values to the community. The urban law has, therefore, the goal to make urban policy more effective since it was chosen by the Constitution to be the tool to order the full development of the citys social functions and assure the well-being of its inhabitants. To identify the urban law is a way to collaborate with such task. This piece of work is based on the finding that many of the approved municipal master plans or the ones that are being conducted are not really being able to deal with the specific problems of each municipal government, especially if considering the complexity of pressures in the expansion or redesign of Brazilian cities. The comprehension of the urban law principles could provide arguments to avoid this situation. It seeks, therefore, to debate and adequately place the ideas about the real meaning of the urban policy and of the actual urban laws state of development. It especially considers the concepts of the citys social function and the social function of the urban property analysing the recent evolution of the subjects core legislation, starting from the City Statute (Estatuto da Cidade - Law 10.257/2001), but advancing to the national law regarding specific sectors such as the division of land and land reform, sanitation, solid waste management, urban mobility and disaster prevention. Then, a brief frame of theories and actions that have shaped the actual urbanism from the end of the 19th century to today will be established going beyond land use and occupation, emphasising on the urban reform and municipal strategic planning manifestations. Crucial aspects are brought to a more recent discussion about cities, economic crisis and its effects, global environmental problems and the concept of sustainable development and the new possible uses of information technology. The Legal Principles Theory is referred seeking to identify its basis and consequences for the legal interpretation. Finally some questions related to urban law will be carefully debated (the guidelines of urban policies and master plans) and a proposal of principles to guide this system of norms will be presented.

Teisės principų samprata ir jos įtvirtinimas konstitucinėje jurisprudencijoje / The Concept of Principles of Law and its Consolidation in Constitutional Jurisprudence

Jankauskas, Kęstutis 17 October 2005 (has links)
The problem at issue and importance of the topic The subject at issue is specified in essence in the title of the thesis, it is the principles of law, their theoretical concept and consolidation of this concept in legal practice, i.e. constitutional jurisprudence. The elements of the concept of the principles of law are considered to be: a general theoretical definition of the principles, a linguistic notion of the principles of law, the basic features of their expression in a legal text, the role and meaning of the principles of law in the general system of standards of perfect behaviour, which are attributed to law, as well as functions of the principles of law in the legal process, and the features of and differences between interpretation of standards of direct and indirect regulatory effect on social relations and behaviour of abstract type, in comparison to ordinary norms of law. The realities of legal life, especially the activity of the constitutional and administrative control institutions, as well as powers of the courts of general jurisdiction to question the constitutionality of acts of positive law, determine the fact that entities of legal relations can direct and must direct their own behaviour and that of others not only by taking into consideration the standards of behaviour, which are traditionally entrenched in primary sources of law, the normative legal acts adopted by the law-maker and/or other authorised law-making entities, but taking into... [to full text]

A igualdade e a proteção ao trabalhador hipossuficiente sob a égide da proporcionalidade

Santos, Dartagnan Ferrer dos January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a relação entre os princípios da isonomia e da proteção ao trabalhador, examinando como ambos atuam para efetivar ou não a igualdade material entre empregador e empregado. Parte-se de uma contextualização histórica e científica do debate. A seguir será estudado o conceito de princípio do direito, analisando-se três deles: a igualdade, a proporcionalidade e a proteção ao trabalhador. Então, será averiguado se a isonomia e a norma protetora são complementares ou contraditórias, bem como a possível existência de um quantum justo de tutela a se conferir ao ―hipossuficiente‖ em cada caso concreto, procedimento esse que teria como fim igualar os polos da relação laboral – acaso não seja assim, a proteção a ser concedida será invariável. A metodologia usada será a pesquisa bibliográfica e, eventualmente, jurisprudencial, com um enfoque primordialmente dogmático, mas também zetético e interdisciplinar. Para o exame dessas questões – bem como para respondê-las -, seguir-se-á principalmente os chamados ―neoconstitucionalismo‖ e o ―pós-positivismo‖ naquela vertente liderada por Robert Alexy. Ao final, serão apresentadas conclusões no sentido de ser ou não possíveis a adoção do princípio da proporcionalidade para ponderar igualdade e proteção ao trabalhador, equiparando-se assim as partes em justa medida na busca pela Justiça. / This study analyses the relationship between the principles of legal equality and worker protection, examining how both operate to effect or otherwise the material equality between employer and employee. It starts from an historical and scientific contextualization of the debate and then moves on to study the concept of the principles of law, analyzing three of them: equality, proportionality and worker protection. Then it will examine whether equality under the law and protection regulations are complementary or contradictory, together with the possible existence of fair portion of protection which would provide the ―disadvantaged ― in each case with a procedure aimed at equalizing the opposing positions in the labour relationship - otherwise, it would be an unvarying protection. The method will employ bibliographical and juridical research, which is primarily focused on the strictly legal, but is also zetetic and interdisciplinary. Examination of these questions, together with responses to them, will principally follow the ―neo-constitutionalism‖ and ―post-positivism‖ of the approach propounded by Robert Alexy. Finally, it will present conclusions about whether or not it is possible to adopt the principle of proportionality in consideration of worker protection and equality, thus equalizing the parties in the fair pursuit of justice.

A igualdade e a proteção ao trabalhador hipossuficiente sob a égide da proporcionalidade

Santos, Dartagnan Ferrer dos January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a relação entre os princípios da isonomia e da proteção ao trabalhador, examinando como ambos atuam para efetivar ou não a igualdade material entre empregador e empregado. Parte-se de uma contextualização histórica e científica do debate. A seguir será estudado o conceito de princípio do direito, analisando-se três deles: a igualdade, a proporcionalidade e a proteção ao trabalhador. Então, será averiguado se a isonomia e a norma protetora são complementares ou contraditórias, bem como a possível existência de um quantum justo de tutela a se conferir ao ―hipossuficiente‖ em cada caso concreto, procedimento esse que teria como fim igualar os polos da relação laboral – acaso não seja assim, a proteção a ser concedida será invariável. A metodologia usada será a pesquisa bibliográfica e, eventualmente, jurisprudencial, com um enfoque primordialmente dogmático, mas também zetético e interdisciplinar. Para o exame dessas questões – bem como para respondê-las -, seguir-se-á principalmente os chamados ―neoconstitucionalismo‖ e o ―pós-positivismo‖ naquela vertente liderada por Robert Alexy. Ao final, serão apresentadas conclusões no sentido de ser ou não possíveis a adoção do princípio da proporcionalidade para ponderar igualdade e proteção ao trabalhador, equiparando-se assim as partes em justa medida na busca pela Justiça. / This study analyses the relationship between the principles of legal equality and worker protection, examining how both operate to effect or otherwise the material equality between employer and employee. It starts from an historical and scientific contextualization of the debate and then moves on to study the concept of the principles of law, analyzing three of them: equality, proportionality and worker protection. Then it will examine whether equality under the law and protection regulations are complementary or contradictory, together with the possible existence of fair portion of protection which would provide the ―disadvantaged ― in each case with a procedure aimed at equalizing the opposing positions in the labour relationship - otherwise, it would be an unvarying protection. The method will employ bibliographical and juridical research, which is primarily focused on the strictly legal, but is also zetetic and interdisciplinary. Examination of these questions, together with responses to them, will principally follow the ―neo-constitutionalism‖ and ―post-positivism‖ of the approach propounded by Robert Alexy. Finally, it will present conclusions about whether or not it is possible to adopt the principle of proportionality in consideration of worker protection and equality, thus equalizing the parties in the fair pursuit of justice.

A igualdade e a proteção ao trabalhador hipossuficiente sob a égide da proporcionalidade

Santos, Dartagnan Ferrer dos January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a relação entre os princípios da isonomia e da proteção ao trabalhador, examinando como ambos atuam para efetivar ou não a igualdade material entre empregador e empregado. Parte-se de uma contextualização histórica e científica do debate. A seguir será estudado o conceito de princípio do direito, analisando-se três deles: a igualdade, a proporcionalidade e a proteção ao trabalhador. Então, será averiguado se a isonomia e a norma protetora são complementares ou contraditórias, bem como a possível existência de um quantum justo de tutela a se conferir ao ―hipossuficiente‖ em cada caso concreto, procedimento esse que teria como fim igualar os polos da relação laboral – acaso não seja assim, a proteção a ser concedida será invariável. A metodologia usada será a pesquisa bibliográfica e, eventualmente, jurisprudencial, com um enfoque primordialmente dogmático, mas também zetético e interdisciplinar. Para o exame dessas questões – bem como para respondê-las -, seguir-se-á principalmente os chamados ―neoconstitucionalismo‖ e o ―pós-positivismo‖ naquela vertente liderada por Robert Alexy. Ao final, serão apresentadas conclusões no sentido de ser ou não possíveis a adoção do princípio da proporcionalidade para ponderar igualdade e proteção ao trabalhador, equiparando-se assim as partes em justa medida na busca pela Justiça. / This study analyses the relationship between the principles of legal equality and worker protection, examining how both operate to effect or otherwise the material equality between employer and employee. It starts from an historical and scientific contextualization of the debate and then moves on to study the concept of the principles of law, analyzing three of them: equality, proportionality and worker protection. Then it will examine whether equality under the law and protection regulations are complementary or contradictory, together with the possible existence of fair portion of protection which would provide the ―disadvantaged ― in each case with a procedure aimed at equalizing the opposing positions in the labour relationship - otherwise, it would be an unvarying protection. The method will employ bibliographical and juridical research, which is primarily focused on the strictly legal, but is also zetetic and interdisciplinary. Examination of these questions, together with responses to them, will principally follow the ―neo-constitutionalism‖ and ―post-positivism‖ of the approach propounded by Robert Alexy. Finally, it will present conclusions about whether or not it is possible to adopt the principle of proportionality in consideration of worker protection and equality, thus equalizing the parties in the fair pursuit of justice.

The impact of implied constitutional principles on fundamental rights adjudication in common law jurisdictions

Wheatle, Se-shauna Monique January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the roles played by implied constitutional principles in fundamental rights cases in the common law jurisdictions of Canada, Australia, the Commonwealth Caribbean, and the United Kingdom. The two principles selected for this research are the separation of powers and the rule of law, both of which are relied upon in courts in common law states. The thesis examines the types of cases in which such principles are used, the possible reasons for the appeal of these principles, and the functions that they play in fundamental rights adjudication. The thesis begins with a brief discussion of the applications of the rule of law and the separation of powers, outlining the content of these principles as applied by the courts. However, the bulk of the analysis throughout the thesis is concerned with a thematic study of the functions played by the principles. It is argued that the principles are used as interpretative aids, as independent grounds for invalidating legislation, and as gateways to comparative legal analysis. The thesis ends by showing the necessary preliminary work that must be undertaken in order to engage in a thorough normative analysis of the use of implied principles in rights adjudication. Throughout the thesis, several themes are identified as key to our understanding of the functions played by implied principles in the cases discussed. One such theme is legitimization, specifically the role the principles play in the attempt to legitimize arguments, state institutions (particularly the courts), and the state itself. The theme of institutional self-protection also arises; it is evident in the use of principles to protect the jurisdictional sphere of the courts. The analysis of the operation of implied constitutional principles also highlights the legacy of Empire and the deployment of traditional principles to signal the maintenance of democratic traditions and institutions.

Spolupracující obviněný / Cooperating defendant

Musilová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the institute of Cooperating defendant. In particular, it focuses on its relation to the basic principles governing the Czech criminal proceedings, as well as selected aspects of its legal regulations. The institute of cooperating defendant has been in legal force since January 2010. Its legal regulation may be found in the legal provision 178a of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Criminal Code contains substantive legal provisions defining the consequences related to the attainment of the cooperating defendant designation. Such consequences especially include the exceptional reduction of the length of imprisonment or even complete waiver of any sort of punishment. The institute is typically used as a tool to fight organized crime. The institute has its roots in the common law legal system from which a lot of European countries have been importing many other legal institutes, especially in the last three decades, to speed up criminal proccedings, help solve the lack of evidence and fight against organized crime which poses a threat to the society as well as the democratic state. The import of legal institutes that are otherwise typical for the common law system, however, poses many obstacles, especially because the criminal proceedings of the continental legal...

Ekologie a právo / Ecology and Law

Frommová, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the relation between ecology and law. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One is introductory and defines the term ecology. Chapter Two focuses on law and its role in ecology. Chapter Three explains the importance of principles as the unifying elements of legal regulation. Chapter Four investigates the chosen principles of law intrinsic to environmental protection. Chapter Five describes the practical apllication of the Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control approach and endeavours for evaluation of its contribution to environmental protection.

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