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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Fashion : A Generation Z Perspective

Mahrs, Madeleine, Berthem, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Background: Increased awareness of the climate crisis leads to sustainability becoming moreimportant to many people as the actions made today will have a large impact on futuregenerations. Generation Z is soon to be the largest consumer group globally, where most peopleare interested in implementing sustainable lifestyles. Gen Z will soon hold a powerful positionas fashion consumers and has the ability to drive positive changes for societies globally. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to study consumer attitudes and behaviour towardspurchasing sustainable fashion products on the Swedish market. The group aimed to be studiedincludes people over the age of 18 in Sweden that belong to generational cohort Z. Method: The method used for this research is exploratory, taking on an inductive approachand collecting qualitative data through 10 semi-structured interviews with people between theages of 18-27 in Sweden. The findings from the data emerged from thematic analysis. Conclusion: The results show that there is a genuine concern for the climate and the future ofthe planet among the cohort, which also has an impact on the attitude. Despite the positiveattitude towards purchasing sustainable fashion products, there is an existing gap between thepositive attitude and consumer behaviour. The accumulated value from factors such as price,style, and availability is often higher than the sole value of an item’s sustainability factor.

Financial anxiety and saving intentions during the Covid-19 crisis : A comparison between Sweden and Serbia

Trkulja, Ivana, Tadic, Luka January 2021 (has links)
The Covid-19 crisis disrupted consumer behaviour in many ways and created financial challenges for the majority of people. This led to increased levels of financial anxiety, especially among young adults. The purpose of this study was to explain the influence of Covid-19 induced financial anxiety on the saving intentions of millennials. This study was based on the Theory of PlannedBehaviour, which we extended with an additional variable – financial anxiety. Additionally, the aim was to compare how this financial anxiety manifests in terms of saving intention in two different countries, Sweden and Serbia. A quantitative study was conducted, using an online survey. Data collection was carried out between April and May 2021. The non-probabilistic, snowball sampling method was utilized together with posting the survey on different Facebook groups, which resulted in 150 usable responses in Serbia and 131 in Sweden. The findings of this study suggest that financial anxiety negatively influences saving intentions in both countries. Moreover, financial anxiety had a negative impact on three out of four components (attitude to saving, perceived behavioural control to saving, personal saving intention) of the Theory of planned Behavior. Attitude towards saving is found to be the strongest predictor for the intention to save followed by perceived behavioural control. Subjective norms had the least predictive power, especially in Serbia where they failed to predict personal saving intention.

Looking Good and Feeling Green : Exploring drivers and barriers to sustainability initiatives in Swedish fashion SMEs

Avi, Doreen, Kallur, Martin January 2021 (has links)
With growing concern around the fashion industry’s socio-environmental impact, the industry has come under intense scrutiny by researchers as well as stakeholders. Research on the industry’s negative impact has focused largely on large, international enterprises, failing to recognize the role of small and medium enterprises. This thesis explores drivers and barriers to the commitment to sustainability initiatives among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Swedish fashion industry. To achieve the aim of the study, semi-structured interviews with SME owner-managers from 11 Swedish small fashion brands were conducted. The data was analyzed using an extended theory of planned behaviour framework.  The study findings identified the influence of customer expectations and market opportunities as drivers while highlighting the role of pro-sustainability ethical values as the most prevalent driver to commitment to sustainability initiatives. Important barriers included lack of resources, supply chain challenges and the challenges of overcoming the dominance of fast fashion consumer behaviours. Despite these barriers, the importance of pro-sustainability ethics was underscored in its potential to overcome many of these barriers.

The Intention of Consumers to Engage in Digital Food Sharing Platforms : An Analysis and Investigation of the Behavioural Intention from a Consumer Perspective by Extending the Theory of Planned Behaviour

Rösing, Tim, Sadrijaj, Fatlum January 2021 (has links)
The sharing economy, which has been receiving significant attention from research due to its unprecedented growth in the recent past, is being seen as a potential driving force to transform and rethink society’s unsustainable approach to consumption. Especially, the concept of food sharing as part of the sharing economy is being considered as essential for a more sustainable world and thus aims at counteracting the unsustainable consumption behaviour of individuals. Even though the importance of food sharing concepts for society is undisputed, academia lags extensive research of this domain from a consumer perspective.  The aim of this study is to investigate the behavioural intention of consumers to engage and use digital, for profit food sharing platforms in a business to consumer setting to obtain an in-depth understanding of the key determinants by extending the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Additionally, a cross-cultural comparison has been undertaken to acknowledge the international importance of this field.  For the purpose of data collection, an online survey has been conducted. This yielded 4353 responses of which 2995 have been taken into account for the data analysis procedures in SPSS and SmartPLS. The software SmartPLS has been utilized to perform a partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) assessing the measurement as well as structural model including the testing of the proposed hypotheses. Additionally, a multigroup analysis has been performed to investigate behavioural differences between cultures.  The empirical findings show that perceived usefulness and attitude are the strongest predictors of the behavioural intention followed by perceived behavioural control, economic benefit as well as subjective norm. Moreover, the attitude of consumers is strongly driven by sustainable considerations and the perceived trust of consumers towards digital food sharing platforms. Lastly, no statistically significant moderating effect could be identified with regards to culture.

Nudging som påverkansteknik : Tillräckligt för att ändra attityd och intention till kollektivpendling?

Mäkelä, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Nudging påverkar människors val utan att begränsa deras valfrihet, vid varje valtillfälle existerar olika strukturer som påverkar valet, en valarkitektur som är möjlig att utforma för att främja specifika val. Den aktuella studien undersökte om nudging kan användas som påverkansteknik för attityd- och intention förändringar till kollektiv pendling hos bil- och icke-bilpendlare. Av svarande var 44 kvinnor och 7 män. Detta genomfördes med hjälp av en enkät utformat utifrån Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), som syftar till att förklara mänskligt beteende, samt Generalised Attitude Measure (GAM). Data analyserades med 2x2 ANOVA, attityd och intention relaterades till valet av primärt färdmedel samt före och efter nudgingen. Resultatet visade endast en signifikant skillnad, icke-bilpendlare hade en större intention till att pendla kollektivt jämfört med bilpendlare. Detta kan till största del bero på att ickebilpendlare redan innehar ett beteende att pendla kollektivt och därav intention. Undersökningen väcker frågor om framgången av enskilda påverkanstekniker.

Attityder som determinant för hälsosamma kostvanor : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie om universitetsstudenters attityder till hälsosamma kostvanor och kostråd, i relation till kön och intag

Heikinniemi, Arvid, Lindblom, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kostvanor kan orsaka ohälsa genom icke-smittsamma sjukdomar. Utifrån Sveriges nationella kostråd är fördelningen av hälsosamma kostvanor mellan män och kvinnor inte jämnt uppdelad. Kvinnor har mer hälsosamma kostvanor än män, vilket uppmärksammas i flera målgrupper. Enligt Theory of planned behaviour är attityder en determinant som styr hur kostvanor utformas. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka studenters attityder till hälsosamma kostvanor och de nationella kostråden samt jämföra det mellan män och kvinnor. Metod: Studien har använt en kvantitativ ansats med en digital enkät av tvärsnittsdesign. Ett slumpmässigt urval har använts med totalt 70 respondenter. Deskriptiva analyser, Fishers exact test och Spearman’s Rho användes för att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna. Resultat: Majoriteten av respondenterna hade positiva attityder till respektive indikator och kostråden, men inte hos socker. En signifikant skillnad fanns enbart mellan män och kvinnor i attityder till frukt och grönsaker och dess kostråd, där flera kvinnor hade positiva attityder. Samband fanns mellan samtliga intag och attityder, men inte hos attityden till kostrådet för socker. Slutsatser: Studenter hade övervägande positiva attityder, och hälften uppnådde kostrekommendationerna. Socker var en indikator med mer negativa attityder och fler studenter som hade en överkonsumtion. Mellan män och kvinnor fanns fåtal signifikanta skillnader i attityder till indikatorerna och kostråden. Det finns ett samband mellan attityder och intag.

The consumer attitude towards AI in marketing : An experimental study of consumers attitudes and purchase intention

Eickhoff, Frida, Zhevak, Leonid January 2023 (has links)
The use of AI has developed during the recent decades, and the application of it within different markets is continually growing. The application of it within marketing comes with different benefits that allow businesses to engage with the consumer and build a stronger relationship. The more AI is becoming applied in marketing, the more important it is to understand the consumers attitude towards its usage and effect of it on consumer purchase intention. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of consumer attitudes towards AI- generated content within email marketing on purchasing intention. Theory of planned behavior and diffusion of innovations theory are applied to formulate the hypotheses. The research was conducted using a quantitative method in an experimental context. An online survey divided into two parts was developed and distributed to participants in Sweden in ages from 18 and above. A total of 114 respondents were recorded in the first survey and of those, 71 respondents were recorded in the second survey. The data was then analyzed in SPSS. The results from the survey showed the element of compatibility within the theory of diffusion of innovation having a significant and positive effect on consumers attitude towards AI-usage in marketing. The relationship between the observability element and attitude was found to be non-significant. Additionally, no significant difference was found when comparing the experimental group and the control group. Lastly, attitude towards AI was found to have a significant and positive effect on purchasing intention in the experimental group.

Information transparency design : Supporting sustainable consumer behaviour in the clothing industry

Börjesson, Erika January 2023 (has links)
Digital technologies can be used to provide consumers in the clothing industry with information in a transparent way that supports sustainable consumer behaviour. Consumers expect more information that can support their sustainable behaviour but have little trust in the information, thus introducing the consumer need for more information transparency in the clothing industry which is the subject of this research study. A qualitative interview study is used to explore consumer informational needs and sustainable consumer behaviour in the clothing industry by purchasing second-hand clothing or adopting a digital clothing sharing service. The theory of planned behaviour was applied in the construction of the study and in the thematic analysis to understand consumer behaviour. Findings show that information transparency can be designed to provide subjective relevance, social -, financial-, and temporal transparency and information accessibility to support sustainable consumer behaviour in the clothing industry because it increases trust, understandability and accessibility. The study contributes with knowledge of additional dimensions for information transparency and particularly to service research by showing that consumers need information transparency to promote a collaborative relation between consumers and companies.

Targeting Plastic Recycling Intentions : Insights from a Community-Based Social Marketing Approach

Dagarp, Veronica, Svensson, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Mitigating the negative environmental impact of plastics is an important part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite plastics having great recycling potential, it is the waste fraction with the lowest recycling rate in Sweden (with 33% being recycled). Hence, efforts must be made to promote households' engagement in plastic recycling. Therefore, an informational campaign with the aim of increasing residents’ plastic recycling intentions was designed, using Community-Based Social Marketing. The campaign was made in collaboration with the real estate company Ikano Bostad, and was implemented in their residential area in Danderyd, Sweden. The campaign was running for 5 weeks and was designed and distributed as two posters, which addressed the context-specific barriers and enablers to plastic recycling among residents. To aid the design and evaluation of the campaign, the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) was applied for a deeper understanding of the underlying constructs of plastic recycling intentions. To measure the campaign's effectiveness, two questionnaires (one pre-campaign and one post-campaign) were distributed to the residents, consisting of 294 individuals, to obtain quantitative data about their intentions towards plastic recycling. The results did not show any empirical support for the campaign's effectiveness in increasing residents’ plastic recycling intentions. However, this study contributes important insights and recommendations for increasing future campaign effectiveness, such as highlighting the importance of empowering and motivating individuals and the benefits of conducting a profound pre-study before designing the campaign.

The mediating impact of monetary incentives : A study on consumers’ willingness to recycle sWEEE

Lindholm, Emil January 2022 (has links)
E-waste is a growing problem across the world. With a higher living standard comes an increase in electronic product usage and subsequently discarding, which leads to negative environmental and human impact when discarded incorrectly. This improper discarding of E-waste is most prevalent in the small equipment category. Based on earlier research on reducing improper disposal of E-waste and characteristics of inducing behavioural change, this study examines the mediating impact of monetary incentives on people's willingness to recycle small waste electrical and electronic equipment (sWEEE) through a deposit-refund system (DRS). The study uses an extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to examine the mediating effect of monetary incentives and aims to examine which of the influencing factors of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control has the biggest impact on willingness to recycle sWEEE using a DRS. Data was collected through a quantitative method with a survey that was shared on social media. A sample of 152 was realised and the data was analysed by means of structural equation modelling, employing a partial least squares method using SmartPLS. The results showed that attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control did not have a significant impact on willingness to recycle sWEEE using a DRS. Furthermore, the mediating effect of monetary incentives showed that monetary incentives decrease willingness to recycle, which in turn impacts recycling behaviour. As the results are contrary to extant research, the findings warrant further research into the area.

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