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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problems in the Design and Implementation of GIS for Urban Green Development in Ghana

Owusu, Alex B. 03 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Activity-Based Target Acquisition Methods for Use in Urban Environments

Myles, Kimberly 06 August 2009 (has links)
Many military conflicts are fought in urban environments that subject the U.S. soldier to a number of challenges not otherwise found in traditional battle. In the urban environment, the soldier is subject to threatening attacks not only from the organized army but also from civilians who harbor hostility. U.S. enemies use the civilian crowd as an unconventional tactic to blend in and look like civilians, and in response to this growing trend, soldiers must detect and identify civilians as a threat or non-threat. To identify a civilian as a threat, soldiers must familiarize themselves with behavioral cues that implicate threatening individuals. This study elicited expert strategies regarding how to use nonverbal cues to detect a threat and evaluated the best medium for distinguishing a threat from a non-threat to develop a training guide of heuristics for training novices (i.e., soldiers) in the threat detection domain. Forty experts from the threat detection domain were interviewed to obtain strategies regarding how to use nonverbal cues to detect a threat (Phase 1). The use of nonverbal cues in context and learning from intuitive individuals in the domain stood out as strategies that would promote the efficient use of nonverbal cues in detecting a threat. A new group of 14 experts judged scenarios presented in two media (visual, written) (Phase 2). Expert detection accuracy rates of 61% for the visual medium and 56% for the written medium were not significantly different, F (1, 13) = .44, p = .52. For Phase 3 of the study, a training development guide of heuristics was developed and eight different experts in the threat detection domain subjectively rated the heuristics for their importance and relevance in training novices. Nine heuristics were included in the training guide, and overall, experts gave all heuristics consistently high ratings for importance and relevance. The results of this study can be used to improve accuracy rates in the threat detection domain and other populations: 1) the soldier, 2) the average U.S. citizen, and 3) employees of the Transportation Security Administration. / Ph. D.

The 'construction' of landscape : a case study of the Otago Peninsula, Aotearoa / New Zealand

Read, Marion January 2005 (has links)
This project has sought to answer the question 'How is landscape made?’ by examining the landscape of the Otago Peninsula on the east coast of the South Island of Aotearoa/New Zealand. By taking a social constructionist approach, an in depth case study has been completed using ethnographic methods combined with discourse analysis. The theoretical framework adopted led to the research question being refined and divided into two parts. The first seeks to determine the discourses that construct the landscape of the Otago Peninsula. Those identified include discourses of Mana Whenua, agriculture, environmentalism, gardening, heritage, neo-liberalism and the picturesque. These discourses interact and resist one another through networks of power. Thus the second part of the research question seeks to understand these networks and the distributions of power through them. The agricultural discourse is the most powerful, albeit under strong challenge from the environmental discourse and from the impacts of neo-liberalism. Mana Whenua discourses have gained significant power in recent decades, but their influence is tenuous. The picturesque discourse has significant power and has been utilised as a key tool in District planning in the area. Thus, the landscape is seen to be made by the dynamic interactions of discourses. This has two consequences, the first, an emphasising of the dynamism of the landscape - it is a process which is under constant flux as a consequence of both the human interactions with and within it, and the biophysical processes which continue outside of human ken. The second consequence is to stress that the landscape is not a unitary object and that this needs to be recognised in the formulation of policy and landscape management.

'Your place and mine' : heritage management and a sense of place

Whittle, Joanne K. January 1993 (has links)
This study presents an analysis of human encounter with place. It examines the personal and cultural importance of an attachment to place, focusing on the reciprocal relationship between cultural heritage and a sense of place. Place is constructed out of mutual meanings between people and their environment. The study begins with an indepth look at the theory of place. In a series of heritage management case studies, the theory is applied in order to illustrate how meanings of place may be expressed. Place as a normative concept provides a role for resource managers in finding the meanings people associate with places, and in nurturing and enhancing these meanings. This involves the recognition of different values and 'stories' that are associated with place. Recognising these differences helps shift resource management away from the simplicity of grand narratives and totalizing discourses, towards a respect for intangible and multiple meanings in place. To a certain extent an understanding of place is already informing both natural and cultural management decisions in New Zealand, although this may not be explicitly recognised. To approach cultural heritage management from the perspective of place, however, challenges the current directions that heritage management is taking in this country. The study proposes a way of taking up that challenge, and concludes that the importance of place should not be overlooked.

Political culture and urban space in early Tudor London

Minson, Stuart James January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines political culture in London, 1500–1550, by looking at different forms of political communication between the civic government and the city’s inhabitants, and at how these acts were situated within the urban environment. Based on the records of the civic government, the body of the work is divided into two halves addressing those acts conducted by the authorities – proclamations, processions, public punishments – and those directed towards the civic government by others, such as petitions, libels, and seditious talk. The study of these acts reveals two important things: first, that they were not only pragmatic attempts to communicate information, but also performances designed either to construct or contest particular images of authority; secondly, that these performances were spatially structured and that the urban environment was an integral aspect of the city’s political culture. It is then demonstrated that, just as political communication was inherently performative and spatial, so the urban environment was itself a medium of political communication. These observations highlight the importance of political communication to an understanding of the city’s political culture as depicted in the historiography of early modern London. At the same time, recent scholarship on the later sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries has identified an increasingly distinctive culture in towns typified by attitudes to political authority as communal and contingent, and to social identity as performative and self-fashioned. In London in particular, historians have pointed to a radical transformation in the city’s political culture in reaction to dramatic urban growth after 1550. The spatial aspect of this, however, has been neglected. It is argued here that the inherently political nature of urban space and its communicative potential, already in existence, was integral to changing urban values and part of what made rapid change in London after 1550 a politically traumatic and transformative process.

Caractéristiques de l'environnement urbain associées au comportement d'injection à haut risque chez les utilisateurs de drogues injectables à Montréal

Généreux, Mélissa January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Experimental Navigation and the Creative Process

Engle, Teresa A 01 January 2005 (has links)
For this creative project, I am exploring alternate methods of navigating urban environments, and ways in which this activity can inspire creativity. This process is intended to create a new awareness of the urban landscape, break out of the prescribed, and to inspire innovation. The range of possibilities for this way of navigating is vast, and part of the challenge of my experience has been defining boundaries, assigning variables, and using strategies for exploration – making my process inherently morphological. I hope that my work here will encourage others to step out of their comfort zone and experience their environment in a new way.

Sistemas de lazer e violência urbana: estudo da relação no município de Piracicaba-SP / Public open spaces and urban violence: study of its relationship in the municipality of Piracicaba - SP

Freire, Helena Barone 01 June 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa traz evidências sobre a relação entre a oferta de sistemas de lazer e a violência urbana, envolvendo crianças e adolescentes, no município de Piracicaba, estado de São Paulo. Em uma primeira etapa, definiu-se uma área de estudo através de dados de procedência de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua, e de jovens infratores em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas, dados esses obtidos a partir de duas fontes indicadas pela Promotoria de Justiça da Infância e Juventude da Comarca de Piracicaba (projeto "Acolhimento à criança e ao adolescente em situação de rua" e organização não-governamental Serviço de Apoio ao Menor de Piracicaba - SEAME). Posteriormente, nessa área de estudo, analisou-se a disponibilidade e a situação atual dos sistemas de lazer à população local, e como tal, o Conjunto Habitacional Bosques do Lenheiro foi apontado para a realização desta pesquisa, por ser aquele de maior procedência de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua - 34,5% do total analisado - e de jovens infratores em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas - 9,2% do total analisado. Este loteamento de interesse social caracterizou-se por ser o mais pobre da Região Norte do município, bastante populoso e com alta concentração de jovens, já que a faixa etária de 0 a 20 anos de idade representa quase 55% da população. Não há sistemas de lazer efetivamente implantados disponíveis aos moradores. Nenhuma das dez áreas públicas destinadas a esse fim recebeu algum tipo de tratamento pela Prefeitura, e estavam todas abandonadas. De maneira geral, a situação da arborização no loteamento mostrou-se crítica: além dos já referidos sistemas de lazer não implantados, as áreas de preservação permanente também não receberam a devida atenção e a arborização de ruas era praticamente inexistente. A revisão bibliográfica realizada neste estudo apontou para uma relação realmente consistente entre arborização, lazer e redução da violência, não só em países do Hemisfério Norte, como no Brasil. Embora a oferta de arborização e lazer representasse apenas uma pequena parcela das carências observadas na área de estudo, a implantação de sistemas de lazer poderia contribuir para que esta se tornasse, ambiental e socialmente, um local melhor para se viver. / This research brings evidence of the relationship between the availability of public open spaces and urban violence involving children and teenagers in the municipality of Piracicaba, São Paulo state. To start with, a study area was defined according to two data sources on violence made available by the public prosecutor of the judicial district of Piracicaba (project "Shelter for children and teenagers in street situation" and nongovernmental organization Service Support to the Underage of Piracicaba - SEAME) that showed where the neighborhoods children and teenagers in street situation and young offenders under alternative judicial sentence come from in the municipality. These findings analyzed the availability and actual situation of public open spaces for the population residing in that area. The "Conjunto Habitacional Bosques do Lenheiro" was identified in this research as the study area because this is the place most of the children and teenagers in street situation - 34,5% of the total analyzed - and young offenders under alternative judicial sentence - 9,2% of the total analyzed - came from. This social interest allotment was characterized as the poorest place in the North region in the municipality, very populated and its residents since the age between 0 to 20 years old represents almost 55% of the population. It was found that no public open spaces had been made available for the population. The ten areas that the local government was supposed to deal with, were abandoned. In addition, urban forestry in this allotment was very low: beyond those not implanted public open spaces, the planting along the permanent preservation areas had not been implemented and street trees were almost nonexistent. The literature reviewed in this research showed a consistent relationship between urban forestry, leisure and violence reduction in the Northern Hemisphere countries and also in Brazil. The lack of urban forestry and leisure represents a very small part of the privation observed in the study area, but the availability of public open spaces might turn it into an environmentally and socially a more supportive place to live.

Sobre a produção de bens e males nas cidades : estrutura urbana e cenários de risco à saúde em áreas contaminadas da região metropolitana de São Paulo / On goods and harms production in the cities: urban structure and health risk scenarios in contaminated areas of São Paulo Metropolitan Region.

Valentim, Luis Sergio Ozorio 17 May 2010 (has links)
Nos primeiros anos de 2000, as áreas contaminadas emergiram como motivo de preocupação para a sociedade paulista, configurando-se como problema de ordem ambiental, sanitária e urbanística. Para além do factual, as áreas contaminadas se mostram fenômenos representativos e simbólicos de um modo histórico de produção e reprodução do capital de bases urbanas e fabris. Elas são expressão tardia de um modelo de desenvolvimento extremamente agressivo, cujas manifestações mais agudas se dão nas cidades. Nas tensões e contradições que marcam as paisagens urbanas contemporâneas, apresentam-se perturbadas as condições de se promover saúde. Uma das razões do negar saúde nas cidades é o modo como nelas se fez uso da química para produzir mercadorias de toda ordem, entendendo-se que, por muito tempo, a confiança na química foi extensão direta da confiança no progresso. A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), onde historicamente ocorreram processos acelerados de urbanização e concentração de população, é emblemática da distribuição desigual dos proveitos e dos rejeitos da grande maquinaria de produção que caracteriza a sociedade racional moderna. Nela se fomentam riscos e angústias derivadas da espoliação social e da exposição humana a toda sorte de rejeitos da civilização moderna. Na RMSP estão atualmente cadastradas 1254 áreas contaminadas, cuja distribuição obedece à lógica do modo como seu território foi estruturado. Os cenários de risco à saúde que se configuram pela contaminação do solo metropolitano podem ser analisados a partir da localização e das interações que se estabelecem entre as fontes potenciais de contaminação do solo e as populações que as acercam. O objetivo da pesquisa é interpretar as relações entre a produção de cenários de risco à saúde e a estrutura metropolitana, tendo por referência a contaminação do solo e das águas subterrâneas por substâncias químicas tóxicas. A hipótese central é que os cenários de risco à saúde se conformam e se distinguem na lógica da estruturação urbana, sendo elementos importantes para interpretar a qualidade de vida nas grandes cidades contemporâneas. A pesquisa se detem na abordagem histórica e conceitual do assunto para, em seguida, analisar espacialmente as relações entre os elementos estruturantes do espaço urbano e as áreas contaminadas. Para tal, faz uso de dados gerais de natureza demográfica, sócio-econômica e ambiental, bem como de dados espaciais das fontes potenciais de poluição e das áreas contaminadas. Com isto, observam-se na RMSP cenários distintos de riscos à saúde devido à contaminação do solo, seguindo a lógica da estrutura metropolitana. O enfrentamento do problema demanda visão ampliada e políticas públicas integradas de saúde, de meio ambiente e de desenvolvimento urbano. / On the first years of 2000, contaminated areas arose as a motive of concern for São Paulo society, coming to configure as a problem of environmental, sanitary and urban order. Much beyond the factual, contaminated areas appear as representative and symbolic phenomena of an historical mode of capital production and reproduction in manufacturing urban bases. They are a late expression of an extremely aggressive development model, which most acute manifestations occur in the cities. On the tensions and contradictions that mark the contemporary urban landscape, the health promotion conditions present disturbed. One of the reasons for denying health in the cities is the manner in which, on them, it was made use of chemistry for producing all sorts of goods, taking into account that, for a long time, trusting on chemistry was a direct extension of trusting on progress. The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (RMSP), where historically there were accelerated urbanization and concentration of population processes, it is emblematic the disproportionate distribution of benefits and wastes of the large production machinery that characterizes the rational modern society. On it are fomented risks and anguishes originated from social plundering and the human exposition to all kinds of the modern civilization rejects. Presently, at the RMSP cadastre, are registered 1254 contaminated areas, which distribution obeys the logic of the manner its territory was structured. The health risk scenarios that configure through the metropolitan soil contamination may be analyzed from the location and the interactions that are established among the potential sources of soil contamination and the populations who approach to them. The purpose of the research is interpreting the relations between the production of health risk scenarios and the metropolitan structure, having as reference the soil and water-bearing strata contamination through chemical toxic substances. A central hypothesis is that the health risk scenarios comply with and distinguish from the urban structuration logic, consisting of important elements for interpreting the life quality in great contemporary cities. The survey dwells on the historical and conceptual approach of the subject in order that, as it follows, analyzing spatially the relations among the structuring elements of urban space and the contaminated areas. For so, it makes use of general data from demographic, social-economical and environmental nature, as well as of spatial data from potential pollution sources and contaminated areas. With this, at the RMSP are observed distinct health risk scenarios due to the soil contamination that follows the metropolitan structure logic. Facing the problem demands both an amplified vision and integrated public policies of health, environment and urban development.

Análise dendroclimatológica do cedro (Cedrela fissilis L. - Meliaceae) para reconstrução do cenário ambiental recente da cidade de São Paulo, SP / Dendroclimatological analysis of cedro (Cedrela fissilis L. - Meliaceae) for the reconstruction of recent environmental scenario from São Paulo, SP

Ferreira, Gustavo Burin 20 April 2012 (has links)
Desde a revolução industrial, o consumo de combustíveis fósseis pelo homem vem crescendo em ritmo acelerado. Com isso, aumentam também as concentrações dos chamados gases-estufa (CO2, CH4 e NxO). Isso gera alterações no clima, causando mudanças em fatores bióticos e abióticos, tanto em ambientes naturais quanto em ambientes urbanos. Algumas dessas mudanças são típicas de ambientes urbanos, como as Ilhas de Calor Urbanas e a Inversão Térmica, e devido ao fato de grande parte da população atual viver neste tipo de ambiente, acabam causando diversos problemas de saúde. É importante, portanto, conhecer como o clima destes ambientes tem se comportado nos últimos anos, e isso é possível através da análise dos anéis de crescimento de árvores urbanas. Além disso, os dados de crescimento podem ser utilizados para calibrar modelos de dinâmica florestal. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho pretende construir cronologias de anéis de crescimento de cedro (Cedrela fissilis L.) da cidade de São Paulo, e utilizá-las para reconstruir o clima do último século para essa cidade, além de usar estes dados de crescimento para a parametrização de novos elementos em um modelo de dinâmica florestal já existente. Para isso, utilzou-se 43 indivíduos coletados em 4 localidades da cidade de São Paulo, que foram colados em suporte, polidos, datados, fotografados e tiveram a largura dos anéis de crescimento medidas. Além disso, também tomou-se medidas de áreas de vaso para alguns anéis pré-determinados. As larguras dos anéis foram utilizadas para a construção de cronologias, que posteriormente foram usadas para a criação de modelos de reconstrução climática. Foi possível encontrar relações entre precipitação e temperatura e o crescimento das árvores para dois dos locais de coleta, sendo que para um deles foi possível reconstruir estas variáveis climáticas para determinados meses do ano. Com os dados de crescimento, foi possível parametrizar uma nova equação inserida no modelo de Falster et al., 2011, que insere o efeito de temperatura na parte do modelo relacionada à fotossíntese da espécie simulada. Após a inserção da nova equação, foi possível observar mudanças na periodicidade dos ciclos de recrutamento da floresta. / Since the Industrial Revolution, fossil fuel consumption by man has been rising steeply. This way the concentration of greenhouse-gases (CO2, CH4 and NxO) rise too. That causes the climate to change, generating alterations in biotic and abiotic factors both in natural and urban environments. Some of these changes are typical from urban environments such as Urban Heat Islands and Thermal Inversion, and since great part of human population live in this type of environment, health problems are common. Thus it is important to know how the climate have behaved in this environments in the past years, and this is possible by analyzing the tree rings from urban trees. Furthermore, growth data can be used to calibrate forest dynamic models. Therefore the present work aims to build tree-ring chronologies of cedro (Cedrela fissilis L.) from the city of São Paulo, and to use them to reconstruct climate for the last century in this city, in addition to use these growth data to parameterize new elements in an existent forest dynamic model. For this, 43 individuals were sampled in 4 different sites in São Paulo, which were glued in wood support, sanded, dated, photographed and had their growth rings measured. Furthermore vessel area was measured for some predetermined rings. The growth rings widths were used to build chronologies, that were later used to generate climate reconstruction models. It was possible to fin relations between temperature and precipitation and the tree growth in 2 of the sampling sites, and in one it was possible to build reconstruction models for some months. With growth data, it was possible to parameterize a new equation inserted in Falster et al. Model, which inputs temperature effect in the photosynthesis-related part of the model. After inputting the new equation it was possible to observe changes in the periodicity of the recruitment cycles in this forest

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