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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teorias de relações internacionais no Brasil : tendências e desafios no ensino e na pesquisa

Barasuol, Fernanda Barth January 2012 (has links)
Existe na área de Relações Internacionais um amplo predomínio de perspectivas teóricas desenvolvidas nos Estados Unidos e Europa. Uma das questões que surge a partir desta constatação é a seguinte: por que esse predomínio é tão acentuado? Uma hipótese de trabalho plausível para responder esta pergunta combina os efeitos das barreiras impostas à produção intelectual e à circulação internacional de ideias oriundas de outros países com a pouca atenção concedida à reflexão teórica e metodológica no âmbito dos estudos de RI fora dos Estados Unidos e Europa. Este artigo concentra-se na segunda parte desta hipótese. O objetivo do trabalho é, assim, o de analisar de maneira preliminar o ensino de teorias de RI e o uso destas na pesquisa no contexto brasileiro. Para a avaliação do ensino de Teoria de RI são analisados currículos dos cursos de graduação e Planos de Ensino, enquanto que a reflexão sobre o uso de teorias de RI na prática brasileira de pesquisa é baseada na análise qualitativa de teses de doutorado, relatórios técnicos de pesquisas financiadas pelo CNPq e artigos publicados em periódicos científicos brasileiros da área de RI. Ademais, o caso brasileiro é contextualizado através de uma revisão parcial da literatura científica sobre o ensino de teoria de RI e sua utilização na pesquisa na Índia e na África do Sul. / There is predominance, in the field of International Relations, of theoretical perspectives developed in the United States and Europe. One of the questions that arises from this finding is the following: why is this predominance so pronounced? A plausible hypothesis to answer this question combines the barriers imposed to the intellectual production and the international circulation of ideas generated in other countries and the little attention received by theoretical and methodological reflection in the field of IR outside of the US and Europe. This paper concentrates on the second half of this hypothesis. Its objective is, therefore, to undertake a preliminary analysis of the teaching of IR theory and the use of these theories in research in the Brazilian context. To evaluate the teaching of IR theory, courses’ curricula and teaching programs are analyzed, while the reflection over the use of theories of IR in the research is based upon the qualitative analysis of doctoral dissertations, technical reports from researches financed by CNPq and papers published in Brazilian journals in the field of IR. In addition to this, the Brazilian case is contextualized by the partial review of scientific literature regarding the teaching of IR theory and its use in research in India and South Africa.

Teorias de relações internacionais no Brasil : tendências e desafios no ensino e na pesquisa

Barasuol, Fernanda Barth January 2012 (has links)
Existe na área de Relações Internacionais um amplo predomínio de perspectivas teóricas desenvolvidas nos Estados Unidos e Europa. Uma das questões que surge a partir desta constatação é a seguinte: por que esse predomínio é tão acentuado? Uma hipótese de trabalho plausível para responder esta pergunta combina os efeitos das barreiras impostas à produção intelectual e à circulação internacional de ideias oriundas de outros países com a pouca atenção concedida à reflexão teórica e metodológica no âmbito dos estudos de RI fora dos Estados Unidos e Europa. Este artigo concentra-se na segunda parte desta hipótese. O objetivo do trabalho é, assim, o de analisar de maneira preliminar o ensino de teorias de RI e o uso destas na pesquisa no contexto brasileiro. Para a avaliação do ensino de Teoria de RI são analisados currículos dos cursos de graduação e Planos de Ensino, enquanto que a reflexão sobre o uso de teorias de RI na prática brasileira de pesquisa é baseada na análise qualitativa de teses de doutorado, relatórios técnicos de pesquisas financiadas pelo CNPq e artigos publicados em periódicos científicos brasileiros da área de RI. Ademais, o caso brasileiro é contextualizado através de uma revisão parcial da literatura científica sobre o ensino de teoria de RI e sua utilização na pesquisa na Índia e na África do Sul. / There is predominance, in the field of International Relations, of theoretical perspectives developed in the United States and Europe. One of the questions that arises from this finding is the following: why is this predominance so pronounced? A plausible hypothesis to answer this question combines the barriers imposed to the intellectual production and the international circulation of ideas generated in other countries and the little attention received by theoretical and methodological reflection in the field of IR outside of the US and Europe. This paper concentrates on the second half of this hypothesis. Its objective is, therefore, to undertake a preliminary analysis of the teaching of IR theory and the use of these theories in research in the Brazilian context. To evaluate the teaching of IR theory, courses’ curricula and teaching programs are analyzed, while the reflection over the use of theories of IR in the research is based upon the qualitative analysis of doctoral dissertations, technical reports from researches financed by CNPq and papers published in Brazilian journals in the field of IR. In addition to this, the Brazilian case is contextualized by the partial review of scientific literature regarding the teaching of IR theory and its use in research in India and South Africa.

Teorias de relações internacionais no Brasil : tendências e desafios no ensino e na pesquisa

Barasuol, Fernanda Barth January 2012 (has links)
Existe na área de Relações Internacionais um amplo predomínio de perspectivas teóricas desenvolvidas nos Estados Unidos e Europa. Uma das questões que surge a partir desta constatação é a seguinte: por que esse predomínio é tão acentuado? Uma hipótese de trabalho plausível para responder esta pergunta combina os efeitos das barreiras impostas à produção intelectual e à circulação internacional de ideias oriundas de outros países com a pouca atenção concedida à reflexão teórica e metodológica no âmbito dos estudos de RI fora dos Estados Unidos e Europa. Este artigo concentra-se na segunda parte desta hipótese. O objetivo do trabalho é, assim, o de analisar de maneira preliminar o ensino de teorias de RI e o uso destas na pesquisa no contexto brasileiro. Para a avaliação do ensino de Teoria de RI são analisados currículos dos cursos de graduação e Planos de Ensino, enquanto que a reflexão sobre o uso de teorias de RI na prática brasileira de pesquisa é baseada na análise qualitativa de teses de doutorado, relatórios técnicos de pesquisas financiadas pelo CNPq e artigos publicados em periódicos científicos brasileiros da área de RI. Ademais, o caso brasileiro é contextualizado através de uma revisão parcial da literatura científica sobre o ensino de teoria de RI e sua utilização na pesquisa na Índia e na África do Sul. / There is predominance, in the field of International Relations, of theoretical perspectives developed in the United States and Europe. One of the questions that arises from this finding is the following: why is this predominance so pronounced? A plausible hypothesis to answer this question combines the barriers imposed to the intellectual production and the international circulation of ideas generated in other countries and the little attention received by theoretical and methodological reflection in the field of IR outside of the US and Europe. This paper concentrates on the second half of this hypothesis. Its objective is, therefore, to undertake a preliminary analysis of the teaching of IR theory and the use of these theories in research in the Brazilian context. To evaluate the teaching of IR theory, courses’ curricula and teaching programs are analyzed, while the reflection over the use of theories of IR in the research is based upon the qualitative analysis of doctoral dissertations, technical reports from researches financed by CNPq and papers published in Brazilian journals in the field of IR. In addition to this, the Brazilian case is contextualized by the partial review of scientific literature regarding the teaching of IR theory and its use in research in India and South Africa.

The Business of Policy Innovation: The Transformation of the United Nations Development Programme’s Engagement with the Private Sector (1997-2008)

Muhammad Razeq, Zarlasht January 2013 (has links)
Recently, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) have adopted policies that engage the private sector in the implementation of their development mandates. Despite the implications of these changes, the subject is among the least conceptualized. By applying a theory-guided process-tracing (TGPT) methodology, this paper examines the process of change at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It advances a constructivist argument and evaluates whether this change could be viewed as a norm-driven change, where norms of corporate social responsibility (CSR), in the process of interaction and learning, have obtained an intersubjective quality and redefined the role of the private sector in the context of organization’s objectives. The paper evaluates this argument in light of the alternative assumptions of the principal-agent model, the bureaucratic culture literature, and rational choice institutionalism. It highlights the implications of this research in empirical, analytical, and theoretical terms for further studies and concludes that, without a due assessment of the intervening effect of norms on policies, the causal claims of other theories are seriously challenged.

Srovnávací vyjednávací analýza syrského mírového procesu / Comparative Negotiation Analysis of the Syrian Peace Process

Köksal, Berk January 2020 (has links)
Syrian Civil War has been occupying the international agenda since the year 2011. Despite the fact that most of the attention is paid to the conflict itself, peace processes are part of the international competition on Syrian arena, as well. For this reason, the thesis attempts to examine two major peace tracks: Astana and Geneva processes. The former is established among Russia-Turkey-Iran trio in late 2016 and functions as a regional mediation ground while the latter is led by the top world organization, the UN, as a ground for international actors with substantial interest in the Near East. Astana's relatively better performance in reaching certain outcomes is analyzed with hypotheses derived from three core International Relations theories: Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism. In this regard, those assumptions analyze actors that are involved in the conflict within the framework of their relevant peace track. According to the conducted analyses, findings indicate that realist hypothesis is better at explaining Astana's "fruitfulness" than the other assumptions- especially field-level agreements but not the broader cooperation among the Astana trio. Hence, Geneva track with higher level of international participation carries greater importance for an ultimate resolution to the conflict.

Džihád v islámských právních diskurzech / Jihad in Islamic Juridical Discourses

Hlaváčová, Simona January 2016 (has links)
The purpose behind this theses is to introduce the doctrine of jihad as a legal concept established in Muslim jurisprudence [fiqh] through the analysis of Arabic primary medieval legal sources and the writings of contemporary Islamic intellectuals. Firstly, its author will focus on the notion of jihad in classical Muslim jurisprudence and then proceed to examine the modern reinterpretations of jihad. The introduction provides and insight into the basic features of the religious law of Islam and its system. The second chapter is concerned with the definition of jihad and siyar in the books of fiqh as a regulatory basis governing the conduct of military expeditions. Then, it reviews the interpretative issues faced by Muslim exegets of the Quran and hadith posed by the application of abrogation mechanism [nasch] and analyses the early writings on jihad with respect to their structure, areas of regulation covered and the use of legal arguments and sources by their authors. The analyzed works include hadith collections of Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawud and Ibn Majja and the books of Malik and Al-Shaybani considered as the first codifications of Islamic laws of war. The third chapter presents the substantive rules of jihad as discussed by ibn Rushd in his legal handbook Bidayat al mujtahid which entails limits on...

Teoretická reflexia inštitucionálneho dizajnu Spoločnej zahraničnej a bezpečnostnej politiky EU po prijatí Lisabonskej zmluvy / Theoretical Reflection of the Institutional Design of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU after the Adoption of the Lisbon Treaty

Bezáková, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is a theoretical analysis of the institutional design of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) after the adoption of the Lisbon treaty. The main aim of the thesis is to reveal the reasons explaining a development towards centralization of the policy-making process of the CFSP that the Lisbon treaty introduced. Centralization is equated with a delegation of sovereignty from member states to a supranational level - High Representative for the CFSP/European External Action Service. The thesis for this purpose tests three possible explanations built upon three main theories of international relations: the centralisation as a result of the 1.decreasing EU's relative military power (neorealism) 2.deteriorating collaborative problems (neoliberalism) and 3.increasing degree of Europeanization of the nation-state identities and interests of the member states (constructivism) within covered time period from 2001 to 2007. The thesis applies a qualitative method, it is a case study. The conclusion of the thesis is that there are two reasons for the development towards more centralized policy-making process of the CFSP after the Lisbon treaty. Firstly, it is the decreasing EU's relative military power (neorealism) and secondly increasing level of Europeanization of nation-state...

Il programma nucleare iraniano: analisi, motivazioni, prospettive

GAIETTA, MICHELE 16 April 2013 (has links)
La tesi si ripropone di dare un contributo allo studio della “questione nucleare iraniana”. Partendo da una meticolosa ricostruzione storica del programma nucleare dell’Iran, si affronta il caso in rapporto alle teorie elaborate dai differenti approcci delle Relazioni internazionali per analizzare la proliferazione di armi nucleari. Oltre a testare e comparare le capacità esplicative di queste teorie, vengono sottolineati alcuni fattori utili a comprendere le motivazioni alla base delle decisioni prese dall’Iran in ambito nucleare. In particolare, la tesi approfondisce il ruolo di variabili attinenti il quadro politico interno all’Iran, che sono state spesso sottovalutate in studi precedenti, a favore di condizionamenti strategici esterni al paese. Variabili che permettono di spiegare la continuità e persistenza degli investimenti iraniani in campo nucleare, pur in un contesto politico-strategico mutevole. Nonostante questo, l’approccio dell’intero lavoro rimane comunque incentrato sulla molteplicità delle dimensioni politiche, strategiche e simboliche che devono essere tenute in considerazione per tentare di comprendere le potenziali ambizioni dell’Iran, nonché l'attuale situazione di stallo e indeterminatezza sulle finalità del programma nucleare di questo paese. Nelle conclusioni vengono infine prospettate ipotesi tecnico-negoziali su cui sviluppare future iniziative diplomatiche e di ricerca. / This thesis aims at giving a contribution to the study of the “Iranian nuclear question”. Starting from a detailed historical reconstruction of the nuclear program of Iran, we address this case in connection with several theoretical approaches to International Relations that try to explain the proliferation of nuclear weapons. This analysis allows us to compare and test the explanatory capabilities of these theories and to focus on some leading factors underlying Iranian nuclear decisions. In particular, we highlight the role of domestic variables, which were underestimated in previous studies on this issue, mainly focused on external strategic constraints. These variables are helpful in explaining the continuity and the persistence of the Teheran’s investment in the nuclear field, notwithstanding the many changes affecting the regional political and strategic framework. Besides this aspect, the approach to the entire thesis continues to be focused on the plurality of dimensions that should be considered in trying to understand the potential ambitions of Iran as well as the current stalemate and uncertainty related to the purposes of the nuclear program of this country. The thesis eventually elaborates some perspectives regarding technical and bargaining hypothesis on which to develop future diplomatic initiatives and researches.

Výkonnost OSN a odpovědnost chránit / United Nations Performance and Responsibility to Protect

Vymětal, Václav January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis "United Nations Performance and Responsibility to Protect" applies the research framework of the performance of international organizations on the cases of two humanitarian crises with the involvement of the United Nations in connection to the "Responsibility to Protect" norm. The cases examined, are the intervention in Libya (2011) and the crisis in the Sudanese province of Darfur (2003). The thesis uses the comparative method and evaluates the occurrence and measure of the sources of performance, which it defines in its theoretical framework. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Conflitos no Chifre da África: oportunidades e constrangimentos da difusão do poder / Conflitos no Chifre da África: oportunidades e constrangimentos da difusão do poder

Carvalho, Daniel Duarte Flora 14 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:48:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Duarte Flora Carvalho.pdf: 2355905 bytes, checksum: 457a02d619c1cb02f876d010177c1b51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study considers the opportunities and constraints of broadcasting power in Africa to investigate the causes of the wars in the Horn of Africa. The power broadcast over population pattern, the multiples centres of power and the actions of the many state and non-state actors are determinants to the outbreak or not of conflicts in Africa. Once this pattern is identified in the Horn of Africa which, by its long tradition of statehood and its great Westphalian sense, is mistakenly seen as an exception to the African model, we look forward to verify what the war reasons in this region are. This study so makes an approach on the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea and the very constitution of the Ethiopian state and concludes that not only the Horn of Africa is inserted in the pattern of broadcasting power on populations which is common to the Sub Saharan Africa and that such a pattern is the causes of war in that region / Este trabalho aborda as oportunidades e constrangimentos da difusão do poder na África para, a partir de então, investigar as causas das guerras no Chifre da África. O padrão de difusão de poder sobre as populações, os múltiplos centros de poder existentes em um Estado, os mais variados graus de estatalidade e as ações dos diversos atores estatais e não-estatais são determinantes para a eclosão ou não de conflitos na África. Uma vez identificado este mesmo padrão no Chifre da África que, por apresentar uma longa tradição de estatalidade e um grande senso westfaliano, é visto, erroneamente, como uma exceção à regra africana, pretende-se então verificar quais as causas das guerras nesta região. O presente estudo aborda então a guerra entre a Etiópia e a Eritréia e a constituição do Estado etíope e verifica que não só o Chifre da África está inserido ao padrão de difusão de poder sobre as populações que é comum à África Subsaariana como identifica neste ponto as causas das guerras de tal região

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