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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Harper, Sean Julian January 2000 (has links)
This thesis examines the idea of desert as expounded in the work of John Rawls, and some of the implications of this conception of desert for moral and political philosophy. In this work, I analyse a series of arguments against retaining this particular conception of desert.I argue that none of these arguments sufficiently diminishes the force of Rawls’ argument for desert, while many of them do state, and I argue that they are correct in doing so, that this conception of desert is dangerous for political or moral philosophy to maintain. I argue that the moral, political and legal implications of accepting this account of desert severely undermine various institutions of differential treatment, and indeed, moral assessment. I regard it as obvious that societies must, on occasion, treat members of those societies differently, for moral, as well as practical reasons. The Rawlsian account of desert, and the account of responsibility on which it rests, however, will endanger the legitimacy of such procedures. I argue further that the Rawlsian account of desert requires that differences in wealth, and inheritance of wealth, influence and privilege be diminished, if not abolished, if we are to talk of any form of desert meaningfully. I argue that this is a strength of Rawls’ account, and further that any account of desert that is true to the philosophical tradition of the concept will require similar steps to be taken. The primary aim of this thesis is to show that Rawls’ arguments against desert are serious ones, both in terms of strength and scope, and that they must be addressed. I intend to show that these arguments are founded on strong moral intuitions, and that it is plausible that these intuitions may need revision. Finally,I intend to show that desert is an important moral and political concept, and that the disciplines of moral and political philosophy will be impoverished by the absence this concept. This absence, I will argue, is a natural consequence of the acceptance of the Rawlsian arguments.

Osobni svobody a bonum commune - Analýza díla Teorie spravedlnosti Johna Rawlse z pohledu křesťanské etiky / Personal freedom and bonum commune analysis of work theory of justice John Rawls christian ethics from the perspective

Novitzky, Peter January 2011 (has links)
This work tries to present the importance of the theory of justice of John Rawls from the point of view of Christian ethics, pointing out selected aspect of this theory. The basis for this reflection gives the fact, that the theory of justice of John Rawls is repeatedly cited in the presentations of the principles of Catholic social teaching. In some points they show similarities, in others are in opposition. Furthermore, John Rawls formulates his formal theory in a way to make it acceptable for every rational human being. In this group are also included persons with religious and moral ideas, or how John Rawls call them himself: people with comprehensive doctrines. The rationale to examine the theory of justice is justified also by the fact that Rawls ascribes not ignorable function in the aforementioned theory to religious ideas. Thirdly, in the case of John Rawls is possible to see one of the advocates and fore-representative of the liberal tradition. Liberalism is, because of its ambiguous definition but simultanously real presence in the society and thinking of people, not ignorable challenge for the Church and religious ideas, with which she already tries for two hundred years to tackle. In this work therefore will be presented the life and works of John Rawls, together with the basic theses of...


Steward, Madeline Ann 10 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Mozambican farmers perceived health in the context of climate change : A qualitative study / Moçambikiska jordbrukares upplevda hälsa i relation till klimatförändringarna : en kvalitativ studie

Taripanah, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Mozambican farmers constitute a vulnerable group, facing challenges in relation to climate change that put their health at risk. This issue received limited attention in privious research, resulting in a knowledge gap regarding a local perspective of Mozambican farmers’ health in the contex of climate change. Study aim: This paper addresses this gap by exploring how Mozambican farmers perceive their health and the support available to them in the context of climate change. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted and analysed using a thematic approach, with theoretical frameworks such as the Health Belief Model (HBM) and the Theory of Justice providing tools to deepening the result discussion. Results: The findings reveal that Mozambican farmers view climate change as a threat, impacting their agricultural livelihoods and perceived health. Participants expressed concerns about theirfuture and their ability to support themselves and their families. Furthermore, inadequate infrastructure exacerbates these challenges, and participants expressed distrust towards the government. The non-governmental organization (NGO) Mozambican Farmer’s Union (UNAC) provided support in the form of lectures, however, the participants expressed the need for practical initiatives. Conclusion: This study sheds light on the complex interplay between climate change vulnerability and the (absence of) support systems affecting the health of Mozambican farmers. Many farmers expressed faith in their occupation but skepticism towards the government. They perceive that climate change exacerbates the challenges in farming, which is intertwined with their perceived health. The Health Belief Model and the Theory of Justice offering insights for developing targeted interventions and policies. / Introduktion: Jordbrukare i Moçambique utgör en sårbar grupp i samhället som står inför särskilda utmaningar i relation till klimatförändringarna som riskerar att förvärra deras hälsa. Det saknas tidigare forskning av ett lokalt perspektiv gällande moçambikiska jordbrukares upplevda hälsa i kontexten av klimatförändringarna. Syfte: Den här uppsatsen adresserar dessa luckor genom att utforska hur jordbrukare i Moçambique upplever sin hälsa och det stöd som finns tillgängligt för dem i kontexten av klimatförändringarna. Metod: Kvalitativa intervjuer utfördes och analyserades genom tematisk innehållsanalys med de teoretiska ramverken Health belief model (HBM) och Theory of justice som verktyg för att fördjupa resultatdiskussionen. Resultat: Fynden visar att jordbrukarna uppfattar klimatförändringarna som ett stort hot, som påverkar deras möjlighet att försörja sig på jordbruk vilket är sammflätat med deras upplevda hälsa. Deltagarna utryckte oro för framtiden och hur de ska försörja sig och sina familjer. Dessutom förvärrar inadekvat infrastruktur dessa utmaningar. Majoriteten av deltagarna utryckte misstro gentemot regeringen och även om den icke-statliga organisationen Mozambican Farmer’s Union (UNAC) bidrog med insatser i form av föreläsningar utryckte deltagarna en önskan om insatser riktade mot praktiska svårigheter. Slutsats: Den här studien visar på den komplexitet som uppstår i utmaningarna av klimatförändringar och bristfälliga skyddsnät och hur detta i sin tur påverkar jordbrukare i Moçambique. Många av jordbrukarna har tilltro till sitt yrke men misstro till regeringen, de upplever att klimatförändringarna försvårar jordbruket som är starkt sammanflätat med deras upplevda hälsa. HBM och Theory of justice bidrar till värdefulla insikter och perspektiv för utvecklingen av riktade insatser och policyutveckling.


黃悅茵 Unknown Date (has links)
依憲法第81條規定,法官為終身職,非受刑事或懲戒處分或禁治產之宣告,不得免職。非依法律,不得停職、轉任或減俸。復依司法人員人事條例第41條規定,實任司法官合於公務人員退休法退休規定,而自願退休時,除退休金外,並另加退養金;其辦法由司法院會同考試院、行政院以命令定之。又依司法官退養金給與辦法規定略以,未滿60歲者,給與5%。60歲以上未滿65歲者,給與10%。但身體衰弱,致不能勝任職務,經公立醫院證明者,給與60%。65歲以上未滿70歲者,給與140%。70歲以上者,給與5%。 目前於「司法人員人事條例」及「司法官退養金給與辦法」規定,司法官滿70歲應停止辦案,若在65歲至70歲間自願退休,可加領140%退養金;逾70歲未退休,等到退休時,只能加領5%退養金,亦即實任法官合於公務人員退休法規定,自願退休時,除依規定發給退休金外,另依司法官退養金給與辦法規定,按一次退休金總額或月退休金數額,發給一次退養金或月退養金,最高加發上開金額140%。現行司法官退養金給與比例係按司法官退休時之年齡作區分,並未考量司法官任職年資,恐有違平等原則。突顯我國司法官退養制度上出現三個問題,第一為我國司法官退養制度之公平合理性;第二為依年齡區分,做得愈久,加發退養金卻領得愈少;第三為停止辦案之司法官,仍領有司法官之給與,有違公平正義原則。並以羅爾斯的正義論觀點來看司法官退養制度是否符合公平正義原則。 藉由上述研究動機及問題,本論文以文獻分析法和德菲法為研究方法,通過專家一致性意見,探討「我國司法官退養制度」之合理性議題進行問卷。經由三輪德菲法問卷結果的反覆修正,最終司法官身職定義、優遇制度、退養制度、公平正義等四個面向,探討我國司法官退養制度之合理性。最後,本論文在我國司法官退養制度之實務不合理方面,提出建議修法,以期能提供政府規劃人事制度之參考與借鑒。 關鍵詞:退養金制度、司法官、正義論 / According to article 81 of ROC Constitutional Law, Judge shall hold office for life, no judge shall be removed from office unless he has been guilty of a criminal offense or subjected to disciplinary action, or declared to be under interdiction. No judge shall, except in accordance with law, be suspended from office, transferred, or liable to salary cuts. Further according to article 41 of The Statute For Judiciary Personnel, while substantive judge is conform to Civil Service Retirement Act and retire voluntarily, in addition to pension, also added retirement pension; such regulation may be issued by an order of Judicial Yuan jointly with Examination Yuan and Executive Yuan. Again, according to Regulations For Judge Retirement Pension, 5% for those who under 60-year-old. 10% for those who above 60-year-old and under 65-year-old. However, those who have a failure in health, therefore, are not qualified for this position, 60% for those who have obtained the public hospital certificate.140% for those who above 65-year-old and under 70-year-old. 5% for those who above 70%. According to The Statue For Judiciary Personnel and Regulations of Pension for Judges, judges should cease to handle cases after he or she arrives 70 years old. Judges who apply for retirement between 60 and 70 years old are eligible to have 140% pension scheme. 5% pension scheme is issued to those who choose to retire after 70. Meanwhile, based on the rules of Civil Service Retirement Act, officers volunteer to retire will be issued an amount of pension either once and for all or on a monthly basis. Apart from this, it is ruled by Regulations of Pension of Judges, pension scheme should be issued once and for all or on a monthly basis, plus 140% pension scheme, whenever possible. However, currently pension schemes for judges are different from retirement ages, instead of seniority since it might fail to meet constitutional requirements such as the principle of equality.also highlighted three questions appeared in our judge retirement system, first is the equity and reason of judge retirement system; the second is distinguishing from age, the longer of the employment is, the less of retirement pension get; the third is judge suspending case, still have judge payment, against the principle of equity and justice. And at the point of Theory of Justice of John Rawls, whether Judge Retirement system is conform to justice and reason principle. By way of the abovementioned research motive and question, the research method of this thesis is based on documentary analysis method and Delphi Technique, through unity opinion of expert, probe into the reasonable topic of “judge retirement system of our country” and to proceed questionnaire. After repeatedly amendment of three run Delphi method questionnaire result, finally, four directions of definition of judge holding office for life、system of treating with preference、retirement system、reason and justice, etc., to probe into the reason of judge retirement system of our country. Finally, this thesis raises law amendment suggestion at the aspect of unreasonable practice of judge retirement system of our country, and expect may provide reference and example to government regarding planning personnel system. Key words: Retirement Pension System、Judge、Theory of Justice

Pojetí spravedlnosti u Johna Rawlse a jeho kritika u F. A. von Hayeka / Rawls's Conception of Justice and His Critic F. A. von Hayek

Polenová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The work focuses on analyzing the concept of justice as fairness in the political and moral philosophy. Mapping the development of opinion on the fairness of the ancient world, which will deal mainly with access to justice in Platon and Aristoteles. Particular attention will be paid to the concept of justice in the social contract T. Hobbes, J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau and I. Kant. The core work will consist of an analysis of John Rawls's theory of justice as fairness and approach to social justice by Friedrich August von Hayek. Keywords: theory of justice, social contract, social fairness, civil society, morality

A crise do dever em crime e castigo, de Dostoiévski / The crisis of duty in Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky

Gonçalves, Piterson Balmat 02 May 2016 (has links)
Nesta dissertação procuramos evidenciar a crise do dever moral em Crime e Castigo, de Dostoiévski, exemplo da nossa própria crise contemporânea, ao mesmo tempo em que buscamos investigar os contornos de um princípio de justiça derivado do dever kantiano. A partir daí, pretendemos evidenciar como este princípio de justiça pode ser partilhado por Dostoiévski, uma vez que o romancista, no seu ideal de comunidade moral, dá continuidade ao sentido ético proposto no dever kantiano, por meio do qual supera a crise que o próprio romance lança. / In this dissertation we seeks to show the crisis of moral duty in Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky, example of our own contemporary crisis, while we seek to investigate the outlines of a principle of justice brought by Kantian duty. Thereafter, we intend to show how this principle of justice can be shared by Dostoevsky, as the novelist, in his ideal of moral community, continues the ethical sense proposed in the Kantian duty, through which overcomes the crisis that spear the novel.

Justiça e direitos humanos: análise da jurisprudência no STF(1988-2012) / Justice and human rights: analysis of the jurisprudence in STF (1988-2012).

Brandão, Juliana Ribeiro 27 March 2015 (has links)
A tese analisa a produção jurisprudencial dos direitos humanos no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), defendendo o argumento de que, no quadro brasileiro, o STF ao interpretar a normativa vigente atua na construção desses direitos. Reconstruindo o cenário de afirmação dos direitos humanos a partir da Carta da ONU (1945) e da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos (1948), o estudo questiona o consenso em torno dos direitos humanos propondo uma leitura ampliada que os vincula aos debates sobre justiça. São objetivos do trabalho, que faz uso de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental (i) aferir qual enquadramento os direitos humanos recebem no STF, o que envolve investigar, no recorte selecionado entre 1988 e 2012, como tem sido construída a categoria jurídica direitos humanos no tratamento jurisprudencial desse Tribunal e (ii) investigar com base em quais fundamentos esse enquadramento se apresenta. O marco teórico da Teoria Integrada da Justiça de Nancy Fraser é utilizado para problematizar a concepção contemporânea de Direitos Humanos, bem como o desenho institucional do STF. A análise dos acórdãos coletados é feita com tratamento quantitativo e o adensamento do material é feito por meio de uma tipologia de casos, que orienta a abordagem qualitativa. O trabalho é concluído apontando a existência de concepções de direitos humanos que não condizem com a conjuntura de aceitação na qual esses direitos estariam assentados. / This thesis analyzes the jurisprudential production on human rights in the Federal Supreme Court (STF), defending the argument that, in the Brazilian context, when interpreting the current legislation, the Court acts towards the construction of these rights. Reconstructing the scenario of human rights extracted from the UN Charter (1945) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the study criticizes the consensus on human rights proposing an extended reading that relates to the debates about justice. Making use of bibliographical and documentary research, the objectives of the work are: (i) assessing what is the framing that human rights receive in the Federal Supreme Court during the period between 1988 and 2012, investigating how the category \"human rights\" has been built in the judicial treatment of this court and (ii) determining on what grounds such framing is based on. The theoretical framework of \"Integrated Theory of Justice\" by Nancy Fraser is used to discuss the contemporary conception of human rights as well as the institutional scheme of STF. The analysis of the collected trials is based on a quantitative treatment and the deepening of the material is made by means of a typology of cases that guides the qualitative approach. The conclusion of the work emphasizes the existence of notions of Human Rights that are not consistent with the environment of acceptance of the situation upon which these rights would be established.

A crise do dever em crime e castigo, de Dostoiévski / The crisis of duty in Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky

Piterson Balmat Gonçalves 02 May 2016 (has links)
Nesta dissertação procuramos evidenciar a crise do dever moral em Crime e Castigo, de Dostoiévski, exemplo da nossa própria crise contemporânea, ao mesmo tempo em que buscamos investigar os contornos de um princípio de justiça derivado do dever kantiano. A partir daí, pretendemos evidenciar como este princípio de justiça pode ser partilhado por Dostoiévski, uma vez que o romancista, no seu ideal de comunidade moral, dá continuidade ao sentido ético proposto no dever kantiano, por meio do qual supera a crise que o próprio romance lança. / In this dissertation we seeks to show the crisis of moral duty in Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky, example of our own contemporary crisis, while we seek to investigate the outlines of a principle of justice brought by Kantian duty. Thereafter, we intend to show how this principle of justice can be shared by Dostoevsky, as the novelist, in his ideal of moral community, continues the ethical sense proposed in the Kantian duty, through which overcomes the crisis that spear the novel.

O direito natural de Platão na República e sua positivação nas leis

Gonzaga, Alvaro Luiz Travassos de Azevedo 03 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alvaro Luiz Travassos de Azevedo Gonzaga.pdf: 590552 bytes, checksum: bfde2e6cc655a3269b496b5fa892bc03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-03 / This thesis will study the platonic thinking under the Natural Law perspective, especially in The Republic, and its following concretization and integration in Laws. We aim to observe how the platonic doctrine does not change radically, but rather completes itself with the combination of the two mentioned works, for which we shall weave our analysis setting out from the logical temporal proposition in the platonic thinking, considering also the research of his conception of Justice in order to verify the maturity of its posture as it relates to the organization of the polis / A presente tese predispõe-se a estudar o pensamento platônico na perspectiva do Direito Natural, em especial na República, e sua consequente positivação e integração na obra As Leis. Visamos apresentar como a doutrina platônica de justiça não muda radicalmente, mas se completa com a conjugação das obras mencionadas. Para isso, partiremos da proposta temporal lógica do pensamento platônico, bem como da pesquisa de sua concepção de Justiça a fim de verificarmos a maturidade de sua postura com relação à organização da pólis

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