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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimization and control of nonlinear systems with inflight constraints

Speyer, Jason Lee. January 1968 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 1968. / Typescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 1-5 (last group)).

Optimization and control of nonlinear systems with inflight constraints

Speyer, Jason Lee. January 1968 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 1968. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 1-5 (last group)). Also issued in print.

Mathematical analysis of the dynamics of neural systems in epilepsy

El houssaini, Kenza 13 April 2015 (has links)
L'épilepsie est l’un des désordres neurologiques les plus courants; environ 1% de la population mondiale en est atteinte. Elle affecte le fonctionnement des neurones qui s'exprime par une survenue de décharges rapides, appelées crises.Les crises peuvent parfois résister aux médicaments antiépileptiques. Cet état de crise, nommé refractory status epilepticus (RSE), se définit par une survenue des décharges de façon continue, qui sont difficiles à arrêter. Malheureusement, un patient en état RSE risque même de mourir.Le dysfonctionnement des neurones peut parfois se propager lentement vers une dépression corticale envahissante, qui se caractérise par une dépolarisation lente des neurones entraînant une baisse transitoire de l’activité cérébrale.Les mécanismes qui initient ces activités pathologiques restent encore mal connus. Mettant en œuvre une approche mathématique, nous présentons une analyse qualitative d’un modèle dit Epileptor, qui reproduit l’activité épileptique, et décrivons l’évolution temporelle de la crise jusqu’au moment où la personne revient à la normale. La transition vers l’état normal est interprétée comme une bifurcation. Nous démontrons qu’il en existe plusieurs types en variant certains paramètres du modèle, permettant ainsi de classer les crises.Une caractérisation de ces activités est nécessaire pour s’en échapper. Pour ce faire, nous explorons un espace des paramètres permettant de conclure que ces activités coexistent dans le cerveau et surviennent de plusieurs façons. Cet espace des paramètres propose plusieurs voies, qui sont validées expérimentalement, pour éviter ces activités pathologiques et retourner à la normale, d’où son importance. / Epilepsy is one of the most common serious neurological disorders affecting about 1% of the population in the world. It is a condition of the nervous system in which neuronal populations manifest as abnormal excessive discharges, called seizures.On rare occasions, a seizure follows another in a series without recovery, and does not respondto antiepileptic drugs. This state of continuous seizure activity is called refractory status epilepticus, which are difficult to treat. Patients suffering from this state are unfortunately at an increased risk of death.The neuronal dysfunction can sometimes spread slowly towards a spreading depression, which corresponds to a slowly propagating depolarization wave (or depolarization block DB) in neuronal networks, followed by a shut down of brain activity.The mechanisms underlying the genesis of these activities remain unknown. Using a mathematical approach, we present a qualitative analysis of a so-called Epileptor model, which generate epileptic dynamics, and describe how seizures evolve toward termination. The transition to the normal state occurs through a bifurcation. We demonstrate that many types of the bifurcation exist, depending on the values of some parameters. As a consequence, we can classify seizures.To escape from these activities, a characterization is going to be necessary. To this, we explore a parameter space of the model which demonstrate that these activities coexist in the brain, and under some ways. In addition, the parameter space can provide pathways to switch between these activities. Interestingly, we could propose how to return to the ’normal’ brain activity.

Projeto de filtros para detecção de falhas usando a norma H-infinito / Filters design for fault detection based on H-inifinity norm

Pereira, Daniel Augusto, 1983- 15 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Luiz Serpa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T21:19:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_DanielAugusto_M.pdf: 6268866 bytes, checksum: 3faebe29f9ec8e8f665d11ac095420f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Esta dissertação aborda a aplicação de técnicas modernas de controle de sistemas dinâmicosao problema de detecção de falhas. Duas diferentes abordagens de detecção são utilizadas: estimação da falha e geração de resíduo. Tanto na estimação de falha quanto na geração de resíduo é formulado um problema H1 cujo objetivo é encontrar um filtro que garanta robustez a distúrbios.No caso da geração de resíduos, o índice H- é utilizado como critério de desempenho adicional para garantir a sensibilidade à falha e é transformado em um critério H1. O projeto H1 é abordado sob o ponto de vista de desigualdades matriciais lineares. Falhas e distúrbios devem apresentar comportamento em freqüência distintos para que os filtros consigam separar os efeitos dos mesmos. Para garantir o desempenho nas regiões em freqüência de interesse são utilizados filtros de ponderação. Em contraposição a essa abordagem, os resultados recentes da literatura sobre o lema generalizado de Kalman-Yakubovi?c-Popov e o controle H1 restrito na freqüência também são usados como ferramentas de projeto independentes de filtros de ponderação. Os métodos sãocomparados usando modelos de simulação e experimentos no âmbito de estruturas flexíveis / Abstract: This dissertation adresses the application of modern techniques from control of dynamicsystems to the problem of fault detection. Two different approaches are used: fault estimation and residual generation. Both fault estimation and residual generation are formulated as an H1 problem whose objective is to find a filter ensuring robustness to disturbance. In the case of residual generation, theH- index is used as an additional performance criterion to ensure fault sensitiveness and is transformed into an H1 criterion. The H1 design is treated from the point of view of linear matrix inequalities. Faults and disturbances must have distinct frequency distributions so the filter is able to separate them. Weighting functions are used to guarantee performance at the frequency region of interest. In contrast with this approach, recent results from literature on the generalisedKalman-Yakubovi?c-Popov lemma and frequency restricted H1 control are also used as design methods whose application is independent of weighting functions. All methods are compared using simple simulation models and experiments with flexible / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Estudo de tecnicas de controle H-infinito para estruturas flexiveis com intercentezas / A study on H-inifinity control techniques for uncertain flexible structures

Mazoni, Alysson Fernandes 22 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Luiz Serpa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T04:04:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mazoni_AlyssonFernandes_M.pdf: 2883879 bytes, checksum: a514d74c83605535d0c2eaf4a060356f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Esta dissertação aborda técnicas modernas de controle robusto H8 para sistemas dinâmicos lineares. Com isso pretende-se dizer que são usados como ferramentas matemáticas os resultados da teoria de controle de sistemas lineares para o caso com incertezas de vários tipos admitidas sobre o modelo. Os modelos são primariamente estruturas flexíveis e os métodos de projeto são implementados usando exclusivamente a solução de problemas sujeitos a desigualdades matriciais lineares. São abordadas as incertezas paramétrica, dinâmica e politópica com o objetivo de apresentar métodos matemáticos de projeto de controladores para os sistemas incertos. Para o caso de incerteza dinâmica, apresenta-se a técnica de filtros de ponderação. Em contraposição a essa abordagem, os resultados recentes da literatura sobre o lema generalizado de Kalman-Yakubovi?c-Popov e o H8 restrito na freqüência também são usados como métodos de controle independentes de filtros de ponderação. Os métodos são comparados usando modelos de simulação e experimentos no âmbito de estruturas flexíveis. Palavras-chave: Teoria dos sistemas dinâmicos, Programação Convexa, Sistema de controle por realimentação / Abstract: This dissertation deals with modern techniques from the Robust H8 Control of Linear Dynamic Systems. By this it is meant that the results from linear control systems theory are used as mathemathical tools when considering several kinds of uncertainty on the models. These models are mostly of flexible structures and the design methods are implemented using solely the solution of problems subjected to linear matrix inequalities. The types of uncertainty approached are: parametric, dynamic and polytopic; this is done aiming to present mathematical design methods for the uncertain systems considered. When dealing with dynamic uncertainty, the weighting functions are introduced. In contrast with this approach, recent results from literature on the generalised Kalman-Yakubovi?c-Popov lemma and frequency restricted H8 are also used as control design methods whose application is independent of weighting functions. All methods are compared using simple simulation models and experiments with flexible structures . Keywords: Theory of dynamical systems, Convex programming, Feedback control systems / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Avaliação da estabilidade do sincronismo entre sistemas dinâmicos não-lineares : aspectos teóricos e aplicações / Analysis of the stability the synchronism between nonlinear dynamical systems : theoretical aspects and applications

Santos, Odair Vieira dos, 1973- 26 February 2015 (has links)
Orientadores: Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Attux, Diogo Coutinho Soariano, Filipe Ieda Fazanaro / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T04:17:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_OdairVieirados_D.pdf: 3365036 bytes, checksum: 967476ee0acb26bf5197de95e344c6c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: O problema de análise do sincronismo entre sistemas dinâmicos se reveste de enorme importância prática, uma vez que ocorre em uma miríade de contextos naturais e artificiais. Para avaliar a ocorrência desse fenômeno, é usual lançar mão dos expoentes de Lyapunov condicionados, que refletem, em sua definição, o acoplamento entre sistemas. Nesta tese, é proposto um novo método para cálculo desses expoentes, que pode ser extremamente útil quando há descontinuidades ou quando o cálculo da matriz jacobiana é proibitivo. Esse método tem por base o método das dinâmicas clonadas para estimação do espectro convencional de Lyapunov. A nova proposta é validada em diversos cenários, partindo de sistemas clássicos e chegando aos modelos neuronais de Hindmarsh-Rose e Hodgkin-Huxley. O estudo do sincronismo uni- e bidirecional desses modelos, aliás, constitui também uma contribuição original do trabalho / Abstract: The problem of analyzing synchronism between dynamical systems is of enormous practical significance, as this phenomenon arises in several natural and artificial domains. To characterize the occurrence of synchronism, it is usual to employ the conditioned Lyapunov exponents, which reflect, in their definition, the coupling between systems. In this thesis, a new method for calculating these exponents is proposed, which can be extremely useful in the presence of discontinuities or when to calculate the Jacobian matrix is prohibitive. This method is based on the cloned dynamics approach for estimating the conventional Lyapunov spectrum. The new proposal is validated in a number of scenarios, ranging from classical systems to the Hindmarsh-Rose and Hodgkin-Huxley neuron models. The study of the uniand bidirectional synchronism of these models are apropos also an original contribution of this work / Doutorado / Automação / Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica

Valeurs propres des automates cellulaires / Eigenvalues of cellular automata

Chemlal, Rezki 31 May 2012 (has links)
On s'intéresse dans ce travail aux automates cellulaires unidimensionnels qui ont été largement étudiés mais où il reste beaucoup à faire. La théorie spectrale des automates cellulaires a notamment été peu abordée à l'exception de quelques résultats indirects. On cherche a mieux comprendre les cadres topologiques et ergodiques en étudiant l'existence de valeurs propres en particulier celles irrationnelles c'est à dire de la forme e^{2Iπα} où α est un irrationnel et I la racine carrée de l'unité. Cette question ne semble pas avoir été abordée jusqu'à présent. Dans le cadre topologique les résultats sur l'équicontinuité de Kůrka et Blanchard et Tisseur permettent de déduire directement que tout automate cellulaire équicontinu possède des valeurs propres topologiques rationnelles. La densité des points périodiques pour le décalage empêche l'existence de valeurs propres topologiques irrationnelles. La densité des points périodiques pour l'automate cellulaire semble être liée à la question des valeurs propres. Dans le cadre topologique, si l'automate cellulaire possède des points d'équicontinuité sans être équicontinu, la densité des points périodiques a comme conséquence le fait que le spectre représente l'ensemble des racines rationnelles de l'unité c'est à dire tous les nombres de la forme e^{2Iπα} avec α∈Q .Dans le cadre mesuré, la question devient plus difficile, on s'intéresse à la dynamique des automates cellulaires surjectifs pour lesquels la mesure uniforme est invariante en vertu du théorème de Hedlund. La plupart des résultats obtenus demeurent valable dans un cadre plus large. Nous commençons par montrer que les automates cellulaires ayant des points d'équicontinuité ne possèdent pas de valeurs propres mesurables irrationnelles. Ce résultat se généralise aux automates cellulaires possédant des points μ-équicontinu selon la définition de Gilman. Nous démontrons finalement que les automates cellulaires possédant des points μ-équicontinu selon la définition de Gilman possèdent des valeurs propres rationnelles / We investigate properties of one-dimensional cellular automata. This category of cellular automata has been widely studied but many questions are still open. Among them the spectral theory of unidimensional cellular automata is an open field with few indirect results. We want a better understanding of both ergodic and topological aspect by investigating the existence of eigenvalues of cellular automata, in particular irrational ones, i.e., those of the form e^{2Iπα} where α is irrationnal and I the complex root of -1. The last question seems not to have been studied yet.In the topological field the results of Kůrka & Blanchard and Tisseur about equicontinuous cellular automata have as direct consequence that any equicontinuous CA has rational eigenvalues. Density of shift periodic points leads to the impossibility for CA to have topological irrational eigenvalues. The density of periodic points of cellular automata seems to be related with the question of eignevalues. If the CA has equicontinuity points without being equicontinuous, the density of periodic points implies the fact that the spectrum contains all rational roots of the unity, i.e., all numbers of the form e^{2Iπα} with α∈Q .In the measurable field the question becomes harder. We assume that the cellular automaton is surjective, which implies that the uniform measure is invariant. Most results are still available in more general conditions. We first prove that cellular automata with equicontinuity points never have irrational measurable eigenvalues. This result is then generalized to cellular automata with μ-equicontinuous points according to Gilman's classification. We also prove that cellular automata with μ-equicontinuous points have rational eigenvalues

Sistemas dinamicos em espaços metricos fuzzy : aplicações em biomatematica / Dynamical systems in fuzzy metric spaces : applications in biomathematics

Cecconello, Moiseis dos Santos 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Rodney Carlos Bassanezi, Adilson Jose Vieira Brandão / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação Cientifica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T01:52:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cecconello_MoiseisdosSantos_D.pdf: 62393038 bytes, checksum: b7f0d1f9138d8e787749532bf661d026 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Neste trabalho desenvolvemos ferramentas de análise qualitativa para sistemas dinâmicos definidos sobre o espaço formado pelos conjuntos fuzzy com a níveis compactos e não vazios. São propostas condições para existência de pontos de equilíbrio para o fluxo fuzzy cuja função de pertinência é sobrejetiva, generalizando alguns resultados já conhecidos. Os fluxos fuzzy considerados aqui são determinados pela extensão de Zadeh aplicada em soluções de equações diferenciais autônomas. São obtidos também condições para a existência de pontos e órbitas periódicas para o fluxo fuzzy. Em particular, demonstramos um teorema tipo Poincaré-Bendixson para tais fluxos gerados por equações autônomas bidimensionais. A análise qualitativa desenvolvida é aplicada em sistemas dinâmicos fuzzy provenientes de modelos significativos da Biomatemática. / Abstract: In this work we develop some tools for qualitative analysis of dynamical systems defined on the metric space of fuzzy sets with compact and nonempty a cuts. Conditions are offered for the existence of equilibrium points for the flow whose fuzzy membership function is surjective, generalizing some results already known. Fuzzy flows considered here are determined by Zadeh's extension applied in solutions of autonomous differential equations. We also obtained conditions for the existence of periodic points and periodic orbits for the fuzzy flow. In particular, we demonstrate a theorem like Poincaré-Bendixson for such flows generated by two-dimensional autonomous equations. The qualitative analysis results are applied to fuzzy dynamic systems from meaningful models of Biomathematics. / Doutorado / Biomatematica / Doutor em Matemática Aplicada

Transition matrix theory = Teoria da matriz de transição / Teoria da matriz de transição

Vieira, Ewerton Rocha, 1987- 03 May 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Ketty Abaroa de Rezende / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação Científica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T22:09:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vieira_EwertonRocha_D.pdf: 1632095 bytes, checksum: 5dc3208efc5649260ca62805c3e8e1b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Nessa tese, apresentamos uma unificação da teoria das matrizes de transição algébrica, singular, topológica e direcional ao introduzir a matriz de transição (generalizada), a qual engloba todas as quatros citadas anteriormente. Alguns resultados de existência são apresentados bem como a verificação de que cada matriz de transição supracitada são casos particulares da matriz de transição (generalizada). Além disso, nós abordamos como as aplicações das quatros matrizes de transiçao, na teoria do índice de Conley, se traduzem para a matriz de transição (generalizada). Quando a matriz de transição (generalizada) satisfizer o requerimento adicional de cobrir o isomorfismo do índice de Conley F definido pelo fluxo, pode-se provar propriedades de existência e de conexão de órbitas. Essa matriz de transição com a propriedade de cobrir o isomorfismo F é definida como matriz de transição topológica generalizada e a utilizamos para obter conexões de órbitas num fluxo Morse-Smale sem órbitas periódicas bem como para obter conexões de órbitas numa continuação associada à sequência espectral dinâmica / Abstract: In this thesis, we present a unification of the theory of algebraic, singular, topological and directional transition matrices by introducing the (generalized) transition matrix which encompasses each of the previous four. Some transition matrix existence results are presented as well as the verification that each of the previous transition matrices are cases of the (generalized) transition matrix. Furthermore, we address how applications of the previous transition matrices to the Conley Index theory carry over to the (generalized) transition matrix. When this more general transition matrix satisfies the additional requirement that it covers flow-defined Conley-index isomorphisms, one proves algebraic and connection-existence properties. These general transition matrices with this covering property are referred to as generalized topological transition matrices and are used to consider connecting orbits of Morse-Smale flows without periodic orbits, as well as those in a continuation associated to a dynamical spectral sequence / Doutorado / Matematica / Doutor em Matemática

Reglerentwurf zur dezentralen Online-Steuerung von Lichtsignalanlagen in Straßennetzwerken

Lämmer, Stefan 18 September 2007 (has links)
Die Dissertationsschrift widmet sich einer systemtheoretischen Untersuchung zur verkehrsabhängigen Steuerung von Lichtsignalanlagen in Straßennetzwerken. Aus einem mathematischen Modell für den Verkehrsablauf auf Knotenzufahrten wird ein Verfahren abgeleitet, mit dem sich Umschaltzeitpunkte und Phasenwechsel flexibel an das tatsächliche Verkehrsgeschehen anpassen lassen. Der Ansatzpunkt ist, die einzelnen Knotenpunkte des Netzwerks lokal zu optimieren. Eine "Grüne Welle" soll sich von selbst einstellen, und zwar genau dann, wenn dadurch lokal Wartezeiten eingespart werden. Indem die lokale Optimierung in ein lokales Stabilisierungsverfahren eingebettet wird, können Instabilitäten aufgrund netzwerkweiter Rückkopplungen ausgeschlossen werden. Das vorgestellte Verfahren setzt sich aus drei Teilen zusammen: (i) einem lokalen Prognoseverfahren zur Bewertung von Schaltzuständen und Phasenübergängen bezüglich zukünftig entstehender Wartezeiten, (ii) einem lokalen Optimierungsverfahren, das jeder Phase einen dynamischen Prioritätsindex zuweist und die Phase mit höchster Priorität zur Bedienung auswählt und (iii) einem lokalen Stabilisierungsverfahren, das zum Einhalten einer mittleren und einer maximalen Bedienperiode korrigierend in die lokale Optimierung eingreift. Indem die Knotenpunkte ausschließlich über die Verkehrsströme gekoppelt sind, ergeben sich die Umschaltzeitpunkte unmittelbar aus den Ankunftszeitpunkten der Fahrzeuge selbst. Die Phasenwechsel stellen sich somit von selbst bedarfsgerecht ein. Simulationsergebnisse machen deutlich, dass sich aufgrund der höheren Flexibilität sowohl die Wartezeiten als auch der Kraftstoffverbrauch senken lassen.

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