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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ohio Pharmacists’ Provision of Non-Dispensing Services to Underserved Populations: Involvement, Willingness, Capabilities, and Barriers to Care

Blazejewski, Lucas M. 06 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The expanding role of the pharmacist under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

Ro, Myungsun 11 August 2016 (has links)
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) represents one of the most significant pieces of legislation in the history of United States healthcare. The PPACA has two main goals: to increase the insured patient population in the US and to reduce the overall cost while improving the quality of healthcare in the US. To accomplish the latter goal, healthcare providers are experiencing a movement toward integrated, team-oriented models that place increasing accountability on the providers and institutions. At the same time, these integrative models emphasize effective preventive care, which is critical in reducing the country’s overall healthcare costs. As more health care institutions and providers across the country adopt the healthcare reform models of the Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) directly under the PPACA, the demand for pharmacists is increasing. In addition, the role of the pharmacist through Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is growing as more public and private sectors adopt MTM and its standards are being used as the medication-related cornerstone for the ACOs. There is a call for lower costs and higher quality outcomes in healthcare, and the pharmacists are increasingly integrated into direct patient care and medication management. The newly integrated responsibilities of the pharmacist are numerous and almost limitless. The roleof pharmacists is expanding, and as many studies suggest, their contributions produce auspicious results.

Der Einfluss des Blutglukosespiegels auf den frühen intensivmedizinischen Verlauf und der Benefit einer intensivierten Insulintherapie bei Patienten mit mittelschwerem und schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma

Bötel, Martina 16 March 2017 (has links)
Seit Veröffentlichung der Studien von G. Van den Berghe et al. im Jahre 2001 galt es die strikte Blutzuckereinstellung in normoglykämische Bereiche bei Schwerverletzten anzustreben. Die intensivierte Insulintherapie wurde daraufhin von verschiedensten Fachgesellschaften in Leitlinien und Therapieregimen integriert, so auch auf der neurochirurgischen ITS der Universitätsklinik Leipzig. Kurze Zeit später erschienen große multizentrische Studien, die den Benefit der intensivierten Insulintherapie in Frage stellten und sogar von einer signifikant höheren Letalität bei strikt normoglykäm eingestellten Patienten berichteten. Daher wird in dieser Studie die zwiespältige aktuelle Datenlage zum Anlass genommen, die Beziehungen zwischen Blutzuckereinstellung und ITS-Regime sowie die Auswirkungen hyperglykämischer Stoffwechselsituationen und mögliche Bedeutung des Blutglukosespiegels respektive der intensivierten Insulintherapie speziell für Patienten mit isoliertem mittelschwerem und schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma zu evaluieren. Mit Hilfe der Integration wird erstmalig ein Verfahren zur Blutglukosedarstellung verwendet, dass durch die Flächenberechnung (Area under the Curve (AUC-BG)) ein Abbild von Höhe und Dauer der Hyperglykämie schafft. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Blutzuckereinstellung mit dem klinischen Verlauf, krankheitsspezifischen Therapiekonzepten, Komplikationen und dem Outcome der Patienten korreliert und positiv Einfluss nimmt. Von besonderem Interesse war die Auswirkung auf den Hirndruck und die Notwendigkeit von Dekompressionskraniektomien, als auch auf Infektionsereignisse, die kontrollierte Beatmung, Ernährungsform und das Outcome. Nach Einführung der intensivierten Insulintherapie wurde ein Vergleich mit konventionell therapierten Patienten herbeigeführt. Es wurden vergleichende Analysen zwischen der retrospektiven (n = 65, konventionelle Insulintherapie, Blutzucker < 10,0 mmol/l [< 180 mg/dl]) und prospektiven Gruppe (n = 65, intensivierte Insulintherapie, Blutzucker 4,4 – 6,1 mmol/l [80 – 110 mg/dl]) bezüglich Blutzuckerfläche, Intensivverlauf und Outcome durchgeführt. Nach 1:1-Matching hinsichtlich Alter und Geschlechterzugehörigkeit waren die beiden Therapiegruppen homogen und es zeigten sich keine Unterschiede bezüglich der Aufnahmecharakteristik. Schädelhirntraumatisierte Patienten profitierten von einer intensivierten Insulintherapie im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe, auch wenn es nicht gelang, den Blutzuckerspiegel entsprechend der initiierten Therapierichtlinie signifikant hin zur Normoglykämie zu senken. Die positiven Effekte zeigten sich deutlich in Bezug auf die Infektionsrate und Ernährungsform. Die intensivierte Insulintherapie senkte den Hirndruck und die Rate risikobehafteter Dekompressionskraniektomien mit einem deutlicheren Trend zu besseren Outcomemesswerten. Vor allem Patienten mit einem besseren initialem GCS und Nicht-Diabetiker scheinen von einer guten Blutzuckereinstellung zu profitieren. Hypoglykämien (Blutzucker ≤ 3 mmol/l) traten entgegen der Vermutung dabei nicht gehäuft auf und stellten somit kein Gegenargument einer derartigen Therapie dar. Die Senkung des Blutzuckers in einen moderaten, therapeutischen Bereich sollte das Mindestziel in der Gesamttherapie von Patienten mit einem mittelschweren und schweren Schädel-Hirn-Trauma sein, wobei ein Konsens über den optimal therapeutischen Blutzuckerzielbereich bisher noch nicht gefunden wurde und somit weitere Untersuchungen gerechtfertigt sind.:BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE BESCHREIBUNG ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS 1 EINFÜHRUNG 1.1 SCHÄDEL-HIRN-TRAUMA – DEFINITION UND EINTEILUNG 1.2 SCHÄDEL-HIRN-TRAUMA – EPIDEMIOLOGIE 1.3 PATHOPHYSIOLOGISCHER HINTERGRUND DES SCHÄDEL-HIRN-TRAUMAS 1.4 KLINIK, MONITORING UND THERAPIE – EIN ÜBERBLICK 1.5 FRAGESTELLUNG UND ZIEL DER ARBEIT 2 MATERIALIEN UND METHODIK 2.1 STUDIENDESIGN 2.1.1 Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien 2.1.2 Studienende 2.1.3 Erfasste Parameter 2.2 PATIENTENMANAGEMENT 2.3 BLUTZUCKERMANAGEMENT 2.3.1 Insulinschema bei konventioneller Insulintherapie 2.3.2 Insulinschema bei intensivierter Insulintherapie 2.4 DATENERFASSUNG 2.5 METHODENBESCHREIBUNG – AREA UNDER THE CURVE 2.6 STATISTISCHE ANALYSE 3 ERGEBNISSE 3.1 PATIENTENCHARAKTERISTIK/DEMOGRAPHIE 3.1.1 Vor Matching 3.1.2 Nach Matching 3.2 INTENSIVVERLAUF UND OUTCOME 3.2.1 Verlaufsparameter 3.2.2 Outcome-Messwerte 3.3 AUSWIRKUNGEN DER EINGANGSVARIABLEN AUF INTENSIVVERLAUF UND OUTCOME 3.4 EINFLUSS VON HÖHE UND DAUER DER HYPERGLYKÄMIE AUF INTENSIVVERLAUF UND OUTCOME 3.4.1 Einfluss auf die Beatmungsdauer 3.4.2 Einfluss auf den Gesamt-SAPS II 3.4.3 Einfluss auf die Dauer bis zur Oralisierung 3.4.4 Einfluss auf das Auftreten von Infektionen 3.4.5 Einfluss auf den intrakraniellen Druck ICP-Sondenliegedauer in Abhängigkeit von der Blutzuckerfläche Zusammenhang zwischen Hirndruckfläche und Blutzuckerfläche Diabetiker versus Nicht-Diabetiker 3.4.6 Einfluss auf die Notwendigkeit einer Dekompressionskraniektomie 3.4.7 Einfluss auf die Dauer der Intensivbehandlung 3.4.8 Einfluss auf das Outcome Glasgow Outcome Score Modified Rankin Scale 3.5 METHODENVERGLEICH 3.5.1 Güte der Therapie 3.5.2 Kontrollierte Beatmung 3.5.3 Gesamt-SAPS II 3.5.4 Dauer bis zur Oralisierung 3.5.5 Auftreten von Infektionen 3.5.6 Hirndruckmanagement Demographie Vergleich des intrakraniellen Druckes 3.5.7 Notwendigkeit einer Dekompressionskraniektomie 3.5.8 Intensivbetreuung und Krankenhausliegedauer 3.5.9 Outcome Glasgow Outcome Score Modified Rankin Scale 3.6 HYPOGLYKÄMIE 3.7 SCHWERE HYPERGLYKÄMIE 3.8 ABHÄNGIGKEIT DES OUTCOMES 3.8.1 Initial- und Verlaufsparameter 3.8.2 Multiple lineare Regressionsanalyse Einfluss der Initialparameter Interaktion von Glasgow Coma Score und Blutzuckerfläche Einfluss der Verlaufsparameter Zusammenfassung der relevanten Initial- und Verlaufsparameter 3.9 ABHÄNGIGKEIT DES HIRNDRUCKES 3.9.1 Multiple lineare Regressionsanalyse Einfluss der Initialparameter Einfluss der Verlaufsparameter 3.10 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER ERGEBNISSE 3.10.1 Patientencharakteristik/Demographie 3.10.2 Intensivverlauf und Outcome 3.10.3 Auswirkungen der Eingangsvariablen auf Intensivverlauf und Outcome 3.10.4 Einfluss von Höhe und Dauer der Hyperglykämie auf Intensivverlauf und Outcome 3.10.5 Methodenvergleich 3.10.6 Abhängigkeit des Outcomes 3.10.7 Abhängigkeit des intrakraniellen Druckes 4 DISKUSSION 4.1 PATIENTENCHARAKTERISTIK/DEMOGRAPHIE 4.2 MATERIAL UND METHODIK 4.3 AUSWIRKUNGEN VON HÖHE UND DAUER DER HYPERGLYKÄMIE AUF INTENSIVVERLAUF UND OUTCOME 4.3.1 Einfluss auf allgemeine intensivmedizinische Parameter 4.3.2 Einfluss auf den intrakraniellen Druck und das Outcome 4.4 VERGLEICH BEIDER THERAPIEGRUPPEN 4.4.1 Methodische Aspekte 4.4.2 Klinische Aspekte 4.5 HYPOGLYKÄMIE 4.6 ABHÄNGIGKEIT DES OUTCOMES 4.7 ABHÄNGIGKEIT DES HIRNDRUCKES 4.8 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 5 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG LITERATURVERZEICHNIS ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS TABELLENVERZEICHNIS ANLAGEN PATIENTENDATENBLATT TABELLEN SAPS II – SCORE VOTUM DER ETHIKKOMMISSION ERKLÄRUNG ÜBER DIE EIGENSTÄNDIGE ABFASSUNG DER ARBEIT LEBENSLAUF DANKSAGUNG

Développement d’un outil électronique d’aide à la prise en charge des patients non adhérents aux médicaments à usage chronique adapté aux besoins des pharmaciens communautaires

Fénélon-Dimanche, Rébecca 03 1900 (has links)
Les pharmaciens communautaires ont accès en tout temps aux informations concernant les renouvellements d’ordonnance et ont une interaction fréquente avec les patients. Ils sont donc les professionnels de la santé les mieux placés pour intervenir auprès des patients non adhérents à leurs médicaments. Il serait donc pertinent de développer un outil électronique d’aide à la prise en charge des patients non adhérents aux médicaments à usage chronique (e-AdPharm) adapté aux besoins des pharmaciens. Pour ce faire, ce projet a été mené selon un devis mixte. Dans un premier temps, un sondage a été acheminé aux pharmaciens communautaires du Québec afin d’obtenir un portrait global de leur pratique concernant la mesure de l’adhésion et des interventions réalisées auprès des patients pour optimiser l’adhésion. Les résultats du sondage nous indiquent que la méthode la plus utilisée pour identifier les patients non adhérents est le nombre de jours de retard entre les renouvellements, alors que les principales barrières rencontrées pour mesurer l’adhésion sont le manque de temps et le manque d’information sur les ordonnances. La principale intervention réalisée auprès des patients non adhérents est le conseil verbal et les principales barrières pour intervenir sont la réaction négative du patient et le manque de temps. Dans un deuxième temps, quatre groupes de discussion ont été organisés afin de questionner les pharmaciens communautaires sur le développement d’un prototype d’outil électronique pour la prise en charge de l’adhésion. Les pharmaciens souhaitent que l’adhésion soit mesurée sous forme de pourcentage et présentée dans un tableau utilisant un code de couleurs déterminé selon le niveau d’adhésion. Ils ont aussi manifesté un grand intérêt pour l’ajout d’une section permettant le suivi de l’adhésion, incluant un horizon temporel des interventions réalisées et à faire et les causes de la non-adhésion. / Community pharmacists have direct access at all times to prescription refills information and have regular interactions with their patients. Therefore, they are in a unique position to promote optimal medication use. It would therefore be relevant to develop an electronic tool adapted to pharmacists’ needs (e-AdPharm) to provide medication adherence support to patients treated for chronic diseases. This project was conducted according to a mixed study design. First, an invitation to complete a web-based survey was published online through different platforms to describe how community pharmacists in Quebec identify non-adherent patients, monitor medication use, and promote optimal medication adherence. The survey results show that the most common method to identify non-adherent patients was to check gaps between prescription refills whereas the most common barriers to identifying non-adherent patients were lack of time and lack of prescriptions and refills information. The most common intervention to promote adherence was patients’ counselling whereas the most common barriers to intervene were anticipation of a negative reaction from patients and lack of time. Second, four focus groups were organized to design a prototype of an electronic tool adapted to community pharmacists’ needs to provide medication adherence support to patients. Pharmacists wanted a table displaying medication adherence measures for chronic conditions with a color code representing adherence level. They also stressed the importance to have a structured section enabling them to continuously document the interventions made, needs for patients’ follow-ups and non-adherence causes.

Perceptions of Medical Students on Pharmacists provided Counseling Services and Collaboration with Pharmacists using the Theory of Planned Behavior

Shah, Surbhi January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The Economic Impact of a Pharmacy-Based Hybrid Medication Adherence Model in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

Omerza, Kevin Edward January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Trends in Adherence and Patient Outcomes in a Safety Net Medication Therapy Management Program

Maddocks, Jordan Scott January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Programme d’amélioration de la qualité de la surveillance de la thérapie anticoagulante orale en fibrillation auriculaire en pharmacie : une étude pilote intégrée au Réseau STAT

Chartrand, Mylène 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Indicadores de estrutura e processo na implementação de um serviço de revisão da farmacoterapia em ambulatório / Structure and process indicators in the implementation of medication review service in ambulatory care

Marques, Tatiane Cristina 30 June 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Introduction.The study of quality of health services constitutes a major change tool and incentive for health care services, such as pharmaceutical services, meet minimum quality standards and promote a renewal of its work culture. In Brazil, however the development and evaluation of the quality of services such as Medication Review is still in its infancy and needs to be implemented aiming to improve the practices of patient care. Aim. Evaluate structure and process indicators in the implementation of Medication Review services of the ambulatory of a university hospital. Methods. The study was structured in three stages from February 2012 to March 2015. The first stage corresponded to a methodological development research, in which structure and process indicators were collected from national and international literature for use in evaluating the Medication Review services.The second stage corresponded to translation to Portuguese and the transcultural adaptation to Brazil of Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Pharmacist Collaboration . The third stage corresponded to a longitudinal study evaluating the process of a collaborative practice model of Medication Review service in the ambulatory of a University Hospital of Sergipe. Results. From the literature (stage 1) were surveyed in the study, 28 indicators divided into structure criteria: physical installations, human resources, material resources, documentation and financing. The evaluation of the structural indicators of Medication Review service showed that the ambulatory has met most of the criteria submitted. About the process was able to gather 54 indicators divided into two categories: 21 technical-managerial indicators and 33 technicalassistance indicators. The second stage resulted in a translated and adapted scale for the Portuguese of Brazil used to evaluate the collaborative attitudes of pharmacists and physicians. In the third stage, the analysis of Medication Review service found that 146 patients were treated on average 2.1 ± 1.1 times during the study.The prescriptions of these patients contained3,3±1,9 drugs and24,5% of them had five or more drugs. The study identified 366 drug therapy problems (DTPs) and most frequent was a indication category (67,5%) and it was observed that patients who have had four to five pharmaceutical consultations has 1.14 times more likely to have identified their DTPs (χ2= 33,83; p<0,0001). Moreover, the analysis showed that patients who had between 1-2 pharmaceutical consultations had 1.22 times more likely to have not resolved their DTPs when compared to the group with more than 3 pharmaceutical consultations (χ2= 3,44; p<0,05). This study also reported 173 pharmaceutical interventions, of which 52,6% were intended for physicians, 46,2% for students of medicine and the most of them were accepted (98,7%). Conclusion. The structure and process indicators may be used to evaluate the implementation of Medication Review service. The pharmacist can collaborate with physicians identifying and solving DTPs, as well as assisting in the monitoring and decision making on pharmacotherapy, benefiting the patient. / Introdução. O estudo da qualidade e da implementação de serviços de saúde configura um importante instrumento de mudança e incentivo para que os serviços de atenção à saúde, como os serviços farmacêuticos, cumpram padrões mínimos e promovam uma renovação da sua cultura de trabalho. No Brasil, entretanto o desenvolvimento e a avaliação da qualidade de serviços como a Revisão da Farmacoterapia ainda é incipiente e precisa ser implementada visando aprimorar as práticas de cuidado ao paciente. Objetivo. Avaliar indicadores de estrutura e processo na implementação de um serviço de Revisão da Farmacoterapia no ambulatório de um Hospital Universitário. Metodologia. O estudo foi estruturado em três etapas, de fevereiro de 2012 a março de 2015. A primeira correspondeu a uma pesquisa de desenvolvimento metodológico, na qual indicadores de estrutura e processo foram reunidos da literatura nacional e internacional para serem utilizados na avaliação do Serviço de Revisão da Farmacoterapia. A segunda etapa correspondeu tradução para o português e adaptação transcultural para o Brasil da Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Pharmacist Collaboration . A terceira etapa correspondeu a um estudo longitudinal que avaliou o processo de um modelo colaborativo de serviço de Revisão da Farmacoterapia no ambulatório de um Hospital Universitário de Sergipe. Resultados. A partir da literatura (etapa 1) foram levantados, no estudo, 28 indicadores de estrutura divididos nos critérios: instalações físicas, recursos humanos, recursos materiais, documentação e financiamento. A avaliação dos indicadores de estrutura do serviço de Revisão da Farmacoterapia do ambulatório estudado revelou que o mesmo atendeu a maioria dos critérios apresentados. Quanto ao processo foi possível reunir 54 indicadores divididos em duas categorias: 21 indicadores técnico-gerencias e 33 técnico-assistenciais. Da segunda etapa resultou uma escala traduzida e adaptada para o português do Brasil usada para avaliar as atitudes colaborativas de farmacêuticos e médicos. Na terceira etapa, a análise do serviço de Revisão da Farmacoterapia verificou que 146 pacientes foram atendidos em média 2,1±1,1 vezes durante o estudo. As prescrições médicas desses pacientes continham 3,3±1,9 medicamentos e 24,5% das mesmas tinham cinco ou mais medicamentos. No estudo foram identificados 366 problemas relacionados ao uso de medicamentos (PRMs) sendo a maioria de necessidade (67,5%) e foi observado que os pacientes que tiveram 4 a 5 atendimentos farmacêuticos tem 1,14 vezes mais probabilidade de terem seus PRMs identificados (χ2= 33,83; p<0,0001). Ademais, a análise demonstrou que os pacientes que tiveram entre 1 a 2 atendimentos farmacêuticos apresentaram 1,22 vezes mais probabilidade de não terem seus PRMs resolvidos quando comparado ao grupo com mais de 3 atendimentos farmacêuticos (χ2= 3,44; p<0,05). Neste estudo ainda foram notificadas 173 intervenções farmacêuticas, das quais 52,6% foram destinadas aos médicos, 46,2% aos estudantes de Medicina e a maioria delas (98,7%) foi aceita. Conclusão. Os indicadores de estrutura e processo reunidos podem ser utilizados para avaliar a implementação do Serviço de Revisão da Farmacoterapia. O farmacêutico pode colaborar com os médicos identificando e resolvendo PRMs, bem como auxiliando no monitoramento e na tomada de decisão sobre a farmacoterapia, beneficiando o paciente.

Use of various health care providers and the associated clinical and humanistic outcomes in an ambulatory Medicare population

Mai, Yvonne M. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Background: The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and other non-physician health care providers (dentists, optometrists, etc.) has steadily increased in the United States; however, the associated outcomes reported in the Medicare beneficiary population are limited. Objective: To evaluate the utilization of different healthcare providers by Medicare beneficiaries and assess resultant beneficiary outcomes. Methods: Fourteen outreach events targeting Medicare beneficiaries were conducted throughout Northern/Central California during the 2014 open enrollment period. Trained student pharmacists (working under licensed pharmacist supervision) provided beneficiaries with comprehensive medication therapy management (MTM) services. During each intervention, demographic, quality-of-life, health behavior and health provider/service utilization data were collected. Results: Of 620 respondents, 525 (84%) and 84 (14%) reported using at least one non-physician healthcare professional or CAM provider, respectively. Beneficiaries who reported using non-physician healthcare providers were significantly (p < 0.05) more likely to indicate being ‘very confident’ in managing their chronic health conditions. The number of providers seen with prescriptive authority was positively correlated with the number of prescription medications taken (r s =0.342, p < 0.001). The total number of providers seen was positively correlated with the number of drug-related issues identified (r s = 0.179, p < 0.001). Conclusion: Many beneficiaries have multiple chronic conditions and increasingly utilize a variety of healthcare professionals. As such, bridging the communication chasm between these professionals can improve humanistic outcomes and minimize medication related issues of Medicare beneficiaries. Coordinated care, a key strategy for improving healthcare delivery under the Affordable Care Act, is a step in the right direction.

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