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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reuso potável de esgoto sanitário: possibilidades e riscos / Potable reuse of wastewater: opportunities and risks

Rezende, Carlos Custódio Santos de 15 October 2010 (has links)
O atual cenário de escassez hídrica enfrentada por certas regiões e o crescente grau de poluição dos recursos hídricos motivam pesquisas por alternativas para suprir esse déficit, uma vez que a água é um dos mais importantes recursos. Nesse cenário o reuso de água é uma importante e estratégica alternativa de instrumento de gestão de recursos hídricos, pois ao mesmo tempo em que reduz a pressão sob as fontes de água, também reduz significativamente os impactos gerados pelos lançamentos de esgotos em corpos receptores. Desse modo, o trabalho contemplou uma modalidade de reuso ainda não muito estudada, o reuso potável. Por ser uma modalidade que apresenta grandes riscos o trabalho se apoiou nos três aspectos principais associados: tecnologia, escassez e aceitação da população. O trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso para região metropolitana de Vitória, onde foi realizada uma projeção da demanda por recursos hídricos para curto (2015), médio (2020) e longo (2030) prazos, que quando comparada com a disponibilidade hídrica da região, concluiu que num futuro próximo (2015) a demanda será maior que a oferta. Para suprir esse déficit foi proposta uma alternativa de sistema de reuso potável indireto e feito uma avaliação da aceitação da população. / The current scenario of water scarcity faced by some regions and increasing degree of pollution of water resources motivate researches for alternatives to supply this deficit, since water is one of the most important resources. In this scenario, water reuse is an important and strategic alternative tool of water resources management, because while it reduces the pressure on water supplies, also significantly reduces the impacts caused by sewage discharge into receiving bodies of water. Thus, the work contemplated a form of reuse that is not so well studied, the potable reuse. Being a type that presents great risks, the work was supported in three main aspects associated with: technology, scarcity and public acceptance. The work presents a case study for the metropolitan region of Vitória, projected water demands for short (2015), medium (2020) and long (2030) terms, that when compared to water availability in the region, concluded that in the near future (2015) demand will be greater than the supply. To increase the disponibility of water was proposed an alternative system of indirect potable reuse and made an assessment of public acceptance.

Reuso potável de esgoto sanitário: possibilidades e riscos / Potable reuse of wastewater: opportunities and risks

Carlos Custódio Santos de Rezende 15 October 2010 (has links)
O atual cenário de escassez hídrica enfrentada por certas regiões e o crescente grau de poluição dos recursos hídricos motivam pesquisas por alternativas para suprir esse déficit, uma vez que a água é um dos mais importantes recursos. Nesse cenário o reuso de água é uma importante e estratégica alternativa de instrumento de gestão de recursos hídricos, pois ao mesmo tempo em que reduz a pressão sob as fontes de água, também reduz significativamente os impactos gerados pelos lançamentos de esgotos em corpos receptores. Desse modo, o trabalho contemplou uma modalidade de reuso ainda não muito estudada, o reuso potável. Por ser uma modalidade que apresenta grandes riscos o trabalho se apoiou nos três aspectos principais associados: tecnologia, escassez e aceitação da população. O trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso para região metropolitana de Vitória, onde foi realizada uma projeção da demanda por recursos hídricos para curto (2015), médio (2020) e longo (2030) prazos, que quando comparada com a disponibilidade hídrica da região, concluiu que num futuro próximo (2015) a demanda será maior que a oferta. Para suprir esse déficit foi proposta uma alternativa de sistema de reuso potável indireto e feito uma avaliação da aceitação da população. / The current scenario of water scarcity faced by some regions and increasing degree of pollution of water resources motivate researches for alternatives to supply this deficit, since water is one of the most important resources. In this scenario, water reuse is an important and strategic alternative tool of water resources management, because while it reduces the pressure on water supplies, also significantly reduces the impacts caused by sewage discharge into receiving bodies of water. Thus, the work contemplated a form of reuse that is not so well studied, the potable reuse. Being a type that presents great risks, the work was supported in three main aspects associated with: technology, scarcity and public acceptance. The work presents a case study for the metropolitan region of Vitória, projected water demands for short (2015), medium (2020) and long (2030) terms, that when compared to water availability in the region, concluded that in the near future (2015) demand will be greater than the supply. To increase the disponibility of water was proposed an alternative system of indirect potable reuse and made an assessment of public acceptance.

L’écriture entre imitation et invention à l’école primaire : écrire des épisodes de robinsonnades au cycle 3 / Writing in primary school : between imitation and invention

Rebours-Similowski, Kathy 30 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit une recherche qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’apprentissage de la rédaction en fin d’école primaire. Il s’agit d’observer comment des scripteurs apprenants confrontés à des textes littéraires les réinvestissent spontanément dans une phase d’écriture ou de réécriture. Plus particulièrement, elle se donne pour objectif d’observer comment les élèves reformulent des textes ressources pour construire un genre, ici la robinsonnade, et comment l’imitation inventive participe de la construction d’une posture d’auteur. Elle s’intéresse aux stratégies mises en œuvre, pour, in fine, en dégager des exploitations didactiques. L’analyse conjugue deux perspectives. La première est celle de la linguistique, s’appuie sur les études portant sur la production verbale écrite et la réorganisation d’un substrat langagier déjà-là, et emprunte à la génétique textuelle ses méthodes pour lire les productions des élèves comme des textes d’écrivains. La seconde perspective est celle de la didactique et interroge les démarches qui cherchent à améliorer les productions d’élèves à partir de l’utilisation de modèles que constituent des textes ressources. / This thesis describes a research conducted within the frame of the learning of writing at the end of primary school. It observes how novice writers exposed to literary texts spontaneously reinvest them in a subsequent writing or rewriting task. In particular, the research aims at observing how pupils reformulate resource texts to build a literary genre (here the robinsonnade), and how inventive imitation participates in the construction of an author's posture. The thesis focuses on the strategies implemented by the pupils to, ultimately, use them to develop didactic strategies. The analysis combines two perspectives. The first of these perspectives is that of linguistics. It relies on studies of written verbal production and of the reorganization of a linguistic substratum "already there". To read the productions of the pupils as actual writers' texts, the analysis borrows methodological approaches from textual genetics. The second analysis perspective is that of didactics. It questions the approaches that seek to improve the productions of pupils from the use of models that constitute resource texts.

Les représentations du lecteur réel dans quelques récits de voyage de Michel Butor / The representations of the real reader in some Michel Butor's travels stories

Birouk, Nadia 16 January 2012 (has links)
Le lecteur joue un grand rôle dans la production et dans l’élaboration du sens. En effet, dès le premier contact avec un énoncé littéraire, le lecteur réel est engagé dans une « communication interactionnelle » avec l’auteur réel, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de saisir le sens d'un récit « déroutant ». Pourtant, nous ne pouvons pas toujours préciser les types de lecteurs réels et leur capacité dans l’activation de l’acte de lecture qui doit être productif. La thèse essaye de mettre en lumière les particularités de la lecture littéraire et la difficulté d’approcher un énoncé littéraire, qui demeure un défi et une contrainte au vu de sa spécificité. Nous avons tenté de déterminer à l’aide d’exemples précis empruntés à Michel Butor, l’activité du lecteur réel que nous sommes, car ils présentent un outil intéressant pour approcher la question de la lecture chez Michel Butor, dans la mesure où ils illustrent le parcours d’une écriture « de voyage » qui va jusqu’à la mise en question du genre (Récit de voyage). Bref, il s’est avéré que la réception d’un texte est liée à nos choix les plus intimes, à nos partis pris, à nos sentiments et à nos pulsions… / The reader plays a tremendous role in the production and elaboration of meaning. Indeed, once facing a literary statement, the real reader becomes is committed (hired) with the real writer in a give-and-take relation, especially when it is a question of to seize the meaning of a «puzzling» text. Nevertheless, we cannot always advance the types of the real readers, nor can we determine their reading strategies and the related productivity. Actually, to clarify the nature and the task of the real reader is a complex work. The thesis tries to bring to light the peculiarities of the literary reading and the difficulty of approaching a literary statement. Such a reading remains, in fact, due to its particularity, a challenge and a constraint. We have tried to determine by means of precise examples Borrowed (Taken) from Michel Butor, the activity in which the real reader, whom we are, is engaged, because they present an interesting tool to approach the question of the reading at Michel Butor, as far as they illustrate the route (course) of a writing " with journey " which goes to the questioning of the kind (Travel story). In brief, it has turned out that the reception of a text is bound (connected) to our most intimate choices, to our taken parts, to our feelings and to our drives…

Die Kleinterzrückung als harmonischer Topos des amerikanischen Musicals

Sprenger, Sebastian 22 September 2023 (has links)
Die aufsteigende Kleinterzrückung des tonalen Zentrums stellt eine im amerikanischen Musical mittlerweile geradezu klischeehafte Wendung zur Erzeugung erhöhter musikalisch-espressiver Intensität dar, die in ungezählten Songs zu beobachten ist. Um ihre spezifische Qualität musiktheoretisch darzustellen, wird im vorliegenden Aufsatz auf das u.a. von Jacques Handschin und Hermann Pfrogner entwickelte Modell der ›relativen Helligkeitswerte‹ der Töne einer diatonischen Skala je nach ihrer Position in der als Quintenkette vorgestellten Diatonik zurückgegriffen. Anhand dreier Beispiele – Leonard Bernsteins Tonight (West Side Story, 1957), Kurt Weills Speak low (One Touch of Venus, 1943) und Alan Menkens Out There (The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1996) – wird zudem untersucht, wie die Distanz der tonalen Zentren im Rahmen einer primär an diatonischen Verläufen orientierten Melodik im Einzelfall überbrückt wird. / In American musicals the shift of tonal center up by minor-third represents a downright cliché for heightening musical-expressive intensity that can be observed in countless songs. In order to illustrate the specific quality of this shift, the present article employs among other things the model of “relative brightness values” (relative Helligkeitswerte) developed by Jacques Handschin and Hermann Pfrogner, which describes the tones of a diatonic scale according to their position in a diatonic system understood as a chain of fifths. The examination of three examples—Leonard Bernstein’s “Tonight” (West Side Story, 1957), Kurt Weill’s “Speak low” (One Touch of Venus, 1943), and Alan Menken’s “Out There” (The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1996)—will reveal how, within melodies confined primarily to diatonic processes, the distance between tonal centers can at times be spanned.

L'oubli de l'être dans l'introduction d'Être et temps de Heidegger

Kamadeu Tientcheu, Lionel 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire porte sur l’oubli de l’être dans l’introduction d’Être et temps de 1927 de Heidegger. Dans le premier paragraphe de son traité, Heidegger déclare que la question de l’être est aujourd’hui tombée dans l’oubli. Cet oubli dont parle Heidegger remonterait à la plus ancienne tradition philosophique et perdurerait aujourd’hui. Selon Heidegger, la question de l’être, bien qu’abordée dans le passé, n’aurait pas non plus été clarifiée de manière satisfaisante. Nous aimerions montrer dans le présent mémoire pourquoi la question de l’être a été oubliée de manière aussi fondamentale et pourquoi cette question exige selon Heidegger une clarification effective. Afin de bien mener notre étude, notre travail sera scindé en trois chapitres. Le premier tentera de montrer avec Heidegger la nécessité de réveiller et de relancer à nouveaux frais la question de l’être. Par la suite, nous verrons en quoi les dogmes ou préjugés autour du concept « être » n’auraient jusqu’ici contribué qu’à obscurcir la question de l’être. Vu que l’histoire de l’ontologie est en quelque sorte l’histoire de l’oubli de l’être, nous verrons enfin comment avec Heidegger il est important de relire l’histoire de l’ontologie. Heidegger va, en effet, opérer une destruction de l’histoire de l’ontologie, c’est-à-dire une reconstruction de celle-ci à partir d’un démantèlement critique de ses concepts fondamentaux. Sur les assises de cette destruction, il présentera sa méthode d’investigation phénoménologique qui permettrait d’appréhender l’être en tant que tel. C’est donc dans le deuxième chapitre de notre travail que nous verrons en quoi la phénoménologie est par excellence la méthode de l’ontologie. Selon Heidegger, l’ontologie n’est et ne serait possible que comme phénoménologie. Enfin, vu que parmi les étants il y a un étant privilégié de la question de l’être que Heidegger nomme Dasein, nous verrons concrètement dans le troisième chapitre sur quoi repose l’analytique existentiale de ce Dasein. Il nous faudra alors analyser les grands traits de sa constitution ontologique. / This thesis focuses on the forgetfulness of being in the introduction to Heidegger’s 1927 work Being and Time. In the introductory paragraph of his treatise, Heidegger declares that the question of being has today fallen into oblivion. This oblivion, mentioned by Heidegger, extends from the philosophical tradition to the present day. Indeed, the history of philosophy would have been thoroughly characterized by the forgetfulness of being. According to Heidegger, although addressed in the past, the question of being has not been satisfactorily clarified. We will strive to show in this thesis why, for Heidegger, the question of being has been fundamentally forgotten and will demonstrate why this question requires effective clarification. Therefore, our work will be divided into three chapters to properly conduct our study. The first chapter will attempt to show, with Heidegger, the necessity of reawakening and relaunching the question of being. Subsequently, we will see how the dogmas or prejudices surrounding the concept of “being” have so far only contributed to obscuring the question of being. Since the history of ontology is, in a way, the history of the forgetfulness of being, we will finally see how, for Heidegger, it is important to reconstruct the history of ontology. Thus, Heidegger will undertake a destruction of the history of ontology, meaning a reconstruction of it through a critical dismantling of its fundamental concepts. On the foundations of this destruction, he will present his method of phenomenological investigation that would allow apprehending being as such. It is in the second chapter of our work that we will see why phenomenology is par excellence the method of ontology. Hence, according to Heidegger, ontology is and would only be possible as phenomenology. Finally, since among beings, there is a privileged being in the question of being that Heidegger calls Dasein, we will concretely see in the third chapter what the existential analytic of this Dasein is based on. We will then discuss its ontological constitution.

La théorie des humeurs chez Heidegger : esquisse des fondements dans Sein und Zeit

Ethier-Delorme, Keith January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : « Wege, nitch Werke ». L’exergue de la Gesamtausgabe donne une indication précieuse pour quiconque souhaite lire et comprendre la pensée de Heidegger. Son œuvre se distingue des classiques de la tradition philosophique par le fait qu’elle ne cherche pas à établir une doctrine. Elle vise plutôt à reprendre à bras-le-corps une seule et même question : la Seinsfrage. Heidegger l’a retournée de maintes façons, parfois en puisant dans les préjugés au sujet de l’Être, parfois en empruntant des chemins de pensée plutôt inexplorés, mais à chaque fois il étonne. Le lecteur habitué à la rigidité conceptuelle, aux évidences cartésiennes et aux règles logiques de l'esprit, trouve peut-être en Heidegger son plus grand défi parce qu’il adhérait à une pensée-en-chemin (Zu Denken Wege) qui accueille l'errance et la pause, le silence et le tournant. Il invite le lecteur à prendre le pas, à risquer les chemins qui ne mènent nulle part ― Holzwege ―, à ne pas hésiter à faire un pas en arrière (Schritt zurück). La Gesamtausgabe oblige un certain inconfort pour la pensée. Ce mémoire de maîtrise est consacré à l’examen de la fonction phénoménologique des humeurs (Stimmungen) et à l’importance que leur accorde Heidegger, à partir d’une lecture de Sein und Zeit, tout particulièrement. La recherche a pour hypothèse de travail qu’on y retrouve une théorie des humeurs appréciable, bien que ne lui soit pas réservée une analyse systématique dans l’œuvre. Malgré cela, ce mémoire fait la démonstration, en quelques chapitres, que Sein und Zeit contient des éléments théoriques qui permettent de fonder cette théorie. Au final, le mémoire explore brièvement les humeurs analysées par Heidegger. C’est l’occasion de voir comment la théorie des humeurs s’inscrit véritablement dans la pensée du philosophe. La thèse défendue dans ce mémoire pourrait être reprise et approfondie par une étude doctorale, ce qui donnerait peut-être une clef supplémentaire pour contribuer à l'élaboration d'une lecture intégrale de la Gesamtausgabe. / Abstract : The highlight of the Gesamtausgabe gives a valuable indication for anyone who wants to read and understand Heidegger's thought. His work part from the philosophical tradition in that does not seek to establish a doctrine. Rather, it is intended to tackle the question of Being (Seinsfrage). Heidegger has posed it in many ways, sometimes by challenging our common sense about the “Being”, sometimes by exploring new paths of thinking, each time surprising us. Someone familiar with rational assertion, methodological pattern and logical rule, may find Heidegger really hard to understand because he assumes what he calls a « thought-in-way » (Wege Zu Denken), which welcomes silence and wandering. Heidegger invites the reader to try pathways that lead nowhere at first sight — Holzwege —, and sometimes to take a step back (Schritt zurück) from what he thinks. The Gesamtausgabe is definitively a challenge for the thought. The main goal of this master’s thesis is to examine the phenomenological function of moods (Stimmungen) and the importance we should give to them, from a reading of Sein und Zeit, especially. The aim is to find in it a theory of moods, even if Heidegger did not analyze them systematically. Nevertheless, this essay outlines, in just a few chapters, the reasons why we can pretend there is a such theory and why the moods have a significant phenomenological function. Finally, we explore the moods analyzed by Heidegger so we can see how his theory is truly embodied. This research could be taken further in a doctoral study, which would perhaps contribute to a more comprehensive interpretation of the Gesamtausgabe.

Gender, Myth, and Warfare: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women Warriors

Unknown Date (has links)
A combination of cross-cultural and symbolic methodologies suggests that women warriors occur in societies where there is both an emphasis on the sacred feminine that allows women greater access to positions of power and authority (as per Peggy Sanday) and where marital residency rules permit female fighters (following David B. Adams´s theory on women warriors). While neither theory can stand alone in explaining the existence of women warriors, when combined both theories give a solid picture of societies that allow for female combatants. In this paper I propose that by combining Sanday’s work on female power and Adams’s work on women warriors we can come to a better understanding about just what makes the cultures that allow for women’s participation in warfare unique, and perhaps what characteristics must be in place in order for a culture to have women warriors. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Determining the effectiveness of key performance indicators in a steel manufacturing company / Johan Andries Kritzinger.

Kritzinger, Johan Andries January 2009 (has links)
The recent performance of Cape Gate Sharon does not measure up to expectations. This is, to a significant extent, due to the fact that there is no effective measurement and follow-up of performance. The implementation of an effective KPI- based, performance evaluation system, within a balanced scorecard structure, should lead to material performance enhancement in Cape Gate Sharon. This, however, requires significant investment in both capital, as well as management involvement. As a pilot study, it is therefore beneficial to focus initially on the before-and-after-effects of the implementation of the KPI-based performance management within Cape Gate Sharon Wire Mills division. The primary objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of Key Performance Indicators in the product factories of Cape Gate. The specific supportive objectives of this research are the following. • To determine if effective KPI’s are measured • To determine if the implementation of KPI’s have been done successfully • To determine what the effect of specific KPI measurement in Cape Gate is. The literature study identifies what performance measurement and management is, as well as an in-depth study into key performance indicators. A simple, logical and repeatable closed loop model within a framework is suggested for the implementation of a KPI system. For the purpose of this mini-dissertation, the research is carried out through a process of a document analysis and a data analysis. Available reports are used to determine the current performance measurement system, to determine if effective KPI’s were chosen and to determine if the implementation was done successfully. Descriptive statistics were then used to analyse actual production data in order to determine the effect that KPI’s have on production. The results of each supporting objective were used to determine the effectiveness of key performance indicators in the product factories of Cape Gate. It is concluded that an effective set of KPI’s were chosen for Cape Gate product factories, with the exception of absenteeism. The closed-loop model was implemented successfully and all the required steps were taken. The effect of KPI’s was apparent on production, utilisation and downtimes. There is insufficient evidence that an improvement was made on absenteeism and the scrap percentage. This can be contributed to infrequent and delayed measurement of the two KPI’s, and the fact that absenteeism is not part of level 2 of the KPI framework. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Determining the effectiveness of key performance indicators in a steel manufacturing company / Johan Andries Kritzinger.

Kritzinger, Johan Andries January 2009 (has links)
The recent performance of Cape Gate Sharon does not measure up to expectations. This is, to a significant extent, due to the fact that there is no effective measurement and follow-up of performance. The implementation of an effective KPI- based, performance evaluation system, within a balanced scorecard structure, should lead to material performance enhancement in Cape Gate Sharon. This, however, requires significant investment in both capital, as well as management involvement. As a pilot study, it is therefore beneficial to focus initially on the before-and-after-effects of the implementation of the KPI-based performance management within Cape Gate Sharon Wire Mills division. The primary objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of Key Performance Indicators in the product factories of Cape Gate. The specific supportive objectives of this research are the following. • To determine if effective KPI’s are measured • To determine if the implementation of KPI’s have been done successfully • To determine what the effect of specific KPI measurement in Cape Gate is. The literature study identifies what performance measurement and management is, as well as an in-depth study into key performance indicators. A simple, logical and repeatable closed loop model within a framework is suggested for the implementation of a KPI system. For the purpose of this mini-dissertation, the research is carried out through a process of a document analysis and a data analysis. Available reports are used to determine the current performance measurement system, to determine if effective KPI’s were chosen and to determine if the implementation was done successfully. Descriptive statistics were then used to analyse actual production data in order to determine the effect that KPI’s have on production. The results of each supporting objective were used to determine the effectiveness of key performance indicators in the product factories of Cape Gate. It is concluded that an effective set of KPI’s were chosen for Cape Gate product factories, with the exception of absenteeism. The closed-loop model was implemented successfully and all the required steps were taken. The effect of KPI’s was apparent on production, utilisation and downtimes. There is insufficient evidence that an improvement was made on absenteeism and the scrap percentage. This can be contributed to infrequent and delayed measurement of the two KPI’s, and the fact that absenteeism is not part of level 2 of the KPI framework. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

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