Spelling suggestions: "subject:"there"" "subject:"where""
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A Comparative Study on Syntactic Transfer in L2 and L3 school-aged English learners in Sweden : The acquisition of the English existential expletive subjectFuster Sansalvador, Carles January 2014 (has links)
Various studies have indicated during the past decade that language transfer in L3 may not only stem from L1 but from L2 as well, and that it might sometimes even be stronger from L2, depending on certain factors that facilitate or inhibit transfer. This phenomenon of L2 as the main transfer source in L3 has often been referred to as the ”L2 status factor” (Hammarberg, 2001). The L2 status factor hypothesis expects that the priorly acquired language which scores the highest in several transfer factors will adopt the role of ”external supplier language” (Hammarberg, 2001), i.e. it will be the main source of transfer providing L3 with linguistic features. Namely, the factors that have hitherto been proposed to condition transfer are: typology, psychotypology, proficiency, and psychoaffective factors. The aim of this investigation is to compare the transfer that two groups might exhibit with regard to the English existential expletive pronoun (there), in order to account to whether transfer in L3 might be stronger from L2 than from L1 in this syntactic context. One group consists of subjects with different L1s, L2 Swedish and L3 English; the other is formed by L1 Swedish and L2 English speakers. The informants are aged 13-14, speak the L1s and Swedish (nearly) fluently and English at a basic/intermediate level. Basing the study on the L2 status factor hypothesis, and taking several transfer factors into consideration when analyzing the collected written data, the results are discussed both from a general perspective (from aggregate group scores) and from a micro-perspective (by tracing individual differences). The results obtained suggest that transfer in L3 appears to be stronger from L2 than from L1 when evaluating the aggregate group scores, but only in some cases (and not in most) when examining the individuals separately.
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Is there an alternative to the austerity policies in the Eurozone? : Analysis of the legitimacy and sovereignty challenges in the Euro Governance after the 2008 crisisSolaz Picher, Lluís January 2016 (has links)
The European Union, and especially the Eurozone, has experienced a period of political and economic difficulties after the Financial Crisis of 2008, and Debt Crisis of 2010. Austerity measures have been presented by the EMU’s elite as the only possible way to end the actual crisis, however many of the policies produced non-desirable side effects. However, the negative economic outcome in countries like Greece or Ireland questioned the vision of the status quo in the EU. These complications produced a questioning of the ideological assumptions behind the creation of the Euro due to the social and economic problematics that the crisis provoked. Moreover, some of the outcome of the subsequent policies of austerity produced political and social unrest, with a deep economic consequence for some Euro members. Besides, the rise of “Eurosceptic” parties all over Europe shows a deep mistrust from the population on the actual management to the crisis, some of the issues rise to critique present the opposition to the actual policies claiming against the lack of democracy on the decision making process.
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Existence bez existujícího / Existence without existentVaškovic, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to elucidate the ambiguous relation between the concepts of absolute alterity (tout Autre), there is (il y a) and the element (L'élément) in the work of Emmanuel Levinas. The investigation starts with a presupposition, that the above-mentioned concepts can all be considered a form of alterity. First part of the thesis thematises il y a against the backdrop of two seminal texts - From Existence to Existents and Time and the Other - and also in relation to Martin Heidegger's philosophy. Second part is structured around the analysis of the element, as it is presented in Totality and infinity. Part three deals with the concept of absolute alterity, which is contrasted to the conception of the totalizing subject. In the last part of the thesis, these three distinct kinds of alterity are brought into relation and qualitatively differentiated from one another. Key words: Levinas, Heidegger, alterity, radical alterity, totality, il y a, there is, element, From Existence to Existents, Totality and Infinity, Time and the Other
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The application of a technique for enhancing recall to improve learning in the science classroomParsons, Darryl C January 2007 (has links)
There has existed for many years a memory enhancement technique ("memory pegs") that although having dramatic demonstrable success in some individual cases has not been generally applied in education. The emergence of constructivist epistemology has emphasised the notion that learning occurs as a result of connecting new material with previously learnt concepts. There is, therefore, the implication that effective learning requires some previous knowledge upon which to attach new concepts - and thus realisation of the importance of learning with respect to acquiring factual information as a prerequisite to learning new processes and/or skills. This issue has focussed my attention on the need to ensure that the more physiological skills of accessing 'memory', both for learning and recall, are optimised for maximum learning. Further, there are some indications that the physiological skills of memory access (storage and retrieval) may respond favourably to training and 'exercise'. This study was designed to find out whether or not a repeated 'exercise' using a simple memory enhancement technique would lead to a determinable and statistically significant increase in overall performance in a range of cognitive skills (as indicated by science and mathematics examination results), whether learning such a technique would affect a student's attitudes towards science, whether there was a relationship between the amount of time spent practicing the technique and the degree of effect, and whether the memory technique did actually improve the ability to recall lists of objects.
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Circadian blood pressure within young adults in Viet Nam : An exploratory study comparing a normal blood pressure group and a prehypertension groupZahirovic, Rezak, Ekman, Scott January 2015 (has links)
Hypertension is a global disease that many effected people in developing countries is not aware of. Hypertension is linked with cardiovascular disease. Prehypertension is not a disease but if not correctly treated, it could develop into hypertension. The aim of the study was to investigate if there are any differences in circadian blood pressure between two study groups, one group with normal blood pressure and one group with prehypertension. This study was a explorative study and its design is based on measurements of blood pressure values and a questionnaire was used to help get the data collection. 51 students volunteered to have their blood pressure taken from them and out of these 51, 24 where selected into two groups of 12 each for the Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. hese 24 students would be a part of our study and an ambulatory (Schiller-102 plus) blood pressure monitor was used to collect the data. The prevalence of prehypertension findings in the clinical testing phase was 37% of the population. There was a variation between the groups during the day (systolic) but there was not a significant difference during the night.
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Měření vlastností polarizovaného světla na výstupu optovláknového senzoru / Measurement of polarized light properties on the opticla fiber sensor outputVelič, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
birefringance, degreeofpolarization, polarization, Stokesvectors, Poincarésphere, state of polarization, optical power, sensoric fibre, polarization-maintaining fiber, polaroid, poalrimeter
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Vliv specifické lokality na cenu rezidenčního objektu na Brněnsku / The Influence of a Specific Location on the Price of Real Estate for Residential Housing in Brno and its SurroundingsDrochytka, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Residential building, sales comparison approach, market valuation, specific location, arm’s length price, market value
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Kenosis and identities: pneumatological pointersNigrini, Jacques 11 1900 (has links)
In the thesis a methodology of understanding and explicating Christian faith consistent with the mystery of the simultaneous close connection and radical difference of God, human beings and the physical-organic cosmos environment is been mapped out. The theanthropocosmic principle as an expression of the mystery functions as the heuristic key in opening up the notion of kenosis (and incarnation) of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within the scope of the enduring interaction of . The Spirit in the kenotic sense of the word connects and differentiates the overall processes of being and becoming, here and there, now and then of the mystery of the `presences' of God, human beings and the natural cosmic world in being there (Dasein), being thus and thus (Sosein) and being dynamically actual (Aktsein). God acts in terms of the Spirit's operational kenotic presence within the margins of the creatureliness of people and the natural cosmic world as the kenotic clothing of God. A dynamic interpretation of the integral and differential character of being and becoming suggests that making sense of the dynamics of the formation of identities and identification is an ever ongoing endeavour. It implies a continuous process of negotiation whilst experiencing various continuums, remaining open-ended in an ever-increasing sense of wonder and mystery of "exitus a Deo-reditus in Deum". / Systematic Theology and theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Básnický prožitek Vysočiny / Poetic experience of VysočinaVeselá, Anna January 2016 (has links)
A number of renown poets and writers were born in the Czech Vysocina area and continued to return there throughout their lives. This thesis aims to compare the works of four Czech poets which feature reflections of the Vysocina region. In his collection of poems "Greetings to the sun", Jan Zahradnicek focuses on the sun as it shines upon the region and assists local inhabitants in their work. In his lyrical prose "I shall return there..." Frantisek Halas reveals incredible nature scenery as he introduces seasonal changes in the region. In Bohuslav Reynek's collection of works named "The sawing of loneliness" the region becomes the setting of the poet's conversation with God. In his collection of works titled "Springs opening" Miloslav Bures portrayed the annual tradition which every year renewed man's relationship with life giving nature.
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Neither Here Nor There, But Altogether Elsewhere : A Brief Study of DistanceChang, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Knowing is often framed by language; this moving arrangement of parts helps us make sense of our surround, rendering possible ways of relating, acting, and responding. Situated yet unsettled, the play of language enables us to mediate distances, to make sense of our frames while seeking other ways of being with and for. Through dialogue, these works attempt to reroute and reorient so that we may learn to see each other — and to see ourselves.
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