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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de tapete de borracha reciclável em piso de escamoteadores e sua influência no desenvolvimento e bem-estar de leitões na fase de maternidade / Evaluation of recyclable rubber in creep and its influence on the development and welfare of piglets in maternity

Beatriz de Oliveira Possagnolo 26 June 2017 (has links)
Um dos grandes pilares para o sucesso da produtividade da produção de suínos é o aumento da taxa de leitões nascidos por matriz. Porém, para que esse resultado seja satisfatório, é necessário reduzir as taxas de mortalidade de leitões ao nascimento e aumentar o ganho de peso por leitegada. Nesse sentido, deve-se priorizar o bem-estar dos animais, reduzir os custos na produção e utilizar recursos favoráveis à sustentabilidade da produção. A borracha reciclável é um excelente recurso sustentável, podendo trazer benefícios para os leitões por ser um produto resistente, que absorve impacto e apresenta consistência macia, tornando o ambiente mais confortável, bom condutor térmico e antiderrapante. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência da cobertura do piso de escamoteadores com borracha reciclável com a utilização de dois diferentes tipos de tapete, em relação à utilização de piso convencional (piso de concreto coberto por maravalha), com o propósito de identificar a melhor adaptação dos leitões, observando o conforto térmico e consequentemente o desenvolvimento animal e aumento da produtividade. A pesquisa foi realizada no município de Mogi-Mirim/SP entre os meses de julho a agosto de 2015. Foram estabelecidos três tipos de tratamento: Tratamento 1 (T1) - piso coberto por maravalha; Tratamento 2 (T2) - piso coberto com tapete de borracha inteiriça; Tratamento 3 (T3) - piso coberto com tapete de borracha vazada, para 12 leitegadas (±50 animais/ tratamento). Os parâmetros analisados foram: comportamento e avaliação fisiológica avaliados em dias intercalados durante o experimento, em três períodos: manhã (H1 - 7:00h às 11:00h), tarde (H2 - 12:00h às 15:00h) e noite (H3 - 16:00h às 18:00h); e os índices zootécnicos e microclima das instalações avaliados diariamente. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) para as análises dos dados referentes à entalpia, ITU e comportamento; e delineamento em blocos casualiazados (DBC) referente aos dados das análises fisiológicas. As médias foram analisadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de significância. A análise do microclima das instalações evidenciou estresse por frio constante, caracterizado pela entalpia abaixo de 68,40, porém dentro da faixa ideal dada pelo índice de temperatura e umidade (menor ou igual a 70). Os animais dos tratamentos com piso do escamoteador coberto por tapete de borra (vazado e inteiriço) mativeram-se por maior tempo, e expressaram uma maior quantidade de comportamentos dentro do escamoteador, quando evidencianda a escolha por um local de melhor conforto, em comparação ao tratamento convencional (maravalha). A utilização do tapete (inteiriço e vazado) influenciou de forma positiva, em melhorias na produção, ao que se refere ao índice de mortalidade por esmagamento. Este trabalho abre novas possibilidades de se avaliar a utilização de tapete de borracha reciclável na produção de suínos. Inaugura possibilidades de estudo de novos designs de tapete e de local de instalação, a fim de estabelecer um produto inovador e sustentável, tornando-o uma ferramenta rentável e eficientemente econômica na produção de suínos. / One of the great pillars for the swine production productive success is the increase in the rate of piglets by sow. However, for this result to be satisfactory it is necessary to reduce the piglet death rate at birth and increase the weight gain by litter. Hence, the animal welfare must be prioritized, the production costs reduced and favorable resources to the production sustainability used. The rubber is recyclable and it is an excellent sustainable resource that can benefit the piglets since it is a resistant material capable of absorbing impact, soft, able to make the environment more comfortable, good heat conductor and non-slip. The objective of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of covering the creep ground with recyclable rubber with the utilization of two different kinds of mats in relation to conventional ground (concrete covered by shavings), aiming to identify the best piglets adaptation taking in observation the thermal comfort, the animal development and increase in productivity. The research took place in the municipality of Mogi-Mirim/SP from July to August of 2015. Three treatments were established: Treatment 1 (T1) - ground covered by shavings; Treatment 2 (T2) - ground covered by rubber mat; Treatment 3 (T3) - ground covered by leaked rubber mat, for 12 litters (+-50 animals/treatment). The analyzed parameters were: behavior and physiological evaluation every other day during the experiment, in three periods: mornings (H1 - 7:00h to 11:00h), afternoon (H2 - 12:00h to 15:00h) and evening (H3 - 16:00h to 18:00h); and the zootechnical indices and the facilities microclimate evaluated daily. It was utilized a Completely Randomized Design (DIC) for the analyses of the enthalpy data, ITU and behavior; and Randomized-Completeblocks Design (DBC) for the physiological analysis. The averages were analysed by the Tuckey\'s test at 5% significance. The facilities microclimate analysis emphasized a constant cold stress, characterized by the enthalpy below 68,40, however, it falls in the ideal range given by the humidity and temperature index (less or equal to 70). The animals from the treatments with rubber mats maintained for a longer period of time and expressed a greater quantity inside of the creep, evidencing a choice for a place of better comfort, compared to the conventional treatment (shavings). The utilization of mats influenced in a positive way in the production when it comes to mortality by crushing. This study opens up new possibilities of evaluating the utilization of recyclable rubber in swine production. Inaugurate possibilities of studying new mat designs, placing in order to establish an innovative product, sustainable, making it a rentable tool, economically efficient in the swine production.

A Study to Evaluate Urban Heat Mitigation Design Strategies to Improve Pedestrian’s Thermal Perception in Existing Canyons of Extreme Hot-Arid Cities. The Case of Phoenix, Arizona

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The rapid rate of urbanization coupled with continued population growth and anthropogenic activities has resulted in a myriad of urban climate related impacts across different cities around the world. Hot-arid cities are more vulnerable to induced urban heat effects due to the intense solar radiation during most of the year, leading to increased ambient air temperature and outdoor/indoor discomfort in Phoenix, Arizona. With the fast growth of the capital city of Arizona, the automobile-dependent planning of the city contributed negatively to the outdoor thermal comfort and to the people's daily social lives. One of the biggest challenges for hot-arid cities is to mitigate against the induced urban heat increase and improve the outdoor thermal. The objective of this study is to propose a pragmatic and useful framework that would improve the outdoor thermal comfort, by being able to evaluate and select minimally invasive urban heat mitigation strategies that could be applied to the existing urban settings in the hot-arid area of Phoenix. The study started with an evaluation of existing microclimate conditions by means of multiple field observations cross a North-South oriented urban block of buildings within Arizona State University’s Downtown campus in Phoenix. The collected data was evaluated and analyzed for a better understanding of the different local climates within the study area, then used to evaluate and partially validate a computational fluid dynamics model, ENVI-Met. Furthermore, three mitigation strategies were analyzed to the Urban Canopy Layer (UCL) level, an increase in the fraction of permeable materials in the ground surface, adding different configurations of high/low Leaf Area Density (LAD) trees, and replacing the trees configurations with fabric shading. All the strategies were compared and analyzed to determine the most impactful and effective mitigation strategies. The evaluated strategies have shown a substantial cooling effect from the High LAD trees scenarios. Also, the fabric shading strategies have shown a higher cooling effect than the Low LAD trees. Integrating the trees scenarios with the fabric shading had close cooling effect results in the High LAD trees scenarios. Finally, how to integrate these successful strategies into practical situations was addressed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Architecture 2020

Sistema móvel para análise de conforto térmico de animais, utilizando método interpolador IDW /

Oliveira Júnior, Arilson José de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Silvia Regina Lucas de Souza / Resumo: Em ambientes de produção animal o processo de análise das condições de conforto térmico pode ser realizado mediante o cálculo de índices de conforto térmico e da elaboração de mapas de variabilidade espacial de parâmetros meteorológicos e dos próprios índices de conforto térmico. Os métodos atuais para análise do bem-estar animal, especificamente aqueles por meio de mapas de índices de conforto térmico, são realizados em programas de computador utilizando-se softwares específicos de interpolação de dados. Esses processos, por sua vez, não permitem que avaliações de conforto térmico sejam realizadas facilmente no próprio local de coleta de dados. Assim, esse trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de desenvolver um sistema para criação de mapas de variabilidade espacial da temperatura do ar e de índices de conforto térmico de animais, utilizando o método interpolador IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted), ou Inverso da Distância Ponderada. O sistema desenvolvido é composto por um aplicativo Android e dispositivos de transmissão e recepção de dados meteorológicos. O aplicativo foi desenvolvido por meio da linguagem de programação orientada a objetos Java, mediante o ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado Android Studio. Já os dispositivos móveis foram criados utilizando-se sensores de baixo custo de temperatura do ar, temperatura de globo negro e umidade relativa, juntamente com microcontroladores de plataforma eletrônica de código aberto – Arduino. O algoritmo desenvolvido para o aplic... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In animal production environments, the process of analysis of thermal comfort conditions may be carried out through the calculation of the thermal comfort index and the creation of maps showing spatial variabilities of meteorological parameters and the thermal comfort indexes. The current methods for analysis of animal well fare, especially those including maps of thermal comfort indexes, are carried out using computer programs with specific software of data interpolation. On the other hand, these processes don’t allow the evaluations of thermal comfort to be easily performed in the data collection site. Therefore, the aim of this study was developing a system for creation of maps with spatial variability of the air temperature and thermal comfort of animals, using the IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) interpolation method. The system created is formed by an Android app and devices of transmission and reception of meteorological data. The app was developed using the Java programming language, through the Android Studio integrated development environment. The mobile devices were made using low cost air temperature, black globe temperature and relative humidity sensors, and microcontrollers of open source electronic platform – Arduino. The algorithm developed for the Android app was validated by means of comparing the air temperature figures measured, and those interpolated by the app in a broiler shed. On the other hand, the transmission and reception of data were validated via ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor


Xuan Li (8731800) 20 April 2020 (has links)
<div> <p>People spend most of their time indoors. Because people’s health and productivity are highly dependent on the quality of the indoor thermal environment, it is important to provide occupants with healthy, comfortable and productive indoor thermal environment. However, inappropriate thermostat temperature setpoint settings not only wasted large amount of energy but also make occupants less comfortable. This study intended to develop a new control strategy for HVAC systems to adjust the thermostat setpoint automatically and accordingly to provide a more comfortable and satisfactory thermal environment.</p> <p>This study first trained an image classification model based on CNN to classify occupants’ amount of clothing insulation (clothing level). Because clothing level was related to human thermal comfort, having this information was helpful when determining the temperature setpoint. By using this method, this study performed experimental study to collect comfortable air temperature for different clothing levels. This study collected 450 data points from college student. By using the data points, this study developed an empirical curve which could be used to calculate comfortable air temperature for specific clothing level. The results obtained by using this curve could provide environments that had small average dissatisfaction and average thermal sensation closed to neutral.</p> <p>To adjust the setpoint temperature according to occupants’ thermal comfort, this study used mean facial skin temperature as an indicator to determine the thermal comfort. Because when human feel hot, their body temperature would rise and vice versa. To determine the correlation, we used a long wave infrared (LWIR) camera to non-invasively obtain occupant’s facial thermal map. By processing the thermal map with Haar-cascade face detection program, occupant’s mean facial skin temperature was calculated. By using this method, this study performed experimental study to collect occupant’s mean facial skin temperature under different thermal environment. This study collected 225 data points from college students. By using the data points, this study discovered different intervals of mean facial skin temperature under different thermal environment. </p> <p>Lastly, this study used the data collected from previous two investigations and developed a control platform as well as the control logic for a single occupant office to achieve the objective. The measured clothing level using image classification was used to determine the temperature setpoint. According to the measured mean facial skin temperature, the setpoint could be further adjusted automatically to make occupant more comfortable. This study performed 22 test sessions to validate the new control strategy. The results showed 91% of the tested subjects felt neutral in the office</p> </div> <br>

Algoritam za poboljšanje termalnog komfora u urbanoj sredini / The algorithm for improving the thermal comfort in urban environment

Bajšanski Ivana 18 August 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja je kreiranje algoritma za pobolj&scaron;anje spolja&scaron;njeg<br />termalnog komfora u velikim urbanim sredinama, uzimajući u obzir<br />određene geometrijske parametre izgrađenog okruženja, primenom<br />softverskih aplikacija za parametarsko modelovanje. Algoritam za<br />pobolj&scaron;anje spolja&scaron;njeg termalnog komfora ima opciju automatske<br />izmene lokacije čoveka, &scaron;to omogućava procenu termalnog komfora u<br />području velikih razmera, kao &scaron;to su bulevari, blokovski prostori, trgovi i<br />drugi. Takođe, algoritam za pobolj&scaron;anje spolja&scaron;njeg termalnog komfora<br />omogućava i automatsko menjanje visina zgrada u cilju postizanja<br />optimalnog urbanog dizajna koji podrazumeva najbolji spolja&scaron;nji termalni<br />komfor.</p> / <p>The aim of this research is to create an algorithm for improvement of<br />outdoor thermal comfort conditions in urban areas taking into account<br />certain geometrical parameters of built urban environment, applying<br />parametric modelling and different software packages. The algorithm<br />for improving the outdoor thermal comfort offers the option of<br />automated change of a man&rsquo;s location, which enables the evaluation<br />of outdoor thermal comfort in large-scale urban areas, such as<br />boulevards, courtyards, squares etc. In addition, the algorithm for<br />improving the outdoor thermal comfort also allows automatic<br />variations of building height in order to achieve the optimal urban<br />design which implies the best outdoor thermal comfort.</p>

Inverkan av värmesystem på termisk komfort i ett flerbostadshus med hänsyn till energianvändning / Impact of heating systems on thermal comfort in a residential building with regard to energy use

Larek, Adrian, Tran, Jimmy January 2015 (has links)
Inomhusklimatet har en avgörande roll för människans hälsa och välmående då människor befinner sig inomhus i nästan halva sitt liv. Det finns flera aspekter till hur det ska erhållas ett bra inomhusklimat men de mer betydelsefulla aspekterna är både god luftkvalitet och termisk komfort. Samtidigt som innebörden av reducering av energianvändning har en viktig roll i dagens utveckling. Då det ständigt arbetas med att försöka reducera energianvändningen i syfte till att underlätta för miljö- belastningen, väcker det frågor om hur den termiska komforten påverkas av detta. Rapportens syfte kommer därmed ligga i identifikation av uppvärmningssystem för ett givet flerbostadshus i Stockholmsområdet med fokus på termisk komfort och energianvändning. Utvärderingen baseras på olika typer av inverkan från diverse system som har utförts med beräkningssprogrammet IDA ICE. Ett referensfall för ett flerbostadshus användes som underlag och modellerades enligt A- och K-ritningar samt indata enligt Sveby. Det kommer även att inkludera de miljöcertifieringar som används i störst utsträckning här i Sverige och både ange deras krav gällande den termiska komforten samt respektive fokusområde då olika miljöcertifieringar har olika bedömningskriterier.   Under denna studie visade det sig att det sällan tas hänsyn till den termiska komforten på motsvarande sätt som energianvändningen. Det har även visat sig att i de fall där krav gällande den termiska komforten finns, är den otillräckligt definierad för att ge en god uppfattning av komforten. Kraven tar, med andra ord, inte hänsyn till hur bra ett hus presterar under ett helt år utan fokuserar på ett momentant värde. Till simuleringen gjordes en känslighetsanalys som påvisade vikten och behovet av en tydlig standard för odefinierade variabler för att uttrycka människors bedömning av termisk komfort. Efter samtliga simuleringarna, granskades energiberäkningar efter erhållen granskningsmall från WSP Systems i syfte att utföra en egenkontroll samt ge ett underlag för rimlighetsbedömning. Från de erhållna resultaten visade det sig att golvvärme och ökad börvärde till 22 °C gav en ökad termisk komfort men samtidigt en ökning i energianvändningen medan FTX-systemet med radiatorer gav upphov till reducerad energianvändning med cirka en tredjedel samt en liten ökning av den termiska komforten. Det visade sig även vara att vid val av FTX-systemet gav högst årlig energibesparing men att det även bör tas hänsyn till installationskostnaderna för FTX-system och golvvärmesystemet till skillnad från om börvärdet ökas till 22 °C. Det blir då en kostnadsfråga och en avgörande parameter för val bland dessa tre systemen. / The indoor climate plays a crucial role in human health and well-being when people are indoors for nearly half their life. There are several aspects to how one should achieve good indoor climate, but the more significant aspects are both good air quality and thermal comfort. Simultaneously one must regard that the reduction of energy has an important role in today’s development. While trying to reduce energy consumption in order to facilitate the environmental load, it raises the questions whether the thermal comfort is affected by this.  The purpose of the report will lie in the identification of a heating system for a given apartment building in the Stockholm area, with a focus on thermal comfort and energy use. The evaluation is based on various types of impacts from various systems that have been computed in IDA ICE. A reference case for an apartment building was used as a basis and was modeled according to architectural and constructional drawings while input data was used according to Sveby. It will also include the environmental certifications used in Sweden and specify their requirements regarding the thermal comfort, and each focus area as various environmental certifications have different assessment criteria’s. During this study it was found that we rarely take into account the thermal comfort in the same way we do with the energy consumption. It has also been found that in cases where the requirements for the thermal comfort exist, it is often insufficiently defined to provide one with a good perception of comfort. The requirements do, in other words, not take into account how well a building performs during a whole year but instead focuses on one instantaneous value. For the simulation a sensitivity analysis was made that revealed the importance and necessity of a clear standard for undefined variables to express the people’s assessment of thermal comfort. After the simulation part, the energy calculations were examined according to a review template from WSP Systems. This provided a basis for fair consideration. From the obtained results it was shown that floor heating and increasing the setpoint to 22 °C gave an increased thermal comfort but at the same time an increase in energy use. An HVAC system with a heat exchanger and radiators resulted in reduced energy use by about a third from the reference case and a slight increase in current thermal comfort. It also proved that the choice of an HVAC system with heat exchanger produced the highest annual energy savings. However one must take into account installation costs for different types of systems as opposed to when the setpoint is increased to 22 °C. Thus it becomes a cost issue and a critical parameter for selecting among these three types of solutions.

Tepelný komfort cestujících na zastávkách hromadné dopravy / Thermal comfort of passengers at public transport stops

Junga, Petr January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the evaluation of the thermal comfort of passengers at public transport stops, in the shelters of public transport, which are an integral part of urban technical equipment. This topic is gaining in importance especially with regard to climate change and related with increasing frequency of extreme weather events. First part of the diploma thesis is the theoretical part, dealing with public transport shelters from various theoretical points of view. The practical part of the diploma theses deals with experimental measurements of selected physical quantities in the interior and exterior of eleven public transport shelters in the city of Brno, during the six months of 2020 (cold and warm periods). The facts found by experimental measurements for individual shelters are compared and evaluated, with the final selection of the optimal model of the technical solution of the shelter.

User-centric approach in the pursuit of improved interior climate

Krausz, Roland January 2022 (has links)
The field of building services and the topic of interior user-centric climate has been gaining on importance in recent years. The pandemic of COVID-19 has resulted in an increased amount of time spent indoors, extensive energy usage in the built environment, and has also brought up the important issue of a pleasant interior climate. These two implications have become prominent on top of the ones resulting from the existent, persistently growing threat which is posed on our planet by climate change. Rising temperatures &amp; increasing amount of sunlight, extensive energy consumption due to higher demand for cooling and heating, especially in large buildings (i.e. office buildings) occupied by large amounts of people with different preferences and user habits - these are all challenges we now have to face. Considering these challenges, this thesis suggests how a holistic approach could protect against them, mitigate their further development and so prevent their future impact on us humans. The overarching goal of this thesis, the pursuit of the “ideal” interior climate in office buildings, is achieved through setting up scenarios where different variations of daylighting, thermal comfort and energy consumption will be experimented with. The “ideal” interior climate will then be determined through assessing these scenarios and their corresponding results, yielding a recommendation for building future office spaces - these will no longer be only functional and provide shelter, but will also support interior occupant comfort and be efficient while doing so.

Simulations of energy efficient windows in a historical building located in mid-Sweden

Medrano Eraso, Iñigo January 2023 (has links)
Amorphous silicon photovoltaic windows intend to not only improve thethermal bridge that windows represent but also to collect energy from theradiation incident on the windows themselves. This kind of windows can beapplied anywhere, however to maximize the benefit these can bring it isrecommended for sun-oriented façades. This research aims to investigate theimpacts that this type of windows can have on the energy performance andthermal comfort of a three-story historical stone building in the cold climateof Sweden using the simulation software IDA ICE. The model used for thesimulations had previously been developed and tested in other researches thatinvolved this same building. This research shows that the yearly energyconsumption for the townhall can be reduced down to 280000 kWh,representing a reduction of 5000 kWh compared to the base model, if theHigh transparency windows are applied, representing a reduction of 1,7%.The use of any of the four proposed windows has shown to increase thepercentage of best comfort hours by at least 5% and lowers the percentage ofunacceptable comfort hours at least by a 10%, even having cases with 0 hoursat this comfort level. The upper level of the South façade would be able toprovide the building with 800 kWh yearly, being the level with the highestenergy collection due to having more windows. Approximately every windowcould collect around 90 kWh yearly, which represents 20% of what a solarpanel of the same area correctly oriented could obtain in the same period oftime. Thus, the amorphous silicon photovoltaic windows do not seem to bethe best change despite offering a very promising thermal comfort. Theeconomical viability of this project is what prevents it from being feasiblesince the energy saving/obtaining characteristics are not of great magnitude.

A hybrid low - temperature heating system in geothermal retrofitting for public buildings in the Mediterranean climate

Bizimana, Boumediene January 2019 (has links)
More than 50 % of EU’s yearly energy demand is spent on heating and cooling systems with which most of its source is generated from non-renewable fossil fuel [1]. Furthermore, half of the EU buildings are heated with a non-efficient boiler of about 60% or less efficiency [1]. The report released by EU from 1990 to 2007 revealed that fuel combustion and fugitive emission contribute to about 79.3% of total greenhouse gas emissions in CO2 equivalents [1]. The EU-EBPD long-term renovation strategy is to improve the energy performance of all residential and non-residential buildings in its member countries through supporting the renovation of the existing buildings into highly energy efficient and decarbonised buildings [2]. Despite all these EU policies and efforts to replace these non-efficient heating systems, the main challenge is price comparison of different solutions and their efficiency in retrofitting of the heating old systems together with the lack of information about the functioning of those old systems [1]. Thus, the development of an easy to install heating system in retrofitting with low exergy heat supply is a significant contribution to a sustainable solution in minimizing energy resources depletion and environmental emission. Furthermore, efficient system control of these easy to install heating systems, hybrids combinations solution for retrofitting building could be a sustainable solution for the preservation of the existing building. The main objective of this work was to design an easy to install hybrid low-temperature floor heating system in retrofitting buildings and compare its results on energy performance, thermal comfort and indoor air quality with other conventional heating mainly used in the Mediterranean climate. This study was performed in two existing radiators heated buildings located in Sant Cugat del vallès in Catalonia, Spain.The results showed that the hybrid low-temperature heating system has the highest energy performance and energy saving of 48 % and 52% compared to that of existing radiator heating and all air heating, respectively. However, hybrid low-temperature floor heating showed a slow heating response, and consequently, it showed lower operative temperature compared to others even though it was within the recommended standards limits. The hybrid low-temperature heating system with demand-controlled ventilation also showed a better indoor air quality, while as existing radiator with its natural ventilation showed the worst indoor air quality. All three compared heating systems showed a better coefficient of performance with low-temperature heat supply and were able to operate with low-temperature heat supply. / Mer än 50% av EU:s årliga energibehov spenderas på värme- och kylsystem där de flesta av deras källor genereras från icke-förnybart fossilt bränsle [1]. Dessutom värms hälften av EU:s byggnader upp med en ineffektiv panna med cirka 60% eller mindre effektivitet [1]. EU:s rapport från 1990 till 2007 avslöjade att bränsleförbränning och flyktiga utsläpp bidrar till cirka 79% av de totala utsläppen av växthusgaser i koldioxidekvivalenter [1]. EU:s och EBPD:s långsiktiga renoveringsstrategi är att förbättra energiprestanda för alla bostäder och andra byggnader i dess medlemsländer genom att stödja renovering av befintliga byggnader till mycket energieffektiva byggnader [2].Trots alla dessa EU-policyer och ansträngningar för att ersätta dessa ineffektiva värmesystem, är den största utmaningen prisjämförelse av olika lösningar och deras effektivitet i renovering av de gamla värmesystemen tillsammans med bristen på information om hur de gamla systemen fungerar [1]. Därför är utvecklingen av ett installationsenkelt värmesystem med låg värmeförsörjning av exergi ett viktigt bidrag till en hållbar lösning för att minimera energiresurser och miljöutsläpp. Dessutom kan effektiv systemkontroll av dessa värmesystem med olika kombinationslösningar för renovering av byggnaden vara en hållbar lösning för att bevara den befintliga byggnaden.Huvudsyftet med detta arbete var att utforma ett lågtemperaturgolvvärmesystem att använda vid renovering av byggnader och jämföra dess resultat på energiprestanda, termisk komfort och inomhusluftkvalitet med annan konventionell uppvärmning som huvudsakligen används i medelhavsklimat. Denna studie utfördes i två befintliga radiatoruppvärmda byggnadet i Sant Cugat del vallès i Katalonien, Spanien. Resultaten visade att hybridsystemet med låg temperatur har den högsta energiprestandan och energibesparingen på 48% och 52% för den befintliga radiatorvärme respektive luftvärme. Emellertid visade lågtemperaturgolvvärme ett långsamt uppvärmningssvar, och följaktligen visade det lägre driftstemperatur jämfört med de andra systemen trots att det låg inom de rekommenderade standardgränserna. Lågtemperaturvärmesystem med efterfrågningsstyrd ventilation visade också en bättre inomhusluftkvalitet, medan befintliga radiatorer med sin naturliga ventilation visade den sämsta inomhusluftkvaliteten. Alla tre jämförda värmesystemen visade bättre prestanda med lågtemperaturvärmeförsörjning och kunde fungera med lågtemperaturvärmeförsörjning.

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