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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of Thermal Barrier Coating Systems

Curry, Nicholas January 2014 (has links)
Thermal barrier coatings (TBC’s) are used to provide both thermal insulation and oxidation protection to high temperature components within gas turbines. The development of turbines for power generation and aviation has led to designs where the operation conditions exceed the upper limits of most conventional engineering materials. As a result there has been a drive to improve thermal barrier coatings to allow the turbine to operate at higher temperatures for longer. The focus of this thesis has been to design thermal barrier coatings with lower conductivity and longer lifetime than those coatings used in industry today. The work has been divided between the development of new generation air plasma spray (APS) TBC coatings for industrial gas turbines and the development of suspension plasma spray (SPS) TBC systems. The route taken to achieve these goals with APS TBC’s has been twofold. Firstly an alternative stabiliser has been chosen for the zirconium oxide system in the form of dysprosia. Secondly, control of the powder morphology and spray parameters has been used to generate coating microstructures with favourable levels of porosity. In terms of development of SPS TBC systems, these coatings are relatively new with many of the critical coating parameters not yet known. The focus of the work has therefore been to characterise their lifetime and thermal properties when produced in a complete TBC system. Results demonstrate that dysprosia as an alternative stabiliser gives a reduction in thermal conductivity. While small at room temperature and in the as produced state; the influence becomes more pronounced at high temperatures and with longer thermal exposure time. The trade-off for this lowered thermal conductivity may be in the loss of high temperature stability. Overall, the greatest sustained influence on thermal conductivity has been from creating coatings with high levelsof porosity. In relation to lifetime, double the thermo-cyclic fatigue (TCF) life relative to the industrial standard was achieved using a coating with engineered porosity. Introducing a polymer to the spray powder helps to generate large globular pores within the coating together with a large number of delaminations. Such a structure was shown to be highly resistant to TCF testing. SPS TBC’s were shown to have much greater performance relative to their APS counterparts in thermal shock life, TCF life and thermal conductivity. Columnar SPS coatings are a prospective alternative for strain tolerant coatings in gas turbine engines.

A new lattice fluid equation of state for associated CO₂ + polymer and CO₂ + ionic liquid systems

Hossain, Mohammad Zahid 08 June 2015 (has links)
The phase behavior of CO2 + polymer systems is of interest in polymer synthesis, flue and natural gas processing, polymer foam and nanoparticle processing, and drug delivery. Theoretical and experimental evidence suggests that CO2 is able to interact with electron donating functional groups in polymers to form weak Lewis acid – base or EDA (Electron Donor Acceptor) complexes. These complexes can have a significant effect on the phase behavior of associated CO2 + polymer systems. In spite of this, however, the phase equilibria of only a few associated CO2 + polymer systems have been measured. Some success in modeling the phase behavior of polymer solutions has been achieved by various versions of the Statistical Association Fluid Theory (SAFT), as well as by several Lattice Models. However, many of these models incorporate two to four adjustable parameters that often depend on temperature (T), pressure (P), and/or molecular weight (MW). As a result, a large amount of experimental data is required to apply these models. The goal of the present work was therefore to develop a new thermodynamic model for associating systems that would include no more than two temperature-independent adjustable parameters. The new model presented in this work is based on the Guggenheim-Huggins-Miller lattice and includes complex formation in the development of the partition function. The EOS obtained from the resulting partition function includes two mixture parameters – the enthalpy of association or complex formation and a reference value of the equilibrium constant for complex formation . Most importantly, can be obtained from in situ Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR – FTIR) measurements. This work therefore demonstrates the use of ATR – FTIR spectra to obtain molecular level information regarding the interaction of CO2 and electron donating functional groups in polymers. Unlike other studies, this work uses the bending vibration of CO2 to estimate the enthalpies of association ( ) of CO2 + polymer systems. Values of were directly incorporated in the new model and were found to lie between -7 and -12 kJ/mol for the systems investigated in this work. They increased (i.e. became more negative) in the order: CO2 + PS-co-PMMA < CO2 + PMMA <CO2 + PBMA < CO2 + PSF < CO2 + PVAc < CO2 + EVA40 < CO2 + PEG. Values of the second parameter in the new EOS ( ) were obtained by fitting solubility data at one temperature. Both and were found to be temperature independent. The application of the new EOS was demonstrated by calculating the solubility (sorption) of CO2 in polymers, the extent of swelling of polymers due to CO2, and the solubility of polymers in CO2 (cloud points). Both sorption and cloud point behavior in CO2 + polymer systems could be calculated using a single value of for each binary system. Ionic Liquids (ILs) can also incorporate electron donating functional groups in their structure. Evidence for the interaction of such ILs with CO2 can be found in the large values of the enthalpies of absorption of CO2 in these ILs. The ALF EOS was therefore extended to CO2 + IL systems using the enthalpy of absorption as a measure of association ( ) in these systems. was again treated as an adjustable parameter in the calculation of the CO2 solubility in ILs. A single value of was sufficient to predict swelling in these systems within experimental error.

A comparison of SPS  and HP sintered, electroless copper plated carbon nanofibre composites for heat sink applications

Ullbrand, Jennifer January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study is to synthesize a material with high thermal conductivity and a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), useful as a heat sink. Carbon nanofibres (CNF) are first coated with copper by an electroless plating technique and then sintered to a solid sample by either spark plasma sintering (SPS) or hot pressing (HP). The final product is a carbon nanofibre reinforced copper composite. Two different fibre structures are considered: platlet (PL) and herringbone (HB). The influence of the amount of CNF reinforcement (6-24 %wt), on the thermal conductivity and CTE is studied. CNF has an excellent thermal conductivity in the direction along the fibre while it is poor in the transverse direction. The CTE is close to zero in the temperature range of interest. The adhesion of Cu to the CNF surface is in general poor and thus improving the the wetting of the copper by surface modifications of the fibres are of interest such that thermal gaps in the microstructure can be avoided. The poor wetting results in CNF agglomerates, resulting in an inhomogeneous microstructure. In this report a combination of three different types of surface modifications has been tested: (1) electroless deposition of copper was used to improve Cu impregnation of CNF; (2) heat treatment of CNF to improve wetting; and (3) introduction of a Cr buffer layer to further enhance wetting. The obtained composite microstructures are characterized in terms of chemical composition, grain size and degree of agglomeration. In addition their densities are also reported. The thermal properties were evaluated in terms of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and CTE. Cr/Cu coated platelet fibres (6wt% of CNF reinforcement) sintered by SPS is the sample with the highest thermal conductivity, ~200 W/Km. The thermal conductivity is found to decrease with increasing content of CNFs.

Fabrication de semiconducteurs poreux pour am??liorer l'isolation thermique des MEMS

Newby, Pascal January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : L???isolation thermique est essentielle dans de nombreux types de MEMS (micro-syst??mes ??lectro-m??caniques). Elle permet de r??duire la consommation d?????nergie, am??liorer leurs performances, ou encore isoler la zone chaude du reste du dispositif, ce qui est essentiel dans les syst??mes sur puce. Il existe quelques mat??riaux et techniques d???isolation pour les MEMS, mais ils sont limit??s. En effet, soit ils ne proposent pas un niveau d???isolation suffisant, sont trop fragiles, ou imposent des contraintes trop importantes sur la conception du dispositif et sont difficiles ?? int??grer. Une approche int??ressante pour l???isolation, d??montr??e dans la litt??rature, est de fabriquer des pores de taille nanom??trique dans le silicium par gravure ??lectrochimique. En nanostructurant le silicium ainsi, on peut diviser sa conductivit?? thermique par un facteur de 100 ?? 1000, le transformant en isolant thermique. Cette solution est id??ale pour l???int??gration dans les proc??d??s de fabrication existants des MEMS, car on garde le silicium qui est d??j?? utilis?? pour leur fabrication, mais en le nanostructurant localement, on le rend isolant l?? o?? on en a besoin. Par contre sa porosit?? cause des probl??mes : mauvaise r??sistance chimique, structure instable au-del?? de 400??C, et tenue m??canique r??duite. La facilit?? d???int??gration des semiconducteurs poreux est un atout majeur, nous visons donc de r??duire les d??savantages de ces mat??riaux afin de favoriser leur int??gration dans des dispositifs en silicium. Nous avons identifi?? deux approches pour atteindre cet objectif : i) am??liorer le Si poreux ou ii) d??velopper un nouveau mat??riau. La premi??re approche consiste ?? amorphiser le Si poreux en l???irradiant avec des ions ?? haute ??nergie (uranium, 110 MeV). Nous avons montr?? que l???amorphisation, m??me partielle, du Si poreux entra??ne une diminution de sa conductivit?? thermique, sans endommager sa structure poreuse. Cette technique r??duit sa conductivit?? thermique jusqu????? un facteur de trois, et peut ??tre combin??e avec une pr??-oxydation afin d???atteindre une r??duction d???un facteur cinq. Donc cette m??thode permet de r??duire la porosit?? du Si poreux, et d???att??nuer ainsi les probl??mes de fragilit?? m??canique caus??s par la porosit?? ??lev??e, tout en gardant un niveau d???isolation ??gal. La seconde approche est de d??velopper un nouveau mat??riau. Nous avons choisi le SiC poreux : le SiC massif a des propri??t??s physiques sup??rieures ?? celles du Si, et donc ?? priori le SiC poreux devrait conserver cette sup??riorit??. La fabrication du SiC poreux a d??j?? ??t?? d??montr??e dans la litt??rature, mais avec peu d?????tudes d??taill??es du proc??d??. Sa conductivit?? thermique et tenue m??canique n???ont pas ??t?? caract??ris??es, et sa tenue en temp??rature que de fa??on incompl??te. Nous avons men?? une ??tude syst??matique de la porosification du SiC en fonction de la concentration en HF et le courant. Nous avons impl??ment?? un banc de mesure de la conductivit?? thermique par la m??thode ?? 3 om??ga ?? et l???avons utilis?? pour mesurer la conductivit?? thermique du SiC poreux. Nous avons montr?? qu???elle est environ deux ordres de grandeur plus faible que celle du SiC massif. Nous avons aussi montr?? que le SiC poreux est r??sistant ?? tous les produits chimiques typiquement utilis??s en microfabrication sur silicium. D???apr??s nos r??sultats il est stable jusqu????? au moins 1000??C et nous avons obtenu des r??sultats qualitatifs encourageants quant ?? sa tenue m??canique. Nos r??sultats signifient donc que le SiC poreux est compatible avec la microfabrication, et peut ??tre int??gr?? dans les MEMS comme isolant thermique. // Abstract : Thermal insulation is essential in several types of MEMS (micro electro-mechanical systems). It can help reduce power consumption, improve performance, and can also isolate the hot area from the rest of the device, which is essential in a system-on-chip. A few materials and techniques currently exist for thermal insulation in MEMS, but these are limited. Indeed, either they don???t have provide a sufficient level of insulation, are too fragile, or restrict design of the device and are difficult to integrate. A potentially interesting technique for thermal insulation, which has been demonstrated in the literature, is to make nanometer-scale pores in silicon by electrochemical etching. By nanostructuring silicon in this way, its thermal conductivity is reduced by a factor of 100 to 1000, transforming it into a thermal insulator. This solution is ideal for integration in existing MEMS fabrication processes, as it is based on the silicon substrates which are already used for their fabrication. By locally nanostructuring these substrates, silicon is made insulating wherever necessary. However the porosity also causes problems : poor chemical resistance, an unstable structure above 400???C, and reduced mechanical properties. The ease of integration of porous semiconductors is a major advantage, so we aim to reduce the disadvantages of these materials in order to encourage their integration in silicon-based devices. We have pursued two approaches in order to reach this goal : i) improve porous Si, or ii) develop a new material. The first approach uses irradiation with high energy ions (100 MeV uranium) to amorphise porous Si. We have shown that amorphisation, even partial, of porous Si leads to a reduction of its thermal conductivity, without damaging its porous structure. This technique can reduce the thermal conductivity of porous Si by up to a factor of three, and can be combined with a pre-oxidation to achieve a five-fold reduction of thermal conductivity. Therefore, by using this method we can use porous Si layers with lower porosity, thus reducing the problems caused by the fragility of high-porosity layers, whilst keeping an equal level of thermal insulation. The second approach is to develop a new material. We have chosen porous SiC: bulk SiC has exceptional physical properties and is superior to bulk Si, so porous SiC should be superior to porous Si. Fabrication of porous SiC has been demonstrated in the literature, but detailed studies of the process are lacking. Its thermal conductivity and mechanical properties have never been measured and its high-temperature behaviour has only been partially characterised. We have carried out a systematic study of the effects of HF concentration and current on the porosification process. We have implemented a thermal conductivity measurement setup using the ???3 omega??? method and used it to measure the thermal conductivity of porous SiC. We have shown that it is about two orders of magnitude lower than that of bulk SiC. We have also shown that porous SiC is chemically inert in the most commonly used solutions for microfabrication. Our results show that porous SiC is stable up to at least 1000???C and we have obtained encouraging qualitative results regarding its mechanical properties. This means that porous SiC is compatible with microfabrication processes, and can be integrated in MEMS as a thermal insulation material.

Fabrication de semiconducteurs poreux pour am??liorer l'isolation thermique des MEMS

Newby, Pascal January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : L???isolation thermique est essentielle dans de nombreux types de MEMS (micro-syst??mes ??lectro-m??caniques). Elle permet de r??duire la consommation d?????nergie, am??liorer leurs performances, ou encore isoler la zone chaude du reste du dispositif, ce qui est essentiel dans les syst??mes sur puce. Il existe quelques mat??riaux et techniques d???isolation pour les MEMS, mais ils sont limit??s. En effet, soit ils ne proposent pas un niveau d???isolation suffisant, sont trop fragiles, ou imposent des contraintes trop importantes sur la conception du dispositif et sont difficiles ?? int??grer. Une approche int??ressante pour l???isolation, d??montr??e dans la litt??rature, est de fabriquer des pores de taille nanom??trique dans le silicium par gravure ??lectrochimique. En nanostructurant le silicium ainsi, on peut diviser sa conductivit?? thermique par un facteur de 100 ?? 1000, le transformant en isolant thermique. Cette solution est id??ale pour l???int??gration dans les proc??d??s de fabrication existants des MEMS, car on garde le silicium qui est d??j?? utilis?? pour leur fabrication, mais en le nanostructurant localement, on le rend isolant l?? o?? on en a besoin. Par contre sa porosit?? cause des probl??mes : mauvaise r??sistance chimique, structure instable au-del?? de 400??C, et tenue m??canique r??duite. La facilit?? d???int??gration des semiconducteurs poreux est un atout majeur, nous visons donc de r??duire les d??savantages de ces mat??riaux afin de favoriser leur int??gration dans des dispositifs en silicium. Nous avons identifi?? deux approches pour atteindre cet objectif : i) am??liorer le Si poreux ou ii) d??velopper un nouveau mat??riau. La premi??re approche consiste ?? amorphiser le Si poreux en l???irradiant avec des ions ?? haute ??nergie (uranium, 110 MeV). Nous avons montr?? que l???amorphisation, m??me partielle, du Si poreux entra??ne une diminution de sa conductivit?? thermique, sans endommager sa structure poreuse. Cette technique r??duit sa conductivit?? thermique jusqu????? un facteur de trois, et peut ??tre combin??e avec une pr??-oxydation afin d???atteindre une r??duction d???un facteur cinq. Donc cette m??thode permet de r??duire la porosit?? du Si poreux, et d???att??nuer ainsi les probl??mes de fragilit?? m??canique caus??s par la porosit?? ??lev??e, tout en gardant un niveau d???isolation ??gal. La seconde approche est de d??velopper un nouveau mat??riau. Nous avons choisi le SiC poreux : le SiC massif a des propri??t??s physiques sup??rieures ?? celles du Si, et donc ?? priori le SiC poreux devrait conserver cette sup??riorit??. La fabrication du SiC poreux a d??j?? ??t?? d??montr??e dans la litt??rature, mais avec peu d?????tudes d??taill??es du proc??d??. Sa conductivit?? thermique et tenue m??canique n???ont pas ??t?? caract??ris??es, et sa tenue en temp??rature que de fa??on incompl??te. Nous avons men?? une ??tude syst??matique de la porosification du SiC en fonction de la concentration en HF et le courant. Nous avons impl??ment?? un banc de mesure de la conductivit?? thermique par la m??thode ?? 3 om??ga ?? et l???avons utilis?? pour mesurer la conductivit?? thermique du SiC poreux. Nous avons montr?? qu???elle est environ deux ordres de grandeur plus faible que celle du SiC massif. Nous avons aussi montr?? que le SiC poreux est r??sistant ?? tous les produits chimiques typiquement utilis??s en microfabrication sur silicium. D???apr??s nos r??sultats il est stable jusqu????? au moins 1000??C et nous avons obtenu des r??sultats qualitatifs encourageants quant ?? sa tenue m??canique. Nos r??sultats signifient donc que le SiC poreux est compatible avec la microfabrication, et peut ??tre int??gr?? dans les MEMS comme isolant thermique. // Abstract : Thermal insulation is essential in several types of MEMS (micro electro-mechanical systems). It can help reduce power consumption, improve performance, and can also isolate the hot area from the rest of the device, which is essential in a system-on-chip. A few materials and techniques currently exist for thermal insulation in MEMS, but these are limited. Indeed, either they don???t have provide a sufficient level of insulation, are too fragile, or restrict design of the device and are difficult to integrate. A potentially interesting technique for thermal insulation, which has been demonstrated in the literature, is to make nanometer-scale pores in silicon by electrochemical etching. By nanostructuring silicon in this way, its thermal conductivity is reduced by a factor of 100 to 1000, transforming it into a thermal insulator. This solution is ideal for integration in existing MEMS fabrication processes, as it is based on the silicon substrates which are already used for their fabrication. By locally nanostructuring these substrates, silicon is made insulating wherever necessary. However the porosity also causes problems : poor chemical resistance, an unstable structure above 400???C, and reduced mechanical properties. The ease of integration of porous semiconductors is a major advantage, so we aim to reduce the disadvantages of these materials in order to encourage their integration in silicon-based devices. We have pursued two approaches in order to reach this goal : i) improve porous Si, or ii) develop a new material. The first approach uses irradiation with high energy ions (100 MeV uranium) to amorphise porous Si. We have shown that amorphisation, even partial, of porous Si leads to a reduction of its thermal conductivity, without damaging its porous structure. This technique can reduce the thermal conductivity of porous Si by up to a factor of three, and can be combined with a pre-oxidation to achieve a five-fold reduction of thermal conductivity. Therefore, by using this method we can use porous Si layers with lower porosity, thus reducing the problems caused by the fragility of high-porosity layers, whilst keeping an equal level of thermal insulation. The second approach is to develop a new material. We have chosen porous SiC: bulk SiC has exceptional physical properties and is superior to bulk Si, so porous SiC should be superior to porous Si. Fabrication of porous SiC has been demonstrated in the literature, but detailed studies of the process are lacking. Its thermal conductivity and mechanical properties have never been measured and its high-temperature behaviour has only been partially characterised. We have carried out a systematic study of the effects of HF concentration and current on the porosification process. We have implemented a thermal conductivity measurement setup using the ???3 omega??? method and used it to measure the thermal conductivity of porous SiC. We have shown that it is about two orders of magnitude lower than that of bulk SiC. We have also shown that porous SiC is chemically inert in the most commonly used solutions for microfabrication. Our results show that porous SiC is stable up to at least 1000???C and we have obtained encouraging qualitative results regarding its mechanical properties. This means that porous SiC is compatible with microfabrication processes, and can be integrated in MEMS as a thermal insulation material.

Oxide-coated vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests as thermal interface materials

Vasquez, Cristal Jeanette 27 August 2014 (has links)
Carbon nanotube (CNT) forests have outstanding thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties, which have generated significant interest as thermal interface materials (TIMs). Some drawbacks to using CNTs as TIMs include poor substrate adhesion, high interface resistances inhibiting thermal transport, and lack of electrical insulation in electronic component applications. It is thus useful to be able to modify CNTs to reduce their electrical conductivity while maintaining high thermal conductivity and interface conductance, and high mechanical compliance. A recent report suggests that nanoscale oxide coatings could be applied to CNTs in forests without changing the mechanical deformation behavior of the forests. Oxide coatings could also provide environmental stability as well as better adhesion to the substrate compared to pristine CNT forests. In this study, we investigated thermal and electrical resistance of CNT forests with an oxide coating. Low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) was used to produce CNTs on high-conductivity Si substrates. Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PALD) was used to deposit Al2O3 on individual CNTs in forests. This process was facilitated by O2 plasma pretreatment to functionalize the surface of the CNTs and nucleate oxide growth. Several analytical techniques were used to characterize the CNT-oxide composites, including scanning electron microscopy, Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Thermal conductivity and thermal interface resistance were measured using a modified photoacoustic technique. The oxide coating had no significant effect on the effective thermal conductivity of the forests, in contrast to expectations of increased phonon scattering. Electrical resistivity measurements were made and a threefold increase was observed for the oxide-coated forests. This approach could emerge as a promising route to create a viable TIM for thermally conductive and electrically insulating applications.

Multiscale modeling of thermal and mechanical properties of nanostructured materials and polymer nanocomposites

Mortazavi, Bohayra, Mortazavi, Bohayra 04 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Nanostructured materials are gaining an ongoing demand because of their exceptional chemical and physical properties. Due to complexities and costs of experimental studies at nanoscale, computer simulations are getting more attractive asexperimental alternatives. In this PhD work, we tried to use combination of atomistic simulations and continuum modeling for the evaluation of thermal conductivity and elastic stiffness of nanostructured materials. We used molecular dynamics simulations to probe and investigate the thermal and mechanical response of materials at nanoscale. The finite element and micromechanics methods that are on the basis of continuum mechanics theories were used to evaluate the bulk properties of materials. The predicted properties are then compared with existing experimental results.

Structural and petrophysical characterisation of granite : intended for radioactive waste stocking

Stanek, Martin 23 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Structural and petrophysical analysis have been conducted within the Melechov massif with focus on structures controlling the porosity, permeability and thermal conductivity of the rock. The structure of the massif has been constrained based on extensive dataset including AMS and field structural measurements of ductile and brittle structures. The fracture system of the massif has been described by four sets of fractures. The measured petrophysical data have been used to characterize the effect of fracturing and alteration on pore space geometry and in turn on permeability, thermal conductivity and elastic properties of the studied granite. Distinct petrophysical properties have been identified for pristine granite, for fractured fresh granite as well as for fractured granite altered by Fe-oxide, chlorite and clay minerals. A detailed microstructural study combined with multidirectional P-wave velocity measurements at high confining pressure and with AMS analysis has been conducted on a schlieren bearing sample of Lipnice granite. The granite VP anisotropy at low confining pressure was controlled by intergranular cracks interconnecting schlieren-subparallel cleavage cracks in micas and feldspars and by exfoliation fracture-subparallel intra- or trans-granular cracks in cleavage-free quartz. Major closing of the crack porosity linked to the schlieren granite below depth of 500 m has been interpreted in terms of crack compliance reflected by rapid increase in VP with confining pressure.

Statybinių medžiagų iš atsinaujinančių žaliavų fizikinių ir mechaninių savybių tyrimai / Research of physical and mechanical properties of construction materials from renewable raw materials

Gegužis, Andrius 17 June 2014 (has links)
Vis labiau kreipiamas dėmesys taip pat ir į namų poveikį sveikatai, todėl vis svarbesnė tampa ekologinė statyba. Kasmet Lietuvoje auginami javai ir kaip atliekos lieka šiaudai. Taigi didžiausias dėmesys skirtas atsinaujinančių žaliavų, tokių kaip šiaudai, linų pakulos, kanapių pluoštas, fizikinių savybių ir tinkamumo statybai tyrimai. Šiluminiu požiūriu (kuris yra svarbiausias), atlikus pirminius šilumos laidumo bandymus, nustatyta, kad tinkamiausi yra šiaudai, nes jų šilumos laidumo koeficientas mažiausias. Bandymai atlikti siekiant nustatyti šilumos laidumo koeficiento priklausomybė nuo šiaudų tankio, taip pat drėgmės poveikį šiaudų šilumos laidumui ir šiaudų susispaudžiamumą. / It is more important issue for house effects on people health so more important becomes ecological construction. Every year hay is been raised in Lithuania and as waste is left hay straw. So the biggest focus is on renewable raw materials such as hay straw, flax tow, hemp physical conditions and suitability for construction. Thermally which is most important after held the initial thermal conductivity tests it was found that the most suitable are hay straws because its thermal transfer coefficient is smallest.Tests havebeen held to determine heat transfer coefficient dependence on the density on hay straw as well as the impact of moisture on thermal conductivity of straw and straw compresibility.

Numerical modelling of flow through packed beds of uniform spheres / Abraham Christoffel Naudé Preller

Preller, Abraham Christoffel Naudé January 2011 (has links)
This study addressed the numerical modelling of flow and diffusion in packed beds of mono-sized spheres. Comprehensive research was conducted in order to implement various numerical approaches in explicit1 and implicit2 simulations of flow through packed beds of uniform spheres. It was noted from literature that the characterization of a packed bed using porosity as the only geometrical parameter is inadequate (Van Antwerpen, 2009) and is still under much deliberation due to the lack of understanding of different flow phenomena through packed beds. Explicit simulations are not only able to give insight into this lack of understanding in fluid mechanics, but can also be used to develop different flow correlations that can be implemented in implicit type simulations. The investigation into the modelling approach using STAR-CCM+®, presented a sound modelling methodology, capable of producing accurate numerical results. A new contact treatment was developed in this study that is able to model all the aspects of the contact geometry without compromising the computational resources. This study also showed, for the first time, that the LES (large eddy simulation) turbulence model was the only model capable of accurately predicting the pressure drop for low Reynolds numbers in the transition regime. The adopted modelling approach was partly validated in an extensive mesh independency test that showed an excellent agreement between the simulation and the KTA (1981) and Eisfeld and Schnitzlein (2001) correlations' predicted pressure drop values, deviating by between 0.54% and 3.45% respectively. This study also showed that explicit simulations are able to accurately model enhanced diffusion due to turbulent mixing, through packed beds. In the tortuosity study it was found that the tortuosity calculations were independent of the Reynolds number, and that the newly developed tortuosity tests were in good agreement with techniques used by Kim en Chen (2006), deviating by between 2.65% and 0.64%. The results from the TMD (thermal mixing degree) tests showed that there appears to be no explicit link between the porosity and mixing abilities of the packed beds tested, but this could be attributed to relatively small bed sizes used and the positioning and size of the warm inlet. A multi-velocity test showed that the TMD criterion is also independent of the Reynolds number. It was concluded that the results from the TMD tests indicated that more elaborate packed beds were needed to derive applicable conclusions from these type of mixing tests. The explicit BETS (braiding effect test section) simulation results confirmed the seemingly irregular temperature trends that were observed in the experimental data, deviating by between 5.44% and 2.29%. From the detail computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results it was possible to attribute these irregularities to the positioning of the thermocouples in high temperature gradient areas. The validation results obtained in the effective thermal conductivity study were in good agreement with the results of Kgame (2011) when the same fitting techniques were used, deviating by 5.1%. The results also showed that this fitting technique is highly sensitive for values of the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (RSQ) parameter and that the exclusion of the symmetry planes improved the RSQ results. It was concluded that the introduction of the new combined coefficient (CC) parameter is more suited for this type of fitting technique than using only the RSQ parameter. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Mechanical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

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