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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

State of emergency : an exploration of attitudes towards homosexuality in the SADF, 1969-1994

Schaap, Rudy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / This research set out to give a better understanding of gay conscripts within the South African Defence Force (SADF) during the 1970's and 1980's, as well as to establish whether a noticeable change towards gay conscripts could be detected before and after c.1985. Based upon sources from the military archives, oral interviews as well as existing secondary literature on the topic, it becomes clear that aside from the “official line”, both conservative as well as progressive views on homosexuality existed. Even though it can be concluded that attitudes towards homosexuality among civilian South Africans became more permissive during the 1980‟s, it was not a change in attitude shared throughout (white) society. This research has been done firstly to add to the general knowledge of the experiences of gay conscripts in the 1970‟s and 1980‟s within the SADF. It has done so by conducting interviews with fifteen ex-conscripts, both gay and straight, covering anti-gay attitudes, coming out in the army, the existence of queer platoons and/or jobs perceived to be „gay‟, psychiatric treatment of homosexuals and the knowledge of the existence of these treatments, the gay/straight barrier and qualitative personal assessments of the period of conscription. Secondly, it attempts to answer the question whether a change in attitude towards gay conscripts could be seen roughly around 1985, as South African society also became (slowly) more permissive towards homosexuality.

Die geskiedenis van die beesteelt in Suidwes-Afrika tydens die Duitse tydperk, 1884-1915

Stals, E. L. P January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University , 1961. / Please refer to full text for abstract

Die koloniale manifestasie van die Neo-Gotiese kerkboustyl op die Tuinroete van Suid-Afrika

De Swardt, Ignatius P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the 12th century the Ab Suger, a church leader from near Paris in France, initiated a new approach to church architecture, the Gothic style. He diverted from the existing traditions and utilized pointed arches as one of the basic components of the new style. Pointed arches, unlike normal arches, distribute load-carrying weight not only downwards, as normal arches do, but also sideways. Strategically placed flying buttresses can help neutralize the thrust to the sides and reduce the weight on walls. Walls no longer had to be massive and it became possible to utilize big parts of the walls for windows, which were filled with brightly coloured glass. The style deliberately made use of height and enclosed spaces as a design element, to an extent unknown until that time. For some four centuries cathedrals in this style were built all over Europe, before the style was replaced with the coming of the Renaissance. The 19th century saw the coming of a style of Gothic Revival. New building materials had become available and there were fundamental differences between the original Gothic style and the Neo-Gothic (or Gothic Revival) style. In some instances elements of the original style lost their functions and were applied in a purely decorative function in the Gothic Revival style. With the colonization of Africa, the Neo-Gothic style came to South Africa. It took root locally and became part of South African church architecture. Local conditions required that some adaptations be made and several varieties of the Neo-Gothic style became part of the South African architectural landscape. Many church buildings were constructed in South Africa in this style during the last century and a half. The ones older than sixty years enjoy some measure of protection under current legislation relating to heritage conservation. It became evident that within the variety of Neo-Gothic idioms a number of churches have become so simplified that only some characteristics of the style have remained. Throughout the study it was indicated how the significance of a building and its architectural style also impact on the non-material culture of a community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die 12de eeu het ab Suger, ‘n kerkleier van naby Parys in Frankryk, met ‘n nuwe benadering tot kerkargitektuur na vore gekom wat later as die Gotiese styl sou bekend staan. Hy het afgewyk van bestaande tradisies en gebruike in verband met kerkargitektuur. Deur die aanwending van spitsboë is die afwaartse druk van ‘n kerk se dak gedeeltelik na buite verplaas, in plek van alles na onder. Strategies geplaasde boogstutte het die sywaartse druk geneutraliseer. Hierdie boumetode is saam met die gebruik van geribde gewelwe gebruik om die druk in so ‘n mate van symure af te haal dat die mure nie meer dik en sterk moes wees nie en dit moontlik was om groot dele van die mure met vensters van gekleurde glas te vul. Die nuwe styl het ingeslote ruimtes en hoë gewelwe gehad soos die Middeleeuse mens nog nie vantevore geken het nie. Vir sowat vier eeue lank het katedrale in dié styl oral oor Europa opgeskiet, totdat dit met die koms van die Renaissance deur ander style vervang is. In die 19de eeu het daar ‘n herlewing in die Gotiese styl gekom. Beter boumateriale was beskikbaar en die Gotiese Herlewingstyl het in sommige opsigte groot verskille met die oorspronklike getoon. Van die Gotiese boustyl se komponente is aangepas om totaal ander funksies te vervul. Verskeie aspekte van die Gotiese styl is slegs behou as versiering. Met die kolonisasie van Afrika het die Gotiese Herlewingstyl na Suid-Afrika gekom. Die styl het posgevat en versprei in Suid-Afrika maar plaaslike omstandighede het aanpassings daarvan genoodsaak en etlike variasies op die Neo-Gotiese tema het na vore gekom. ‘n Groot aantal kerke is in die afgelope anderhalf eeu in Suid-Afrika in hierdie styl gebou. Sommiges daarvan geniet ‘n mate van beskerming ingevolge Suid-Afrika se bewaringswetgewing. Hierdie studie fokus op kerkgeboue met Neo-Gotiese stylkenmerke in ‘n bepaalde geografiese gebied in Suid-Afrika. Daar is bevind dat van die variasies op die Neo-Gotiese styl so vereenvoudig het, dat daar slegs enkele stylkenmerke by hulle oorgebly het. Deurgaans is aangedui op watter wyse die betekenis van die kerkgebou en die styl daarvan ook die nie-tasbare kultuur van ‘n gemeenskap geraak het.

’n Historiese ondersoek na die ontwikkeling van landbou in Oudtshoorn en sy distrik, 1914 - 1980

Le Roux, Antoinette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word gekyk na die gevolge van die totale oorheersing van ‘n baie suksesvolle landboubedryf in ‘n afgebakende gebied, wat as gevolg van verskeie faktore in duie gestort het. In die Klein Karoo was so ‘n bedryf die volstruisboerdery, waar ongekende hoë pryse vir volstruisvere tot 1914 behaal is waarna die prys geval het en die boerdery –gemeenskap in ellende gedompel is. Die studie konsentreer op die herbopbou van die landbou in die Oudtshoorn-distrik en op die maniere waarop die boere gedwing is om innoverend te dink om te oorleef. Die fokus van die boere het weggeskuif van die produksie van volstruisvere en hulle het teruggekeer na die produksie van beproefde landbougewasse. Daar is nuut gedink oor hoe om hierdie gewasse meer effektief en meer lewensvatbaar te produseer. Nuwe produkte is beproef en met die terugkeer van die volstruis as bemarkbare kommoditeit is op die verwerking van die hele volstruis gekonsentreer en nie net op die vere nie. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the effects of the total domination of a very successful agricultural industry in a defined area, which has collapsed as a result of various factors, will be looked at. In the Klein Karoo unprecedented high prices were obtained for ostrich feathers up till 1914 and when the price fell, the farming community was plunged into misery. The study focuses on the redevelopment of the agriculture in the Oudtshoorn district and the ways in which farmers were forced to think innovatively to survive. The focus of the farmers had to move away from the production of ostrich feathers and they had to return to the production of proven agricultural crops. There had to be some new thinking on how to make the production of these crops efficiently and economically more viable. New products were tried and tested and with the return of the ostrich as a marketable commodity the farmers concentrated on the processing of the whole ostrich and not just the feathers.

The social history of three Western Cape thermal mineral springs resorts and their influence on the development of the health and wellness tourism industry in South Africa

Van Wyk, Dane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the role of thermal mineral springs in South Africa in the development of the early tourism sector. Their healing qualities enhanced the country’s reputation as a health resort, and therefore they became a national asset and tourist attraction. The ancient history of thermal mineral springs and the belief in their curative abilities are discussed in order to familiarise one with the rich history of thermal springs and to help determine their role in the tourism sector. By looking at the role of thermal mineral springs in the European and especially British contexts provides a foundation for understanding how the thermal water culture was passed on to South Africa through colonialism. With the colonisation of South Africa, thermal mineral springs became host to British invalids who visited the country since they suffered from consumption, and was hoping to be cured by the country’s health giving natural assets. The influx of invalids and tourists ultimately spawned wide tourism and the modernisation of the springs. The three thermal mineral spring resorts near present day Caledon, Montagu and Citrusdal are used as case studies of how thermal springs in the Cape Colony and later the Western Cape developed from primitive sites to splendid resorts and world famous sanatoriums. Their history is traced from their formation to their modernisation, a time period ranging from the 1700s to 2011. This clearly illustrates the phases of development of each of the thermal mineral water establishments. The curative aspects of the thermal mineral spring water are emphasised, concentrating on how the South African thermal water cure culture was used and developed. This study concludes with discussing how the three thermal mineral spring resorts had to navigate the changing tourism sector in South Africa, as well as looking at their development from the 1980s to 2011. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie verken die rol wat warmwaterbronne in die ontwikkeling van die vroëe toerisme sektor in Suid-Afrika gespeel het. Die genesende kragte van hierdie warm water bronne het die land se reputasie as ‘n gesondheidsoord versterk en van hul ‘n nasionale bate asook ‘n toeriste aantreklikheid gemaak. Die antieke geskiedenis van warmwaterbronne en die geloof in hul genesende kragte word bespreek om bekend te raak met hul ryk geskiedenis en om hul rol in die toerisme sektor te bepaal. Deur te kyk na die rol wat warm water bronne in die Europeuse sowel as die Britse konteks gehad het, dien as ‘n platform om te verstaan hoe die gebruik van die warm water kultuur na Suid-Afrika deur middel van kolonialisme oorgedra is. Met die kolonialisasie van Suid-Afrika het die warmwaterbronne gasheer gespeel vir Britse invalides wat aan tuberkulose gelei het en daarom die land besoek het om deur die land se helende natuurlike bates geneesing te word. Die instroming van invalides en toeriste het wyd verspreide toersime tot gevolg gehad asook die vermoderniseering van die warmwaterbronne. Die drie warm waterbronoorde naby die hedendaagse Caledon, Montagu en Citrusdal is gebruik as gevallestudies om die ontwikkeling van warmwaterbronne in die destydse Kaap Kolonie asook die hedendaagse Wes-Kaap, vanaf primatiewe bronne na pragtige oorde en wêreld bekende sanatoriums te illustreer. Die geskiedenis van die warmwaterbron oorde word bespreek in die tydperk van die 1700’s tot 2011 om so hul ontstaan tot hul vermoderniseering te illustreer. As gevolg van hierdie verlengde tydperk kan die verskillende ontwikkelings fases van die warmwaterbron oorde waargeneem word. Daar word ook gefokus op die genesende aspekte van die warmwaterbron water en hoe die Suid-Afrikaanse warmwaterbron kultuur ontwikkel en gebruik is. Die studie sluit af met ‘n bespreking van hoe die driewarm waterwaterbron oorde by die veranderende toerisme sektor in Suid-Afrika moes aanpas en dek ook hul ontwikkeling vanaf die 1980’s tot 2011.

Upsetting the applecart : government and food control in the Union of South Africa during World War II c. 1939-1948

Albertyn, Yolandi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis attempts to evaluate the influence of the Second World War on the South African food position in the years 1939 to 1948 by studying a selection of specific foodstuffs and their availability on domestic markets during the war. The food control measures which were implemented were in a unique South African wartime context where both surpluses and shortages had developed, and the effectiveness of the implementation of these controls is evaluated. In regard to the surpluses of certain foodstuffs, the effect of relevant controls on new industrial development is discussed. The impact of public opinion on the Government’s agricultural policy during the war is also assessed, and account is taken of how this impacted on the decision not to implement a formal system of rationing, despite the severe shortages of specific foodstuffs. Leading on from this, it is important to the argument to acknowledge the racially segregationist policies of South Africa, and thus a part of this story will discuss the various reasons why a conventional rationing system would not have worked in the wartime context of the Union. This research seeks to open up a new vantage point from which to view the political position of South Africa after 1939 as its legislature and war policies reflected the country’s prevailing complexities in subtle ways. It was politics which largely determined the extent of food control and the agricultural policy which was followed. In exploring this, press coverage of the food control measures is utilised, as well as the use of austerity campaigns in mass publicity. These sources present a distinctive view of public opinion in political life and thus provide an atmospheric understanding of the national mood at a major point in history. Furthermore, the coverage of food campaigns illuminates ways in which food control and the acceptance of those measures were promoted in order to encourage compliance and participation by consumers. Of equal relevance was the position of agriculture as support for the Union war effort and the imposition of food controls as a catalyst for resistance by consumers. Discussion of these themes provide further understanding of the underlying tensions which were given impetus by the stresses of war and restrictions on commodities on the home front. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus daarop om ondersoek in te stel na die invloed wat die Tweede Wêreldoorlog op die Suid-Afrikaanse voedselsituasie gedurende die jare 1939 tot 1948 gehad het. Dit word gedoen deur te kyk na ’n aantal spesifieke voedselsoorte en hul beskikbaarheid op die plaaslike mark. Die voedselbeheermaatreëls wat geimplimenteer is, was uniek binne die konteks van Suid-Afrika tydens die oorlog aangesien daar beide ’n oorvloed van en ’n tekort aan sekere voedelsoorte was. Die effektiwiteit van die implementering van hierdie voedselbeheermaatreëls word gevolglik bepaal. Waar daar sekere voedselsoorte in oorvloed was, word daar ook gekyk na hoe die maatreëls van die regering nuwe industriële ontwikkelling waarin hierdie voedsel gebruik word van stapel gestuur het. Die invloed van openbare opinie op die regering se landboubeleid gedurende hierdie tyd word ook geassesseer, met klem wat geplaas word op hoe hierdie diskoers die regering genoop het om, ten spyte van ernstige voedseltekorte, van ’n formele rasioneringstelsel afstand te doen. Die Suid-Afrikaanse rassesegregasiebeleide is uiteraard ook hiermee verweef en vorm daarom deel van die argument oor waarom ’n konvensionele rasioneringstelsel waarskynlik nie in die Unie binne ’n oorlogskonteks sou werk nie. Die navorsing is daarop gerig om die politieke landskap van post-1939 Suid-Afrika vanuit ’n nuwe hoek te beskou, aangesien wetgewing en oorlogsbeleide die land se politieke kompleksiteite op subtiele maniere geaffekteer het. Politiek was ’n enorme oorweging in die ontwikkeling van voedselbeheermaatreëls en die landboubeleide wat daarna gevolg is. Dit word verder ondersoek deur te let op hoe koerante van daardie tyd die maatreëls benader het en hoe besparingsveldtogte deur die massa media versprei is. Hierdie bronne bied ’n unieke blik op die openbare opinie rakende die Suid-Afrikaanse politieke landskap en gee dus ’n indruk van die heersende nasionale gemoed gedurende hierdie belangrike tydperk. Verder belig die mediadekking oor voedselveldtogte in hoeverre die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek voedselbeheermaatreëls aanvaar en ondersteun het, sowel as die maniere waarop die publiek aangemoedig is om tot hierdie pogings by te dra. Eweveel van belang was die posisie wat landbou beklee het as ondersteunende maatreël in die Unie se oorlogspoging. Terselfdertyd het die voedselbeheermaatreëls ook ’n weerstandsbeweging onder sekere gebruikers ontketen. Deur na al hierdie temas te kyk, word dit duidelik dat die streng beperkings wat daar op sekere voedselprodukte geplaas is ook die onderliggende spanning wat daar reeds op ’n politieke front was verder op die spits gedryf het.

Kommunisme, Suid-Afrika en die Koreaanse oorlog 1950 – 1953

Burger, Dorothea 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Cold War was regarded as a struggle between East and West, and was based on ideological differences, socialism as opposed to capitalism. Socialism represented a dictatorship as opposed to capitalism and democracy. This war was mainly between America and Russia and direct confrontation was avoided. Countries worldwide were involved. The Soviet Union’s policy of expansionism and the effects of dictatorship could have detrimentally effected the free West. Although the Cold War intensified after the Second World War (SWW), the mistrust between the main roleplayers was already evident during the SWW. South Africa’s domestic circumstances and policy pertaining to communism involved the country in the Cold War. The founding and growth of the Communist Party and communism in South Africa occurred in phases. After its establishment it was linked to the Comintern, the central organisation in Russia. The establishment of socialism here was to be according to certain strategies. Initially it was a white party and the aim was a white socialist South Africa. This approach was altered by the Comintern. The party was politically on an island. The membership was also too small. In order to give effect to the revolutionary goal, drastic changes were necessary. Black people were recruited and co-operation with black organisations gained momentum. A socialist black Republic became the focus. The domestic politics since formation of the Union was dominated by whites and driven mainly by two parties who alternated government until 1948. The one being conservative and the other more liberal. The 1948 elections won by the conservative National Party (NP) had a profound influence on the internal affairs of the country. Racial discrimination, which already existed, was in line with the policy of a white South Africa where whites ruled and was extended and confirmed by legislation. The aspirations of black people for political and social justice were declined. Separate development of black people was to satisfy those aspirations. Brown people and Indians would have been dealt with in other uncertain ways. Communism was rejected and legislation introduced against it. The domestic policy based on race and racial division created a more divided society. However, the discrimination attracted resistance from black people who organised themselves. In this peroid of growing resistance, communists usurped into black organisations. During this oversight period, Korea went through two important moments. The first was with the internal uprising in the south within the vacuum which was created after Japan, as colonial ruler of Korea, was forced to surrender during the SWW. The uprising was successfully suppressed. The second was the Korean War. By an earlier agreement it was decided that Korea will be divided. America would be entrusted with the management of the South, and Russia in the North. With the support of Russia, North Korea invaded and attacked the South with the aim of subjection. With the outbreak of the war North Korea was communistic and South Korea capitalistic and democratic. Under the auspices of the UNO and the leadership of America this onslaught was successfully fended off. Various countries, including South Africa, participated. Participation in the war was primarily based on the country’s internal affairs and the rejection of communism and ... The Korean War was covered by the media in South Africa. For the purpose of this study, discussion of the media coverage is narrowed to that of two Cape daily newspapers. The coverage does not deal with any battles, but rather the reason for the war, the attitude of the government towards the war, the military personnel and their achievements and the costs of the war. Lastly, a review of the uncritical reporting of the media and a possible explanation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Koue Oorlog was gesien as ‘n stryd tussen die Ooste en Weste, gegrond op ‘n ideologiese verskil. Dit was sosialisme teenoor kapitalisme. Sosialisme het ‘n diktatuur verteenwoordig teenoor kapitalisme en demokrasie. Hierdie oorlog was hoofsaaklik tussen Amerika en Rusland, met vermyding van direkte konfrontasie. Lande wêreldwyd is betrek. Die ekspansionistiese beleid van die Sowjetunie en die gevolge van ‘n diktatuur kon die vrye Weste negatief beïnvloed. Al het die Koue Oorlog na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog (TWO) toegeneem, was die wantroue tussen die hoofrolspelers gedurende die TWO sigbaar. Suid-Afrika se binnelandse omstandighede en beleid oor kommunisme het die land by die Koue Oorlog betrek; Die ontstaan en opkoms van die Kommunistiese Party en kommunisme in Suid-Afrika het deur stadia gegaan. Na totstandkoming is dit by die Komintern, die sentrale organisasie in Rusland, ingeskakel. Om sosialisme te lande te vestig is sekere strategieë bepaal. Aanvanklik was dit ‘n wit party met ‘n wit sosialistiese Suid-Afrika as doel. Hierdie benadering het in opdrag van die Komintern verander. Polities was die party op ‘n eiland. Die getalle was ook te klein. Om by die rewolusionêre doelwit uit te kom moes dringende aanpassings kom. Swartmense is gewerf en samewerking met swart organisasies het momentum gekry. Die fokus het na ‘n swart sosialistiese Republiek verskuif; Die binnelandse politiek sedert Unie-wording in 1910 is deur witmense binne hoofsaaklik twee partye gedryf wat afwisselend tot 1948 regeer het. Die een meer konserwatief en die ander meer liberaal. Die 1948-verkiesing wat deur die konserwatiewe Nasionale Party (NP) gewen is, het ‘n ingrypende uitwerking op die binnelandse sake van die land gehad. Die rassediskriminasie wat reeds bestaan het was in lyn met ‘n beleid van ‘n wit Suid- Afrika waar wit regeer het en ook deur wetgewing uitgebrei en bevestig is. Die aspirasies van swartmense vir politieke en sosiale geregtigheid is afgewys. Afsonderlike ontwikkeling van swart mense moes daardie aspirasies bevredig. Bruinmense en Indiërs sou op ander onsekere wyses hanteer word. Kommunisme is verwerp en wetgewing is teen dit ingestel. Die binnelandse beleid op grond van ras en rasseskeiding het ‘n verder verdeelde samelewing geskep. Hierdie diskriminasie het weerstand vanaf swartmense uitgelok wat hulself organisatories begin rig het. Kommuniste is mettertyd binne hierdie groeiende weerstand in swart organisasies opgeneem. Korea het gedurende die oorsigtyd twee belangrike momente beleef. Die eerste was die binnelandse opstande in die suide wat binne die vakuum onstaan het nadat Japan, as koloniale heerser van Korea, tydens die TWO tot oorgawe gedwing is. Die opstande is suksesvol onderdruk. Die tweede was die Koreaanse Oorlog. By ‘n vroeëre ooreenkoms is bepaal dat Korea in twee sal verdeel. Bestuur van die suide sal aan Amerika toevertrou word, met Rusland in die noorde. Met ondersteuning van Rusland het Noord-Korea die suide binnegeval om dit geweldadig te onderwerp. Onder gesag van die VVO en onder leiding van Amerika is hierdie aanslag suksesvol teengestaan. Verskeie lande, waaronder Suid-Afrika, het deelgeneem. Met die oorlog was Noord-Korea kommunisties en Suid- Korea kapitalisties en demokraties. Deelname aan die oorlog was hoofsaaklik as gevolg van Suid-Afrika se binnelandse toestand en die afwysing van kommunisme; en Die Koreaanse Oorlog is deur die media in Suid-Afrika gedek. Vir doeleindes van hierdie studie word bespreking van die mediadekking vernou tot dié van twee Kaapse dagblaaie. Die dekking behandel nie die veldslae nie, maar eerder die agtergrond tot en rede vir die oorlog, die ingesteldheid van die regering tot die oorlog, die militêre personeel en hulle prestasies en die koste van deelname. Dan, ‘n oorsig oor die kritieklose verslaggewing van die media en ‘n moontlike verklaring daarvoor.

Sir David Pieter de Villiers Graaff : sakeman en politikus aan die Kaap 1859 –1931

Dommisse, Ebbe 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is a biography of Sir David Pieter de Villiers Graaff, Bt, of Cape Town, who was born in 1859 and died in 1931. It covers his whole life span, from his birth as a poor farm boy in the district of Villiersdorp until his death as one of South Africa’s most innovative businessmen after he also distinguished himself in a political career. As the pioneer of cold storage in South Africa he brought the practice of frozen meat and food to the country at the end of the nineteenth century and in the meat trade he built up one of the biggest business undertakings in the Southern Hemisphere. As mayor of Cape Town at the youthful age of 31 he played a decisive rol in the modernisation of the city. As a member of Genl. Louis Botha’s first Cabinet after Union in 1910, a defining event which laid down the borders of the present Republic of South Africa, he played a sometimes underestimated role in the development of the country and its economy after the tribulations and long-term effects of the Anglo-Boer War. The life of this complex businessman/politician, a Cape Afrikaner who as a bachelor at an advanced age received a hereditary British title and thereafter married the daughter of the dominee of his Dutch Reformed congegation, is also a fascinating example of the difficult choices which Cape Afrikaners in colonial times had to make between loyalty to the British Crown and commitment to the native soil of South Africa. His biography furthermore offers an insight into the role of a top business leader who enters politics, a facet which has received little coverage in South African historial research. By describing the mosaic of his life in the time span in which he was a prominent figure, it was endeavoured to cast more light on the social and cultural context of an epoch-making period, thereby seeking to contribute to a nuanced understanding of the South African past. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is ‘n biografie van sir David Pieter de Villiers Graaff, die baronet van Kaapstad wat in 1859 gebore en in 1931 oorlede is. Dit dek sy hele lewensloop, van sy geboorte-uur as arm plaasseun in die distrik van Villiersdorp totdat hy as een van Suid-Afrika se innoverendste sakemanne gesterf het nadat hy hom ook in ‘n politieke loopbaan onderskei het. As die pionier van koelbewaring in Suid-Afrika het hy teen die einde van die negentiende eeu die verkoeling van vleis en voedsel op groot skaal na die land gebring en in die vleisbedryf een van die grootste sakeondernemings in die Suidelike Halfrond opgebou. As burgemeester van Kaapstad op die jeugdige ouderdom van 31 het hy ‘n deurslaggewende bydrae tot die modernisering van die stad gelewer. As lid van genl. Louis Botha se eerste Kabinet na Uniewording in 1910, ‘n bepalende gebeurtenis waardeur die landsgrense van die huidige Republiek van Suid-Afrika vasgelê is, het hy ‘n soms onderskatte rol in die opgang van die land en die landsekonomie na die beproewinge en langtermyn-gevolge van die Anglo-Boere-oorlog gespeel. Die lewensverhaal van hierdie komplekse sakeleier-politikus, ‘n Kaapse Afrikaner wat as vrygesel op gevorderde leeftyd ‘n erflike Britse titel ontvang het en daarna met die dogter van die leraar van sy NG gemeente getroud is, is boonop ‘n boeiende voorbeeld van die moeilike keuses wat Kaapse Afrikaners in koloniale tye tussen trou aan die Britse Ryk en verankering in die Suid- Afrikaanse bodem moes maak. Sy lewensverhaal bied voorts insig in die rol van ‘n top-sakeman wat tot die aktiewe politiek toetree, ‘n faset wat in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedskrywing nog weinig ontgin is. Deur die mosaïek van sy lewe uit te beeld in die tydsgewrig waarin hy ‘n prominente figuur was, is gepoog om ook meer lig op die maatskaplike en kulturele konteks van daardie epogmakende tydperk te werp en sodoende ‘n genuanseerde begrip van die Suid- Afrikaanse verlede te bevorder.

Die geskiedenis van die trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers van Boland Bank Beperk tot 1971

Ehlers, Anton. 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The history of the trust companies and boards of executors of Boland Bank Limited represents a case study of the process through which these rural institutions, as part of the broader trust movement in South Africa, established themselves as an integral and respected part of the local financial and social structure of the communities in which they operated. It also represents a case study of the pressures to which these local rural trust companies were subjected by the changing South African financial environment of the 20th century and of the way they reacted to absorb and counter these pressures. Their reactions and counter-measures were attempts, on the one hand, to hold on to and promote, and on the other hand, to get rid of and discard their pasts. The history of Boland Bank Limited to 1971 represents a case study of the trials and tnbulations; the successes and failures of this process. Paarl African Trust Company Limited (PAT) and African Mutual Trust and Assurance Company Limited (AMT), the two leading role players in the establishment of Boland Bank Limited, was founded in 1900 as a result of the anti- British feelings generated among a section of the Afrikaners in the Cape Colony during the Anglo Boer War. These feelings of nationalism manifested in the Afrikaners' aspiration towards greater economic self-reliance which in the case of PAT and AMT led to the establishment of two Afrikaner-controlled local rural trust companies. These two institutions laid the foundation of a mainly Cape based tradition oflocal rural trust companies with a predominantly Afrikaans character. In the first half of the 20th century these institutions established themselves as dynamic local rural financial institutions serving the financial needs of the predominantly agricultural economies in which they functioned. As an integral part of their local communities, they were respected as stabilizing economic and social agents, -a respect demonstrated by the local inhabitants refering to these institutions as "my Kamer" (my Board). The changed nature of the economic system and climate of the post war (Second World War) period in tandem with the tendency towards stricter state control over the monetary and financial system and institutions, pressurized small local :financial institutions like trust companies and boards of executors to show a profit. In this regard PAT and AMT were no exception and together with other similar trust companies were in danger of becoming outdated financialnational monuments. Against this background PAT and AMT took the lead in the early sixties in a successful amalgamation initiative which eventually culminated in the formation of Boland Bank Limited. This process included 17 institutions of which 16 were local rural trust companies and boards of executors and created the potential for regaining their lost dynamic nature. These dynamics would eventually carry them into the 21st century. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die geskiedenis van die trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers van Boland Bank Beperk verteenwoordig 'n gevallestudie van die proses waardeur die plattelandse instellings as deel van die breer trustbeweging in Suid-Afrika hulself as 'n integrale en gerespekteerde deel van die plaaslike finansiele en sosiale struktuur van die gemeenskappe waarbinne hulle opgetree het, gevestig het. Dit verteenwoordig ook 'n gevallestudie van die druk waaraan die veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse finansiele omgewing van die 20ste eeu die plaaslike plattelandse trustmaatskappye onderwerp het en die wyse waarop hulle gereageer het in 'n poging om die druk te absorbeer en te opponeer. Hulle reaksies en teenmaatreels was 'n mengsel van pogings om enersyds die status quo ten opsigte van hulle manier van dink en doen te handhaaf en andersyds dit te verwerp of van ontslae te raak. Die geskiedenis van Boland Bank tot 1971 verteenwoordig 'n gevallestudie van die ervaringe en wedervaringe, die suksesse en ook die mislukkings van die proses. Paarl African Trust Company Limited (PAT) en die African Mutual Trust and Assurance Company Limited (AMT) , die twee hoofspelers in die daarstelling van Boland Bank Beperk, is in 1900 gestig as die resultaat van die anti-Britse gevoel wat deur die Anglo-Boereoorlog onder 'n deel van die Afrikaners in die Kaapkolonie gegenereer is. Hierdie gevoel van nasionalisme het gemanifesteer in die Afrikaners se strewe na groter ekonomiese selfstandigheid wat in die geval van PAT en AMT gelei het tot die stigting van twee Afrikanerbeheerde plaaslike plattelandse trustmaatskappye. Die twee instellings het die grondslag van 'n hoofsaaklik Kaaps gebaseerde tradisie van plaaslike plattelandse trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers met 'n oorwegende Afrikaanse karakter gele. In die eerste helfte van die 20ste eeu het die instellings hulself as dinamiese plaaslike plattelandse finansiele instellings gevestig, wat voorsien het in die finansiele behoeftes van die oorheersend primere landbou-ekonomie waarbinne hulle gefunksioneer het. As 'n integrale deel van hulle plaaslike gemeenskappe is bulle as stabiliserende ekonomiese en sosiale agente gerespekteer. Dit was 'n respek wat gedemonstreer is deur die plaaslike inwoners se verwysing na die instellings as "my Kamer". Die veranderde aard van die ekonomiese stelsel en klimaat van die naoorlogse (Tweede Wereldoorlog) periode in tandem met die tendens van strenger staatsbeheer oor die monetere en finansiele stelsel en instellings het druk geplaas op die windsgewendheid van klein plaaslike finansiele instellings soos trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers. In die verband was PAT en AMT geen uitsondering nie en het hulIe saam met ander soortgelyke trustmaatskappye die gevaar geloop om oudmodiese finansiele nasionale monumente te word. Teen hierdie agtergrond het PAT en AMT in die vroee sestigerjare die leiding geneem in 'n suksesvolle amalgamasie-inisiatief wat uiteindelik in die stigting van Boland Bank Beperk gekulmineer het. In die proses is 17 instellings, waarvan 16 plaaslike plattelandse trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers was, ingesluit en daardeur die potensiaal geskep om hulle verlore dinamika te herwin, Dit was 'n dinamika wat hulle uiteindelik tot in die 21ste eeu sou dra.

'n Kultuurhistoriese ontleding van pikturale humor, met besondere verwysing na die werk van T.O. Honiball

Verster, F. P. (Francois Philippus) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are vanous definitions of the concept humour, each depending on the perception thereof. Such perceptions are influenced by shared experiences, culture, milieu and individual creativity. Pictorial humour is divided into various sub genres such as the caricature, cartoon and comic strip. Each one of these sub genres portrays an individual process of development, both locally and globally. The work of TO Honiball forms part of this tradition. His artistic personality and sense of humour is unmistakably portrayed in his creative work. Honiball became famous as a political cartoonist and played an important role in the rise of the National Party, seeing that his association with the Nasionale Pers provided him with a forum as opinion-former. It is said that his comic strips Oom Kaspaas, Jakkals en Wolf and Adoons-hulle influenced different age groups and even people who were not Afrikaners. It was however mainly Afrikaans-speaking people who strongly identified with these strips due to the strong Afrikaans character thereof. Various instances own Honniballiana, where it is being preserved and is available for research purposes. A number of marketing initiatives were launched to promote the work of Honiball, mainly by TO Honiball-Promosies. Despite the fact that much of his work is dated, new interest is generated by utilising his work in educational programmes. Honiball's body of work is a source for culture-historical research seeing that it offers references to the tangible and intangible culture of Afrikaans-speaking South Africans during his lifetime. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Etlike definisies bestaan van die begrip humor, afhangend van die persepsie daarvan. Sodanige persepsies word beïnvloed deur onder andere gedeelde ondervindings, kultuur, milieu en individuele kreatiwiteit. Pikturale humor word onderverdeel in verskillende sub-genres, soos die karikatuur, spotprent en strokie. Hierdie sub-genres toon elk 'n afsonderlike ontwikkelingsgang, plaaslik en globaal. Die werk van TO Honiball vorm deel van dié tradisie. Sy kunstenaarspersoonlikheid en humorsin word eweneens onmiskenbaar verbeeld in sy skeppings. Honiball het bekendheid verwerf as politieke spotprenttekenaar en het 'n belangrike rol gespeel in die opgang van die Nasionale Party, omdat sy verbintenis met die Nasionale Pers aan hom 'n forum gebied het om as meningsvormer op te tree. Daar word beweer dat sy strokiesreekse Oom Kaspaas, Jakkals en Wolf en Adoons-hulle verskillende ouderdomsgroepe en selfs mense van ander volksgroepe as die Afrikaner bereik het. As gevolg van die eg- Afrikaansheid daarvan het egter hoofsaaklik Afrikaanssprekendes sterk aanklank daarby gevind. Verskillende instansies is in besit van Honiballiana, waar dit bewaar word en beskikbaar is vir navorsingsdoeleindes. 'n Aantal bemarkingsinisiatiewe is geloods om Honiball se werk te promoveer, hoofsaaklik deur TO Honiball-Promosies. Ten spyte van die feit dat talle voorbeelde van sy werk gedateer is, word nuwe belangstelling gegenereer deur middel van die aanwending van sy werk in opvoedkundige programme. Honiball se oeuvre bied bronne vir kultuurhistoriese navorsing aangesien dit verwysings bied na die geestelike en stoflike kultuur van Afrikaanssprekendes gedurende sy leeftyd.

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