Spelling suggestions: "subject:"etheses -- distory"" "subject:"etheses -- ahistory""
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'n Evaluering van die volksboukuns van die Swellendam-omgewingBarnard, Eureka 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Swellendam is situated in the eastern part of the Overberg and is bounded by the districts
of Bredasdorp in the south, Caledon and Robertson in the west, Montagu and Ladisrnith in
the north, and Riversdale and Heidelberg in the east. Before colonisation mainly two
Khoikhoi tribes, the Chainouquas and the Hessequas, lived there. Because of the
favourable climate and terrain, the expansion into the interior of the European settlers after
1700 happened most rapidly across the Hottentots Holland mountains in the direction of
the Breede River. On 12 November 1743 a sub-drostdy for the Colonie in de verre
afgeleegene districten was founded and a landdrost and heemraad members were
appointed. On 26 October 1747 the Political Council decided to name this district
Swellendam. The drostdy and a number of other buildings were completed by 1747.
The pioneers applied in the Swellendam area the methods of building to which they were
accustomed, which they knew by tradition or to which they had been exposed. The plans
which were employed had either been used by previous generations or appeared widely in
the area. For almost two centuries the elongated wing plan in the form of an I, T, U, L,
etcetera was followed at the Cape. In the area studied the T-plan, especially, is most
common, with a considerable number of longhouses (I-plan) in which man and beast were
lodged under one roof.
Kapstyl (roof-truss), clay and stone houses are the three types of homes of which remnants
have been found in the Swellendam area. The kapstyl structure was used as a temporary
home and also as bam in the area under study. Clay houses were the first more permanent
structures erected in the Swellendam area. These homes were probably built without the
assistance of masons, joiners, carpenters and blacksmiths. In this area stone buildings were
primarily erected at livestock stations and, compared to clay houses, there are few
remnants of stone-built homes.
A few combination patterns have been found in the lay-out of outbuildings. Examples of
these are the stables-and-waggon shed combinations and the stables-waggon shed-kraal, as
well as the stables-waggon shed-hen's nest openings and the slave quarters-milking shedwaggon
shed combinations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Swellendam is gelee in die oostelike deel van die Overberg en word begrens deur die
distrikte van Bredasdorp in die suide, Caledon en Robertson in die weste, Montagu en
Ladismith in die noorde, en Riversdal en Heidelberg in die ooste. Voor kolonisasie het daar
in die streek hoofsaaklik twee Khoikhoi stamme gewoon, die Chainouquas en die
Hessequas. As gevolg van die gunstige klimaat en die terrein het die binnelandse
uitbreiding van die Europese setlaars na 1700 die vinnigste oor die Hottentots-
Hollandberge in die rigting van die Breederivier plaasgevind. Op 12 November 1743 is 'n
sub-drostdy vir die Colonie in de verre afgeleegene districten gestig en 'n landdros en
heemrade is aangestel. Op 26 Oktober 1747 besluit die Politi eke Raad om hierdie distrik
Swellendam te noem. Die drostdy en 'n aantal ander geboue is teen 1747 voltooi.
Die pioniers het die bouwyse waaraan hulle gewoond was, wat hulle deur tradisie geken
het of waaraan hulle blootgestel was, ook in die Swellendam-omgewing toegcpas. Die
bouplanne wat gebruik is, is of deur die voorgeslagte aangewend, of het algemeen in die
gebied voorgekom. Vir byna twee eeue is die verlengde vleuelplan in die vorm van 'n I, T,
U, L ensovoorts, aan die Kaap gevolg. In die studiegebied kom veral die T-plan die meeste
voor met 'n beduidende hoeveelheid langhuise (l-plan) waar mens en dier onder een dak
gehuisves is.
Kapstyl, klei en kliphuise is die drie woningtipes waarvan oorblyfsels in die Swellendamstreek
aangetref is. Die kapstylstruktuur is in die studiegebied gebruik as tydelike woning
en ook as SkuUL Kleihuise was die eerste meer permanente strukture wat in die
Swellendam-omgewing opgerig is. Die wonings is waarskynlik opgerig sonder die hulp
van messelaars, skrynwerkers, timmermans en grofsmede. In hierdie streek is daar
hoofsaaklik op die veeposte met klip gebou en is daar in vergelyking met kleihuise min
oorblyfsels van wonings wat met klip gebou is.
'n Paar kombinasiepatrone is in die uitleg van buitegeboue gevind. Voorbeelde hiervan is
die stalle-en-waenhuis-kombinasies en die stalle-waenhuis-kraal, stalle-waenhuishoendernes-
openinge, en die slawekwartier-melkery-waenhuis-kombinasies.
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Voorbereiding van die geskiedenis-opvoeder vir uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys in die algemene onderwys- en opleidingsfaseBrand, A. B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)-- Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today, educators in South Africa must be capable of successfully designing and
implementing an outcomes-based curriculum that prepares learners for the
world of work. The aim of this study is to determine what kind of groundwork
has to be done by history educators to prepare themselves for outcomes-based
education and the General Education and Training Phase.
The Revised National Curriculum Statement will have far-reaching implications
on curriculum development. A thorough knowledge of the principles and
theoretical foundation of the process of curriculum development and outcomesbased
education is essential to the successful implementation of the directives
contained in this document.
Dynamic curriculum development is founded on the quality of a thorough
design. Educators - the people who use the curriculum - must be closely
involved in the content and planning thereof. By implementing the proposed
structure and procedures educators will be able to ensure quality control with
regard to the successful preparation, implementation and assessment of
outcomes-based education. This will also provide continuity in outcomes-based
curriculum development.
Once the newly designed curriculum has been established, existing school and
classroom practices cannot be retained. Appropriate preparation is essential
for the comprehensive changes that are taking place. Good management at all
levels will prevent a climate of dissatisfaction and resistance from arising during
the preparation phase of the curriculum.
The real success of curriculum design depends on how it is implemented in the
school and the classroom. In this study the emphasis falls on the modular
approach to curriculum, with the learning area history as an example. The implementation of the designed curriculum must be continuously assessed.
Through curriculum or quality assessment of their operations, services and
learning programmes, schools must strive towards applying quality
management to the benefit of the educators as well as the learners.
It is vital that all educators, also history educators, will offer quality services that
are globally competitive. In the final analysis curriculum development is about
the learners and the way in which they will benefit from the process. The
learners deserve to have a first-rate curriculum. After all, it is the stated aim of
outcomes-based education to encourage learners to be successful. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tans moet opvoeders in Suid-Afrika in staat wees om 'n uitkomsgebaseerde
kurrikulum, wat leerders voorberei vir die wêreld van werk, suksesvol te ontwerp
en te implementeer. Hierdie studie het ten doelom vas te stel watter
voorbereiding nodig is om die geskiedenis-opvoeder vir uitkomsgebaseerde
onderwys en die Algemene Onderwys- en Opleidingsfase voor te berei.
Die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring gaan verreikende implikasies hê.
Om die voorskrifte wat daarin vervat is suksesvol te implementeer, verg 'n
deeglike kennis van die beginsels en teoretiese basis van die proses van
kurrikulumontwikkeling en uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys.
Dinamiese kurrikulumontwikkeling berus op die kwaliteit van 'n deeglike
ontwerp. Die inhoud en beplanning van die kurrikulumontwerp mag nie vir
kurrikulumgebruikers verlore gaan nie. Deur die voorgestelde struktuur en
voorskrifte te implementeer, kan kwaliteitbeheer t.o.v. die latere suksesvolle
gereedmaking, implementering en assessering van uitkomsgebaseerde
onderwys moontlik gemaak word. Dit verleen ook kontinuïteit aan
uitkomsgebaseerde kurrikulumontwikkeling.
Ná die nuut-ontwerpe kurrikulum daargestel is, kan bestaande skool- en
klaskamerbestuurspraktyke nie bly handhaaf word nie. Behoorlike
gereedmaking vir hierdie omvattende veranderinge is nodig. Goeie bestuur op
alle vlakke verhoed dat 'n klimaat van ontevredenheid en weerstand tydens die
gereedmaking van die kurrikulum ontstaan.
Die werklike sukses van kurrikulumontwerp berus op die praktiese
implementering daarvan in die skool en klaskamer. Daar word in hierdie studie
op die modulêre kurrikulumbenadering gefokus, met geskiedenis as voorbeeld. Die implementering van die ontwerpte kurrikulum moet deurlopend geassesseer
word. Deur kurrikulum- of kwaliteitsassessering van hul bedryf, dienste en
leerprogramme, moet skole daarna streef om kwaliteitsbestuur tot voordeel van
die opvoeders en leerders aan te wend.
Dit is belangrik dat alle opvoeders, ook geskiedenis-opvoeders, in skole
kwaliteitdienste wat globaal mededingend is lewer. Die leerders is uiteindelik die
begin- en eindpunt van kurrikulumontwikkeling. Die leerders verdien 'n
kwaliteitkurrikulum. UGO wil leerders immers aanmoedig om suksesvol te
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The changing role and identity of the Nonaligned Movement (1955-1998)Buhigiro, Jean Leonard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to determine how the role and identity of the Nonaligned
Movement (NAM) changed during and after the Cold War. The demise of the
Movement in the post-Cold War era, predicted by some scholars, is discussed.
This study examines whether the Movement merely offered an alternative grouping
during the Cold War. The issue that becomes evident with respect to the Cold War is
to show the terror it brought about and how the Third World became the battleground
of the Superpowers.
The question as to what extent the role played by the Movement defused the Cold
War is investigated. It is shown that the Movement sent emissaries to Washington
and Moscow to resolve the German Crisis in 1961 and to reduce the arms race.
A historical overview of the Movement is offered, which determines the role of Afro-
Asianism in the birth of the Nonaligned Movement. It is explained that the 1955
Bandung conference gathered leaders from independent African and Asian states -
with different foreign policies - which created energies that in the following years
greatly affected Third World politics and the shaping of nonalignment. This study
traces also the role of different gatherings of the Movement up to the Durban Summit
of 1998. At issue are also participating countries in the 1961 Belgrade Summit, which
are described, as well as the growth of the Movement's membership.
Different goals of the Movement are examined. Some, like nuclear disarmament, the
right to self-determination, peaceful coexistence, and the right for the Palestinians to a
homeland, were adopted during the Cold War and still remain valid. Others, like
protection of the environment, and the struggle for human rights, were implemented
during the post-Cold War era. The détente allowed the Movement to launch a New
International Economic Order. An attempt is made to show the failure and success of
the Movement in this respect. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal hoe die rol en identiteit van die
Onverbonde Beweging (NAM) tydens en na die Koue Oorlog verander het. Die
ondergang van die Beweging in die na-Koue Oorlogse era soos deur sommige kenners
voorspel is, word ook ondersoek.
Die studie het probeer vasstelof die Beweging 'n alternatiewe groepering tydens die
Koue Oorlog teweeg gebring het. Die kwessie met betrekking tot respect tot die Koue
Oorlog bewys dat terreur meegebring word en hoe die Derde Wêreld die slagveld van
die Supermoondhede gemaak het.
Daar word ook gepoog om vas te stel tot watter mate die Beweging 'n rol gespeel het
in die ontlonting van die Koue Oorlog. In die verband word onder andere verwys na
die Beweging se pogings om die Duitse Krisis (1961) te ontlont en die wapenwedloop
te beëindig deur die stuur van afgevaardigdes na Washington en Moskou.
In 'n historiese oorsig van die Beweging word die rol wat 'n Afro-Asiatiese
gevoel/gees in die stigting van die Onverbonde Beweging gespeel het, ondersoek.
Die studie toon aan hoe die Bandung Konferensie van 1955 leiers van onafhanklike
state van Afrika en Asië, wat uiteenlopende buitelandse beleidsrigtings gehad het,
bymekaar gebring het. Hierdie uiteenlopendheid het 'n dinamika geskep wat Derde
Wêreldse politiek en die aard van onverbondenheid wesenlik beinvloed het in die jare
na die Konferensie. Verskeie byeenkomste van die Onverbonde Beweging tot en met
die Durbanse spitsberaad (1998) word ontleed. Die samestelling en verloop van die
spitsberaad in Belgrado in 1961 en die groei in die lidmaatskap van die Beweging
kom onder andere onder die loep. Verskeie van die Beweging se doelwitte wat tydens die Koue Oorlog beslag gekry het
en steeds geldig is, word onder die soeklig geplaas. Kernkrag ontwapening, die reg
op selfbeskikking, vreedsame naasbestaan en die Palestyne se reg op 'n eie
staat/tuisland is voorbeelde in die verband. Ander doelwitte van die beweging wat
veral in die na-Koue Oorlogse era geimplementeer is, soos die bewaring en
beskerming van die omgewing en die stryd om menseregte, word ook ondersoek. Die
loodsing van 'n Nuwe Internasionale Ekonomiese Orde deur die Beweging wat deur
die détente van die na-Koue Oorlogse era moontlik gemaak is, word ook bespreek en
die sukses en mislukking daarvan geëvalueer.
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An Anglican parish in transformation : the history of St. Margaret’s, Parow, 1942 - 1995Davids, Tessa Dawn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch Univeristy, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is an historical analysis of the History of St. Margaret’s Anglican Parish,
situated in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. While documenting the history of the
parish since its establishment in 1942, it also critically examines its response to the
socio-political changes the country was going through such as the Group Areas Act
and in so doing, determines the extent of its own transformation.
St. Margaret’s was not the first Anglican parish in Parow. An Anglican presence
existed in Parow since 1900 with St. John the Baptist being the first parish along with
an Anglican primary school, namely Glen Lily. The Anglican parishes of Parow were
profoundly affected by apartheid, especially the Group Areas Act which completely
changed the landscape of the town and the roles of the parishes. It led to the deconsecration
of St. John’s and the closure of Glen Lily Primary school. The church
building survived, but the school was completely demolished.
St. Margaret’s did became an independent parish, but faced many challenges as it
struggled to cope with the call from the Anglican Church to become agents of
reconciliation while Archbishop Tutu called for sanctions against South Africa and
seemingly supported the armed struggle. Despite the unhappiness with the
Archbishop’s call for greater commitment to the abolition of apartheid, the
congregation did in time find its own metier. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studiestuk bied ‘n historiese analise van die Geskiedenis van die St. Margarets
Anglikaanse Gemeente wat in die noordelike voorstede van Kaapstad geleë is. Terwyl
die geskiedenis van dié gemeente sedert sy ontstaan in 1942 gedek word, word daar
ook krities gekyk na die reaksie op die sosio-politiese veranderinge wat die land
ondergaan het, soos die Groepsgebiedewet, waardeur ook die omvang van die
gemeente se eie transformasieproses bepaal is.
St Margarets was nie die eerste Anglikaanse-gemeente in Parow nie. Reeds sedert
1900 het St John the Baptist as eerste gemeente bestaan, tesame met ‘n Anglikaanse
primêre skool, Glen Lily. Die Anglikaanse-gemeentes van Parow is deeglik geraak
deur apartheid, veral die Groepsgebiedewet wat die voorkoms van die dorp en die rol
van dié gemeentes totaal verander het. Dit het tot die sekularisering van St Johns en
die sluiting van die Laerskool Glen Lily gelei. Die kerkgebou het behoue gebly, maar
die skool is heeltemal gesloop.
St Margarets het ‘n onafhanklike gemeente geword, maar het nog verskeie uitdagings
in die gesig gestaar in sy stryd om te voldoen aan die oproep van die Anglikaanse
Kerk om agente te word vir rekonsiliasie, terwyl Aartsbiskop Tutu gevra het vir
sanksies teen Suid-Afrika en oënskynlik die gewapende stryd ondersteun het. Ten
spyte van die ongelukkigheid wat die Aartsbiskop se oproep om groter toegewydheid
aan die afskaffing van apartheid veroorsaak het, het die gemeente mettertyd haar eie
métier gevind.
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Taal, kultuur en konflik in die Karoo : ’n historiese gevallestudie van blanke konflikte op Graaff-Reinet, circa 1904 - 1928Malherbe, Petrus De Klerk 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to develop a specific period in the history of the
historically important Karoo town of Graaff-Reinet. The importance of the period
under discussion lies in the fact that during the period in question, Graaff- Reinetters
engaged in a series of socially divisive conflicts that divided the society on a racial
basis based on an individual’s use of either Afrikaans or English. In the aftermath of
the Anglo-Boer War, an Afrikaner nationalistic trend established a foothold on the
Afrikaans speaking population of Graaff-Reinet and forced them to counter the
dominance of an Imperialist and British viewpoint that had been dominant in society
up to that point. This was done by fighting for the importance of Afrikaans as a
language as opposed to English. These two groups of language speakers engaged in a
series of literal and metaphorical frictions within different sections of society,
including on a political level well as in the education of students. Apart from the
conflicts between the Afrikaans and English speaking population, this research will
also examine the occurrence of conflicts within the Afrikaans community of Graaff-
Reinet regarding the loaded decision about what language to use from the pulpit. In
short this research examines the origin and development of Afrikaner nationalism in
Graaff-Reinet during the period after Unification, but more than that and on a much
deeper level it also looks at the social tendencies that manifested itself within this
relatively small and rural Karoo society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mikpunt van hierdie navorsing is om ’n spesifieke periode in die geskiedenis van
die histories belangrike Karoodorp, Graaff-Reinet te belig. Die belangrikheid van die
periode onder bespreking lê opgesluit in die feit dat Graaff-Reinetters in daardie
tydperk in ’n reeks sosiaal verdelende konflikte gewikkel was wat die samelewing op
’n rassegrondslag verdeel het; die konflik was gebaseer op ’n individu se taalgebruik
van hetsy Afrikaans of Engels. In die periode ná die Anglo-Boereoorlog het ’n
Afrikanernasionalistiese tendens ’n houvas gekry op Afrikaanssprekendes op Graaff-
Reinet en dit het hulle genoop om in alle erns die oorheersing van ’n Imperialistiese
Britse sienswyse in die samelewing teen te werk. Dit het behels dat die belangrikheid
van Afrikaans vir Afrikaanssprekendes belig is teenoor die Imperialistiese
Ryksgesindes wat weer Engels as die summa summarum van tale aangevoer het.
Hierdie twee groepe taalgebruikers het op etlike terreine vir mekaar die letterlike en
metaforiese stryd aangesê: ondermeer in die politieke speelterrein op die dorp sowel
as in die opvoeding van leerders en met die samestelling van skool- en afdelingsrade.
Buiten die konflikte tussen die Afrikaans- en Engelssprekendes wat op hierdie
verskillende terreine belig gaan word, kyk hierdie navorsing ook na die voorkoms van
taalkonflikte binne Afrikanerkringe self en hoe dit tot uiting gekom in die keuse van
’n taal by godsdiensbeoefening op die dorp. In kort fokus hierdie tesis dus op die
voorkoms en opbou van Afrikanernasionalisme op Graaff-Reinet in veral die tydperk
ná Uniewording, maar dit kyk ook op ’n wyer vlak na die onderliggende sosiale
tendense wat deur die dekades heen op hierdie relatief klein Karoodorp
gemanifesteer het.
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"Skarrelling" : a socio-environmental history of household waste in South AfricaKing, Giorgina F. J. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study excavates a century’s worth of the history of household waste in South
Africa, from 1890-1996. It shows that waste history is entangled with histories of
disease and poor sanitation, advances in technology, the impact of war, environmental
concerns and – perhaps above all – shifting socio-economic circumstances. Using a
socio-environmental analytical framework, this analysis of waste history unearths
empirical archival data and oral testimony, to contextualise themes of gender, race,
class and nationalism in order to place rubbish within the wider historical debates in
South Africa. This study uses Rubbish Theory and Broken Windows Theory as well
as concepts of “Othering” and the “Sanitation Syndrome” to explore the role of waste
in the construction of racial identities and perceptions. This thesis shows that
Apartheid should not be seen as a watershed within this waste history, but rather as a
continuation of colonial ideas of cleanliness that helped to perpetuate racist
stereotypes. This study argues that the lack of waste services in “locations” during
this time helped to contribute to the perception of the urban African as the unsanitary
Other. The state and civic societies fostered gender roles, which (coupled with wartime
nationalist propaganda) helped in shaping waste behaviour promoted by the
National Anti-Waste Organisation (NAWO) during the Second World War (WWII).
In the years after WWII, the threats of wartime shortages and enthusiastic solutions
suggested to municipalities to “end the waste problem” were thwarted by the spread
of the landfill as an even more convenient disposal method. The implementation of
Apartheid, especially the Group Areas Act (No 41 of 1950) and the rise of consumer
society, led to increasingly divergent experiences of waste for urban Africans and
whites. The thesis uses a case study of the Devon Valley Landfill community outside
of Stellenbosch. This ethnographic history explores notions of the “Subaltern” in
order to give this history a human face. The diachronic analysis of this community
offers a lens into ideas of “ordentlikheid” (decency), “weggooi mense” (throwaway
people) and how these waste-pickers experience the environment in which they live. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie grawe ’n eeu se geskiedenis van huishoudelike afval in Suid-Afrika op,
van 1890-1996. Dit toon dat die geskiedenis van afval verweef is met geskiedenisse
van siekte en swak sanitasie, tegnologiese vooruitgang, die impak van oorlog,
omgewingskwessies en – dalk bowenal – veranderende sosio-ekonomiese
omstandighede. Deur middel van ’n sosio-omgewings-analitiese raamwerk ontgin
hierdie analise empiriese argiefdata en mondelingse getuienis om temas van geslag,
ras, klas en nasionalisme te kontekstualiseer ten einde afval binne die breër historiese
debatte in Suid-Afrika te plaas. Die studie gebruik Afval-teorie en Gebreekte
Vensters-teorie sowel as begrippe van “Othering” en die “Sanitasie-sindroom” om die
rol van afval in die totstandkoming van rasse-identiteite en -persepsies te ondersoek.
Die tesis toon dat Apartheid nie as ’n waterskeiding in hierdie afval-geskiedenis
gesien moet word nie, maar eerder as ’n voortsetting van koloniale idees oor higiëne
wat gehelp het om rasse-stereotipes te perpetueer. Die studie argumenteer dat die
gebrek aan afvalverwyderingsdienste in “lokasies” in die tyd bygedra het tot die
persepsie van die stedelike Afrikaan as die onhigiëniese Ander. Die staat en
burgerlike samelewings het geslagsrolle gekweek, wat (tesame met oorlogtydse
nasionalistiese propaganda) gehelp het met die vestiging van afval-gedrag wat
bevorder is deur die National Anti-Waste Organisation (NAWO) gedurende die
Tweede Wêreldoorlog. In die jare na dié oorlog is die bedreigings van oorlogtydse
tekorte en die entoesiastiese oplossings wat vir munisipaliteite aanbeveel is om die
“afvalprobleem te beëindig”, gefnuik deur die toenemende gebruik van
stortingsterreine as ’n selfs geriefliker afvalverwyderingsmetode. Die implementering
van Apartheid, veral die Groepsgebiedewet (No. 41 van 1950) en die opkoms van die
verbruikersamelewing, het gelei tot toenemend uiteenlopende ervarings van afval
onder stedelike Afrikane en wit mense. Die tesis maak gebruik van ’n gevallestudie
van die gemeenskap van die Devonvallei-stortingsterrein buite Stellenbosch. Hierdie
etnografiese geskiedenis verken denkbeelde van die “Ondergeskikte” om ’n menslike
gesig aan die geskiedenis te gee. Die diakroniese analise van die gemeenskap is ’n
venster op idees van “ordentlikheid”, “weggooimense” en hoe hierdie afvalontginners
die omgewing waarin hulle woon, beleef.
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Relations between South Africa and France with special reference to military matters, 1960-1990Moukambi, Victor 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)—-Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This dissertation investigates the role played by France in the supply of military
equipment and the transfer of technology to South Africa from 1960. This Franco-South
African defence cooperation was opportune for South Africa, as she faced escalating
international criticism over the apartheid issue and, from December 1963, the first
military embargo, one joined by her erstwhile arms suppliers.
The accession of the National Party (NP) to power in South Africa in 1948 brought a
range of legislation that gave substance to the nationalist policy of apartheid. The
suffering of the South African black population and the refusal of the South African
government to revise its domestic policy, despite the growing international pressure,
induced the newly-independent, Afro-Asian countries to press the United Nations (UN)
to take tougher actions against Pretoria. At the same time opposing Black Nationalist
movements, the African National Congress (ANC) the South West African Peoples’
Organisation (SWAPO) and the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) adopted militant actions
in response to increasingly repressive race legislation in South Africa and South West
Furthermore, when in 1961 South Africa left the British Commonwealth, she lost the
long-term military commitment from London she had enjoyed for much of the twentieth
century. South Africa would now have to satisfy her defence needs elsewhere. Pretoria
knew that she needed a strong, well-equipped defence force in order to face the growing
internal conflict as well as a possible military onslaught from outside the country.
As a result, South Africa faced the first arms embargo in 1963 when her traditional arms
suppliers, Britain and the USA elected to observe the voluntary terms of the embargo
instituted by the UN. France, at the time under the leadership of General Charles de
Gaulle, identified an opportunity to strengthen her relations with South Africa and
acquire the much-needed strategic materials for her nuclear programme; he decided to fill
the space in the military market vacated by Britain and the USA. From 1964, France
became Pretoria’s most important arms supplier, a relationship that lasted throughout the
Gaullist administration. De Gaulle’s decision to supply South Africa with French military equipment and the transfer of technological know-how was based mainly on political,
military and economic considerations. In short, De Gaulle wanted to free France from a
military dependency on the United States, which had come to dominate NATO, and, by
extension, Western Europe. Feeling hemmed in by les anglo-saxons, France, facing a
shortage of North American uranium for her nuclear programme from 1957, sought new
partners to shore up her own strategic vulnerability and ensure a role for her in world
politics. Moreover, in the early 1960s, Apartheid had not yet become an electoral issue in
France, as it was in Britain and the USA, and, in any case, France herself was drawing
negative comment for her actions in the Algerian war of national independence. The
logical outcome was a comfortable rapprochement, for the moment at least, between
Paris and Pretoria.
This military cooperation was broad-fronted and sustained until France implemented her
first partial military embargo in 1975 and voted for the UN mandatory arms embargo in
1977. But, by this time, the weapons industry in South Africa, home-grown with French
assistance, was well-established and placed South Africa in a position to launch military
campaigns against the frontline states, commencing with Operation Savannah in late
This study analyses the content and impact of the military cooperation between Paris and
Pretoria and creates a better understanding of political and economic dimensions that
were the key in the conduct of Franco-South African defence relations between 1960 and 1990.
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The Cape Rebel of the South African War, 1899-1902Shearing, Hilary Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (History))—University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This dissertation investigates the role of a group of Cape colonists who rose in rebellion against
the colonial government and allied themselves to the Boer Republics during the South African War of
The decision of the Griqualand West colonists to join the Republican forces took place against a
background of severe deprivation in the agricultural sector due to the losses sustained in the rinderpest
pandemic of 1896/1897. It also coincided with the invasion of Griqualand West by Transvaal forces. The
failure of the Schreiner Government to defend its borders encouraged rebellion, as there were no armed
forces to oppose either the invasion or the rebellion.
While some of the Cape rebels fought on the side of the Republicans during major battles along
the Modder River, others were commandeered to gather and transport supplies to the laagers. Four months
after the surrender of Gen P Cronje at Paardeberg the majority of these rebels had laid down arms except
for those under Gen Piet de Villiers who fought on in the Transvaal. After a second rebellion in 1901, far
fewer rebels fought a war of attrition north of the Orange River; eventually about 700 men leaving the
Cape Colony to avoid laying down arms.
South of the Orange River Free State forces commandeered the disaffected colonists of the
Stormberg and Colesberg regions in November 1899. Because the Republicans had not occupied these
regions earlier in the war, British reinforcements and the Colonial Division took to the field against them
almost immediately. The victory gained at Stormberg in December 1899 by the Boer forces was not
followed up. Olivier failed to integrate his forces; unlike those at Colesberg where the Boers were far
better led and scored some notable successes. The Republican burghers withdrew from the Cape Colony
in March 1901, which in turn led to a mass surrender ofrebels. Those that were captured under arms were
sent as POWs to Ceylon and India, while those that surrendered were held in colonial gaols until they
were bailed or given passes. Only a few hundred continued to wage war in the Boer Republics for the
remainder of 1900.
The second invasion by Free State forces into the Cape Colony consisted of mobile commandos
that criss-crossed the interior. For the first few months they sowed havoc, but after June 1901 the military
used mass tactics against those who were forced into the isolated northwest Cape. In 1902, unknown to
them, the Boer republics signed the Treaty of Vereeniging and ceased to exist as sovereign states. The
Cape rebels were not signatories to the treaty. According to an agreement between the Boer leaders and the Colonial Office, if a rebel surrendered and pleaded guilty to High Treason under Proclamation 100 of
1902 he would receive a partial amnesty and be disfranchised. However rebel officers were charged in
court and fines and prison sentences would be handed down.
After the first invasion rebels who were captured or surrendered were tried under the Indemnity
and Special Tribunals Act that was in force for six months until April 1901. Martial Law was then again in
vogue from 22 April until Peace at the end of May 1902, and under this act 44 Cape colonists,
Republicans and aliens were executed, and hundreds .of others, whose death sentences were commuted to
penal servitude for life, were shipped to POW camps on Bermuda and St Helena. The surrenders 00,442
rebels were accepted under Proclamation 100 of 1902. Rebel officers or those facing serious charges were
tried under the Indemnity and Special Tribunals Act in Special High Treason Courts. The general amnesty
announced in 1905 brought to an end the prosecutions for High Treason ofCape rebels. In 1906 the names
of disfranchised colonists were. replaced on the Voters' Roll.
The final official return of Cape rebels for 1903 is 12,205 or 0.5% of the total population, while
the return according to the database is 16,198 rebels or 0.7%. Strategically the rebellions played a limited
role in the overall Republican war effort despite the individual rebel's self-sacrifice to the cause. However,
although small in numbers, the rebellion had an enormous impact on colonial life (especially in 1901) as it
led to a thinly disguised civil war and enmity between the Afrikaner and English colonists, which took
years to disappear.
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Out in the cold : science and environment in the history of South Africa’s involvement in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic in the twentieth centuryVan der Watt, Susanna Maria Elizabeth (Lize-Marie) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study addresses a little-known but important part of South Africa’s history: its involvement with the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic in the twentieth century. It has a three-fold approach. Firstly, it provides insight into the motives driving South Africa’s investment in the region, from the first call for a South African Antarctic expedition in 1919 to the post-apartheid recommitment to the South African Antarctic Programme. Interrogating of the reasons behind South Africa’s activities in this region – including those that failed –throws into relief broader issues about how and where South Africa saw itself in the geopolitical order. As such, this dissertation is situated within a body of Antarctic scholarship that seeks to subvert the prevailing homogenising narrative of the continent as simply the preserve of scientists and heroes. In particular, it investigates how tropes of imperialism and nationalism functioned in these remote corners of the world. Secondly, this dissertation investigates how changing perceptions of the extreme environment of Antarctica, and specifically the Prince Edward Islands, can add to our understanding of environmental history. It also shows how the values projected onto and invested in the environment as ‘nature’ changed over time. Thirdly, it takes into account the humans that were South Africa’s presence in the region and how the underlying patterns in the fabric of South African society, including race and gender, crystalized on the Antarctic continent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gerig op ʼn minder bekende, maar belangrike aspek van Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis: die land se betrokkenheid by die sub-Antarktiese gebied en Antarktika in die twintigste eeu. Die studie volg van ʼn drie-ledige benadering. Eerstens, verskaf dit insig in die dryfvere agter Suid-Afrika se investering in die streek – vanaf die eerste beroep op ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse Antarktiese ekspedisie in 1919, tot die post-apartheid regering se herverbintenis tot die Suid-Afrikaanse Antarktiese program. Die ondersoek na die redes vir Suid-Afrika se aktiwiteite in die streek – insluitend dié wat misluk het – bring breër kwessies oor Suid-Afrika se selfbeskouing in die wêreld se geopolitieke orde, na vore. Hierdie studie word binne ʼn kritiese raamwerk van navorsing oor Antarktika geplaas. Dié raamwerk streef daarna om die oorheersende homogene beeld van die kontinent as die eksklusiewe grondgebied van wetenskaplikes en helde, onder die soeklig te stel. In die besonder stel dit ondersoek in na hoe imperialisme en nasionalisme in hierdie verafgeleë uithoeke van die aarde versinnebeeld is. Tweedens, ondersoek hierdie studie hoe veranderende persepsies van Antarktika - en veral die Prins Edward eilande - se uiterste omgewing tot ons begrip van omgewingsgeskiedenis kan bydra. Dit dui ook aan die mate waartoe bestaande waardes wat op die omgewing as ‘natuur’ geprojekteer en gevestig is, mettertyd verander het. Die derde benadering neem die mense wat Suid-Afrika se teenwoordigheid verpersoonlik het in aanmerking - en hoe die onderliggende patrone in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, insluitend ras en geslag, op die Antarktiese kontinent uitgekristalliseer het.
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Die deutschen Siedlungen in Suedafrika seit der Mitte des neunzehnten JahrhundertsHellberg, W. H. C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Church History))--Stellenbosch University, 1954. / Please refer to full text for abstract.
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