Spelling suggestions: "subject:"timedelay"" "subject:"develay""
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Adaptive Controller Development and Evaluation for a 6DOF Controllable MultirotorFurgiuele, Theresa Chung Wai 03 October 2022 (has links)
The omnicopter is a small unmanned aerial vehicle capable of executing decoupled translational and rotational motion (six degree of freedom, 6DOF, motion). The development of controllers for various 6DOF controllable multirotors has been much more limited than development for quadrotors, which makes selecting a controller for a 6DOF multirotor difficult. The omnicopter is subject to various uncertainties and disturbances from hardware changes, structural dynamics, and airflow, making adaptive controllers particularly interesting to investigate. The goal of this research is to design and evaluate the performance of various position and attitude controller combinations for the omnicopter, specifically focusing on adaptive controllers. Simulations are first used to compare combinations of three position controllers, PID, model reference adaptive control, augmented model reference adaptive control (aMRAC), and four attitude controllers, PI/feedback linearization (PIFL), augmented model reference adaptive control, backstepping, and adaptive backstepping (aBack). For the simulations, the omnicopter is commanded to point at and track a stationary aim point as it travels along a $C^0$ continuous trajectory and a trajectory that is $C^1$ continuous. The controllers are stressed by random disturbances and the addition of an unaccounted for suspended mass. The augmented model reference adaptive controller for position control paired with the adaptive backstepping controller for attitude control is shown to be the best controller combination for tracking various trajectories while subject to disturbances. Based on the simulation results, the PID/PIFL and aMRAC/aBack controllers are selected to be compared during three different flight tests. The first flight test is on a $C^1$ continuous trajectory while the omnicopter is commanded to point at and track a stationary aim point. The second flight test is a hover with an unmodeled added weight, and the third is a circular trajectory with a broken blade. As with the simulation results, the adaptive controller is shown to yield better performance than the nonadaptive controller for all scenarios, particularly for position tracking. With an added weight or a broken propeller, the adaptive attitude controller struggles to return to level flight, but is capable of maintaining steady flight when the nonadaptive controller tends to fail. Finally, while model reference adaptive controllers are shown to be effective, their nonlinearity can make them difficult to tune and certify via standard certification methods, such as gain and phase margin. A method for using time delay margin estimates, a potential certification metric, to tune the adaptive parameter tuning gain matrix is shown to be useful when applied to an augmented MRAC controller for a quadrotor. / Doctor of Philosophy / The omnicopter is a small unmanned aerial vehicle capable of executing decoupled translational and rotational motion. The development of controllers for these types of vehicles has been limited, making controller selection difficult. The omnicopter is subject to variations in hardware and airflow, making adaptive controllers particularly interesting to investigate. The goal of this research is to design and compare the performance of various position and attitude controller combinations for the omnicopter, specifically focusing on adaptive controllers. Simulations are first used to compare combinations of several position and attitude controllers on various trajectories and disturbances. Simulation results showed that a fully adaptive controller combination produced the best trajectory tracking while subject to disturbances. As with the simulation results, flight tests showed the adaptive controller yields better performance than the nonadaptive controller for all scenarios, particularly for position tracking. Finally, while the adaptive position controller was shown to be effective, it is difficult to tune and certify for widespread use. A method for using time delay margin estimates, a potential certification metric, to tune the adaptive controller is shown to be useful when applied to an adaptive controller for a quadrotor.
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Novel Multicore Optical Fibers for Signal Distribution and ProcessingUreña Gisbert, Mario 07 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las fibras de multiplexación por división espacial surgieron en la última década como solución al cuello de botella en la capacidad en las redes de comunicación de fibra óptica monomodo. Utilizan el espacio, la última técnica de multiplexación en comunicaciones ópticas, para aumentar la capacidad total en comunicaciones digitales al tiempo que reducen las necesidades de espacio. Las fibras multinúcleo, un tipo de fibras de multiplexación por división espacial compuestas por varios núcleos individuales dentro de la misma cubierta, son prometedoras para las comunicaciones de largo alcance por su compatibilidad inmediata con las redes de fibra actuales. Además, las fibras multinúcleo han despertado interés en otros campos de aplicación, como las interconexiones de centros de datos, las comunicaciones cuánticas, las redes de acceso radio y la Fotónica de Microondas. Además, estas fibras presentan un gran potencial no sólo para la distribución de señales, sino también para su procesado. Las funcionalidades de procesado de señal pueden beneficiarse significativamente del uso de estas fibras en términos de compacidad y peso, garantizando al mismo tiempo versatilidad, reconfigurabilidad y rendimiento estable de banda ancha.
En esta Tesis, proponemos la explotación del paralelismo inherente que se encuentra en las fibras multinúcleo para implementar el procesado distribuido de señales ópticas y de microondas. En primer lugar, estudiamos la realización de un componente óptico clave en el procesado de señales en Fotónica de Microondas, la línea de retardo en tiempo real muestreada, con fibras multinúcleo heterogéneas. Esto comprende la validación del rendimiento de una fibra heterogénea de 7 núcleos previamente fabricada, la demostración experimental de las funcionalidades de procesado de señales de microondas; incluyendo el filtrado de señales, la conformación óptica de haces y la generación de formas de onda arbitrarias; y el diseño y fabricación de una fibra heterogénea de 19 núcleos que se comporta como una línea de retardo en tiempo real sintonizable. Esta fibra se fabricó escalando 3 preformas diferentes, cada una con un perfil de índice refractivo específico, para obtener núcleos con unas características de propagación determinadas. Por último, proponemos diferentes diseños de fibras multinúcleo heterogéneas específicos para aplicaciones novedosas de distribución y procesado de señales ópticas, incluyendo la distribución de claves cuánticas, la compensación paralela de la dispersión cromática y los efectos Talbot temporales paralelos. / [CA] Les fibres de multiplexació per divisió espacial van sorgir en la darrera dècada per a solucionar el coll de botella en la capacitat de les xarxes de comunicació de fibra òptica monomode. Utilitzen l'espai, l'última tècnica de multiplexació en comunicacions òptiques, per a incrementar la capacitat total en comunicacions digitals al mateix temps que redueixen les necessitats espacials. Les fibres multinucli, un tipus de fibres de multiplexació per divisió espacial compostes per diversos nuclis individuals situats dins la mateixa coberta, són prometedores per a les comunicacions de llarg abast per la immediata compatibilitat amb les xarxes de fibra òptica actuals. Per aquest motiu, les fibres multinucli han despertat interès en altres àmbits d'aplicació, com les interconnexions de centres de dades, les comunicacions quàntiques, les xarxes d'accés radio i la Fotònica de Microones. A més, aquestes fibres presenten un gran potencial no només per a la distribució de senyals, sinó també per al seu processament. Les funcionalitats de processament de senyals poden beneficiar-se significativament del seu ús en relació a la compacitat i al pes, mentre garanteixen versatilitat, reconfigurabilitat i rendiment estable de banda ampla.
En aquesta Tesi, proposem l'explotació del paral·lelisme inherent de les fibres multinucli per a implementar processament distribuït de senyals òptiques i de microones. En primer lloc, estudiem la realització d'un component òptic clau en el processament de senyals en la Fotònica de Microones, la línia de retard en temps real mostrejada, amb fibres multinucli heterogènies. Això comprèn la validació del rendiment d'una fibra de heterogènia 7 nuclis fabricada prèviament, la demostració experimental de les funcionalitats de processament de senyals de microones sobre aquesta mateixa fibra; la qual cosa inclou el filtrat de senyals, la conformació òptica de feixos i la generació de formes d'ona arbitràries; i el disseny i fabricació d'una fibra heterogènia de 19 nuclis que es comporta com una línia de retard en temps real sintonitzable. Aquesta fibra es va fabricar escalant 3 preformes diferents, cadascuna amb un perfil d'índex refractiu específic, per obtindre nuclis amb característiques de propagació determinades. Per últim, proposem diversos dissenys específics de fibres multinucli heterogènies per a aplicacions innovadores de distribució i processament de senyals òptiques, incloent la distribució de claus quàntiques, la compensació paral·lela de la dispersió cromàtica i els efectes Talbot temporals en paral·lel. / [EN] Space-division multiplexing fibers emerged in the last decade as a solution to the capacity bottleneck in single-mode optical fiber communication networks. They utilize space, the last multiplexing technique in optical communications, to increase the total capacity in digital communications whilst reducing space needs. Multicore fibers, a type of space-division multiplexing fibers comprised of multiple individual cores within the same cladding, are promising for long-reach communications because of their immediate compatibility with current fiber networks. Moreover, multicore fibers have raised interest in other fields of application such as data-center interconnects, quantum communications, radio access networks and Microwave Photonics. Apart from that, these fibers exhibit great potential not only for signal distribution but also for signal processing. Signal processing functionalities can benefit significantly from using these fibers in terms of compactness and weight, while assuring broadband versatility, reconfigurability, and performance stability.
In this Thesis, we propose the exploitation of the inherent parallelism found in multicore fibers to implement distributed signal processing for optical and microwave signals. First, we study the realization of a key optical component in Microwave Photonics signal processing, the sampled true-time delay line, with heterogeneous multicore fibers. This comprises the performance validation of a previously fabricated heterogeneous 7-core fiber, the experimental demonstration of microwave signal processing functionalities including signal filtering, optical beamforming, and arbitrary waveform generation, and the design and fabrication of a heterogeneous 19-core fiber that behaves as a tunable true-time delay line. This fiber was fabricated by scaling down 3 different preforms, each with a specific refractive index profile, with a different ratio to obtain cores with determined propagation characteristics. Lastly, we propose different custom heterogeneous multicore fiber designs for novel optical signal distribution and processing applications, including quantum key distribution, parallel chromatic dispersion compensation and parallel temporal Talbot effects. / Ureña Gisbert, M. (2023). Novel Multicore Optical Fibers for Signal Distribution and Processing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196862
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Dynamics of Localized Structures in Spatially Extended and Coupled Systems with Delayed FeedbackPuzyrev, Dmitry 23 October 2018 (has links)
Systeme mit Zeitverzögerung sind von großem Interesse in Nichtlinearer Dynamik und allgegenwärtig in den Naturwissenschaften. Gegenstand dieser Doktorarbeit ist die raumzeitliche Dynamik räumlich-ausgedehnter, nichtlinearer Systeme mit Zeitverzögerung, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf deren lokalisierte Lösungen. Die betrachteten Systeme werden beschrieben durch partielle Differentialgleichungen und gekoppelte Systeme von gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen mit verzögerter Rückkopplung.
Hinsichtlich der partiellen Differentialgleichungen untersucht diese Arbeit die Existenz und Stabilität der ebenen Wellenlösungen ebenso, wie die Existenz und Stabilität der lokalisierten Lösungen der eindimensionalen, komplexen, kubischen und kubisch-quintischen Ginzburg-Landau Gleichung mit verzögerter, optischer Rückkopplung. Das erste Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist die vollständige Beschreibung der Menge der ebenen Wellenlösungen und ihre Stabilität für lange Verzögerungszeiten. Aufgrund der Symmetrie der Ginzburg-Landau Gleichung bildet diese Menge eine eindimensionale Familie, die zum Auftreten einer „Tube“ in Parameter-Koordinaten führt.
Das zweite, neuartige Ergebnis ist die Beschreibung der Modulationsinstabilität dieser lokalisierten Strukturen. Diese Instabilität kann zu einer periodischen und chaotischen Zickzackbewegung der Lösung führen.
Das dritte Resultat ist die Charakterisierung gebundener Impulsfolgen in einem System von gekoppelten gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen mit Zeitverzögerung, das zur Beschreibung einer Anordnung von modengekoppelten Lasers herangezogen wird. In diesem Regime interagieren die modengekoppelten Impulse in verschiedenen Lasern lokal über die Balance von Abstoßung und Anziehung. Resultierend daraus entstehen Cluster von Impulsen, die in einzelnen modengekoppelten Lasern nicht möglich sind. Sämtliche genannte Phänomene wurden analytisch und numerisch behandelt. / Systems with time-delay are ubiquitous in nature and attract significant interest in the field of nonlinear dynamics. The scope of this Thesis is the spatiotemporal dynamics in spatially extended nonlinear systems with time-delay, with a focus on the dynamics of localized structures. The systems under consideration are described by partial differential equations with delayed feedback and coupled systems of delay differential equations.
For the partial differential equations, the existence and stability of plane wave solutions as well as localized structures are investigated in one-dimensional complex cubic and cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation with delayed feedback. The first result of this Thesis is the complete description of the set of plane wave solutions and their stability in the limit of large delay time. Due to the symmetry of Ginzburg-Landau equation, this set forms a one-dimensional family which leads to the appearance of the “tube” in parameter coordinates which is filled densely with plane wave solutions with the increase of the delay time.
The second novel result is the description of modulational instability of localized structures in spatially extended systems with time-delay which can lead to periodic and chaotic zigzagging movement of the solution.
The third result is the description of bound pulse trains in coupled delay systems depicting an array of mode-locked lasers. In this regime mode-locked pulses in different lasers interact locally via the balance of their repulsion and attraction. As a result, clusters of pulses emerge which can not exist in a solitary mode-locked laser. All of the aforementioned phenomena were described analytically and the results are supported by path continuation methods as well as direct numerical simulations with a specially designed software tool.
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Model-based control and diagnosis of inland navigation networks / Contrôle et diagnostic à base de modèle de réseaux de navigation intérieureSegovia Castillo, Pablo 11 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à répondre au problème de la gestion optimale des ressources en eau dans les réseaux de navigation intérieure du point de vue de la théorie du contrôle. Les objectifs principales à atteindre consistent à garantir la navigabilité des réseaux de voies navigables, veiller à la réduction des coûts opérationnels et à la longue durée de vie des équipements. Lors de la conception de lois de contrôle, les caractéristiques des réseaux doivent être prises en compte, à savoir leurs dynamiques complexes, des retards variables et l’absence de pente. Afin de réaliser la gestion optimale, le contrôle efficace des structures hydrauliques doit être assuré. A cette fin, une approche de modélisation orientée contrôle est dérivée. Cependant, la formulation obtenue appartient à la classe des systèmes de descripteurs retardés, pour lesquels la commande prédictive MPC et l’estimation d’état sur horizon glissant MHE peuvent être facilement adaptés à cette formulation, tout en permettant de gérer les contraintes physiques et opérationnelles de manière naturelle. En raison de leur grande dimensionnalité, une mise en œuvre centralisée n’est souvent ni possible ni souhaitable. Compte tenu du fait que les réseaux de navigation intérieure sont des systèmes fortement couplés, une approche distribuée est proposée, incluant un protocole de communication entre agents. Malgré l’optimalité des solutions, toute erreur peut entraîner une gestion inefficace du système. Par conséquent, les dernières contributions de la thèse concernent la conception de stratégies de supervision permettant de détecter et d’isoler les pannes des équipements. Toutes les approches présentées sont appliquées à une étude de cas réaliste basée sur le réseau de voies navigables du nord e la France afin de valider leur efficacité. / This thesis addresses the problem of optimal management of water resources in inland navigation networks from a control theory perspective. The main objectives to be attained consist in guaranteeing the navigability condition of the network, minimizing the operational cost and ensuring a long lifespan of the equipment. However, their complex dynamics, large time delays and negligible bottom slopes complicate their management. In order to achieve the optimal management, the efficient control of the hydraulic structures must be ensured. To this end, a control-oriented modeling approach is derived. The resulting formulation belongs to the class of delayed desciptor systems, for which model predictive control and moving horizon estimation can be easily adapted, as well as being able to deal with physical and operational constraints in a natural manner. However, a centralized implementation is often neither possible nor desirable. As these networks are strongly coupled systems, a distributed approach is followed, featuring a communication protocol among agents. Despite the optimality of the solutions, any malfunction can lead to an inefficient system management. Therefore, the last part of the thesis regards the design of supervisory strategies that allow to detect and isolate faults. All the presented approaches are applied to a realistic case study based on the inland navigation network in the north of France to validate their effectiveness.
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Observation et commande des systèmes non-linéaires à retard / Observation and Control of Nonlinear Time-delay systemsHassan, Lama 07 November 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des méthodes de synthèses d'observateurs et des contrôleurs basés sur un observateur pour les systèmes à retard. Différentes classes de systèmes ont été traitées avec différents types de retard. Trois méthodes ont été développées. La première méthode traite des systèmes non linéaires avec des non-linéarités lipschitziennes et consiste à transformer le système d'origine à un système LPV grâce à une reformulation de la propriété classique de Lipschitz. Cette technique est formulée pour les cas continu et discret, respectivement. Nous avons démontré, à travers des exemples numériques, que cette technique offre des conditions de synthèse moins restrictives par rapport aux résultats existants dans la littérature. La seconde méthode est développée pour une classe de systèmes singuliers avec des perturbations. La principale difficulté résidait dans la présence des dérivées des perturbations qui entravent l'analyse de la stabilité et pour laquelle deux approches ont été proposées: une approche $\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ en utilisant une fonctionnelle de Lyapunov-Krasovskii spéciale dépendante des perturbations et une approche basée sur l'utilisation d'un critère de performance $\mathcal{W}^{1,2}$. La dernière méthode est basée sur l'utilisation des matrices de pondération libres pour résoudre le problème de contrôle des systèmes non-linéaires à retards inconnus. La solution proposée fournit une condition de synthèse LMI garantissant la stabilisation du système en boucle fermée malgré la présence du retard inconnu, au lieu d'une inégalité matricielle linéaire itérative ILMI trouvée habituellement dans la littérature / The objective of this dissertation is to develop observers and observer-based controllers synthesis methods for time-delay systems. Different classes of systems were treated with different types of delay. Three different methods were developed. The first one treats nonlinear systems with Lipschitz nonlinearities and consists in transforming the original system into an LPV system based on a reformulation of the classical Lipschitz property. This technique was formulated for continuous and discrete cases respectively and it was proven to provide less restrictive synthesis conditions when compared to the existing results in the literature. The second method deals with singular systems with disturbances. The main difficulty lay in the presence of the derivatives of the disturbances which hinder the stability analysis and for which two approaches are proposed:~a $\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ criterion combined with a special Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional depending on disturbances and a $\mathcal{W}^{1,2}$ criterion based on the use of Sobolev norms. The last method is based on the Free Weighting Matrices technique to solve the observation and control problems of a class of nonlinear systems with unknown delays. The proposed solution provides a sufficient LMI synthesis condition ensuring the asymptotic stabilization of the closed loop system, instead of the iterative LMI condition usually found in the literature
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Contributions à l'identification de modèles à temps continu à partir de données échantillonnées à pas variable / Contributions to the identification of continuous-time models from irregulalrly sampled dataChen, Fengwei 21 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l’identification de systèmes dynamiques à partir de données échantillonnées à pas variable. Ce type de données est souvent rencontré dans les domaines biomédical, environnemental, dans le cas des systèmes mécaniques où un échantillonnage angulaire est réalisé ou lorsque les données transitent sur un réseau. L’identification directe de modèles à temps continu est l’approche à privilégier lorsque les données disponibles sont échantillonnées à pas variable ; les paramètres des modèles à temps discret étant dépendants de la période d’échantillonnage. Dans une première partie, un estimateur optimal de type variable instrumentale est développé pour estimer les paramètres d’un modèle Box-Jenkins à temps continu. Ce dernier est itératif et présente l’avantage de fournir des estimées non biaisées lorsque le bruit de mesure est coloré et sa convergence est peu sensible au choix du vecteur de paramètres initial. Une difficulté majeure dans le cas où les données sont échantillonnées à pas variable concerne l’estimation de modèles de bruit de type AR et ARMA à temps continu (CAR et CARMA). Plusieurs estimateurs pour les modèles CAR et CARMA s’appuyant sur l’algorithme Espérance-Maximisation (EM) sont développés puis inclus dans l’estimateur complet de variable instrumentale optimale. Une version étendue au cas de l’identification en boucle fermée est également développée. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, un estimateur robuste pour l'identification de systèmes à retard est proposé. Cette classe de systèmes est très largement rencontrée en pratique et les méthodes disponibles ne peuvent pas traiter le cas de données échantillonnées à pas variable. Le retard n’est pas contraint à être un multiple de la période d’échantillonnage, contrairement à l’hypothèse traditionnelle dans le cas de modèles à temps discret. L’estimateur développé est de type bootstrap et combine la méthode de variable instrumentale itérative pour les paramètres de la fonction de transfert avec un algorithme numérique de type gradient pour estimer le retard. Un filtrage de type passe-bas est introduit pour élargir la région de convergence pour l’estimation du retard. Tous les estimateurs proposés sont inclus dans la boîte à outils logicielle CONTSID pour Matlab et sont évalués à l’aide de simulation de Monte-Carlo / The output of a system is always corrupted by additive noise, therefore it is more practical to develop estimation algorithms that are capable of handling noisy data. The effect of white additive noise has been widely studied, while a colored additive noise attracts less attention, especially for a continuous-time (CT) noise. Sampling issues of CT stochastic processes are reviewed in this thesis, several sampling schemes are presented. Estimation of a CT stochastic process is studied. An expectation-maximization-based (EM) method to CT autoregressive/autoregressive moving average model is developed, which gives accurate estimation over a large range of sampling interval. Estimation of CT Box-Jenkins models is also considered in this thesis, in which the noise part is modeled to improve the performance of plant model estimation. The proposed method for CT Box-Jenkins model identification is in a two-step and iterative framework. Two-step means the plant and noise models are estimated in a separate and alternate way, where in estimating each of them, the other is assumed to be fixed. More specifically, the plant is estimated by refined instrumental variable (RIV) method while the noise is estimated by EM algorithm. Iterative means that the proposed method repeats the estimation procedure several times until a optimal estimate is found. Many practical systems have inherent time-delay. The problem of identifying delayed systems are of great importance for analysis, prediction or control design. The presence of a unknown time-delay greatly complicates the parameter estimation problem, essentially because the model are not linear with respect to the time-delay. An approach to continuous-time model identification of time-delay systems, combining a numerical search algorithm for the delay with the RIV method for the dynamic has been developed in this thesis. In the proposed algorithm, the system parameters and time-delay are estimated reciprocally in a bootstrap manner. The time-delay is estimated by an adaptive gradient-based method, whereas the system parameters are estimated by the RIV method. Since numerical method is used in this algorithm, the bootstrap method is likely to converge to local optima, therefore a low-pass filter has been used to enlarge the convergence region for the time-delay. The performance of the proposed algorithms are evaluated by numerical examples
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動態遞迴式神經網路之研究 / Research on Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network林明璋, Lin, Ming Jang Unknown Date (has links)
此篇論文,主要是討論遞迴式神經網路。在文中,我們將架構一個單層的神經網路結構。並利用三種不同的學習法則來套用此架構。我們也做了圓軌跡和圖形8的模擬,以及討論了此架構的收斂性。 / Our task in this paper is to discuss the Recurrent Neural Network. We construct a singal layer neural network and apply three different learning rules to simulate circular trajectory and figure eight. Also, we present the proof of convergence.
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Robustness versus performance tradeoffs in PID tuningAmiri, Mohammad Sadegh 11 1900 (has links)
Proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller tuning guidelines in process industry have been in place for over six decades. Nevertheless despite their long design history PID tuning has remained an ‘art’ and no single comprehensive solution yet exists. In this study various considerations, with new and different perspectives, have been taken into account in PID tuning design. This study explores the issue of PID tuning from a practical point of view with particular focus on robust design in the presence of typical problems in process industry: process changes, valve stiction effects and unmeasured disturbances.
The IMC tuning rule is recommended for setpoint tracking, while in the case of regulation, a newly proposed tuning rule, based on a combination of IMC and Ziegler-Nichols method, is demonstrated to give satisfactory results. The results were evaluated by simulation and were also validated on a computer-interfaced pilot scale continuous stirred tank heater (CSTH) process. / Chemical Engineering
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Robustness versus performance tradeoffs in PID tuningAmiri, Mohammad Sadegh Unknown Date
No description available.
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Controle de um sistema de eletroestimulação funcional. / Control of a functional electrical stimulation system.William de Souza Barbosa 28 March 2014 (has links)
Esta Dissertação irá apresentar a utilização de técnicas de controle nãolinear,
tais como o controle adaptativo e robusto, de modo a controlar um sistema de
Eletroestimulação Funcional desenvolvido pelo laboratório de Engenharia Biomédica
da COPPE/UFRJ. Basicamente um Eletroestimulador Funcional (Functional
Electrical Stimulation FES) se baseia na estimulação dos nervos motores via
eletrodos cutâneos de modo a movimentar (contrair ou distender) os músculos,
visando o fortalecimento muscular, a ativação de vias nervosas (reinervação),
manutenção da amplitude de movimento, controle de espasticidade muscular,
retardo de atrofias e manutenção de tonicidade muscular. O sistema utilizado tem
por objetivo movimentar os membros superiores através do estímulo elétrico de
modo a atingir ângulos-alvo pré-determinados para a articulação do cotovelo. Devido
ao fato de não termos conhecimento pleno do funcionamento neuro-motor humano e
do mesmo ser variante no tempo, não-linear, com parâmetros incertos, sujeito a
perturbações e completamente diferente para cada indivíduo, se faz necessário o
uso de técnicas de controle avançadas na tentativa de se estabilizar e controlar esse
tipo de sistema. O objetivo principal é verificar experimentalmente a eficácia dessas
técnicas de controle não-linear e adaptativo em comparação às técnicas clássicas,
de modo a alcançar um controle mais rápido, robusto e que tenha um desempenho
satisfatório. Em face disso, espera-se ampliar o campo de utilização de técnicas de
controle adaptativo e robusto, além de outras técnicas de sistemas inteligentes, tais
como os algoritmos genéticos, provando que sua aplicação pode ser efetiva no
campo de sistemas biológicos e biomédicos, auxiliando assim na melhoria do
tratamento de pacientes envolvidos nas pesquisas desenvolvidas no Laboratório de
Engenharia Biomédica da COPPE/UFRJ. / This dissertation will present the use of nonlinear control techniques, such as
adaptive and robust control in order to design a Functional Electrical Stimulation
(FES) system developed by Biomedical Engineering Laboratory at COPPE/UFRJ.
Basically, a FES on the stimulation of motor nerves via skin electrodes in order to
contract or stretch the muscles such that the amplitude and quality of the limbs
movement can be maintained, reducing muscular atrophy as well. Consequently, the
muscle strength can be improved and new neural pathways may be activated. Here,
the goals of the proposed control system is to move the arm of the patient via
electrical stimulation to achieve some desired trajectory related to the elbow angles
of reference. Since we have a priori no deep knowledge of human neuro-motor
model, the use of advanced and robust control schemes seems to be useful to
stabilize this kind of systems which may be completely different for each individual,
being time-varying, nonlinear, uncertain and subject to disturbances. The main
objective is to experimentally verify the effectiveness of the proposed nonlinear and
adaptive controllers when compared to classical ones in order to achieve faster,
robust and better control performance. It is expected to spread the application of
adaptive and robust controllers and other intelligent system tools, such as genetic
algorithms, to the field of biological and biomedical engineering. Thus, we believe
that the developed control system may help the improvement of the patients
treatment involved in the research carried out by Biomedical Engineering Laboratory
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