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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace principů CCPM v řízení projektů IS/ICT v IT společnosti / Application of Critical Chain in IS/ICT Project Management in an IT Company

Šlejharová, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with application of Critical Chain in IT/ICT Project management in an international IT company. Beginning with a definition of Theory of Constraints and Critical Chain from a theoretical point of view the thesis provides knowledge base for practical implementation of Critical Chain. The thesis proceeds with selection and division of various IT/ICT projects types providing their evaluation according to their usability with CCPM (Critical Chain Project Management). The thesis also contains research and overview of available resources dealing with application of Critical Chain in IT projects management. This research is presented in a form of case studies and also concluded as a summary of both achieved successes and critical success factors that should be taken into account when implementing CCPM. Based on the knowledge acquired from the previous chapters a formal step-by-step procedure defining how to proceed with CCPM in a project was defined. This procedure will be applied in a real project management as a part of this diploma thesis. The thesis also presents analysis of currently used methodology and approaches to project management in the company and using the procedure created in the previous part the methodology is extended by relevant parts of CCPM. These approaches and methodology are formalized in a Methodical Pattern for IS Development (FI) -- CCPM and this pattern is then used for application of CCPM in a software development project. The project is prepared, planned and controlled according to principles of Critical Chain. The thesis captures this process step-by-step including monitoring of the project and its buffers. For evaluation of the Critical Chain implementation in a software development project a set of criteria was developed and used for assessment. Also every member of the given project team was sent a questionnaire to provide feedback. Originally planned comparison of the CCPM project with a project managed by currently used approaches could not, unfortunately, be carried out due to lack of data and their sensitivity. Considering the scope of this thesis, the application of CCPM in a real project represents verification of validity of the Methodical Pattern for IS Development (FI) -- CCPM and the contribution is also in creation of criteria and verification of their usability for evaluation of projects and potential comparison of two or more projects. Based on the practical application of Critical Chain in a real project, suggestions and recommendation for adjustments to current methodology and also further work with CCPM in the company were provided.

La philosophie vive plutôt que la philosophie à vif : Socrate aux périls de Marsyas : recherches sur les modes d'influence chez Platon, précédées d'une étude générale sur la magie et la pensée magique / A research on modes of influence in Plato’s dialogues, with a General Study of Magic and Magical Thought

Boutros, Jean-Charles 17 December 2013 (has links)
Afin d’expliciter les modes d’influence intervenant dans les Dialogues de Platon, nous étudions de quelle manière se déploie la magie notamment de Socrate, qui est présenté comme un sorcier par plusieurs interlocuteurs. Une étude générale préliminaire sur la magie portant sur l’anthropologie, les rituels, pathologiques (troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs) ou culturels, et enfin la pensée magique nous fournit un cadre pour envisager comment se manifeste l’influence chez Platon. Différents facteurs influent sur les modes de pensée des individus souvent à leur insu : personnalité, habitudes, société, éthique, ignorance, etc.. La magie oratoire est pratiquée, depuis Gorgias, par divers experts du discours comme les orateurs ou les sophistes, ce qui révèle l’ambiguïté de la magie de Socrate, alors qu’il prétend éliminer le faux et les illusions. Dans le Phèdre, différents types de possession se produisent, certaines incontrôlées, d’autres contrôlées, impliquant un processus d’initiation. La magie de Socrate trouve encore à s’illustrer avec plusieurs cas d’envoûtement marquants, mais aussi un usage d’incantations notamment pour traiter la crainte de la mort. Dans le domaine politique, le législateur recourt aussi aux incantations pour plus d’efficacité, vu qu’elles agissent sur la forme des comportements, contribuent à souder les citoyens et participent au contrôle social. Une législation sur les crimes de magie est aussi édictée. / To explain the modes of influence operating in Plato’s Dialogues, we study how Socrates and others use their magic as several interlocutors have called Socrates a sorcerer. A framework is given to our research with a preliminary general study about magic covering anthropology, rituals – pathological (obsessive-compulsive disorders) or cultural – and magical thought. In Plato’s works, the way people think is influenced by many factors often unknowingly: personality, habits, society, ethics, ignorance, etc. Since it had been analyzed by Gorgias, speech experts, such as orators or sophists, have been using oratorical magic in their performances. And then the ambiguity of Socrates’ magic blatantly appears whereas he claims to refute falsehood and eliminate illusions. Different types of possession occur in Phaedrus, some uncontrolled, other controlled, entailing an initiation. Socrates carries out his magic in several striking cases of bewitchment and he also uses incantations in particular to sooth the fear of death. In the political field, the lawgiver finds an interest in using incantations for more effectiveness in his task since they can shape the forms of behaviors, create strong bond between citizens and contribute to social control. A law about crimes of magic is also designed.

Pour l'évaluation des modifications des caractéristiques d'un système dynamique / For the evaluation of characteristic changes of a dynamic system

Elias, Rana 11 December 2013 (has links)
L'évaluation des modifications des caractéristiques d'un système dynamique non-stationnaire est étudiée suivant les modifications des paramètres modaux. Pour cela, nous étudions en premier l'obtention de ces paramètres, à l'aide des méthodes d'identification à partir des réponses vibratoires mesurées. Trois méthodes d'identification sont étudiées: la méthode de Décomposition Orthogonale Propre (POD), la méthode de Décomposition en Valeurs Singulières (SVD) et la méthode de Décomposition Orthogonale Régularisée (SOD). Ensuite, trois étapes sont considérées pour suivre les changements de masse des systèmes non-stationnaires à partir des variations des paramètres modaux: la localisation de l'instant du changement (étape 1), la détection de la position du changement (étape 2) et la quantification de la valeur du changement (étape 3). Pour l'étape 1, la transformée en ondelettes (TO) qui est une analyse temps-fréquence est appliquée. Ensuite, trois méthodes de détection de la position du changement de la masse sont développées dans l'étape 2. Enfin, la variation relative des fréquences propres est utilisée pour la quantification de la variation relative de la masse dans l'étape 3. Toutes ces méthodes ont été testées numériquement. De plus une maquette simplifiée de bâtiment a été instrumentée sous excitations de choc. Ces essais ont permis de valider les méthodes développées dans cette thèse / Modification of modal parameters is considered the main tool for the evaluation of characteristic changes of a non stationary dynamic system. Therefore, our first interest is to obtain these modal parameters from vibration measures using identification methods. Three methods are discussed here: Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Smooth Orthogonal Decomposition (SOD). Then, in order to evaluate the mass changes in non stationary systems, three steps are proposed: instant localization of mass changes (step 1), determination of geometrical location of the mass changes (step 2) and quantification of mass changes (step 3). The Wavelet transform (WT), considered to be a time-frequency analysis, is indented in step 1. In step 2, three methods for the detection of the position of the mass changes are developed. Finally, the relative variation of the natural frequencies of the system is used to evaluate the relative variation of the mass in step 3. The efficiency of these methods is verified by numerical tests. Moreover a building experimental model, instrumented with accelerometers, is studied in the case of after-shock vibrations. These experimental tests permit to validate the methods proposed in this thesis

Analyse du bilan de matière du pétrole dans une région en phase d'exploitation avancée - bassin de Reconcavo, Brésil

Carvalho Coutinho, Luiz Felipe 10 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Etablir un bilan de masses entre la génération, la migration et l'accumulation du pétrole est un processus important pour quantifier des systèmes pétroliers. Ce bilan donne en effet des indications sur la répartition du pètrole dans un bassin sédimentaire, que ce soit une province très explorée ou un secteur d'exploration frontière. Cette thèse a établi la méthodologie pour approcher un bilan de masses d'un système pétrolier sur un cas réel. Elle a non seulement quantifié les termes sources et les pertes, mais s'est également intéressée aux aspects compositionnels. Les accumulations connues ont pour cela servi de données de calibration des paramètres influant le bilan. Dans cette optique, le cas d'étude choisi est le bassin de Recôncavo au Nord-Est du Brésil. Il s'agit d'un rift avorté qui a été formé pendant la fragmentation du Gondwana, au cours de le Crétacé Inférieur. Le stade mature de l'exploration de ce bassin a contribué à réduire les incertitudes sur les pertes et les charges, points essentiels d'une définition de bilan de matière. Les nombreux paramètres qui influencent le bilan ont pu être calibrés de façon précise. Pour procéder au bilan, on a d'abord effectué des analyses géochimiques pour la description cinétique compositionnelle des membres Tauá et Gomo (Fm. Candeias), les roches mères principales de ce bassin. Une loi de restauration du carbone organique total (COT) a été obtenue en résultat des expériences thermogravimétriques et de l'analyse Rock-Eval. Une deuxième partie de ce travail a intégré les résultats de géochimie dans un schéma séquentiel de modélisation de systèmes pétroliers en 1D,2D et 3D. Une calibration du régime thermique au cours du temps géologique indépendante des données de maturité a servi de guide pour le terme source. Puis la genèse, l'expulsion et la migration ont été modélisées. Ces résultats ont fourni les éléments du bilan de masses sur ce bassin, qui montre que seulement 8% des hydrocarbures expulsés des roches-mères ont été piégés, 16% sont perdus dans le réseau poreux non réservoir et 76% sont sortis du système latéralement ou par exsudation au cours de son évolution.


Clerc, Camille 20 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente une analyse structurale et thermique des marges passives crétacées inversées dans la Zone Nord Pyrénéenne (ZNP). L'application du paléothermomètre RSCM (spectrométrie Raman de la matière carbonée) sur plus de cent échantillons répartis à travers la ZNP permet de préciser l'évolution thermique de la déchirure continentale. Un métamorphisme de haute température (450 à >600°C) se développe particulièrement au droit de zones ou la croûte continentale est extrêmement amincie voire éliminée. Les sédiments pré- et syn-rift sont marqués par une intense déformation ductile. L'analyse à l'EBSD des fabriques minérales indique une déformation de Haute-température contemporaine du métamorphisme HT-BP. Les conditions de mise en place crustale des péridotites et leur exhumation localisée sont examinées dans les localités d'Urdach, Saraillé-Tos de la Coustette, Moncaup, Lherz, Caussou-Bestiac et Salvezines. Les résultats indiquent un boudinage de la croûte continentale au cours du processus de rifting. Des décollements de couverture, principalement localisés dans les évaporites triasiques conduisent à la superposition directe des sédiments pré-rift sur le manteau exhumé. La notion nouvelle de soutirage crustal est introduite pour désigner ce processus dans lequel l'écoulement gravitaire ne joue pas un rôle principal. La caractérisation sédimentologique, pétrographique et isotopique (O et C) des différentes formations de brèches et ophicalcites observées à proximité des corps de péridotites permet de reconstituer les étapes de l'exhumation du manteau en pied de marge. Enfin de nouvelles datations permettent de mieux contraindre le calendrier des évènements successifs.

Sistema de gerenciamento de liquidez sob a ótica da teoria das restrições: uma adaptação da metodologia Fleuriet

Cia, Joanília Neide de Sales 16 September 1998 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:08:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 1998-09-16T00:00:00Z / The Theory of Constraints (TOC) states that the goal of any company is to make money today and forever. Every system (like a profit-searching company) always has at least one constraint, otherwise it would have unlimited sales and profits. A constraint is any obstacle that limits the system from achieving higher performance towards its goal. Consequently, constraints determine the global performance of the system. So a company can enhance its production of value (i.e. 'earn more money') when it identifies and optimizes the constraint(s) utilization or elevates its capacity. In turn, it will increase sales, throughput, and profit levels. This paper aims to contribute to TOC, answering the following question: 'Are there only physical constraints in the firm, or there might be also financial ones?' In the Brazilian financial market, like most emerging countries, the supply of capital to fund companies' working capital is scarce. This scarcity of capital may impose a constraint on companies' growth and even a threat on their survival. This paper, initially, presents the literature review related to the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Fleuriet Methodology. From studying these two theories, a liquidity analysis and management model were developed, which show how to measure an eventual financial constraint in comparison to other physical constraints. This model was developed in an MS-Excel Spreadsheet, and the input to it were financial and production data from the CiaCo Textile Mill. It were used both Excel' s data analysis tools and Crystal Ball simulation software. As we can see in the scenario analysis, linear programming, and simulation, the shortgage of an adequate funding to finance company' s activities may be a potential constraint. And whenever the sales growth is greater than the company's ability to raise funding for the new levei of activity, its survival is in jeopardy. / A Teoria das Restrições (TOC) parte do pressuposto de que a meta de qualquer empresa é ganhar dinheiro hoje e sempre. Uma empresa pode ser considerada um sistema, e como tal deve ter pelo menos uma restrição, pois, caso contrário, poderia ter um nível de vendas e de lucro infinito. Uma restrição é qualquer obstáculo que limita o sistema de melhorar seu desempenho em direção à sua meta de ganhar dinheiro. Assim, as empresas podem melhorar seu desempenho quando identificam e otimizam a utilização da restrição e/ ou elevam a sua capacidade. Como conseqüência, aumentam as vendas e o nível de lucro. Este estudo espera contribuir com a TOC no sentido de responder principalmente à pergunta: 'as restrições físicas são as únicas que existem em uma empresa ou podem existir restrições financeiras ou de caixa?'. Na realidade brasileira, assim como na maioria dos países emergentes, existe uma grande dificuldade de acesso ao crédito para financiamento do capital de giro. Assim, as empresas são marcadas pela escassez de recursos financeiros, que pode vir a ser um fator limitativo de crescimento, o que leva à necessidade de se estudar o problema de 'caixa' como uma restrição ao seu crescimento e à sua própria sobrevivência. O trabalho consiste inicialmente de uma pesquisa teórica, apresentando uma revisão bibliográfica atualizada de Teoria das Restrições (TOC) e da Metodologia Fleuriet. A partir da análise e adaptação dos dois conceitos, se construiu um modelo de análise e gerenciamento da liquidez, que por sua vez apresenta uma medida da restrição financeira da empresa em comparação às restrições físicas. Através da elaboração do modelo em urna planilha eletrônica (Excel), foram aplicados os dados da Empresa Tecelagem CiaCo, sendo usadas as ferramentas de análise de dados da própria planilha (análise de cenários e solver), bem corno um software específico de simulação (Crystal Ball). Como conclusão da análise dos resultados, a falta de um financiamento adequado às atividades da empresas, pode ser uma restrição em potencial para o aumento da atividade em níveis sustentáveis. E quando existe um forte aumento das vendas no curto prazo, sem um financiamento compatível com este novo nível de atividade, a empresa entra em uma fase que a sua própria sobrevivência está ameaçada.

Remoção de nitrogênio de efluente suinícola a diferentes relações C/N utilizando-se o processo MLE / Swine wastewater nitrogen removal at diferrents C/N ratios using the MLE process

Giongo, Adelcio 22 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Neusa Fagundes (neusa.fagundes@unioeste.br) on 2017-09-06T13:24:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Adelcio_Giongo2016.pdf: 1383735 bytes, checksum: ddf849e35c040eb04a0c84af1eeb643f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-06T13:24:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adelcio_Giongo2016.pdf: 1383735 bytes, checksum: ddf849e35c040eb04a0c84af1eeb643f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The swine industry has shown strong development and, thus, has produced large volumes of effluents that must be correctly managed. Therefore, when such effluent cannot be released into soil, a treatment must be carried out to avoid environmental impacts of swine wastewater. Nitrogen is one of the elements that takes part in swine waste and it must be under constant evaluation, but, in some cases, it must be removed. Nitrification/denitrification (NDF) process is a frequent applied technology. However, when the effluent presents low C/N ratio, such as effluents after anaerobic processes, there is some decrease on denitrification efficiency and the total nitrogen removal can be affected. In this case, Nitritation/denitritation (NDT) process can be used to improve the system performance as well as save energy cost with aeration and external source of carbon due to the lower C/N requirement. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating swine wastewater based on NDF and NDT processes at different C/N ratios in order to obtain a system with efficient nitrogen removal and low oxygen and carbon consumption. Four phases were carried out during this experiment: Phase I) DO from 2.0-3.0 mgO2L-1 to 1.5 C/N; Phase II) DO from 0.6-0.7 mgO2L-1 to 1.5 C/N; Phase III) DO from 0.6 to 0.7 mgO2L-1, different C/N ratios (1.5, 0.9, 0.75 and 0.6); Phase IV) DO from 2.0 to 3.0 mgO2L-1, different C/N ratios (1.5, 0.9, 0.75, and 0.6). The best operational condition was obtained at nitritation/denitritation process, whose C/N ratio was 0.9, and the optimum N removal was 86.3%. Under this condition, the system saved almost 36.8% of total organic carbon consumption and nearly 74% of dissolved oxygen consumed when compared to the conventional process for N-removal. This strategy can be very useful for nitrogen removal with low carbon rates, as the digestate from anaerobic processes. / A atividade suinocultura tem apresentado forte crescimento, e assim vem produzindo grandes volumes de efluentes que devem ser corretamente administrados. Portanto, quando não é possível a aplicação deste tipo de efluente no solo, o tratamento deve ser aplicado para que se evitem impactos ambientais. O nitrogênio é um dos elementos presentes nos dejetos de suínos que deve estar sob constante avaliação, e em alguns casos deve ser removido. O processo de nitrificação/desnitrificação (NDF) é uma tecnologia frequentemente aplicada, porém, quando o efluente apresenta baixa relação C/N, como efluentes pós-processos anaeróbios, a eficiência da desnitrificação é reduzida e a remoção de nitrogênio total pode ser afetada. Neste caso, o processo de nitritação/desnitritação (NDT) pode ser utilizado para melhorar o desempenho do sistema e economizar energia com aeração e com fonte externa de carbono, devido ao requisito de baixa relação C/N. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a água residuária de suinocultura utilizando nitrificação/desnitrificação e nitritação/desnitritação em diferentes relações C/N, a fim de se obter um sistema com eficiente remoção de nitrogênio e baixo consumo de oxigênio e carbono. Quatro fases foram realizadas durante o experimento: Fase I) OD entre 2,0-3,0 mgO2 L-1 (nitrificação) e C/N 1,5; Fase II) OD entre 0,6-0,7 mgO2 L-1 (nitritação), e C/N 1,5; Fase III) OD entre 0,6-0,7 mgO2 L-1, diferentes relações C/N (1,5, 0,9, 0,75 e 0,6); Fase IV) OD entre 2,0-3,0 mgO2 L-1, diferentes relações de C/N (1,5, 0,9, 0,75 e 0,6). A melhor condição operacional foi encontrada no processo nitritação/desnitritação, com relação C/N de 0,9, cuja remoção de N considerada ótima foi de 86,3%. Nesta condição, a economia do sistema foi de 36,8% do consumo total de carbono orgânico e de cerca de 74% do consumo de oxigênio dissolvido, quando comparado com o processo convencional de remoção de N. Esta estratégia pode ser muito útil para a remoção do nitrogênio de efluentes de baixo teor de carbono, como os provenientes de processos anaeróbios.

Evolution du magmatisme et du métasomatisme dans une marge passive pauvre en magma durant l'initiation de l'accrétion océanique : exemple de la marge fossile de la Platta (Alpes suisses) et comparaison avec le système actuel Ibérie-Terre Neuve / Evolution of magmatism and metasomatism in magma-poor rifted margin during the initiation of the seafloor spreading : example of the fossil Platta margin (Swiss Alps) and comparison with the present-day Iberia-Newfoundland margin

Amann, Méderic 21 December 2017 (has links)
Les parties distales des marges passives pauvres en magma représentent la transition complexe entre les domaines continentaux et océaniques. Ces zones encore peu étudiées sont pourtant des endroits clefs pour comprendre les processus impliqués durant les premiers stades de l’accrétion océanique, et plus particulièrement ceux du magmatisme et du métasomatisme. Durant ces premiers stades, ces deux processus sont gouvernés par l’exhumation mantellique. L’interaction entre les liquides magmatiques, les roches du manteau et les fluides marins vont affecter le régime thermique de la marge. De par le monde, seulement deux Transitions Océan-Continent (TOC) ont pu bénéficier d’investigations scientifiques poussées et constituent naturellement les deux sites d’études de cette thèse, à savoir, les marges actuelles conjuguées d’Ibérie-Terre Neuve du sud de l’Atlantique Nord ainsi que les marges fossiles de la Platta et de Tasna, fragments de TOCs de la Téthys Alpine Jurassique. En combinant les études de terrain ainsi que les investigations minéralogiques, pétrologiques et géochimiques, nous avons pu contraindre trois processus clefs se déroulant dans les TOCs. (i) La percolation de liquide magmatique imprégnant le manteau sous-continental hérité dans les marges Ibérie-Terre Neuve permet une refertilisation de ces marges distales. (ii) La transition géochimique visible entre les basaltes des TOCs et les basaltes de dorsales océaniques peut s’appréhender par la fusion partielle du manteau sous-continental refertilisé. (iii) Le rôle des fluides hydrothermaux, ayant des températures comprises entre 60°C et 190°C, joue un rôle sur le métasomatisme de la lithosphère en produisant une intense serpentinisation et rodingitisation, respectivement du manteau sous-continental en exhumation et des dykes basaltiques. Ces températures étant cohérentes avec une exhumation mantellique au niveau du plancher océanique. / Distal parts of magma-poor rifted margins represent a complex transition between continental and oceanic domains. These areas remain poorly understood while being a key-place to unravel magmatic and metasomatic processes involved during the first stages of oceanization. At this time, these processes are enhanced by mantle exhumation, and the interaction between melts, mantle rocks and fluids affect the thermal regime of the margin. So far, only two Ocean-Continent Transitions (OCT) have been particularly investigated, namely the present-day Iberia Newfoundland conjugate margins and the fossil analog Platta-Tasna nappes, remnants of the Jurassic Alpine-Tethys OCTs. Studies presented in this Ph.D. thesis have been focused on these two margins. Here, by combining field-works, petrological, mineralogical and geochemical investigations, we have unraveled in OCTs three key-points: (i) The deep porous-flow melt percolation impregnating the long-lived inherited subcontinental mantle in Iberia-Newfoundland margins allow the refertilization of these distal domains; (ii) The geochemical transition depicted from OCT-basalts towards MOR-basalts can be explained by the partial melting of the refertilized subcontinental mantle; (iii) The role of active hydrothermal fluids, on both the exhumed mantle and basalt dikes, lead to the serpentinisation and the rodingitization respectively, at temperature ranging between 60°C and 190°C. These temperatures being consistent with the ongoing mantle exhumation towards near-seafloor conditions.

Conceptualization And Measurement Of Techno-Oraganizational Change Using Path Analysis : A Quasi Experiment For CNC Technology

Mathew, Mary 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Využití TOC a RPZ při zdokonalování řízení malé společnosti / Utilization of TOC an RPZ for improvement of small business management

Hora, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on creating an testing useful methodology for small business with multiproject environment in practice using principles of theory of constraints and potential for improvement. Small firms have their specific characteristics, therefore aplication of any methodology blindly is not appropriate -- it is necessary to adjust chosen methodology to suit needs of small business. For the small business it is ideal to apply theory of improving performance on the basis of improvement potential, which is based on theory of constraints (TOC) and use theory of constraints (as such) as complement. First of all, it is necessary to analyze chosen firm (for this thesis it will be typical firm) then apply methodology for such firm (on the basis of learning common characteristics, that are common to all small firms of this type) and verify the results afterwards. This thesis describes proper procedure that utilizes both potential for improvement (with emphasis on real potential for improvement) and general. The procedure (or let us say methodology) is verified and its effect on effectiveness of small business management is confirmed in. Thesis also focuses on assigning criteria for evaluation of metodology application succesfulness, and on evaluating results of application of this metodology in typical firm (using above mentioned evaluation kriteria).

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