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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Topologická optimalizace závěsu na poddajném podkladu / Topology Optimization of the Hinge on Elastic Foundation

Beruashvili, Vasili January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá modifikací původního tvaru součásti za účelem co nejlepšího splnění provozních podmínek daného zatížení a omezujících podmínek v programech M.S.C. NASTRAN, M.S.C. PATRAN a FUSION 360. Součást je připevněna na ortotropní desce (sendvičovém panelu). Cílem této práce je zjištění efektu elastického podkladu na výsledky optimalizace. Součást bude optimalizována za použití různých cílových funkcí a omezení. Elastický podklad změní tuhost, což může změnit napěťový stav součásti. Únosnost původního a modifikovaného tvaru bude srovnána pomocí programu M.S.C NASTRAN/PATRAN. Po tvarové optimalizaci má být 3D model připravený pro výrobní proces, který bude cenově nejefektivnější.

Concept Design Improvement of Shift Fork for New Dog Clutch Actuator : Simulation driven product development approach

Srinivasan, Nirmal January 2021 (has links)
Kongsberg Automotive is developing a brand-new actuator for engaging and disengaging a clutch for different driveline applications. This master thesis research improves the concept design of the shift fork for the new Dog-Clutch Actuator using Design for Manufacturability (DFM). Initially, the knowledge about the mechanism of the product is gained with the aid of the design team and the proper boundary conditions for the boundary value problem are obtained. The conventional die-cast materials are investigated, and appropriate material is selected to create the material model. Most of the traditional HPDC aluminum alloys are aluminum-silicon system; therefore, a detailed study on the nucleation of Silicon in the melt and how it influences the mechanical properties of the alloy is conducted. During gear engagement, the two rotating gears of the dog-clutch collide and synchronize the angular velocity of the hub and the input gear. The synchronization force is dynamic; therefore, explicit time integration is used to capture the system's response with the assistance of FEM software. As the shift fork undergoes cyclic load during the gear shift, the fatigue analysis is performed to evaluate the life (Nf) of the component using Wohler's curve. The value of the maximum principal stress at the critical spots like notch and its direction are determined using the 3D Mohr's circle. In this analysis, the endurance limit correction factors and notch factor (Kf) are used for the S-N curve correction, and Goodman's criteria are used to incorporate the mean stress effect. Fatigue analysis requires a very fine mesh to estimate the precise stress magnitude at the critical locations and, the structural optimization algorithm requires many iterations to determine the optimal layout of the shift fork. Therefore, the explicit integration scheme is not efficient as it will be computationally expensive and time-consuming to solve the problem. Hence, the equivalent static load is determined for the gear shift force at the peak load and used for calculations and product development. As the initial concept design of the shift fork is asymmetrical, it requires varying stiffness in its structure to transfer the force efficiently to the shift sleeve. The FEA results state that one prong of the shift fork experience up to 75% of the total load, which increases the overall stress of the component (up to 0.9Sy). The shift fork also doesn't have adequate torsional stiffness, and as a result, stress concentration has occurred in one of the fillets in the shift fork. The iterative design is set up to improve the design of the shift fork by optimizing the stiffness of the two prongs which provided the key observations that describe the design changes which improved the design. In this phase, the overall stress of the component is reduced by 20% and minimizes the difference in the load between the two prongs by 27.5% compared to the initial design. The shift fork needs to be light to achieve the necessary acceleration during the gear shift. Therefore, topology optimization using the projected subgradient method is implemented to optimize the mass and compliance of the improved design in the iterative design phase. Then the design realization phase is set up to implement the results obtained from the topology optimization to conceptualize the viable product. The optimized result decreased the overall stress and maximum deflection by 20%. It also reduced the load difference in the two prongs of the shift fork by 35% by maintaining the same mass as the initial concept design.

Optimal shaping of lightweight structures

Descamps, Benoît 19 November 2013 (has links)
Designing structures for lightness is an intelligent and responsible way for engineers and architects to conceive structural systems. Lightweight structures are able to bridge wide spans with a least amount of material. However, the quest for lightness remains an utopia without the driving constraints that give sense to contemporary structural design.<p><p>Previously proposed computational methods for designing lightweight structures focused either on finding an equilibrium shape, or are restricted to fairly small design applications. In this work, we aim to develop a general, robust, and easy-to-use method that can handle many design parameters efficiently. These considerations have led to truss layout optimization, whose goal is to find the best material distribution within a given design domain discretized by a grid of nodal points and connected by tentative bars. <p><p>This general approach is well established for topology optimization where structural component sizes and system connectivity are simultaneously optimized. The range of applications covers limit analysis and identification of failure mechanisms in soils and masonries. However, to fully realize the potential of truss layout optimization for the design of lightweight structures, the consideration of geometrical variables is necessary. <p><p>The resulting truss geometry and topology optimization problem raises several fundamental and computational challenges. Our strategy to address the problem combines mathematical programming and structural mechanics: the structural properties of the optimal solution are used for devising the novel formulation. To avoid singularities arising in optimal configurations, the present approach disaggregates the equilibrium equations and fully integrates their basic elements within the optimization formulation. The resulting tool incorporates elastic and plastic design, stress and displacements constraints, as well as self-weight and multiple loading.<p><p>Besides, the inherent slenderness of lightweight structures requires the study of stability issues. As a remedy, we develop a conceptually simple but efficient method to include local and nodal stability constraints in the formulation. Several numerical examples illustrate the impact of stability considerations on the optimal design.<p><p>Finally, the investigation on realistic design problems confirms the practical applicability of the proposed method. It is shown how we can generate a range of optimal designs by varying design settings. In that regard, the computational design method mostly requires the designer a good knowledge of structural design to provide the initial guess. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Topology optimization of truss-like structures, from theory to practice

Richardson, James 21 November 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is the development of theoretical methods targeting the implementation of topology optimization in structural engineering applications. In civil engineering applications, structures are typically assemblies of many standardized components, such as bars, where the largest gains in efficiency can be made during the preliminary design of the overall structure. The work is aimed mainly at truss-like structures in civil engineering applications, however several of the developments are general enough to encompass continuum structures and other areas of engineering research too. The research aims to address the following challenges:<p>- Discrete variable optimization, generally necessary for truss problems in civil engineering, tends to be computationally very expensive,<p>- the gap between industrial applications in civil engineering and optimization research is quite large, meaning that the developed methods are currently not fully embraced in practice, and<p>- industrial applications demand robust and reliable solutions to the real-world problems faced by the civil engineering profession.<p><p>In order to face these challenges, the research is divided into several research papers, included as chapters in the thesis.<p>Discrete binary variables in structural topology optimization often lead to very large computational cost and sometimes even failure of algorithm convergence. A novel method was developed for improving the performance of topology optimization problems in truss-like structures with discrete design variables, using so-called Kinematic Stability Repair (KSR). Two typical examples of topology optimization problems with binary variables are bracing systems and steel grid shell structures. These important industrial applications of topology optimization are investigated in the thesis. A novel method is developed for topology optimization of grid shells whose global shape has been determined by form-finding. Furthermore a novel technique for façade bracing optimization is developed. In this application a multiobjective approach was used to give the designers freedom to make changes, as the design advanced at various stages of the design process. The application of the two methods to practical<p>engineering problems, inspired a theoretical development which has wide-reaching implications for discrete optimization: the pitfalls of symmetry reduction. A seemingly self-evident method of cardinality reduction makes use of geometric symmetry reduction in structures in order to reduce the problem size. It is shown in the research that this assumption is not valid for discrete variable problems. Despite intuition to the contrary, for symmetric problems, asymmetric solutions may be more optimal than their symmetric counterparts. In reality many uncertainties exist on geometry, loading and material properties in structural systems. This has an effect on the performance (robustness) of the non-ideal, realized structure. To address this, a general robust topology optimization framework for both continuum and truss-like structures, developing a novel analysis technique for truss structures under material uncertainties, is introduced. Next, this framework is extended to discrete variable, multiobjective optimization problems of truss structures, taking uncertainties on the material stiffness and the loading into account. Two papers corresponding to the two chapters were submitted to the journal Computers and Structures and Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Finally, a concluding chapter summarizes the main findings of the research. A number of appendices are included at the end of the manuscript, clarifying several pertinent issues. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Die rechnergestützte Topologieoptimierung als Ansatz zur Unterstützung des Industrial Designs bei der Gestaltung struktureller Bauteile

Brezing, Alex, Kämpf, Anne-Katrin, Feldhusen, Jörg January 2012 (has links)
Die rechnergestützte Topologieoptimierung wird zur Gestaltoptimierung, also im Wesentlichen zur Gewichtsreduktion von Bauteilen oder komplexeren Strukturen eingesetzt. Da die Funktionalität im Rahmen von FEM-Programmen zur Verfügung gestellt wird, erfordert sie umfangreiche Kenntnisse zur Bedienung der Software und der festigkeitstechnischen Grundlagen und wird daher überwiegend von Berechnungsexperten im rein technischen Kontext im Maschinenbau oder Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau angewendet. Allerdings zeigen vereinzelte Arbeiten wie die Sitzmöbel »Bone Furniture«, die aus einer Zusammenarbeit des Studios »Joris Laarman Lab« mit Opel resultieren (Laarman 2006, Abbildung 1), dass derartige Methoden für das Design interessant sein können. [... aus der Einleitung]

Topologieoptimierung und CAD- Modellaufbereitung für den 3D-Druck

Mahn, Uwe, Matthes, Jörg, Maronek, Anna 02 July 2018 (has links)
Neuartige funktionsbedingte Bauteilgeometrien in geringen Stückzahlen lassen sich mit verschiedenen Methoden der additiv, generativen Fertigung, populärwissenschaftlich 3D- Druck genannt, effizient herstellen. Für den Konstrukteur solcher Bauteile bedeutet dies ebenfalls neuartige Methoden als bisher anzuwenden. Bauteilgeometrien, die hinsichtlich einer Zielgröße optimiert sind, können mit der Topologieoptimierung auf Basis eines FE- Modells rechnerisch ermittelt werden. Während die Topologieoptimierung schon seit längerem bekannt und etabliert ist, war die durchgängige Nutzung einer gemeinsamen Datenbasis häufig durch Hindernisse geprägt. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die heutigen Möglichkeiten anhand des FE-Systems ANSYS aufgezeigt und hinsichtlich des effizienten praktischen Einsatzes bewertet. / Innovative function-related component geometries in small quantities can be produced efficiently with different methods of additive, generative manufacturing, in a popular science known as 3D printing. For the designer of such components it also means to use other methods as usual. Component geometries optimized regarding to a target size can be calculated using topology optimization based on a FE model. While topology optimization has been known and established for a long time, the consistent use of a common database was often characterized by obstacles. In this article today's possibilities are shown with the FE system ANSYS and evaluated with regard of the efficient practical use.

Topologieoptimierung mittels Deep Learning

Halle, Alex, Hasse, Alexander 05 July 2019 (has links)
Die Topologieoptimierung ist die Suche einer optimalen Bauteilgeometrie in Abhängigkeit des Einsatzfalls. Für komplexe Probleme kann die Topologieoptimierung aufgrund eines hohen Detailgrades viel Zeit- und Rechenkapazität erfordern. Diese Nachteile der Topologieoptimierung sollen mittels Deep Learning reduziert werden, so dass eine Topologieoptimierung dem Konstrukteur als sekundenschnelle Hilfe dient. Das Deep Learning ist die Erweiterung künstlicher neuronaler Netzwerke, mit denen Muster oder Verhaltensregeln erlernt werden können. So soll die bislang numerisch berechnete Topologieoptimierung mit dem Deep Learning Ansatz gelöst werden. Hierzu werden Ansätze, Berechnungsschema und erste Schlussfolgerungen vorgestellt und diskutiert.

Enriched Isogeometric Analysis for Parametric Domain Decomposition and Fracture Analysis

Chun-Pei Chen (9739652) 15 December 2020 (has links)
<div>As physical testing does not always yield insight into the mechanistic cause of failures, computational modeling is often used to develop an understanding of the goodness of a design and to shorten the product development time. One common, and widely used analysis technique is the Finite Element Method. A significant difficulty with the finite element method is the effort required to generate an analysis-suitable mesh due to the difference in the mathematical representation of geometry CAD and CAE systems. CAD systems commonly use Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) while the CAE tools rely on the finite element mesh. Efforts to unify CAD and CAE by carrying out analysis directly using NURBS models termed Isogeometric Analysis reduces the gap between CAD and CAE phases of product development. However, several challenges still remain in the field of isogeometric analysis. A critical challenge relates to the output of commercial CAD systems. B-rep CAD models generated by commercial CAD systems contain uncoupled NURBS patches and are therefore not suitable for analysis directly. Existing literature is largely missing methods to smoothly couple NURBS patches. This is the first topic of research in this thesis. Fracture-caused failures are a critical concern for the reliability of engineered structures in general and semiconductor chips in particular. The back-end of the line structures in modern semiconductor chips contain multi-material junctions that are sites of singular stress, and locations where cracks originate during fabrication or testing. Techniques to accurately model the singular stress fields at interfacial corners are relatively limited. This is the second topic addressed in this thesis. Thus, the overall objective of this dissertation is to develop an isogeometric framework for parametric domain decomposition and analysis of singular stresses using enriched isogeometric analysis.</div><div><br></div><div>Geometrically speaking, multi-material junctions, sub-domain interfaces and crack surfaces are lower-dimensional features relative to the two- or three-dimensional domain. The enriched isogeometric analysis described in this research builds enriching approximations directly on the lower-dimensional geometric features that then couple sub-domains or describe cracks. Since the interface or crack geometry is explicitly represented, it is easy to apply boundary conditions in a strong sense and to directly calculate geometric quantities such as normals or curvatures at any point on the geometry. These advantages contrast against those of implicit geometry methods including level set or phase-field methods. In the enriched isogeometric analysis, the base approximations in the domain/subdomains are enriched by the interfacial fields constructed as a function of distance from the interfaces. To circumvent the challenges of measuring distance and point of influence from the interface using iterative operations, algebraic level sets and algebraic point projection are utilized. The developed techniques are implemented as a program in the MATLAB environment named as <i>Hierarchical Design and Analysis Code</i>. The code is carefully designed to ensure simplicity and maintainability, to facilitate geometry creation, pre-processing, analysis and post-processing with optimal efficiency. </div><div><br></div><div>To couple NURBS patches, a parametric stitching strategy that assures arbitrary smoothness across subdomains with non-matching discretization is developed. The key concept used to accomplish the coupling is the insertion of a “parametric stitching” or p-stitching interface between the incompatible patches. In the present work, NURBS is chosen for discretizing the parametric subdomains. The developed procedure though is valid for other representations of subdomains whose basis functions obey partition of unity. The proposed method is validated through patch tests from which near-optimal rate of convergence is demonstrated. Several two- and three-dimensional elastostatic as well as heat conduction numerical examples are presented.</div><div><br></div><div>An enriched field approximation is then developed for characterizing stress singularities at junctions of general multi-material corners including crack tips. Using enriched isogeometric analysis, the developed method explicitly tracks the singular points and interfaces embedded in a non-conforming mesh. Solution convergence to those of linear elastic fracture mechanics is verified through several examples. More importantly, the proposed method enables direct extraction of generalized stress intensity factors upon solution of the problems without the need to use <i>a posteriori</i> path-independent integral such as the J-integral. Next, the analysis of crack initiation and propagation is carried out using the alternative concept of configurational force. The configurational force is first shown to result from a configurational optimization problem, which yields a configurational derivative as a necessary condition. For specific velocities imposed on the heterogeneities corresponding to translation, rotation or scaling, the configurational derivative is shown to yield the configurational force. The use of configurational force to analyze crack propagation is demonstrated through examples.</div><div><br></div><div>The developed methods are lastly applied to investigate the risk of ratcheting-induced fracture in the back end of line structure during thermal cycle test of a epoxy molded microelectronic package. The first principal stress and the opening mode stress intensity factor are proposed as the failure descriptors. A finite element analysis sub-modeling and load decomposition procedure is proposed to study the accumulation of plastic deformation in the metal line and to identify the critical loading mode. Enriched isogeometric analysis with singular stress enrichment is carried out to identify the interfacial corners most vulnerable to stress concentration and crack initiation. Correlation is made between the failure descriptors and the design parameters of the structure. Crack path from the identified critical corner is predicted using both linear elastic fracture mechanics criterion and configurational force criterion. </div>

Selection of a product component for topology optimization and additive manufacturing

Svensson, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
This is a master thesis research on how to select the right components in a product, considering reducing the weight with topology optimization (TO) and adaption for additive manufacturing (AM). It is well established that manufacturing of complex structures can be achieved with AM, the possibility of integrating assembled components and improve features will therefore be investigated. The new component structure must still withstand the loads that it is subjected to during usage, to not permanently deform or break. In this research the studied product was a handheld Husqvarna chainsaw. Initially a feasibility study was conducted, where the product was disassembled and physically investigated for potential component cases. Additional knowledge was gathered with one semi structured interview per case, with experienced design engineers. Followed by one semi structured interview with AM experts, regarding available AM technique and similar material. Selection of case to continue with was based on the interviews information and Pughs decision matrix, with weighted criterions. TO were used for finding the optimal material distribution. The new component design was analyzed with linear finite element analysis to fulfill both the component and material stress requirements. Component orientation and support structure for AM was analyzed with computer aided engineering software. This resulted with integrating thirteen components for the engines cylinder into one component. The new design resulted in a weight reduction of 31%, while utilizing only 57% of the allowed stress limit. Also, the first 23 natural frequencies were improved with a new type of cooling fin structure, with an increased area of 15%. These results encourage the thesis workflow methodology usage for other products. In conclusion the established workflow of methods resulted in selecting a suitable case for integrating components with feature improvement and adaption of the new design with TO for AM, to reduce the weight.

Heterogeneous RFID framework design, analysis and evaluation / Conception, analyse et évaluation d'un réseau RFID hétérogène

Botero, Oscar 14 May 2012 (has links)
Le paradigme de l'Internet des choses établit l'interaction et la communication avec une énorme quantité d'acteurs. Le concept combine un grand nombre de technologies et de protocoles et des adaptations des éléments préexistants pour offrir de nouveaux services et applications. Une des technologies clés de l'Internet des objets est l'identification par radiofréquence abrégée en anglais RFID («Radio Frequency Identification»). Elle propose un ensemble de solutions qui permettent le suivi et la traçabilité des personnes, des animaux et pratiquement n'importe quel objet en utilisant des liaisons sans fil. En considérant le concept de l'Internet des choses, plusieurs technologies doivent être liées afin de fournir des interactions qui conduisent à la mise en œuvre de services et d'applications. Le défi est que ces technologies ne sont pas nécessairement compatibles et conçues pour fonctionner ensemble. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif principal de cette thèse est de concevoir un « framework » hétérogène qui permettra l'interaction de divers dispositifs tels que la RFID, des capteurs et des actionneurs afin de fournir de nouvelles applications et de services. À cet effet, notre première contribution est la conception et l'analyse d'une architecture d'intégration pour les dispositifs hétérogènes. Dans la seconde contribution, nous proposons un modèle d'évaluation de la topologie RFID et un outil d'optimisation pour la planification de réseaux de cette technologie. Enfin, nous avons implémenté une version simplifiée du framework en utilisant du matériel embarqué et indicateurs de performance sont fournis ainsi que la configuration détaillée de la plateforme de test / The Internet of Things paradigm establishes interaction and communication with a huge amount of actors. The concept is not a new-from-scratch one; actually, it combines a vast number of technologies and protocols and surely adaptations of pre-existing elements to offer new services and applications. One of the key technologies of the Internet of Things is the Radio Frequency Identification just abbreviated RFID. This technology proposes a set of solutions that allow tracking and tracing persons, animals and practically any item wirelessly. Considering the Internet of Things concept, multiple technologies need to be linked in order to provide interactions that lead to the implementation of services and applications. The challenge is that these technologies are not necessarily compatible and designed to work with other technologies. Within this context, the main objective of this thesis is to design a heterogeneous framework that will permit the interaction of diverse devices such as RFID, sensors and actuators in order to provide new applications and services. For this purpose in this work, our first contribution is the design and analysis of an integration architecture for heterogeneous devices. In the second contribution, we propose an evaluation model for RFID topologies and an optimization tool that assists in the RFID network planning process. Finally, in our last contribution, we implemented a simplified version of the framework by using embedded hardware and performance metrics are provided as well as the detailed configuration of the test platform

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