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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quality management and school improvement a comparative analysis of three elementary schools /

Link, Bill D. Baker, Paul J. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--Illinois State University, 2006. / Title from title page screen, viewed on May 11, 2007. Dissertation Committee: Paul J. Baker (chair), Joseph Pacha, Norman D. Durflinger, Jeffry B. Nelson. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 206-216) and abstract. Also available in print.

Public versus private an investigation of Berks County's human service agencies' executive directors; attitudes regarding management styles /

Melcher, David J. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.A.)--Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, 1996. / Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-06, page: 2951. Typescript. Abstract precedes second title page. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-110).

Estudo sobre a implicação dos fatores críticos do gerenciamento da qualidade total no processo de previsão de demanda

Navarro, Thays Suleyka Saavedra January 2014 (has links)
As organizações atuais têm grandes desafios, os clientes demandam maiores exigências quanto à qualidade do produto e serviço. É por isso que as organizações têm sido obrigadas a adaptar estratégias de apoio como a gestão da qualidade, para satisfazer as necessidades dos clientes mediante melhoria de seus processos e produtos. A diminuição de falhas dos produtos e antecipação de possíveis erros que possam surgir no processo só pode ser obtida por meio de técnicas capazes de prever erros futuros, sendo a previsão uma delas. Portanto a previsão é o ponto inicial para o planejamento das atividades da empresa, tais como planejamento da produção, vendas, controle de estoque, entre outras. Este estudo investigou a implicação que tem os fatores críticos do Gerenciamento da Qualidade Total no processo de implementação de previsão de demanda. Os resultados mostraram que os fatores críticos de maior importância foram cultura da qualidade, participação de todos os funcionários, gestão dos processos, compromisso da alta gerência, foco no cliente, treinamento dos funcionários e gestão dos fornecedores. Constatou-se que utilizar os fatores críticos pode trazer benefícios como disponibilizar recursos; reduzir o efeito chicote; melhorar o tempo de entrega; aumentar o desempenho das vendas; planejar adequadamente os níveis de estoque e planejar a cadeia de suprimento. / Nowadays companies have big challenges, because current customers ask for a growing personalized treatment and greater demands in terms of quality of product and services. Therefore organizations have been forced to adapt support strategies such as quality management, to satisfy the needs of customers by improving their processes and products. The decrease in product failure and anticipation of possible errors that may arise in the process can only be obtained by techniques able to predict future errors, being the forecast one possibility. This study investigated the relationship of the most relevant critical factors of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the implementation process of demand forecasting. The results show that the most important critical factors were culture of quality, employee participation, process management, commitment of top management, customer focus, training and suppliers management. It was found that the use of the critical factors resulted in benefits as available resources, reduced the bullwhip effect, improved the delivery time, increased sales performance, plan adequate levels of stock and map the supply chain. The Kendall concordance test showed no agreement with respect to benefits for training factors and management of suppliers.

Att leda för kvalitet : En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer uppfattar och skapar delaktighet i kvalitetsarbetet / Management for quality : A qualitative study about how managers perceive and creates participation in quality improvement

Lundin, Emma, Krantz, Marie January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken uppfattning chefer inom offentlig verksamhet har om kvalitetsarbete och hur chefer inom offentlig verksamhet anser att de gör sina medarbetare delaktiga i verksamhetens kvalitetsarbete. Kvalitetsarbete ses idag som en väl integrerad del i de flesta verksamheter, offentliga som privata. Utgångspunkter i studien är Total quality managment (TQM) och transformativt ledarskap. TQM är ett arbetssätt för kvalitetsarbete vilket är omfattande och bygger på en helhet med fokus på kvalitet från hela organisationen. Flera forskare förespråkar delaktighet som en viktig del i kvalitetsarbete. Vägen till kvalitet och medarbetarnas delaktighet i kvalitetsarbetets kantas av utmaningar. Förutsättningarna i en organisation, specifikt inom offentlig verksamhet är varierande och begränsande. Studien är en kvalitativ studie. Som kvalitativ metod har författarna genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med enhetschefer inom offentlig sektor som respondenter. Författarna har använt sig av ett målstyrt urval. Resultatet visar att kvalitetsarbetet anses viktigt men också svårt då en hel del av de aktiviteter som ingår resulterar i administrativa uppgifter istället för kvalitetsutveckling. Ett närvarande ledarskap är en framgångsfaktor gällande skapandet av medarbetarnas delaktighet i kvalitetsarbetet.

An integrated systems approach to QFD

Bouchereau, Vivianne January 2000 (has links)
This thesis reviews Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and its relation with the Total Quality Management philosophy. In particular the thesis focuses on the inherent drawbacks of QFD and it investigates potential techniques and methods that could be integrated with QFD to overcome some of its problems. Fuzzy Logic/Fuzzy Sets and the Taguchi Method are identified as techniques and methods to be incorporated within the QFD process to provide a more consistent, quantitative and rigorous method to analyse subjective data in the QFD charts. Two approaches are developed that integrate Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Set theory with QFD to identify and rectify inconsistencies in the input data in the QFD charts. Another approach that integrates the Taguchi Method and QFD is further developed to set more precise technical target values in the QFD chart. Case studies are used to illustrate the results of the developed Fuzzy-QFD and the QFD-Taguchi approaches. The synergistic approaches take into account nteractions between requirements, which are not utilised in the traditional QFD charts. In addition, it was found that the resulting data in the QFD charts are sensitive to the interaction in the correlation matrices, therefore another method is also proposed to detect inconsistencies in the correlation matrices by utilising an inference mechanism and multi-valued logic theory. An integrated systems approach to QFD is eventually developed that forms a synergy between QFD, Fuzzy Logic/Fuzzy sets and the Taguchi Method. This results in a superior approach that combines the inherent benefits of each of the individual approaches. The integrated systems approach to QFD is a generic approach that can be used for other case studies provided that in addition to the relationship matrix and customer importance ratings, the correlation matrices and benchmarking data are readily available. As a result of this research, the subjectivity and ill-defined data in the QFD process have been partially resolved by the application of Fuzzy Logic/Fuzzy sets. The QFD analysis has been made more rigorous by integrating it to more quantitative techniques (Fuzzy Logic/Fuzzy sets) and method (Taguchi Method). It has been identified that demands are dependent on each other in the QFD charts and how including these dependencies in the problem can change the results. This problem has been addressed by considering interactions between the demands in the Fuzzy-QFD and QFD-Taguchi approaches developed. These interactions between demands have been identified and dealt with in the developed approaches, such that they no longer provide sub-optimal solutions.

A critical analysis of the application of total quality management principles in two schools

Carlson, Brian Kenneth January 1996 (has links)
In recent years, the principles of Total Quality Management, developed by Edwards Deming and others and used with varying degrees of success in the business world, have been used in schools as part of the process to transform education in terms of school management and classroom learning. This research grew out of my experiences when St. Andrew's Preparatory School participated in a Total Quality Management training programme which highlighted for me the problems and the benefits of such training. This research was undertaken, therefore, to find out how two other schools - one a high school in Grahamstown and the other a high school in Clarke County, U.S.A. had responded to similar training. Open ended questionnaires were used and the responses were analyzed to detect patterns of thoughts, feelings and attitudes, particularly in terms of human relationships at the school and with regard to various components of school culture. Comparisons were also made between the responses from the two schools, and the findings were compared with the claims made for TQM by the theorists and other educational practitioners who have ventured into TQM in their schools. The research findings indicate that Total Quality Management training had a positive impact on the participating schools but that there are problems associated with its adaptation for education. Given the necessary leadership commitment, however, these problems are not insurmountable. Total Quality Management may well be able to contribute towards the restructing of education which seems to be more and more urgently needed both in South Africa and in their countries.

Estudo sobre a implicação dos fatores críticos do gerenciamento da qualidade total no processo de previsão de demanda

Navarro, Thays Suleyka Saavedra January 2014 (has links)
As organizações atuais têm grandes desafios, os clientes demandam maiores exigências quanto à qualidade do produto e serviço. É por isso que as organizações têm sido obrigadas a adaptar estratégias de apoio como a gestão da qualidade, para satisfazer as necessidades dos clientes mediante melhoria de seus processos e produtos. A diminuição de falhas dos produtos e antecipação de possíveis erros que possam surgir no processo só pode ser obtida por meio de técnicas capazes de prever erros futuros, sendo a previsão uma delas. Portanto a previsão é o ponto inicial para o planejamento das atividades da empresa, tais como planejamento da produção, vendas, controle de estoque, entre outras. Este estudo investigou a implicação que tem os fatores críticos do Gerenciamento da Qualidade Total no processo de implementação de previsão de demanda. Os resultados mostraram que os fatores críticos de maior importância foram cultura da qualidade, participação de todos os funcionários, gestão dos processos, compromisso da alta gerência, foco no cliente, treinamento dos funcionários e gestão dos fornecedores. Constatou-se que utilizar os fatores críticos pode trazer benefícios como disponibilizar recursos; reduzir o efeito chicote; melhorar o tempo de entrega; aumentar o desempenho das vendas; planejar adequadamente os níveis de estoque e planejar a cadeia de suprimento. / Nowadays companies have big challenges, because current customers ask for a growing personalized treatment and greater demands in terms of quality of product and services. Therefore organizations have been forced to adapt support strategies such as quality management, to satisfy the needs of customers by improving their processes and products. The decrease in product failure and anticipation of possible errors that may arise in the process can only be obtained by techniques able to predict future errors, being the forecast one possibility. This study investigated the relationship of the most relevant critical factors of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the implementation process of demand forecasting. The results show that the most important critical factors were culture of quality, employee participation, process management, commitment of top management, customer focus, training and suppliers management. It was found that the use of the critical factors resulted in benefits as available resources, reduced the bullwhip effect, improved the delivery time, increased sales performance, plan adequate levels of stock and map the supply chain. The Kendall concordance test showed no agreement with respect to benefits for training factors and management of suppliers.

Implantação de gestão da qualidade no serviço de hemoterapia em um hospital público do Estado de São Paulo / Quality Management Implementation in the Hematology Service at a Public Hospital of São Paulo

Paludetto, Nívia Maria Ortiz [UNESP] 27 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-10T14:23:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-02-27. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-12-10T14:29:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000854293.pdf: 2574247 bytes, checksum: 949a8189800a9f99d1fc933de64dd4f6 (MD5) / O Hospital Regional de Assis localizado na cidade de Assis, interior do Estado de São Paulo. Deu inicio as suas atividades de atendimento a população em 21/09/1991. Atende atualmente 25 municípios da região de abrangência da DIR VIII. O Núcleo de Hemoterapia do Hospital Regional de Assis, enquanto instituição pública, vinculada a Secretaria de Saúde do Estado de São Paulo, iniciou suas atividades como agencia transfusional em 1991, passou a ser uma Unidade de Coleta e transfusão em 2000; tem as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Sangue e Hemoderivados, servindo de referencia nos procedimentos realizados. Coleta aproximadamente 360 bolsas de sangue mensalmente. Realiza os processos envolvendo: Coleta, Processamento, Transfusão e a Distribuição de Hemocomponentes, também realizam atendimento a pacientes que necessitam de sangria terapêutica. Os serviços de hemoterapia necessitam assegurar a qualidade e eficácia terapêutica com o sangue em seu artigo 9 a RDC 57 de 16 de dezembro de 2010 diz Todo serviço de hemoterapia deve ter um sistema de gestão da qualidade no que tange as boas práticas do ciclo produtivo do sangue diante disso justificou-se a necessidade de implantação de um Sistema de Gerenciamento da Qualidade na Unidade de Coleta e Transfusão de Assis.O estudo foi realizado em IV fases: Durante a Fase I Criamos a política de identidade organizacional, Revisamos e Construímos Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão PO's, Descrevemos Macroprocessos e Subprocessos de todas as áreas do ciclo do sangue. Na Fase II a auditoria forneceu diagnóstico situacional, e um Plano de Ação, elaborado a partir das não conformidades encontradas, norteou as ações; ainda nesta fase implantamos Relatório de Não Conformidade, Controle de Registro e Rastreabilidade de Insumos.A Fase III demonstrou que 97,8% das RTs (Requisições Transfusionais) apresentavam não conformidade quanto ao... / The Assis Regional Hospital located in the city of Assis, in the countryside of the state of São Paulo, started its service to the population in 09/21/1991. It currently serves 25 cities in the region covered by the DIR VIII. The Hematology Center of the Assis Regional Hospital, as a public institution linked to the Health Department of the State of São Paulo, started as a transfusion agency in 1991 and became a Collection and transfusion unit in 2000; it accomplishes the guidelines of the National Policy for Blood and Blood Products, serving as a reference in the procedures performed. It collects about 360 blood bags monthly. It performs the processes involving: Collection, Processing, Transfusion and Blood components distribution, also assisting patients in need of cupping therapy. Transfusion services need to ensure the quality and therapeutic efficacy of the blood in Article 9 RDC 57 from December 16, 2010, which says: Every transfusion service should have a quality management system regarding the best practices of the blood production cycle and due to this, it was justified the need to implement a Quality Management System in the Collection and Transfusion Unit in Assis. The study was conducted in IV phases: During phase I we created the organizational identity politics, reviewed and built Standard Operating Procedures OP's, described macro processes and sub-processes from all areas of the blood cycle. In phase II, the audit provided situational diagnosis, and an action plan, prepared from the non-conformities found, guided the actions; at this stage, we implemented a nonconformity report, Registration Control and Petrochemicals Traceability. Phase III showed that 97.8% of TRs (Transfusion Requirements) had non-compliance as to the information filled. At this stage, four monitoring indicators were implanted in attracting donors, three in the collection, one in the production, four in the stock and 1 in the caregiver. In phase ...

Sistema de gestão da qualidade numa organização pública de P&D: fatores que influenciam a certificação / Quality management system in a public organization of R&D: factors influencing the certification

Santos Júnior, Mário Cardoso dos [UNESP] 18 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-10T14:23:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-12-18. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-12-10T14:29:58Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000852088_20180130.pdf: 235469 bytes, checksum: ac44c3e1c89b583149caecc8d7abdd9a (MD5) Bitstreams deleted on 2018-02-02T12:11:14Z: 000852088_20180130.pdf,. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2018-02-02T12:12:03Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000852088.pdf: 898063 bytes, checksum: 00b1d28f8ed3d1e6d3c1204e78a3f3da (MD5) / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) na certificação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ), para identificar aqueles pertinentes às organizações públicas e classificá-los, por ordem de importância. Este estudo é delimitado no único instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) público que atende ao setor aeroespacial brasileiro e, em 2011, estava certificado na Norma ABNT NBR 15:100 : 2004 - Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade - Aeroespacial - Modelo para garantia da qualidade em projeto, desenvolvimento, produção, instalações e serviços associados. Esse tema justifica-se devido ao predomínio de organizações certificadas na iniciativa privada em comparação com o setor público (menos de dois por cento do total de certificações em SGQ segundo o Instituto Nacional de Metrologia Normalização e Qualidade Industrial - INMETRO). O enfoque metodológico aplicado é uma pesquisa realizada em duas partes distintas. A primeira parte, qualitativa, realizada com os gestores, com cargo de chefia, no instituto, onde os fatores foram identificados. A segunda parte da pesquisa foi destinada a classificar os FCS, identificados por ordem de importância por meio do Método de Ordenação por Escala de Importância - MOEI. Os FCS identificados e classificados são apresentados para que, uma vez explanados, possam lançar uma luz sobre o tema visando facilitar e incrementar a busca da certificação, por novas organizações públicas / The present study aims to analyze the Critical Success Factors (CSF) for certification of the Quality Management System (QMS) to identify those applicable to public organizations and rank them in order of importance. This study is restricted to the public institute of research, the unique that was working with the Brazilian aerospace industry which in 2011 was certified by ABNT NBR 15: 100: 2004 - Quality Management System - Aerospace - Model for ensuring quality in design, development, production, associated facilities and services. This theme is justified due to the predominance of of certified organizations in the private sector compared to the public sector (less than two percent of the total certifications in QMS according to the National Institute of Metrology Standardization and Industrial Quality - INMETRO). The methodological approach used is a survey conducted in two parts. The first part, qualitative held with managers, with management positions at the institute, where the factors were identified. The second part of the research was designed to classify the FCS, identified in order of importance through the Sorting Method for Importance of Scale - grind. Identified and classified FCS are presented so that, once explained, can shed light on the subject to facilitate and enhance the pursuit of certification for new public organizations

Um estudo sobre as boas práticas e principais dificuldades na implantação de um sistema de gestão de qualidade com base na ISO 9001 e seus reflexos na área ambiental

Martin, Eduardo José Pereira [UNESP] 27 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-04-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:34:07Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 martin_ejp_me_bauru.pdf: 836432 bytes, checksum: e2fbb90a952ac729cb26b057f5d7e8d4 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Em meio ao cenário econômico de alta concorrência, as organizações estão buscando, cada vez mais, a melhoria de sua competitividade através de sistemas de gestão. É neste panorama que os sistemas de gestão da qualidade e ambiental têm se tornado ferramenta básica para os gestores alcançarem um melhor desempenho de suas empresas. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a identificação das boas práticas e das principais dificuldades para a implantação de um sistema de gestão da qualidade em uma indústria de embalagens plásticas, além de verificar se ocorrem reflexos ambientais. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base em uma revisão bibliográfica e em um estudo de caso, os quais ajudaram a conhecer o ambiente e o comportamento das organizações, ao implantarem sistemas de gestão da qualidade que utilizam as normas ISO 9000. Um referencial teórico foi apresentado sobre a gestão de qualidade, sistemas de gestão de qualidade, ISO 9001, noções de gestão ambiental, características do processo produtivo e a sinergia entre eles. Por meio da análise do estudo de caso foi possível identificar as boas práticas e principais dificuldades na implantação e manutenção do SGQ ISO 9001 na empres estudada e, também, foi possível agrupá-los em dois grupos: técnica e relacionamento. A técnica diz respeito ao conhecimento da ISO 9001 e das ferramentas de apoio à sua implantação. Já o relacionamento está vinculado ao modo como se aplica a implantação da técnica (cultura, influência, participação das pessoas, opu seja, as relações humanas). Os reflexos ambientais identificados nas boas práticas e principais dificuldades para a implantação de um SGQ estão vinculados à otimização de recursos, tanto físico (matérias-primas, insumos, etc) quanto humano (relações humanas traçadas para otimização dos recursos) / In the middle high economic scenario competition, organizations are increasingly seeking to improve their competitiveness through management systems. It is in this panorama that quality management systems and environmental have become the basic tool for managers while until a better performance of their companies. Thus, this work was aimed at the identification of good practices and of any major difficulties to the implementation of a quality management system in a plastic industry of packing, in addition to crecking if environmental reflections occur. This survey was developed on the basis of a literature review and a case study, which helped to know the environment and the behavior of organizations, to deploy quality management systems and environmental use ISO 9000. A theoretical reference was presented on quality management, quality management systems, ISO 9001, environmental management basics, characteristics of the production process and the synergy between them. Through case study analysis was possible to identify good practices and major difficulties in the deployment and maintenance of QMS ISO 9001 in the company studied and also unable to group them into two groups: technical and relationship. The technique relates to knowledge of ISO 9001 and tools to support your deployment. Because the relationship is tied to how it applies to technical deployment (culture, influence, involvement of people, namely, human relations). Environmental reflections on good practices and major identified difficulties for the implementation of a QMS are linked to the optimization of resources, both physical (raw materials, inputs, etc) and human (human relations drawn for resource optimization)

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