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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fonctionnement et dynamique des écosystèmes hydrothermaux : vers un premier modèle / Functioning and dynamic of hydrothermal vent ecosystems : towards a first model

Husson, Bérengère 19 January 2017 (has links)
En bientôt quarante ans de recherche, de nombreuses connaissances ont été acquises sur la géologie des champs hydrothermaux, la chimie des fluides qui en réchappent et l’écologie des communautés qui les habitent. Celles-ci s’organisent en assemblages denses, distribués le long de la zone de dilution du fluide hydrothermal dans l’eau de mer, et dominés visuellement par une poignée d’espèces. La forte variabilité spatio-temporelle du fluide hydrothermal a une forte influence sur la distribution des communautés. Cependant, les mécanismes à l’origine de la réponse de la faune à cette variabilité sont peu compris. Pour cela, une approche modélisatrice est présentée. Les données collectées pendant plus de 20 ans sur l’édifice Tour Eiffel, sur le champ hydrothermal Lucky Strike (ride médio-Atlantique) ont été intégrées afin d’en extraire les composantes principales. L’étude intégrative des biomasses sur l’édifice montre que celles-ci sont largement dominées par la modiole Bathymodiolus azoricus. Ce bivalve est susceptible d’avoir une influence importante sur le fonctionnement de l’écosystème, et fait donc l’objet d’un premier modèle. La recherche de données pour le contraindre ont mené à mesurer des taux métaboliques in situ. Une fois le modèle paramétré, le modèle a fourni des estimations de flux encore inconnu. La simulation d’interruption du flux hydrothermal a fourni des indices sur la réponse de la modiole à la variabilité de son environnement. / In nearly forty years of research, significant insights have been gained on vent field geology, on the chemistry of emitted fluid and on the ecology of the communities inhabiting hydrothermal ecosystems. The fauna forms dense assemblages, distributed along the hydrothermal fluid/sea water mixing gradient, and visually dominated only by a few species. The high spatio-temporal variability of the hydrothermal fluid has a strong influence on species distribution. However, the mechanisms determining the species response to this variability is still poorly understood. In order to investigate this issue, a modelling approach is presented. Data collected for more than 20 years on the Eiffel Tower edifice, on the Lucky Strike vent filed (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) were integrated in order to identify meaningful elements for our problem. An integrative study of the faunal biomasses on the edifice showed that these are dominated by the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. This bivalve is likely to have a significant influence on the ecosystem functioning and is thus the object of a first model. The search for data to constrain it led to the measurement of in situ metabolic rates. Once parametrized, the model provided quantitative estimates of unknown fluxes. The simulation of hydrothermal flow interruption provided some insights on the mussel biomass response to its environment variability.

Representações da violência do pós-64 na ficção literária de Ivan Ângelo : a escrita engajada

Azevedo, Francesca Batista de January 2015 (has links)
Através das representações da violência presentes nas obras ficcionais escritas por Ivan Ângelo A Festa (1976) e A casa de vidro (1979), durante a Ditadura do Pós-64, é possível relacionar o discurso literário às dimensões sociais. Pelo crivo da história e conceitos originários da Crítica Literária e da Literatura Comparada aplicados ao campo da Sociologia da Literatura, é possível compreender com sensibilidade e rigor alguns episódios e elementos da vida social brasileira, tais como: o papel do escritor em tempos de repressão à liberdade de expressão. Esse exercício reflexivo, arriscado e recente na sociologia materializa tanto os estudos literários quanto os sociológicos, de modo que o imaginário adquire status de objeto social, o que introduz, na análise sociológica dos textos (verbais e imagéticos) e suas circunstâncias de produção, a afirmação de uma das características mais sociais e humanas: a narratividade. A escrita criativa é uma fonte de acesso a posicionamentos tanto estéticos quanto políticos, e através dessas interfaces mesclam-se a memória, o esquecimento e a construção da ideia do passado. Por isso, a prática da leitura sob essa via ressignifica o sentido do presente e avança um passo a mais em direção à literatura como um fato social inegável e como ato ao mesmo tempo individual e coletivo que persiste através dos tempos e da cultura nacional. / It is possible to establish relations with literary discourse and social dimensions by means of the representations of violence existent in the fictional works The celebration (1976) and The tower of glass (1979) written by Ivan Ângelo during the Post-64 dictatorship. It is conceivable to comprehend sensibly and rigorously some episodes and elements of Brazilian social life, such as the role of the writer in times of freedom of expression repression by sifting through history and concepts from Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature applied to the field of Sociology of Literature. This risky and recent in sociology reflexive exercise enriches the study of literature and sociology in a way that fictional thought receives status of social object which introduces the statement of one of the most social and human features, the storytelling, in the sociological analysis of verbal and imagery texts and their production circumstances. Creative writing is a source of entry to both aesthetic and political positioning and, through these interfaces, memory, oblivion and the construction of the past are all mixed. Therefore, the practice of reading under this comprehension reframes the meaning of the present and advances another step towards literature as an undeniable and social fact and also as a fact that is at the same time individual and collective and that persists through time and through national culture.

Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled Steel Polygonal Columns - Application on Steel Lattice Towers for Wind Turbines

Ryan, Bona January 2017 (has links)
The trend of structural engineering in the recent years is toward the use of lighter and moreeconomical structural elements. In steel construction, peculiarly, thin-walled structural elements arebecoming more popular and have a growing importance. Improved techniques in a manufacturing ofthin-walled elements have led to increased competitiveness of such products in the buildingapplications. Some examples of such structural element can be found in everyday life in form ofcolumns, studs, roofing trusses, and light-weight frames. However, the use of slender profiles and acomplex cross sections shape lead to requirements to study instability phenomenon in a form of local,distortional, flexural, torsional and coupled instability. Such complex structural behavior is inevitablyaccompanied by demand to improve calculation methods and design provisions. In this thesis, aninnovative solution of structural element composed of thin-walled plates is proposed for theapplication on lattice support structure of wind turbine.Thin-walled cold-formed profiles are steel products usually made from cold rolled coils and folded inthe second step. In this way, only open profiles can be produced. The predominant problem of theopen cross-section is the excessive torsional effect caused by the non-coincidence between the shearcenter and mass center, and a poor torsional resistance. A better response is possible with closed crosssections, but such profiles could not be produced by the folding. The solution is to make semi-closedsection by assembling them into polygonal profiles with mechanical fasteners, as presented in thisthesis.Objective of this work is to study the proposed structural sections in design situation and toinvestigate possible design models. The expected structural behavior of the column is a mixturebetween the open and closed cross-section. These cases will be investigated through numerical study.In this thesis presented a comprehensive parametric study on the ultimate strength of proposed coldformedsteel columns using the Finite Element package ABAQUS. FE models were first developedfor columns by using automation that was made through MATLAB and Python script. The bucklingand non-linear FE study was done for the investigation of local (L), distortional (D) and global (G)possible buckling failures and ultimate resistance, respectively. Modelling issues such as boundaryconditions, meshing, initial imperfections, material models, and non-linear solution controls in FEAwere also addressed.The parametric study involved series of profiles of built-up polygonal cross-section types with variedthickness (t), number of corners (n), diameter (d), slenderness (slend), yield strength (fy), number ofpoints along corner radii (np), extension lip length (lext), gusset plate thickness (tg), member length (l),and density of fasteners (s/d ratio), loaded in compression and bending moment. The bending momentoccurs as the effect of forces acting on the connection. The purpose of this analysis is to study thecritical load, cross-sectional behavior, influence of the amplitude of initial imperfections on theultimate load, and influence of each parameter used in the analysis through Full Factorial Design.

Validation of blast simulation models via drop-tower tests

Rydman, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to validate a screw joint simulation model used by BAE Systems in LS-DYNA during blast simulations. It is important that the screw joint simulation model is physically correct, since the simulation results can influence major design decisions. The study provides a short overview on the subject of bolts and screws, material deformation and stress and strain in materials, of the finite element method (FEM) and on some specific numerical methods used in this study. BAE Systems started a validation project of the screw joint simulation model in 2015, but it was not finished due to other priorities. In this older project some drop-tower tests measuring the axial force in a screw joint were conducted. These old tests can now serve as validation data for the screw joint simulation model. The screw joint simulation model used by BAE Systems is dependent on a special kind of finite element formulation; a so called beam element. This study provides a finite element analysis on this simulation model, which is implemented through an established industry FEM solver called LS-DYNA. The validation of the screw joint simulation model is done against three drop-tower experiments performed at 900, 1000 and 1100mm drop height respectively. The drop-tower experiments were replicated in LS-DYNA, with a prescribed velocity on the falling parts rather than simulating a free fall and non-elastic impact. A comparison between the simulation model using beam elements, that is used by BAE Systems, and a similar simulation model using solid elements is presented as part of the validation. To make sure that the result of the study is confident, a local mesh convergence study and a study of the mass scaling numerical method in LS-DYNA is also presented. The results show that the screw joint simulation model using beam elements is valid according to the available experimental data. In one of the experiments, where the drop-test was performed twice, an average maximum force on the screw was measured to be 33.5+-4.8 kN. Simulations of the same case, under the same conditions, using beam elements resulted in a maximum force on the screw of 35.4 kN, well within the experimental result range. In the other two drop-tower experiments, the simulated results showed correlation considering the error sources in the simulation model and the statistical spread that is present in the experimental results. The simulation model using beam elements is also similar to the results using solid elements, which also indicates that the beam model is valid. All in all, it is shown that the beam model can be used to produce safe results that either overestimate or place the simulations of the axial force in the screw in the upper spread of the measurements.

Posouzení vlivu plánované stavby na krajinný ráz / Assessing the impact of planned buildings on the landscape character

ŠTĚPÁNEK, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to assess the influence of the building's intention on landscape character. In the theoretical part, concepts such as countryside and landscape character, their anchoring in the legislation, are explained. The methodological procedures used for assessment of the landscape character are also described. Practical part is own evaluation and assessment according to the method of spatial and character differentiation of territory, compiled by doc. Ivan Vorel and his colleagues in 2004. First, the characteristics of the territory are determined. Then, by visualization, determined the landscape area concerned, and determined the landscape character values in it. The result is an assessment of the influence of the intention of building the lookout tower on the Třemšín hill, on the landscape in its surroundings, ie in Rožmitál.

Méthodologies d'évaluation de la vulnérabilité sismique de bâtiments existants à partir d'une instrumentation in situ / Methodologies for seismic vulnerability assessment of existing buildings from an in situ instrumentation

Duco, Fabien 20 November 2012 (has links)
La France Métropolitaine est composée de régions à sismicité modérée mais néanmoins vulnérables aux tremblements de terre. En effet, 85% des bâtiments existants ont été construits avant l’apparition des règles de construction parasismique. Pour évaluer la vulnérabilité sismique de ces structures, il existe différentes méthodes à grande échelle telles que Hazus ou Risk-UE, non adaptées à l’échelle d’un bâtiment. Deux typologies de structures ont été étudiées dans ce travail : les structures récentes en béton armé représentatives des grands bâtiments stratégiques, et les structures en maçonnerie non renforcée, représentatives des centres villes historiques. Compte-tenu de la sismicité modérée, les structures récentes en béton armé ont un comportement linéaire élastique. Dans ce cadre, l’instrumentation d’un bâtiment, tel que la Tour de l’Ophite, est essentielle car elle permet de déterminer les vibrations ambiantes d’une structure et d’en extraire les paramètres modaux (fréquences propres, amortissements et déformées modales) qui incluent naturellement des informations sur la qualité des matériaux utilisés, leur vieillissement, leur endommagement, etc. De plus, un outil, basé sur la méthode stochastique par sous-espaces à l’aide des matrices de covariance (SSI-COV), a été développé afin de détecter au mieux les modes propres très proches (modes doubles), lors du traitement des données issues de l’instrumentation de la Tour de l’Ophite. Un modèle numérique par Eléments Finis est également proposé afin de prédire, dans le domaine linéaire, les déplacements de la Tour de l’Ophite soumise à un séisme identique à celui des Abruzzes en Italie en 2009. Pour les structures en maçonnerie non renforcée, un modèle de comportement non-linéaire des matériaux, avec une approche de type endommagement fragile, a été développé et utilisé pour la simulation numérique du comportement ductile des panneaux, remplaçant ainsi la mise en œuvre d’essais expérimentaux lourds et coûteux. A partir des travaux précédents, une méthodologie analytique d’évaluation de la vulnérabilité sismique des bâtiments existants, validée par comparaison avec le code numérique TreMuRi, est proposée et appliquée à un bâtiment. Par exemple, la généricité de notre méthodologie a permis de mener une investigation sur un matériau local, les murs en galets. / France is a country composed of moderate seismic hazard regions however vulnerable to earthquakes. 85% of existing buildings have been built before the application of paraseismic codes. Several current large-scale seismic vulnerability assessment methods are used, such as Hazus or Risk-UE, but they are inappropriate for specific building analysis. Two structure types have been evaluated in this thesis; the recent reinforced concrete structures for high strategic buildings, and the unreinforced masonry structures, for historical city centres. In view of the moderate seismic risk, recent reinforced concrete structures have an elastic behaviour. In this context, the instrumentation of a building, such as the Ophite Tower, is essential as it determines the ambient vibrations of a structure and extracts modal parameters (natural frequencies, modal shapes and damping), which naturally include information such as quality of materials, ageing, damage, etc. Moreover, as a tool based on the Covariance driven Stochastic Subspace Identification method (SSI-COV), it was developed in order to improve the detection of very close natural modes (double modes), during data processing from the instrumentation of Ophite Tower. A Finite Element numerical model (linear) was also proposed to predict the displacements of Ophite Tower under a seismic motion similar to Abruzzes earthquake (Italy, 2009). For unreinforced masonry structures, a model for nonlinear behaviour of materials with a brittle cracking approach has been developed. This is used for the numerical simulation of the ductile behaviour of panels and replaces the expensive experimental tests. From previous works, an analytical seismic vulnerability assessment method of existing buildings, validated par comparison with TreMuRi code, was proposed and applied to a building. For example, the genericity of this methodology has led to an investigation of a local material (pier walls).

Representações da violência do pós-64 na ficção literária de Ivan Ângelo : a escrita engajada

Azevedo, Francesca Batista de January 2015 (has links)
Através das representações da violência presentes nas obras ficcionais escritas por Ivan Ângelo A Festa (1976) e A casa de vidro (1979), durante a Ditadura do Pós-64, é possível relacionar o discurso literário às dimensões sociais. Pelo crivo da história e conceitos originários da Crítica Literária e da Literatura Comparada aplicados ao campo da Sociologia da Literatura, é possível compreender com sensibilidade e rigor alguns episódios e elementos da vida social brasileira, tais como: o papel do escritor em tempos de repressão à liberdade de expressão. Esse exercício reflexivo, arriscado e recente na sociologia materializa tanto os estudos literários quanto os sociológicos, de modo que o imaginário adquire status de objeto social, o que introduz, na análise sociológica dos textos (verbais e imagéticos) e suas circunstâncias de produção, a afirmação de uma das características mais sociais e humanas: a narratividade. A escrita criativa é uma fonte de acesso a posicionamentos tanto estéticos quanto políticos, e através dessas interfaces mesclam-se a memória, o esquecimento e a construção da ideia do passado. Por isso, a prática da leitura sob essa via ressignifica o sentido do presente e avança um passo a mais em direção à literatura como um fato social inegável e como ato ao mesmo tempo individual e coletivo que persiste através dos tempos e da cultura nacional. / It is possible to establish relations with literary discourse and social dimensions by means of the representations of violence existent in the fictional works The celebration (1976) and The tower of glass (1979) written by Ivan Ângelo during the Post-64 dictatorship. It is conceivable to comprehend sensibly and rigorously some episodes and elements of Brazilian social life, such as the role of the writer in times of freedom of expression repression by sifting through history and concepts from Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature applied to the field of Sociology of Literature. This risky and recent in sociology reflexive exercise enriches the study of literature and sociology in a way that fictional thought receives status of social object which introduces the statement of one of the most social and human features, the storytelling, in the sociological analysis of verbal and imagery texts and their production circumstances. Creative writing is a source of entry to both aesthetic and political positioning and, through these interfaces, memory, oblivion and the construction of the past are all mixed. Therefore, the practice of reading under this comprehension reframes the meaning of the present and advances another step towards literature as an undeniable and social fact and also as a fact that is at the same time individual and collective and that persists through time and through national culture.

L’architecture de grande hauteur à Paris (1893-1973) : débats et hypothèses autour d’une spécificité française / High-rise architecture in Paris (1893-1973) : debates and hypotheses of a French specificity

Gimbal, Julie 08 December 2018 (has links)
L’architecture de grande hauteur appelle un ensemble de mythologies urbaines et de constructions historiques qui, indéfiniment, valorisent sa charge symbolique ou débattent de sa définition, de son lieu de naissance et de sa place dans le cours de la modernité. Le gratte-ciel, la tour sont des objets de fascination souvent pris dans la trame de grands récits qui, en relevant les manifestations les plus éclatantes, omettent les traces mineures qui sont autant d’écho fondamentaux de l’émission et de la réception de l’architecture, susceptibles de rééquilibrer les discours. Grâce à un large corpus d’œuvres et de sources, ce travail de recherche a l’ambition de comprendre la situation idéologique et urbaine de l’architecture de grande hauteur à Paris, de son émergence dans l’opinion française en 1893 (exposition internationale de Chicago) à sa condamnation au début des années 1970, sous l’action de critères convergents : la circulaire du 21 mars 1973 d’Olivier Guichard (Tours et barres) et l’arrêt des tours proclamé un an plus tard par le président de la République Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. / High-rise architecture raises a whole set of urban mythologies and historical constructions that, indefinitely, value its symbolic dimensions or debate its definition, its place of birth and its place in modern times. The skyscraper, the tower are objects of fascination often taken in the frame of great narratives which, by noting the most striking manifestations, omit the minor traces which are so fundamental echoes of the emission and the reception of architecture, likely to rebalance the speeches. Thanks to a large body of works and sources, this research project aims to understand the ideological and urban situation of high-rise architecture in Paris, its emergence in the French opinion in 1893 (World Fair of Chicago) to its condemnation in the early 1970s, under the action of convergent criteria: Olivier Guichard's Circular of March 21, 1973 (Tours and Barres) and the stop of the towers proclaimed a year later by the president of the Republic Valéry Giscard d'Estaing.

Avaliação de um sistema industrial de resfriamento de água. / Evaluation of an industrial system of cooling water.

Eduardo Hiroshi Oikawa 19 March 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi estudado o desempenho de um sistema constituído de torres de resfriamento e a sua integração em uma planta industrial de hidrogenação de butadieno. Caracterizou-se o desempenho das torres de resfriamento com base em um modelo fenomenológico, cujos parâmetros foram obtidos a partir da medição de variáveis operacionais reais. O processo de hidrogenação foi configurado em um simulador de processos, sendo o caso base estabelecido nas condições de projeto. Elaborou-se um módulo específico referente às torres de resfriamento, que foi integrado ao processo configurado no simulador. Em seguida, analisaram-se as interações das condições operacionais da torre de resfriamento no desempenho do processo industrial. / In the present work, the performance of a system composed of a cooling tower integrated in butadiene hydrogenation plant was studied. An experimental investigation was made to characterize the cooling towers based on a phenomenological model and in real process conditions. The hydrogenation process was configured on a process simulator and design specifications were considered as base case. A cooling tower module was developed and integrated to the process simulator. The interaction of the cooling tower system and the plant operation was investigated.

Montagem e avaliação de uma torre de resfriamento para uso em atividades de ensino de graduação / Assembly and evaluation of a cooling tower for use in teaching undergraduate activities

Waki, Renata 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Roger Josef Zemp, Flavio Vasconcelos da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T20:37:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Waki_Renata_M.pdf: 3835384 bytes, checksum: c0857e96e600a266ca359e3df135543d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Esta dissertação descreve a montagem de um sistema de resfriamento deságua e as avaliações nele realizadas visando sua utilização para o ensino de sistemas de processos para alunos de graduação. O ensino de sistemas de processos restringe-se, normalmente, à modelagem e simulação computacional, sendo poucas as vezes que o aluno tem um contato com o processo real. Buscando contribuir para uma melhorar aprendizagem nesta área e aplicar conceitos teóricos na prática, estruturou-se o referido sistema. Este sistema foi construído em escala de planta-piloto e é formado pelos subsistemas trocador de calor e torre de resfriamento. Para medição das variáveis de processo, foi feita uma instrumentação industrial padrão nos subsistemas com sensores de temperatura, umidade, vazão e pressão diferencial. Estes instrumentos foram conectados a um módulo de aquisição e registro de variáveis (datalogger) que possui comunicação serial RS485 com protocolo MODBUS. O uso deste aparelho possibilita o envio dos parâmetros do processo a terminais de computadores para acompanhamento on-line ou para armazenamento e posteriores análises. Para melhor visualização do processo, foram feitas telas supervisórias utilizando-se para isso o software Indusoft Web Studio v6.1. Por fim, foram realizados testes no subsistema torre de resfriamento para verificação de seu funcionamento e correção dos erros encontrados. Neste projeto, foi desenvolvida também uma equação empírica para o cálculo direto da temperatura de bulbo úmido do ar, facilitando, assim, sua determinação principalmente quando se deseja fazer um monitoramento contínuo desta. / Abstract: This work describes proposal for complementing Process Systems Engineering (PSE) undergraduate learning. Traditional teaching of PSE is normally restricted to modeling and computer simulations, with very little contact with actual processes. We felt that applying theoretical concepts to practical problems would be very welcome by the students and improve their understanding of PSE. For this purpose we designed and built an experimental setup consisting of a process system (a heat exchanger) and a utility system (a cooling tower). A set of industrial-standard instrumentation was used for measuring process variables: flow, temperature, humidity and pressure drop sensors. All instruments are connected to an industrial data-logging device. The measured process parameters are sent from the datalogger to a computer using the MODBUS/RS485 standard, and displayed to the user as process flowsheets. The flowsheets and additional screens were developed using the industrial-standard supervisory control and data acquisition system InduSoft Web Studio v6.1. Data can be continuously monitored or stored in files for further off-line processing. Some tests were made on the cooling tower system to verify its behaviour and correct the problems found. In this work, it was also developed an empirical equation through which it is possible to calculate the air wet bulb temperature in a direct way. This is specially interesting in its continuous monitoring in a process. / Mestrado / Sistemas de Processos Quimicos e Informatica / Mestre em Engenharia Química

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