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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traceable Information Systems : Factors That Improve Traceability Between Information and Processes Over Time

Öberg, Lena-Maria January 2007 (has links)
Preservation of information is not a new issue but preservation of digital information has a relatively short history. Since the 60’s when computers began to be used within administration, digital information that has had to be preserved over time.The problem addressed in this research is how to preserve understandable information over time. Information is context dependent, which means that without context it is not possible to use the information. Process is one part of the context. And an important issue when preserving information is then to be able to trace an information object to the process where in it has been created and managed. Associating information to a particular process creates the possibility of relating information objects to each other and also to the context in which the information has been created and used. The aim of this thesis is to identify and structure factors that can improve the traceability between information and processes over time. A set of factors based on case studies and a set of analytical methods are presented that can improve the traceability over time. These factors have been identified and structured by the use of the Synergy-4 model. They have been identified within four different spheres namely: competence, management, organization/procedure and technology. The factors have further been structured in three different time states namely: creation time, short and middle term and long-term. The research concludes that there are a lot of factors influencing ability to preserve information. Preservation issues include selection of metadata standards, organizational culture, lack of understanding from management and formalization of documents. The conclusion is that if an organization wants to succeed in preserving traceable information they have to build strategies that cover the issues from a range of different angles. This thesis suggests that crucial angles are competence, management, organization/procedure and technology. Furthermore, the strategies must be in place at the stage of creationof the information objects.

Contribution à l’évaluation d'architectures en Ingénierie Système : application à la conception de systèmes mécatroniques / Contribution to systems architecture evaluation in System Engineering context applied to mechatronic systems

Lô, Mambaye 19 November 2013 (has links)
La conception d'un système complexe est une étape cruciale. Ce constat est particulièrement vrai dans le cadre de la conception de systèmes mécatroniques, multi technologies et nécessitant une approche pluridisciplinaire et collaborative. Nous nous plaçons ici dans le cadre de l'Ingénierie Système (IS) qui se focalise sur la définition des besoins et des exigences, la recherche de concepts, puis la définition d'architectures fonctionnelles et organiques d'un système. L'IS promeut pour cela un certain nombre de concepts, de processus et une démarche maintenant éprouvés en industrie, souvent normalisés tout en faisant l'objet de nombreux travaux de recherche. En particulier, nous nous intéressons ici à un processus dit support de l'IS, le processus d'évaluation. Nous nous focalisons particulièrement sur l'évaluation de l'efficacité puis la comparaison des différentes solutions d'architectures fonctionnelles et organiques d'un système mécatronique qui émergent invariablement de la conception. Le but de ce processus est de guider et d'aider au choix, parmi ces architectures candidates mais souvent incomplètes ou à tout le moins immatures en début de conception, d'une solution permettant de maximiser la satisfaction des besoins de toutes les parties prenantes du système. La mise en œuvre de cette évaluation se heurte à plusieurs difficultés. Tout d'abord, la vision consensuelle et unifiée de données, informations et connaissances mais aussi des activités proprement dites d'évaluation, ‘au-dessus' des métiers impliqués dans la conception, reste limitée. C'est un premier verrou traité dans ces travaux car son absence est ainsi un frein à l'évaluation objective et partagée d'une solution. Pour contribuer à cette vision consensuelle, il est proposé un modèle conceptuel des données de l'évaluation en ingénierie système. Ensuite, l'estimation des conséquences des choix tout au long d'une conception résolument itérative et qui procède donc à petits pas, le traitement d'objectifs multiples voire contradictoires et la prise en compte de l'incertitude propre à la conception sont autant de problèmes classiques en conception. C'est le verrou central sur lequel ce travail a porté. L'estimation des choix de conception est traitée d'abord par une formalisation des liens de traçabilité entre les exigences, fonctions et composants de la conception. Cette formalisation est un préalable à la détection et correction des incohérences des liens de traçabilité en vue de l'identification automatisée des impacts potentiels des choix d'élément d'architecture sur les différents critères de satisfaction du système à faire. Une articulation entre les modèles de comportement du système à faire et les modèles de décision est ensuite proposée pour agréger le degré de satisfaction des objectifs de la conception, et ainsi assurer la gestion des objectifs multiples voire opposés des parties prenantes. Des techniques d'évaluation qualitative sont enfin proposées afin de trier les alternatives de solution de conception selon leur degré de satisfaction en tenant compte du niveau de maturité croissant mais incertain de la solution. Enfin, on peut regretter le manque d'un environnement de travail permettant de modéliser le système et de procéder aux analyses et évaluations de la solution. Les deux contributions synthétisées ci-dessus ont donc fait l'objet d'une intégration dans un atelier d'IS existant, offrant ainsi un continuum entre activités de conception et activités d'évaluation. Le résultat est ainsi un guide méthodologie outillé pour l'évaluation de systèmes mécatroniques en conception. Mots clés : Ingénierie Système, conception, évaluation, système complexe, système mécatronique, solution d'architecture, traçabilité, analyse qualitative. / The design step of a complex system is crucial. This observation is particularly true, when considering mechatronic, multi-technological systems, which require a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach. Our work is based on the System Engineering (SE) framework, which focuses on the needs and requirements definition, the conceptual design, and the definition of functional and organic architectures of a system. For this purpose, SE promotes some concepts, processes, and an approach currently widely practiced in the Industry, and even standardized while being a much studied research topic. More precisely, we are interested in a so-called support process of SE, the evaluation process. We are focusing on the effectiveness evaluation and then on the comparison of different functional and organic architecture solutions of a mechatronic system, which emerge invariably from the design. The goal of this process in guiding and helping to choose a solution among candidate architectures, often incomplete or immature in preliminary design, allows maximizing the satisfaction of the systems' stakeholders needs. However, the implementation of this evaluation faces to many difficulties. The consensual and unified vision of data, information, knowledge, and evaluation activities, above specialized engineering teams involved in the design, is still limited. Indeed, the lack of this common vision limits the objective and shared evaluation of a given solution. This is a first problem that we are addressing in our work. To contribute to this common vision, a conceptual model of evaluation data in SE is proposed.Subsequently, the estimation of the choices made all along such an iterative design, and which therefore proceeds by small steps, the management of multiple objectives sometimes contradictory and the consideration of the uncertainty inherent to design are classic problems in design. This constitutes the main problem which our work is answering. The estimation of the consequences of design choices on the system performance is first addressed by a formalization of traceability links between the requirements, functions, and components of the design. This formalization is prior to the detection and correction of inconsistencies of traceability links, in order to automatically identify potential impacts of the architectures' elements choices on different satisfaction criteria of the System Of Interest (SOI). An articulation between the SOI behavioral models and decision models is afterwards proposed for aggregating the satisfaction level of the design objectives, and then ensure the management of multiple and even contradictory objectives of the designers. Qualitative evaluation techniques are finally proposed for sorting the alternative design solutions according to their satisfaction level while considering the increasing maturity level but uncertain of the solution.Lastly, we often denote the lack of integrated environment for modeling the system and proceeding to the analyses and evaluations. The two above synthesized contributions have been integrated into a SE framework, offering a continuum between design activities and evaluation ones. The result is thereby a methodological and tooled guide for mechatronic systems evaluation during design. Keywords: System Engineering, design, evaluation, complex systems, mechatronics, architecture solution, traceability, qualitative analysis.

Investigation of Resources Types for OSLC domains Targeting ISO 26262 : Focus on Knowledge Representation of the Right side of the ISO 26262 Software V-model

Padira, Kathyayani January 2016 (has links)
Context: ISO 26262 requires compilation of traceable work products across the application lifecycle as product based safety evidence. The compilation of such safety evidence is a time consuming and arduous task. Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an initiative that supports traceability through tool interoperability. The meta modelling of the ISO 26262 work products in the structure of Resource Description Framework (RDF) can be used for achieving interoperability. Thus, OSLC services used on the RDF exchanged between interoperating tools aids in an effective way of compiling the product based safety evidence for ISO 26262 safety case. Objectives: Representing the compilation of traceable work product types for the software testing and verification in ISO 26262, in form of a RDF-based conceptual meta-model. Testing and extending the concepts by instantiating the meta-model with work products to be represented in RDF for a case of a truck Electronic Control Unit (ECU) system. Lastly, validating the effectiveness of the conceptual meta-model for its compliance to ISO 26262. Methods: To realise the objectives, a case study was conducted at Scania CV AB, Södertälje, Sweden, a manufacturer of safety critical ECU systems used in heavy automobiles. The case study was conducted in three consecutive cycles. The first cycle of qualitative inductive content analysis of the ISO 26262 standard and its related document at the company for defining the conceptual meta model. The second cycle of qualitative deductive content analysis for testing, extending and refining the conceptual meta model. The last cycle of validating the effectiveness of the tested and extended conceptual meta model for compliance to ISO 26262. Results: The main result was the tested, extended and refined RDF based ISO 26262 conceptual meta model depicting traceable work product types for software testing and verification of a safety critical ECU system. The testing and extending of the conceptual meta model was performed with respect to the Main1 (M1) ECU system at Scania. The RDF was defined for the work products of M1 ECU system. Finally, the conceptual meta model was validated for its effectiveness in realising the criteria of abstraction, confirmability and traceability based on ISO 26262.  Conclusions: Thus, the RDF-based conceptual meta-model depicting product based safety evidence provides a structure for realising the traceability required for compiling the software testing and verification part of ISO 26262 safety case. The meta model was tested by defining the RDF for the work products of a truck ECU system that would be exchanged for achieving interoperability. Finally, the conceptual meta-model was validated for representing the knowledge required for showing traceable product based safety evidence for ISO 26262 safety case. / ESPRESSO, Scania CV AB, Södertälje / Gen&ReUsableSafety

Value of animal traceability systems in managing a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in southwest Kansas

Pendell, Dustin Lester January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agricultural Economics / Ted C. Schroeder / Concerns regarding management of animal disease and related perceptions about food safety have escalated substantially in recent years. Terrorist attacks of September 2001, discovery of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in a dairy cow in December 2003 in Washington state and subsequent discoveries of BSE infected animals in Texas in 2005 and Alabama in 2006, and recent worldwide outbreaks of highly contagious animal diseases (i.e., Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Avian Influenza A (H5N1)) have made apparent the need for animal traceability in U.S. livestock production and marketing. In addition, animal identification and trace-back systems are rapidly developing throughout the world increasing international trading standards. In recent years, increasing numbers of economic analyses of animal diseases have integrated epidemiological models into economic frameworks. However, there are only a few studies that have used this integrated framework to analyze the effects of animal traceability on highly contagious animal diseases. This study’s goal is to quantify and evaluate the economic impacts of different depths of animal identification/trace-back systems in the event of a hypothetical highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease outbreak that poses a threat to U.S. livestock competitiveness. Specifically, an epidemiological disease spread model is used to evaluate the impact of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in southwest Kansas. The information obtained from the disease spread model is then used in conjunction with an economic model to determine the changes in welfare of producers and consumers. Results obtained from the epidemiological model indicate that as the depth of animal identification in cattle is increased, the number of animals destroyed is reduced as are the associated costs. Also, the length of the outbreak is reduced by approximately two weeks. The economic results suggest that as surveillance is increased, decreases in producer and consumer welfare are smaller. Furthermore, as surveillance is increased, decreases in producer and consumer surplus measures can be reduced by approximately 60 percent.

The adoption of good manufacturing practices in grain elevators

Velasquez, Sarah Elspeth January 1900 (has links)
Master of Agribusiness / Department of Agricultural Economics / Michael R. Langemeier / With increased focus on food safety and protection, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has examined the possibility of removing the exemption for elevators pertaining to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). The objective of this thesis was to determine the extent to which Kansas Elevators have adopted GMPs. To accomplish the objective of this thesis, information from an online survey completed by 42 elevators was summarized and analyzed. The information that was collected focused on the general classification of the elevators, grain safety programs, pest control programs and procedures, operational methods and personal practices, and maintenance of the facilities and equipment. Correlation coefficients were computed to determine if there were any significant correlations between elevator characteristics and GMPs. The study found that many of the elevators surveyed do not comply with the GMP requirements, and would require more resources in order to do so. Little connection was made between classification information such as size, location, or number of employees and GMP implementation. The significant correlations found were between HACCP and Pest Management, and HACCP and Traceability. The main limitation of this thesis was the small number of survey participants.


BIANCA DE SOUZA ROSSINI MARQUES 07 January 2011 (has links)
[pt] A condutividade eletrolítica é a capacidade de medir o transporte de íons de uma solução. A rastreabilidade é o pré-requisito para a comparabilidade e a uniformidade das medições. No caso das medições de condutividade eletrolítica em soluções, a rastreabilidade é obtida por um sistema primário de condutividade que dará origem aos materiais de referência certificados (MRC) primários. Os MRC são usados para o controle e garantia da qualidade de resultados analíticos, além disso, são essenciais para calibração de instrumentos assegurando a rastreabilidade e confiabilidade dos resultados. A principal motivação para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho é a carência de MRC de baixa condutividade eletrolítica primário devido a sua relevância no controle da pureza da água, matéria-prima para a produção de medicamentos e vacina, além da qualidade do álcool combustível. O objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver e certificar um material de referência primário de condutividade eletrolítica de valor nominal de 5 uS.cm(-1) a 25 °C, produzida a partir do sal KCl em 30% (m/m) de 1-propanol. Os estudos de homogeneidade, caracterização e estabilidade, foram realizados de acordo com as Normas ISO série 30. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos de certificação da solução de condutividade eletrolítica, com sua respectiva incerteza expandida foram (5,00 +- 0,16) uS.cm(-1) a 25 °C, com k = 2, para um nível de confiança de aproximadamente 95%. A certificação deste material de referência primário contribuirá para a qualidade das medições de condutividade eletrolítica realizadas nos laboratórios do Brasil, o qual irá garantir a rastreabilidade metrológica dos resultados das medições, principalmente no monitoramento da pureza da água e da qualidade do álcool combustível. / [en] Certified Reference Material (CRM) is a reference material, accompanied by documentation issued by an authoritative body and providing one or more specified property values with associated uncertainties and traceabilities, using valid procedures. The CRM are used for control and quality assurances of analytical results also are essential to calibrate instruments ensuring the traceability and reliability of results. Electrolytic conductivity is known as the ability of a solution to conduct electrical current. Traceability is a prerequisite for comparability and uniformity of measurements. In the case of electrolytic conductivity measurements on solutions, traceability is obtained through a primary system of conductivity that would lead to the CRM primary electrolytic conductivity. The CRM developed is low conductivity due to its importance in controlling the purity of water, raw material for production of medicines and vaccine, along with analysis of fuel ethanol. The studies of homogeneity, characterization and stability were carried out for CRM 5 uS.cm(-1) nominal value according to ISO 30 series. The result of studies of certification of the solution of electrolyte conductivity with its corresponding expanded uncertainty, with k = 2 for a confidence level (CL) of approximately 95% was (5.00 +- 0.16) uS.cm(-1) to 25 °C. The development and certification of primary reference material will contribute to the quality of the results of electrolytic conductivity measurements performed in various laboratories in Brazil and South America, which will guarantee the traceability and reliability of measurement results, especially when is related to monitoring purity of water and analysis of fuel ethanol.


LUCAS PINTO TEIXEIRA 07 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente, sistemas de visão computacional em computadores portáteis estão se tornando uma importante ferramenta de uso pessoal. Sistemas de visão para localização de objetos é uma área de pesquisa muito ativa. Essa dissertação propõe um algoritmo para localizar posições no espaço e objetos em ambientes não instrumentados com o uso de uma câmera web e um computador pessoal. Para isso, são usados dois algoritmos de rastreamento de marcadores para reinicializar frequentemente um algoritmo de Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping. Essa dissertação também apresenta uma implementação e um conjunto de testes para validar o algoritmo proposto. / [en] Nowadays, vision systems in portable computers are becoming an important tool for personal use. Vision systems for object localization are an active area of research. This dissertation proposes an algorithm to locate position and objects in a regular environment with the use of a simple webcam and a personal computer. To that end, we use two algorithms of marker tracking to reboot often a Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping algorithm. This dissertation also presents an implementation and a set of tests that validate the proposed algorithm.

Uma abordagem para representação de resultados formais na UML / An approach for representing formal results in the UML

Vinícius Pereira 05 June 2017 (has links)
A UML é uma notação gráfica utilizada na modelagem de sistemas orientados a objetos, em diferentes domínios da computação. Por ser simples de utilizar, em relação a outras formas de modelagem, a UML é amplamente difundida entre os desenvolvedores de software, tanto na academia quanto na indústria. Entre as suas vantagens, encontram-se: (i) a representação visual das relações entre classes e entidades, pois ao se utilizar de diagramas, a UML facilita o entendimento e a visualização das relações dentro do sistema modelado; (ii) a legibilidade e usabilidade, sem que seja necessário a leitura do código do sistema, uma vez que um desenvolvedor pode compreender quais partes do código são redundantes ou reutilizadas; e (iii) uma ferramenta de planejamento, ao auxiliar na definição do que deve ser feito, antes que a implementação comece de fato, além de poder produzir código e reduzir o tempo de desenvolvimento. Todavia, a UML possui desvantagens, tais como: (i) ambiguidade entre elementos UML diferentes, devido a sobreposição dos diagramas; e (ii) falta de uma semântica clara, o qual geralmente faz com que a semântica da linguagem de programação seja adotada. Para mitigar essas desvantagens, pesquisadores buscam atribuir uma semântica formal à UML. Esse tipo de semântica é encontrado em modelos formais, onde o sistema modelado é livre de ambiguidades e possui uma semântica clara e precisa. Por sua vez, os modelos formais não são simples de serem criados e compreendidos por desenvolvedores. O grau de conhecimento em formalismo necessário para utilizar tal modelo é alto, o que faz com que seu uso seja menos difundido, comparado com a notação gráfica não formal da UML. Apesar dos esforços dos pesquisadores, as técnicas de formalização semântica da UML apresentam, no geral, um problema pouco abordado: apesar de utilizar a UML para modelar o sistema, o artefato final dessas técnicas é um trace formal. Considerando o conhecimento comum de um desenvolvedor de software, esse trace dificulta a análise dos problemas, encontrados pelos model checkers, e a correção dos mesmos no modelo UML. Com o objetivo de auxiliar o desenvolvedor na compreensão dos resultados formais (o trace citado), esta tese de doutorado apresenta uma abordagem baseada em Model-driven Architecture (MDA) capaz de representar as informações dos resultados formais dentro de um modelo UML. Por meio de transformações do modelo UML, essas representações, definidas utilizando a abordagem, auxiliam o desenvolvedor a visualizar o fluxo de execução do model checker dentro do modelo UML. Assim, acredita-se que as vantagens obtidas pela formalização semântica da UML podem ser mais difundidas e utilizadas pelos desenvolvedores, principalmente na indústria. / UML is a graphical notation used for modeling object-oriented software systems in different domains in computer science. Being simple to use, compared to other modeling techniques, UML is widespread among software developers, both in academia and industry. Among its advantages are: (i) the visual representation of the relationships between classes and entities, as when using diagrams, UML facilitates understanding and visualization of relationships within the modeled system; (ii) readability and usability without having to read the system code, since a developer can understand which parts of the code are redundant or reusable; and (iii) a planning tool, helping to define what needs to be done before the implementation actually begins, as well as being able to produce code and reduce development time. However, the UML also has disadvantages, such as: (i) ambiguity between different UML elements due to overlapping diagrams; and (ii) lack of clear semantics, which generally causes the semantics of the programming language to be adopted. To mitigate these disadvantages, researchers seek to assign a formal semantics to the UML. This type of semantics is found in formal models, where the modeled system is free of ambiguity and has a clear and precise semantics. On the other hand, formal models are not simple to create and understand by developers. The degree of formalism knowledge required to use such a model is high, which makes their use less widespread, compared to UML non-formal graphical notation. Despite the researchers efforts, in general the techniques that formalize the UML semantics has a problem that is forgotten: although using the UML to model the system, the final artifact of these techniques is a formal trace. Considering the common knowledge of a software developer, this trace makes it difficult to analyze the problems encountered by model checkers and to correct them in the UML model. In order to assist the developer in understanding the formal results (the trace above), this thesis presents an approach based on Model-driven Architecture (MDA) capable of representing the information of the formal results in the UML model. Through UML model transformations, these representations, set using the approach, help the developer to visualize the execution flow of the model checker within the UML model. Thus, we believe that the advantages obtained by formalizing the UML semantics may be more widespread and used by developers, especially in industry.

Traceability Links Recovery among Requirements and BPMN models

Lapeña Martí, Raúl 02 September 2020 (has links)
[EN] Throughout the pages of this document, I present the results of the research that was carried out in the context of my PhD studies. During the aforementioned research, I studied the process of Traceability Links Recovery between natural language requirements and industrial software models. More precisely, due to their popularity and extensive usage, I studied the process of Traceability Links Recovery between natural language requirements and Business Process Models, also known as BPMN models. In order to carry out the research, I focused my work on two main objectives: (1) the development of the Traceability Links Recovery techniques between natural language requirements and BPMN models, and (2) the validation and analysis of the results obtained by the developed techniques in industrial domain case studies. The results of the research have been redacted and published in forums, conferences, and journals specialized in the topics and context of the research. This thesis document introduces the topics, context, and objectives of the research, presents the academic publications that have been published as a result of the work, and then discusses the outcomes of the investigation. / [ES] A través de las páginas de este documento, presento los resultados de la investigación realizada en el contexto de mis estudios de doctorado. Durante la investigación, he estudiado el proceso de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y modelos de software industriales. Más concretamente, debido a su popularidad y uso extensivo, he estudiado el proceso de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y Modelos de Procesos de Negocio, también conocidos como modelos BPMN. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, mi trabajo se ha centrado en dos objetivos principales: (1) desarrollo de técnicas de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y modelos BPMN, y (2) validación y análisis de los resultados obtenidos por las técnicas desarrolladas en casos de estudio de dominios industriales. Los resultados de la investigación han sido redactados y publicados en foros, conferencias y revistas especializadas en los temas y contexto de la investigación. Esta tesis introduce los temas, contexto y objetivos de la investigación, presenta las publicaciones académicas que han sido publicadas como resultado del trabajo, y expone los resultados de la investigación. / [CA] A través de les pàgines d'aquest document, presente els resultats de la investigació realitzada en el context dels meus estudis de doctorat. Durant la investigació, he estudiat el procés de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i models de programari industrials. Més concretament, a causa de la seua popularitat i ús extensiu, he estudiat el procés de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i Models de Processos de Negoci, també coneguts com a models BPMN. Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, el meu treball s'ha centrat en dos objectius principals: (1) desenvolupament de tècniques de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i models BPMN, i (2) validació i anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts per les tècniques desenvolupades en casos d'estudi de dominis industrials. Els resultats de la investigació han sigut redactats i publicats en fòrums, conferències i revistes especialitzades en els temes i context de la investigació. Aquesta tesi introdueix els temes, context i objectius de la investigació, presenta les publicacions acadèmiques que han sigut publicades com a resultat del treball, i exposa els resultats de la investigació. / Lapeña Martí, R. (2020). Traceability Links Recovery among Requirements and BPMN models [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/149391 / TESIS

Traceability of hides and skins: from field to leather

Poncet, T., Vigier, Cédric 28 June 2019 (has links)
Content: Quality of leather is deeply dependant on the origin of the livestock including breeding, transportation and slaughter. Ten years ago, the French leather industry have commissioned CTC, the French Leather, leather goods and footwear research centre to improve the quality of hides and skins. In order to improve raw material, a unitary link is required between the quality of leather and its origin that is to say the raw material. This was the beginning of a huge project: traceability of hides and skins through the supply chain, from breeding to wet-blue (and even leather). Data is captured from the animal’s ear tag at the point of slaughter which is then transfer on to a paper bar code. Hides and skins traders will then transfer definitively the code from the paper tag to the hides or skins thanks to an automatic high-pressure CO2 marking device on the hair side of the fresh or salted hide in the neck region. That unitary traceability is resistant to water, acid, alcalis, grease, solvents but also mechanical impacts such as splitting, shaving and even buffing. It is visible throughout all the process and fast enough. Once the permanent number code has been added, it can be visually or automatically read throughout the subsequent tanning process steps. The automatic code reader takes the algorithm of the number and the data is collected by mean of artificial intelligence. This technology has been implemented by several abattoirs, trader and tanners. Traceability is the essential tool for quality management throughout the supply chain. It helps the identification of the origin of defects for improvement and provides the origin of grade 1 hides and skins. This realistic industrial solution is a major issue for the leather industry whether it is for the improvement of quality or mastery of the supply chain and sustainability. Take-Away: In order to improve the quality of raw material, a unitary link is required between the quality of leather and its origin that is to say the raw material. This is the objective of that project: traceability of hides and skins through the supply chain, from breeding to wet-blue (and even leather) thanks to CO2 laser marquing.

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