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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detection of annual rings in wood

Jonsson, Christian January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report describes an annual line detection algorithm for the WoodEye quality control system. The goal with the algorithm is to find the positions of annual lines on the four surfaces of a board. The purpose is to use this result to find the inner annual ring structure of the board. The work was done using image processing techniques to analyze images collected with WoodEye. The report gives the reader an insight in the requirements of quality control systems in the woodworking industry and the benefits of automated quality control versus manual inspection. The appearance and formation of annual lines are explained on a detailed level to provide insight on how the problem should be approached. A comparison between annual rings and fingerprints are made to see if ideas from this area of pattern recognition can be adapted to annual line detection. This comparison together with a study of existing methods led to the implementation of a fingerprint enhancement method. This method became a central part of the annual line detection algorithm. The annual line detection algorithm consists of two main steps; enhancing the edges of the annual rings, and tracking along the edges to form lines. Different solutions for components of the algorithm were tested to compare performance. The final algorithm was tested with different input images to find if the annual line detection algorithm works best with images from a grayscale or an RGB camera.</p>

Robust Explicit Construction of 3D Configuration Spaces Using Controlled Linear Perturbation

Trac, Steven Cy 19 December 2008 (has links)
We present robust explicit construction of 3D configuration spaces using controlled linear perturbation. The input is two planar parts: a fixed set and a moving set, where each set is bounded by circle segments. The configuration space is the three-dimensional space of Euclidean transformation (translations plus rotations) of the moving set relative to the fixed set. The goal of constructing the 3D configuration space is to determine the boundary representation of the free space where the intersection of the moving set and fixed set is empty. To construct the configuration space, we use the controlled linear perturbation algorithm. The controlled linear perturbation algorithm assigns function signs that are correct for a nearly minimal input perturbation. The output of the algorithm is a consistent set of function signs. This approach is algorithm-independent, and the overhead over traditional floating point methods is reasonable. If the fixed and moving sets are computer representations of physical objects, then computing the configuration space greatly aids in many computational geometry problems. The main focus of computing the configuration space is for the path planning problem. We must find if a path exists from the start to the goal, where the fixed set is the obstacle, and the moving set is the object trying to reach the goal.

Hydrogéologie d'un aquifère karstique des calcaires carbonifères (Néblon-Anthisnes, Belgique): Apport des traçages à la connaissance des milieux fissurés et karstifiés.

Meus, Philippe 30 April 1993 (has links)
Cette thèse est avant tout consacrée à létude des circulations karstiques dans les calcaires carbonifères du Sud de la Belgique. Son objectif est double : dune part, approfondir la connaissance de laquifère à partir de létude dune région limitée située dans le Condroz à lextrémité Est du synclinorium de Dinant (bassins dAnthisnes et du Néblon), dautre part mettre au point des méthodes de mise en uvre et dinterprétation des traçages permettant de caractériser le comportement de laquifère lié à sa « double perméabilité ». Dans ce but, plusieurs aquifères fissurés ou karstiques sont comparés. Lintroduction générale présente une synthèse des conceptions actuellement utilisées en hydrogéologie karstique et définit le calcaire carbonifère en tant quaquifère (intérêt économique, particularités du fonctionnement) dans le contexte plus général des aquifères carbonatés du sud de la Belgique. La première partie est consacrée à létude de la structure (approche structurelle) et du fonctionnement (approche systémique) de deux systèmes karstiques drainant la même nappe dans les calcaires du Tournaisien et du Viséen : le bassin dAnthisnes, dont lexutoire est la résurgence de Comblain-au-Pont, et le bassin du Néblon drainé par les sources du Néblon. Les structures de ces deux systèmes sont comparées à laide de diverses méthodes géophysiques (électriques, électromagnétiques, diagraphiques) et à partir des observations en surface (fissuration, linéaments). Les différences de comportement sont liées au développement de la karstification. Elles apparaissent de manière très nette en considérant les réponses naturelles (hydrodynamique, hydrogéochimie) et provoquées (traçages). Dans la seconde partie, une série de tests en écoulement naturel et en écoulement radial convergent permettent détudier les propriétés de transport des traceurs au sein de différents aquifères fissurés et karstiques et de dégager des tendances liées à la structure du milieu. Trois types daquifère sont envisagés : les calcaires dévoniens et carbonifères (aquifère principalement à porosité dinterstice). Un examen critique des lois découlement et de transport utilisées, ainsi que des différents types de traçage et types de traceur, est effectué au préalable. Plusieurs solutions analytiques sont envisagées pour déterminer les paramètres hydrodispersifs des aquifères. Les dispersivités longitudinales des calcaires sont comprises entre 10 et 100m ; celles des craies entre 2 et 14m et celles des tuffeaux entre 2 et 5m. ABSTRACT. The actual scope of this research is to study the karstic groundwaters in the carboniferous limestones south of Belgium. The study deals with two different approaches, one in a local framework, the other thematic. On the one hand, two karstic systems are described in the synclinorium of Dinant in the Condroz region (Anthisnes and Neblon basins). On the other hand, a methodology of tracer tests, and their interpretation as well, are developed in order to understand groundwater flows related to the dual permeability of the aquifer. As a comparison, the tracer study is enlarged to other karstic and fissured aquifers. The introduction deals with some general features about karst hydrogeology. The carboniferous limestones and their economic interest are presented in the regional framework of all the carbonated rocks in south Belgium. The two karstic systems described in the first part belong to the same water table in the Tournaisian and Visean beds. Their structure is studied by mean of geophysical prospecting (electric, electromagnetic, well logging) and fissuration measurements. The mechanisms of groundwater circulations are then studied by using undirect investigations such as hydrodynamical, hydrogeochemical or tracing investigations. These methods are applied to the main springs of each system: the spring of Comblain-au-Pont (Anthisnes basin) and the springs of the Neblon (Neblon basin). The behaviour of each system is related to its stage of karstification. The second part deals with tracer tests in natural and radially convergent flow pattern. The aim is to distinguish among the features of the tracer curves those due particularly to the structure of the fissured network of the aquifer. Three different kinds of aquifer are studied: the Devonian and carboniferous limestones (both fissured and karstic), the cretaceous chalks (mainly fissured), and the landenian tuffaceous sands (mainly porous). After describing the theory of groundwater flow and transport in fissured media, we justify the use of different tracers and tracing methods. Afterwards different mathematical models are used to calibrate the dispersion parameters. The longitudinal dispersivities are ranging between 10 and 100m in the limestones, between 2 and 14m in the chalk and between 2 and 5m in the landenian sands.

Innovative Ray Tracing Algorithms for Space Thermal Analysis

Vueghs, Pierre 09 March 2009 (has links)
Pour mettre au point le système de contrôle thermique dun engin spatial (satellite, sonde ou véhicule habité), lingénieur thermicien utilise des logiciels adaptés, tels quESARAD et ESATAN, commercialisés par ALSTOM. Comme la composante radiative peut jouer un rôle prédominant, les logiciels utilisés contiennent fréquemment un algorithme de lancer de rayons pour calculer les facteurs de vue et facteurs déchange radiatif entre des surfaces de dimensions finies, supposées isothermes. Les flux externes (solaires, albédo et infrarouge terrestres) sont également calculés par lancer de rayons. Enfin, les couplages conductifs sont habituellement encodés manuellement par lutilisateur. Comme le lancer de rayons est basé sur un processus aléatoire, la précision atteinte est déterminée par le nombre de rayons lancés. En général, le choix de ce nombre de rayons est laissé à la discrétion de lingénieur, ce qui peut conduire à des erreurs. Un autre inconvénient du lancer de rayons est sa faible convergence. Une méthode daccélération du lancer de rayons est nécessaire. Dans le cadre de la thèse, nous avons développé une méthode de lancer de rayons plus performante, que nous avons appelée hémisphère stratifié, caractérisée par une meilleure convergence. Un contrôle statistique derreur a été développé : lutilisateur spécifie la précision souhaitée (définie par une erreur relative maximale et un intervalle de confiance) et lalgorithme adapte automatiquement le nombre de rayons en fonction de la configuration géométrique. Sur base de cette erreur géométrique, un système déquations adjointes est utilisé pour obtenir une erreur énergétique, caractérisant les transferts de chaleur entre les surfaces. Lhémisphère stratifié est étendu de manière à inclure des fonctions de réflexion plus complexes. Lapplication des relations de réciprocité et de fermeture est également considérée. La méthode matricielle de Gebhart, qui permet de dériver les facteurs déchange radiatifs des facteurs de vue, est étendue de manière à inclure des surfaces non-diffuses et non-isothermes. Pour accélérer le lancer de rayons, les intersections rayons-surfaces ont été soigneusement étudiées. Nous avons également développé une méthode qui combine les primitives géométriques avec des maillages éléments finis. La représentation tri-dimensionnelle du modèle géométrique est plus adaptée au calcul de la composante radiative du transfert thermique tandis que les maillages éléments finis sont plus adaptés au calcul de la conduction. Cette méthode fournit également une accélération du lancer de rayons. De plus, le lancer de rayons est effectué sur la géométrie exacte, ce qui est nécessaire si des réflexions spéculaires sont modélisées. Nous expliquons comment le lancer de rayons peut être effectué sur la géométrie exacte et comment les facteurs de vue résultants peuvent être projetés sur les éléments finis. Nous définissons la notion de facteur de vue élément fini en calculant les facteurs de vue aux noeuds et en les interpolant sur lélément fini au moyen des fonctions de forme. Ces facteurs de vue élément fini sont utilisés pour lier radiativement les noeuds du modèle. Comme le champ de température est projeté sur les fonctions de forme, nous obtenons des éléments non-isothermes, contrairement aux résultats de la méthode Thermal Lumped Parameter (différences finies) utilisée habituellement en thermique spatiale. Les liens conductifs sont calculés automatiquement sur base du maillage éléments finis. Toutes ces améliorations résultent dans un algorithme plus rapide que le programme de référence ESARAD (pour une précision équivalente) et qui fonctionne avec un petit nombre de paramètres définis par lutilisateur. Pour valider lalgorithme proposé, le modèle du vaisseau XEUS, de lESA, a été implémenté. Des comparaisons ont été effectuées avec ESARAD et le code éléments finis SAMCEF.

Physical modelling of acoustic shallow-water communication channels

Svensson, Elin January 2007 (has links)
Akustiska kanaler för undervattenskommunikation är flervägskanaler där ljudet reflekteras från havets yta och botten och bryts vid ljudhastighetsförändringar. I grunt vatten är impulssvaret långt jämfört med symbolernas tidslängd i ett utskickat meddelande. Detta orsakar intersymbolinterferens, vilket gör det svårt att återskapa meddelandet. Denna avhandling behandlar fysikalisk modellering av kommunikationskanalen. Sådan modellering kan öka insikten om de svårigheter som finns vid design av kommunikationssystem och kan vara till hjälp vid utveckling av lämpliga modulationstekniker och avkodningsalgoritmer. Ljudutbredningen simuleras med en strålgångsmetod med reflektionskoefficienter beräknade för plana vågor. I artikel 4 och 5 utvidgas modellen till en algoritm för gaussisk strålsummation. De viktigaste vetenskapliga bidragen är följande. Artikel 1: Aktuell kunskap om impulssvaret hos kommunikationskanalen gör det betydligt lättare att tolka det mottagna meddelandet. I denna artikel studeras tidsvariabiliteten hos impulssvaret i termer av bitfelssannolikhet när ett gammalt impulssvar används för kanalutjämning. Tidsvariabiliteten visar sig variera avsevärt med mottagarpositionen, inte bara när det gäller avståndet till sändaren, utan även när det gäller placeringen i djupled. Artikel 2: En hybridmetod presenteras, där strålgång i ett avståndsberoende medium kombineras med lokal fullfältsmodellering av interaktionen med havsbottnen. Metoden används för simuleringar av akustisk kommunikation i grunt vatten. Artikel 3: För att kunna göra tillförlitliga simuleringar av ljudutbredning behöver man god kunskap om mediets ljudhastighetsprofil --- information som inte alltid är tillgänglig. I denna artikel används den hybrida strålgångsmetoden från artikel 2 för att skatta ljudhastighetsprofilen från kommunikationsdata. Miljöparametrarna som beräknats genom inversionen minskar avvikelsen mellan simulerade och observerade skattningar av impulssvaret jämfört med avvikelsen då en uppmätt, två dagar gammal ljudhastighetsprofil används vid simuleringen. Miljömodellen används också för en genomgång av alternativa käll- och mottagarpositioner. Artikel 4: Gaussisk strålsummation är en vågutbredningsmodell som liknar strålgång men kan ge korrekta resultat i strålgångens singulära områden, som skuggzoner och kaustikor. I denna artikel diskuteras hur några olika val av den komplexa strålparametern $\epsilon$ fungerar i grunda vågledare. Bäst resultat erhålls om man väljer $\epsilon$ så att strålen blir smal i punkten närmast mottagaren och får en plan vågfront där. Artikel 5: En adaptiv metod för gaussisk strålsummation i grunda vågledare presenteras. Algoritmen ger en noggrannhet som är bättre än eller minst lika bra som strålgångens, även i grunda vågledare med en starkt djupberoende ljudhastighet. / Acoustic underwater communication channels are multipath channels where sound is reflected from the surface and the bottom of the sea and refracted by sound speed variations. In shallow water, the impulse response is typically long compared to the time length of the symbols in a transmitted message. This causes inter-symbol interference, which makes the message difficult to decode. This thesis deals with physical modelling of the communication channel. Such modelling can provide insight into the difficulties of communication system design and may serve as an aid in the development of appropriate modulation techniques and decoding algorithms. The sound propagation is simulated by a ray tracing method with plane-wave reflection coefficients, in papers 4 and 5 expanded to a Gaussian beam summation algorithm. The main scientific contributions are the following. Paper 1: Up-to-date knowledge of the impulse response of the communication channel considerably simplifies the extraction of information from a detected signal. In this paper the time variability of the impulse response is studied in terms of the bit-error rate, when an old impulse response is used for channel equalisation. The time variability is found to vary significantly with the receiver position, not only in range, but also in depth. Paper 2: A hybrid raytrace method is presented, combining ray tracing in a range-dependent water column with local full-field modelling of the seabed interaction. The method is applied to simulations of acoustic communication in shallow water. Paper 3: To be able to make reliable simulations of sound propagation, one needs to know, quite accurately, the sound speed profile of the medium --- information which is not always available. In this paper the hybrid raytrace method from paper 2 is used to estimate the sound speed profile from communication data. The environmental model obtained by the inversion reduces the mismatch between the modelled and the observed impulse response estimates, compared to the mismatch with a two-days-old sound speed profile. The model is also used to investigate alternative source-receiver configurations. Paper 4: Gaussian beam summation is a wave propagation model similar to ray tracing, which can yield correct results in singular regions like shadow zones and caustic points. In this paper some different choices of the complex beam parameter $\epsilon$ are discussed for shallow waveguides. Best results are observed when $\epsilon$ is chosen so that each beam is narrow at the point where it is closest to the receiver and has a plane wavefront there. Paper 5: An adaptive method for Gaussian beam summation in shallow waveguides is presented. The algorithm yields better or at least as good accuracy as ray tracing, even in shallow waveguides with a strongly depth-dependent sound speed profile. / QC 20100819

Increasing motivation by adapting intelligent tutoring instruction to learner achievement goals

Lockhart, Tony F. 05 April 2011 (has links)
The impact of affect on learning and performance has caused many researchers in the field of cognitive psychology to acknowledge the value of motivationally supportive instruction. Goal orientation, which refers to the perceptions and behaviors of the learner in achievement situations, has been the most predominant theory in learning motivation. However, research suggests multiple components are responsible for affecting student cognitive engagement. The traditional framework distinguishes individuals who are self-motivated to master challenging tasks from those who are motivated to earn favorable judgments of performance as intrinsic and extrinsic learners, respectively. In addition, learners may be further categorized by an eagerness to ensure a positive outcome or by their vigilance in avoiding negative outcomes. As such, my research explores how these motivational categories can be utilized to construct a more robust instructional model. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of adaptive remediation strategies on motivation and learning performance. Research suggests the cost of integrating cognitive tasks with error analysis outweigh the benefits of sparse learning gains. However, further investigation is required to understand how feedback can improve these outcomes. The experiment presented here seeks to evaluate the adaptive instruction of two pedagogical agents embedded within two separate versions of the Virtual BNI Trainer. The basic coach uses a model of the learner's experience level to determine an appropriate level of elaboration required during remediation. In contrast, the motivationally enhanced coach uses a model of the learner's goal orientation to construct feedback that appeals to their natural disposition. A controlled experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of adaptive instruction on student self-efficacy, engagement, and learning performance in the Virtual BNI Training Environment. The results of this experiment are used to establish guidelines for integrating goal orientation, error analysis, and feedback within a virtual coach, to improve motivation and learning performance. In addition, these findings also indicate areas for future research.

3. Workshop "Meßtechnik für stationäre und transiente Mehrphasenströmungen", 14. Oktober 1999 in Rossendorf

Prasser, Horst-Michael 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Am 14. Oktober 1999 wurde in Rossendorf die dritte Veranstaltung in einer Serie von Workshops über Meßtechnik für stationäre und transiente Mehrphasenströmungen durchgeführt. Dieses Jahr kann auf auf 11 interessante Vorträge zurückgeblickt werden. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die beiden Hauptvorträge, die von Herrn Professor Hetsroni aus Haifa und Herrn Dr. Sengpiel aus Karlsruhe gehalten wurden. Erneut lag ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt auf Meßverfahren, die räumliche Verteilungen von Phasenanteilen und Geschwindigkeiten sowie die Größe von Partikeln bzw. Blasen der dispersen Phase zugänglich machen. So wurde über einen dreidimensional arbeitenden Röntgentomographen, ein Verfahren zur Messung von Geschwindigkeitsprofilen mit Gittersensoren und eine Methode zur simultanen Messung von Blasengrößen sowie Feldern von Gas- und Flüssigkeitsgeschwindigkeit mit einer optischen Partikelverfolgungstechnik vorgetragen. Daneben wurden interessante Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der lokalen Sonden vorgestellt, wie z.B. eine Elektrodiffusionssonde. Neue meßtechnische Ansätze waren ebenfalls vertreten; hervorzuheben ist der Versuch, die Methode der optischen Tomographie für die Untersuchung von Zweiphasenströmungen nutzbar zu machen. Der Tagungsband enthält die folgenden Beiträge: S. John, R. Wilfer, N. Räbiger, Universität Bremen, Messung hydrodynamischer Parameter in Mehrphasenströmungen bei hohen Dispersphasengehalten mit Hilfe der Elektrodiffusionsmeßtechnik E. Krepper, A. Aszodi, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Temperatur- und Dampfgehaltsverteilungen bei Sieden in seitlich beheizten Tanks D. Hoppe, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Ein akustisches Resonanzverfahren zur Klassifizierung von Füllständen W. Sengpiel, V. Heinzel, M. Simon, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Messungen der Eigenschaften von kontinuierlicher und disperser Phase in Luft-Wasser-Blasenströmungen R. Eschrich, VDI, Die Probestromentnahme zur Bestimmung der dispersen Phase einer Zweiphasenströmung U. Hampel, TU Dresden, Optische Tomographie O. Borchers, C. Busch, G. Eigenberger, Universität Stuttgart, Analyse der Hydrodynamik in Blasenströmungen mit einer Bildverarbeitungsmethode C. Zippe, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Beobachtung der Wechselwirkung von Blasen mit Gittersensoren mit einer Hochgeschwindigkeits-Videokamera H.-M. Prasser, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Geschwindigkeits- und Durchflußmessung mit Gittersensoren

Design of simulation platform joigning site specific radio propagation and human mobility for localization applications

Amiot, Nicolas 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the development of tools and methods dedicated for ultra wide band (UWB) localization systems in indoor environment. The thesis work was conducted within the European FP7 project Where2, about the cooperative localization in cellular networks. Data from a measurement campaign conduct during the project are used to validate the proposed algorithms. This thesis is divided in four parts : The first part is focused on the description of an original raytraing tool based on a graph description. In order to be compliant with the requirement of a mobile simulation, a new concept of rays signature enabling incremental computation, and a vectorized formalism for processing rays are described and implemented. The second part is focused on the indoor localization techniques, where a novel technique based on interval analysis approaches is presented and compared to alternative techniques. Advantageously using this approach, a specific processing based on an hypothesis testing method using received power observations to resolve ambiguities appearing in under determined localization problems is described. A third part describes different aspects of the dynamic platform. In particular a realistic mobility model based on ''steering behaviors'', a graph description of the network scene and an inter agents communication protocol are detailed. The fourth section uses measured data obtained from an heterogeneous measurement campaign to validate both the developed software platform and the proposed localization algorithms.

Missiles, Abductions, and Sanctions: Societal Influences on Japanese Policy Toward North Korea, 1998-2006

Lee, Seung Hyok 29 August 2011 (has links)
North Korea twice conducted ballistic missile tests close to Japan in 1998 and 2006. While Japan responded with non-coercive condemnations to demonstrate its disapproval in 1998, it imposed unilateral economic sanctions in 2006, marking the first instance in post-World War II of applying a substantial coercion to punish a neighbouring state. The research asks why Japanese policy toward the North shifted for a seemingly identical type of provocation. The dissertation seeks contextual explanations by using inductive process-tracing, a type of ‘middle approach’ between historical narratives and parsimonious theories. It is applied to highlight the underlying mechanism through which public discursive changes concerning national security and North Korea during this eight-year period influenced the subsequent policy shift in 2006. The dissertation concludes that the unilateral sanctions were not necessarily a calculated strategic response to punish the missile launch (or North Korean nuclear programs) per se, but were a direct consequence of a deeper shift in societal discourse taking place beforehand. During the eight-year period, there had been other visible provocations and shocks originating from the North, especially the sensational revelation in 2002 of past North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens. These highly-publicized incidents facilitated the Japanese public to be increasingly conscious about Japan’s security weaknesses and re-evaluate its historical relations with its neighbour, leading to a hardened domestic environment in which the new idea of pressuring the North became a feasible option even before 2006. These North Korean provocations and the resulting societal security discourse, along with concurrent structural changes in the Japanese government and mass media which made them both highly susceptible to discursive currents among citizens, mutually interacted to produce the policy result when the opportunity arose. The research, however, also challenges the popular view that the sanctions are the first example of the wholesale transformation of Japan’s post-war ‘pacifist’ security principles. It argues that the confined means (economic) by which the sanctions were imposed reflects the highly nuanced discourse, which endorses Japan’s legitimate right to specifically punish the North for the harms done, but that the societal momentum is not equally supportive of the more controversial areas concerning military usage and the current constitution.

Missiles, Abductions, and Sanctions: Societal Influences on Japanese Policy Toward North Korea, 1998-2006

Lee, Seung Hyok 29 August 2011 (has links)
North Korea twice conducted ballistic missile tests close to Japan in 1998 and 2006. While Japan responded with non-coercive condemnations to demonstrate its disapproval in 1998, it imposed unilateral economic sanctions in 2006, marking the first instance in post-World War II of applying a substantial coercion to punish a neighbouring state. The research asks why Japanese policy toward the North shifted for a seemingly identical type of provocation. The dissertation seeks contextual explanations by using inductive process-tracing, a type of ‘middle approach’ between historical narratives and parsimonious theories. It is applied to highlight the underlying mechanism through which public discursive changes concerning national security and North Korea during this eight-year period influenced the subsequent policy shift in 2006. The dissertation concludes that the unilateral sanctions were not necessarily a calculated strategic response to punish the missile launch (or North Korean nuclear programs) per se, but were a direct consequence of a deeper shift in societal discourse taking place beforehand. During the eight-year period, there had been other visible provocations and shocks originating from the North, especially the sensational revelation in 2002 of past North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens. These highly-publicized incidents facilitated the Japanese public to be increasingly conscious about Japan’s security weaknesses and re-evaluate its historical relations with its neighbour, leading to a hardened domestic environment in which the new idea of pressuring the North became a feasible option even before 2006. These North Korean provocations and the resulting societal security discourse, along with concurrent structural changes in the Japanese government and mass media which made them both highly susceptible to discursive currents among citizens, mutually interacted to produce the policy result when the opportunity arose. The research, however, also challenges the popular view that the sanctions are the first example of the wholesale transformation of Japan’s post-war ‘pacifist’ security principles. It argues that the confined means (economic) by which the sanctions were imposed reflects the highly nuanced discourse, which endorses Japan’s legitimate right to specifically punish the North for the harms done, but that the societal momentum is not equally supportive of the more controversial areas concerning military usage and the current constitution.

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