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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oceňování v účetnictví a jeho vliv na zdanění / Valuation in accounting and its impact on taxation

Andrýsková, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to describe problems of accounting valuation and issues connected with prices, which are used for income tax purposes within current valid legislation. The thesis decribes basic valuation principles, characterization and valuation methods of some selected section according to the Czech legislation and IFRS. The thesis compares advantages and disadvantages of some valuation methods and valuation base and their influence on taxes. At the end of the thesis is the issue of transfer pricing or accounting valuation in insolvency.

Transparens av skatt och internpriser : En del av företagens sociala ansvar? / Transparency of tax and transfer pricing : A part of corporate social responsibility?

Johansson, Ida, Delwér, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
I en konkurrenskraftig marknad söker sig multinationella företag till lågskatteländer för attmaximera vinsterna. Luckor i lagstiftningen samt utvecklingsländer som söker kapital harfrämjat att många multinationella företag bedriver strategier för att undvika eller undgåbeskattning. Dessa strategier är inget som företag väljer att presentera i deras årsredovisning.Det samma gäller de sociala konsekvenser som skatteplanering kan medföra. Det finns delademeningar huruvida företagens beskattning borde ses som en del av företagens ansvar. Syftetmed studien är därför att lyfta fram hur transparenta multinationella företag är i sinårsredovisning kring beskattning och internprissättning till följd av skärpta riktlinjer. Baseratpå rekommendationerna i BEPS action 13 vill vi skapa en medvetenhet i hur bristandetransparens av beskattning samt internprissättning hos multinationella företag kan ses som ettCSR-problem. Studien grundar sig i en tvärsnittsstudie med en kvalitativ ansats. Genom eninnehållsanalys har vi samlat in datamaterial i form av årsredovisningar från ett urval av sexmultinationella företag. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen har empirin analyserats vilkethar gett en förståelse huruvida företagen är transparenta kring sin beskattning ochinternprissättning. Resultatet visade på att det fanns en variation huruvida företag ärtransparenta i sin årsredovisning, generellt sätt höll sig samtliga företag på en låg nivå avtransparens. Vi kan konstatera att samtliga företag uttryckte att beskattningen utsatteföretagen för en riskexponering. Ett flertal av företagen uttryckte vidtagna åtgärder i och medimplementeringen av BEPS action 13, ändå var det bara två företag som såg beskattningensom en del av CSR. / In a competitive market, multinational companies are using low-tax countries to maximizetheir profits. Gaps in the legislation and developing countries searching for capital are twofactors why many multinational companies are undertaking strategies to avoid taxation. Thesestrategies are not disclosed in their annual report. The same applies to the social consequencesthat tax planning can entail. There are divided opinions whether corporate taxation should beseen as part of the corporate responsibility. The purpose of the study is therefore to highlightwhether multinational companies are transparent in their annual report regarding taxation andtransfer pricing as a result of new guidelines. Based on the recommendations in BEPS action13, the study aims to raise awareness of how insufficient transparency of taxation as well astransfer pricing of multinational companies can be seen as a CSR problem. The study is basedon a cross-sectional method with a qualitative approach. Through a content analysis data wascollected in the form of annual reports on a selection of six multinational companies. Basedon the theoretical framework, the empirical study has been analysed in order to determinewhether the companies are transparent about taxation and transfer pricing. The result showedthat generally all companies held a low level of transparency within their annual reports.However, all companies expressed that the taxation exposed the companies to a risk. Amajority of the companies expressed taking action as a result of the implementation of BEPSaction 13. However, only two companies saw the taxation as part of CSR.This thesis will continue in Swedish.

Internprissättning i kommunal sektor : En utvärderingsstudie gjord på Växjö kommun / Transfer pricing in the municipal sector : An evaluation study in Växjö municipality

Weichert, André, Nordström, Filip January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under början av 1990-talet influerades offentlig sektor av New Public Management och anammade styrverktyg som initialt användes i näringslivet. Ett sådant styrverktyg som kom att användas var internprissättning. Internprissättning är ett styrverktyg som bland annat används för att kunna allokera kostnader i en divisionaliserad organisationsstruktur. Det finns många olika sätt som man kan arbeta med internprissättning på och det finns inget övergripande optimalt prissättningssystem utan olika prismodeller kan användas i olika situationer. Då internprissättning är ett ämne som är relativt outforskat inom Sveriges kommuner, var det av intresse att studera hur internprissättning som styrverktyg kan användas i den kommunala sektorn. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en teoretisk modell som förklarar hur en kommun kan arbeta med internprissättning. Samtidigt är syftet att kartlägga hur Växjö kommun arbetar med internprissättning för att sedan, utifrån den framtagna modellen, se hur internprissättningssystemet kan förbättras. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en utvärderingsstudie på Växjö kommuns internprissättningssystem. Detta för att inspektera hur väl internprissättningen faktiskt fungerar samt studera hur man kan åstadkomma önskvärda förändringar och förbättringar. Den teoretiskt framtagna internprissättningsmodellen bygger på teori om internprissättning som har samlats in via facklitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar. Empirin samlades in via kvalitativa intervjuer av semistrukturerad karaktär. Slutsats: Den framtagna teoretiska modellen inleds med att förklara vilka syften en kommun kan tänkas ha med att bedriva internprissättning. Följaktligen tar modellen upp vilka prismodeller en kommun kan arbeta med, hur internprissättningen kan administreras och kopplas ihop med kommunens budgetarbete för att slutligen gå igenom de positiva och negativa effekter som internprissättningen kan orsaka. Genom att jämföra Växjö kommuns internprissättningssystem med den framtagna teoretiska modellen kunde vi ge förslag på hur kommunens internprissättningssystem kunde förbättras. / Background: In the early 1990s, the public sector was influenced by New Public Management and embraced management control tools that were initially used in the private sector. One of those tools that came into use was transfer pricing. Transfer pricing is a managing control tool that, among other things, is used to allocate resources in a divisional organizational structure. There are many ways you can work with transfer pricing and there is no overall optimal pricing system, however different pricing models can be used in different situations. Since transfer pricing is a topic that is relatively unexplored in Sweden’s municipalities, we found an interest in studying how transfer pricing as a control tool can be used in the municipal sector. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create a theoretical model explaining how a municipality can work with transfer pricing. At the same time, the purpose is to map how Växjö municipality works with transfer pricing, after which, based on the developed model, see how their transfer pricing system can be improved. Method: The study has been conducted as an evaluation study on Växjö municipality transfer pricing system. This in order to see how well the transfer pricing system actually works and to see how they can achieve desirable changes and improvements. The construction of the theoretical model is based on theory of transfer pricing that was collected through non-fiction and scientific articles. The empirical material was collected through qualitative interviews of a semi structured nature. Conclusion: The developed theoretical model begins by explaining what purposes a municipality have with working with transfer pricing. Consequently, the model identifies the price models a municipality can work with, how the transfer pricing can be administrated and linked with the municipalities budget and finally, what different positive and negative effective outputs you can expect when working with transfer pricing in a municipality.

反避稅租稅改革對企業租稅負擔及避稅行為之影響 / The impact of anti - avoidance tax reform on tax burden and tax avoidance

黃竑傑, Hunag, Hung Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
過往的國際租稅制度設計著重於避免雙重課稅以消除經貿交流所產生之障礙,然而當今因資訊科技快速發展使得新興商業模式興起,跨國交易手法複雜且創新,此套國際租稅制度已逐漸無法滿足當今新型態稽徵之需求,常造成各國稅捐之流失。因此,國際租稅制度的理念已由過往的避免雙重課稅轉換為現今的避免雙重不課稅,而跨國反避稅風潮也由此而生。我國於跨國反避稅浪潮中亦制定多項反避稅措施,然而其成效如何並未有相關研究文獻作全面性之檢視,因此本文以2002年至2014年台灣上市、上櫃與興櫃公司財務資料探討我國實施多年之反避稅措施對於企業租稅負擔與避稅行為之影響。 本文研究結果顯示,移轉訂價查核準則實施與簽署租稅協定將提升企業租稅負擔與降低避稅行為。由於我國企業資本弱化情形並不嚴重,因此反資本弱化條款實施對於我國企業並無顯著影響。在簽署租稅協定內含利益限制條款方面,利益限制條款並未顯著提升我國企業租稅負擔與避稅行為,究其原因,可能為我國簽署租稅協定且含利益限制條款之樣本數過少使其效果並不明顯。 / The emergence of international tax system was to reduce the burden of juridical double taxation and increase cross-border transactions. However, the new business model changed by rapid development of science and technology made taxing authorities difficult to define the substance of cross-border transactions. In this case many countries faced the fact of tax erosion, so the objective of international tax system has been changed from the elimination of double taxation to anti-avoidance measures. In order to prevent tax erosion, Taiwan’s government had legislated some anti-avoidance provisions. There is no study that research those anti-avoidance provisions whether have impact on Taiwanese enterprise. This study used Taiwanese financial information from 2002 to 2014 to investigate the tax burden and tax avoidance of enterprise after anti-avoidance provisions had been legislated. Empirical results show transfer pricing rules and tax treaties not only increase the tax burden but also decrease the tax avoidance of Taiwanese enterprise. This study find that there is no thin capitalization in Taiwan. At the end, tax treaties which involved limitation-on-benefits can’t increase the tax burden and decrease the tax avoidance of Taiwanese enterprise. Owing to few samples of tax treaties which involved limitation-on-benefits, the empirical result don’t reach the significant level.

Zdanění nadnárodních společností / Taxation of multinational companies

Fajtová, Hana January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on tax aspects of multinational companies. In the first part there is an analysis of EU Council Directive (relating multinational companies) compared with The Income Tax Law. Practical application of some of the above mentioned Directives is shown in some examples. The next part deals with very discussed and actual problem of multinational companies - transfer pricing. This thesis analyses particular documents for this area. The aim of this diploma paper is to create the copmlex thesis about taxation of multinational companies.

Účetní a daňové aspekty různých forem vstupu na zahraniční trhy / Accounting and tax aspects of different types of the foreign market entrance

Peciválová, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
The major topic of this thesis is tax and accounting aspects of different types of foreign market entrance. Basic types of foreign market entrance and their accounting and tax comprehension are defined in the first chapter. The second chapter is focused on legal point of view of the foreign entities business in Czech Republic and there are defined the main differences in foreign entities business by czech corporate entity and branch. The main differences of these subjects from the tax point of view are established in the third chapter, tax registration, tax duty origin, tax base, double taxation, mutual relations and transfer pricing. The fourth chapter is focused on the accounting duties both subjects, their differences and transactions accounting in practice of branch and its founder, foreign entity, in centralized and separated accounting system.

Smlouvy zamezující dvojímu zdanění a jejich vliv na podnikatelskou činnost / Double Taxation Treaties and their Influence on Business Activity

Tuláčková, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on international double taxation and its implications for international business activity. At first, it focuses on double taxation definition, the reasons of its occurrence and its impacts. The next part deals with bilateral double taxation treaties and their principles, including a comparison of Model conventions developed by the OECD and the UN. The last chapter focuses on the areas of transnational corporations activity that are most impacted by tax matters, such as the form of their presence in the foreign market, transfer pricing and international labour hire. The basic principles of international tax planning are explained as well.

Odpovědnostní řízení stavební společnosti / Responsibility management in the construction company

Cejpková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
This Master's Thesis concentrates on the use of responsibility management in management accounting. The aim of this paper is to describe general principals of responsibility accounting and management. The other part of this paper is focused on implementation of the responsibility management in the construction company.

Stanovení transferové ceny licenčních poplatků / Establishing the Transfer Price of Royalties

Saňák, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The Master’s thesis is concerned with establishing the transfer price of royalties. The thesis is divided into four parts. The theoretical part contains definitions of key words using international and domestic law. The analytical part includes a description of methods recommended by OECD and their use for royalties transactions. The practical part describes a methodical procedure for establishing the transfer price of royalties, which is then used in the next part for a model example.

Založení zahraniční pobočky podniku / Creation of Foreign Branch of the Company

Novák, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is the comprehensive proposal for establishing foreign branch of the company in the Baltics with a distribution network across the countries of the region. The theoretical part is focused on basic information regarding the legal requirements in the countries concerned. Practical part deals with the specific formation of a subsidiary and commissioning.

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