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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

智慧財產移轉訂價稅制探討與租稅規劃 / Taxation System of Transfer Pricing and Tax Planning on Intellectual Properties

廖志豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬檢視針對智慧財產移轉訂價稅制是否齊備,藉由外國稅法制度以及實務案例作為台灣修法借鏡,針對我國法制尚未臻完備之處進行探討,以作為未來修法之參考;並以納稅義務人角度,針對以智慧財產為標的之情形模擬租稅規劃安排。 首先,本研究以智慧財產為主軸,就我國目前現有移轉訂價制度先行探討,再納入美國以及中國稅制進行比較分析,以衡量我國目前稅法未完備之處。本研究結果發現,針對智慧財產移轉訂價稅制,我國尚缺乏成本分攤協議規範、智慧財產所有權人認定、可比較交易內容之資料庫等規範內容,得以美國為借鏡,作為我國未來制定相關規範之框架,盡速彌補相關智慧財產移轉訂價法制不足之處,以利徵納雙方適用。 再者,智慧財產移轉訂價為一相當實務且國際化之議題,借鏡於實際爭訟案件爭點,可作為未來我國修法規範之考量;由於台灣以研究發展見長,企業擁有許多高價值的智慧財產,未來該等轉讓或授權所牽涉的金額將更為龐大,屆時租稅規劃將為重要考量,故本文模擬數個例子,為該等企業先行作基礎租稅規劃。 最後,綜上所述,提出個人修法建議,希冀能為我國智慧財產移轉訂價稅制實務徵納以及修法方向作出一點貢獻。

BEPS Action 8 : Finns förutsättningar för att de angivna målen uppfylls? / BEPS Action 8 : Does prerequisites exist to achieve the stated goals?

Dohlmar, Erik, Giner, Eric January 2015 (has links)
BEPS är ett projekt påkallat av G20 som bedrivs i OECD:s regi. Projektet syftar till att förhindra erosion av nationers skattebaser, på grund av upplägg där vinster genom koncerninterna transaktioner flyttas till länder med låg beskattning. Denna uppsats behandlar specifikt BEPS action 8, vilken rör interprissättning av immateriella tillgångar. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda om OECD:s rapport angående BEPS action 8 ger förutsättningarna för att uppfylla, de i rapporten angivna målen, samt vilka problem som kan påverka måluppfyllelsen. Målet med BEPS action 8 är att se till att internprissättning av immateriella tillgångar, inte används för att separera beskattningsbara inkomster från värdeskapande aktiviteter. Därmed fokuserar BEPS action 8 på att se till att utförande av funktioner, användande av tillgångar och risktagande kompenseras på ett korrekt sätt, då detta anses bidra till värdeskapande. Därmed ska BEPS action 8 se till att bolag inte kompenseras endast på grund av att de är den legala ägaren av immateriella tillgångar. Transaktioner innehållande immateriella tillgångar ska prissättas med den metod som ger det mest tillförlitliga priset. Vid sidan av de traditionella prissättningsmetoderna medger OECD i rapporten, användandet av alternativa prissättningsmetoder baserade på exempelvis ekonomiska beräkningar. Uppsatsförfattarna anser att det trots uttalade problem finns förutsättningar att uppnå uppsatta mål. Detta på grund av ökade möjligheter till vinstallokeringar baserade på bidragande till värdeskapande. Den kritik som uppsatsförfattarna presenterar baseras på en risk för en ökad börda och osäkerhet för koncerner då bedömningarna vad som krävs för att skapa värde, är subjektiv och även på grund av den osäkerhet som uppstår vid tillämpningen av alternativa prissättningsmetoder. / BEPS is an OECD project, initiated by G20. The purpose of the project is to prevent base erosion and profit shifting through tax structures where profits are shifted to low tax jurisdiction. More specifically this thesis addresses BEPS action 8 and its work on transfer pricing aspects of intangibles. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if the prerequisites exist to achieve the stated goals within action 8 and also to investigate problems that can affect the achievements. The goals of OECD with action 8 are ensure that transfer pricing of intangibles is not used to separate taxable income from the value creation activities. To achieve this OECD wants to ensure that the performance of functions, the use of assets and risk-taking is compensated since this is deemed to create value. Therefore OECD sets out to ensure that companies are not compensated only because of the fact that they are the legal owner of an intangible asset. Transactions with intangible assets shall be priced with the transfer pricing method that results in the most reliable arm’s length price. In addition to the traditional transfer pricing methods OECD states that alternative methods can be used if they result in the most reliable arm’s length price. The authors of this thesis consider that prerequisites exist to achieve the stated goals within BEPS action 8. This is primarily based on increased possibilities to ensure that profit allocations are made based on value creation. The criticism that the authors presents is based on the risk of increased burdens and an increased insecurity for MNEs since the assessments regarding what MNEs need to create value is subjective. Criticism is also based on the insecurity that arises when the alternative transfer pricing methods are used.

Mitwirkungspflichten des Steuerpflichtigen und Folgen ihrer Verletzung : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Dokumentationspflichten bei Verrechnungspreisen /

Lindenthal, Steffen Alexander. January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Trier, University, Diss., 2006. / Literaturverz.

Influence of Linkage on the Declared Price for Customs Taxation: Treatment of Transfer Pricing in Customs Valuation / Influencia de la Vinculación en el Precio Declarado Para la Tributación Aduanera: Tratamiento de los Precios de Transferencia en la Valoración Aduanera

Vásquez Nieva, Óscar, Arias Quispe, José 10 April 2018 (has links)
The Customs Value is the tax base for import taxes, defined in the Valuation Agreement of the WTO as the transaction value, the price actually paid or payable for the goods. However, the price agreed between related companies can be unacceptable, since they could be fixed to take advantage of tax environments where they are. Nonetheless, the relationship is not always a factor in determining the price, which can be tested by a Study of Transfer Pricing (for customs purposes) to develop the comparative method with respect to transactions between two unrelated companies under identical or similar conditions, contained in Andean Community Resolution 1684, providing evidence to apply the following procedures:a) Analysis of the Circumstances of the Sale, or b) Using a Criterion Value. / El Valor en aduanas es la base imponible para los tributos a la importación, definido en el Acuerdo de Valoración de la OMC como el valor de transacción, es decir, el precio realmente pagado o por pagar por las mercancías. Sin embargo, el precio pactado entre empresas vinculadas podría no aceptarse, dado que podrían fijarse de manera que puedan sacar ventajas de los entornos fiscales donde se encuentran. Sin perjuicio de ello, la vinculación no siempre es un factor de determinación del precio, lo cual se puede probar mediante un Estudio de Precios de Transferencia (para efectos aduaneros) que desarrolle el procedimiento comparativo respecto de operaciones entre dos empresas no vinculadas en condiciones iguales o similares, contenido en la Resolución 1684 de la CAN, aportando pruebas que permitan aplicar los siguientes procedimientos: a) Análisis de las Circunstancias de la Venta, o b) Utilización de un Valor Criterio.

Metody tvorby převodních cen u nadnárodních podniků z hlediska daňové správy / Methods of transfer pricing by multinational enterprises in terms of tax administration

BÖHMOVÁ, Dana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the analysis and evaluation of the application of transfer (transfer) the prices used in transactions of multinational enterprises in terms of tax administration. Generally describe the basic principles of the United people, the principle of the arm, the methods of the determination of the transfer pricing and documentation for transfer prices in accordance with the international rules and standards laid down by the Organization for economic cooperation and development, in accordance with the laws and guidelines of the Czech Republic. Furthermore, this thesis seeks to clarify the specific case studies, which are based on the practice of financial management, and the case-law, the effects of the determination of the transfer pricing methods, comparison of their advantages and disadvantages in establishing transfer prices in the Czech Republic. At the conclusion of the thesis summed up the results and recommend the adoption of more appropriate legislation in each of the areas of transfer pricing in the Czech Republic.

Igualdade tributária e margens de lucro presumidas na aferição do preço de transferência segundo a Lei n. 9.430/96

Marroni Neto, Roberto Medaglia January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a teoria da igualdade tributária e sua aplicação em face da técnica das margens de lucro presumidas, como um dos elementos de cálculo dos preços de transferência, consoante previsto na Lei n. 9.430/96. Parte-se de um estudo analítico da isonomia tributária, esmiuçando-se seus elementos, natureza e dimensão normativa, para, posteriormente, passar-se à análise de sua influência sobre a arm’s legth theory e a técnica dos preços de transferência, em especial sobre a presunção das margens de lucro. Mediante esta perspectiva, busca-se averiguar a possibilidade ou não de flexibilização daquelas margens de lucratividade, de molde a desvendar se o contribuinte possui legitimidade de utilizar margens de lucro diversas daquelas predefinidas, a forma que poderá valer-se deste direito e respectivo momento. / This work aims to analyze the tax equality theory and its application in the face of the presumed profit margins technique, as one of the elements of the calculation of transfer pricing, according to law number 9.430/96. It starts with an analytical study of tax equality theory, scrutinizing its elements, nature and normative dimension, and subsequently moves to an analysis of its influence on the „arm‟s length‟ principle and the technique of transfer pricing, especially on the presumption of profit margins. With this perspective, it seeks to investigate the possibility of the relaxation of those profit margins, which could unravel if the taxpayer has the right to use different profit margins than those pre-defined, however the taxpayer can avail themselves of this right and when is the appropriate moment.

Igualdade tributária e margens de lucro presumidas na aferição do preço de transferência segundo a Lei n. 9.430/96

Marroni Neto, Roberto Medaglia January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a teoria da igualdade tributária e sua aplicação em face da técnica das margens de lucro presumidas, como um dos elementos de cálculo dos preços de transferência, consoante previsto na Lei n. 9.430/96. Parte-se de um estudo analítico da isonomia tributária, esmiuçando-se seus elementos, natureza e dimensão normativa, para, posteriormente, passar-se à análise de sua influência sobre a arm’s legth theory e a técnica dos preços de transferência, em especial sobre a presunção das margens de lucro. Mediante esta perspectiva, busca-se averiguar a possibilidade ou não de flexibilização daquelas margens de lucratividade, de molde a desvendar se o contribuinte possui legitimidade de utilizar margens de lucro diversas daquelas predefinidas, a forma que poderá valer-se deste direito e respectivo momento. / This work aims to analyze the tax equality theory and its application in the face of the presumed profit margins technique, as one of the elements of the calculation of transfer pricing, according to law number 9.430/96. It starts with an analytical study of tax equality theory, scrutinizing its elements, nature and normative dimension, and subsequently moves to an analysis of its influence on the „arm‟s length‟ principle and the technique of transfer pricing, especially on the presumption of profit margins. With this perspective, it seeks to investigate the possibility of the relaxation of those profit margins, which could unravel if the taxpayer has the right to use different profit margins than those pre-defined, however the taxpayer can avail themselves of this right and when is the appropriate moment.

Aggressive Tax Planning, the new paradigm of the transfer pricing rule and the avoidance in the Tax Code / Planificación Fiscal Agresiva, el nuevo paradigma de la norma de precios de transferencia y la elusión en el Código Tributario

Villanueva Gutiérrez, Walker 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this paper, the author analyzes the problematic of the aggressive tax planning, due to the lack of coherence between the tax rules of the different States and indicates the way in which the transfer pricing rule should be applied. Also, he analyzes the regulation of the anti-avoidance provision in the Tax Code and criticizes how the Supreme Court applies this anti-avoidance provision and the reasoning of the Tax Court to derive legal effects based on the economic content. / En el presente artículo, el autor analiza la problemática de la planificación fiscal agresiva, debido a la falta de coherencia entre las normas tributarias de los distintos Estados y señala la manera en que debe aplicarse la norma de precios de transferencia. Asimismo, analiza la regulación de la norma anti-elusiva en el Código Tributario y realiza una crítica respecto a cómo la Corte Suprema aplica esta norma anti-elusiva y el razonamiento del Tribunal Fiscal para derivar efectos jurídicos sobre la base del contenido económico.

O controle dos preços de transferência: aplicação em operações financeiras e derivativos / International transfer pricing on financial instruments and derivatives

Renata Borges La Guardia 10 June 2010 (has links)
O controle dos preços de transferência está amparado no princípio da plena concorrência, que representa espécie de dogma no direito tributário internacional. Para a sua concretização, há duas espécies de metodologias distintas: os métodos tradicionais, apoiados na comparação dos preços ou margens brutas de lucro das transações, e os métodos baseados na comparação de lucros operacionais entre as transações cotejadas. Não obstante a existência desta gama de métodos, há exemplos nos quais o princípio da plena concorrência não propicia mecanismos suficientes para o adequado controle dos preços de transferência, porquanto inexistem dados para a comparação dos preços, margens brutas ou lucros operacionais. As negociações globais de instrumentos financeiros intra-grupo, praticadas de forma integrada entre instituições de um mesmo conglomerado bancário, estão entre as situações que mais apresentam desafios ao aludido princípio. Como alternativa, parte da doutrina internacional tem defendido a adoção do método da partilha de lucros segundo fórmulas predeterminadas ou formulary apportionment. Os principais argumentos destes teóricos são a constatação de que o princípio da plena concorrência, ao se amparar no critério da entidade segregada, ignora os ganhos de eficiência e escala gerados no âmbito dos grupos econômicos; ademais, a aplicação deste princípio mostra-se complexa, dada a sua abertura e amplitude. No direito brasileiro, as regras para o controle dos preços de transferência, a despeito de inspiradas nos métodos tradicionais disponíveis para a aplicação do princípio da plena concorrência, são simplificadas a tal ponto que os métodos envolvendo margens brutas tornaram-se semelhantes aos métodos envolvendo fórmulas predeterminadas. Esta simplificação é desejável, em especial com vistas ao atendimento da praticabilidade, legalidade, eficiência administrativa etc.. Idealmente, a melhor estratégia de política tributária a ser adotada seria aquela baseada na edição de normas que, de um lado, (i.) prevejam margens predeterminadas de lucros por setor de atividade e região, ou definam outros critérios objetivos, razoáveis sob a perspectiva econômica, para o cálculo dos preços parâmetro, mas, de outro, (ii.) admitam que estas simplificações representam safe harbours, sendo garantido ao contribuinte o direito de apresentar quaisquer argumentos ou provas admitidos em direito para comprovar sua situação peculiar. O exame das discussões envolvendo a negociação global de instrumentos financeiros auxilia na conclusão de que, para serem justas, as normas para o controle dos preços de transferência precisam ser abrangentes, possibilitando-se a adequação dos métodos às especificidades de cada caso concreto; para o adequado funcionamento do sistema tributário, contudo, é imprescindível a instituição de diversas espécies de safe harbours, aptos a abranger a maioria das situações, reservando-se às transações realmente peculiares o exame detalhado dos preços. / Transfer pricing control rests on the arms length principle, one of the international consensus of international tax law. Control takes place under either of two methodologies: one comprising the Traditional Transaction Methods based on the comparison of prices and/or gross margins, and the other comprising Transactional Profits Methods based on the comparison of operating incomes from the relevant transactions. Notwithstanding the several methods in existence, the arms length principle may sometimes fail as a mechanism for adequate control of transfer pricing, insofar as data for the comparison of prices, gross margins or operational income are not available. The integrated global trading of financial instruments between units of a same banking group is an example of challenging situation for the effective application the arms length principle in transfer pricing control. Seeking an alternative approach, recent studies make the case for apportioning profits in accordance with preset formulas the so-called formulary apportionment. The main arguments behind this proposal revolve around the arms length principle ignoring economies of scale and other efficiency gains that normally breed within an economic group, as well as it being overly complex and open-ended. Although inspired by the Traditional Transactional Methods, Brazilian transfer price rules are simplified to such extent, that the gross margin comparison methods have become similar to a preset formula. Simplification is desirable from the standpoint of practicability, legal strictness, administrative efficiency, and so on. The ideal tax legislation policy would include rules that (i.) either pre-set gross margin parameters by industry and geographic location, or set forth objective, economically reasonable criteria for determination of parameter prices; but also (ii.) acknowledge such simplifications as no more than safe harbours and offer the taxpayer an opportunity to demonstrate deviation from the norm in a given peculiar situation. An analysis of the discussions on global trading of financial instruments fosters the conclusion that in order to be fair, transfer pricing rules must be all-encompassing; efficiency of the tax system, however, cannot forego the use of safe harbours that cover the majority of cases, thus restricting detail analysis to transactions that are actually peculiar.

Dokumentace k transferovým cenám / Transfer pricing documentation

Mitriková, Stanislava January 2017 (has links)
This final thesis deals with transfer pricing documentation from the theoretical and practical point of view. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the settings of transfer prices within fictitious company by using processed documentation The first chapter of the thesis deals with the main principles and approaches to transfer prices to the extent provided by the legal regulations in the Czech Republic. The second chapter deals with the concept of content and composition of the documentation from the point of view of the OECD, EU and CR. In the practical part of the thesis, the intra-group transactions are analyzed in the model documentation, whether they are in accordance with the arm´s length principle.

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