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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transpersoners upplevelse av bemötandet inom socialtjänsten / Transgender People`s Experiences of Treatment by Social Services

Vasiljeva, Svetlana January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur transpersoner upplever bemötande inom socialtjänsten. Enligt tidigare forskning har transpersoner olika upplevelser av bemötandet inom socialtjänsten. De har upplevt att de mötts med oförståelse och okunskap, blir felkönade och blir inte tilltalade vid sitt rätta namn. Positiva upplevelser handlade om respekt av transpersonernas könsidentitet och att de blev tilltalade med rätt pronomen. Det här är en kvalitativ studie som genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer per telefon med fyra personer. Studien har gjorts med induktiv metod och ett analytiskt ramverk som innehåller olika teorier och begrepp har valts utifrån datamaterialet. För att analysera studiens resultat har jag valt begreppet bemötande. Jag har även använt mig av socialkonstruktivistisk teori- Berger & Luckmanns sociologiska teori, begreppet heteronormativitet och teorin om den heterosexuella matrisen. Den heterosexuella matrisen handlar om förväntningar att alla är heterosexuella och övertygelsen om att det endast finns två separata kön som ställs i motsats till varandra. Studien har visat att transpersoner har olika upplevelser av bemötande inom socialtjänsten. Transpersoner har upplevt att de inte är tagna på allvar, bemöts med oförståelse och särbehandlas. Majoriteten av studiens respondenter har upplevt att de inte passar in i en given mall, det vill säga i heteronormen. Transpersoner har upplevt att sexuell läggning och könsidentitet ses av socialtjänstens handläggare som något socialt konstruerat och därför inte medfött, utan valt. Heteronormen och den homosexuella läggningen har lyfts av transpersoner som anledning till handläggarnas ovilja att hjälpa dem. Positiva upplevelser av bemötandet har handlat om att transpersoner har blivit bemötta lika oavsett könsidentitet, att handläggarna visat omtanke, respekt och erbjudit den hjälp som de behövde. Slutsatsen är att bemötandet kan upplevas olika beroende på vilken attityd handläggarna har samt hur transpersonerna själva definierar begreppet bemötande. Upplevelser av bemötandet inom socialtjänsten kan även variera från kommun till kommun. / The aim of the study was to examine how transgender people experience the treatment from social services. Previous research shows that experiences of treatment of transgender people by social services are various. Transgender people have experienced lack of understanding and knowledge, misgendering and being called by the false name. Good treatment that transgender people experienced included respect for transgender people’s gender identity and the use of right pronoun. This is a qualitative study based on semi- structured interviews and made through the phone with four persons. The study has been made with inductive method where an analytical framework with different theories and definitions was chosen taking into consideration the data. Treatment as definition was chosen to analyse the results of the study. I have even used the theory of social constructivism- Berger & Luckmann’s sociological theory as well as the definition heteronormativity and the theory on the heterosexual matrix. The theory on the heterosexual matrix is about expectations that everyone is heterosexual and belief that there are only two sexes that are opposites of each other.   The study has shown that transgender people’s experiences of treatment by social services are various. Transgender people have experienced lack of understanding. Furthermore, transgender people have experienced that they have not been taken seriously and have been discriminated. The majority of respondents has experienced that they do not fit the heteronorm. Transgender people have also experienced that sexual orientation and gender identity are seen by administrative officials as something social constructed, and therefore not innate, but chosen. The heteronorm and homosexuality have been lifted by transgender people as the reason why administrative officials did not want to help them. Good treatment transgender people have experienced was about equal treatment regardless of gender identity. Transgender people have experienced that administrative officials have shown that they respect and care about them as well as they have been offered help they needed. Conclusion of the study is that treatment experienced by transgender people depends on which attitude administrative officials have towards transgender people as well as on how transgender people define the concept treatment. Experiences of the treatment by social services can vary between different municipalities too.

Crítica ao paradigma da diferença identitária dos corpos : transgressão de gênero como ruptura ética /

Falchi, Cinthia Alves. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Pedro Ângelo Pagni / Banca: Divino José da Silva / Banca: Tânia Sueli Antonelli / Banca: César Donizetti Pereira Leite / Banca: Alexandre Simão de Freitas / Resumo: Esta tese analisa e discute o problema da identidade de gênero e a sexualidade como temas transversais ao currículo escolar. Focaliza como questão central os corpos desviantes, particularmente os transgêneros, como agenciadores de uma crítica ao governo identitário das diferenças na escola. Para tanto, entre o espaço acadêmico e nossa experiência singular de professor, testemunhamos nossas próprias buscas acerca da identidade e das diferenças gênero dentro desse (cis)tema binário de vidas e corpos, ressaltando o comum durante todo o trajeto percorrido. Reconstruindo esse testemunho, enfocamos corpos trans que transgridem as normalizações habitualmente estabelecidas a partir do paradigma da diferença identitária dos corpos. De narrativas de pessoas transgêneras até nosso próprio testemunho, vislumbramos nesse percurso um comum ingovernável, que se apresenta como um ethos e possibilita uma ruptura (cis)têmica, emergindo como um acontecimento e como um foco de resistência ao governo identitário dos corpos produzidos pela escola. Nessa trajetória partimos da perspectiva foucaultiana de intelectual específico para fazer um relato de si, em diálogo com as obras de Paul Beatriz Preciado, Judith Butler e Letícia Lanz, que deram foco à questão da transgeneridade. Assim, procuramos problematizar a binarização dos corpos pela biopolítica neoliberal com vista a naturalizá-los e argumentamos pela tese da não-binaridade dos corpos trans, como ethos, facultando uma ruptura ética na formação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This thesis analyzes and discusses the problem of gender identity and sexuality as transversal themes to the school curriculum. As a central issue, it focuses on deviant bodies, particularly transgenders, as agents of a critique of the identity government of differences in school. For this purpose, between academic space and our unique experience as teacher, we witnessed our own search for identity and gender differences within this binary (cis) theme of lives and bodies, emphasizing the common throughout the course. Rebuilding this testimony, we focus on trans bodies that transgress the normalizations usually established from the paradigm of the difference of identities of bodies. From narratives of transgender people to our own testimony, we see in this path an ungovernable common, which presents itself as an ethos and enables a (cis) temic rupture, emerging as an event and as a focus of resistance to the identity government of the bodies produced by the school. In this trajectory we start from Foucault's perspective as a specific intellectual to produce of himself a self-report, in dialogue with the works of Paul Beatriz Preciado, Judith Butler and Letícia Lanz, who focused on the question of transgeneration. Thus, we seek to problematize the binarization of bodies by neoliberal biopolitics in order to naturalize them and argue for the thesis of non-binarity of trans bodies, as ethos, providing an ethical rupture in human formation and demanding a reconfiguration of the di... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Legitimate Voices: A Multi-Case Study of Trans and Non-Binary Singers in the Applied Voice Studio

Sauerland, William R. January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative, multi-case study examined trans and non-binary singers in the applied voice studio. The purpose of this study was to explore (1) the impact of music participation on the identities of trans and non-binary singers, (2) the experiences of trans and non-binary singers taking private singing lessons, and (3) the strategies and practices of their voice teachers. Purposeful sampling of four singers included two trans men and two non-binary individuals. Four teachers with prior experience in teaching trans or non-binary singers included two teachers identifying as trans men, and two cisgender (one female, one male) teachers. Data were collected through interviews and lesson observations, presented through portraiture analysis to provide an insider’s view of the experiences, perspectives, and practices of the participants. Findings and implications emerged through cross-case analyses. The results indicate that gender impacts musical spaces. While participation in musical activities created an outlet for some singers to explore their trans or non-binary identity, the reification of the gender binary in musical spaces was oppressive for others. Students modeled high self-efficacy by showing perceived competence to change discriminatory policies and practices in music and the performing arts. Teachers demonstrated emotional support in the applied studio by being cognizant of student needs. While the training of each student looked distinct, teachers affirmed students through student-centered pedagogical approaches, allowing students to guide their vocal training and development. Teachers discussed the need for adept understanding of vocal technique in training trans and non-binary singers. All four trans men (two students and two teachers) discussed their voice modification through testosterone replacement therapy. The two non-binary singers, not engaged in medical voice modulation, discussed changes in their voices through singing lessons. The research posits that curricular development in vocal pedagogy courses is needed to educate singing teachers on cultural competency and trans and non-binary vocality. This study revealed the need to examine applied teacher readiness in educating trans and non-binary singing. Research on the longitudinal effects of testosterone on the voice is warranted. Additional scholarship is needed in working with trans or non-binary voices not engaging in hormone replacement therapy.

A man in all that the name implies reclassification of Lucy Ann/Joseph Israel Lobdell /

Lobdell, Bambi Lyn. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--State University of New York at Binghamton, Department of English, General Literature and Rhetoric, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references.

Gender equality and equal opportunities in the work place : the case of the public sector in Swaziland

Simelane, Dudu Patience 03 1900 (has links)
No abstract available / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies) / (M. A. (Development Studies))

Processos, desafios, tensões e criatividade nas conjugalidades de homens e mulheres transexuais

Lomando, Eduardo Marodin January 2014 (has links)
Diante das marcadas discussões sobre a diversidade sexual e de gênero no Brasil, as transexualidades têm sido foco de produções científicas e assunto recorrente da mídia. Apesar de ainda ocupar o lugar de abjeto, suas conjugalidades são exemplos de um deslocamento. O objetivo foi compreender quais são os processos que constituem essas conjugalidades transexuais e como esses são vividos nessa relação. Para se aproximar dessas respostas, essa Tese se divide em quatro artigos. No primeiro, disserta-se sobre o conceito de transexualidade em quatro áreas do conhecimento científico: biologia, medicina, psicanálise e ciências sociais. O conceito é explicado a partir de questões relacionadas à anatomia, genética, diferenças cerebrais, teoria fálico-edípica, psicopatologia, ao conceito de sexo como discursivo, de gênero como performatividade e expressão da diversidade em conflito com a heteronorma. No segundo artigo, foram revisados de forma sistemática os artigos que tratassem de demonstrar empiricamente as conjugalidades transexuais. Os aspectos relacionados às conjugalidades foram divididos nas categorias: atividade, excitação e orientação sexual; desafios sexuais dos casais; papeis de gênero e desafios do relacionamento conjugal. Houve um aumento na complexidade da conceptualização dessa diversidade conjugal. No terceiro artigo, o tema foi revisado somente em publicações nacionais e junto das travestilidades. Os resultados dos trabalhos encontrados apontam para um número variado de nomenclaturas dessas parcerias, com uma aparente fusão emocional conjugal que funciona como mantenedor das identidades de gêneros das/os participantes. Entretanto, encontra-se respostas criativas que permitem a quebra do efeito halo entre identidade de gênero e desejo sexual, conduzindo à autonomia identitária e ao prazer. No último artigo foram feitas entrevistas com três casais de homens e mulheres transexuais e seus cônjuges cisgêneros, analisadas a partir dos Estudos de Gênero (Queer e pós-estruturalistas). Os resultados demonstram que as conjugalidades transexuais descritas são mais um território que tenciona e desafia as normas de gênero e possibilita desfechos flexíveis, não direcionadas a nenhum dos extremos da heteronorma. Essa configuração específica pode possibilitar a desestabilização dessa tensão e permitir direções alternativas à lógica binária principalmente nos campos das performatividades sexuais, das divisões de tarefas cotidianas e das relações com as famílias de origem. / In view of the recent discussions about gender and sex diversity in Brazil, transsexualities have been the focus of academic development and a subject in the media. In spite of still being placed as abject, their conjugalities are an example of a displacement. The goal was to comprehend what are the constitutional processes of this transsexual conjugalities and how they are lived within these relationships. In order to come closer of these processes, this Thesis is divided in four articles. In the first one, the transsexuality concept is dissertated in four scientific knowledge areas: biology, medicine, psychoanalyses and social sciences. The concept is explained from issues regarding anatomy, genetics, brain differences, phallic-oedipal theory, psychopathology, sex as a discursive concept, gender as performative and as a diversity expression in opposition with the heteronorm. In the second article, a systematic review was done in relation to the transsexual conjugalities theme based on empirical evidence. Conjugal aspects were divided into the following categories: sexual activity, arousal and orientation; couples’ sexual challenges; gender roles and couples’ relationship challenges. There was an increase in the complexity of the conceptualization of this conjugal diversity. In the third article, the same theme was only revised in Brazilian publications, and the travestilidades theme was added. The results of the papers found show a variety of forms to denominate these partnerships, with an apparent conjugal emotional fusion that works as a maintainer the participants’ gender identities. However, there are creative responses that allow an interruption in the halo effect between gender identity and sexual desire and lead to identity autonomy and to pleasure. In the last article, three interviews were made with transsexual man and women and their cisgender partners. They were analyzed using the Gender Studies (Queer and post-structuralism studies). The results show that the transsexual conjugalities described are another territory that put into tension and defy gender norms and make flexible outcomes possible, not directed to any of the heteronorm extremes. This specific configuration may destabilize this tension and enable alternative directions to the binary logic mainly in the fields of sexual performativities, household tasks sharing and the relationship with family of origins.

Processos, desafios, tensões e criatividade nas conjugalidades de homens e mulheres transexuais

Lomando, Eduardo Marodin January 2014 (has links)
Diante das marcadas discussões sobre a diversidade sexual e de gênero no Brasil, as transexualidades têm sido foco de produções científicas e assunto recorrente da mídia. Apesar de ainda ocupar o lugar de abjeto, suas conjugalidades são exemplos de um deslocamento. O objetivo foi compreender quais são os processos que constituem essas conjugalidades transexuais e como esses são vividos nessa relação. Para se aproximar dessas respostas, essa Tese se divide em quatro artigos. No primeiro, disserta-se sobre o conceito de transexualidade em quatro áreas do conhecimento científico: biologia, medicina, psicanálise e ciências sociais. O conceito é explicado a partir de questões relacionadas à anatomia, genética, diferenças cerebrais, teoria fálico-edípica, psicopatologia, ao conceito de sexo como discursivo, de gênero como performatividade e expressão da diversidade em conflito com a heteronorma. No segundo artigo, foram revisados de forma sistemática os artigos que tratassem de demonstrar empiricamente as conjugalidades transexuais. Os aspectos relacionados às conjugalidades foram divididos nas categorias: atividade, excitação e orientação sexual; desafios sexuais dos casais; papeis de gênero e desafios do relacionamento conjugal. Houve um aumento na complexidade da conceptualização dessa diversidade conjugal. No terceiro artigo, o tema foi revisado somente em publicações nacionais e junto das travestilidades. Os resultados dos trabalhos encontrados apontam para um número variado de nomenclaturas dessas parcerias, com uma aparente fusão emocional conjugal que funciona como mantenedor das identidades de gêneros das/os participantes. Entretanto, encontra-se respostas criativas que permitem a quebra do efeito halo entre identidade de gênero e desejo sexual, conduzindo à autonomia identitária e ao prazer. No último artigo foram feitas entrevistas com três casais de homens e mulheres transexuais e seus cônjuges cisgêneros, analisadas a partir dos Estudos de Gênero (Queer e pós-estruturalistas). Os resultados demonstram que as conjugalidades transexuais descritas são mais um território que tenciona e desafia as normas de gênero e possibilita desfechos flexíveis, não direcionadas a nenhum dos extremos da heteronorma. Essa configuração específica pode possibilitar a desestabilização dessa tensão e permitir direções alternativas à lógica binária principalmente nos campos das performatividades sexuais, das divisões de tarefas cotidianas e das relações com as famílias de origem. / In view of the recent discussions about gender and sex diversity in Brazil, transsexualities have been the focus of academic development and a subject in the media. In spite of still being placed as abject, their conjugalities are an example of a displacement. The goal was to comprehend what are the constitutional processes of this transsexual conjugalities and how they are lived within these relationships. In order to come closer of these processes, this Thesis is divided in four articles. In the first one, the transsexuality concept is dissertated in four scientific knowledge areas: biology, medicine, psychoanalyses and social sciences. The concept is explained from issues regarding anatomy, genetics, brain differences, phallic-oedipal theory, psychopathology, sex as a discursive concept, gender as performative and as a diversity expression in opposition with the heteronorm. In the second article, a systematic review was done in relation to the transsexual conjugalities theme based on empirical evidence. Conjugal aspects were divided into the following categories: sexual activity, arousal and orientation; couples’ sexual challenges; gender roles and couples’ relationship challenges. There was an increase in the complexity of the conceptualization of this conjugal diversity. In the third article, the same theme was only revised in Brazilian publications, and the travestilidades theme was added. The results of the papers found show a variety of forms to denominate these partnerships, with an apparent conjugal emotional fusion that works as a maintainer the participants’ gender identities. However, there are creative responses that allow an interruption in the halo effect between gender identity and sexual desire and lead to identity autonomy and to pleasure. In the last article, three interviews were made with transsexual man and women and their cisgender partners. They were analyzed using the Gender Studies (Queer and post-structuralism studies). The results show that the transsexual conjugalities described are another territory that put into tension and defy gender norms and make flexible outcomes possible, not directed to any of the heteronorm extremes. This specific configuration may destabilize this tension and enable alternative directions to the binary logic mainly in the fields of sexual performativities, household tasks sharing and the relationship with family of origins.

Processos, desafios, tensões e criatividade nas conjugalidades de homens e mulheres transexuais

Lomando, Eduardo Marodin January 2014 (has links)
Diante das marcadas discussões sobre a diversidade sexual e de gênero no Brasil, as transexualidades têm sido foco de produções científicas e assunto recorrente da mídia. Apesar de ainda ocupar o lugar de abjeto, suas conjugalidades são exemplos de um deslocamento. O objetivo foi compreender quais são os processos que constituem essas conjugalidades transexuais e como esses são vividos nessa relação. Para se aproximar dessas respostas, essa Tese se divide em quatro artigos. No primeiro, disserta-se sobre o conceito de transexualidade em quatro áreas do conhecimento científico: biologia, medicina, psicanálise e ciências sociais. O conceito é explicado a partir de questões relacionadas à anatomia, genética, diferenças cerebrais, teoria fálico-edípica, psicopatologia, ao conceito de sexo como discursivo, de gênero como performatividade e expressão da diversidade em conflito com a heteronorma. No segundo artigo, foram revisados de forma sistemática os artigos que tratassem de demonstrar empiricamente as conjugalidades transexuais. Os aspectos relacionados às conjugalidades foram divididos nas categorias: atividade, excitação e orientação sexual; desafios sexuais dos casais; papeis de gênero e desafios do relacionamento conjugal. Houve um aumento na complexidade da conceptualização dessa diversidade conjugal. No terceiro artigo, o tema foi revisado somente em publicações nacionais e junto das travestilidades. Os resultados dos trabalhos encontrados apontam para um número variado de nomenclaturas dessas parcerias, com uma aparente fusão emocional conjugal que funciona como mantenedor das identidades de gêneros das/os participantes. Entretanto, encontra-se respostas criativas que permitem a quebra do efeito halo entre identidade de gênero e desejo sexual, conduzindo à autonomia identitária e ao prazer. No último artigo foram feitas entrevistas com três casais de homens e mulheres transexuais e seus cônjuges cisgêneros, analisadas a partir dos Estudos de Gênero (Queer e pós-estruturalistas). Os resultados demonstram que as conjugalidades transexuais descritas são mais um território que tenciona e desafia as normas de gênero e possibilita desfechos flexíveis, não direcionadas a nenhum dos extremos da heteronorma. Essa configuração específica pode possibilitar a desestabilização dessa tensão e permitir direções alternativas à lógica binária principalmente nos campos das performatividades sexuais, das divisões de tarefas cotidianas e das relações com as famílias de origem. / In view of the recent discussions about gender and sex diversity in Brazil, transsexualities have been the focus of academic development and a subject in the media. In spite of still being placed as abject, their conjugalities are an example of a displacement. The goal was to comprehend what are the constitutional processes of this transsexual conjugalities and how they are lived within these relationships. In order to come closer of these processes, this Thesis is divided in four articles. In the first one, the transsexuality concept is dissertated in four scientific knowledge areas: biology, medicine, psychoanalyses and social sciences. The concept is explained from issues regarding anatomy, genetics, brain differences, phallic-oedipal theory, psychopathology, sex as a discursive concept, gender as performative and as a diversity expression in opposition with the heteronorm. In the second article, a systematic review was done in relation to the transsexual conjugalities theme based on empirical evidence. Conjugal aspects were divided into the following categories: sexual activity, arousal and orientation; couples’ sexual challenges; gender roles and couples’ relationship challenges. There was an increase in the complexity of the conceptualization of this conjugal diversity. In the third article, the same theme was only revised in Brazilian publications, and the travestilidades theme was added. The results of the papers found show a variety of forms to denominate these partnerships, with an apparent conjugal emotional fusion that works as a maintainer the participants’ gender identities. However, there are creative responses that allow an interruption in the halo effect between gender identity and sexual desire and lead to identity autonomy and to pleasure. In the last article, three interviews were made with transsexual man and women and their cisgender partners. They were analyzed using the Gender Studies (Queer and post-structuralism studies). The results show that the transsexual conjugalities described are another territory that put into tension and defy gender norms and make flexible outcomes possible, not directed to any of the heteronorm extremes. This specific configuration may destabilize this tension and enable alternative directions to the binary logic mainly in the fields of sexual performativities, household tasks sharing and the relationship with family of origins.

Transpersoners upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande inom den öppna hälso- och sjukvården : En litteraturöversikt / Transgender people's experiences of health care staff's attitudes towards them in the general health care : A literature review

Andersson, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Begreppet transperson är ett paraplybegrepp vilket inkluderar alla personersom upplever att deras könsidentitet och/eller könsuttryck inte är kongruentmed det kön de blev tilldelade vid födseln. Prevalensen av transpersoner ivärlden är svår att uppskatta och på grund av den stigmatisering somgruppen utsätts för finns förmodligen ett mörkertal. Transpersonerdiskrimineras, utsätts för våld och övergrepp samt försätts ofta i hälsofarligasocioekonomiska tillstånd såsom social exkludering, arbetslöshet ochhemlöshet. Detta ökar risken för depression, ångest, suicid, missbruk ochpsykisk stress. Syfte: Att belysa transpersoners upplevelser kring bemötande från vårdpersonalinom den öppna hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: För att besvara syftet genomfördes en litteraturöversikt. Åtta vetenskapligaartiklar analyserades utifrån likheter och skillnader. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras utifrån fem olika teman vilka lyder: Vård som främjaridentitetsutveckling, Att avslöja sin könsidentitet, Kunskap och attityder frånvårdgivarens sida, Diskriminerad till följd av sin identitet och Ansvaretligger hos patienten. Diskussion: Diskussionen betonar hur vårdpersonal kan få ökad förståelse förtranspersoners behov utifrån Husserls livsvärldsteori. Konsensusbegreppetvårdande diskuteras i relation till de bristfälliga vårdrelationer mångatranspersoner vittnar om. Vidare diskuteras kunskapsglappet hosvårdpersonalen, dess effekter på vårdens tillgänglighet och behovet avutbildning. / Background: The term transgender is an umbrella term that include all people whosegender identity and/or gender expression is not congruent with theirassigned sex at birth. The prevalence of transgender people is difficult toestimate and due to stigma the numbers might be underreported.Transgender people are discriminated and exposed to violence and assault.Many end up in vulnerable socioeconomic situations that include socialexclusion, unemployment and loss of household which increases the risk fordepression, anxiety, suicide, abuse and mental distress. Aim: To illuminate transgender peoples experiences of health care staff’s attitudestowards them in the general health care. Method: A literature review was conducted to answer the aim. Eight scientificarticles were analyzed focusing on similarities and differences. Results: The results are presented in five main themes: Supporting the self-concept,To disclose ones gender identity, Knowledge and attitudes within the healthcare system, Discriminated due to ones identity and The responsibility lieson the patient. Discussion: The discussion emphasize how health care staff can gain understanding fortransgender peoples needs related to Husserl’s theory of the life world. Theconcept of care are discussed related to the substandard patient-caregiverrelationship that many transgender people report about. The lack ofknowledge within the health care system is discussed as well as how it willeffect transgender peoples access to care and the need of education.

Human Papillomavirus Vaccination, Online Health Information Seeking, and Health Literacy among Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People

Pho, Anthony T. January 2020 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually-transmitted infection in the U.S. and is associated with a number of cancers. A vaccine that can prevent 90% of HPV-associated cancers has been available since 2006, yet millions of young adults remain unvaccinated. Low vaccination uptake has been observed in cisgender sexual minority communities and less is known about HPV vaccination among transgender and gender nonbinary (TGNB) people. The aims of this dissertation were: (a) to identify facilitators for and barriers to HPV vaccination among gender minority people; (b) to compare HPV vaccination rates, HPV risk and situational factors like barriers to care, access to care, preventive care, HPV knowledge and Internet use in a sample of TGNB people and cisgender sexual minority people; and (c) to explore the association of online health information and HPV vaccination receipt among TGNB people compared to cisgender sexual minority people and determine if eHealth Literacy or general health literacy moderate this relationship. METHODS: The dissertation comprised three studies. First, an integrative review of the literature included searches of three electronic databases to identify and appraise studies that explore patient-, provider- and system-level HPV vaccination barriers among gender minority people. Second, guided by the Integrative Model of eHealth Use, a cross-sectional secondary analysis of The Population Research in Identities and Disparities for Equality (PRIDE) Study Annual Questionnaire 2018-19, compared the rate of HPV vaccination among TGNB and cisgender sexual minority people and described situation factors (e.g., barriers to care, access to care, preventive care), Internet use, HPV knowledge, HPV risk, and HPV vaccination among these communities. Third, a novel cross-sectional online survey of TGNB and cisgender sexual minority participants recruited from The PRIDE Study, also guided by the Integrative Model of eHealth Use, explored the association between online health information seeking and receipt of HPV vaccine, and whether eHealth literacy and/or general health literacy moderate this relationship. Statistical methods for the cross-sectional studies included prevalence ratios (PR) using robust Poisson statistics and multivariable logistic regression with post hoc Bonferroni-Holm correction. RESULTS: The integrative review identified six cross-sectional studies and one qualitative study that explored HPV vaccine barriers and facilitators among gender minority people. The majority of the studies included <10% gender minority participants. Key barriers to vaccination identified were misperceptions of risk at patient-level, bias towards vaccinating female assigned individuals at the provider-level and population effects of recommendations for girls-only at the policy-level. The cross-sectional secondary analysis of The PRIDE Study 2018-19 Annual Questionnaire and included N = 5,500 responses and found that: (a) the prevalence of ever receiving HPV vaccine was 1.2 times greater among TGNB participants than cisgender participants (PR 1.2; 95% CI, 1.1-1.3); (b) the prevalence of ever receiving HPV vaccine was 2.4 times greater among transgender men who were assigned female at birth compared to transgender women who were assigned male at birth (PR 2.4; 95% CI, 2.0-2.8); and (c) no differences in vaccination initiation and vaccination completion based on gender identity, sex assigned at birth, sex organs born with, or current sex organs. The cross-sectional novel online survey of PRIDE participants yielded N = 3,258 responses (response rate 19.6%). After controlling for covariates including age, race/ethnicity and educational attainment, we found that TGNB as compared to cisgender participants had increased odds (aOR=1.5=; 95% CI, 1.1-2.2) of reporting receipt of HPV vaccine ever and decreased odds (aOR=0.7; 95% CI, 0.5-0.9) of ever receiving of HPV vaccine when they looked for info on vaccines in the past year. Conversely, TGNB participants had over twice the odds (aOR=2.4; 95% CI, 1.1-5.6) of ever receiving HPV vaccine if they visited a social networking site like Facebook or Instagram in the past year. There were no moderating effects observed from eHealth or general health literacy. CONCLUSIONS: TGNB communities are understudied in terms of HPV vaccination and the existing literature shows misperceptions about the need of HPV vaccination among TGNB communities at both the patient and provider level. TGNB participants were more likely to have ever received HPV vaccine compared to cisgender sexual minority participants in the cross-sectional secondary analysis of The PRIDE Study 2018-19 Annual Questionnaire which may be attributed to high primary engagement in the cohort. Finally, online health information seeking about vaccines was associated with decreased receipt of HPV vaccine (ever) whereas social media use increased HPV vaccine receipt (ever) among TGNB participants compared to cisgender sexual minority participants. These conflicting findings suggest that the quality of online health information relating HPV vaccines, how, when and why TGNB people search for health information online may affect health behaviors like HPV vaccination. More research is warranted to explore how online health information seeking may influence personal health decision-making among TGNB communities.

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