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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framed communities : translating the State of the Nation

Janse van Rensburg, Thelma 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Every year, the South African President delivers a State of the Nation Address. This speech provides him with the opportunity to raise his opinion on the current state of affairs in the country. As can be expected, the country's different media channels then report extensively on the speech. These reports can, however, be regarded as much more than simple commentaries on the speech – they are in fact, reframed versions of the speech that affect and shape the opinions and ideologies of their readers. These media channels also provide the perfect vehicles through which links can be established between citizens to support their belief that they form part of an established community (Bielsa and Bassnett 2009:33). Wherever communication is present or necessary, it is impossible to escape the process or effect of framing, as framing implies “‘how speakers mean what they say’” (Tannen and Wallat, 1993:60; in Baker, 2006:105). Therefore, the presence and effects of framing should not be ignored, instead, translation scholars should be aware of framing and how this process affects translated texts. Mona Baker introduced the idea that the translated and reformulated narratives that we are exposed to constitute the everyday stories that shape the way we perceive reality (Baker 2006:3). By studying these translated versions of the speech one can gain insight into the ideologies of the intended target readership (Bielsa and Bassnett 2009:10). In the ever-growing field of Translation Studies it is important to focus on finding an approach that provides enough freedom for scholars to elaborate on existing approaches and include new findings and results. This thesis focuses on the narrative approach and explores Baker's views by taking a deeper look at rewritten versions of the SONA in the shape of newspaper articles. It also suggests that this approach has the potential to provide scholars with a much-needed framework. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elke jaar gee die President van Suid-Afrika ʼn staatsrede waarin hy sy mening lug oor die huidige stand van sake in die land. Dit is te verwagte dat die verskillende mediakanale dan breedvoerig oor hierdie toespraak verslag lewer. Hierdie verslae is egter veel meer as eenvoudige kommentaar op die President se toespraak, hulle is in effek, hergekonstrueerde weergawes van die toespraak, wat sodoende deel van ʼn nuwe raamwerk uitmaak – ʼn raamwerk wat ʼn belangrike rol speel in die vorming van lesers se menings en ideologieë. Hierdie mediakanale bied ook die perfekte mediums om kommunikasie tussen die onderskeie lede van ʼn gemeenskap in werking te stel sodat hulle sal glo dat hulle deel vorm van ʼn gevestigde gemeenskap (Bielsa en Bassnett 2009:33). Waar kommunikasie ter sprake is, is dit onmoontlik om die proses van herskrywing te vermy, aangesien die plasing van inligting in ʼn nuwe raam verwant is aan “‘hoe sprekers bedoel wat hulle sê’” (Tannen en Wallat, 1993:60; in Baker, 2006:105). Dus moet die effek van herskrywing nie onderskat word nie; inteendeel, vertalers moet bewus wees van die implikasies daarvan en hoe dit vertaalde tekste beïnvloed. Mona Baker het vorendag gekom met die idee dat die manier waarop ons realiteit waarneem, beïnvloed word deur die vertaalde en herskryfde narratiewe waaraan ons elke dag blootgestel word (2006:3). Vertalings word spesifiek geskep met die doellesers in gedagte, daarom kan verdere insig oor die ideologieë van die doellesers verkry word deur hierdie vertalings verder te bestudeer (Bielsa en Bassnett 2009:10). In die steeds groeiende veld van vertaalteorie, is dit belangrik om ʼn benadering te vind wat kenners genoeg vryheid toelaat om bestaande teorieë uit te brei en nuwe resultate en bevindings tot die vertaalwetenskap te kan byvoeg. Hierdie studie bestudeer dus Baker se argumente en die impak van ʼn narratiewe benadering op vertaalteorie deur te fokus op herskrywings van die staatsrede in die vorm van koerantberigte. Dit suggereer ook dat hierdie narratiewe benadering van herskrywing deur inligting binne ʼn nuwe raam te plaas, die potensiaal het om aan wetenskaplikes ʼn nuwe teoretiese ondersoekbasis te bied.

Die rol van die vertaler as kulturele bemiddelaar : die Afrikaanse Harry Potter as gevallestudie

Zandberg, Anzette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is the latest popular addition to translated Afrikaans children’s literature. Although these books have a double readership, the Afrikaans translations are primarily aimed at young Afrikaans children who either can’t speak English, or whose English is too poor to understand the original text on their own. Translating for children makes specific demands on the translator. One such demand involves the choices the translator is forced to make during the translation process by taking into account the child reader’s limited cultural experience and world knowledge. This implies that the translator cannot translate automatically by merely transferring synonyms from one language to another, but should take on the role of a cultural mediator who bridges the gaps between the source and the target cultures and takes responsibility for successful intercultural communication. This study investigates the culturally mediating role of the Afrikaans translators, Janie Oosthuysen and Kobus Geldenhuys, in a comparative study of the target texts, Harry Potter en die beker vol vuur and Harry Potter en die halfbloed prins. The proposed translation method is a functionalist approach with loyalty. According to this apporach, the translator should have a thorough background knowledge of both the source and target cultures and the functions these texts perform in their respective cultures, as well as the range of available translation strategies for a specific translation situation. Care should also be taken not to mislead the target reader. A descriptive methodology is followed, pointing out the absence of consistent translation norms and a well-planned translation strategy in both target texts, thus increasing the cultural divide between the source and the target cultures which could confuse the young Afrikaans reader.

Antjie Krog se vertaling die sterre sê ‘tsau’: ’n deskriptiewe analise

Vosloo, Frances Antoinette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / In this thesis the translating strategies of domestication and foreignisation in Antjie Krog’s anthology die sterre sê ‘tsau’ (2004) are investigated. A descriptive approach is followed in the analysis, with the main focus on Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) and the poststructuralist concept différance (Derrida 1982). The researcher states that Krog, in her translation of the /Xam narratives, 1) follows a foreignising strategy by moving the target reader towards the source text; 2) is visible as translator as a result of her use of annotations, for example; and 3) that, in addition to foreignisation, she moves the source text towards the target reader by domesticating towards her own poetic style. The introductory chapter is followed by a discussion of those translational models relevant to the analysis. The discussion focuses on Venuti’s (1995) model of domestication/ foreignisation, as well as on some aspects of deconstruction and différance. Lambert and Van Gorp’s (1985) descriptive model is expounded as the primary model for the analysis of the anthology. The following chapter involves a literary historic overview of the language and culture of the /Xam in order to fully contextualise both the source and target texts. In the following chapter the most relevant aspects of Krog’s poetics and translational strategy are discussed as far as they coincide with the main argument of the thesis. In the practical part of the thesis five poems from the anthology are discussed on macro-, micro- and systemic level in order to establish Krog’s translational strategy as well as the presence in the translation of her poetic style. In the final chapter the extent to which the findings in the analysis correspond to the hypothesis is concluded.

Two English translations of the Chinese epic novel Sanguo yanyi : a descriptive and functionalist study

Feng, Lei 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This comparative study investigates the English translations of China’s first novel, Sanguo yanyi. The focus is firstly on describing the factors that affect the production of each of the translations and secondly on identifying and determining the approaches and strategies used by the two translators. The primary objective of the study is to gain a better understanding of literary translation between two distinctly different languages by objectively describing and analyzing the factors relevant to the production of the two translations. The secondary objective is to evaluate the two translations by using the functionalist approach to translation. To this end, the study determines which of the two translations better serves the purpose of providing South African students of Chinese with insight into and appreciation of some aspects of Chinese culture which would enhance their Chinese studies. The key theories and models that are introduced and applied are Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), which was mainly established by Gideon Toury in the 1980s and the Functionalist Approach, which was established by Vermeer and Reiss also in the 1980s and further developed by Nord. DTS focuses on pragmatic aspects, such as social, cultural and communicative practices instead of only on linguistic units. Within this framework, decisionmaking processes and translational norms of the two translators of Sanguo yanyi are examined. Three representative chapters of the source text and their translations are selected as the focus of the investigation. Furthermore, a description of the entire translation process is provided – from the translators’ original planning and agents acting as patrons of the project to the approaches and strategies that the translators are considered to have adopted in the process of translating. Within Functionalism the function of the target text in the target culture determines which aspects of the source text should be transferred to the target text. From this theoretical approach the findings regarding the translation strategies and processes in the translations of Sanguo yanyi are used to ultimately determine the extent to which the translators succeed in conveying the collective memory of some of the cultural-historical issues in China to the target texts, while at the same time making the texts accessible to Western (South African) students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word daar ’n vergelykende ondersoek na twee Engelse vertalings van China se eerste roman, Sanguo yanyi, onderneem. Daar word eerstens gefokus op ’n beskrywing van die faktore wat die produksie van elk van die vertalings beïnvloed en daarna word die benaderings en strategieë geïdentifiseer wat deur die twee vertalers gebruik is. Die primêre doel van die studie is om ’n beter begrip van literêre vertaling tussen twee beduidend verskillende tale te verkry deur die faktore wat ’n rol in die betrokke vertaalprosesse speel op ’n objektiewe wyse te beskryf en te ondersoek. As sekondêre doelstelling word die twee vertalings binne die raamwerk van die funksionalistiese benadering tot vertaling geëvalueer. Daar word naamlik ondersoek watter een van die vertalings die beste slaag in die doel om aan Suid-Afrikaanse studente ’n dieper insig in en groter waardering vir sekere aspekte van die Chinese kultuur te verskaf ten einde hulle studie van die Chinese taal aan te vul. Die belangrikste teorieë en modelle wat gebruik word, is deskriptiewe vertaalstudie (DTS), wat as navorsingsrigting binne vertaling hoofsaaklik deur Gideon Toury in die tagtigerjare gevestig is, en funksionalisme, wat ook in die tagtigerjare deur Vermeer en Reiss ontwikkel is en later deur Nord uitgebrei is. DTS fokus op pragmatiese aspekte soos sosiale, kulturele en kommunikatiewe praktyke eerder as bloot op linguistiese eenhede, en die besluitnemingsprosesse en vertaalnorme van die twee vertalers van Sanguo yanyi word binne hierdie raamwerk ondersoek. Drie verteenwoordigende hoofstukke van die bronteks en hulle vertalings word as die fokus van die ondersoek gebruik. Verder kom ’n bespreking van die vertaalprosesse in die geheel aan bod – vanaf die vertalers se aanvanklike beplanning en agente wat as patronate van die projek optree tot die resepsie en invloed van die doeltekste in die Engelssprekende wêreld. Binne die funksionalisme bepaal die funksie van die doelteks binne die doelkultuur watter aspekte van die bronteks na die doelteks oorgedra word. Vanuit hierdie teoretiese benadering word die bevindinge rakende die vertaalstrategieë en –prosesse in die vertalings van Sanguo yanyi gebruik om uiteindelik te bepaal in watter mate die vertalers daarin slaag om die herinnering aan kultuurhistoriese kwessies in China in die doeltekste behoue te laat bly en die tekste terselfdertyd vir Westerse (Suid-Afrikaanse) studente toeganklik te maak.

'n Direkte vertaling versus 'n abbavertaling met verwysing na kulturele oordrag

Steyn, Johanna E. T. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most Afrikaans novels that are translated into French are piggyback or relay translations, which means translations of translations. Although piggyback translations have been done since the earliest times and are still being done, they are at best seen as a necessary evil and little research is done on this phenomenon – in fact so little that there is not even a uniform term among scholars to refer to this practice. Translation is the ideal space for different cultures to meet and interact, especially when the translation strategy is to foreignise by retaining cultural elements form the source culture in the translated text. Each translation is however adapted to a certain extent to its own target culture in order for the target public to have a better understanding of the text. When a translator works directly with the source text, he is in control about the way in which cultural references will be conveyed and explained to the target public. In the case of a piggyback translation the translator has to translate a “source text” that has already been adapted, or not, for a specific target public. The piggyback translator has to deal with a text where some cultural references might have been retained and others not. If the piggyback translator has no first-hand knowledge of the source culture, it means that he will not be able to distinguish which references have been adapted, nor to what extent they have been adapted. This study is an investigation into the French translations of two novels by Etienne van Heerden, namely Toorberg and Die swye van Mario Salviati. Le Domaine de Toorberg is a piggyback translation of Toorberg and Un long silence has been translated directly from the Afrikaans source text. The aim is to determine in which of the two French translations cultural transfer was the most successful. In translation studies great emphasis is placed on the fact that translators should not only be bilingual, but also bicultural, which means that the translator should understand both source and target cultures. In the case of the direct translation investigated here, the translator is not only bilingual, but he shows a South African and French biculturality. In the case of the piggyback translation however, the translator’s cultures are French and North American. This means that the piggyback translator has no first-hand knowledge of the source culture with the result that the cultural references are unknown to her. I hope to determine through this study whether piggyback translations are a viable method to present Afrikaans novels to (in this case) French readers and if not, whether alternative methods should be investigated, for example using translators who do not necessarily translate into their first language, as often suggested in translation studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meeste Afrikaanse romans wat in Frans vertaal word, is abbavertalings, dit wil sê, vertalings van vertalings. Alhoewel abbavertalings reeds vanaf die vroegste tye gedoen word en steeds gedoen word, word dit ten beste gesien as ʼn onvermydelike euwel en daar word min navorsing oor hierdie verskynsel gedoen – so min dat daar nie eens onder teoretici ʼn eenvormige term bestaan om daarna te verwys nie. Vertaling is ʼn ideale ruimte waar verskillende kulture mekaar kan leer ken, veral wanneer daar vervreemdend vertaal word en kulturele elemente van die bronkultuur in die vertaling behou word. Elke vertaling word egter tot ʼn mindere of meerdere mate aangepas vir sy eie doelkultuur sodat die teikenpubliek die teks beter kan begryp. Wanneer ʼn vertaler direk met die bronteks self werk, het hy beheer oor die manier waarop kulturele referente oorgedra en verduidelik gaan word aan die teikenpubliek. In die geval van ʼn abbavertaling moet die vertaler egter ʼn “bronteks” vertaal wat reeds aangepas is vir ʼn spesifieke teikenpubliek, wat kulturele ooreenkomste toon met sy eie teikenpubliek, of nie. Die abbavertaler het dus te doen met ʼn reeds aangepaste teks waarin sommige kulturele referente behou is en ander nie. Indien die abbavertaler geen eerstehandse kennis het van die bronkultuur nie, beteken dit dat hy nie kan onderskei watter referente aangepas is nie, en ook nie tot watter mate hierdie referente aangepas is nie. In hierdie studie word ondersoek ingestel na die Franse vertalings van twee romans van Etienne van Heerden, naamlik Toorberg en Die swye van Mario Salviati. Le Domaine de Toorberg is ʼn abbavertaling uit die Engelse vertaling van Toorberg en Un long silence is direk uit die Afrikaanse bronteks vertaal. Die doel is om vas te stel in watter een van die twee Franse vertalings kulturele oordrag die suksesvolste plaasgevind het. In vertaalteorie word daar deesdae klem gelê op die feit dat vertalers nie net tweetalig moet wees nie, maar ook bikultureel, dit wil sê die vertaler moet die bron- sowel as doelkultuur verstaan. In die geval van die direkte vertaling wat in hierdie studie bestudeer is, is die vertaler nie net tweetalig nie, maar hy het ook ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse en Franse bikulturalteit, maar in die geval van die abbavertaling het die vertaler ʼn Franse en Noord-Amerikaanse kultuurkombinasie. Dit beteken dat die abbavertaler geen eerstehandse kennis dra van die bronkultuur nie met die gevolg dat die kulturele referente vir haar vreemd is. Ek hoop om deur hierdie studie vas te stel of abbavertalings wel ʼn lewensvatbare metode is om Afrikaanse romans (in hierdie geval) aan ʼn Franse leserspubliek bekend te stel, en indien nie, daar alternatiewe metodes is wat ondersoek behoort te word, byvoorbeeld deur vertalers te gebruik wat nie noodwendig, soos die vertaalteorie meestal voorskryf, in hulle eerste taal vertaal nie.

Problems of translating modern Scottish literature into French, with special reference to 'The crow road' by Iain Banks

Cazeilles, Olivier Demissy January 2004 (has links)
This thesis, which is written in French, examines the problems of translating modem Scottish literature into French. To illustrate them, a case study on The Crow Road by lain Banks will be undertaken. A short introduction first establishes the content of the thesis, its different parts and the strategy that we have adopted to tackle our main problem. This is identified as the cultural "otherness" of Scottish writing, which has been to a greater or lesser degree occulted in French translations of Scottish Literature. Chapter I looks at theoretical aspects of translation from a thematic point of view ranging from a philosophical approach, through a linguistic one to various cultural approaches, with specific reference to Eugene Nida and Lawrence Venuti. Chapter II examines Scotland as a nation and as a country with important linguistic and cultural differences from its southern neighbour. We will see how important this separation is in literature and how some theorists have dealt in particular with the problem of translating the vernacular. Chapter III is devoted to the analysis of the French translations of four Scottish authors, James Kelman, William McIlvanney, Irvine Welsh and lain Banks. It examines passages from the texts but also emphasises the strategies adopted by the translators. Chapters IV and V focus on respectively on lain Banks and The Crow Road in order to provide thorough social and cultural contextualisation before considering ways of translating the novel. Chapter VI considers a number of potential strategies for translating sections of The Crow Road: a 'domesticated' one, a Nabokov style, the use of a French dialect and finally one using Venuti's concepts. The conclusion suggests that translators are free to choose between competing strategies, or even to mix them, but that what is crucial is to have a thorough knowledge of the source culture, and a conscious and apparent strategy, before approaching works as culturally laden as contemporary Scottish novels. The Translator may have to have the courage to offend against existing French translation norms if translation is to be truly trans cui tural.

Investigation of improving the quality of sub-test items on the isiZulu translated version of the junior South African intelligence scale (JSAIS) GIQ8

29 October 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Albert Camus' Les justes: a descriptive approach to the analysis of a drama text in translation.

Hudson, Joanna L 06 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Two translations of Franz Kafka's short story "Die Verwandlung": a stylistic analysis and comparison.

Czakan, Patricia January 1994 (has links)
A translation research project submitted to the Faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Translation. / This research project focuses on two English translations of Franz Kafka's short story "Die Verwandlung". (Abbreviation abstract) / AC 2018

As tiras de Mafalda no Brasil: tradutores e traduções / Mafalda comic strips in Brazil: translators and translations

Silva, Bárbara Zocal da 28 September 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa consiste num estudo das três traduções brasileiras de tiras cômicas de Mafalda, criadas pelo quadrinista argentino Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, o Quino, e se insere em duas das perspectivas dos Estudos Descritivos da Tradução (Holmes, 2000 [1972]): estudos de função (contextos) e de produto (textos). As três traduções foram publicadas em diferentes épocas e conjunturas, a saber: (1) as primeiras traduções das tiras de Mafalda no Brasil, realizadas na década de 1970 e publicadas pela Editora Artenova (RJ); (2) as traduções realizadas por Mouzar Benedito, em 1982, editadas por Henfil e publicadas pela Editora Global (SP); e (3) as traduções realizadas por Monica Stahel e sua equipe de tradutores, em 1991, e publicadas pela Editora Martins Fontes (SP). Investigamos esses contextos de produção e aspectos linguísticos das traduções. Ao entendermos que é inerente à linguagem das histórias em quadrinhos a combinação de elementos verbais e visuais (icônicos e pictóricos), procuramos ter em conta nas análises a anatomia relevante para a tradução (translation-relevant anatomy) proposta por Kaindl (2010), que considera, além do contexto social de produção e dos aspectos linguísticos, também elementos pictóricos e tipográficos. Na perspectiva desse autor, a tradução de histórias em quadrinhos pode ser compreendida, em suas numerosas incidências de manipulação, como um resultado das especificidades de sua tradução, bem como de sua condição social de produção e circulação. Com essas linhas diretoras em mente, estruturamos a dissertação. Num primeiro momento, procuramos identificar os elementos constitutivos da linguagem dos quadrinhos inerentes ao gênero tira cômica, no qual se inserem as tiras de Mafalda. Quanto aos aspectos contextuais, traçamos um panorama da criação das tiras da personagem, situando-a em seu contexto de publicação (suportes e datas de publicação, em relação ao momento histórico vivenciado na Argentina), e apresentamos as traduções brasileiras das tiras de Mafalda, focalizando seu contexto de produção, bem como as pessoas envolvidas nas traduções dessas tiras, isto é, as editoras e os editores que as publicaram, e os tradutores que as realizaram. Quanto ao estudo de produto, com base na taxonomia de procedimentos técnicos de tradução que Aubert (1998) adequou para examinar textos traduzidos e distâncias tradutórias entre pares linguísticos, as modalidades de tradução, estabelecemos quatorze modalidades e analisamos as traduções observando a distribuição dessas modalidades em cada uma, a fim de estabelecer um perfil descritivo e comparativo delas. Por fim, perguntamo-nos sobre possíveis vínculos entre os diferentes perfis linguísticos das traduções e dados de contexto de produção, como o perfil de cada tradutor. A presente pesquisa pretende contribuir para a historiografia da tradução espanhol-português no Brasil, bem como para os estudos descritivos de tradução de histórias em quadrinhos, um hipergênero multimodal cujas especificidades vêm recebendo atenção dentro dos Estudos da Tradução há apenas pouco mais de uma década. / This research consists in a study of three Brazilian translations from Mafalda comic strips, created by the Argentinian cartoonist Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, known by his pen name Quino. The present investigation is inserted in two perspectives of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) (Holmes, 2000 [1972]): function-oriented (based in the context) and product-oriented (text-focused). The three translations chosen were published in different periods: (1) during 1970s, when the first version of Mafalda in Portuguese was published in Brazil by Editora Artenova (RJ); (2) in 1982, made by Mouzar Benedito and edited by Henfil, published by Editora Global (SP); and (3) in 1991, made by Monica Stahel and her team of translators and published by Editora Martins Fontes (SP). Our purpose was to investigate the contexts of production and the linguistic aspects of the translations. Since it is inherent to comics the combination of verbal and iconic elements, it was considered the analysis and the anatomy relevant for the translation (translation-relevant anatomy) proposed by Kaindl (2010), which considers more than the social background of this sort of work and the linguistic aspects, the pictorial and typographic elements. According to this author, the cartoon translation should be comprehended as a result of the specificities of each translation and its social conditions of production and circulation. The thesis was structured through these guidelines. In a first moment, it was intended to identify the main elements of comics language, the genre where Mafalda belongs. An overview of the historic and publishing settings of the character was presented. Afterwards, the Brazilian versions are listed, as well as their context of production and the professionals involved in it. To study the results, it was used the taxonomy of technical procedures of translation that Aubert (1998) created to examine translated texts and the translational gaps between linguistic pairs and modalities of translation. We established fourteen modalities and analyzed the comic strips selected observing each one of these categories, in order to establish a descriptive and comparative profile of each text studied. One of our goals is to look for links between different linguistic profiles from the translations, its contexts of production and the profile of each of its translators. We intend to contribute for the historiography of Spanish-Portuguese translations in Brazil and for the translational descriptive studies of cartoons as a multimodal genre, which specific characteristics have received attention in this field of study for not much more than a decade.

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