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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zahraniční politika Trumpovy administrativy: Vypovězení Pařížské dohody z pohledu dvouúrovňové hry / Foreign policy of Trump's administration: Withdrawal from the Paris Accord through the lens of two-level game theory

Pastorková, Sabrina January 2019 (has links)
Foreign policy of Trump's administration: Withdrawal from the Paris Accord through the lens of two-level game theory Abstract Foreign policy of President Donald Trump has been a point of enquiry of many scholars so far. In the literature, we can observe a great diversity in opinions that attempt to explain his motivations in certain specific foreign policy actions. The main focus of this diploma thesis is laid on the withdrawal from international treaties, namely the Paris Accord from 2015. In this idiographic case study, we utilize the theory of two-level games by Robert Putnam which enables us to analyze the link between the domestic level of the decision to withdraw the international treaty. By identifying veto players in the U.S. political system, more concretely in its environmental policies, we were able to uncover the underlying notions behind the decision. Veto players in our case were the Congress with Republican and Democratic party, electoral impetus covering the general public opinion and new actors entering the public debate (private companies and states). Alternatively, we described the President's and his administration distinctive motivations. The thesis provides a new insight into the politics of the decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord. As per our findings, the electoral impetus is...

@TheRealDonaldTrump’s tweets correlation with stock market volatility / @TheRealDonaldTrump's tweets korrelation med volatiliteten på aktiemarkanden

Olofsson, Isak January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze if there is any tweet specific data posted by Donald Trump that has a correlation with the volatility of the stock market. If any details about the president Trump's tweets show correlation with the volatility, the goal is to find a subset of regressors with as high as possible predictability. The content of tweets is used as the base for regressors. The method which has been used is a multiple linear regression with tweet and volatility data ranging from 2010 until 2020. As a measure of volatility, the Cboe VIX has been used, and the regressors in the model have focused on the content of tweets posted by Trump using TF-IDF to evaluate the content of tweets. The results from the study imply that the chosen regressors display a small significant correlation of with an adjusted R2 = 0.4501 between Trump´s tweets and the market volatility. The findings Include 78 words with correlation to stock market volatility when part of President Trump's tweets. The stock market is a large and complex system of many unknowns, which aggravate the process of simplifying and quantifying data of only one source into a regression model with high predictability. / Syftet med denna studie är att analysera om det finns några specifika egenskaper i de tweets publicerade av Donald Trump som har en korrelation med volatiliteten på aktiemarknaden. Om egenskaper kring president Trumps tweets visar ett samband med volatiliteten är målet att hitta en delmängd av regressorer med för att beskriva sambandet med så hög signifikans som möjligt. Innehållet i tweets har varit i fokus använts som regressorer. Metoden som har använts är en multipel linjär regression med tweet och volatilitetsdata som sträcker sig från 2010 till 2020. Som ett mått på volatilitet har Cboe VIX använts, och regressorerna i modellen har fokuserat på innehållet i tweets där TF-IDF har använts för att transformera ord till numeriska värden. Resultaten från studien visar att de valda regressorerna uppvisar en liten men signifikant korrelation med en justerad R2 = 0,4501 mellan Trumps tweets och marknadens volatilitet. Resultaten inkluderar 78 ord som de när en är en del av president Trumps tweets visar en signifikant korrelation till volatiliteten på börsen. Börsen är ett stort och komplext system av många okända, som försvårar processen att förenkla och kvantifiera data från endast en källa till en regressionsmodell med hög förutsägbarhet.

”I’ve never been politically correct – truthfully it takes far too much time and can often make it more difficult to achieve total victory” : En kritisk diskursanalys av Donald Trumps tal under valåret 2016 / ”I’ve never been politically correct – truthfully it takes far too much time and can often make it more difficult to achieve total victory” : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump's speeches during United States presidential election of 2016

Sonevik, Linnéa, Wahlgren, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
This study, ​“‘I’ve never been politically correct – truthfully it takes far too much time and can often make it more difficult to achieve total victory’ - a Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump's speeches during United States presidential election of 2016”​, examines the political communication through linguistic strategies throughout 10 of Donald Trump’s speeches from the Trump rallies during the election year 2016. In order to serve that purpose, this thesis investigates which ones of the discourses that dominates the republican agenda in this context. ​Accordingly to the Critical Discourse Analysis the aim is also to see whether the worldview in Trumps speeches is constructed or deconstructed. The study is based on a theoretical framework with theories about social constructionism, nationalism and populism. A quantitative content analysis was made through the online text tool “Textometrica” in order to see Trumps main discourses. The qualitative content analysis was made through Norman Faircloughs three-dimensional model for a Critical Discourse Analysis. According to the analysis of this study, the five main discourses are ​Establishment, Trump, USA, Immigration ​and​ Work​. Around these discourses, Donald Trump’s main strategy is constructing an opposition between “us” and “them”, where “us” consist with Trump himself and the american people, and “them” includes the establishment, other countries and immigrants. Based on these opponents, and through disparaging “them” in a strategy, here called “the thief-strategy”, Trump constructs a reality where “us” is the better half and he appears as the hero in this duo. In conclusion, Trumps strategy in order to win the presidential election 2016 included running a political agenda characterized by populism which later on can lead to a polarized community, and a dissatisfied american people who will be open for change and a new leader.


MYLENA SILVA LUCCIOLA GUEDES 11 April 2024 (has links)
[pt] O conceito de excepcionalismo americano permeou a história dos EUA e criou uma imagem de um país com um sistema e uma sociedade democráticos superior, capaz de promover a democracia, os direitos humanos e o Estado de Direito em nível nacional e internacional. Essa ideia legitimou a liderança dos EUA na construção de uma ordem liberal internacional. A ascensão ao poder do Presidente Donald Trump e a atual crise da ordem global contribuíram para questionar essa ideia e seus pressupostos. Esta dissertação tem dois objetivos principais: em primeiro lugar, discutir o conceito de excepcionalismo americano e, em segundo lugar, analisar como o conceito de excepcionalismo americano afeta a relação entre os Estados Unidos e o Direito Internacional. Será argumentado que o excepcionalismo pode ser definido como um conceito e analisado com as lentes teóricas e metodológicas da História Conceitual. Sem um significado definitivo, o excepcionalismo americano é composto de diferentes interpretações que variam de acordo com o contexto em que o autor se situa. Ainda assim, sua importância na história e na identidade americanas é inquestionável, tornando necessário levar em conta o excepcionalismo ao tentar entender as ações dos Estados Unidos. Para analisar a relação entre o excepcionalismo americano e o Direito Internacional, a dissertação se envolverá com a literatura sobre a Ordem Liberal Internacional, a hegemonia dos EUA e o multilateralismo. Além disso, será perguntado se a ascensão de Donald Trump pode ser considerada uma ruptura em duas tradições americanas: a relação dos Estados Unidos com o Direito Internacional e o uso político do excepcionalismo. Argumenta-se que, apesar de se distanciar claramente da tradição excepcionalista, Trump não se desviou da tradição do Direito Internacional como é comumente percebido. Essa percepção é derivada de seus discursos radicais, de sua personalidade estrondosa e de seus vínculos com a extrema direita, mas não se traduz na maioria de suas políticas. / [en] The concept of American exceptionalism has permeated U.S. history and created an image of a country with better democratic system and society, able to promote domestically and internationally the democracy, human rights and the rule of law. This idea has legitimatized U.S. leadership in the construction of a liberal international order. The rise to power of President Donald Trump and the current crisis of the global order have contributed to question this idea and assumptions. This dissertation has two main aims, firstly, to discuss the concept of American exceptionalism, and secondly to analyse how the concept of American exceptionalism affects the relationship between the United States and International Law. It will be argued that exceptionalism can be defined as a concept and analysed with the theoretical and methodological lenses of Conceptual History. With no definitive meaning, American exceptionalism is made of different interpretations that vary across the context the author was situated in. Still, its importance in American history and identity is unquestionable, making it necessary to take exceptionalism into account when trying to understand the United States actions. In order to analyse the relation of American exceptionalism and International Law, the dissertation will engage with the literature of International Liberal Order, U.S. hegemony and multilateralism. Furthermore, it will inquire if the rise of Donald Trump can be considered a rupture in two American traditions: the United States relationship with International Law and the political use of exceptionalism. It is argued that, although clearly distancing himself from the exceptionalist tradition, Trump did not deviate from International Law tradition as it is commonly perceived. This perception is derived from his radical speeches, loud personna and ties to the Far-Right, but do not translate into most of his policies.

Är mediernas verklighet läsarens pseudoverklighet? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av President Trump i Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter / Is the media´s reality the reader´s pseudo reality? : A qualitative content analysis of President Trump in Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter

Berter, Emma, Blom, Annika January 2018 (has links)
Problemformulering: Det amerikanska valet år 2016 har gått till historien. Det stod mellan två oväntade kandidater, Hillary Clinton som var USA:s första kvinna att kandidera till president. Den andra kandidaten var Donald Trump, en framgångsrik affärsman utan politisk bakgrund. Segrare blev Donald Trump, vilket förbluffade världen. Presidenten började sin första dag med att kritisera medier för att dem ska använda sig utav “Fake News” när det publicerar nyheter. Det är presidentens begrepp “Fake News” som lade idén för vår studie. Syfte: Studien ämnar undersöka huruvida Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheters utformning och gestaltningar i nyheter framställs och därmed presenteras för medborgarna samt huruvida de två valda tidningarna framställer President Trump. Metod och material: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys har genomförts bestående av totalt 40 analysobjekt från Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter. Huvudresultat: Nyheters logik och berättartekniker, nyheters beskrivande innehåll samt nyheters utformning utgör i samverkan med varandra, i större och mindre utsträckning, en god grund för hur individer väljer sin informationskälla och uppfattar verkligheten. Dessa skapar även förutsättningar för mediernas betydelse i samhället och vilken påverkan de har på individer i samhället. Utan medialiseringen och nyhetsvärderingen tenderar gestaltningen i nyhetsrapportering inom politik att bli intetsägande. Vidare är de politiska aktörerna och medierna beroende av varandra och samspelet mellan varandra för att fånga uppmärksamheten hos individer i samhället.

The Trump Effect : A Case-Study of Immediate Stock Market Reactions to the President’s Company-specific Twitter Mentions

Palmlöv, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the U.S President’s Twitter mentions of individual companies’ investment announcements influence the short-term price of their stock. By assuming that the President’s comments on a company’s plans should be incorporated by markets as new information, testing the Efficient Market Hypothesis assumption that the markets incorporate all new information, the thesis seeks to contribute to a new, unexplored and growing, research field. This thesis utilizes a qualitative analysis method, studying Twitter mentions on the topic of Trump’s Tax Reform. The data in this thesis is derived from the President’s personal Twitter-account, company announcements, stock price charts, and the Standard & Poor’s S&P500 Index. To conclude, this study finds that although the President’s Twitter comments may signal his public approval of a company and its plans, it appears that any market reaction is only short-term, and that as the market incorporates additional information it returns to an informed state in terms of stock valuations. This study suggests that there are few observable indicators that Trump’s positive mentions on Twitter causes any significant market reaction.

Trumping The Norm: Political Influence Of Negative Emotion In The 2016 Election

Belden, Megan 01 January 2018 (has links)
Emotion acts as a primer for our memory retention and encoding processes. In the 2016 election, we saw an increase in negative or hostile rhetoric from candidates. I argue this is due to the use of Twitter and the physical representation of engagement. This paper examines the effect of enthusiasm, anxiety, and hostility in response to political tweets. Tweets from Republican presidential candidates, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio were analyzed for emotional response content to explore mean differences in retweets from the three emotions.

Grab Them By The Laugh : An analysis of South Park’s satire on Donald J. Trump and his Presidential Campaign

Hangvar, Kristoffer, Norgren, Christian January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to analyse how the American adult cartoon sitcom South Park (Parker & Stone, 1997) is criticising Donald J. Trump and his presidential campaign through the use of satire and the relative tools of satire. The show prominently features arguably bizarre plotlines and themes, with usually unexpected outcomes. The subject South Park and satire, both together and separated, has a fair share of previous research in articles and literature. However, South Park’s well-known, sharp, ruthless and absurd satire, in this case, towards Donald J. Trump has shown to be rather under-researched, probably due to the topic being still relatively fresh. Therefore, looking at how South Park effectively uses one of their own original characters, Mr. Garrison, to represent and satirise Donald J. Trump and his presidential campaign is motivated. The thesis is limited to only analysing two episodes from South Park season 19 (S19E02 & S19E08) and South Park season 20 including all ten episodes. South Park episodes does most of the times have two to three plot lines running simultaneously, thus this thesis also imitates itself to only analyse and focus on satire towards Donald J. Trump and his presidential campaign, and not analysing, for example the internet troll controversy based story, known as Skankhunt42. To be able to do a satirical analysis, this bachelor’s thesis has on forehand established a theory on what satire is, before analysing the satire. This is due to the term satire being a very loose and complex term, difficult to determine and encapsulate. This bachelor’s thesis is the result of a satirical analysis the satire of South Park towards Donald J. Trump and his presidential campaign, by uniquely using their original character Mr. Garrison to act as a satirical representation. It has through the analysis come to conclude that South Park as a show creates a solid satirisation throughout second, and eight episode of season 19, and every episode of season 20 until episode seven, Oh, Jeez!, where Donald J. Trump had only managed to become president-elect, but in the show, Mr. Garrison had actually become president. Making the satire redundant from that point.

The Reaction of the U.S. President To the Rise of China : A discourse analysis into the president of the United States’ reaction to China emerging as a competing hegemon.

Al Nashéa, Aram January 2017 (has links)
The U.S. has enjoyed global hegemonic power for over 70 years and even more so after the fall of the Soviet Union. However, some political scientists argue that it is descending and the evidence lies in the increasing power of China. An imbalance of power in the international structure has the ability to result in different outcomes. The realist theory suggests that a conflict between the U.S. and China is unavoidable, the liberal theory suggests that the economic dependency between the two makes conflict less possible, while the constructivist theory suggests that the outcome depends on the reaction of the leaders and social change. This study asks what the reaction of the President of the U.S. is to the rise of China to find out the result of this hegemonic power imbalance. By using discourse analysis, this study has analyzed the remarks of President Trump from the period of January 2017 to November 2017 in search of his reaction to the rise of China. The results of this study show that President Trump divides the world in two parts making the U.S. the protagonist and the rest of the world, including China, the antagonist in his discourse as his reaction. Due to this reaction, Trump takes nationalistic and protectionist measures against China.

"Han är som en ung man som precis fått körkort" : En studie om hur konflikten mellan Nordkorea och USA gestaltas i Aftonbladet. / “He is like a young man who just got his driving licence”

Viktor, Merell, Max, Karlsson January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor study was to examine how the conflict between USA and North Korea is framed by the swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and if there was a change in their use of frames after Donald Trump got inaugurated as president of The United States.   By using framing analysis we identified three different frames, “The dictatorship as a threat against world peace”, “The careless leader” and “The incompetent leader”.   We could then with a quantitative approach examine how often these frames was used by Aftonbladet and if there was a change after Donald Trump got inaugurated as president.   These were the questions examined: Which frames of the conflict between North Korea and USA are used in Aftonbladet and how often are they used? Is there any difference in which frames is used after Donald Trump became president of The United States?   We read 131 news articles from Aftonbladet which focused on the conflict. The period spanned from 2013-01-01 to 2017-12-07.   We found that the most commonly used frame was “The dictatorship as a threat against world peace” and we could also see that after Donald Trump became president a new frame emerged, “The careless leader”.

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