Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trust theory"" "subject:"crust theory""
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Web-based e-government services acceptance for G2C : a structural equation modelling approachAlzahrani, Ahmed Ibrahim January 2011 (has links)
E-Government is the use of information technology particularly web applications to deliver convenient services for citizens, business and government. Governments worldwide spend billions of their budgets in order to deliver convenient electronic services to their citizens. There are two important points; government offers online services, and citizens consume these services. In order to maximize the benefits of these projects and to avoid possible failures, the gap between these points should be addressed. Yet there are few empirical studies that have covered the relevant issues of adoption from the citizen perspective in developing countries. This research study investigates citizens’ acceptance of e-government services in the context of Saudi Arabia. It posits an integrated model of the key elements that influence citizens’ adoption of e-government. The framework includes a combination of attitudinal, social, control and trust factors as well as the influence of gender. The model is validated by surveying 533 citizens and utilising the structural equation modeling technique for data analysis. Findings show that both measurement and structural models exhibit good model fit to data. The study shows that all constructs satisfy the criteria of constructs reliability and convergent and discriminant validity. The paths estimations show that of the sixteen designed casual relationships, eleven paths relationships were found to be significant while the other five paths remained unsupported.
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Users' Participation in Business Micro-blogging Community: From Relationship Commitment PerspectiveLin, Tzu-Chieh 21 June 2012 (has links)
With the rise of Web 2.0 concept, the development of virtual communities focuses more on the factors of relationship and interaction. Micro-blogging, the kind of community platforms that limit the length of a post and emphasize real-time and interactive features, has become popular these years. Seeing the potential of micro-blogging marketing, many businesses start to use micro-blogging as a promotional channel. With the different characteristics and multiple features of micro-blogging services, however, most businesses are still exploring how to make relationship marketing successful.
This study uses commitment-trust theory by Morgan & Hunt (1994) to investigate the building of trust and commitment between users and communities and their influence on community loyalty from the perspective of relationship commitment. An online-survey was conducted among Plurk users, and 300 valid respondents were used for data analysis by structural equation modeling (SEM).
The results indicate that commitment and trust have a significantly positive effect on loyalty. Trust is significantly influenced by shared values, communication and opportunistic behavior, and commitment is significantly influenced by relation-ship benefits and trust. Information quality and shared values, however, do not have significant impact on commitment. Furthermore, user characteristics and usage frequency have significant moderating effect on the level of causal influence. The results show the importance of trust and commitment building in micro-blogging and provide useful suggestions for micro-blogging marketing.
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Betydelsen av förtroende i en onlinekasino kontext : En kvalitativ studie kring vilka faktorer som är viktiga för förtroendeskapande, åtagande samt retention hos onlinekasinon / The importance of trust in an online casino context : A qualitative study of what factors are important for building trust, commitment and retention with online casinosLukic, Zoran January 2019 (has links)
ABSTRAKT Onlinekasino är ett snabbt växande område. Dock finns det generellt sett en negativ uppfattning bland allmänheten gentemot onlinekasino där det råder ett bristande förtroende. Det har i denna studie uppstått en önskan att förstå anledningen bakom detta. För att anskaffa data gällande ämnet har en kvalitativ studie utförts i forma av semistrukturerade intervjuer med tidigare samt nuvarande spelare. Vars syfte handlar om att belysa de faktorer som anses vara viktiga för förtroendeskapande, åtagande samt retention i en onlinakasino kontext. Detta för att ta reda på vad onlinekasino-företag behöver arbeta mot för att skapa högre förtroende i den specifika kontexten. Inledningsvis presenteras relevanta teorier om commitment-trust theory samt retention. Den tidigare forskningen används för att visa på de faktorer som tidigare ansetts vara viktiga mot förtroendeskapande samt retention. Utförandet av studien har genomförts av välkända metoder som datatriangulering, semistrukturerade intervjuer, ljudinspelning av intervjuer, transkribering samt kodning och tematisering. Därav har ett resultat framkommit med ett antal faktorer som anses vara viktiga för förtroendeskapande, åtagande samt retention i en onlinekasino kontext. Vidare forskning och tester behövs innan det resultat och de faktorer som framkom kan fastställas som giltiga för förtroendeskapande, åtagande samt retention. Nyckelord: Onlinekasino, hasardspel, förtroende, åtagande, retention, commitment-trust theory. / ABSTRACT Online casino is an ever fast growing area. However, there is generally a negative perception among the public towards online casinos where there is a lack of trust. In this study, a desire has arisen to understand the reason behind this. To obtain data on the subject, a qualitative study has been carried out in the form of semi-structured interviews with previous and current players. This study aims to highlight the factors that are considered important for building trust, commitment and retention in an online casino context. The purpose is to find out what online casino companies need to work towards to build trust in this specific context. Initially, relevant theories on commitment-trust theory and retention are presented. The previous research is used to show the factors that were previously considered important for building trust and retention. The study has been carried out by well-known methods such as data triangulation, semi-structured interviews, sound recording of interviews, transkription, coding and thematization. Hence, a result has emerged with a number of factors that are considered important for building trust, commitment and retention in an online casino context. Further research and tests are needed before the results and the factors that emerged can be determined as valid for building trust, commitment and retention. Keywords: Online casino, gambling, trust, commitment, retention, commitment-trust theory.
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Investigating the factors affecting customers' trust and acceptance of online banking : the case of Saudi ArabiaAlboqami, Hassan Abdullah January 2018 (has links)
The need for online banking technology in the banking industry is important to allow financial institutions to serve their customers worldwide, without having the need to be present in person or face-to-face to benefit from the service. Despite the investment in informational technology and information system infrastructure by Saudi Arabian financial institutions, the Saudi banks have lagged their Western counterparts when it comes to provision of online banking services. Given a relatively recent adoption of online banking in Saudi Arabia, consumer trust in online banking is a critical challenge facing bank managers, warranting further research. The aim of this research is to develop a framework to improve consumer trust toward online banking services and its affect consumer intentions to use the online banking service and e-WOM. The literature included the assessment of relevant theories including social cognitive theory, technology acceptance model and commitment trust theory. These theories formed the basis of formulation of research framework, including development of 12 research hypotheses. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, relationship termination cost, shared value, communication, privacy and demographic factors all have an important role in influencing the extent of trust and the subsequent intention of customers to engage in and use online banking services provided by the financial institutions. When it comes to the literature gap, there remains a relative lack of existence of research on the subject of consumer trust in online banking within Saudi Arabia (Zhou, 2012; Alanezi and Brooks, 2014; AL-Malkawi et al., 2016), which presents a gap in the literature warranting further research. Moreover, most of the prior research on the subject of consumer trust in online banking has concentrated on the information cues such as reputation and information quality (Montazemi and Qahri-Saremi, 2015). This is alongside relatively little attention given to other factors such as perceived usefulness, ease of use, shared value, and privacy/security, which are crucial factors in online banking services (Fatima, 2011; Aloul., 2012; Montazemi and Qahri-Saremi, 2015). Regarding methodology, the positivist research philosophy, deductive approach, survey questionnaire and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques were undertaken. A key rationale for selection of such a methodology is the review of relevant literature, which led to development of research hypotheses that are tested through the survey technique, which is consistent with positivist and deductive research approach. The survey questionnaire request was sent online to 800 research participants (users of online services in Saudi Arabia). Out of these 800, 585 responded (indicating a response rate of an impressive 73%). The response rate was improved through giving regular reminders to the research participants who had not responded to the survey earlier. The findings of this research support the argument that trust in e-bank website play an important role in maintaining long term relationship with customers. Therefore, online banks who deal with their customers in a confidential, transparent and honest manner and ultimately protect the consumers' interests are likely to contribute to greater adoption of online banking by customers in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, it is also concluded that perceived ease of use, trust in online banking website, trust in technology, relationship termination cost, privacy/security, shared value, and communication have positive and significant effect on customer trust in e-bank website, intention to use online banking, and e-WOM.
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Predicting Purchase Timing, Brand Choice and Purchase Amount of Firm Adoption of Radically Innovative Information Technology: A Business to Business Empirical AnalysisBohling, Timothy R 01 May 2012 (has links)
Knowing what to sell, when to sell, and to whom to sell is essential buyer behavior insight to allocate scarce marketing resources efficiently and effectively. Applying the theory of relationship marketing (Morgan and Hunt 1994), this study seeks to investigate the link between commitment and trust and firm adoption of radically innovative information technology (IT). The construct of radical innovation is operationalized through the use of cloud computing. A review of the vast scholarly literature on radical innovation diffusion and adoption, and modeling techniques used to analyze buyer behavior is followed by empirical estimation of each of the radical innovation adoption questions of purchase timing, brand choice, and purchase amount. Then, the inefficiencies in the independent model process are highlighted, suggesting the need for an integrated model. Next, an integrated model is developed to link the purchase timing, brand choice, and purchase amount decisions. The essay concludes with insight for marketing practitioners on the strength of the factors of commitment and trust on adoption of radical innovation, an improved methodology for the business-to-business marketing literature, and potential further research paths.
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Cooperation in the distribution channel : Determinants of inter-organisational cooperation between suppliers and servicing dealers in the Swedish outdoor power equipment marketMagnusson, Jonas, Olsson, Johan, Risom, Benjamin January 2011 (has links)
Background: For manufacturing suppliers, careful handling of business relationships with dealers is an essential function required for business success. End consumers rely on dealers for product information, advice and after sales support; all of which being factors capable of enhancing their perceived value of the product. The importance of the dealers for the end consumers implies that it is in the interest of suppliers to manage their relationship with the dealers in a satisfactory manner in order of gaining their support and commitment. In the case of suppliers in the Swedish market for outdoor power equipment, managing this relationship with servicing dealers is of great importance to their business success and viability. Successful management of such relationships requires coordination and cooperation. Thus, it is in the interest of suppliers to understand how long-term cooperation with dealers can be enhanced. Purpose: Our research focuses on identifying determinants that enhance sustainable cooperation between manufacturers and servicing dealers in the Swedish outdoor power equipment market. Method: A survey was conducted among servicing dealerships in Sweden testing eight hypotheses developed through an adaption of Morgan and Hunts’ (1994) Commitment-trust theory together with an extensive literature review. The results were ana-lysed and tested with correlation analysis. Conclusions: Trust and commitment were found to be determinants in fostering sustainable cooperation between dealers and manufacturers in the Swedish market for outdoor power equipment. Furthermore, four important antecedents for dealer commitment were identified; supplier commitment, support, termination costs and participation. Whereas, communication was found to be an important precursor for trust.
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Förtroende för revisorer : Ur ett aktieägarperspektiv / Trust in auditors : From a shareholder perspectiveAmiri Borna, Maral, Paulos, Adiam January 2015 (has links)
På grund av alla redovisningsskandaler efter det senaste millennieskiftet diskuteras detmycket kring hur förtroendet för revisorer har påverkats. Enronskandalen som inträffade iUSA, var en av de största skandalerna som påverkade hela världens ekonomi. Även i Sverigeförekommer det redovisningsskandaler. Skandiaskandalen är en utav dessa under modern tid.Allmänheten har till följd av dessa skandaler ifrågasatt trovärdigheten i den granskningrevisorer gör i bolags finansiella rapporter. Det finns ett antal olika faktorer som ligger tillgrund för dessa skandaler. Bland de faktorer som låg till grund för skandalerna fannsintressekonflikter, exempelvis att revisorn hade hand om andra tjänster utöver revision, samtatt revisorn inte var oberoende i sin granskning. Som en naturlig effekt avredovisningsskandalerna efterfrågade allmänheten lagstiftningar och åtgärder för att repareradet skadade förtroendet. Koden var en av de åtgärder som infördes som en respons på dennasituation. Syftet med Koden är att vinna tillbaka allmänhetens förtroende för de svenskabörsnoterade bolagen och förbättra styrningen av bolagen. Det är dock inte säkert att Kodenverkligen åtgärdar problemet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att fördjupa diskussionen kringförtroendet för revisorer. Detta genom att undersöka dels huruvida Koden verkligen harpåverkat förtroendet för revisorer och dels genom att försöka identifiera de faktorer sompåverkar förtroendet för revisorer. För att kunna studera det identifierade fenomenet,förtroende för revisorer, och därmed svara på forskningsfrågorna har en kvalitativ ansatsanvänds. Resultatet av denna studie tyder på att Koden inte har haft avsevärd påverkan påförtroendet för revisorer. Dessutom identifierar studien de faktorer som faktiskt påverkarförtroendet för revisorer. En del av dessa faktorer beror på intressekonflikter och att alla parterär nyttomaximerade och andra beror på revisorns egenskaper. Dessa faktorer bör regleras merkring och förtydligas, visar vår studie, för att stärka och återupprätta det skadade förtroendetför revisorer. / As a result of a series of accounting scandals during the last turn of the millennium the debatehas revolved a great deal around how the trust for accountants has been affected. The ”EnronScandal” that occurred in the US, was one of the most immense scandals that affected theworld economy. Accounting scandals do occur in Sweden as well, the ”Skandia Scandal” isone of those scandals that have occurred in modern time. The public has questioned thecredibility in the type of review accountants do in a corporations financial reports. There are anumbers of factors that can be the cause for these scandals. Among the factors that were thecause behind these scandals, were conflicts of interest. Mainly that the accountant hadresponsibility of additional services alongside with audit, but also the independence of theaccountant. As a natural impact the public demanded legislation and legal actions to repair thedamaged trust. Swedish code for corporate governance was one of a couple of actions thatwere implemented as a response to the situation. The purpose to the code was to win back thepublics trust for the Swedish quoted companies and to improve the governance of thecorporations. It is however not quite certain that the code really is able to repair the problem.The aim of this essay is to deepen the discussion round the trust of accountants. By partlyexamining if the Swedish code for corporate governance really has impacted the trust foraccountants, and partly by trying to identify the factors that influences the trust foraccountants. To be able to study the identified phenomenon, the trust for accountants, and toaccordingly answer the questions in the research, a qualitative approach has been applied. Theresult of this study indicates that the code has not impacted the trust of accountantssignificantly. The study also identifies the factors that actually affect the trust for accountants.Some of the factors depend on conflicts of interest and that all parties are cost-benefitmaximized, others lie in the accountant’s qualities. The conclusion in our essay is that thesefactors should be increasingly regulated and explicated in order to reestablish the damagedtrust for accountants.
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Predicting Purchase Timing, Brand Choice and Purchase Amount of Firm Adoption of Radically Innovative Information Technology: A Business to Business Empirical AnalysisBohling, Timothy R 01 May 2012 (has links)
Knowing what to sell, when to sell, and to whom to sell is essential buyer behavior insight to allocate scarce marketing resources efficiently and effectively. Applying the theory of relationship marketing (Morgan and Hunt 1994), this study seeks to investigate the link between commitment and trust and firm adoption of radically innovative information technology (IT). The construct of radical innovation is operationalized through the use of cloud computing. A review of the vast scholarly literature on radical innovation diffusion and adoption, and modeling techniques used to analyze buyer behavior is followed by empirical estimation of each of the radical innovation adoption questions of purchase timing, brand choice, and purchase amount. Then, the inefficiencies in the independent model process are highlighted, suggesting the need for an integrated model. Next, an integrated model is developed to link the purchase timing, brand choice, and purchase amount decisions. The essay concludes with insight for marketing practitioners on the strength of the factors of commitment and trust on adoption of radical innovation, an improved methodology for the business-to-business marketing literature, and potential further research paths.
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Tillitsskapande när det brinner i knutarna : Framgångsfaktorer för interorganisatorisk ’swift trust’ i allvarliga krissituationer – en masteruppsats om tillit vid skogsbränder / Trust building when fire races up the hill : Success factors for inter-organisational swift trust in severe crisis situations – a master’s thesis about trust during wildfiresPalmé, Pontus January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie syftade till att undersöka huruvida rollbaserad tillit och ’shadow of the future’ som forskarna Kroeger, Racko och Burchell år 2021 lyfte som de största framgångsfaktorerna för främjandet av ’swift trust’-skapande på mellanmänsklig nivå under normala förhållanden, även kan anses vara de största framgångsfaktorerna på interorganisatorisk nivå i krissituationer. Datainsamlingen skedde genom att utsätta respondenterna för ett krisscenario. I egenskap av att vara del av en kommunal krisledning under pågående skogsbrand var de under mycket stark tidspress tvungna att inför ett beslut göra ett ställningstagande baserat på tillit. Beslutet handlade om att ta emot assistans från en av två möjliga aktörer för att genom vattenbegjutning från luften (’vattenbombning’) hindra skogsbranden från att sprida sig till en närliggande by. Den ena aktören var Försvarsmakten, en för respondenterna välkänd och generellt sett mycket betrodd aktör. Den andra aktören var det fiktiva bolaget HelicoFire AB, en för respondenterna helt okänd aktör. På grund av ett flertal försvårande faktorer menade dock Försvarsmakten att de inte skulle kunna vara på plats förens om ett par timmar. Men att de ändå troligen skulle hinna stoppa branden från att nå byn. HelicoFire AB däremot menade att de kunde vara på plats inom kort. Studiens resultat indikerar bland annat på att i det aktuella krisscenariot hade rollbaserad tillit stor positiv påverkan på respondenternas tillit till HelicoFire AB medan ’shadow of the future’ hade en mycket mer begränsad effekt. Skogsbränder har blivit ett alltmer omtalat ämne och vikten av att samverka i kris är stor för att skapa gemensamma insatser med stor förmåga. För detta krävs normalt tillit vilket gör denna studie högaktuell.
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Revenue on Airbnb: Analysing Rental Properties Characteristics in Swedish Cities : The Impact of Property Features and Trust Factors on Host RevenueGorzalek, Justyna Anna, Sherif, Naz January 2024 (has links)
This paper analyzes the characteristics that influence the revenue of Airbnb listings in Sweden, aiming to uncover the factors driving high competition in the hotel business due to the sharing economy. By investigating the relationship between Consumer Trust The- ory and Hedonic Pricing Theory in the context of Airbnb, the study identifies variables that contribute to the success of hosts in this sector. Utilizing panel data analysis with panels nested in host ID and property ID, the research integrates theoretical concepts and empirical data to offer practical applications for hosts seeking to enhance their listings' performance. The findings reveal that Airbnb revenue positively correlates with a higher number of booked reservations, bedrooms, bathrooms, reviews, and photos. Listings with flexible cancellation policies and those priced in local currency also experience increased revenue. Conversely, long stay duration requests from hosts, shared accommodation rooms, and instant bookings are associated with lower revenue. These results provide valuable insights for optimizing revenue strategies and improving platform design. The implications of this research extend to Airbnb hosts and online platform designers, offer- ing strategies to enhance revenue and user experience. Furthermore, the study contributes to a broader understanding of the tourism sector in Sweden and lays a foundation for future academic research on the economic and sociological effects of home-sharing ser- vices.
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