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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The trypanosome lytic factor of human serum, a Trojan horse

Vanhollebeke, Benoît 01 December 2008 (has links)
The trypanolytic factor of human serum :a trojan horse.<p><p><p>African trypanosomes, the prototype of which is Trypanosoma brucei, are protozoan parasites of huge clinical, veterinary and economical importance. They develop in the body fluids of various mammals (including humans) where they face and manipulate many different aspects of the immune system. The extent of this interplay is pivotal to both host and parasite survival, and depending on parasite virulence and host susceptibility, infection duration ranges from some months to several years. At the end, host survival is invariably compromised.<p><p>Humans and few other primates provide however a striking exception to this fatal outcome. They are indeed fully protected against most trypanosome infections through the presence in their blood of a so-called trypanosome lytic factor (TLF). The TLF is known to circulate mainly in the form of a high density lipoprotein particle characterized by the simultaneous presence of two primate-specific proteins: haptoglobin-related protein (Hpr) and apolipoprotein L-I (apoL-I).<p><p>We have contributed to delineate the respective roles played by Hpr and apoL-I in the lysis process.<p><p>ApoL-I was shown to be the exclusive toxin of the TLF. In its absence humans get fully susceptible to any trypanosome infection. The toxin was shown to kill the parasite after endocytosis through the generation of ionic pores in the lysosomal membrane. Those pores dissipate membrane potential and trigger the influx of chloride ions from the cytoplasm into the lysosomal compartment, leading to an eventually fatal uncontrolled osmotic phenomenon. <p><p>ApoL-I efficient delivery to the parasite relies on Hpr. African trypanosomes indeed fulfil their heme nutritional requirements by receptor-mediated internalization of the complex formed by haptoglobin, an evolutionary conserved acute-phase protein, and hemoglobin, resulting from physiological intravascular hemolysis. This heme uptake by the auxotrophic parasites contributes to both growth rate and resistance against host oxidative burst. In human serum, the trypanosome receptor is unable to discriminate between Hp and the closely related TLF-bound Hpr, explaining TLF efficient endocytosis.<p><p>As such, the TLF acts as a Trojan horse, killing the parasite from inside the cell after having deceived its vigilance through the high similarity between heme-delivering haptoglobin and toxin-associated Hpr. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Caractérisation d'une chaîne lourde de kinésine et de son rôle immunomodulateur chez Trypanosoma brucei

De Muylder, Géraldine 13 October 2008 (has links)
Le Trypanosome africain, dont Trypanosoma brucei est le prototype, est un parasite sévissant en Afrique sub-tropicale. Il est responsable de la maladie du sommeil chez l’Homme et de diverses affections chez les animaux tant sauvages que domestiques.<p><p>T. brucei est un parasite extracellulaire qui se développe dans le sang de son hôte mammifère. Il est donc confronté en permanence au système immunitaire de l’hôte et a en conséquence, afin de générer un environnement plus favorable à sa croissance, établit différents mécanismes d’échappement tels que la variation antigénique ou l’immunomodulation. <p><p>Dans ce contexte, il a été montré que T.brucei libère des facteurs capables d’induire la voie arginase des macrophages. Cette induction peut favoriser la croissance des trypanosomes dans le sang de leur hôte de diverses manières. Premièrement, l’arginase participe à la synthèse de composés tels que les polyamines ou la trypanothione, facteurs de croissance des cellules. Deuxièmement, l’arginase partage le même substrat que la NO synthase inductible (iNOS), ces deux enzymes sont donc en compétition et l’activation de l’arginase pourrait contribuer à diminuer la quantité de NO, composé cytostatique et cytotoxique, produit par les macrophages en limitant le substrat disponible pour l’iNOS. Troisièmement, la déplétion du milieu en arginine suite à l’activation de l’arginase inhibe la prolifération de cellules du système immunitaire dont les lymphocytes T.<p><p>Nous avons identifié une chaîne lourde de kinésine chez T.brucei, TbKHC1 (Trypanosoma brucei Kinesin Heavy Chain 1), appartenant à la superfamille des kinésines, comme un candidat potentiellement capable d’induire la voie arginase des macrophages. TbKHC1 est principalement exprimée au stade sanguicole du parasite et est localisée au niveau de la région endo-exocytaire. Dans un modèle d’infection murin, une invalidation de l’expression de TbKHC1 (par ARN interférence ou par knock-out) conduit à une diminution du premier pic de parasitémie et à une prolongation de la survie des souris infectées. Nous avons montré que TbKHC1 joue un rôle dans l’interaction hôte/parasite à deux niveaux indépendants :premièrement, l’induction de la voie arginase des macrophages par TbKHC1 en début d’infection favorise la croissance du parasite et son établissement au sein de son hôte. Deuxièmement, elle joue un rôle dans l’induction de la pathologie liée à l’infection. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Mécanismes de contrôle de l'expression des gênes de VSG chez Trypanosoma brucei

Walgraffe, David 22 December 2004 (has links)
Le trypanosome est le parasite responsable de la maladie du sommeil chez l’homme et de la Nagana chez le bétail. Afin d’échapper au système immunitaire de son hôte mammifère, il remplace périodiquement la protéine VSG (Variant Surface Glycoprotein) présente en 10 millions d’exemplaires à sa surface. Ce mécanisme a pour nom la variation antigénique. <p>Pour être exprimé, le gène de VSG (VSG) doit se trouver en fin d’un site d’expression (ES) particulier. Cet ES est polycistronique, télomérique et transcrit par une ARN polymérase de type ribosomique (Pol I). 20 à 40 ESs similaires et un millier de VSGs sont recensés dans le génome du trypanosome. Cependant, un seul ES est totalement transcrit (actif) et un seul VSG est exprimé. La variation antigénique est donc possible par deux mécanismes: soit l’activation d’un autre ES, soit le remplacement du VSG dans l’ES actif. La base de ce système est l’activation d’un seul ES à la fois (contrôle monoallélique).<p>Au laboratoire, un modèle a été proposé où la transcription s’initie au niveau de tous les ESs mais n’aboutit au VSG que dans le cas de l’ES actif (Vanhamme et al. 2000). Dans ce cas uniquement, le transcrit primaire subit une maturation correcte (épissage et polyadénylation) et est exporté dans le cytoplasme. Etant donné que des transcrits Pol I subissent une maturation identique à des transcrits Pol II, la régulation s’effectuerait par recrutement d’une machinerie d’élongation/maturation de l’ARN de type Pol II (Pol II « RNA factory »). Cette dernière serait uniquement localisée au niveau de l’ES actif dans le compartiment nucléaire appelé ES body (Navarro and Gull, 2001).<p>Durant cette thèse, diverses stratégies ont été élaborées pour tester la validité du modèle. La première visait à comparer l’état de maturation d’un ES en fonction de son activité. Nos résultats ont appuyé l’idée que les transcrits d’ESs ayant subi une maturation correcte provenaient préférentiellement de l’ES actif mais le(s) facteur(s) en quantité limitante ne permettant cette maturation qu’au niveau de l’ES actif doivent encore être identifiés. Le seconde stratégie analysait l’acétylation des histones ainsi qu’un éventuel attachement différentiel à la matrice nucléaire de l’ES suivant son activité. Le niveau d’acétylation d’un ES lorsqu’il est actif n’a pu être étudié. Des résultats préliminaires en faveur d’une association préférentielle de l’ES à la matrice nucléaire lorsqu’il est actif ont été obtenus. Enfin, nous avons cloné deux homologues d’un facteur général de la transcription appelé TFIIS. Ce dernier permet à la Pol de redémarrer lorsqu’elle est bloquée par un site de pause. Individuellement chacun de ces facteurs ne semble pas être essentiel au trypanosome. Cependant, un retard de croissance a été observé lorsque les deux facteurs sont invalidés dans la même lignée cellulaire. Ce phénotype particulier doit être caractérisé. En parallèle, nous avons envisagé de caractériser le complexe de la Pol I du trypanosome. Cette stratégie constituait la manière la plus simple de mettre en évidence un éventuel contact physique et/ou fonctionnel entre la Pol I transcrivant l’ES et la machinerie d’élongation/maturation de l’ARN de type Pol II « RNA factory ». 5 sous-unités du complexe ont été identifiées, associées à une protéine de fonction inconnue ainsi qu’à des histones. L’identification d’autres protéines associées au complexe constitue notre perspective principale. La phosphorylation de la plus grande sous-unité du complexe a été démontrée mais son rôle doit encore être élucidé.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie moléculaire / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Identificação dos determinantes estruturais de Fe/MnSODs necessários a especificidade por metal. / Identification of Fe/MnSODs structural determinants necessary to metal specificity.

Laureana Stelmastchuk Benassi Fontolan 18 January 2016 (has links)
Superóxido dismutases (SODs) são metaloenzimas que convertem o ânion superóxido em oxigênio molecular (O2) e peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2). A presença de metal nessas enzimas está diretamente relacionada com seus mecanismos de catálise e com suas estruturas tridimensionais. Evolucionariamente, FeSOD e MnSOD podem ter evoluído de um gene ancestral comum, porque possuem sequências homólogas e estruturas cristalográficas sobreponíveis. Entretanto, a nível catalítico, ambas as proteínas divergiram o suficiente para que seus metais não possam ser intercambiáveis, produzindo uma enzima funcional, indicando que essas proteínas possuem alta especificidade por metal. O objetivo deste projeto de pesquisa é Identificar os determinantes estruturais do ajuste fino da especificidade por metal de MnSOD e FeSOD. Inicialmente, pretendese selecionar resíduos para mutagênese sítio-dirigida em TrMnSOD e TbFeSODB2, a partir de análise de acoplamento estatístico (SCA). Em seguida, mutantes serão construídos, expressos, purificados e cristalizados. A estrutura tridimensional dos mutantes será resolvida por cristalografia e sua atividade enzimática determinada, bem como a acomodação estrutural dos metais por Resonância Paramagnética Eletrônica. Nossa hipótese de trabalho é que através de SCA é possível elencar resíduos de aminoácidos candidatos para mutagênese sítio-dirigida para desenhar novas SODs, com características intermediárias de ligação por Fe/Mn, como possibilidade de interconversão de especificidade, caminhando na história evolutiva dessas moléculas. / Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are metalloenzymes that convert the superoxide anion in molecular oxygen (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The metal in the catalytic center of such enzymes is directly related to their catalysis mechanisms and tridimensional structures. Evolutionarily, FeSOD and MnSOD may have evolved from a common ancestor, because both proteins have homologous primary sequences and superposable crystallographic structures. However, at the catalytic level, both proteins diverged sufficiently to prevent interchange of their metallic centers, which would generate non-functional enzymes, indicating that these proteins have high metal specificity. The objective of this research project is to identify structural determinants of Fe/MnSODs necessary to metal specificity. We intend to use statistical coupling analysis (SCA) to select amino acid residues for site-directed mutagenesis in TrMnSOD e TbFeSODB2. Mutant genes will be constructed and their proteins expressed, purified and crystallized. The tridimensional structure of such mutants will be solved by X-ray crystallography and their enzymatic activities determined, as well as their electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. We hypothesize that SCA is useful to identify amino acid candidates for site-directed mutagenesis to design new SODs with intermediated Fe/Mn specificity, and even metal specificity interconversion, by studying the evolutionary history of these proteins.

Ethyl pyruvate emerges as a safe and fast acting agent against Trypanosoma brucei by targeting pyruvate kinase activity

Worku, Netsanet, Stich, August, Daugschies, Arwid, Wenzel, Iris, Kurz, Randy, Thieme, Rene, Kurz, Susanne, Birkenmeier, Gerd January 2015 (has links)
Background: Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) also called sleeping sickness is an infectious disease in humans caused by an extracellular protozoan parasite. The disease, if left untreated, results in 100% mortality. Currently available drugs are full of severe drawbacks and fail to escape the fast development of trypanosoma resistance. Due to similarities in cell metabolism between cancerous tumors and trypanosoma cells, some of the current registered drugs against HAT have also been tested in cancer chemotherapy. Here we demonstrate for the first time that the simple ester, ethyl pyruvate, comprises such properties. Results: The current study covers the efficacy and corresponding target evaluation of ethyl pyruvate on T. brucei cell lines using a combination of biochemical techniques including cell proliferation assays, enzyme kinetics, phasecontrast microscopic video imaging and ex vivo toxicity tests. We have shown that ethyl pyruvate effectively kills trypanosomes most probably by net ATP depletion through inhibition of pyruvate kinase (Ki = 3.0±0.29 mM). The potential of ethyl pyruvate as a trypanocidal compound is also strengthened by its fast acting property, killing cells within three hours post exposure. This has been demonstrated using video imaging of live cells as well as concentration and time dependency experiments. Most importantly, ethyl pyruvate produces minimal side effects in human red cells and is known to easily cross the blood-brain-barrier. This makes it a promising candidate for effective treatment of the two clinical stages of sleeping sickness. Trypanosome drug-resistance tests indicate irreversible cell death and a low incidence of resistance development under experimental conditions. Conclusion: Our results present ethyl pyruvate as a safe and fast acting trypanocidal compound and show that it inhibits the enzyme pyruvate kinase. Competitive inhibition of this enzyme was found to cause ATP depletion and cell death. Due to its ability to easily cross the bloodbrain- barrier, ethyl pyruvate could be considered as new candidate agent to treat the hemolymphatic as well as neurological stages of sleeping sickness.

Vliv genotypu na průběh infekce Trypanosoma brucei brucei u myši / Genetic influenceof Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in mice

Šíma, Matyáš January 2010 (has links)
Genetic influence of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in mice The African trypanosomes are zoonotic parasites transmitted by Tse-Tse flies. Two of the three subspecies, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, cause sleeping sickness in humans whereas the third subspecies, Trypanosoma brucei brucei is not infective to humans. These parasites are members of Kinetoplastida. Trypanosomes are extracellular parasite witch have complex life cycles involving both insect and mammalian hosts. African trypanosomes after infection penetrate mainly vascularized organs and get into brain where cause serious pathology. Parasite can manipulate with immune system of mammal host in wide spectrum of interactions witch are not clearly understood so far. Discovering of a new immune mechanisms, whitch participite in reaction on african trypanosomes, can reveal some general characteristics of immune system. The results of these studies can help to prepare effective drugs and vaccines against this disease. The best way to observe pathological manifestation and genetical analysis is study on animal models . Study on suitable animal model to find genes which are responsible for control of immune response to T. brucei can help us to find homologous genes in humans. It was found that immune responces to...

APOL-Mediated trypanolytic activity / Activité trypanolytique des apolipoprotéines L humaines

Fontaine, Frédéric 12 September 2014 (has links)
Apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1) is a human-specific serum protein bound to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles. This protein allows human resistance to infection by African trypanosomes except for two subspecies, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and T. b. gambiense, the causative agents of sleeping sickness or African trypanosomiasis. This disease infects 20 000 people in sub-Saharan Africa and without treatment, infection is almost always fatal. T. b. rhodesiense resists APOL1 through direct protein neutralization by the Serum Resistance-Associated (SRA) protein. T. b. gambiense does not express SRA, and its mechanism of resistance to APOL1 is orchestrated upon a recently characterized multifactorial defense mechanism.<p><p>The mechanism by which the human serum sensitive parasites are killed following APOL1 uptake is described as the result of the lysosomal swelling induced by the generation of ionic pores within the lysosomal membrane.<p>We show here that preventing the osmotic lysosomal swelling in a hyperosmotic culture condition does not prevent the cell death. In addition, APOL1 appears to trigger some programmed cell death events in the cell such as a fast mitochondrial depolarization followed by a DNA laddering and fragmentation. Furthermore, we show an implication of the endonuclease G (TbEndoG), known to be a key actor in the regulation of cell death process and a kinesin (TbKIFC1), which might be the transporter of APOL1 for the endosomes to the mitochondrion.<p> <p>In addition, by producing different recombinant human APOL proteins in E. coli and test their activity on T. brucei, we were able to show that APOL3, an other member of the APOL family, also possesses a trypanolytic activity like APOL1 beneath the fact it is not a secreted protein. APOL3 does not only kill T. b. brucei but is also able to lyse APOL1-resistant subspecies such as rhodesiense and gambiense, in vitro and confirmed in vivo when the recombinant APOL3 were injected in infected mice. A beginning of an action mechanism is described herein showing a pH-independent activity for this protein oppositely to APOL1, conferring its specificity.<p>It is thus conceivable to use this recombinant protein as a first step of a potent curative agent against gambiense or rhodesiense since the few currently available drugs for treatment of African trypanosomiasis, that are outdated, show problems with toxicity and resistance. <p><p>/ <p><p>L’ Apolipoprotéine L1 (APOL1) est une protéine sérique humaine associée aux lipoprotéines de haute densité (HDL). Cette protéine confère la résistance à l'infection des trypanosomes africains à l'exception des deux sous-espèces, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense et T. b. gambiense, les agents responsables de la maladie du sommeil ou trypanosomiase africaine. Cette maladie infecte 20 000 personnes en Afrique sub-saharienne et en l'absence de traitement, l'infection est presque toujours mortelle. T. b. rhodesiense résiste à l’APOL1 grâce à une neutralisation directe d’APOL1 par une protéine appelé SRA (Serum Resistant-Associated). T. b. gambiense n'exprime pas SRA, et sa résistance à l’APOL1 est orchestrée par un mécanisme de défense multifactorielle récemment caractérisé 1.<p>Le mécanisme par lequel les parasites sensibles au sérum humain sont tués suivant l’entrée de l’APOL1 est décrit comme le résultat d’un gonflement du lysosome induit par la génération de pores ioniques à l'intérieur de la membrane lysosomiale2. Nous montrons ici que le gonflement osmotique du lysosome peut être empêché en condition de culture hyper osmotique, sans néanmoins empêcher la mort de la cellule. En outre, l’APOL1 semble déclencher des événements de mort cellulaire programmée dans la cellule, tels qu’une dépolarisation mitochondriale rapide suivie d'une fragmentation de l’ADN. De plus, nous montrons une implication de l'endonucléase G (TbEndoG), connu pour être un acteur clé dans la régulation du processus de mort cellulaire et d’une kinésine (TbKIFC1) qui pourrait avoir le rôle de transporter l’APOL1 des endosomes vers la mitochondrie.<p>Nous avons également pu montrer que l’APOL3, un autre membre de la famille des APOLs humaines, possède tout comme l’APOL1, une activité trypanolytique bien que cette protéine ne soit pas sécrétée en condition physiologique. De manière intéressante, l’APOL3 ne tue pas seulement T. b. brucei, mais est également capable de tuer les sous-espèces résistantes à l’APOL1 tels que rhodesiense et gambiense, in vitro et in vivo lorsque de l’APOL3 recombinante est injectée dans des souris infectées. La spécificité d’action de l’APOL3 pourrait être liée à une indépendance au pH, au contraire de l’APOL1. Il pourrait être envisagé d'utiliser cette protéine recombinante comme agent curatif contre gambiense ou rhodesiense du fait que les médicaments actuellement disponibles pour le traitement de la trypanosomiase africaine montrent des problèmes de toxicité et de résistance.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Adaptations of Trypanosoma brucei to the innate immunity proteins TNF-gas and ApoL-1 / Adaptations de Trypanosoma brucei aux protéines de l'immunité innées TNF-gas et ApoL-1

Vanwalleghem, Gilles 06 March 2012 (has links)
This work allowed the first characterization of the three members of the chloride channel CLC family in T.brucei. The TbCLCs are expressed in the two proliferative stages of the parasite and two of their members appear non-essential. The three TbCLCs act as chloride transporters in X.laevis oocytes and some of their biophysical properties were determined. Furthermore, TbCLC-b appeared to be involved in lysis by the human innate immunity protein apoL-1<p>A novel function of T.brucei adenylate cyclases was discovered in their ability to suppress expression of the innate immunity protein TNF-α. The suppression of the innate response occurs before the first peak of parasitemia and reduces the host ability to control the parasite.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Limiting the northerly advance of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense in post conflict Uganda

Selby, Richard James January 2011 (has links)
In October 2006 an intervention was initiated to arrest the northerly advance through Uganda of the zoonotic parasite Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. This is a protozoal infection that is vectored by the tsetse fly. It is the aim of this thesis to review the impact of this large scale treatment programme in terms of animal health and human disease. The Stamp Out Sleeping Sickness (SOS) campaign was designed to target the cattle reservoir of T. b. rhodesiense in these newly affected areas by block treating >180,000 head of cattle. This was achieved in collaboration with final year vet students from the University of Makerere, Uganda. Farmers were also encouraged to spray their animals with deltamethrin in order to suppress the tsetse population. In order to monitor the impact of this intervention a base line survey was carried out. Evaluation of the logistics and implementation of the SOS campaign was assessed through interviews with personnel involved. Analysis by PCR revealed the prevalence of T. brucei s.l. as 15.57% (T. b. rhodesiense as 0.81%) within the cattle reservoir prior to SOS treatment. Follow up sampling was carried out at 23 locations at three, nine and 18 months. The prevalence of T. brucei s.l. was reduced post treatment, but in the absence of sustained vector control infections amongst the animals returned by nine months and subsequently exceeded the base line findings (P=<0.0001). It was observed that across most of the SOS area, T. b. rhodesiense did not re-establish following treatment. However, a significant cluster was identified where cases of both human and animal disease were continually reported. This cluster was noted to include the area immediately surrounding the Otuboi cattle market. This link between cattle movement and the spread of T. b. rhodesiense is an established one and is addressed by Ugandan governmental policy which states that ‘cattle traded at market must be treated with trypanocidal drugs prior to movement’. The findings presented here suggest that this policy may not be strictly enforced. The risk of spread is compounded at the northern districts of Uganda restock their domestic livestock following years of civil conflict. The majority of animals are traded in a northward direction – transporting infected animals from the endemic south. The scale of this trade is assessed through questionnaires, analysis of trade records and animal screening. Specific consideration is given to the implications of this cattle trade and impact this may have on the sustainability of the SOS campaign.

Characterisation and functional analysis of the developmentally regulated expression site associated gene 9 family in Trypanosoma brucei

Barnwell, Eleanor M. January 2009 (has links)
Trypanosoma brucei is a protozoan parasite that is the causative agent of sleeping sickness in sub-Saharan Africa. T. brucei has a complex life cycle involving passage between a mammalian host and the tsetse fly. The parasite evades the mammalian immune system via expression of Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) on the cell surface. VSG genes are expressed at telomeric expression sites and at these sites are a number of Expression Site Associated Genes (ESAGs). One unusual ESAG, ESAG9, is developmentally regulated: RNA for these genes accumulates during the transition from slender to stumpy cells in the mammalian bloodstream and cellassociated protein is only detected transiently in stumpy and differentiating cells. Transgenic cell lines were generated which ectopically express one or more members of the ESAG9 gene family. Biochemical and cytological analyses using these cell lines indicated that some members of this family are glycosylated and GPI-anchored, and also that one gene, ESAG9-K69, is secreted. ESAG9-K69 is also secreted by wild-type stumpy parasites. In vivo experiments with tsetse flies did not conclusively show whether ESAG9 proteins play a role in the establishment of a tsetse fly mid-gut infection by transgenic trypanosomes. However, In vivo and ex vivo experiments using the mouse model of trypanosomiasis indicated that expression of ESAG9 proteins may alter parasitaemia in the mouse and results in a significant decrease in the proportion of CD4+ T cells in the mouse spleen.

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