Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trypanosoma vivas"" "subject:"trypanosoma viver""
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Caractérisation des sialidases chez le parasite Trypanosoma vivax : rôle dans l’anémie / Characterization of sialidase in the parasite Trypanosoma vivax : role in anemiaGuegan, Fabien 09 December 2010 (has links)
La trypanosomiase animale africaine (TAA) est une pathologie qui sévit en Afrique sub-saharienne et qui représente un obstacle majeur à l’élevage du bétail et à la production agricole. Cette pathologie est causée principalement par les parasites T. congolense et T. vivax. Elle affecte le bétail, les animaux domestiques et sauvages, sur un territoire de 10 millions de km2 où ces animaux cohabitent avec l’insecte vecteur, la mouche Tsé-Tsé. L’infection du bétail par ces parasites provoque une anémie sévère pouvant entraîner la mort de l’animal. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’étude des mécanismes impliqués dans le développement de l’anémie lors de l’infection de l’animal par T. vivax. Pour cela, nous avons développé un modèle murin d’infection par T. vivax. Nous avons démontré que l’infection à T. vivax induit d’importantes modifications des acides sialiques présents à la surface des érythrocytes. De plus, nous avons établi un système expérimental « ex-vivo » qui nous a permis de montrer que l’anémie observée au cours de l’infection était dépendante du mécanisme d’érythrophagocytose. Les modifications en acides sialiques des érythrocytes constitueraient un signal de reconnaissance des érythrocytes par les cellules phagocytaires de l’hôte. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis au point des conditions de culture in vitro pour tous les stades parasitaires de T. vivax et T. congolense afin de développer des outils de génomique fonctionnelle. Ces avancées nous ont notamment permis d’identifier des enzymes de type sialidase et trans-sialidase et de détecter les activités enzymatiques correspondantes dans les formes infectieuses de ces parasites. Nous avons exprimé des trans-sialidases recombinantes et démontré qu’elles étaient capables de reproduire in vitro certaines des caractéristiques pathologiques définies in vivo : modifications en acides sialiques des érythrocytes et augmentation de l’érythrophagocytose. Par conséquent, ces travaux ont permis pour la première fois de mettre en évidence un lien entre l’expression des sialidases et trans-sialidases chez le parasite T. vivax et le développement de l’anémie au cours de la TAA. / African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT) is a parasitic disease occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. It impairs livestock development and agricultural production. This disease is mainly caused by T. congolense and T. vivax parasites and is present in livestock, domestic and wild animals, covering an area of over a 10 millions km2, that is known as the Tsé-Tsé fly belt. These infections cause severe anaemia leading to animal death in most cases. In this context, we were interested in unravelling the mechanisms responsible for anaemia caused by T. vivax infection. We developed a murine model for T. vivax infection and our data pointed out important sialic acid modifications of the mouse erythrocyte surface during infection. Additionally, an ex-vivo experimental model was established which proved that anaemia associated with infection depends on erythrophagocytosis. Consequently, we propose that sialic acid modifications associated with infection are involved in the erythrophagocytosis mechanism. Furthermore, in order to develop genetic tools we established in vitro culture conditions for all parasite forms of T. vivax and T. congolense. Parasite cultivation allowed the detection of sialidase and trans-sialidase activity and identifies the presence and function of these proteins in the mammalian form of the parasite. Moreover, trans-sialidase recombinant proteins reproduced some of the T. vivax infection characteristics such as sialic acid modification and increased erythrophagocytosis. Consequently, this work provides the first evidence that links the expression of sialidases and trans-sialidases in T. vivax with the development of anemia during AAT.
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Geração e análise de GSS (Genome Survey Sequences) de Trypanosoma vivaxSouza, Edson Adriano de January 2005 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia. / Made available in DSpace on 2013-07-15T23:40:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
213571.pdf: 3165886 bytes, checksum: 023dbff8900bec900d8d6b2eea6e15b6 (MD5) / O Trypanosoma vivax é um hemoparasita causador de tripanosomose em
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Trans-regulation of \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) mRNA and structural analysis of a \(Trypanosoma\) \(vivax\) VSG using X-ray crystallography / Trans-regulierung der mRNA des variablen Oberflächenglykoprotein (VSG) von \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) und strukturelle Analyse eines \(Trypanosoma\) \(vivax\) VSG mittels KristallstrukturanalyseAroko, Erick Onyango January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
African trypanosomes are unicellular parasites that cause nagana and sleeping sickness in livestock and man, respectively. The major pathogens for the animal disease include Trypanosoma vivax, T. congolense, and T. brucei brucei, whereas T. b. gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense are responsible for human infections. Given that the bloodstream form (BSF) of African trypanosomes is exclusively extracellular, its cell surface forms a critical boundary with the host environment. The cell surface of the BSF African trypanosomes is covered by a dense coat of immunogenic variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs). This surface protein acts as an impenetrable shield that protects the cells from host immune factors and is also involved in antibody clearance and antigenic variation, which collectively ensure that the parasite stays ahead of the host immune system. Gene expression in T. brucei is markedly different from other eukaryotes: most genes are transcribed as long polycistronic units, processed by trans-splicing a 39-nucleotide mini exon at the 5′ and polyadenylation at the 3′ ends of individual genes to generate the mature mRNA.
Therefore, gene expression in T. brucei is regulated post-transcriptionally, mainly by the action of RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and conserved elements in the 3′ untranslated regions (UTR) of transcripts. The expression of VSGs is highly regulated, and only a single VSG gene is expressed at a time from one of the ~15 subtelomeric domains termed bloodstream expression sites (BES). When cells are engineered to simultaneously express two VSGs, the total VSG mRNA do not exceed the wild type amounts. This suggests that a robust VSG mRNA balancing mechanism exists in T. brucei. The present study uses inducible and constitutive expression of ectopic VSG genes to show that the endogenous VSG mRNA is regulated only if the second VSG is properly targeted to the ER. Additionally, the endogenous VSG mRNA response is triggered when high amounts of the GFP reporter with a VSG 3′UTR is targeted to the ER. Further evidence that non-VSG ER import signals can efficiently target VSGs to the ER is presented. This study suggests that a robust trans-regulation of the VSG mRNA is elicited at the ER through a feedback loop to keep the VSG transcripts in check and avoid overshooting the secretory pathway capacity.
Further, it was shown that induction of expression of the T. vivax VSG ILDat1.2 in T. brucei causes a dual cell cycle arrest, with concomitant upregulation of the protein associated with differentiation (PAD1) expression. It could be shown that T. vivax VSG ILDat1.2 can only be sufficiently expressed in T. brucei after replacing its native GPI signal peptide with that of a T. brucei VSG. Taken together, these data indicate that inefficient VSG GPI anchoring and expression of low levels of the VSG protein can trigger differentiation from slender BSF to stumpy forms. However, a second T. vivax VSG, ILDat2.1, is not expressed in T. brucei even after similar modifications to its GPI signals. An X-ray crystallography approach was utilized to solve the N-terminal domain (NTD) structure of VSG ILDat1.2. This is first structure of a non-T. brucei VSG, and the first of a surface protein of T. vivax to be solved. VSG ILDat1.2 NTD maintains the three-helical bundle scaffold conserved in T. brucei surface proteins. However, it is likely that there are variations in the architecture of the membrane proximal region of the ILDat1.2 NTD and its CTD from T. brucei VSGs. The tractable T. brucei system is presented as a model that can be used to study surface proteins of related trypanosome species, thus creating avenues for further characterization of trypanosome surface coats. / Afrikanische Trypanosomen sind einzellige Parasiten, die Nagana in Nutzvieh und die Schlafkrankheit im Menschen verursachen. Zu den Hauptverursachern der Tierkrankheit gehören Trypanosoma vivax, T. congolense und T. brucei brucei, während T. b. gambiense und T. b. rhodesiense für Infektionen im Menschen verantwortlich sind. Da die Blutstromform (BSF) der afrikanischen Trypanosomen rein extrazellulär vorkommt, bildet die Zelloberfläche eine kritische Grenzregion mit der Wirtsumgebung. Die Zelloberoberfläche der BSF afrikanischer Trypanosomen ist mit einem dichten Mantel an immunogenen variablen Oberflächenglykoproteinen (variant surface glycoprotein, VSG) umgeben. Dieses Oberflächenprotein dient als Barriere zum Schutz gegen Faktoren des Wirtsimmunsystems und spielt ebenfalls eine Rolle in Antikörper-Clearance und antigener Variation, welche gemeinsam dafür sorgen, dass der Parasit dem Wirtsimmunsystem stets einen Schritt voraus bleibt. Die Genexpression von T. brucei weist dezidierte Unterschiede im Vergleich zu anderen Eukaryoten auf: Die meisten Gene werden als lange polyzystronische Einheiten transkribiert, die durch trans-Splicing eines Miniexons aus 39 Nukleotiden am 5′ und Polyadenylierung am 3′ Ende der individuellen Gene prozessiert wird.
Daher wird die Genexpression in T. brucei posttranskriptionell reguliert, zumeist durch RNA Bindeproteine (RBPs) und konservierte Elemente in der 3′ untranslatierten Region (UTR). Die Expression der VSGs ist stark reguliert, so wird zu einer gegebenen Zeit stets nur ein VSG Gen aus einer von ~15 Subtelomerregionen, die Blutstrom Expressionsorte (bloodstream expression sites, BES) genannt werden, exprimiert. Zellen, die gentechnisch manipuliert wurden um zwei VSGs zu exprimieren, produzieren die gleiche Menge an VSG mRNA wie Wildtyp Zellen. Dies deutet auf die Existenz eines robusten Mechanismus zur Regulierung der Gesamt-VSG mRNA Menge in T. brucei hin. Diese Arbeit verwendet induzierbare sowie konstitutive Expression eines ektopischen VSG Gens um zu zeigen, dass die endogene VSG mRNA nur reguliert wird, wenn das zweite VSG zum ER gelangt. Außerdem wird die endogene VSG mRNA Antwort auch ausgelöst, wenn hohe Mengen eines GFP Reporters, der eine VSG 3′UTR enthält, zum ER geleitet wird. Weiterhin, wird gezeigt, dass ER Importsignale anderer Proteine VSGs effizient zum ER dirigieren können. Das Ergebnis dieser Studie deutet darauf hin, dass eine Rückkopplungsschleife am ER eine robuste trans-Regulation der VSG mRNA auslöst, die die VSG Transkripte limitiert und somit eine Überlastung des sekretorischen Wegs verhindert.
Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass es nach Induktion der Expression des T. vivax VSGs ILDat1.2 in T. brucei zu einem doppelten Zellzyklusarrest mit gleichzeitiger Hochregulation der Expression des protein associated with differentation (PAD1) kam und dass dieses T. vivax VSG nur nach Austausch des GPI Signalpeptids durch das eines T. brucei VSGs effizient exprimiert werden konnte. Zusammengenommen suggerieren diese Daten, dass eine ineffiziente GPI-Verankerung und wenig abundante Expression des VSGs die Differenzierung der sogenannten slender BSF zur sogenannten stumpy Form einleiten kann. Ein zweites T. vivax VSG, ILDat2.1, konnte hingegen auch nach Austausch des GPI Signals nicht in T. brucei exprimiert werden. Mit Hilfe der Röntgenstrukturanalyse wurde die Struktur der N-terminalen Domäne (NTD) des ILDat1.2 VSGs gelöst. Es handelt sich hierbei um die erste Proteinstruktur eines VSGs, welches nicht aus T. brucei stammt und die erste Struktur eines Oberflächenproteins von T. vivax. Das in T. brucei Oberflächenproteinen konservierte drei-Helix Grundgerüst ist auch in der NTD des ILDat1.2 VSGs enthalten. Die Architektur der Membranproximalen Gegend der IlDat1.2 NTD und CTD unterscheiden sich aber vermutlich von der der T. brucei VSGs. Das leicht handhabbare T. brucei System bietet somit ein geeignetes Modell um die Oberflächenproteine anderer afrikanischer Trypanosomen Spezies zu untersuchen und eröffnet neue Wege zur Charakterisierung ihrer Oberflächenmäntel.
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Efeito da infecção por Trypanosoma vivax sobre a ingestão de alimento, conversão alimentar, ganho de peso e características da carcaça de ovinos infectados experimentalmente / Effect of Trypanosoma vivax infection on feed intake, feed conversion, weight gain and carcass characteristics of sheep experimentally infectedBrito, Parmênedes Dias de 30 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T20:31:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ParmenedesDB_DISSERT.pdf: 4637846 bytes, checksum: 67d41df07b3b4f4e02d12ff7e07e99c3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-08-30 / Trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma vivax, is a debilitating and often fatal
disease in domestic animals, which causes economic losses to cause growth retardation, abortion,
decreased productivity, high costs of treatment and even death of the severely affected animals.
This study aims avaluate the changes caused by T. vivax on performance and carcass characteristics
of sheep, with no racial pattern defined experimentally infected in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte,
Brazil. We used 10 ovines, male, without defined racial standard (WDRS), adults of average weight
20 kg, during the finishing stage, arranged in two treatments: control group and the group infected
with strain of T. vivax originating from the outbreak of Paraíba with inoculum of 1,3 x 105 viable
tripomastigostas. The animals were kept in two in sheds covered for 70 days in the same
management conditions and feeding. Clinical symptoms, temperature and parasitemia were
monitored daily. Weekly blood tests were performed, serum biochemistry, evaluation of feed intake
and weight measurements, and calculation of feed efficiency ratio and feed every 15 days. At the
end of the experiment, was the sacrifice of animals for evaluation of performance and carcass traits.
There was a negative effect of T. vivax in feed conversion and feed efficiency ratio (P <0.05). The
average weekly weight gain of the infected group was always lower when compared to the control
group. Inherent in the feed intake was observed that there was no difference (P> 0.05) in total feed
consumed weekly. Only the beef ribs and ham cuts showed a significant difference (P <0.05). But it
is noteworthy that the infected group showed weight of the palette, neck, back and saw, 9%, 16%,
24% and 25% lower compared to the control group. There was a negative effect on fat deposition
surface (P <0.05) and longissimus muscle area (P <0.05). Trypanosomiasis caused by T. vivax can
cause direct losses in animal performance of 19,72% and resulting in economic losses for rural
producers of up to 45,86% when deaths occur in the herd / Tripanossomíase provocada pelo Trypanosoma vivax, é uma enfermidade debilitante e
comumente fatal nos animais domésticos, que acarreta perdas econômicas por provocar crescimento
retardado, aborto, queda na produtividade, altos custos de tratamento e até morte dos animais
severamente afetados. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar as alterações causadas pelo T.
vivax sobre o desempenho e características da carcaça de ovinos, sem padrão racial definido
(SPRD), infectados experimentalmente, em Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Foram
utilizados 10 ovinos machos, SPRD, adultos de peso médio 20kg, na fase de acabamento, dispostos
em dois tratamentos, grupo controle e grupo infectado com cepa de T. vivax oriundo do surto da
Paraíba, com inóculo de 1,3 x 105 tripomastigostas viáveis. Os animais foram mantidos em duas
baias teladas, por 70 dias, em iguais condições de manejo e alimentação. Diariamente realizou-se
acompanhamento de temperatura, parasitemia e sinais clínicos. Semanalmente, foram realizados
exames hematológicos, bioquímico sérico, avaliação do consumo de ração e pesagens, além cálculo
de conversão alimentar e índice de eficiência alimentar a cada 15 dias. Ao final do período
experimental, foi realizado o sacrifício dos animais para avaliação do desempenho e das
características da carcaça. Houve efeito negativo do T. vivax na conversão alimentar e no índice de
eficiência alimentar (P<0,05). O ganho médio de peso semanal do grupo infectado sempre foi
inferior quando comparado ao grupo controle. Inerente ao consumo de ração foi observado que não
houve diferença (P>0,05) no total de ração consumida semanalmente. Somente os cortes cárneos
costilhar e pernil mostraram diferença significativa (P<0,05). Contudo vale ressaltar que o grupo
infectado apresentou peso da paleta, pescoço, lombo e serrote, 9%, 16%, 24% e 25% inferiores em
relação ao grupo controle. Houve um efeito negativo na deposição de gordura superficial (P<0,05) e
área de olho de lombo (P<0,05). A tripanossomíase causada pelo T. vivax pode causar perdas no
diretamente no desempenho animal de 19,72% e resultando em perdas econômicas para o produtor
de até 45.86% quando ocorre óbitos no rebanho.
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Tripanossomíase por Trypanosoma vivax em pequenos ruminantes: descrição de surtos e infecção experimental da doença / Trypanosome s by Trypanosome vivax in little ruminants: description of outbreaks and e experimental infection of the diseasePaiva, Erika de Souza 27 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T20:31:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ErikaSP_DISSERT.pdf: 1538043 bytes, checksum: c1e9ee9d8ad94de102cf9059d099dad1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-08-27 / This research has considered Trypanosome s outbreaks by T. vivax that occurred in four groups of little ruminants in three towns of Alto Sertão da Paraíba in 2008 and recreated the disease experimentally in caprines and ovines, in order to relate the cardiac and central nervous system injuries with the parasite. For the statistics analyses the Test of Tukey (SAS) and the Qui-square (Epi Info 6.0) were done. The natural infection evaluation was done in the first outbreak (outbreak 1) and second (outbreak 2) semester of 2008, when the clinic signs were registered, parasitemia, rectal temperature, PCV and body score. 20% of adult caprine and ovine from each flock were chosen. It was noticed that in the first outbreak, the parasitemia was significantly bigger than in the second outbreak for both species, suggesting an acute and chronic stage of the disease. There was also a significant relation between the parasitemia, the temperature, the PCV and the body score in caprines and ovines. The anemia is a more evident clinical signal of the disease, followed by weight loss. At the PCR checkup, it was noticed that all the animals checked had the parasite in the blood. To evaluate the relation between the cardiac injuries with the T. vivax, 14 male ovines were used, SRD, disposed in 3 groups, being G1 the animals evaluated up to the 20th dpi (day pos infection), the G2, animals evaluated up to the 90th dpi and the G3 which is the control group, corresponding to the days of the groups treated. The isolated from T. vivax was from the outbreak occurred from Paraiba, being inoculated 1 ml containing 107 tripomastigotes. Clinical exams were done, hematological and anatomic-pathological. The animals presented hyperthermia, hydrothorax, ascites and hidropericardium. To the necropsy, the heart from an ovine from G2 presented evidences of cardiac failure. In the histological exam, hyaline necrosis was noticed, miocarditis with infiltrated inflammatory, besides fibrosis, suggestive of cardiac failure. In the evaluation of the injuries at the SNC related to T. vivax 12 male caprines were used, SRD, also disposed in three groups: G1 (animals evaluated in the acute stage of the disease), G2 (animals evaluated at the chronic stage of the disease) and G3 (control group). The isolated from T. vivax was due to an outbreak from ovines in Paraíba, being inoculated 1 ml containing 1.25 x 105 tripomastigotes. Within this study, besides the clinical exams, hematological and anatomic-pathological exams, the biochemical exam of the LCR were also done. The animals presented tetany, bruxism, opisthotonos and severe hyperthermia. In the exam of the LCR, there was a significant increase of the proteins in general and cellularity, as well as glicorrhachia and tubidez LCR. In the histological exam, meningoencephalitis was noticed, characterized by the presence of infiltrated inflammatory, besides morules cells (cells of Mott). / Este trabalho avaliou surtos de tripanossomíase por T. vivax que ocorreu em quatro rebanhos de pequenos ruminantes em três municípios do alto sertão da Paraíba em 2008 e reproduziu a doença experimentalmente em caprinos e ovinos, a fim de relacionar as lesões cardíacas e do sistema nervoso central com o parasita. Para análise estatística foi realizado o teste de Tukey (SAS) e o Qui-quadrado (Epi Info 6.0). A avaliação da infecção natural foi realizada no primeiro (surto 1) e segundo (surto 2) semestre de 2008, quando foram registrados os sinais clínicos, parasitemia, temperatura retal, hematócrito e escore corporal. Foram escolhidos 20% de caprinos e ovinos adultos de cada rebanho. Foi observado que no surto 1, a parasitemia foi significativamente maior que no surto 2 para ambas as espécies, sugerindo uma fase aguda e crônica da doença. Houve também uma relação significativa entre a parasitemia, a temperatura, o hematócrito e o escore corporal em caprinos e ovinos. A anemia é o sinal clínico mais evidente na enfermidade, seguida da perda de peso. Ao exame da PCR, foram verificados que todos os animais avaliados possuíam o parasita no sangue. Para avaliar a relação das lesões cardíacas com o T. vivax foram utilizados 14 ovinos machos, SRD, dispostos em 3 grupos, sendo G1 os animais avaliados até o 20o dpi (dias pós-infecção), o G2, animais avaliados até o 90o dpi e o G3 que é o grupo controle, correspondente aos dias dos grupos tratados. O isolado do T. vivax foi proveniente do surto ocorrido na Paraíba, sendo inoculado 1 ml contendo 107 tripomastigotas. Foram realizados exames clínicos, hematológicos e anatomopatológicos. Os animais apresentaram hipertermia, hidrotórax, ascite e hidropericárdio. À necropsia, o coração de um ovino do G2 apresentou evidências de insuficiência cardíaca. No exame histológico, observou-se necrose hialina, miocardite com infiltrado inflamatório, além de fibrose, sugestivo de insuficiência cardíaca. Na avaliação das lesões no SNC relacionadas ao T. vivax foram utilizados 12 caprinos machos, SRD, também dispostos em três grupos: G1 (animais avaliados na fase aguda da doença), G2 (animais avaliados na fase crônica da doença) e G3 (grupo controle). O isolado do T. vivax foi decorrente de um surto em bovinos na Paraíba, sendo inoculado 1 ml contendo 1,25 x 105 tripomastigotas. Neste estudo, além dos exames clínicos, hematológicos e anatomopatológicos foram realizados também o exame bioquímico do LCR. Os animais apresentaram tetania, bruxismo, opistótono e hipermetria acentuada. No exame do LCR, houve um aumento significativo das proteínas totais e celularidade, bem como glicorraquia e tubidez do líquor. No exame histológico foi verificada meningoencefalite, caracterizada pela presença de infiltrado inflamatório, além de células morulares (células de Mott).
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Vias alternativas de transmissão do Trypanosoma vivax em caprinos infectados experimentalmente / Alternative routes of transfer of Trypanosoma vivax in experimentally infected goatsBezerra, Nicholas Morais 16 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Socorro Pontes (socorrop@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-06-21T13:48:12Z
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NicholasMB_TESE.pdf: 1002447 bytes, checksum: 959969855c6576cb811af5be5b00512a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-06-22T11:39:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
NicholasMB_TESE.pdf: 1002447 bytes, checksum: 959969855c6576cb811af5be5b00512a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-06-22T11:42:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
NicholasMB_TESE.pdf: 1002447 bytes, checksum: 959969855c6576cb811af5be5b00512a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-22T11:42:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
NicholasMB_TESE.pdf: 1002447 bytes, checksum: 959969855c6576cb811af5be5b00512a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-16 / Agência Nacional do Petróleo / Whereas some species of trypanosomatids are capable of being transmitted by sexual intercourse and colostrum, these ways of transmission have not been proved yet through the trypanosomiasis caused by trypanosoma vivax. The actual study aimed to research trough the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) the presence of DNA of T. vivax on semen from goats infected by experiments and in the colostrum of infected goats at the last trimester of gestation. It also investigates the possibility of transmission in goats from the parasite through sexual intercourse between the male and female infected goats to those proles by breastfeeding six male goats were used in the experiment to test sexual transmission, which were intravenously infected with 0.5 ml of blood containing approximately 1.25 × 10⁵ trypomastigotes of T. vivax and 6 male goats that were not infected for being a group control. It was collected some samples of semen to the T. Vivax DNA analysis through a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Six not infected goats by T. vivax, the ones of the Saanen breed, were mated with infected males. In order to analyze the transmission of T. vivax through sexual intercourse, after mating, the goats were submitted to parasitological (blood smear) and molecular (PCR) tests. At the experiment to test the transmission by colostrum were used twelve goats of the Saanen breed were assessed at the trial transmission by colostrum. from this analysis, six goats were infected and the other six ones were analyzed as control to observe the presence of the parasite DNA in the colostrum collected after calving, and later, this colostrum was ministered to newborns from others healthy goats. Then, the same ones were submitted to parasitological and molecular tests. The detection of T. vivax DNA (TviCatL-PCR) on samples of semen by the PCR technique proved to be effective in all those animals and periods of observations. It was also observed the presence of the parasite DNA in some colostrum samples from goats. However, the results for the transmission trials on goats of the first experiment and on newborns breastfeed of the second experiment were negative. Despite the negatives results on transmission, we cannot eliminate the possibility of transmission by sexual intercourse and colostrum since others factors may be involved / Considerando que algumas espécies de tripanossomatídeos são capazes de serem transmitidas por via sexual e pelo colostro. Estas vias de transmissão ainda não foram comprovadas na tripanossomose provocado por Trypanosoma vivax, o presente estudo teve como objetivos, pesquisar através da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) a presença do DNA do T. vivax no sêmen de caprinos infectados experimentalmente, no colostro de cabras infectadas no terço final da gestação, investigar a possibilidade da transmissão em caprinos do parasita pela via sexual do macho para a fêmea e das cabras infectadas para bezerros saudáveis através da amamentação. No experimento para testar a transmissão sexual foram utilizados seis caprinos machos, os quais foram infectadas por via intravenosa com 0,5 ml de sangue contendo aproximadamente 1,25 × 105 tripomastigotas de T. vivax e seis caprinos machos que não foram infectados para serem um grupo controle. Foram coletadass de amostras de sêmen, para a pesquisa do DNA do T. vivax no sêmen através da realização do exame de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Seis cabras da raça saanen não infectadas por T. vivax foram acasaladas com os machos infectados. Para avaliar a transmissão do T. vivax pela via sexual, após o acasalamento as cabras foram submetidas a exames parasitológicos (esfregaço sanguíneo) e moleculares (PCR). No experimento para testar a transmissão pelo colostro foram usadas doze cabras da raça saanen, onde seis foram infectadas e seis foram usadas como controle, para observar a presença do DNA do parasita no colostro coletado após o parto, posteriormente o colostro foi ministrado para filhotes recém-nascidos de outras cabras saudáveis, depois os mesmos foram submetidos a exames parasitológicos e moleculares. A detecção do DNA de T. vivax (TviCatL-PCR) em amostras de sêmen pela técnica de PCR revelaram-se positivas em todos os animais e em todos períodos de observação. Também foi observado a presença do DNA do parasita em algumas amostras de colostro das cabras. Porém os resultados para as possibilidades da transmissão mostraram negativas tanto nas cabras cobertas do primeiro experimento como dos filhotes amamentados do segundo experimento. Apesar dos resultados negativos na transmissão, não podemos anular a possibilidade de transmissão sexual e pelo colostro já que outros fatores podem estar envolvidos / 2017-06-19
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Patogenicidade do isolado "Lins" de Trypanosoma vivax em bovinos natural e experimentalmente infectados /Fidelis Junior, Otavio Luiz. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Fabiano Antonio Cadioli / Coorientador: Luiz Carlos Marques / Banca: Marcos Rogério André / Banca: Letícia Andreza Yonezawa / Resumo: Infecções pelo hemoprotozoário T. vivax causam grandes prejuízos à pecuária da África e Américas Central e do Sul. Surtos devido a este protozoário têm ocorrido com frequência cada vez maior no Brasil. O conhecimento das alterações que ocorrem durante a evolução desta enfermidade podem ser de grande valia. Para tanto foram estudados os sinais clínicos, parasitemia, alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas, sorológicas e anatomopatológicas de três bovinos naturalmente infectados (grupo N) e outros três experimentalmente infectados (grupo E) pelo T. vivax. com média de peso de 500 kg e 548 kg, respectivamente. O período pré-patente foi de dois a três dias (grupo E). Animais do grupo N apresentaram perda de peso intensa (140 Kg). No grupo E observou-se constante diminuição da contagem global de eritrócitos, teor de hemoglobina e volume globular (VG). O leucograma revelou alterações mais evidentes para o grupo E, com leucopenia por neutropenia e linfopenia durante a fase aguda da enfermidade. O grupo N apresentou um quadro de leucocitose por neutrofilia. Foram observados diminuição do colesterol total, colesterol ligado ao HDL, albumina, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e aumento da glicose, globulinas, proteínas e fosfatase alcalina (FA) para o grupo E. Os animais do grupo E mostraram-se positivos tanto para Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) quanto para o ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimático (ELISA), fato que não ocorreu no grupo N, sendo este positivo para RIFI e alternando entre períodos positivos e negativos frente ao ELISA. No proteinograma, os bovinos do grupo E apresentaram inicialmente um incremento de ceruloplasmina, com posterior redução; valores elevados de transferrina praticamente por todo o período experimental; e um aumento inicial de haptoglobina com posterior redução. O grupo N apresentou valores baixos de ceruloplasmina, transferrina e ... / Abstract: Infections by T. vivax cause great losses to livestock in Africa and Central and South America. Outbreaks due to this parasite have been occurred with increasing frequency in Brazil. Knowledge of changes that occur during the development of disease can be of great value. In order to evaluate clinical signs, parasitemia, hematologic, biochemical, serological and pathological changes caused by T. vivax, three naturally (group N) and three experimentally (group E) infected bovines by T. vivax, with an average weight of 500 and 548 kg, respectively, were studied. The observed prepatent period was two to three days (group E). Animals of group N showed severe weight loss (140 kg). Reduction of erythrocyte numbers, hemoglobin concentration and PCV were observed in group E. WBC showed pronounced changes for group E, such as severe neutropenia and lymphopenia during the acute phase of the illness. Group N showed leukocytosis by neutrophilia. Decrease in total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, albumin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and increased in glucose, globulin, protein, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were observed in group E. Animals from group E were positive for both Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) and for the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), which did not occur in group N that was positive in IFAT and alternating between positive and negative periods in ELISA. Proteinogram of group E showed initially an increase of ceruloplasmin, which was later reduced, high values of transferrin almost the entire experimental period. On the hand, haptoglobin showed an initial increase with subsequent reduction in group E. In group N, low levels of ceruloplasmin, transferrin and haptoglobin were observed. Histopathological examination showed alterations mainly in were liver, spleen, heart, lung, lymph node, kidney and central nervous system. Changes mainly consisted in mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate in liver ... / Mestre
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Ocorrência e caracterização molecular de hemoplasmas em bovinos de corte no Pantanal brasileiro, área endêmica para tripanossomíase bovina na América do Sul /Mello, Victória Valente Califre de. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Rogério André / Resumo: Micoplasmas hemotrópicos (hemoplasmas) são bactérias Gram-negativas que parasitam a superfície de eritrócitos de uma ampla variedade de mamíferos. Mycoplasma wenyonii e ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos’ são espécies de hemoplasmas relatadas em bovinos, podendo causar anemia hemolítica e redução na produção de carne e leite e, consequentemente, prejuízos econômicos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência de hemoplasmas em bovinos de corte no Pantanal brasileiro, área endêmica para tripanossomíase bovina na América do Sul. Adicionalmente, objetivou-se caracterizar molecularmente os genótipos de hemoplasmas encontrados. Para tal, amostras de sangue e soro de 400 bovinos de corte foram colhidas em cinco propriedades do município de Corumbá, sub-região da Nhecolândia, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, centro-oeste brasileiro. As amostras de sangue foram submetidas à extração de DNA e a ensaios de PCR convencional para hemoplasmas baseados no gene 16S rRNA. As sequências obtidas foram submetidas a inferências filogenéticas, análises de distância e de diversidade genotípica. O Ensaio Imunoenzimático Indireto (iELISA) mostrou a presença de anticorpos IgG anti-Trypanosoma vivax em 89,75% dos animais amostrados, confirmando a endemicidade para o referido agente na região sob estudo. Dentre as 400 amostras de sangue de bovinos testadas, 2,25% (9/400) mostraram-se positivas na cPCR para hemoplasmas. A análise filogenética das sequências obtidas confirmou a presença de DN... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Hemotrophic mycoplasmas (haemoplasmas) are Gram-negative bacteria that parasitize the surface of erythrocytes of a wide variety of mammals. Mycoplasma wenyonii and 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos' are hemoplasma species reported in cattle, which can cause hemolytic anemia and reduction in meat and milk production and, consequently, economic losses. The present study aimed to investigate the occurrence of haemoplasmas in beef cattle in the Brazilian Pantanal, an area endemic for bovine trypanosomiasis in South America. In addition, the work aimed to characterize molecularly the genotypes of haemoplasmas found. For this purpose, blood and serum samples of 400 beef cattle were collected from five properties in the municipality of Corumbá, sub-region of Nhecolândia, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, central-western Brazil. Blood samples were subjected to DNA extraction and cPCR assays for haemoplasmas based on 16S rRNA gene. The sequences obtained were submitted to phylogenetic inferences, distance analysis and genotype diversity. The Indirect Immunoenzymatic Assay (iELISA) showed the presence of anti-Trypanosoma vivax IgG antibodies in 89.75% of the animals sampled, confirming the endemicity for this agent in the studied region. Among the 400 bovine blood samples tested, 2.25% (9/400) were positive in cPCR for haemoplasmas. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences obtained confirmed the presence of DNA 'C. M. haemobos' and M. wenyonii in 0.5% (2/400) and 1.75% (7/400) animals, r... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Patogenicidade do isolado Lins de Trypanosoma vivax em bovinos natural e experimentalmente infectadosFidelis Junior, Otavio Luiz [UNESP] 14 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-14Bitstream added on 2015-04-09T12:48:09Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
000814014.pdf: 1627484 bytes, checksum: ce0b86b09943b35b985a7f8be30c27d6 (MD5) / Infecções pelo hemoprotozoário T. vivax causam grandes prejuízos à pecuária da África e Américas Central e do Sul. Surtos devido a este protozoário têm ocorrido com frequência cada vez maior no Brasil. O conhecimento das alterações que ocorrem durante a evolução desta enfermidade podem ser de grande valia. Para tanto foram estudados os sinais clínicos, parasitemia, alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas, sorológicas e anatomopatológicas de três bovinos naturalmente infectados (grupo N) e outros três experimentalmente infectados (grupo E) pelo T. vivax. com média de peso de 500 kg e 548 kg, respectivamente. O período pré-patente foi de dois a três dias (grupo E). Animais do grupo N apresentaram perda de peso intensa (140 Kg). No grupo E observou-se constante diminuição da contagem global de eritrócitos, teor de hemoglobina e volume globular (VG). O leucograma revelou alterações mais evidentes para o grupo E, com leucopenia por neutropenia e linfopenia durante a fase aguda da enfermidade. O grupo N apresentou um quadro de leucocitose por neutrofilia. Foram observados diminuição do colesterol total, colesterol ligado ao HDL, albumina, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e aumento da glicose, globulinas, proteínas e fosfatase alcalina (FA) para o grupo E. Os animais do grupo E mostraram-se positivos tanto para Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) quanto para o ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimático (ELISA), fato que não ocorreu no grupo N, sendo este positivo para RIFI e alternando entre períodos positivos e negativos frente ao ELISA. No proteinograma, os bovinos do grupo E apresentaram inicialmente um incremento de ceruloplasmina, com posterior redução; valores elevados de transferrina praticamente por todo o período experimental; e um aumento inicial de haptoglobina com posterior redução. O grupo N apresentou valores baixos de ceruloplasmina, transferrina e ... / Infections by T. vivax cause great losses to livestock in Africa and Central and South America. Outbreaks due to this parasite have been occurred with increasing frequency in Brazil. Knowledge of changes that occur during the development of disease can be of great value. In order to evaluate clinical signs, parasitemia, hematologic, biochemical, serological and pathological changes caused by T. vivax, three naturally (group N) and three experimentally (group E) infected bovines by T. vivax, with an average weight of 500 and 548 kg, respectively, were studied. The observed prepatent period was two to three days (group E). Animals of group N showed severe weight loss (140 kg). Reduction of erythrocyte numbers, hemoglobin concentration and PCV were observed in group E. WBC showed pronounced changes for group E, such as severe neutropenia and lymphopenia during the acute phase of the illness. Group N showed leukocytosis by neutrophilia. Decrease in total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, albumin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and increased in glucose, globulin, protein, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were observed in group E. Animals from group E were positive for both Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) and for the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), which did not occur in group N that was positive in IFAT and alternating between positive and negative periods in ELISA. Proteinogram of group E showed initially an increase of ceruloplasmin, which was later reduced, high values of transferrin almost the entire experimental period. On the hand, haptoglobin showed an initial increase with subsequent reduction in group E. In group N, low levels of ceruloplasmin, transferrin and haptoglobin were observed. Histopathological examination showed alterations mainly in were liver, spleen, heart, lung, lymph node, kidney and central nervous system. Changes mainly consisted in mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate in liver ...
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Técnicas sorológicas e moleculares na avaliação da efetividade do tratamento contra Trypanosoma vivax em caprinos experimentalmente infectados /Sampaio, Paulo Henrique. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Fabiano Antonio Cadioli / Resumo: Trypanosoma vivax é hemoparasita que infecta ruminantes e causa grandes perdas econômicas na pecuária, reduzindo os índices produtivos e reprodutivos dos animais. A principal alteração causada pelo parasita é anemia, podendo em alguns casos levar a sinais clínicos neurológicos e eventualmente levar o animal ao óbito. Os sinais clínicos são inespecíficos, fato que dificulta seu diagnóstico. O correto diagnóstico e tratamento são fundamentais para o efetivo controle da doença. Desta forma, o presente trabalho objetivou utilizar a LAMP, cPCR, RIFI e ELISA como ferramentas diagnósticas para verificar a cura parasitológica e soronegativação de caprinos experimentalmente infectados por T. vivax após o tratamento com o diaceturato de diminazeno (DM) ou cloridrato de isometamidium (ISM), além de avaliar as alterações histopatológicas do encéfalo para esclarecer melhor os mecanismos que levam a manifestações neurológicas. No presente trabalho detectamos anemia nos animais experimentalmente infectados por T. vivax e o parasita apresentou resistência a ambos os medicamentos, a qual foi comprovada por métodos sorológicos e moleculares. Também foram detectadas alterações na celularidade do neurópilo de animais infectados, o que pode resultar em danos aos neurônios e no desenvolvimento dos sinais clínicos neurológicos nos animais cronicamente infectados. Concluímos que o isolado testado no experimento foi resistente aos quimioterápicos testados, sendo a melhor forma de diagnóstico a associ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Trypanosoma vivax is a hemoparasite that infects ruminants and causes huge economic losses in livestock, reducing animals productive and reproductive indexes. The main alteration caused by this parasite is anemia and may eventually lead animal to death. The clinical signs are nonspecific which explains the correct diagnosis difficult. Correct diagnosis and treatment are essential for the effective control of this disease. Thus, the goals of this present work was use tools diagnostics molecular (LAMP and PCR) and serological (ELISA and IFAT) to verify the parasitological cure and seronegativation of goats experimentally infected with T. vivax after treatment with diminazene diaceturate (DM) or isometamidium hydrochloride (ISM), besides assess histological alterations in ruminants' brains to elucidate the mechanism that cause neurologic disorders. In our study we detected anemia and, parasitic resistance to both drugs in animals experimentally infected with T. vivax, which was confirmed by serologic and molecular methods. Additionally, we detected alterations in neuropyl cells of infected animals, which may cause injuries in neuron and consequently neurologic signs in chronic infected animals. Therefore, we conclude that the tested T. vivax isolate was resistant to both drugs, being the best way of diagnosis is the association of serologic and molecular methods and T. vivax cause alterations in neuropyl cells. / Doutor
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