Spelling suggestions: "subject:"buition"" "subject:"fuition""
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Grundskolans svenskämne : En systematisk litteraturstudie om svenskämnet som demokratiämne / The Swedish subject in elementary school : A systematic literature study on the Swedish subject as a subject of democracyAhlkvist, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur demokratiundervisningen i svenskämnet beskrivs i aktuell forskning. Studien har genomförts som en systematisk litteraturstudie där studiens två forskningsfrågor har haft huvudrollen, nämligen frågan om vilken roll demokratiundervisning har i svenskämnet och frågan om hur lärare och elever ser på demokratiuppgiften. För att besvara frågorna har nio publikationer som innehåller svar på frågorna tagits fram via databassökningar och kedjesökningar. Studien påvisar fyra roller som demokratiundervisningen har i svenskämnet. En roll handlar om att eleverna ska ges möjligheten att uttrycka sina idéer, uppfattningar och tankar tillsammans med andra och bli lyssnade till och tas på allvar. En annan roll beskrivs som rätten till språket och handlar om att eleverna lär sig att läsa och skriva. En tredje roll gäller rätten till mångkulturalitet och elevernas möjlighet att se sig själva som en del av hela värden. Den fjärde och sista rollen som tas upp är rätten till kritiskt tänkande och källkritik som ska leda eleverna till att kunna gallra bland information. Några lärarröster som kommer fram i forskningspublikationerna påvisar vissa organisatoriska förhållanden som leder till problem i demokratiundervisningen medan andra påtalar att eleverna saknar kunskap för att vara med och bestämma. I de få elevröster som kommer till tals i forskningen framkommer att eleverna vill påverka och medverka på skolan genom klassråd och elevråd, men de upplever att deras förslag inte visas någon större hänsyn. Slutsatsen av studien är att ny forskning behöver göras om hur demokratifrågorna hanteras i praktiken, och särskilt behövs forskning om demokratiundervisning för elever i grundskolan.
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Do tuition elimination policies in Sub-Saharan Africa matter? Evidence from the Universal Secondary Education Policy in UgandaMamba, Maurice Mbuanya January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation assesses the effectiveness of the Ugandan Universal Secondary Education policy. It seeks to ascertain whether and to what extent offering free-tuition education at eligible public and private secondary schools has affected gross enrollment rates at the lower secondary school level in Uganda between 2007 and 2015.
Using a synthetic control method as well as a linear probability model, I explore the impact of the USE policy on lower secondary school enrollment both at the country and household levels since the policy implementation in 2007 up to 2015. To carry out the analysis, I merge several sources of administrative data, including World Bank education indicators, UNESCO Institute of Statistics data on school participation, Uganda National Bureau of Statistics' annual statistical abstracts and Uganda’s Ministry of Education and Sports’ annual reports into a country-panel dataset for the period of 1992-2015 and use the latter for the synthetic control approach. The linear probability model exploits the data from the 2013 Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS).
The synthetic control analysis shows no effect of the USE policy at the country level. Instead, the results indicate that during my study period, lower secondary school enrollment rates growth in Uganda was reduced by a yearly average of 8 percentage points compared to its synthetic version. The micro-analysis, however, shows that the receipt of a government subsidy to enroll in lower secondary school had a positive and statistically significant effect ranging from .5 to 9.4 percentage points.
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Varför vänta, när matematiksvårigheter kan förebyggas i förskoleklass?Lindskog, Åsa January 2020 (has links)
To have a basic number sense is important for mathematical understanding. Interventions in preschool class has shown significant positive effects on student’s mathematical development throughout elementary school. The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of individually designed intensive training on some preschool students with inadequate number sense. The intention was also to demonstrate how the intenvention could be designed as a preventive measure according to the reading, writing, counting guarantee introduced in Swedish school law on July 1st, 2019. The FoNS framework's eight categories, which together constitute basic number sense, has been used as theory and action research was chosen as a method to gain further knowledge of one's own practice and how to further develope it. A quantitative approach in form of a single case design with comparative figures has been used. The study also has a qualitative approach, by analysing the figures qualitatively, and putting them in context. The result showed that a structured, individual intervention can develop significant effects of the number sense. Six preschool students, at the age of six, who in surveys showed shortcomings in the basic number sense received intensive education for five weeks, three times a week, in pair. The study showed that short, intensive interventions can have a good effect if they are individually tailored, structured, well-planned and performed with few students at a time. Four of the survey group's six participants made a marked increase in results from pre- to post-test. Two pupils will need further efforts to achieve an age-appropriate number sense. The study shows that early intensive tuition in mathematics can be a preventive way of working for the special need teacher to prevent math difficulties.
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Förtroendefulla relationer i enskild musikundervisning : Elevers erfarenheter av sång- och instrumentalpedagogers relationskompetensEnochsson, Emelie, Hovmark, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att ur ett elevperspektiv undersöka vad relationskompetens kan innebära i enskild musikundervisning på gymnasium. Det empiriska materialet som ligger till grund för studiens resultat är inhämtat genom fokusgruppssamtal med elever från en gymnasieskola med musikprofil. Empirin har sedan analyserats utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv. Tidigare studier inom området visar att goda lärare-elev-relationer har positiv inverkan på elevers lärande och sociala utveckling. Utmärkande för sång- och instrumentalundervisning är att undervisningen ofta sker en-till-en, och därför framstår det särskilt relevant att utforska relationer mellan lärare och elev i detta specifika sammanhang. Resultatet visar att förtroende är centralt för goda lärare-elev-relationer och föreslår strategier för att uppnå detta. Förutsättningar för förtroende är enligt resultatet exempelvis lärarens musikaliska kompetens, lärarens förmåga att bemöta elevens behov och främja dennes självförtroende samt att läraren anpassar kommunikation och musikaliskt innehåll efter varje elevs individuella nivå. Relationskompetens i enskild musikundervisning på gymnasium kan således innebära att läraren individanpassar kommunikationen och den musikaliska nivån, respekterar elevens fysiska och mentala integritet samt främjar elevens tilltro till sin egen förmåga och på så vis skapar en förtroendefull relation. / The purpose of this study is to examine from a student perspective what relational competence can mean in on-to-one music tuition in upper secondary school. The empirical material that forms the basis for the study's result has been obtained through focus group discussions with students from a school with a music profile. Data has been analyzed from a relational perspective. Previous studies show that good teacher-student relationships have a positive impact on students' learning and social development. The result shows that trust is essential to good teacher-student relationships and suggests strategies to achieve this. Prerequisites for trust are according to the result for instance the teacher's musical competence, the ability to meet the student's needs and promote the student's self-confidence, adapted communication and musical content according to each student's individual level. Relational competence in one-to-one music tuition in upper secondary school can thus mean that the teacher individually adapts the communication and the musical level, respects the student's physical and mental integrity and promotes the student's confidence in their own ability and thus creates a trusting relationship.
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What Attracts Students To A Small, Private University?Schumacher, Ronald M., Jr 17 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Disaggregating the Low-Fee Private Schooling System of PakistanBajwa, Wajeeha January 2024 (has links)
The Low-Fee Private Schools (LFPS) sector is globally contested. The debate takes place at the academic and policy levels and calls into question the ethics of deriving a profit from a public good. Several theoretical constructs in educational privatization have informed the debate. These include contract failure, transaction costs, moral hazard, and the obsolescing bargain. Yet, the debate does not acknowledge LFPS types. To this end, the dissertation examined the histories and pathways of different types of LFPS, presented a typology, and investigated to what extent the numerous types of LFPS varied in terms of delivering access, equity, and quality of education.
The theoretical framework framing this dissertation was centered on the six pathways to privatization. A case study design was applied to conduct exploratory, inductive research in two research sites—low-income and mixed-income neighborhoods in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. I first implemented a multi-tiered sampling strategy to identify LFPS. This involved conducting on-site school mapping to locate 87 educational institutions, including unregistered LFPS, in the research sites. I then identified 26 LFPS by forwarding a definition of LFPS in Pakistan and assessing which private educational institutions met the parameters of an LFPS. Among other elements, LFPS were defined as private educational institutions that charged a maximum of 24 USD a month in school fees. The data for the dissertation included site visits to, and surveys at 17 LFPS, 45 interviews at the school level, with Rawalpindi educational authority representatives as well as a multilateral agency. Finally, I reviewed 19,320 Facebook pictures uploaded by LFPS, and visually analyzed 1,343 to triangulate claims made in the surveys and interviews.
Through this research design, LFPS that were differentiated on the parameters of structure—whether LFPS are part of nation-wide chains or independent entities that have a legacy rooted in the country’s colonial history—and fee range. I found six different types of LFPS: Cheap, Medium-range and Costly Independent LFPS and Cheap, Medium-range and Costly Chain LFPS. The established typology is generalizable to urban areas in Pakistan. An analysis of the histories and pathways of the identified LFPS further revealed that there was a proliferation of LFPS starting in 2004, particularly during two periods—2004 to 2007 and 2015 to 2019—under a supportive enabling environment. Chain LFPS types are competitors to Independent LFPS types in contexts in which they are able to proliferate, such as the mixed-income neighborhoods, where no Independent LFPS has been established since 2017. Path six—De facto privatization in low-income countries—was found to be applicable to Pakistan as the government did not patronize sectoral expansion, and until recently, did not undertake efforts to regulate it.
Despite sectoral expansion in recent decades, a trade-off in access, equity, and quality of education at the different types of LFPS was found. If an LFPS enhances access and equity, which was found at Cheap Chain LFPS and Medium-range Chain LFPS, it comes at the expense of quality of education. If an LFPS delivers strongly on educational quality, which is the case as Medium-range and Costly Independent LFPS, it comes at the expense of quality of education.
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Hear Us Out: When Colleges Talk About Tuition IncreasesPolikoff, Richard A. 24 May 2018 (has links)
In the decades that followed World War II, tuition at American colleges was well within the financial reach of most families. Since 1980, however, it has grown more expensive to attend both public and private colleges, as tuition has surged at a rate that has far outpaced inflation. At the same time, the economic and lifestyle disparities between those who earn four-year degrees and those who do not have reached record levels. As a result, students have to go to college in order to have a realistic shot at prosperity, but must borrow significantly in order to afford the cost of attendance. Colleges are aware that whenever the subject of increased tuition comes up, be it a proposed increase or an official one, it is a threat to their image and is likely to be viewed as offensive by students, who are already straining from the high cost of college. Thus, colleges employ a range of image restoration theory strategies at all phases of the conflict management life cycle, in order to restore, repair, and protect their images. While the rhetorical strategies taken by colleges may be given a great deal of thought by college spokespersons, they are not always strategically appropriate. This thesis uses mental accounting to extend image restoration theory, and offers rhetorical strategies that colleges may consider in order to minimize the threat to their images posed by increased tuition. / Master of Arts / For American families, sending their children to college is a far greater financial strain than it was a generation or two ago. Across the United States, college tuition has surged in recent decades, a trend that shows few signs of abating in the future. As a result, current and future college students and their families view the news of a tuition increase, or a potential increase, unfavorably. Colleges are aware of the threat that they face when the subject of tuition increases comes up, so they employ a range of rhetorical strategies to reduce the threat. This master’s thesis classifies the rhetoric used by college spokespersons at the top-20 ranked American public universities when they talked about planned or potential tuition increases for three academic years. It then evaluates the appropriateness of these rhetorical choices, evaluating them based upon established marketing scholarship in order to determine if they are likely to make students view the news of a planned or proposed tuition increase news seem more fair.
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Paying for their status: undocumented immigrant students and college accessRincón, Alejandra 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text
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Faculty Senate Minutes February 3, 2014University of Arizona Faculty Senate 04 March 2014 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.
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Faculty Senate Minutes February 1, 2016University of Arizona Faculty Senate 08 March 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.
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