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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of the use of an online learning management sytem at the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.

Ndamase, Zanele Victoria. January 2006 (has links)
This study investigates the use of a Web Based Learning environment to support a newly introduced Problem Based Learning curriculum at the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine. Questionnaires, observations and interviews form the basis of this qualitative study amongst first and second year students. Attempts are made to interrogate the way in which staff members use the system to support a constructivist learning environment. In addition similar prior research at this institution is taken into account and reported in the literature review. While not disputing the findings of earlier research the qualitative methodology used here shows some discrepancies with previous research. In particular, although learners are able to, and do, make use of the system it is predominantly used for the dissemination and retrieval of information. The basic premises of construction of knowledge are not facilitated by the Medical School's use of the Web Based Learning environment and of great concern was the small number of staff members who saw it as an integral part of the new curriculum and learning process. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.


洪文娟 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區在2002年時總生育率已降至1.33,而淨繁殖率為0.63,此種低於替代水準的生育率如果繼續下去,台灣地區的人口成長將於20-30年後,達成人口零成長並轉為負成長;生育率持續降低將造成人口老化,對國家經濟造成負面影響。 而影響生育率的因素很多,鑑於現代家庭在子女養育費用上的支出日益增加,尤以教育費用佔養育成本之比例最大,中低收入的家庭籌措教育費用的負擔,可能比生活開支更為沉重;尤其近年來政府廣開大學之門,但高等教育的經費並沒有比例的提升,因此不論公立或私立學校,從政府所得的補助相形減少;而大學學歷已成為基本的學位,可以預期未來幾乎每個人都會念大學,因此當大學學雜費調漲,將使父母養育子女成本增加,所以要思考是否因為養育成本的提高,而降低了生育子女的意願,使得台灣地區生育率年年下降。 本文的研究目的,主要在探討佔教育費用相當大比重的大學學雜費調漲,對台灣地區生育率的影響,並就其他影響台灣地區生育率的主要因素加以分析。以下為本論文之主要內容:第一章緒論,介紹本文研究背景與動機、研究目的與研究架構及研究限制。第二章文獻回顧,探討影響生育率因素的相關文獻,並就大學學雜費之文獻加以分別整理並予以說明。第三章,分析台灣地區生育率與大學學雜費調漲之變化;為了研究大學學雜費調漲對台灣地區生育率之影響,必須對近年來台灣地區生育率之變化及大學學雜費制度之變化作進一步之了解。第四章是研究方法,在本章中,將介紹本論文的資料來源、研究方法與實證模型及變數說明,以檢視大學學雜費調漲對台灣地區生育率的影響。第五章,就實證結果加以分析說明,第六章是本研究之結論與政策建議。 本文以1991年至2002年台灣地區23個縣市之追蹤資料為研究對象,經由固定效果模型的估計結果發現,大學學雜費對台灣地區生育率的影響有顯著的負相關;而其他影響台灣地區生育率的主要因素,如台灣地區各縣市家庭所得、失業率(尤以男性失業率為顯著)、婦女教育程度等均呈現顯著的負向影響,台灣地區嬰兒死亡率亦呈現負向影響但並不顯著,而婦女25 – 39歲年齡組群佔該縣市15歲以上婦女總人數比例,對台灣地區生育率的影響,呈現顯著的正向關係。 依本研究結果顯示,大學學學雜費是影響台灣地區生育率相當重要的因素,且教育學費與提升生育率皆屬於政府的政策,政府應該高度正視此問題並有所作為。至於控制其他因素後之地區特質效果,`顯示台灣地區之生育率,以東部地區為最高,南部地區最低;各縣市之特質效果則以新竹縣為最高、高雄市最低,可能與原住民比例、人口外移、城鄉差距或其他人文因素有關。因此,如何縮小城鄉差距,平衡人口分佈,使經濟均衡發展,也是值得政府思考與正視的問題。 關鍵詞:大學學雜費、生育率、固定效果模型、台灣地區

Faculty Senate Minutes December 7, 2015

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 26 January 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

"Ohh, Lärare A, han är mästare på att tala om andra studenter" : En kvalitativ fallstudie om musikstudenters erfaranden av relationen till deras lärare på högskolan / "Oh, Teacher A, he is a master of talking about other students" : A qualitative case study on music students' experience of the relationship with their university teachers

Olsson, Per January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur musikstudenter med individuell undervisning upplever fenomenet relationen till sina lärare, på och utanför lektionstid. För att kunna uppnå detta syfte utgår studien från följande forskningsfrågor: Vilken relation erfar musikstudenter med individuell undervisning att de har till sina lärare?, Hur erfar studenterna den kommunikation som sker utanför undervisningens ramar? och Hur ser en önskad relation till en lärare ut enligt studenterna? Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie på en svensk högskola med fyra musikstudenter och tar ett avstamp i det teoretiska perspektivet fenomenologi. Forskningsmetoden för studien är semistrukturerade intervjuer, som sedan transkriberats och analyserats med tematisk analys. Resultatet presenteras i tre övergripande teman, en för varje forskningsfråga. Dessa tre temana är relationen till lärare, kommunikation utanför undervisningens ramar och en önskad relation. Det första, fenomenet relationen till lärare, präglas av en variation av upplevelser och beskrivs i ett spektrum från nära privata relationer till opersonliga relationer. Den sammantagna slutsatsen gällande relationen till lärare är att upplevelserna varierar beroende på vilken lärare och vilken student relationen gäller. Det andra temat rör kommunikationen mellan lärare och studenter. Här erfar studenterna det som praktiskt med kommunikation via sms, Facebook Messenger och tal. Däremot är studenterna kritiska till lärare som pratar skitsnack om andra studenter. I det tredje temat beskrivs fenomenet en önskad relation. Slutsatsen kring detta är att en önskad relation ska vara ett samarbete och att studieresultatet är viktigare än relationen till läraren. I det påföljande diskussionskapitlet sätts resultatet i förhållande till tidigare litteratur och forskning samt det teoretiska perspektivet fenomenologi. / The purpose of this study is to examine how music students with one-to-one tuition experience the phenomenon of the relationship with their teachers, on and off lesson. In order to achieve this purpose, the study is based on the following research questions: What relationship do students with individual education experience with their teachers?, How do the students experience the communication that goes beyond the framework of the teaching? and What does a desired relationship with a teacher look like according to the students? The study is a qualitative case study at a Swedish university with four music students and takes its starting point in the theoretical perspective phenomenology. The research method for the study is semi structured interviews, which were subsequently transcribed and analysed with thematic analysis. The result is presented in three overall themes, one for each research question. These three themes are the relation to teachers, communication outside the framework of the teaching and a desired relationship. The first theme, the relationship to teachers, is characterized by a variety of experiences and is described in a spectrum from close private relations to impersonal relationships. The overall conclusion regarding the student relationship to the teacher is that the experiences vary depending on which teacher and student the relation is between. The second theme concerns communication between teachers and students. The students experience it as practical with communication via SMS, Facebook Messenger and speech. On the other hand, the students are critical of teachers who speak in negative ways about other students. In the third theme, the phenomenon a desired relation is described. The conclusion about this is that a desired relationship should be a collaboration and that the student’s study result is more important than the relationship with the teacher. In the following discussion chapter, the result is put in relation to previous literature and research and the theoretical perspective phenomenology.

A dimensão político-pedagógica do processo participativo no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas - RS

Levinski, Eliara Zavieruka January 2008 (has links)
A luta pela democratização e qualidade do ensino público brasileiro tornou-se objeto de vários estudos e movimentos e, conseqüentemente de legislações e políticas educacionais. Entre as diversas iniciativas neste campo da educação, localizamos a experiência realizada no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas, RS. Nesta tese, por meio de um estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico e com apoio na observação participante, em entrevistas semi-estruturadas e nos documentos projetivos e produtos da ação (Sarmento), procuramos descortinar e interpretar o processo participativo, bem como seus impactos político-pedagógicos no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas de 1993 a 2004, na perspectiva de contribuir para reflexões e práticas em projetos educativos de base participativa. Primeiramente contextualizamos o cenário local nos seus fios, cores, movimentos e atores como esteio da pesquisa; no segundo capítulo alinhavamos a metodologia; na seqüência descrevemos e interpretamos a travessia da rede municipal de ensino, com ênfase na participação, e, por último, apresentamos as representações pedagógicas produzidas pelo processo participativo no ensino público municipal. A participação emergiu das inquietudes do coletivo da rede municipal de ensino, como instrumento de superação do modelo educacional e práticas pedagógicas em vigor. Com sua força e significado, mobilizou e transformou os protagonistas e o ensino público municipal, constituindo uma política pública educacional que, através de diferentes mecanismos e estratégias de gestão democrática, atravessa quatro administrações municipais de partidos políticos diferentes. É um processo inconcluso, que, pela sua natureza, precisa ser reinventado permanentemente, pois, nas palavras de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, é um movimento sem fim. / The fight for democracy and quality for the Brazilian public tuition became an object of many moviments and studies, and consequently legislation and political educational. Among many enterprises in this area of education, we found an experience made on the public tuition in a municipal city, Getulio Vargas, RS. In this thesis, through a study of an ethnographic case, and with a supportive observation, together with documents and products in action (sarmento), we tried to interpret a socialize action, and also the impact of the political pedagocic public tuition in a municipal city of Getulio Vargas from 1993 to 2004, in a project of contribution for practical and educative projects reflected in a participative basis. First of all we set the local scenary with its lines, colors, moviments, actors as a source research, on the second chapter we line up the methodology and on a sequence, we describe and interpret the crossing on the municipal tuition net, with participation emphasis and at last we show the pedagogic performance produced by the participative process on the municipal public tuition. The participation of those restless emerged from a colletive municipal tuition net, as an instrument to get a better educational model and practical pedagogic in dash. With your strength and meaning mobilization changed the principals and the public municipal tuition, developing a public educational political, which throughtout the different works and strategy of democratic management, intersect for different particular administrative municipal party. This is a herein process, which from nature, needs to be remade permanently, and on words from Boaventura de Sousa Santos, an endless movement.

A dimensão político-pedagógica do processo participativo no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas - RS

Levinski, Eliara Zavieruka January 2008 (has links)
A luta pela democratização e qualidade do ensino público brasileiro tornou-se objeto de vários estudos e movimentos e, conseqüentemente de legislações e políticas educacionais. Entre as diversas iniciativas neste campo da educação, localizamos a experiência realizada no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas, RS. Nesta tese, por meio de um estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico e com apoio na observação participante, em entrevistas semi-estruturadas e nos documentos projetivos e produtos da ação (Sarmento), procuramos descortinar e interpretar o processo participativo, bem como seus impactos político-pedagógicos no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas de 1993 a 2004, na perspectiva de contribuir para reflexões e práticas em projetos educativos de base participativa. Primeiramente contextualizamos o cenário local nos seus fios, cores, movimentos e atores como esteio da pesquisa; no segundo capítulo alinhavamos a metodologia; na seqüência descrevemos e interpretamos a travessia da rede municipal de ensino, com ênfase na participação, e, por último, apresentamos as representações pedagógicas produzidas pelo processo participativo no ensino público municipal. A participação emergiu das inquietudes do coletivo da rede municipal de ensino, como instrumento de superação do modelo educacional e práticas pedagógicas em vigor. Com sua força e significado, mobilizou e transformou os protagonistas e o ensino público municipal, constituindo uma política pública educacional que, através de diferentes mecanismos e estratégias de gestão democrática, atravessa quatro administrações municipais de partidos políticos diferentes. É um processo inconcluso, que, pela sua natureza, precisa ser reinventado permanentemente, pois, nas palavras de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, é um movimento sem fim. / The fight for democracy and quality for the Brazilian public tuition became an object of many moviments and studies, and consequently legislation and political educational. Among many enterprises in this area of education, we found an experience made on the public tuition in a municipal city, Getulio Vargas, RS. In this thesis, through a study of an ethnographic case, and with a supportive observation, together with documents and products in action (sarmento), we tried to interpret a socialize action, and also the impact of the political pedagocic public tuition in a municipal city of Getulio Vargas from 1993 to 2004, in a project of contribution for practical and educative projects reflected in a participative basis. First of all we set the local scenary with its lines, colors, moviments, actors as a source research, on the second chapter we line up the methodology and on a sequence, we describe and interpret the crossing on the municipal tuition net, with participation emphasis and at last we show the pedagogic performance produced by the participative process on the municipal public tuition. The participation of those restless emerged from a colletive municipal tuition net, as an instrument to get a better educational model and practical pedagogic in dash. With your strength and meaning mobilization changed the principals and the public municipal tuition, developing a public educational political, which throughtout the different works and strategy of democratic management, intersect for different particular administrative municipal party. This is a herein process, which from nature, needs to be remade permanently, and on words from Boaventura de Sousa Santos, an endless movement.

A qualidade dos serviços educacionais e a proteção do código de defesa do consumidor

Duarte, Clotildes Fagundes [UNESP] 09 November 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2001-11-09Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:12:15Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 duarte_cf_me_fran.pdf: 692038 bytes, checksum: 2eaaef363b8195d483d5800af99b871d (MD5) / A qualidade dos Serviços Educacionais e a proteção do Código do Consumidor é o objeto de estudo nesta pesquisa. O binômio lucratividade X qualidade na educação nacional tem emergido como uma fonte de preocupação pelos órgãos normatizadores e fiscalizadores deste setor, bem como por toda sociedade civil. Face a esta constatação, pretende a presente pesquisa demonstrar que, o ensino privado, além de submeter-se à todas normativas da educação nacional e da autorização e avaliação da qualidade pelo Poder Público, como um imperativo constitucional e infra-constitucional, deve atender ainda aos princípios da ordem econômica e do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, posto que serviço remunerado. Considerando a extensa subjetividade do conceito qualidade, a presente pesquisa busca nos indicadores Legais e Institucionais, a moderna concepção de Qualidade de Ensino. Nesta esteira, o estudo apresenta suporte teórico para afirmar a possibilidade jurídica da aplicabilidade do Direito do Consumidor às relações de consumo do Ensino, não apenas no que se refere aos custos, preços e propaganda enganosa, mas sobretudo em relação à qualidade do Ensino ministrado, coibindo os excessos de lucratividade advindos da falta do comprometimento com o caráter social inerente à Educação. Desta forma, está o prestador de Ensino, a exemplo dos demais prestadores de serviços no mercado, obrigado a oferecer serviços adequados para os fins que razoavelmente deles se esperam, bem como serviços que atendam as normas regulamentares de prestabilidade, sob pena da competente ação de responsabilidade pelos vícios de qualidade, conforme permissivo contido no Código de Defesa do Consumidor. / The providing Education Services under The protection of the Consumer Rights Actwith the emphasis on responsibility for the imperfections of the Quality of education services is the objective of this research. The question of profit versus quality in the National Education System has emerged as a source of worry of the Education Agencies responsible for the regulation and control of this sector, as well as for society as a whole. Considering these facts is the intention of this research. We intend to demonstrate that the private educational system not only complies with all the regulations of the Official Educational System, but also with the authorization and evaluation of quality by the public Administration. Within the role of that body at a constitutional and sub-constitutional level as well as adhering to economic principles and Consumer Rights, as a paid service. Taking into consideration the subjective nature of the concept quality, this research aims to present, using both legal and institutional indicators, a modern concept of Teaching Quality. In this way, the study presents theoretical support to ratify the judicial possibility of the applicability of consumer rights in relation to the consumption of Education and Teaching. Not only related to costs, princes and deceptive advertising, but especially in relation to the quality of teaching administered. Restraining excessive profits that occur as a consequence of the lack of compromise with the social character inherent to Education. In this way the education service is, as much as any other service on the market, compelled to offer appropriate services for the objectives within reasonably expected standards, as well as services that comply with the principles of services rendered regulations by using competent action of responsibility in providing quality without viciousness in quality, according to directives included in the Consumer Rights Code.

A qualidade dos serviços educacionais e a proteção do código de defesa do consumidor /

Duarte, Clotildes Fagundes. January 2001 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Aurélio Mota de Souza / Banca: Ruy Geraldo Camargo Vianna. / Banca: Celso Antonio Pacheco Fiorillo / Resumo: A qualidade dos Serviços Educacionais e a proteção do Código do Consumidor é o objeto de estudo nesta pesquisa. O binômio lucratividade X qualidade na educação nacional tem emergido como uma fonte de preocupação pelos órgãos normatizadores e fiscalizadores deste setor, bem como por toda sociedade civil. Face a esta constatação, pretende a presente pesquisa demonstrar que, o ensino privado, além de submeter-se à todas normativas da educação nacional e da autorização e avaliação da qualidade pelo Poder Público, como um imperativo constitucional e infra-constitucional, deve atender ainda aos princípios da ordem econômica e do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, posto que serviço remunerado. Considerando a extensa subjetividade do conceito "qualidade", a presente pesquisa busca nos indicadores Legais e Institucionais, a moderna concepção de "Qualidade de Ensino". Nesta esteira, o estudo apresenta suporte teórico para afirmar a possibilidade jurídica da aplicabilidade do Direito do Consumidor às relações de consumo do Ensino, não apenas no que se refere aos custos, preços e propaganda enganosa, mas sobretudo em relação à qualidade do Ensino ministrado, coibindo os excessos de lucratividade advindos da falta do comprometimento com o caráter social inerente à Educação. Desta forma, está o prestador de Ensino, a exemplo dos demais prestadores de serviços no mercado, obrigado a oferecer "serviços adequados para os fins que razoavelmente deles se esperam, bem como serviços que atendam as normas regulamentares de prestabilidade", sob pena da competente ação de responsabilidade pelos vícios de qualidade, conforme permissivo contido no Código de Defesa do Consumidor. / Abstract: The providing Education Services under The protection of the Consumer Rights Actwith the emphasis on responsibility for the imperfections of the Quality of education services is the objective of this research. The question of profit versus quality in the National Education System has emerged as a source of worry of the Education Agencies responsible for the regulation and control of this sector, as well as for society as a whole. Considering these facts is the intention of this research. We intend to demonstrate that the private educational system not only complies with all the regulations of the Official Educational System, but also with the authorization and evaluation of quality by the public Administration. Within the role of that body at a constitutional and sub-constitutional level as well as adhering to economic principles and Consumer Rights, as a paid service. Taking into consideration the subjective nature of the concept "quality", this research aims to present, using both legal and institutional indicators, a modern concept of "Teaching Quality". In this way, the study presents theoretical support to ratify the judicial possibility of the applicability of consumer rights in relation to the consumption of Education and Teaching. Not only related to costs, princes and deceptive advertising, but especially in relation to the quality of teaching administered. Restraining excessive profits that occur as a consequence of the lack of compromise with the social character inherent to Education. In this way the "education" service is, as much as any other service on the market, compelled to offer "appropriate services for the objectives within reasonably expected standards, as well as services that comply with the principles of services rendered regulations" by using competent action of responsibility in providing quality without viciousness in quality, according to directives included in the Consumer Rights Code. / Mestre

Not Separate, But Not Quite Equal: Undocumented High School Students, Dual Enrollment, Non-Resident College Tuition And The Dream of a College Education

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Immigration status and educational opportunities are at the forefront of the current national conversation regarding "DREAMers": children of immigrants brought to the United States at a young age who lack legal status but are raised and educated in the American system. In 2006, Arizona voters passed Proposition 300, in part prohibiting in-state tuition for state colleges and universities to individuals who cannot provide proof of citizenship or legal residency. For those DREAMers who hoped to attend college following high school, this policy affected their ability to enroll because of the increased tuition and lack of eligibility for state-sponsored financial aid. This law's impact is also present in Arizona's public high schools. High schools, in partnership with community colleges, have created a robust system of dual or concurrent enrollment courses: college classes offered to high school students as a means of accelerating their learning. In this arrangement, full payments for tuition are required by families or by the programs that support the students, creating a system in public schools where some students are able to participate while others cannot due to their residency status. The aim of this study was to determine the educational, social, and emotional effects of Proposition 300 upon undocumented secondary students. Through qualitative analysis, this study relies upon focus group interviews with high school graduates impacted by Proposition 300 before graduation. Interviews were also conducted with parents and with educators representing both secondary and higher education. A total of nine students, two parents, and four education professionals participated in semi-structured conversations over the course of several months in the fall of 2012. The data was collected, analyzed, and coded, extrapolating common themes related to the review of literature and information from the participants. The findings describe the effects Proposition 300 has had as it pertains to undocumented students, their experience of their unequal access to dual or concurrent enrollment, the disconnect they have felt from their "documented" peers, and the emotional impact they have felt as a result of this law. Among the findings, the potential impact of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), enacted in August 2012, is explored. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ed.D. Educational Administration and Supervision 2013

A dimensão político-pedagógica do processo participativo no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas - RS

Levinski, Eliara Zavieruka January 2008 (has links)
A luta pela democratização e qualidade do ensino público brasileiro tornou-se objeto de vários estudos e movimentos e, conseqüentemente de legislações e políticas educacionais. Entre as diversas iniciativas neste campo da educação, localizamos a experiência realizada no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas, RS. Nesta tese, por meio de um estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico e com apoio na observação participante, em entrevistas semi-estruturadas e nos documentos projetivos e produtos da ação (Sarmento), procuramos descortinar e interpretar o processo participativo, bem como seus impactos político-pedagógicos no ensino público municipal de Getúlio Vargas de 1993 a 2004, na perspectiva de contribuir para reflexões e práticas em projetos educativos de base participativa. Primeiramente contextualizamos o cenário local nos seus fios, cores, movimentos e atores como esteio da pesquisa; no segundo capítulo alinhavamos a metodologia; na seqüência descrevemos e interpretamos a travessia da rede municipal de ensino, com ênfase na participação, e, por último, apresentamos as representações pedagógicas produzidas pelo processo participativo no ensino público municipal. A participação emergiu das inquietudes do coletivo da rede municipal de ensino, como instrumento de superação do modelo educacional e práticas pedagógicas em vigor. Com sua força e significado, mobilizou e transformou os protagonistas e o ensino público municipal, constituindo uma política pública educacional que, através de diferentes mecanismos e estratégias de gestão democrática, atravessa quatro administrações municipais de partidos políticos diferentes. É um processo inconcluso, que, pela sua natureza, precisa ser reinventado permanentemente, pois, nas palavras de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, é um movimento sem fim. / The fight for democracy and quality for the Brazilian public tuition became an object of many moviments and studies, and consequently legislation and political educational. Among many enterprises in this area of education, we found an experience made on the public tuition in a municipal city, Getulio Vargas, RS. In this thesis, through a study of an ethnographic case, and with a supportive observation, together with documents and products in action (sarmento), we tried to interpret a socialize action, and also the impact of the political pedagocic public tuition in a municipal city of Getulio Vargas from 1993 to 2004, in a project of contribution for practical and educative projects reflected in a participative basis. First of all we set the local scenary with its lines, colors, moviments, actors as a source research, on the second chapter we line up the methodology and on a sequence, we describe and interpret the crossing on the municipal tuition net, with participation emphasis and at last we show the pedagogic performance produced by the participative process on the municipal public tuition. The participation of those restless emerged from a colletive municipal tuition net, as an instrument to get a better educational model and practical pedagogic in dash. With your strength and meaning mobilization changed the principals and the public municipal tuition, developing a public educational political, which throughtout the different works and strategy of democratic management, intersect for different particular administrative municipal party. This is a herein process, which from nature, needs to be remade permanently, and on words from Boaventura de Sousa Santos, an endless movement.

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