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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skyfallens hot mot Mälarens ekosystem / The effects of high precipitation on phosphorus transport in three tributaries to Lake Mälaren, Sweden

Immo, Nelly January 2024 (has links)
Hälsosamma ekosystem försörjer oss med livsviktiga resurser och tjänster – ekosystemtjänster så som skydd mot översvämning. I Norra Östersjöns vattendistrikt, som Mälaren tillhör, är statusen på den ekosystemtjänsten dålig. Detta beror till stor del på en omfattande dikning och brist på svämplan i området. Under perioder med skyfall riskerar därför området runt Mälaren och dess tillrinnande vattendrag att drabbas av översvämningar som skadar matproduktion, infrastruktur och miljö. Övergödning är redan ett problem i området och stora tillskott av fosfor till följd av översvämmade jordbruksmarker kan orsaka stora algblomningar och försämrad livsmiljö för vattenlevande organismer. Under augusti och september 2023 föll ovanligt stora mängder regn över mellersta Sverige vilket ökade vattenföringen i vattendragen runt Mälaren och översvämmade vissa av dem. Högfrekventa turbiditetsmätningar från in-situ sensorer installerade i Sagån, Hågaån och Fyrisån, tre vattendrag i Mälarens avrinningsområde, har använts för att undersöka skyfallens effekter på deras vattenföring och beräknad fosfortransport. Resultaten visade en signifikant korrelation mellan ökad vattenföring och ökad fosfortransport, en signifikant ökning under 2023 jämfört med 2018–2022 och signifikanta skillnader mellan vattendragen. Översvämmade Sagån hade extremt höga toppar i beräknad fosfortransport. Resultaten indikerar att övergödningsproblemen i Mälaren kan förvärras i ett framtida klimat med mer intensiva skyfall om inte åtgärder tas för att stärka avrinningsområdets förmåga att hantera stora mängder nederbörd. / Healthy ecosystems provide us with vital resources and services – ecosystem services such as flood protection. In the North Baltic Sea Water District, to which Lake Mälaren belongs, the status of that ecosystem service is poor, largely as a result of extensive draining in the area leading to a lack of floodplains. During periods of torrential rain, the area around Lake Mälaren and its tributaries is therefore at risk to be affected by floods that cause damage to food production, infrastructure and the environment. Eutrophication is already a problem in the area and large additions of phosphorus as a result of flooded agricultural land can cause large algal blooms and degraded habitat for aquatic organisms. During August and September 2023, unusually large amounts of rain fell over central Sweden, which increased the flow of water in Lake Mälarens tributaries and flooded some of them. High frequency turbidity data from in-situ sensors installed in Sagån, Hågaån and Fyrisån, three tributaries to Lake Mälaren, was used to study the effects of the heavy rains on their waterflow and estimated phosphorus transport. The results showed a significant correlation between increased water flow and increased phosphorus transport, a significant increase in 2023 compared to 2018-2022 and significant differences between the tributaries. Flooded Sagån had extremely high peaks in estimated phosphorus transport. The results indicate that the eutrophication problems in Lake Mälaren may worsen in a future climate with more intense downpours unless measures are taken to strengthen the catchment's ability to handle large amounts of rainfall.

Study and Design of a Sensor System for the Detection of Illicit Discharges in Sewers and Water Bodies

Rocher Morant, Javier 18 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] El uso del agua en nuestra sociedad es de gran importancia. Cuando el agua se utiliza y deja de ser útil, se convierte en agua residual. Esta contiene sustancias que ponen en peligro la salud humana y los ecosistemas. Para reducir el daño ambiental existen las depuradoras que reducen los niveles de contaminación del agua. En las industrias, las depuradoras se encargan de reducir la carga contaminante del agua para su vertido en alcantarillado o al medio ambiente. La presencia de vertidos ilegales y desbordamientos en el alcantarillado suponen una amenaza para las masas de agua. Estos provocan una bajada en el rendimiento de las depuradoras. En muchos casos no es posible detectar al responsable de estos. Lo que hace que estos queden impunes violando el principio ambiental de quien contamina paga. Para solucionar este problema se propone un sistema de bajo coste para la monitorización de parámetros del agua para detectar problemas en los alcantarillados dentro de las ciudades inteligentes (Smart cities). La hipótesis de trabajo es que ante la presencia de un vertido ciertos parámetros del agua cambiarán lo suficiente como para que pueda ser detectado. Al detectarse el sitio del vertido se podrá acudir rápidamente al lugar a fin de cesar el vertido además de tomar las acciones legales pertinentes. Primero, hemos estudiado otros sistemas para monitorizar el alcantarillado Con esta información se determina los parámetros más interesantes y que pueden ser medidos con un bajo coste son temperatura, conductividad, turbidez, nivel de agua y aceite. Además, de sensores de lluvia para el alcantarillado pluvial. Para la monitorización de estos parámetros se escogen sensores comerciales de bajo coste para los parámetros de temperatura, nivel y lluvia. Para los otros parámetros se decidió desarrollar nuestros propios sensores. Para ello se utilizó sensores del tipo inductivos para la conductividad y sensores ópticos para el control de la turbidez y el aceite. Respecto a los sensores inductivos, se ha determinado que existen interferencias de los sólidos y del nivel de agua en la respuesta del sensor. Sin embargo, en el caso de los sólidos esta interferencia es pequeña en la concentración de solidos que existe en el alcantarillado, siendo esta de 0.078 V/gramo. En cambio, la cantidad de agua sí que afecta a la respuesta de la bobina de forma significativa. Respecto a la turbidez se han realizado dos prototipos diferentes. Un prototipo ha sido desarrollado para cuerpos de agua y el otro para el alcantarillado. El prototipo desarrollado para cuerpos de agua es capaz de determinar el porcentaje de algas que existen en el agua conociendo la cantidad de solidos en el agua. Para la detección del aceite hemos desarrollado otro sensor óptico. Hemos hecho pruebas a distintas alturas de agua. Viendo que éramos capaces de identificar si el aceite provenía de un motor gasolina o de un motor diésel, y en el caso de aceite usado por un motor de gasolina éramos capaces de cuantificarlo. Por último, respecto a nuestro sistema hemos analizado mediante simulaciones la utilidad de un sensor de nivel en el alcantarillado. Hemos detectado que en el caso de alcantarillado pluvial este sí que puede ser útil. Además, hemos testeado en una tubería el sensor inductivo y el de aceite con diferentes concentraciones de sal y aceite para ver su funcionamiento. El coste estimado de cada uno de los nodos sensores es de 120 €. Los sensores desarrollados pueden ser utilizados en otros ambientes. Estos trabajos son: (I) el uso de bobinas para la monitorización de la humedad del suelo, (II) el uso de sensores ópticos para detectar gasóleo B en vehículos (III) el uso de sensores y tecnología de bioabsorción en canales de riego afectados por aguas residuales y (IV) el uso del sensor de aceite en canales de riego. / [CA] The use of water in our society is of great importance. Once the water has been used, it becomes wastewater. These waters contain substances that endanger human health and ecosystems. To reduce environmental damage, there are treatment plants that treat these waters to reduce their levels of contamination. Industrial treatment plants are responsible for reducing the contaminant load of the water so that it can be discharged into the public sewer system or into the environment. The presence of illegal discharges and overflows in the sewage system pose a threat to water bodies. These discharges can cause a drop in the performance of the treatment plant, which will cause an effluent of poorer quality. In many cases, it is not possible to detect who is responsible for the spills. What makes these go unpunished violating the environmental principle of that whoever pollutes pays. To solve this problem, a low-cost system for monitoring water parameters to detect problems in sewers within the context of smart cities is proposed. Our working hypothesis is that in the presence of a discharge, the concentration of specific water parameters will change enough to be detected. When the site of the spill is detected, it will be possible to quickly go to the place in order to stop the spill in addition to taking the necessary legal actions against the person who is carrying out the spill. First, we have compiled information about other systems to monitor sewage, With this information, we have determined that the most exciting parameters that we are able to measure at a low cost are temperature, conductivity, turbidity, water and oil level. In addition, the use of rain sensors for storm sewers is included. To monitor these parameters, low-cost commercial sensors are chosen to monitor temperature, level and rainfall. For the other parameters, we decided to develop our own sensors. We decided to use inductive type sensors for conductivity and optical sensors for turbidity and oil control. Regarding the inductive sensors, we have determined that there are interferences of the solids and the water level in the response of the sensor.. However, in the case of solids, this interference is minor in the concentration of solids that exists in the sewage system (0.078 V/gram). On the other hand, the amount of water does affect the response of the coil significantly. Therefore, the sensor must be submerged. Regarding turbidity, we have made two different prototypes. One prototype has been developed for bodies of water and the other for sewage. The prototype developed for bodies of water is capable of determining the percentage of algae that exist in the water, knowing the amount of solids in the water. For oil detection, we have developed another optical sensor. We have done tests at different heights of water. Seeing that we were able to identify if the oil came from a gasoline engine or a Diesel engine, and in the case of oil used by a gasoline engine, we were able to quantify it. Finally, regarding our system, we have analyzed through simulations the usefulness of a level sensor in the sewage system. We have detected that in the case of storm sewage, this can be useful. In addition, we have tested the inductive sensor and the oil sensor in a pipe with different concentrations of salt and oil to see how they work. The estimated cost of each sensor node is 120 €. The developed sensors can be used in other environments. For this reason, we show other works carried out during the thesis period with the developed sensors. These works are: (I) The use of coils for soil moisture monitoring, (II) the use of optical sensors to detect diesel B in vehicles, (III) the use of sensors and bioabsorption technology in irrigation canals affected by wastewater, and (IV) the use of the oil sensor in irrigation channels. / [EN] L'ús de l'aigua a la nostra societat és de gran importància. Un cop l'aigua s'ha utilitzat i deixa de ser útil per a l'activitat, aquesta es converteix en aigües residuals. Aquestes aigües contenen substàncies que posen en perill la salut humana i dels ecosistemes. Per reduir el danys mediambientals existeixen les depuradores que tracten aquestes aigües per reduir contaminació la seua carrega contaminants.. Les depuradores industrials s'encarreguen de reduir la càrrega contaminant de l'aigua perquè es pugui abocar al clavegueram públic o al medi ambient. La presència d'abocaments d'aigua il·legals i els desbordaments al clavegueram suposen una amenaça per a les masses d'aigua. Aquests abocaments poden provocar una baixada en el rendiment de la depuradora. En molts casos no és possible detectar el responsable dels abocaments. Això fa que aquests queden impunes violant el principi ambiental de qui contamina paga. Per solucionar aquest problema es proposa un sistema de baix cost per a la monitorització de l'aigua per detectar problemes als claveguerams en les ciutats intel·ligents (Smart cities). La hipòtesi de treball consisteix que davant la presència d'un abocament la concentració de certs paràmetres de l'aigua canviarà lo suficient perquè es pugui detectar. En detectar-se el lloc de l'abocament es podrà acudir ràpidament al lloc per cessar l'abocament a més de prendre les accions legals que siguin necessàries contra la persona que està realitzat l'abocament. Primer, hem estudiat altres sistemes per monitoritzar el clavegueram. Amb aquesta informació s'ha determinat que els paràmetres més interessants i que poden ser mesurats amb un baix cost són temperatura, conductivitat, terbolesa, nivell d'aigua i oli. A més, l'ús de sensors de pluja per al clavegueram de pluvials. Per monitoritzar aquests paràmetres s'escullen sensors comercials de baix cost per ala temperatura, el nivell i la pluja. Per als altres paràmetres, es decideix desenvolupar els nostres propis sensors. Decidim utilitzar sensors del tipus inductius per a la conductivitat i sensors òptics per al control de la terbolesa i l'oli. Pel que fa als sensors inductius, s'ha determinat que hi ha interferències dels sòlids i del nivell d'aigua en la resposta del sensor. No obstant això, en el cas dels sòlids aquesta interferència és petita en la concentració de sòlids que hi ha al clavegueram, aquesta és de 0.078 V/gram. En canvi, la quantitat d'aigua sí que afecta la resposta de la bobina de manera significativa. Pel que fa a la terbolesa s'han realitzat dos prototips diferents. Un prototip ha estat desenvolupat per a cossos d'aigua i l'altre per al clavegueram. El prototip desenvolupat per a cossos d'aigua és capaç de determinar el percentatge d'algues que hi ha a l'aigua coneixent la quantitat de sòlids a l'aigua. Per detectar l'oli hem desenvolupat un altre sensor òptic. Hem fet proves a diferents alçades d'aigua. Veient que érem capaços d'identificar si l'oli provenia d'un motor benzina o d'un motor dièsel, i en el cas d'oli usat per un motor de benzina érem capaços de quantificar-lo. Finalment, respecte al nostre sistema hem analitzat mitjançant simulacions la utilitat d'un sensor de nivell al clavegueram. Hem detectat que en el cas de clavegueram pluvial aquest sí que pot ser útil. A més, hem testejat en una canonada el sensor inductiu i el d'oli amb diferents concentracions de sal i oli per veure'n el funcionament. El cost estimat de cadascun dels nodes sensors és de 120 €. Els sensors desenvolupats poden ser utilitzats en altres ambients.. Aquests treballs són: (I) L'ús de bobines per a la monitorització de la humitat del sòl, (II) l'ús de sensors òptics per detectar gasoil B (sota impostos) en vehicles no autoritzats, (III) l'ús de sensors i tecnologia de bioabsorció en canals de reg afectats per aigües residuals, (IV) l'ús del sensor d'oli a canals de reg. / Rocher Morant, J. (2023). Study and Design of a Sensor System for the Detection of Illicit Discharges in Sewers and Water Bodies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192823

Influence of turbidity on social structure in guppies, Poecilia reticulata

Borner, Karoline 17 October 2016 (has links)
Umweltveränderungen kommen natürlicherweise vor und viele Spezies waren im Laufe ihrer Evolutionsgeschichte davon betroffen. Durch die Aktivitäten des Menschen jedoch finden diese in höherer Geschwindigkeit und größerem Umfang statt und stellen so für viele Spezies eine neue Herausforderung dar. Einen großen Einfluss auf die Umwelt nimmt der Mensch durch Verschmutzung, welche zu Veränderungen der Physiologie der Organismen und deren Verhalten führen und damit Einfluss auf die Populationsdynamik und letztendlich auf die Biodiversität haben kann. In meiner Dissertation untersuchte ich den Einfluss durch Bergbau ausgelöster Trübung auf das Verhalten und die soziale Struktur des Guppys. Er nutzt soziale Interaktionen für eine höhere Effizienz bei der Nahrungssuche und Räubervermeidung. Die Nutzung sei-nes dafür eingesetzten Sehsinns ist bei Trübung stark eingeschränkt. Ich untersuchte die Reaktion Trübung unerfahrener Fische aus Labor und Feld auf Trübung. Es zeigte sich, dass beide ihre sozialen Interaktionen in trübem Wasser verringerten. Eine zusätzliche Markow-Ketten-Analyse ergab aber auch, dass Laborfische Kontakte zu bestimmten In-dividuen der Gruppe verstärkten und Feldfische ihre initiierten Kontakte behielten. An-schließend studierte ich den Unterschied der sozialen Struktur Trübung erfahrener und - unerfahrener Fische. Trübung erfahrene Fische erhöhten die Gesamtzahl der Interaktio-nen, reduzierten jedoch die Anzahl der initiierten Kontakte im Gegensatz zu unerfahre-nen Fischen. Diese Strukturänderung, vermute ich, erhöht den Zusammenhalt und damit den In-formationsfluss im Schwarm. Die Ergebnisse von Folgeversuchen, nämlich der Erhalt der Paarungsanzahl und die effektivere Vermeidung einer Räuberattrappe bei Trübung er-fahrenen Fischen, unterstützen diese Vermutung. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass Guppys in der Lage sind, sich durch Änderung Ihrer sozialen Struktur an trübe Verhältnisse anzupas-sen. Dies könnte auch Einfluss auf ihre Populationsstruktur haben. / Most species have been subjected to environmental changes during their evolutionary history. However, due to human activity, environmental changes are currently occurring at higher speeds and on a greater scale, presenting new challenges for many species. Pollution, as a major type of human-induced environmental change, may not only affect physiology but also behaviour, thereby affecting population dynamics and consequently biodiversity. The topic of my dissertation is the effect of turbidity from quarrying on the behaviour and social association pattern of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Turbidity impairs the fish’s ability to use visual cues during social interactions, which in turn helps increases efficiency of foraging and avoiding predators. I investigated the initial re-sponse of guppies to turbidity and subsequently tested whether turbidity-experienced vs turbidity-inexperienced populations differ in their social association patterns and how they cope with ecological challenges. Both lab-reared and wild-caught guppies that were inexperienced with turbidity reduced social associations in turbid water in con-trast to turbidity-experienced fish. A Markov chain analysis revealed that lab-reared guppies increased associations with particular neighbours. Similarly, wild-caught gup-pies maintained the number of initiated associations under turbid conditions. The in-crease in non-initiated associations suggests a stronger connectivity within the shoal, leading to higher information transmission in a poor visual environment. Additional results showed that this altered social structure enabled turbidity-experienced fish to maintain the frequency of mating attempts in turbidity and to avoid predation risk. This suggests that guppies have the ability to adjust to turbidity, but with major changes in their social structure, which might have an impact on population dynamics.

A New AC-Radio Frequency Heating Calorimetry Technique for Complex Fluids

Barjami, Saimir 28 April 2005 (has links)
We have developed a new modulation calorimetry technique using RF-Field heating. This technique eliminates temperature gradients across the sample leading to a higher precision in evaluating the heat capacity compared to the previous techniques. A frequency scan was carried out on a 8CB+aerosil sample showing a wide plateau indicating the region of frequency independent heat capacity. A temperature scan was then performed through the first-order nematic to isotropic and second order smectic-A to nematic transitions and was shown to be consistent with the previous work. The amplitude of the RF heating power applied to the sample depends on the permittivity and the loss factor of the sample. Since the permittivity of a dielectric material has a strong temperature dependence in liquid crystals, new information is obtained. The heat capacity measurements have a relative resolution of better than 0.06%, and the phase shift a resolution of 0.03%, were shown to be significant improvements over traditional heating methods. We then applied this new RF calorimetry on bulk and aerosil 8CB dispersions. For the bulk 8CB, the step-like character of smectic-A to nematic transition, and first order nematic to isotropic transitions indicated the strong dominance of the permittivity and the loss factor of the material. For the 8CB+aerosil samples at different silica density, our data were consistent with the previous work and provides clear evidence for the coupling between the smectic-A and nematic phases. We have undertaken a combined T-dependent optical and calorimetric investigation of CCN47+aerosil samples through the I-N transition over a range of silica densities displaying the double I-N transition peak. This work offers compelling evidence that the I-N transition with weak quenched random disorder proceeds via a two-step process in which random-dilution is followed by random-field interactions on cooling from the isotropic phase, a previously unrecognized phenomena.

Évaluation des changements hydro-sédimentaires de l'estuaire de la Gironde en lien avec les pressions sur le milieu / Evolution of hydro-sedimentary dynamics in the Gironde estuary in relation to environmental pressures

Jalón Rojas, Isabel 21 October 2016 (has links)
La dynamique sédimentaire estuarienne joue un rôle très important pour la qualité de l'eau, les écosystèmes et la navigation. Les estuaires macrotidaux comme la Gironde se caractérisent par la formation de régions très chargées en matière en suspension (MES), appelées zones de turbidité maximale (ZTM), qui influencent le transport et le dépôt des sédiments fins, l'envasement des chenaux, la consommation d'oxygène dissous et le devenir des polluants. L'objectif de ce travail est de comprendre la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire, particulièrement de la ZTM, dans la section fluviale, encore peu étudié, de l'estuaire de la Gironde en lien avec les facteurs de forçage environnementaux et les perturbations du système (changements hydrologiques et morphologiques naturels et anthropiques). La méthodologie de ce travail est basée sur l'analyse de 10 années de données continues de turbidité enregistrées par le réseau de surveillance MAGEST. L'exploitation de telles séries de données, assez novatrice dans les estuaires, a notamment impliqué le développement d'une méthode d'analyse basée sur la combinaison de plusieurs méthodes spectrales. Cette approche est complétée par l'analyse des profils de turbidité et de vitesse de courant lors de cycles de marée, l'analyse de séries temporelles historiques de marée et l'exploitation d'un modèle semi-analytique 2DV. La dynamique sédimentaire de l'estuaire fluvial est d'abord détaillée à toutes les échelles de temps représentatives. A l'échelle de temps intratidale, la distribution verticale des MES et des courants, en deux points d'une même section transversale, a permis de détailler les mécanismes de transport sédimentaire. Les flux particulaires résiduels (totaux, advection, pompage tidal) ainsi estimés pour plusieurs conditions hydrologiques, démontrent le contrôle du pompage tidal sur les flux de MES lors de l'étiage. A l'échelle de temps subtidale, la réponse de la ZTM aux fluctuations hydrologiques (crues, périodes d'augmentation ou diminution continue du débit, variabilité inter-anuelle) est analysée. Ceci a permis de définir plusieurs indicateurs hydrologiques des caractéristiques de la ZTM, qui suggèrent l'intensification de la ZTM au cours des dernières décennies en lien avec la diminution des débit. La contribution relative des facteurs de forçage à la variabilité de la turbidité a été quantifiée pour différentes régions estuariennes et échelles de temps (saisonnière et plurianuelle). L'application de la méthodologique développée à l'estuaire de la Loire, qui dispose de séries de données similaires (réseau SYVEL), a permis de généraliser ces résultats. Enfin, l'effet des changements pluri-décennaux hydrologiques et morphologiques sur la propagation de la marée et la dynamique sédimentaire est détaillé dans la Garonne tidale. Il ressort une amplification du marnage et de la asymétrie de la marée au cours des six dernières décennies, principalement liée aux changements morphologiques naturels dans la Gironde en aval, les extractions de granulat et le changement de régime hydrologique. L'implémentation d'un modèle semi-analytique a permis de vérifier ces résultats et d'analyser leurs implications sur les concentrations de MES et la limite amont de la ZTM. / Estuarine suspended sediment dynamics play an important role in water quality, ecosystems and navigation. The formation of regions of high suspended sediments (SS) concentrations, called turbidity maximum zones (TMZ), is a characteristic feature of macrotidal estuaries, such as the Gironde. The TMZ influences the transport and deposition of fine sediments, channel siltation, oxygen conditions and the particulate transport of pollutants. This work aims to understand the hydro-sedimentary dynamics of the fluvial Gironde estuary, still poorly studied, in relation with environmental forcings and system perturbations (natural and anthropic hydrological and morphological changes). The methodology of this work is based on the analysis of the 10-years continuous time series of turbidity recorded by the MAGEST monitoring network. The exploitation of such time series, quite innovative in estuaries, required the development of an analysis method based on the combination of spectral techniques. This approach is completed by the analysis of turbidity and current velocity profiles over tidal cycles, the analysis of historical tide time series, and the exploitation of a 2DV semi-analytical model. First, SS dynamics of the fluvial Gironde is detailed at all representative time scales. At the intratidal time scale, the mechanisms of SS transport were described from the vertical depth of SSC and current velocities at two points of the same section. Residual fluxes (total, advective and tidal pumping), estimated for different hydrological conditions, demonstrated the control of tidal pumping on SS fluxes during periods of low river flow. At the subtidal time scale, the TMZ response to hydrological fluctuations (floods, periods of continuous river flow increase and decrease, interannual changes) was analyzed. Hydrological indicators of the TMZ features were thus defined, which suggest the TMZ intensification over the last decades in relation to the river flow decrease. The relative contributions of environmental forcings to the turbidity variability were quantified for different estuarine regions and time scales (seasonal and multiannual). The application of the same methodology to the Loire estuary, which counts on equivalent time series (SYVEL network), allowed the generalization of these results. Finally, the impact of pluri-decades hydrological and morphological changes on tidal propagation and suspended sediments dynamics is detailed in the tidal Garonne. Both tidal range and asymmetry appear to be amplified over the last six decades, mainly due to natural changes of the down Gironde, gravel extraction in the tidal Garonne and hydrological regime shifts. The implementation of an idealized model allowed verifying such results and analyzing their implications for SS concentrations and the upper TMZ limit.

Effect of a Grass and Soil Filter on Tucson Urban Runoff: A Preliminary Evaluation

Popkin, Barney Paul 06 May 1972 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1972 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 5-6, 1972, Prescott, Arizona / Storm runoff from the Tucson metropolitan area is unsuitable for most uses without processing. A lysimeter comprised of a grass and soil filter was constructed and is being evaluated as a water-quality treatment facility. The lysimeter is 200 feet long, 4 feet wide and 5 feet deep, and contains homogeneous calcareous loam covered by common grasses. Experimental apparatus was installed to divert less than a cubic foot per second of runoff from urbanized Arcadia Watershed. Runoff flows by gravity over the lysimeter, where surface inflow, surface outflow and subsurface outflow are measured and sampled. Four trials, each associated with a discrete runoff event, were conducted in the fall of 1971. Water samples were analyzed for inorganic chemical constituents, chemical oxygen demand (COD), coliforms, turbidity and sediment contents. Subsurface-outflow samples from initial trials were high in COD and total dissolved solids, representing soil flushing or leaching. Concentrations of inorganics reached a maximum value within a few hours of initial seepage, and then decreased. The peaking represents a salt build-up between trials. Concentrations of COD, coliforms, turbidity and sediment in subsurface-outflow samples decreased significantly during each trial. Surface-outflow samples had lower turbidity, COD, bacteria and sediment contents than surface-inflow samples. Turbidity, suspended and volatile solids, coliforms and COD in runoff samples may be reduced by grass and soil filtration. Increased grass development and soil settling work to produce a better quality effluent. Quantification of the lysimeter's effectiveness will be useful for urban watershed management.

Variabilité spatio-temporelle des flux sédimentaires dans le Golfe de Gascogne : contributions relatives des forçages climatiques et des activités de chalutage / Spatio-temporal variability of sediment fluxes in the Bay of Biscay : relative contributions of climate forcings and trawling activities

Mengual, Baptiste 12 December 2016 (has links)
L'étude de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des flux sédimentaires sous l'influence des forçages naturels et des activités de chalutage a été entreprise à l'échelle du plateau continental du Golfe de Gascogne, en associant des données in situ et une modélisation numérique 3D déterministe. Deux campagnes en mer spécifiques ont été menées pour quantifier les impacts physiques induits par un chalut professionnel au niveau de la Grande-Vasière, en termes de remise en suspension (panache turbide), et de perturbation de la structure et de la nature du sédiment superficiel. Ces données ont permis d'estimer à 0.13 kg.m-2 le taux d'érosion moyen. Leur croisement avec des données d'effort de pêche a conduit à une cartographie mensuelle du flux d'érosion par chalutage. D'autre part, un modèle hydro-sédimentaire 3D réaliste a été mis en place et calibré à partir de mesures au point fixe. Une attention particulière a été accordée au paramétrage de l'érosion naturelle sous l'influence combinée des vagues et des courants. Une nouvelle formulation de la loi d'érosion adaptée aux mélanges de sable fin et de vase classiquement rencontrés sur les plateaux continentaux a été proposée et a permis d'optimiser significativement la réponse du modèle en termes de turbidité. Deux simulations de 5 ans ont été réalisées en incluant ou non l'influence du chalutage de fond, dans le but de quantifier et comparer les contributions relatives des forçages naturels et anthropique sur les flux verticaux (érosion) et horizontaux (transport solide) de sédiments. La variabilité temporelle des flux est décrite en une succession de régimes caractéristiques répondant à divers forçages (e.g. marée, vent, vagues, chalutage), et les flux résiduels saisonniers et annuels sont commentés : sans tenir compte des apports fluviaux, le flux de matériel vaseux a été estimé à 1.6 Mt/an sortant par le nord (au droit de La Pointe du Raz) et à 0.62 Mt/an vers le talus continental (au niveau de l'isobathe 180 m). / The spatio-temporal variability of sediment fluxes under the influence of natural forcings and trawling activities was assessed at the scale of the Bay of Biscay shelf, from in situ data and a 3D process-based numerical modelling. Two sea trials were carried out to quantify physical impacts induced by a professional trawling gear over an intensively trawled area of the shelf, the "Grande-Vasière", in terms of resuspension (turbid plume) and alteration of the surficial sediment nature and structure. These data enabled to estimate an average trawling-induced erosion rate of 0.13 kg.m-2. Their combination with fishing effort data led to monthly spatial distributions of trawling-induced erosion fluxes.Besides, a 3D realistic hydro-sedimentary model has been set up and calibrated from measurements acquired at a mooring station. The calibration task mainly consisted in assessing the natural erosion law setting under the influence of waves and currents. A new formulation of the erosion law has been proposed to describe the erosion of any mixture of mud and fine sand (sediment facies classically encountered on continental shelves) and led to a noteworthy improvement of the model response in terms of turbidity. Two 5-year simulations were performed accounting for natural forcings only or both natural and anthropogenic forcings in order to quantify and compare their respective contributions to sediment fluxes (vertical and horizontal sediment dynamics). The temporal variability of sediment fluxes is described in a succession of typical regimes occurring in response to various conditions of forcings (e.g. tide, wind, wave, trawling), and residual fluxes are assessed at seasonal and annual scales: without accounting for riverine sediment inputs, the mud flux is estimated to 1.6 Mt/yr outflowing northward (at the latitude of the Pointe du Raz) and to 0.62 Mt/yr toward the continental slope (through the 180 m isobath).

Fishes in the Mngazi and Mngazana estuaries, with particular emphasis on the community structure and primary carbon sources

Mbande, Sekiwe January 2004 (has links)
The fish community structure of two contrasting estuaries, one with a well developed mangrove forest (Mngazana) and the other without mangroves (Mngazi) was compared. Both the Mngazi and Mngazana estuary fish communities were dominated by marine species, reflecting the importance of these systems as nursery areas for marine fishes. The Mngazi Estuary contained 18% more estuarine fishes in terms of catch per unit effort (CPUE) than the Mngazana Estuary. The reduced tidal influence due to the narrow mouth opening is a possible reason for the heightened CPUE of estuarine species in the Mngazi estuary. The recorded higher diversity of fish species in the Mngazana Estuary when compared with the Mngazi Estuary was attributed to the greater influence of the marine environment due to the wide permanently open mouth, as well as the presence of a variety of habitats in this system. In both estuaries tropical and temperate species were captured, confirming the transitional nature of their biogeographic location which is situated close to the boundary between the subtropical and warm temperate regions of the Southern African coastline. Contrary to previous studies, which recorded seasonal changes in the proportions of tropical and temperate species, the proportions of tropical species remained unchanged at approximately 70% during the January and June sampling occasions. Global warming as a possible reason for the increased dominance of tropical species is discussed. Although several studies in southern Africa have investigated estuarine food web structure, none have compared mangrove and non-mangrove estuaries. In this study, the primary sources of carbon utilised by the fish fauna in the Mngazi and Mngazana estuaries was investigated. The carbon isotopic values of fishes in both estuaries displayed a continuum rather than a tight clustering around particular energy sources. Most detritus feeders of the family Mugilidae (mullets) from both estuaries were relatively more enriched than other fish taxa. The isotopic values of the mullet species suggest a diet derived from relatively enriched carbon sources such as benthic microalgae, the eelgrass Zostera capensis and associated epiphytes. Based on the isotopic values, piscivorous fishes from both estuaries could not be linked to specific prey fish taxa, but clearly the mullet species were not their main food source. The invertebrate feeders that were found in both estuaries showed greater isotopic variations in the Mngazana Estuary than in the Mngazi Estuary, probably reflecting the higher diversity of habitats (carbon sources) and invertebrate prey species in the Mngazana system. Generally the isotopic signatures of fishes from the Mngazi Estuary were more enriched than those from the Mngazana Estuary, thus indicating the possible effect of δ¹³C depleted mangrove derived carbon in the latter system.

The quality of water sample from Maungani community domestic water pots, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Okosi, Emmanuel Okori 05 1900 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / See the attached abstract below

Developing Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Models for Predicting E. Coli at Lake Michigan Beaches

Mitra Khanibaseri (9045878) 24 July 2020 (has links)
<p>A neural network model was developed to predict the E. Coli levels and classes in six (6) select Lake Michigan beaches. Water quality observations at the time of sampling and discharge information from two close tributaries were used as input to predict the E. coli. This research was funded by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). A user-friendly Excel Sheet based tool was developed based on the best model for making future predictions of E. coli classes. This tool will facilitate beach managers to take real-time decisions.</p> <p>The nowcast model was developed based on historical tributary flows and water quality measurements (physical, chemical and biological). The model uses experimentally available information such as total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, pH, electrical conductivity, and water temperature to estimate whether the E. Coli counts would exceed the acceptable standard. For setting up this model, field data collection was carried out during 2019 beachgoer’s season.</p> <p>IDEM recommends posting an advisory at the beach indicating swimming and wading are not recommended when E. coli counts exceed advisory standards. Based on the advisory limit, a single water sample shall not exceed an E. Coli count of 235 colony forming units per 100 milliliters (cfu/100ml). Advisories are removed when bacterial levels fall within the acceptable standard. However, the E. coli results were available after a time lag leading to beach closures from previous day results. Nowcast models allow beach managers to make real-time beach advisory decisions instead of waiting a day or more for laboratory results to become available.</p> <p>Using the historical data, an extensive experiment was carried out, to obtain the suitable input variables and optimal neural network architecture. The best feed-forward neural network model was developed using Bayesian Regularization Neural Network (BRNN) training algorithm. Developed ANN model showed an average prediction accuracy of around 87% in predicting the E. coli classes. </p>

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