Spelling suggestions: "subject:"turnover"" "subject:"urnover""
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The influence of leader behaviour, psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on turnover intentionDhladhla, Thamsanqa John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent decades, organisations have continued to lose their skilled and experienced
employees due to voluntary turnover. As a result, managers, researchers and practitioners
have taken interest in understanding the factors that affect employees’ turnover decisions.
However, although several existing studies have identified numerous factors related to
turnover behaviours among employees, most of the empirical research studies utilise
explanatory models that do not sufficiently address the mediating processes that lead to
turnover intention. This study examined the collective effects of perceived leader behaviour,
psychological empowerment, satisfaction and commitment on turnover intention. In doing so,
the present study tested an explanatory structural model that suggests how these variables
jointly influence turnover intention. Therefore, an ex post facto correlation study was
conducted using a sample of military personnel (n = 318) in which study participants
completed five questionnaires that measured the endogenous latent variables (i.e.,
psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and organisational commitment) and the single
exogenous latent variable (i.e., leader behaviour) in the structural model. Item analysis and
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to assess the measurement properties of the
respective measures. The results showed adequate evidence that the manifest indicators used
in the study were indeed valid and reliable measures of the latent variables they were linked
to. The proposed structural model was tested using structural equation modelling (SEM) and
the goodness-of-fit statistics showed that both the hypothesised measurement model ( =
182.97; df = 67; p-value = 0.0000; RMSEA = 0.074) and the structural model ( = 182.91;
df = 68; p-value = 0.00000; RMSEA = 0.073 ) were found to fit the data reasonably well. The
results supported a model where turnover intention was explained to result from a
combination of organisation-related and job-related attitudes. In turn, these attitudes were
affected by leadership behaviours. The results showed that turnover intention resulted more
strongly and directly from low levels of organisational commitment than from job satisfaction
per se. The results also suggested that turnover intention was the result of high levels of
psychological empowerment. Leader behaviour had a strong direct effect on both
psychological empowerment and organisational commitment, but not a unique effect on job
satisfaction, while psychological empowerment had a strong direct effect on both job
satisfaction and turnover intention than on organisational commitment. The results also
indicated that job satisfaction had an insignificant effect on organisational commitment.
In addition, psychological empowerment mediated the effect of leader behaviour on turnover
intention, while job satisfaction did not mediate the relationship between leader behaviour
and turnover intention. Finally, the results suggested that psychological empowerment played
mediated the effect of leader behaviour on job satisfaction and organisational commitment.
The study adds to the existing literature in two ways. First, the findings indicated that
turnover intention results strongly from the combination of leader behaviour, psychological
empowerment and organisational commitment, with psychological empowerment and
organisational commitment playing a dominant role, with their direct- as well as mediating
effects on turnover intention. Second, the present study partially replicated earlier studies of
turnover intention in a new setting, i.e., within a military sample and within a non-Western
context. In this way, the study confirmed the generalisability of earlier findings that relate to
the development of turnover intention. A unique finding of the present research was the
positive relationship found between psychological empowerment and turnover intention,
suggesting that turnover process models may be more organisation-specific than previously
thought (e.g., Alexander, 1998). The study limitations and recommendations provide avenues
to be explored for possible future studies and recommendations for human resource
management practice are discussed.
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Investigating high turnover intention and a diminished level of organisational commitment as antecedents of accidentsBurger, Elke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A study on intention to leave and efficiency that was conducted in the healthcare industry reported that an employee contemplating leaving an organisation cuts corners and compromises quality (Waldman, Kelly, Arora & Smith, 2004). In other words, employees with high intention to leave are more likely to disobey rules and procedures. Swain (2006) further argued that companies must weigh up the untold losses involved with an employee who has little to no loyalty towards an organisation, or no respect for the company’s equipment, against recruitment and development costs. It was therefore argued that a combination of high turnover intention and a diminished level of organisational commitment could influence an employee’s attitude towards safety procedures and, as a result, lead to an increase in accidents (Graham & Nafukho, 2010).
This study utilised an extensive literature review on work climate, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, turnover intentions and accident rates and a conceptual model of safe driving dynamics in trucking to illustrate the notion that truck drivers with a diminished level of organisational commitment and the intention to leave may experience higher accident rates.
A South African retail group made all their drivers available for the study, i.e. the entire population. The raw data was obtained through self-administered pencil-and-paper questionnaires. A response rate of 50% was achieved. Using Partial Least Squares analysis, the study found all three mindsets of organisational commitment to predict turnover intention. The practical implications of these findings could assist management in the improvement of an array of work behaviours such as job performance, work attendance and organisational citizenship, and decrease turnover rate.
The study could not find any significant support for the predictive effect of turnover intention on risky driving behaviour. Future researchers, however, are encouraged to develop a model that could assist Human Resource professionals in the understanding, development, and implementation of interventions to increase organisational commitment, reduce intention to leave, actual turnover, and, consequently, costly truckload accidents. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bevindings van ’n studie oor intensies tot bedanking en doeltreffendheid wat in die gesondheidsorg industrie onderneem is, het aangedui dat ’n werknemer wat oorweeg om ’n organisasie te verlaat, die werk afskeep en gehalte in gedrang bring (Waldman, Kelly, Arora & Smith, 2004). Werknemers met sterk intensies tot bedanking is dus meer geneig om riglyne en vasgestelde prosedures te verontagsaam. Verder het Swain (2006) aangevoer dat maatskappye die onberekende verliese verbonde aan ’n werknemer wat geen respek vir die maatskappy se toerusting koester nie, moet opweeg teenoor werwing en ontwikkellingskostes. Daarvolgens is aangevoer dat ’n kombinasie van hoë intensies tot bedanking en ’n verlaagde vlak van organisasieverbondenheid ’n werknemer se houding teenoor veiligheidsprosedures kan beïnvloed en gevolglik tot ’n toename in ongelukke kan lei (Graham & Nafukho, 2010).
Die huidige navorsingstudie het van ’n uitgebreide literatuurstudie met betrekking tot werksklimaat, werkstevredenheid, organisasieverbondenheid en ongeluksyfers, en ’n konseptuele model van veilige bestuursdinamika in vragmotorvervoer, gebruik gemaak om die idee dat vragmotorbestuurders met ’n verminderde vlak van organisasieverbondenheid en die intensie om te bedank ‘n hoër ongeluksyfer kan beleef.
’n Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandel groep het al hul vragmotorbestuurders (dus die hele populasie) vir die studie beskikbaar gestel. Die roudata is met behulp van self-geadministreerde potlood-en-papier vraelyste verkry. ’n Responskoers van 50% is verkry. Met die gebruik van parsiële kleinste kwadrate analise, het die studie bevind dat intensies tot bedanking deur al drie ingesteldhede van organisasieverbondenheid voorspel word. Die praktiese implikasies van hierdie bevindinge kan bestuur help om ’n verskeidenheid werksgedrag, soos werkprestasie, werkbywoning en organisatoriese gemeenskapsgedrag, te verbeter en personeel-omsetafname te bewerkstellig.
Die studie het nie daarin geslaag om beduidende ondersteuning vir die voorspellingseffek van intensies tot bedanking op riskante bestuursgedrag te vind nie. Toekomstige navorsers word egter aangemoedig om ’n model te ontwikkel wat menslike hulpbron-bestuurders sal help met die verstaan, ontwikkeling en implementering van ingrypings wat organisasieverbondenheid verhoog, sodat intensies tot bedanking en personeel-omset verlaag, en daardeur ook duur vragongelukke verminder word.
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Diferentes taxas de crescimento após período de restrição alimentar alteram atributos de qualidade da carne e o transcriptoma de vacas / Different growth after a period of feed restriction alter meat quality attributes and cow transcriptomeGiancarlo de Moura Souza 08 March 2018 (has links)
A velocidade de renovação das proteínas musculares define o crescimento muscular, e afetam a qualidade da carne, destacando-se a renovação de colágeno e taxa proteolítica que tem implicação no fenótipo de maciez. No entanto, existe pouca informação na literatura sobre mudanças no processo de remodelação de proteínas musculares em resposta à taxa de recuperação do ganho de peso, após um período de subnutrição em animais fisiologicamente maduros. Dessa forma, o uso de sequenciamento de RNA pode indicar mudanças no tecido muscular através de um perfil de expressão diferencial que explicam mudanças nos fenótipos associados ao crescimento muscular. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as mudanças no transcriptoma associado a fenótipos de carne de vacas adultas Nelore submetidas a diferentes taxas de recuperação de peso. Neste experimento foram utilizadas 28 vacas adultas de 5 a 16 anos, sendo que 23 animais, por apresentarem baixo escore corporal no inicio do experimento como resultado de perda de peso durante uma estação seca, foram aleatoriamente distribuídas em 3 grupos baseados em ganho diário de peso vivo: GB - Base (abatidos com baixo escore corporal, n=4); GL - Lento (0,6 kg/dia, n=9); GR - Rápido (1,2 kg/dia, n=10). Um quarto grupo (GM - Manutenção, n=5), foi formado de animais com alto escore corporal do início ao final do experimento. Os animais foram abatidos em quatro pontos definidos por dias (d) de confinamento (A1(0d) = GB; A2(51d) = GL e GR; A3(74d) = GR; A4(104d) = GL e GM), e as amostras do musculo Longissimus thoracis foram coletadas para obtenção do RNA total. Após a obtenção do mRNA e a preparação das bibliotecas de cDNA, o sequenciamento das amostras foi feito em um equipamento HiScanSQ. Vinte e quatro horas após o abate, foram determinados o pH e a cor instrumental (L*, a*, b*) medidos no músculo Longissimus thoracis. Dois bifes foram amostrados para a análise de força de cisalhamento às 24h e 21 dias. Na comparação entre fenótipos e genes, os contrastes utilizaram o grupo GB como referência. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas no programa R, usando ANOVA e teste de Tukey. Menores força de cisalhamento aos 21 dias (P<=0,05) foram encontradas para o grupo GL (A4) e GM (A4) comparadas ao GB. Valores de L*, a*, b* no músculo do GR (A3) também foram maiores em relação ao GB. Somente o valor de b* na gordura foi diferente (P<=0,05) em GR (A2 e A3) em relação ao GB. Foram identificados o total de 578 genes diferencialmente expressos (DE; FDR 5%) nos cinco contrastes avaliados. A análise funcional de genes DE entre contrastes identificou uma via KEEG para o grupo GL (\"Ribosome\") e cinco para o grupo GR (\"ECM receptor interaction\", \"Focal Adhesion\", \"Protein digestion and absorption\", \"PI3K-Akt signaling pathway\"). Para o enriquecimento GO, foram obtidas quatro categorias, sendo \"Semaphorin receptor activity\" para o grupo GL, enquanto \"Cellular response to amino acid stimulus\", \"Collagen trimer\" e \"Extracellular matrix structural constituent\" foram identificadas para GR. As vias em geral estão associadas a alterações no tecido conjuntivo do músculo. As diferenças encontradas entre fenótipos e genes indicam que as taxas de crescimento afetam de forma diferente os fenótipos associados à qualidade da carne. A realimentação em animais adultos, ao alterar o transcriptoma com possíveis impactos no tecido conjuntivo, parece mostrar um cenário de fibrose muscular no ganho rápido de peso, diferentemente do ganho lento, que mostrou ser uma alternativa para melhorar a qualidade da carne. Todavia, os impactos na estrutura muscular e proteica que possam explicar incremento em aspectos de textura da carne precisam ser determinados. / The speed of renewal of muscle proteins defines muscle growth, and affect meat quality, especially the renewal the of collagen turnover and proteolytic rate that has implication in the tenderness phenotype. There is little information in the literature about changes in the muscle protein remodeling process in response to the rate of recovery of weight gain after malnutrition in physiologically mature animals. In this way, the use of RNA sequencing may indicate changes in muscle tissue through a differential expression profile that explains changes in phenotypes associated with muscle growth. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate changes in the transcriptome associated with meat phenotypes of Nellore adult cows submitted to different rates of weight recovery. In this experiment, 28 adult cows from 5 to 16 years old were used, being that twenty-three animals were distributed randomly in 3 groups based on daily gain of live weight, since they presented low body score at the beginning of the experiment as a result of weight loss during a dry season: GB - Base (slaughtered with low body score, n=4); GL - Slow (0.6kg/day, n=9); GR - High (1.2 kg/day, n=10). A fourth group (GM - Maintenance, n = 5) was formed from animals with high body score from the beginning to the end of the experiment. The animals were slaughtered at four points defined by confinement days(d) (A1(0d) = GB; A2(51d) = GL and GR; A3(74d) = GR; A4(104d) = GL and GM), and Longissimus thoracis muscle samples were collected to obtain the total RNA. After obtaining the mRNA and preparation of the libraries, the sequencing of the samples was done in a HiScanSQ equipment. Twenty-four hours after slaughter, the pH and instrumental color (L*, a*, b*) were determined in the Longissimus thoracis muscle. Two steaks were collected for shear force analysis at 24h and 21 days. In the comparison of the phenotypes and genes, contrasts were used the GB group as reference. Statistical analysis were performed in R software, using ANOVA and Tukey test. Lower shear forces at 21 days (P<=0.05) were found for the GL (A4) and GM (A4) groups compared to GB. Values of L*, a*, b* in the GR (A3) muscle were also higher in relation to GB. Only the value of b* in fat was different (P<=0.05) in GR (A2 and A3) in relation to GB. A total of 578 differentially expressed genes (DE; false discovery rate 5%) in the five contrasts evaluated. Functional analysis of DE genes between contrasts identified a KEEG pathway for the GL group (\"Ribosome\") and five for the GR group (\"ECM receptor interaction\", \"Focal Adhesion\", \"Protein digestion and absorption\", \"PI3K-Akt signaling pathway\"). For GO enrichment, four categories were obtained, being \"Semaphorin receptor activity\" for GL, while \"Cellular response to amino acid stimulus\", \"Collagen trimer\" and \"Extracellular matrix structural constituent\" were identified for GR. Pathways in general are associated with changes in connective tissue of muscle. Re-feeding in adult animals by altering the transcriptome with possible impacts on connective tissue, seems to show a scenario of muscle fibrosis in the fast gain of weight, unlike the slow gain, which proved to be an alternative to improve meat quality. However, the impacts on muscle and protein structure that may explain the increase in meat texture aspects need to be determined.
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Essays On CEO Turnover, Succession, And CompensationWang, Hongxia 01 January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is a series of study on CEO turnover, succession, and compensation, which consists of three essays. In essay 1, I investigate how the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) affects CEO tenure and the characteristics of CEO turnover. I do not find a significant relation between financial reporting and CEO turnover even though SOX enforces accurate financial reporting and personal responsibilities. However, I find SOX affects CEO turnover via the changes to corporate boards. I provide some evidence supporting the idea that intensified monitoring significantly reduces CEO tenure. Specifically, I find SOX significantly affects the relation between CEO tenure and the independence of the board. I find that the likelihood of forced CEO turnover is higher in the post-SOX period. I also document that intensified monitoring increases the likelihood of forced turnover, specifically, I find CEO power concentration, institutional ownership, negative news, and shareholder governance proposals significantly affect the odds of forced turnover. I also provide some evidence supporting the hypothesis that firm performance is inversely related to forced CEO turnover. I document that the average number of audit committee meetings significantly increased in the post-SOX period, and the interaction between the number of audit committee meetings and firm performance significantly increase the likelihood of forced CEO turnover. Overall, the results support the notion that SOX affects boards' decisions on CEO turnover. I do not find that the proportion of outside directors significantly affects the odds ratio of forced turnover, indicating outside dominated boards may not be effective in removing CEOs. Managerial discretion defines the working environment of a manager and could potentially affect a board's choice of a successor CEO. In essay 2, I hypothesize that boards tend to appoint younger (older) CEOs in firms with high (low) managerial discretion. I further propose that the relation between managerial discretion and successor CEO age may be moderated by the age of board members, the origin of the successor, and the successor's designated heir status. Using a sample of 629 successions occurring between 1994 and 2005, I find empirical evidence that supports my first hypothesis for the total sample and the sample of successions with voluntary turnover. Board age, successor origin, and the successor's designated heir status do not moderate the results for the total sample. However, I find that board member age and designated heir status moderate the relation between managerial discretion and CEO age following forced turnover. Following voluntary turnover, successor origin and designated heir status moderate the result. The above mentioned three board and CEO characteristics may either strengthen or weaken the link between managerial discretion and CEO age depending on how the incumbent CEO leaves the CEO position. In addition, several other factors also statistically affect boards' decisions regarding CEO age, including governance, CEO board tenure, and titles held by the successor. In essay 3, I examine the role of managerial discretion in setting CEO pay at succession. Using a sample of 656 successions from 1994-2005, I provide evidence that a successor CEO's pay level is positively and significantly associated with the level of managerial discretion. However, outside succession moderates the link between managerial discretion and pay level. I further find that the moderating effect of a successor's origin is contingent upon the bargaining power of the board of directors for the total and forced turnover samples. As for the pay structure of a successor, the results of the total sample and forced turnover subsample provide evidence that managerial discretion positively relates to the proportion of risk-based pay and outside succession has a moderating effect on this relation; and the moderating effect depends on the board bargaining power. As for the voluntary turnover sample, the pay structure of the new CEO is mainly determined by the pay structure of the predecessor, firm performance, and the board bargaining power. This study enriches existing research on managerial discretion and succession by linking CEO bargaining power at succession with the theory of managerial discretion.
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How Long Can We Keep Them? Staff Retention Through a Mentoring Program in an Undergraduate Admissions OfficeJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: Employee turnover is a pervasive issue across industries and at all levels of an organization. Lost productivity, hiring, interviewing, training and increased workloads are costs associated with turnover. As an undergraduate admissions professional charged with the enrollment of new freshmen students, I am constantly assessing the health of my team and working to minimize turnover in admission counselor positions. I implemented a six-week mentoring program in my office to increase second-year employee satisfaction, motivation, development and retention at the Arizona State University Undergraduate Admissions Office. Post intervention data were collected through the use of focus groups and self reflection questionnaires. Results show that mentoring is a mutually beneficial experience for mentees and mentors. Mentees reported benefits from the personalized dissemination of information and institutional knowledge by their mentors. Mentors reported that being in a mentoring relationship made them feel their opinions and experiences were valued. Mentoring can be an inexpensive professional development program designed to assist entry-level employees. While attrition cannot be totally eliminated from a workplace setting the study participants reported that the mentoring program made them feel valued even while acknowledging that there are limited opportunities for advancement within the office. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ed.D. Higher and Postsecondary Education 2012
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How do work motivation aspects impact software developer turnover? A quantitative study with Brazilian developers.SILVA, Wallison Fernando da. 06 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-06T20:16:04Z
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WALLISON FERNANDO DA SILVA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2018.pdf: 954418 bytes, checksum: 28a173bee780c8779665994e97c94653 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-06T20:16:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
WALLISON FERNANDO DA SILVA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2018.pdf: 954418 bytes, checksum: 28a173bee780c8779665994e97c94653 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-01 / Com o crescimento rápido do mercado para software, a necessidade de profissionais nas
empresas de desenvolvimento está em alta, porém, há estudos que indicam um alta taxa de rotatividade de profissionais, já que profissionais mudam de empresa em um curto período de tempo. Devido a esse fato, as empresas estão preocupadas em manter seus profissionais o maior tempo possível, evitando gastos com novas contratações, treinamentos e perda de bons profissionais, pois alguns profissionais de software possuem habilidades intelectuais especializadas, e para treinar outros com o mesmo propósito, pode levar bastante tempo até que o novato se torne produtivo. Além disso, também há estudos que evidenciam que a motivação possui influência no sucesso ou fracasso de projetos, do mesmo jeito que outros relacionam a motivação com a rotatividade de profissionais de software, de modo que os profissionais busquem empregos menos estressantes, mais significativos, com mais valorização e melhores condições de trabalho. Este estudo relaciona aspectos de motivação e
rotatividade de profissionais em empresas de software no Brasil utilizando uma adaptação do modelo Job Characteristics Model (JCM) de Hackman e Oldham. Através de um questionário baseado no modelo, coletamos respostas de 102 profissionais de desenvolvimento de software no Brasil, que geraram resultados através de uma pontuação potencial motivacional (MPS). Desta forma, pudemos coletar dados de motivação dos profissionais sobre o emprego anterior. Os dados mostram que mais de 76% dos profissionais, exatamente 78 saíram do emprego anterior voluntariamente, sugerindo uma taxa alta de rotatividade de profissionais. Também conseguimos observar alguns aspectos de motivação mais críticos, observamos que 73% dos profissionais apresentaram exaustão elevada no emprego anterior, 71% possuíam baixa autonomia, e 69% sentiam baixa satisfação no trabalho. Esse estudo pode ajudar as companhias de software a entender quais são os problemas de motivação no desenvolvimento de software, visando melhorar o ambiente e cultura de trabalho para motivar os empregados,
e assim, reduzir a taxa de rotatividade de profissionais. / With the fast increase of the software market, the demand of professionals is also increasing, so there are studies that indicate a high rate of staff turnover, since many professionals move to other companies in a short time. Due to this reason, the companies are concerned to keep their professionals as long time as possible, avoiding costs with new hires, training and loss of good professionals, since some software professionals have specialized intellectual skills, and to train others for the same purpose, it may take a long time until the new hire becomes productive. In addition, also there are studies showing evidence that motivation has an influence on the success or failure of projects, as well as, others relate the motivation to staff turnover in software development, so the professionals look for jobs less stressful, more significant, with more appreciation and better working conditions. This study relates motivation aspects to staff turnover of software companies in Brazil, using an adaptation of the model Job Characteristics Model (JCM) of Hackman and Oldham. Through a survey instrument based on the model, we collected answers from 102 software development professionals in Brazil that generated results through motivational potential score (MPS). Thus, we could collect data of motivation of professionals over the last job. The data show that more than 76% of professionals, exactly 78 left the last job voluntarily, suggesting a high staff turnover
rate. Also, we observed some most critical motivation aspects, we identified that 73% of the professionals presented high level of exhaustion in their last job, 71% had low Autonomy, and 69% felt low satisfaction in the job. This study can help software companies to understand which are the most motivation problems in software development to improve the work environment and culture to motivate employees, and so, reduce staff turnover rate.
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Att nå målkongruens inom detaljhandeln : En tvåfallstudie om hur organisationer med hög personalomsättning använder sig av incitamentsprogram för att nå målkongruens / To achieve goal congruence in retail businessesFalk, Oscar, Svallingson, Gabriel January 2018 (has links)
En organisation existerar för att individer ska samverka för att uppnå ett gemensamt mål. I tider med hög personalomsättning är det en utmaning för många organisationer att nå målkongruens och syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företag arbetar för att uppnå målkongruens i takt med ökad personalomsättning med hjälp av incitamentsprogram. För att besvara syftet har intervjuer utförts på två olika företag inom detaljhandeln med personer som arbetar aktivt med incitamentsprogram och en enkät har genomförts i ett av företagens varuhus. I den teoretiska referensramen beskrivs teorier gällande förhållandet mellan arbetsledning och arbetstagare, olika typer av incitamentsprogram och motivationsfaktorer. Det empiriska resultatet visar att incitamentsprogram används i de undersökta organisationerna för att nå målkongruens, minska personalomsättning och höja engagemanget hos de anställda. Det visade sig även att kombinationer av olika incitamentsprogram tillämpas för att nå olika typer av mål och att personlig utveckling är den främsta motivationsfaktor för de butiksanställda / An organization exists for individuals to work together and reach a common goal. In times of high personal turnover rate, it is a challenge for many organizations to achieve goal congruence and the purpose with this study is to examine how companies work to achieve goal congruence in line with increasing personal turnover rate with the aid of incentive plans. In the theoretical reference frame theories are described regarding the relationship between superior and subordinate, different types of incentive plans and motivational theories. To be able to answer the purpose of this essay, interviews have been conducted on two different companies in retail with individuals who works with incentive plans and a survey has been conducted in one of the companies© stores. The empirical result shows that the incentive plans are used in the researched organizations to achieve goal congruence, increase employee retention and improve the commitment with the employees. The results showed that incentive plans apply to reach different types of goals and that personal development was the primary motivational factor.
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Avaliando o turnover e o absenteísmo em serviços de enfermagem hospitalarChaves, Enaura Helena Brandão January 1995 (has links)
Este estudo originou-se da preocupação com a avaliação da qualidade dentro das organizações hospitalares, especificamente dos serviços de enfermagem, onde os enfermeiros desenvolvem a maior parte de suas atividades profissionais, quer estejam atuando diretamente na área assistencial, ou indiretamente, como docentes das diferentes categorias dos profissionais de enfermagem. A complexidade que envolve a área de recursos humanos dentro das organizações delimitou o estudo a dois aspectos que, como tantos outros, interferem sobremaneira na qualidade da assistência de enfermagem: o turnover e o absenteísmo do pessoal, os quais, não obstante sua relevância, carecem de estudos atualizados em nível nacional e cuja bibliografia internacional, na maioria das vezes, está fora do nosso contexto, constituindo apenas uma fonte de consulta, mas não servindo como parâmetro. Através do levantamento de dados, de consulta às fichas de desligamento e de entrevistas com os enfermeiros chefes das unidades selecionadas para o estudo (CTICC, SR, UI e BC) de um hospital de ensino, identificamos um índice de absenteísmo de 10,88% e uma taxa de turnover de 5,27% , os quais, em comparação com a literatura levantada, não podem ser considerados elevados. Determinou, também, em qual setor e em que categoria profissional estes dois fenômenos são mais intensos, estabelecendo as suas principais razões e conseqüências. Os resultados encontrados, tanto em termos do absenteísmo quanto do turnover, levaram a reforçar a importância do enfermeiro assumindo atividades gerenciais nas organizações de saúde e responsabilizando-se pelo trabalho das demais categorias, tanto em termos da qualidade do trabalho desenvolvido como em relação à produtividade alcançada e à satisfação e realização do pessoal. / The present investigation was originated from the concern about quality evaluation in hospitais organizations, more precisely in nursing services, where nurses develop the biggest part of their professionals activities in assistance or education field. Due to the complexity that involves the human resources area within organizations, the study was delimited in two aspects: the turnover and absenteism of personnel. Both of them, even their importance are deficient in upto date studies and bibliography. The purpose of this dissertation is to indicate the turnover and absenteism rate in four units of a university hospital and to determine the causes and consequences of the two phenomena. The results showed that the absenteism rate is 10,88% and the turnover rate is 5,27% which compared with the literature revision can't be considerate elevated. Identify also, in which sector and professional category these two phenomena are more intense and the results reinforce the importance of the nurse, developing manager activities in health organizations, responsible for the work of the others categories in terras of work quality, productivity, job satisfaction and personnel realization.
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Reasons for high turnover of nursing professionals at public hospitals in AngolaMateus, Gaspar 25 August 2009 (has links)
The observed high turnover of nursing staff in some public hospitals in Luanda was assumed to give rise to staff shortages, resulting in work overload for the remaining nurses and poor service delivery. The aim of this study was to determine the reasons for the high turnover of nurses in public hospitals in the city of Luanda, and to determine the actual turnover over a two-year period.
The researcher adopted a quantitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive design, using a questionnaire for data collection from a sample of 100 respondents consisting of the Directors of Nursing, Directors of Human Resources and Heads of Departments (ward/units) in seven public hospitals.
The study found that the most common reasons for the resignation of nurses were retirement, ill health, and better remuneration and working conditions elsewhere. Lack of motivation could be ascribed to the perceived low remuneration, insufficient supplies and equipment, being overworked due to staff shortages, unsafe working environment and poor conditions of service. Recommendations were made to tackle these issues. It was however not possible to determine the actual extent of nurses resigning from the public hospitals. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)
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Wildlife in urban settings are a management challenge because wildlife populations and their habitats are often fragmented and degraded, but natural resource managers need information concerning their spatial distribution, spatial turnover, and spatial co-occurrence while accounting for imperfect detection. Based in the Chicago Metropolitan Area during 2009-2012, my study modeled 23 species across 5 wildlife taxa concerning patterns of site occupancy, spatial turnover (i.e., colonization and extinction), and/or spatial co-occurrence at 1-2 spatial scales. In detail, I investigated: (1) detection probabilities, site occupancy, and spatial turnover as affected by habitat and anthropogenic influences at 2 spatial scales for 6 species of songbirds: field sparrows (Spizella pusilla), great crested flycatchers (Myiarchus crinitus), willow flycatchers (Empidonax traillii), bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), marsh wrens (Cistothorus palustris), and rose-breasted grosbeaks (Pheucticus ludovicianus); (2) detection probabilities, site occupancy, and spatial turnover as affected by habitat and anthropogenic influences at 2 spatial scales for 3 species of reptiles and 4 species of amphibians: common garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis), painted turtles (Chrysemys picta), snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina), blue-spotted salamanders (Ambystoma laterale), tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum), green frogs (Rana clamitans), and northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens); (3) habitat use and landscape site occupancy and spatial turnover as affected by habitat and anthropogenic influences for 4 species of mesocarnivores: coyotes (Canis latrans), raccoons (Procyon lotor), striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis), and Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana); and (4) detection probabilities and spatial distributions as affected by local habitat, an interacting species (dominant or subordinate), or both for 6 species of small mammals: short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda), meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus), white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), masked shrews (Sorex cinereus), and eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). I elucidate how managers can improve or design their survey techniques that will aid their inference of the distribution of wildlife in the Midwest. This work also provides suburban natural resource managers in the Chicago Metropolitan Area with information concerning land management and land acquisition guidelines to best conserve, attract, or deter the aforementioned wildlife on their properties.
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