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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assembly and analysis of a comprehensive phosphotyrosine-dependent protein-protein interaction network

Großmann, Arndt 29 March 2016 (has links)
Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungen steuern zelluläre Funktionen auf molekularer Ebene. Posttranslationale Proteinmodifikationen beeinflussen diese Wechselwirkungen und erlauben dynamische Regulierung. Tyrosinphosphorylierung ist eine besonders relevante Modifikation, weil sie eng mit interzellulärer Regulation von Wachstum und Enticklung in Vielzellern verbunden ist. Da falsche Regulierung dieser Prozesse zu Krebs oder Autoimmunerkrankungen führen kann, ist sie auch von großem medizinischen Interesse. In Hefe-Zwei-Hybrid- Untersuchungen mit Volllängen-Proteinen im Genommaßstab wurde ein umfassender Satz von 292 größtenteils neuen phosphotyrosinabhängigen Proteinwechselwirkungen erster Güte ermittelt. Damit wurde eine Wissenslücke im Bereich der phosphotyrosinabhängigen Signalübertragung, der bisher hauptsächlich auf Peptidbindungs- und Affinitätsaufreinigungs-gekoppelten Massenspektronomieexperimenten fußte. Die Güte der Interaktionen wurde experimentell und informatisch, in Coimmunpräzipitations- und Proteinkomplementierungs-, sowie in Überrepräsentationsanalysen und Literaturvergleichen, gezeigt. Bekannte lineare Bindesequenzmotive kommen zwar gehäuft vor, können die Mehrzahl der Interaktionen aber offensichtlich nicht erklären. Die Wechselwirkungen bilden ein dichtes, einheitliches Netzwerk und widerspiegeln phosphotyrosinabhängige KEGG-Signalwege. Es hat ein Herzstück aus acht Genen, von denen sieben fest etablierte Signalverarbeitungshauptknotenpunkte darstellen. Dem achten, SH2D2A, scheint eine deutlich wichtigere Rolle zuzukommen als bisher wahrgenommen. Schliesslich wurde für eine Auswahl von GRB2-Interaktionen unterschiedliche subzelluläre Verortung vorgenommen. Zusammengenommen legen diese Ergebnisse nah, dass die hier veröffentlichten Wechselwirkungen einen wesentlichen Schritt für das Verstehen von Wachstum und Entwicklung markieren und zur Verbesserung der Behandlungsmöglichkeiten in wichtigen Medizinbereichen beitragen werden. / Protein-protein interactions govern cellular functions on the molecular level. Post-translational modifications alter these interactions allowing highly dynamic regulation. Protein tyrosine phosphorylation is an especially relevant post-translational modification, because it is tightly linked to intercellular regulation of growth and development in metazoans. Diseases like cancer or autoimmune disorders arise from misregulation of these processes generating great medical interest in protein tyrosine phosphorylation and processes relating to it. This study provides a comprehensive set of 292 mostly novel, high-quality phosphotyrosine- dependent protein-protein interactions detected in genome-scale yeast two-hybrid screens using full-length proteins filling a gap in phosphotyrosine signaling knowledge, which has so far been based largely on peptide binding and affinity purification-coupled mass spectrometry experiments. The high quality was demonstrated experimentally and computationally, in co-immunoprecipitation and protein complementation assays, as well as over-representation analyses and comparison to prior knowledge. Previously reported linear peptide motifs are reflected in the binding partners, but clearly do not account for most of the interactions, emphasizing the relevance of full-length protein context. The interactions were further shown to form an unusually dense, monolithic network with a central core and reflect and expand phosphotyrosine-related KEGG pathways. Seven of the eight core proteins are well-established signaling hubs. The eighth core gene, SH2D2A, seems to play a more central role than currently appreciated. Finally, selected interactions involving GRB2 were shown to occur in different specific subcellular localizations. Together, these results strongly suggest that the interactions presented here represent an important step toward understanding growth and development and will benefit treatment of pressing medical issues substantially.

Identificação de interações proteína-proteína envolvendo os produtos dos Loci hrp, vir e rpf do fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri / Identification of protein-protein interactions involving the products of the loci hrp, vir and rpf the phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

Alegria, Marcos Castanheira 24 September 2004 (has links)
O Cancro Cítrico, um dos mais graves problemas fitossanitários da citricultura atual, é uma doença causada pelo fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac). Um estudo funcional do genoma de Xac foi iniciado com o intuito de identificar interações proteína-proteína envolvidas em processos de patogenicidade de Xac. Através da utilização do sistema duplo-híbrido de levedura, baseado nos domínios de ligação ao DNA e ativação da transcrição do GAL4, nós analisamos os principais componentes dos mecanismos de patogenicidade de Xac, incluindo o Sistema de Secreção do Tipo III (TTSS), Sistema de Secreção do Tipo IV (TFSS) e Sistema de \"Quorum Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf. Componentes desses sistemas foram utilizados como iscas na triagem de uma biblioteca genômica de Xac. O TTSS é codificado pelos genes denominados hrp (\"hypersensitive response and pathogenicity\"), hrc (\"hrp conserved\") e hpa (\"hrp associated\") localizados no locus hrp do cromossomo de Xac. Esse sistema de secreção é capaz de translocar proteínas efetoras do citoplasma bacteriano para o interior da célula hospedeira. Nossos resultados mostraram novas interações proteínaproteína entre componentes do próprio TTSS além de associações específicas com uma proteína hipotética: 1) HrpG, um regulador de resposta de um sistema de dois componentes responsável pela expressão dos genes hrp, e XAC0095, uma proteína hipotética encontrada apenas em Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, uma proteína secretada pelo TTSS, HpaB e o domínio C-terminal da HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 e HrpW, 4) HrpB2 e HrcU e 5) interações homotrópicas envolvendo a ATPase HrcN. Em Xac, foram encontrados dois loci vir que codificam proteínas que possuem similaridade com componentes do TFSS envolvido em processos de conjugação/secreção bacteriana: TFSS-plasmídeo localizado no plasmídeo pXAC64 e TFSS-cromossomo localizado no cromossomo de Xac. O TFSS-plasmídeo, o qual possui maior similaridade com sistemas de conjugação, mostrou interações envolvendo proteínas cujos genes estão localizados na mesma região do plasmídeo pXAC64: 1) interação homotrópica da TrwA; 2) XACb0032 e XACb0033; 3) interações homotrópicas da proteína XACb0035; 4) VirB1 e VirB9; 5) XACb0042 e VirB6; 6) XACb0043 e XACb0021b. O TFSS-cromossomo apresentou interações envolvendo as proteínas: 1) VirD4 e um grupo de 12 proteínas que contém similaridade entre si, incluindo XAC2609 cujo gene encontra-se no locus vir, 2) XAC2609 e XAC2610; 3) Interações homotrópicas da VirB11; 4) XAC2622 e VirB9. A análise do sistema de \"Quorum-Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf mostrou interações envolvendo componentes do próprio sistema: 1) RpfC e RpfF; 2) RpfC e RpfG; 3) interações homotrópicas da RpfF; 4) RpfC e CmfA, uma proteína similar a Cmf de Dictyostelium discoideum que, neste organismo, é fundamental para processos de \"quorum-sensing\". As interações proteína-proteína encontradas permitiram-nos entender melhor a composição, organização e regulação dos fatores envolvidos na patogenicidade de Xac. / Citrus Canker, caused by the bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) presents one of the most serious problems to Brazilian citriculture. We have initiated a project to identify protein-protein interactions involved in pathogenicity of Xac. Using a yeast two-hybrid system based on GAL4 DNA-binding and activation domains, we have focused on identifying interactions involving subunits, regulators and substrates of: Type Three Secretion System (TTSS), Type Four Secretion System (TFSS) and Quorum Sensing/Rpf System. Components of these systems were used as baits to screening a random Xac genomic library. The TTSS is coded by the hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity), hrc (hrp conserved) and hpa (hrp associated) genes in the chromosomal hrp locus. This secretion system can translocate efector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm into the host cells. We have identified several previously uncharacterized interactions involving: 1) HrpG, a two-component system response regulator responsible for the expression of Xac hrp operons, and XAC0095, a previously uncharacterized protein encountered only in Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, a protein secreted by the TTSS, HpaB and the C-terminal domain HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 and HrpW; 4) HrpB2 and HrcU; 5) Homotropic interactions were also identified for the ATPase HrcN. Xac contains two virB gene clusters, one on the chromosome and one on the pXAC64 plasmid, each of which codes for a unique and previously uncharacterized TFSS. Components of the TFSS of pXAC64, which is most similar to conjugation systems, showed interactions involving proteins coded by the same locus: 1) Homotropic interactions of TrwA; 2) XACb0032 and XACb0033; 3) XAC0035 homotropic interactions; 4) VirB1 and VirB9; 5) XACb0042 and VirB6; 6) XACb0043 and XACb0021 b. Components of the chromosomal TFSS exhibited interactions involving: 1) VirD4 and a group of 12 uncharacterized proteins with a common C-terminal domain motif, include XAC2609 whose gene resides within the vir locus; 2) XAC2609 and XAC261 O; 3) Homotropic interactions of VirB11; 4) XAC2622 and VirB9. Analysis of Quorum Sensing/Rpf System components revealed interactions between the principal Rpf proteins which control Xanthomonas quorum sensing: 1) RpfC and RpfF; 2) RpfC and RpfG; 3) RpfF homotropic interactions; 4) RpfC and CmfA, a protein that presents similarity with Cmf (conditioned medium factor) of Dictyostelium discoideum, which contrais quorum sensing in this organism. The protein-protein interactions that we have detected reveal insights into the composition, organization and regulation of these important mechanisms involved in Xanthomonas pathogenicity.

A dynamic circadian protein-protein interaction network

Wallach, Thomas 22 October 2012 (has links)
Die dynamische Regulation von Protein-Protein Interaktionen (PPIs) ist wichtig für den Ablauf von biologischen Prozessen. Die circadiane Uhr, die einen ~24 Stunden Rhythmus generiert und eine Vielzahl von physiologischen Parametern steuert kann auch die Dynamik von PPIs regulieren. Um neue Erkenntnisse über regulatorische Mechanismen innerhalb des molekularen Oszillators zu gewinnen, habe ich zunächst alle möglichen PPIs zwischen 46 circadianen Komponenten mittels eines systematischen yeast-two-hybid (Y2H) Screens bestimmt. Dabei habe ich 109 bis dahin noch unbekannte PPIs identifiziert und einen repräsentativen Anteil mittels Co-Immunopräzipitationsexperimenten in humanen Zellen validiert. Unter den neuen PPIs habe ich bis dahin unbekannte Modulatoren der CLOCK/BMAL1 Transaktivierung identifiziert und dabei die Rolle der Proteinphosphatase 1 (PP1) als dynamischen Regulator der BMAL1 Stabilität funktionell charakterisiert. Das experimentelle PPI Netzwerk wurde mit bereits aus der Literatur bekannten PPIs und Interaktionspartnern ergänzt. Eine systematische RNAi Studie belegte außerdem die Relevanz der aus der Literatur stammenden Interaktoren für die ~24 Stunden Periodizität. Um eine Aussage über die Dynamik der PPIs im Netzwerk treffen zu können, wurden circadiane mRNA Expressionsdaten in das PPI Netzwerk integriert. Systematische Perturbationsstudien, in denen alle Komponenten des experimentellen Netzwerkes mittels RNAi herunterreguliert oder überexprimiert wurden, zeigten eine essentielle Bedeutung für die dynamischen PPIs innerhalb des circadianen Oszillators auf. Desweiteren wurden im circadianen PPI Netzwerk funktionelle Module identifiziert, welche dynamisch organsiert sind. Durch eine systemweite Analyse des humanen Proteoms wurden viele dynamische PPIs identifiziert, die biologische Prozesse wie z.B. Signaltransduktion und Zellzyklus miteinander verbinden. Rhythmische PPIs sind daher von Bedeutung für die zeitliche Organisation zellulärer Physiologie. / Essentially all biological processes depend on protein-protein interactions (PPIs). Timing of such interactions is crucial for regulatory function. Although circadian (~24 hrs) clocks constitute fundamental cellular timing mechanisms regulating important physiological processes PPI dynamics on this timescale are largely unknown. To elucidate so far unknown regulatory mechanisms within the circadian clockwork, I have systematically mapped PPIs among 46 circadian components using high-throughput yeast-two-hybrid (Y2H) interaction experiments. I have identified 109 so far uncharacterized interactions and successfully validated a sub-fraction via co-immunoprecipitation experiments in human cells. Among the novel PPIs, I have identified modulators of CLOCK/BMAL1 function and further characterized the role of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) in the dynamic regulation of BMAL1 abundance. Furthermore, to generate a more comprehensive circadian PPI network, the experimental network was enriched and extended with additional interactions and interaction partners from literature, some of which turned out to be essential for normal circadian dynamics. The integration of circadian mRNA expression profiles allowed us to determine the interaction dynamics within our network. Systematic genetic perturbation studies (RNAi and overexpression in oscillating human cells) revealed a crucial role of dynamic regulation (via rhythmic PPIs) for the molecular clockwork. Furthermore, dynamic modular organization as a pervasive circadian network feature likely contributes to time-of-day dependent control of many cellular processes. Global analysis of the proteome regarding circadian regulation of biological processes via rhythmic PPIs revealed time-of-day dependent organization of the human interactome. Circadian PPIs dynamically connect many important cellular processes like signal transduction and cell cycle, which contribute to temporal organization of cellular physiology.

Translationsaktivatoren der mitochondrialen Cytochrom b-Synthese in Saccaromyces cerevisiae: Membranassoziation, Mutagenese und Protein-Wechselwirkungen von Cbs1p

Krause-Buchholz, Udo 10 September 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Cbs1p und Cbs2p, zwei spezifische Translationsaktivatoren der COB-mRNA. Im Mittelpunkt standen sowohl die weitere molekularbiologische und biochemische Charakterisierung von Cbs1p als auch ein Screening von Interaktionskandidaten, die mit Cbs1p und/oder Cbs2p physikalisch wechselwirken könnten. Cbs1p liegt als peripheres Membranprotein fest mit der inneren Mitochondrienmembran matrixseitig assoziiert vor. Dabei spielen möglicherweise hydrophobe und/oder Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungen mit integralen Membranproteinen eine essentielle Rolle bei der Membranverankerung von Cbs1p. Durch die Identifizierug von atmungsdefekten Cbs1p-Mutanten, deren Mutationen in Bereichen mit Homologie zu RNA-bindenden Proteinen liegt, verstärken sich die Hinweise zur Beteiligung von Cbs1p an der direkten physikalischen Wechselwirkung mit dem 5´-leader der COB-mRNA. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden,, dass die abspaltbare Präsequenz nicht notwendig für einen mitochondrialen Import ist. Die Ergebnisse präzisieren und erweitern das vorliegende Modell der Wirkungsweise der Translationsaktivatoren Cbs1p und Cbs2p (Michaelis, 1991). Aufgrund der Membranverankerung von Cbs1p wird auch die gebundene COB-mRNA in räumlicher Nähe zur Membran gebracht. Darüber hinaus definiert Cbs1p damit möglicherweise auch den Ort der Insertion des nascierenden Apocytochrom b in die Membran. Cbs2p vermittelt die Bindung zur kleinen Untereinheit der mitochondrialen Ribosomen und könnte seinerseits ebenfalls in Interaktionen mit Untereinheiten des bc1-Komplexes involviert sein.

Molekulare Charakterisierung des COPS5-Gens und seines Genproduktes als Kandidat für die Spastische Spinalparalyse / Molecular characterisation of the COPS5 Gen and its Gen Product as a candidate for the spastic paraplegia

Eisenberg, André 07 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Identificação de interações proteína-proteína envolvendo os produtos dos Loci hrp, vir e rpf do fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri / Identification of protein-protein interactions involving the products of the loci hrp, vir and rpf the phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

Marcos Castanheira Alegria 24 September 2004 (has links)
O Cancro Cítrico, um dos mais graves problemas fitossanitários da citricultura atual, é uma doença causada pelo fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac). Um estudo funcional do genoma de Xac foi iniciado com o intuito de identificar interações proteína-proteína envolvidas em processos de patogenicidade de Xac. Através da utilização do sistema duplo-híbrido de levedura, baseado nos domínios de ligação ao DNA e ativação da transcrição do GAL4, nós analisamos os principais componentes dos mecanismos de patogenicidade de Xac, incluindo o Sistema de Secreção do Tipo III (TTSS), Sistema de Secreção do Tipo IV (TFSS) e Sistema de \"Quorum Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf. Componentes desses sistemas foram utilizados como iscas na triagem de uma biblioteca genômica de Xac. O TTSS é codificado pelos genes denominados hrp (\"hypersensitive response and pathogenicity\"), hrc (\"hrp conserved\") e hpa (\"hrp associated\") localizados no locus hrp do cromossomo de Xac. Esse sistema de secreção é capaz de translocar proteínas efetoras do citoplasma bacteriano para o interior da célula hospedeira. Nossos resultados mostraram novas interações proteínaproteína entre componentes do próprio TTSS além de associações específicas com uma proteína hipotética: 1) HrpG, um regulador de resposta de um sistema de dois componentes responsável pela expressão dos genes hrp, e XAC0095, uma proteína hipotética encontrada apenas em Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, uma proteína secretada pelo TTSS, HpaB e o domínio C-terminal da HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 e HrpW, 4) HrpB2 e HrcU e 5) interações homotrópicas envolvendo a ATPase HrcN. Em Xac, foram encontrados dois loci vir que codificam proteínas que possuem similaridade com componentes do TFSS envolvido em processos de conjugação/secreção bacteriana: TFSS-plasmídeo localizado no plasmídeo pXAC64 e TFSS-cromossomo localizado no cromossomo de Xac. O TFSS-plasmídeo, o qual possui maior similaridade com sistemas de conjugação, mostrou interações envolvendo proteínas cujos genes estão localizados na mesma região do plasmídeo pXAC64: 1) interação homotrópica da TrwA; 2) XACb0032 e XACb0033; 3) interações homotrópicas da proteína XACb0035; 4) VirB1 e VirB9; 5) XACb0042 e VirB6; 6) XACb0043 e XACb0021b. O TFSS-cromossomo apresentou interações envolvendo as proteínas: 1) VirD4 e um grupo de 12 proteínas que contém similaridade entre si, incluindo XAC2609 cujo gene encontra-se no locus vir, 2) XAC2609 e XAC2610; 3) Interações homotrópicas da VirB11; 4) XAC2622 e VirB9. A análise do sistema de \"Quorum-Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf mostrou interações envolvendo componentes do próprio sistema: 1) RpfC e RpfF; 2) RpfC e RpfG; 3) interações homotrópicas da RpfF; 4) RpfC e CmfA, uma proteína similar a Cmf de Dictyostelium discoideum que, neste organismo, é fundamental para processos de \"quorum-sensing\". As interações proteína-proteína encontradas permitiram-nos entender melhor a composição, organização e regulação dos fatores envolvidos na patogenicidade de Xac. / Citrus Canker, caused by the bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) presents one of the most serious problems to Brazilian citriculture. We have initiated a project to identify protein-protein interactions involved in pathogenicity of Xac. Using a yeast two-hybrid system based on GAL4 DNA-binding and activation domains, we have focused on identifying interactions involving subunits, regulators and substrates of: Type Three Secretion System (TTSS), Type Four Secretion System (TFSS) and Quorum Sensing/Rpf System. Components of these systems were used as baits to screening a random Xac genomic library. The TTSS is coded by the hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity), hrc (hrp conserved) and hpa (hrp associated) genes in the chromosomal hrp locus. This secretion system can translocate efector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm into the host cells. We have identified several previously uncharacterized interactions involving: 1) HrpG, a two-component system response regulator responsible for the expression of Xac hrp operons, and XAC0095, a previously uncharacterized protein encountered only in Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, a protein secreted by the TTSS, HpaB and the C-terminal domain HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 and HrpW; 4) HrpB2 and HrcU; 5) Homotropic interactions were also identified for the ATPase HrcN. Xac contains two virB gene clusters, one on the chromosome and one on the pXAC64 plasmid, each of which codes for a unique and previously uncharacterized TFSS. Components of the TFSS of pXAC64, which is most similar to conjugation systems, showed interactions involving proteins coded by the same locus: 1) Homotropic interactions of TrwA; 2) XACb0032 and XACb0033; 3) XAC0035 homotropic interactions; 4) VirB1 and VirB9; 5) XACb0042 and VirB6; 6) XACb0043 and XACb0021 b. Components of the chromosomal TFSS exhibited interactions involving: 1) VirD4 and a group of 12 uncharacterized proteins with a common C-terminal domain motif, include XAC2609 whose gene resides within the vir locus; 2) XAC2609 and XAC261 O; 3) Homotropic interactions of VirB11; 4) XAC2622 and VirB9. Analysis of Quorum Sensing/Rpf System components revealed interactions between the principal Rpf proteins which control Xanthomonas quorum sensing: 1) RpfC and RpfF; 2) RpfC and RpfG; 3) RpfF homotropic interactions; 4) RpfC and CmfA, a protein that presents similarity with Cmf (conditioned medium factor) of Dictyostelium discoideum, which contrais quorum sensing in this organism. The protein-protein interactions that we have detected reveal insights into the composition, organization and regulation of these important mechanisms involved in Xanthomonas pathogenicity.

Identification of novel ligands of WDR47, using yeast two-hybrid analysis

McGillewie, L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Biomedical Sciences. Molecular Biology and Human Genetics. Medical Biochemistry))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The mammalian neocortex contributes to the increasing functional complexity of the mammalian brain, partly because of its striking organisation into distinct neuronal layers. The development of the neocortex has been well studied because disrupted neurodevelopment results in several human diseases. The basic principles of neocortical development have been well established for some time; however the molecular mechanisms have only recently been identified. One major advance in our understanding of these molecular mechanisms was the discovery of Reelin, an extracellular matrix protein that directs the migration of neurons to their final positions in the developing neocortex. Reelin is a large multi-domain protein that exerts its functions by binding to its ligands on the cell surface and initiating a signal transduction cascade that ultimately results in cytoskeletal rearrangements. Several investigations have been undertaken to elucidate the functions of each of these domains to gain a better understanding reelin’s functions. We have previously identified the WR40 repeat protein 47 (WDR47), a protein of unknown function, as a novel putative ligand for the N-terminal reeler domain of reelin. To gain better understanding into the functional significance of this interaction, the present study sought to identify novel WDR47- interacting proteins. In order to achieve this, a cDNA encoding a polypeptide that contains the two N-terminal domains of WDR47, i.e. the Lis homology and the C-terminal Lis homology domain (CTLH) was used as bait in a Y2H screen of a foetal brain cDNA library. Putative WDR47 ligands were subsequently verified using 3D in vivo co-localisation. Results of these analyses showed that SCG10, a microtubule destabilizing protein belonging to the stathmin family of proteins, interacted with the N-terminal of WDR47. The identification of SCG10 as a novel WDR47 interacting protein not only sheds some light on the role and function of WDR47 but also aids in a better understanding of the reelin pathway and cortical lamination. Moreover, the data presented here, may also provide researchers with new avenues of research into molecular mechanisms involved in neuronal migration disorders.

Characterization of two domains of Schizosaccharomyces pombe adenylate cyclase

Baum, Kristen Michelle January 2005 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Charles S. Hoffman / Glucose detection in yeast occurs via a cAMP signaling pathway that is similar to that of other signaling pathways in humans. The presence of glucose in the environment ultimately represses, as a result of cAMP signaling, the transcription of the gene fbp1. Adenylate cyclase is known to convert ATP to cAMP, and is thus a central protein in the propagation of the signal. Mutant forms of the adenylate cyclase gene (git2) have been found by the inability for the organism to repress fbp1 transcription in the presence of glucose. In this study, two questions were under investigation. The first was focused on the ability of the mutations to affect the dimerization of the catalytic domain. The second investigated multiple protein-protein interactions in the leucine rich-repeat (LRR) domain of adenylate cyclase. Both domains contain mutations that confer an activation defect, and they are thus are thought to have a relationship. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2005. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Biology. / Discipline: College Honors Program.

Estudos das interações da septina 4 humana / Study of Human Septin 4 interactions

Silva, Nayara Cavalcante 09 September 2009 (has links)
Septinas são proteínas ligantes a GTP encontradas desde fungos até metazoários. A primeira função identificada para septinas foi o seu papel central na organização e dinâmica do septo de divisão de leveduras. Uma das características marcantes é que septinas se organizam em heterofilamentos de 7 a 9 nm de espessura que foram purificados de diversos organismos tais como Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila e cérebro de camundongos. Hoje se sabe que septinas não estão envolvidas apenas nos processos de divisão celular, mas em uma variedade de processos como tráfico de vesículas, exocitose, interação com proteínas do citoesqueleto e com a membrana plasmática, o que resulta em alterações da morfologia celular. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos estudos da septina 4 humana (SEPT4) nos quais foi realizado a expressão e purificação da SEPT4 pelo uso do sistema de expressão heteróloga em E. coli e em células de insetos (Sf-9) via baculovírus. A tentativa de expressão usando o vetor pETTEV em E.coli não obteve sucesso, pois a proteína não foi expressa na forma solúvel. A construção do baculovírus recombinante AcSept4 e expressão da SEPT4 nas células de insetos foi realizada com êxito, mas o processo de purificação não foi satisfatório. Com o intuito de obter informações sobre possíveis proteínas que interagem com a SEPT4 e conseqüentemente sobre as funções desempenhadas por ela na célula, a SEPT4 foi utilizada como isca para ensaios de interação proteína-proteína pela técnica de duplo híbrido. Para isso, o gene da SEPT4 foi clonado fusionado ao domínio de ligação ao DNA Lex-A. A realização do ensaio de duplo híbrido com a proteína completa não foi possível, pois a mesma provocou a auto ativação do sistema, por isso uma nova construção foi realizada com a região GTPase e C-terminal SEPT4GC (124-478) como isca. Dentre as interações identificadas, foram encontradas apenas septinas do grupo II (SEPT6, SEPT8, SEPT10 e SEPT11) e quatro novas interações, que ainda precisam ser confirmadas. Por outro lado, uma interação já descrita na literatura envolve a proteína &#945-sinucleína, que é uma proteína abundantemente expressa no cérebro e associada à doença de Parkinson. O foco do estudo dessa interação foi realizar ensaios com os diferentes domínios da SEPT4 para comprovar uma interação direta e com isso tentar mapear o sítio de interação com a &#945-sinucleína. Os resultados obtidos pela ressonância plasmônica de superfície (SPR) indicam que o domínio C-terminal participa da interação com baixa afinidade (K,D=390 &#181M) e sugerem que o domínio GTPase também pode estar envolvido. Já os dados obtidos com os experimentos de RMN e anisotropia de fluorescência mostram indícios que a interação é dependente da conformação da &#945-sinucleína por que a interação aconteceria com maior afinidade quando a &#945-sinucleína está na presença de SDS. / Septins are a family of GTP binding proteins found in a great diversity of organisms. These proteins have been identified as having a central role in septum organization during yeast division. Septins are organized into heterofilaments which are 7 to 9 nm wide and these have been purified from yeast, Drosophila and mice brain. Septins are not only required for cell division, but seem to play a role also in vesicle trafficking and in the formation of diffusion barriers within cells, since they interact with cytoskeleton proteins and the plasma membrane causing changes in cell morphology. In the present work, the aim was investigate human Septin 4 (SEPT4), a septin highly expressed in the brain. One objective of this work was to find a suitable expression system and purification method for SEPT4. The protein was expressed in both E.coli and insect cells (Sf-9). Expression in E. coli with the vector pETTEV was unsuccessful because the protein was insoluble. Expression in insect cells using the recombinant baculovirus AcSept4, was obtained successfully, but the purification was difficult. Important information concerning SEPT4 function might be acquired, if interactions partners involved in cellular process were identified. With this goal in mind, a yeast two hybrid assays were performed. The sept4 gene was fused to the Lex-A DNA binding domain and used as bait in the yeast two hybrid essays. However, full length SEPT4 showed autonomous activation of reporter genes. A second construct was prepared including only GTPase domain and the carboxy terminus domain, (residues 124 to 478) and the screen of interactions were carried out only with SEPT4GC. All of the group II septins (SEPT6, SEPT8, SEPT10 and SEPT11) were identified together with four new interactions. The latter still need be confirmed. In addition, another interaction already described in the literature is between SEPT4 and &#945-synuclein, which is a protein highly expressed in brain and related to Parkinson\'s disease. Different spectroscopic methods and SPR were used to identify which domain of SEPT4 interacts directly with &#945-synuclein and in which region. The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) results indicate that the carboxy terminus participates in the interaction with low affinity (KD = 390 &#181M) and suggests that the GTPase domain may also be involved. The results obtained by fluorescence anisotropy and NMR studies provide evidence that the interaction is dependent on the &#945-synuclein conformation, because the affinity of SEPT4 and &#945-synuclein seemed to be higher in the presence of SDS.

Mapping SH3 Domain Interactomes

Xin, Xiaofeng 21 April 2010 (has links)
Src homology 3 (SH3) domains are one family of the peptide recognition modules (PRMs), which bind peptides rich in proline or positively charged residues in the target proteins, and play important assembly or regulatory functions in dynamic eukaryotic cellular processes, especially in signal transduction and endocytosis. SH3 domains are conserved from yeast to human, and improper SH3 domain mediated protein-protein interaction (PPI) leads to defects in cellular function and may even result in disease states. Since commonly used large-scale PPI mapping strategies employed full-length proteins or random protein fragments as screening probes and did not identify the particular PPIs mediated by the SH3 domains, I employed a combined experimental and computational strategy to address this problem. I used yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) as my major experimental tool, as well as individual SH3 domains as baits, to map SH3 domain mediated PPI networks, “SH3 domain interactomes”. One of my important contributions has been the improvement for Y2H technology. First, I generated a pair of Y2H host strains that improved the efficiency of high-throughput Y2H screening and validated their usage. These strains were employed in my own research and also were adopted by other researchers in their large-scale PPI network mapping projects. Second, in collaboration with Nicolas Thierry-Mieg, I developed a novel smart-pooling method, Shifted Transversal Design (STD) pooling, and validated its application in large-scale Y2H. STD pooling was proven to be superior among currently available methods for obtaining large-scale PPI maps with higher coverage, high sensitivity and high specificity. I mapped the SH3 domain interactomes for both budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, which contain 27 and 84 SH3 domains, respectively. Comparison of these two SH3 interactomes revealed that the role of the SH3 domain is conserved at a functional but not a structural level, playing a major role in the assembly of an endocytosis network from yeast to worm. Moreover, the worm SH3 domains are additionally involved in metazoan-specific functions such as neurogenesis and vulval development. These results provide valuable insights for our understanding of two important evolutionary processes from single cellular eukaryotes to animals: the functional expansion of the SH3 domains into new cellular modules, as well as the conservation and evolution of some cellular modules at the molecular level, particularly the endocytosis module.

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