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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestion de la relève verticale dans les réseaux mobiles hétérogènes

Tantani, Youness 16 April 2018 (has links)
Le développement et la prolifération des réseaux sans fil a contribué à l’évolution de notre quotidien. Toute cette multitude de technologies sans fil existantes permet, malgré sa complexité, d’offrir aux utilisateurs des services diversifiés, voix et données, de la manière la plus convenable, tout en permettant l’ubiquité des services dans une optique ABC (Always Best Connected). Ces réseaux utilisent des technologies différentes, mais en même temps, offrent des caractéristiques complémentaires. Ainsi, ce point s’avère attrayant dans la mesure où nous pourrons bénéficier des avantages de chacune des technologies en les interconnectant toutes afin de former un large réseau hétérogène. La mobilité, ou plus particulièrement la relève, que nous nous proposons d’étudier dans ce mémoire s’impose comme axe de recherche intéressant, et encore plus complexe dans un environnement hétérogène. Dans ce mémoire, deux architectures interconnectant un réseau UMTS et un autre Wimax ont été présentées. Plus précisément, nous avons mis l’emphase sur la procédure de relève verticale lors du passage de l’utilisateur d’un réseau Wimax à un réseau UMTS. Chacune des deux architectures utilise un protocole pour la gestion de la mobilité, en l’occurrence le MIP (Mobile Internet Protocol) et le SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). Afin d’évaluer les deux procédures, nous nous sommes donnés deux indicateurs, notamment le coût de signalisation et la durée de la procédure de relève verticale. Pour ce faire, nous avons spécifié un diagramme d’échanges des messages de signalisation propre à chacun des scénarios, un basé sur le MIP et l’autre basé sur le SIP. Ensuite, nous avons établi des expressions pour chacun des deux indicateurs précédemment cités qui ont été implémentées sous MATLAB. Les résultats démontrent que, généralement, le scénario de relève verticale basé sur le MIP présente une durée et un coût de signalisation moins élevé que celui basé sur le protocole SIP. / The development and proliferation of wireless networks has contributed to the evolution of our daily lives. Mobile users can move between heterogeneous networks, using terminals with multiple access interfaces. Thus, the most important issue in such environment is the Always Best Connected (ABC) concept allowing the best connectivity to applications anywhere at anytime. To answer ABC requirement, various vertical handover decision strategies have been proposed using advanced tools and proven concepts. In this paper, two architectures interconnecting a UMTS network and another Wimax have been presented. Each architecture uses a protocol for mobility management, namely MIP and SIP. To evaluate the two procedures, we are given two indicators, the signaling cost and the vertical handover delay. To evaluate our scenarios, we have established a specified signaling messages flow diagram specific to each scenario, one based on the MIP and the other based on the SIP. Then, we have given expressions for each of the two indicators mentioned above that we have implemented in MATLAB. The results show that, generally, the scenario based on MIP has lower signaling cost and delay than the scenario based on SIP.

Um estudo do aumento da capacidade de sistemas 3g WCDMA usando t?cnicas 3.5G de expans?o do enlace reverso

Rodrigues, Eduardo Jorge Brito 16 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoJB.pdf: 1367282 bytes, checksum: 6b7509a3a7d719223deb44d539d92c51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The introduction of new digital services in the cellular networks, in transmission rates each time more raised, has stimulated recent research that comes studying ways to increase the data communication capacity and to reduce the delays in forward and reverse links of third generation WCDMA systems. These studies have resulted in new standards, known as 3.5G, published by 3GPP group, for the evolution of the third generation of the cellular systems. In this Masters Thesis the performance of a 3G WCDMA system, with diverse base stations and thousand of users is developed with assists of the planning tool NPSW. Moreover the performance of the 3.5G techniques hybrid automatic retransmission and multi-user detection with interference cancellation, candidates for enhance the WCDMA uplink capacity, is verified by means of computational simulations in Matlab of the increase of the data communication capacity and the reduction of the delays in the retransmission of packages of information / A introdu??o de novos servi?os digitais nas redes celulares, em taxas de transmiss?o cada vez mais elevadas, tem impulsionado recentes pesquisas que v?m estudando maneiras de aumentar a capacidade de transmiss?o de dados e diminuir os atrasos nos enlaces direto e reverso de sistemas de terceira gera??o WCDMA. Esses estudos t?m resultado em novos padr?es, chamados de 3.5G, publicados pelo grupo 3GPP, para a evolu??o da terceira gera??o dos sistemas celulares. Nesta disserta??o de mestrado o desempenho de um sistema de 3G WCDMA, com diversas esta??es base e milhares de usu?rios ? analisado com aux?lio da ferramenta de projetos NPSW. Al?m disso a performance das t?cnicas de 3.5G redu??o do tamanho do quadro de transmiss?o, retransmiss?o autom?tica h?brida e detec??o multi-usu?rio com cancelamento de interfer?ncias, candidatas para amplia??o do uplink de redes WCDMA, ? verificada por meio de simula??es computacionais, na linguagem Matlab, do aumento da capacidade de transmiss?o de dados e da diminui??o dos atrasos na retransmiss?o de pacotes de informa??o. Palavras-Chave: WCDMA, UMTS, capacidade de transmiss?o, t?cnicas de 3.5G EUL, redu??o do quadro de transmiss?o, retransmiss?o autom?tica h?brida, detec??o multi-usu?rio, cancelamento de interfer?ncias

Load balancing in heterogeneous wireless communications networks : optimized load aware vertical handovers in satellite-terrestrial hybrid networks incorporating IEEE 802.21 media independent handover and cognitive algorithms

Ali, Muhammad January 2012 (has links)
Heterogeneous wireless networking technologies such as satellite, UMTS, WiMax and WLAN are being used to provide network access for both voice and data services. In big cities, the densely populated areas like town centres, shopping centres and train stations may have coverage of multiple wireless networks. Traditional Radio Access Technology (RAT) selection algorithms are mainly based on the 'Always Best Connected' paradigm whereby the mobile nodes are always directed towards the available network which has the strongest and fastest link. Hence a large number of mobile users may be connected to the more common UMTS while the other networks like WiMax and WLAN would be underutilised, thereby creating an unbalanced load across these different wireless networks. This high variation among the load across different co-located networks may cause congestion on overloaded network leading to high call blocking and call dropping probabilities. This can be alleviated by moving mobile users from heavily loaded networks to least loaded networks. This thesis presents a novel framework for load balancing in heterogeneous wireless networks incorporating the IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover (MIH). The framework comprises of novel load-aware RAT selection techniques and novel network load balancing mechanism. Three new different load balancing algorithms i.e. baseline, fuzzy and neural-fuzzy algorithms have also been presented in this thesis that are used by the framework for efficient load balancing across the different co-located wireless networks. A simulation model developed in NS2 validates the performance of the proposed load balancing framework. Different attributes like load distribution in all wireless networks, handover latencies, packet drops, throughput at mobile nodes and network utilization have been observed to evaluate the effects of load balancing using different scenarios. The simulation results indicate that with load balancing the performance efficiency improves as the overloaded situation is avoided by load balancing.

Qualité de Service et Performances des Protocoles de Transport dans l'UTRAN

Makké, Rani 03 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Le 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) a choisi, dans sa Release 99, le protocole AAL2/ATM pour le transport des données sur les interfaces Iub et Iur du réseau d'accès de l'UMTS, nommé UTRAN (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network). L'AAL-2 (ATM Adaptation Layer - Type 2) est une couche d'adaptation au-dessus de la couche ATM. L'AAL2 consiste à agréger plusieurs paquets de différents flux dans une même cellule ATM pour réduire le temps de remplissage surtout pour les applications temps-réel à bas débit. Les études menées sur l'AAL2 pour évaluer ses performances ne sont pas nombreuses, surtout dans le contexte de l'UTRAN où les contraintes temporelles sont strictes à cause des mécanismes de synchronisation des canaux de transport radio. Le lien entre le Node B et le RNC, où le protocole AAL2 est déployé, ne doit pas constituer le goulot d'étranglement (Bottleneck) pour les flux transportés. Le protocole AAL2 doit être bien étudié pour évaluer ses performances et ses capacités pour le transport des canaux radio. <br />L'AAL2 constitue un véritable protocole de transport qui se superpose au protocole de transport ATM. Or, dans les normes de l'AAL2, aucune notion de qualité de service (QoS) n'était définie pendant notre étude. En plus, les études faites étaient insuffisantes pour définir un modèle complet de la QoS dans l'AAL2. Nous avons alors contribué pour définir des classes de QoS au niveau AAL2, des paramètres de QoS, des capacités de transfert (AAL2-TC) ainsi que des critères de performance. Ensuite, nous proposons des schémas d'association (mapping) entre les différentes classes de service de l'UMTS et les classes de l'AAL2 d'une part et entre les classes de l'AAL2 et les classes de l'ATM d'autre part. Un schéma de partage de la bande passante entre les différentes classes est proposé ainsi qu'un schéma de contrôle d'admission des connexions AAL2. Dans le cas où plusieurs types de trafic seraient agrégés dans le même VC ATM, un mécanisme d'ordonnancement au niveau AAL2 est nécessaire pour pouvoir différencier entre les classes de services. Plusieurs algorithmes d'ordonnancement sont proposés au niveau de l'AAL2 et une comparaison entre ces mécanismes est réalisée dans plusieurs contextes pour évaluer les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque algorithme. Nous proposons un nouvel algorithme dynamique appelé DyWRR qui s'adapte avec le changement du trafic. Nous étudions aussi un paramètre important relatif au protocole AAL2 qui est le Timer-CU (Timer - Combined Use). Ce paramètre de temporisation a une influence sur le délai des paquets et sur le taux d'utilisation de la bande passante. Une étude fine et détaillée de ce paramètre est réalisée pour obtenir des résultats sur sa valeur optimale. Le choix de l'ATC (ATM Transfer Capability) pour le transport des connexions AAL2 fait une partie de notre étude. Le DBR et le SBR sont deux ATC proposées et une comparaison entre ces deux solutions est analysée. Quand on parle de l'AAL2 comme un protocole de transport, l'idée de la commutation AAL2 ne sera plus exclue. Au lieu de commuter les cellules ATM, on peut commuter les paquets AAL2 pour qu'on puisse séparer les connexions AAL2 dans un nud donné du réseau. La commutation AAL2 présente des avantages mais également des inconvénients que nous traitons dans cette thèse.<br />Les résultats de létude sur lAAL2 faite dans le cadre de cette thèse ont été utilisés pour une contribution à la normalisation au sein de lITU-T (International Telecommunication Union -Telecommunication standardization sector). Ces travaux de normalisation ont abouti à une nouvelle norme appelée ITU-T I.378 qui traite la problématique de la qualité de service et du contrôle de trafic au niveau de lAAL2.<br />Dans la Release 5 du 3GPP, l'IP est introduit comme protocole de transport sur les interfaces Iub et Iur dans une optique de réaliser des réseaux "tout-IP". Ce protocole, dans sa version simple, ne peut pas garantir une qualité de service parce qu'il ne fournit qu'une seule classe de service pour tous les flux, la classe du meilleur effort (Best Effort). Des mécanismes de différenciation des services sont alors nécessaires comme DiffServ ou IntServ dans le contexte de l'UTRAN. Plusieurs architectures pour le transport en IP sur l'interface Iub sont présentées. D'ailleurs, ces solutions en IP introduisent une charge supplémentaire à cause de la longueur des en-têtes. Sachant que les opérateurs des télécommunications s'intéressent à l'optimisation de la bande passante sur les liens appelés Last Mile Link, une étude est alors réalisée dans cette thèse pour évaluer les performances des solutions en IP dans l'UTRAN.

Real Time Positioning; Construction and implementation of a GPS-Communicator. / Realtidspositionering; Utveckling av en GPS-kommunikator.

Darnell, Christian, Wilczoch, Christian January 2002 (has links)
The first half of the Masters thesis is the result of a survey made on the behalf of the Swedish company KORDAB International AB. The survey includes an overview of different positioning systems and some wireless communication techniques available on the market today. Positioning systems discussed are GPS, DGPS, AGPS and GSM positioning. Mobile Internet connections through mobile phones and communication through radio modems are mentioned and described as examples of wireless communication techniques. Examples of techniques described are HSCSD, GPRS, UMTS and MOBITEX. KORDAB is in the starting blocks to implement a real time positioning feature into their own technical information system GEOSECMA. This survey will give them a base which will help them to decide on which system to use for this feature. The second half of the thesis includes parts concerning a prototype made to exemplify how KORDAB could implement the real time positioning feature into GEOSECMA. The NMEA 0183 protocol, reference systems and transformation are described to give the necessary background knowledge for the construction and functionality of the prototype. The prototype is a GPS-communicator made as an interface between a GPS-receiver and GEOSECMA and its functionality is also described in this second half of the thesis. Feasible applications are also discussed to show the possibilities real time positioning gives. One application discussed is “Zoom and Auto highlighting”. This application is designed to help user of GEOSECMA to zoom in the map and highlighting the nearest object at current location.

Real Time Positioning; Construction and implementation of a GPS-Communicator. / Realtidspositionering; Utveckling av en GPS-kommunikator.

Darnell, Christian, Wilczoch, Christian January 2002 (has links)
<p>The first half of the Masters thesis is the result of a survey made on the behalf of the Swedish company KORDAB International AB. The survey includes an overview of different positioning systems and some wireless communication techniques available on the market today. Positioning systems discussed are GPS, DGPS, AGPS and GSM positioning. Mobile Internet connections through mobile phones and communication through radio modems are mentioned and described as examples of wireless communication techniques. Examples of techniques described are HSCSD, GPRS, UMTS and MOBITEX. KORDAB is in the starting blocks to implement a real time positioning feature into their own technical information system GEOSECMA. This survey will give them a base which will help them to decide on which system to use for this feature. </p><p>The second half of the thesis includes parts concerning a prototype made to exemplify how KORDAB could implement the real time positioning feature into GEOSECMA. The NMEA 0183 protocol, reference systems and transformation are described to give the necessary background knowledge for the construction and functionality of the prototype. The prototype is a GPS-communicator made as an interface between a GPS-receiver and GEOSECMA and its functionality is also described in this second half of the thesis. Feasible applications are also discussed to show the possibilities real time positioning gives. One application discussed is “Zoom and Auto highlighting”. This application is designed to help user of GEOSECMA to zoom in the map and highlighting the nearest object at current location.</p>

APSEN Analysis for Beyond 3G Wireless Networks / APSEN Analysis for Beyond 3G Wireless Networks

The beyond 3G official IEEE name for next generation of wireless technology, some people also called it as 4G (fourth-generation) mobile communication systems. Beyond 3G will be used largely to contain not only cellular telephone systems but also several types of broadband wireless access communication systems, have been attracting much interest in the mobile communication field. A new age has begun for telecommunication industry. Over the past decade wireless industry has grown at a remarkable pace, consequently level of technology development goes beyond the level of customer desire. Application flexibility and being highly dynamic will be the main features of beyond 3G services of interest to users. Being there all these emerging technologies in one cellular network has opened the work of designing and optimization of the networks to be viewed from a different perspective. APSEN analysis for Beyond 3G wireless networks has been discussed. “AP” stands for application layer, analysis of services and applications. “SE” stands for session layer, analysis of session management protocol and “N” for network layer, analysis for network protocols. The main purpose of our research is to focus on the challenges offered at APSEN for beyond 3G wireless network. There are a lot of research challenges in each of the different layers but focus will be on APSEN. The objective is to take a look at and familiarize with some of the major challenges offered at APSEN for beyond 3G wireless network. Qualitative approach has been used which will help us to collect wide range of information and enhance our knowledge by analyzing the perspectives of different researchers.

Měření kvality a dostupnosti GSM sítě / Quality and accessability measurement of GSM network

Vondra, Marek January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is specialized on a possibility of measuring qualities and availability of a cellular radio system and also on evaluation qualities, fruitfulness interface, permeability etc. It includes short description of a basic mobile technology. Further analysis of the possibility of measuring the mobile network and how implement the measure. It also includes a draft program for measuring and evaluation of the GSM network with help several tests by a mobile phone connected through the Bluetooth.

Měření a modelování pokrytí bezdrátových sítí / Measurement and Modeling of Wireless Network Coverage

Julínek, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes mobile communication systems GSM and UMTS including the operating principle of these systems. It also deals with the GPS issues and the determination of the location by this system. The signal path losses issues between the transmitter and receiver are also described. The focus is also put on Telit UC864-G model and the measurement system, operated by the created programme with the graphic user interface, which measures parameters of the cellular network according to entered input parameters and saves the measured values into the file. The part of the diploma thesis describes another created programme with the graphic user interface displaying the measured network parameters in map data with the possibility to compare the distribution of the measured signal value in both outdoor and indoor environment and the theoretical value set by the propagation models.

A 3G Convergence Strategy for Mobile Business Middleware Solutions : Applications and Implications

Hacklin, Fredrik August January 2001 (has links)
Mobile business solutions are one of the most attractive market segments of mobile information services. The third generation of mobile communication systems (3G) will be a significant step forward in the convergence of telecommunications and datacommunications industries. More specifically, the convergence of mobile technologies and the Internet allows compelling possibilities for future applications and solutions. However, most current mobile businesses and mobile application and solution providers are rather contributing to the process of convergence; many current ideas and solutions are based on the restrictions of existing mobile networks combined with Internet-based services. In the future, when mobile networks and the Internet have merged, it will no longer be possible to create revenue with these types of solutions. One concrete solution is the mobile middleware concept, bridging the mobile technologies and Internet world. This Master’s thesis studies the middleware concept for providing business applications in the light of 3G, making strategic recommendations to a provider of these kinds of services. A comprehensive discussion about the developments after 3G is introduced. Alternative solutions are presented and some strategic implications are introduced. The implications are motivated by an industry survey, carried out within this project. The topic of over-the-air data synchronization is discussed as an example for interim middleware. Mobile computing file system issues are seen as an interesting opportunity for business applications. The possibility of remote desktop screen access is studied, and measurements proving its feasability for hosted wireless application service provision are made. Emerging mobile Java technologies are discussed as an efficient platform for providing ubiquitous, device independent end-to-end solutions. As one of the recommended strategies, this thesis introduces the concept of hybrid thickness client applications as a feasible solution for migrating from current middleware solutions to an (uncertain) future of native, thick terminal applications, within a scope of two years. Based on this concept, a prototype for a 3G smartphone application was developed as an example. A set of possible strategic scenarios is presented and discussed. This thesis also discusses operator differentiation and business solutions in an all-IP based world. 3G networks and handset devices will introduce a large number of new applications and business opportunities, but such a change will also introduce new challenges and risks. The migration challenge is being illustrated in the case of Smartner, a mobile middleware solution provider focusing on business applications. As shown by this case, compared to current enabling solutions, a major shift in technologies is seen as needed, in order to maintain long-term success. / Mobila affärssystem bildar ett av de mest attraktiva marknadssegment inom mobila informationstjänster. Den tredje generationens mobila kommunikationssytem (3G) kommer att bli ett viktigt steg fram mot konvergensen mellan telekommunikationsoch datakommunikationsindustrin. Särskilt konvergensen som äger rum mellan mobila teknologier och Internet erbjuder utmanande möjligheter för framtida applikationer och lösningar. De flesta nuvarande företag och tjänster inom mobilbranschen kan dock snarast betraktas som ett bidrag till denna konvergens. Många av de nuvarande idéerna och lösningarna är nämligen baserade på avgränsningar och problem som uppstår vid kombination av mobila system med Internet-baserade tjänster. I framtiden, när mobila nät har vuxit ihop med Internet till en symbios, kommer det inte längre att vara möjligt att förtjäna på detta slag av lösningar. En konkret lösning är det mobila middleware-konceptet, som bildar en logisk koppling mellan mobila teknologier och Internet-världen. Detta examensarbete studerar middleware-konceptet från en 3G-orienterad synvinkel och framför strategiska råd för företag som erbjuder detta slag av tjänster. En detaljerad diskussion om utvecklingen efter 3G presenteras. Arbetet lägger fram alternativa lösningar och strategiska implikationer deriveras. Implikationerna är motiverade bl.a. av en intervjuunders ökning som utfördes i samband med detta arbete. Temat trådlös datasynkronisering diskuteras som ett exempel för provisorisk middleware. Mobila filsystem införs som en intressant möjlighet för affärsapplikationer. Diverse möjligheter för fjärrkontroll av en arbetsplatsstation studeras och mätningar bevisar deras genomförbarhet för trådlösa applikationstjänster. Framträdande mobila Java-teknologier analyseras och presenteras som ett efficient underlag för plattformoberoende end-to-end-lösningaröver lag. En av de rekommenderade strategierna är baserad på det hybrida klientkonceptet, vilket presenteras som en realistisk lösning förövergången från nuvarande middleware-system till en (osäker) framtid av nativa, tjocka terminalapplikationer. Den strategiska horisonten för detta är två år. Utgående från detta koncept utvecklades en prototyp som exempel för en sådan applikation. Arbetet definerar och diskuterar dessutom diverse strategiska scenarier. Slutligen nämns problematiken om operatörernas framtida differentieringsmöjligheter och rollen av affärssystem i en fullständigt IP-baserad värld. 3G nät och terminaler kommer att skapa ett stort antal nya användningar och affärsmöjligheter, men ändringen kommer också att medföra nya utmaningar och risker. Detta illustreras med hjälp av företaget Smartner som exempel för en leverant ör av mobila middleware-lösningar för affärsanvändningar. Som demonstrerat i detta fall, anses i jämförelse med nuvarande applikationslösningar en signifikant teknologisk reorientering vara nödvändig, för att bevara ett långvarigt perspektiv. / Langattomat yrityssovellukset ovat nykyään yksi kiinnostavimmista mobiilimarkkinoiden segmenteistä. Kolmannen sukupolven (3G) mobiilit viestintäjärjestelmät tulevat olemaan merkittävä askel kohti telekommunikaatioja dataliikennealojen yhdistymist ä (ns. konvergenssia). Itse asiassa mobiiliteknologian ja Internetin lähentyminen mahdollistaa entistä hyödyllisempien mobiilisovellusten ja -ratkaisuiden rakentamisen tulevaisuudessa. Tällä hetkellä useat mobiiliyritykset ja mobiilisovellusten tuottajat ovat kuitenkin osana tätä yhdistymisprosessia. Monet nykyiset ideat ja ratkaisut ottavat nimittäin lähtökohdakseen rajoitukset, joita nykyiset tietoliikenneverkot asettavat yhdistyessään Internet-pohjaisiin palveluihin. Tulevaisuudessa, kun mobiiliverkot ja Internet ovat yhdistyneet, ei ole enää mahdollista ansaita rahaa tällaisten perinteisten ratkaisuiden avulla. Yksi konkreettinen ratkaisumalli perustuu mobile middleware -käsitteeseen, joka liittää yhteen mobiiliteknologian ja Internetin. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan middleware- käsitettä yrityssovellusten tarjoamisessa erityisesti 3G-verkoissa, ja työssä esitellään strategisia suosituksia näiden sovelluspalveluiden tarjoajille. Työssä käyd ään perusteellisesti läpi kolmannen sukupolven jälkeistä kehitystä. Vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja esitellään, ja joitakin strategisia vaikutuksia tuodaan myös esille. Vaikutuksia perustellaan tuloksilla, joita tämän projektin osana tehty kysely paljasti. Tiedon langatonta synkronisointia tarkastellaan esimerkkinä tilapäisestä middlewaresta. Mobiileihin tiedostojärjestelmiin liittyvät asiat nähdään mielenkiintoisena mahdollisuutena yrityssovelluksille. Toimistojärjestelmien etäkäyttömahdollisuuksia on tutkittu ja niiden sopivuutta langattomaan sovellustarjontaan on mitattu. Kehittyviä mobiileja Java-teknologioita pidetään tehokkaana alustana, jonka avulla voidaan tarjota kaikkialla saatavilla olevia, päätelaiteriippumattomia ratkaisuja loppuasiakkaille. Yhtenä suositelluista strategioista tämä diplomityö esittelee yksinkertaisen päätelaitesovellusmallin, jonka avulla nykyisistä middleware-ratkaisuista voidaan siirtyä tulevaisuuden kehittyneempiin päätelaiteratkaisuihin kahden vuoden sisällä. Tähän konseptiin perustuen työssä on kehitetty esimerkki 3G-älypuhelimen sovelluksesta. Lisäksi esitellään ja arvioidaan mahdollisia strategisia skenaariovaihtoehtoja. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee myös operaattoreiden differointimahdollisuuksia ja yrityssovelluksia täysin IP-pohjaisissa verkoissa. 3G-verkot ja -päätelaitteet tuovat mukanaan laajan valikoiman uusia sovelluksia ja liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia, mutta tämä muutos merkitsee myös uusia haasteita ja riskejä. Tätä haastetta kuvataan tutkimuksen esimerkkiyrityksen Smartnerin tapauksessa, joka on yrityssovelluksiin fokusoitunut mobiilien middleware-ratkaisuiden tarjoaja. Tutkimus tuo esille, miten Smartnerin nykyiset sovellukset huomioon ottaen tarvitaan valtava teknologinen suunnanmuutos pitkäaikaisen perspektiivin säilyttämiseksi.

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