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Performance Comparison of Selective Rake Receivers with CLEAN Algorithms in UWB SystemsYang, Siang-Yu 26 July 2006 (has links)
The Ultra-Wideband (UWB) channel is a dense multipath channel. The system performance and design complexity issues of selective-Rake receiver (SRake) are studied. Rake receiver has difficulties achieving desired system performance in the dense multipath environment. The main ideas of SRake receiver are to obtain the SNR level on known multipath channel and determine the desired number of Rake fingers. In the implementation of the SRake, the CLEAN algorithm is used in selecting the paths with relatively high energy. We can improve the performance of SRake receiver by increasing the accuracy of path selection. By the property of local maximum peak within the smaller partition, Two-Stage CLEAN algorithm acquires the more accurate delay time of multipath. In order to mitigate the sidelobe effect and noise interference, the key assumption in the Deng¡¦s Modified CLEAN algorithm is that using average amplitude around the considered data change as the criterion to determine if the data value is a true path. In this thesis, we investigate CLEAN, Two-Stage CLEAN and Deng¡¦s Modified CLEAN algorithm in three different systems including UWB-Impulse Radio, Pulse Radar and DS-UWB. From the performance comparison, it can be seen that the Two-Stage CLEAN algorithm that has the highest accuracy of path selection in UWB system.
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Μελέτη και υλοποίηση τεχνικής ισοστάθμισης για UWB σύστημα με διαμόρφωση PPMΤζένος, Δημήτριος 27 February 2009 (has links)
Οι τεχνικές ασύρματης μετάδοσης Ultra Wide Band (UWB) είναι γνωστές εδώ
και αρκετές δεκαετίες. Το ϐασικό χαρακτηριστικό των συγκεκριμένων συστη-
μάτων είναι η εκπομπή και λήψη σήματος που εκτείνεται σε πολύ μεγάλο
εύρος συχνοτήτων. Τα τελευταία χρόνια παρατηρείται διαρκώς αυξανόμενο
ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον γύρω από την περιοχή των τηλεπικοινωνιακών συ-
στημάτων που χρησιμοποιούν UWB τεχνικές μετάδοσης, κυρίως λόγω της
μεγάλης εφαρμοσιμότητάς της. Στις τηλεπικοινωνιακές εφαρμογές, η χρήση
της τεχνικής UWB μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε αύξηση των ταχυτήτων ασύρματης
μετάδοσης, λόγω της δυνατότητας εκπομπής μεγάλου αριθμού παλμών σε
πολύ μικρό χρονικό διάστημα. Σε εφαρμογές εντοπισμού, το UWB μπορεί
να ωθήσει προς την αύξηση της διακριτικής τους ικανότητας. Επίσης, κατάλ-
ληλα UWB σήματα μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν όπου υπάρχει ανάγκη για
υψηλή διεισδυτικότητα μέσα από εμπόδια.
Ο πιο απλός τρόπος μετάδοσης σήματος τέτοιου είδους είναι η εκπομ-
πή εξαιρετικά σύντομων παλμών. Ο τρόπος με τον οποίο τα μεταδιδόμενα
σύμβολα διαμορφώνουν αυτούς τους παλμούς ποικίλλει. Οι πρώτες UWB
εφαρμογές χρησιμοποιούσαν σχεδόν αποκλειστικά την τεχνική Dιαμόρφωσης
Θέσης Παλμού (Pulse Position Modulation PPM)
γιατί η αντιστροφή πολύ
σύντομων παλμών ήταν δύσκολο να υλοποιηθεί. Με αυτή την τεχνική, το
κάθε μεταδιδόμενο σύμβολο καθορίζει τη ϑέση του παλμού στο πεδίο του
χρόνου. Αργότερα, άρχισαν να χρησιμοποιούνται και τεχνικές Dιαμόρφωσης
Πλάτους Παλμού (Pulse Amplitude Modulation PAM).
Wστόσο, ένα μεγάλο
πλεονέκτημα της μεθόδου PPM είναι οι μειωμένες απαιτήσεις της σε ισχύ,
γιατί μεταδίδονται πολύ σύντομοι παλμοί ακολουθούμενοι από σχετικά με-
γάλες περιόδους «σιωπής». Η ιδιότητα αυτή, καθιστά τη μέθοδο διαμόρφωσης
PPM ιδιαίτερα ελκυστική σε εφαρμογές που απαιτούν χαμηλή κατανάλωση ισχύος.
Σε αυτή την εργασία μελετούμε τη δομή ενός συστήματος μετάδοσης δε-
δομένων Ultra Wide Band το οποίο χρησιμοποιεί τη μέθοδο διαμόρφωσης
PPM. Η συμπεριφορά ενός τέτοιου συστήματος κατά τη μετάδοση μέσα από
διάφορα κανάλια παρουσία ϑορύβου εξετάζεται μέσω εξομοίωσης. Είναι γνω-
στό ότι τα συστήματα αυτά πλήττονται τόσο από το ϑόρυβο που εισάγεται λό-
γω της μετάδοσης, διασυμβολική παρεμβολή, αλλά και παρεμβολή ανάμεσα
στους πολλαπλούς χρήστες. Επίσης, οι περιορισμοί που ορίστηκαν στις ΗΠΑ
για την μεταδιδόμενη ισχύ ανά συχνότητα των εμπορικών UWB εφαρμογών,
οι οποίοι αναμένεται να υιοθετηθούν και στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο, αποτελούν
ένα επιπλέον ϑέμα που επηρεάζει την επίτευξη υψηλών ϱυθμών μετάδοσης
δεδομένων. Μια λύση είναι η χρήση τεχνικών ισοστάθμισης ή, ισοδύναμα,
μεθόδων εκτίμησης του καναλιού που λειτουργούν στο δέκτη. Αν και οι
κλασικές τεχνικές ισοστάθμισης ή εκτίμησης καναλιού μπορούν να εφαρμο-
στούν με μικρές τροποποιήσεις και σε UWB σήματα διαμορφωμένα με PPM,
ένα ϐασικό εμπόδιο είναι τόσο το μεγάλο πλήθος παραμέτρων που πρέπει να
εκτιμηθούν (ένα τυπικό κανάλι σε εσωτερικό χώρο μπορεί να έχει ακόμη και
πάνω από 150 συντελεστές), όσο και ο πολύ μεγάλος ϱυθμός δειγματοληψίας
που απαιτείται. Επίσης, ϕαίνεται ότι μπορούν να αξιοποιηθούν τα ιδιαίτερα
χαρακτηριστικά που εμφανίζει η εφαρμογή της διαμόρφωσης PPM σε UWB
συστήματα, όπως είναι το ϕαινόμενο πολλαπλών μονοπατιών (multipath) σε
συνδυασμό με την υψηλή διακριτικότητα (resolution) του σήματος UWB, ή
ακόμη και η δυνατότητα μετάδοσης του ίδιου συμβόλου περισσότερες από μί-
α ϕορές. Στα πλαίσια της εργασίας ϑα μελετηθούν και ϑα ενσωματωθούν στο
σύστημα υπάρχουσες μέθοδοι εκτίμησης ή ισοστάθμισης καναλιού, οι οποί-
ες αποτελούν προϊόν πρόσφατων προσπαθειών προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση.
Θα μελετηθεί ο τρόπος με τον οποίο επιδρούν στην απόδοση του συστήμα-
τος. Τέλος, ϑα εξεταστεί η δυνατότητα επέκτασης των μεθόδων εκτίμησης
καναλιού με σκοπό τη ϐελτίωση της υπολογιστικής τους πολυπλοκότητας,
μετατρέποντάς τους σε επαναληπτικούς/προσαρμοστικούς αλγορίθμους. / -
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Impulse Radio UWB for the Internet-of-Things : A Study on UHF/UWB Hybrid SolutionZou, Zhuo January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates Ultra-Wideband (UWB) techniques for the next generation Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) towards the Internet-of-Things (IoT). In particular, an ultra-high frequency (UHF) wireless-powered UWB radio (UHF/UWB hybrid) with asymmetric links is explored from system architecture to circuit implementation. Context-aware, location-aware, and energy-aware computing for the IoT demands future micro-devices (e.g., RFID tags) with capabilities of sensing, processing, communication, and positioning, which can be integrated into everyday objects including paper documents, as well as food and pharmaceutical packages. To this end, reliable-operating and maintenance-free wireless networks with low-power and low-cost radio transceivers are essential. In this context, state-of-the-art passive RFID technologies provide limited data rate and positioning accuracy, whereas active radios suffer from high complexity and power-hungry transceivers. Impulse Radio UWB (IR-UWB) exhibits significant advantages that are expected to overcome these limitations. Wideband signals offer robust communications and high-precision positioning; duty-cycled operations allow link scalability; and baseband-like architecture facilitates extremely simple and low-power transmitters. However, the implementation of the IR-UWB receiver is still power-hungry and complex, and thus is unacceptable for self-powered or passive tags. To cope with μW level power budget in wireless-powered systems, this dissertation proposes an UHF/UWB hybrid radio architecture with asymmetric links. It combines the passive UHF RFID and the IR-UWB transmitter. In the downlink (reader-tag), the tag is powered and controlled by UHF signals as conventional passive UHF tags, whereas it uses an IR-UWB transmitter to send data for a short time at a high rate in the uplink (tag-reader). Such an innovative architecture takes advantage of UWB transmissions, while the tag avoids the complex UWB receiver by shifting the burden to the reader. A wireless-powered tag providing -18.5 dBm sensitivity UHF downlink and 10 Mb/s UWB uplink is implemented in 180 nm CMOS. At the reader side, a non-coherent energy detection IR-UWB receiver is designed to pair the tag. The receiver is featured by high energy-efficiency and flexibility that supports multi-mode operations. A novel synchronization scheme based on the energy offset is suggested. It allows fast synchronization between the reader and tags, without increasing the hardware complexity. Time-of-Arrival (TOA) estimation schemes are analyzed and developed for the reader, which enables tag localization. The receiver prototype is fabricated in 90 nm CMOS with 16.3 mW power consumption and -79 dBm sensitivity at 10 Mb/s data rate. The system concept is verified by the link measurement between the tag and the reader. Compared with current passive UHF RFID systems, the UHF/UWB hybrid solution provides an order of magnitude improvement in terms of the data rate and positioning accuracy brought by the IR-UWB uplink. / QC 20120110
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Otimiza??o dos par?metros de monopolos planares de microfita para aplica??es em sistemas de banda ultra largaN?brega, Clarissa de Lucena 21 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-10-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work presents a theoretical and experimental investigation about the properties of microstrip antennas for ultra-wideband systems. Configurations of elliptic monopoles with different eccentricities and circular monopoles are considered. Two prototypes for each antenna configuration were built, one with the typical microstrip configuration and the other is similar to the first, except for a small aperture in the ground plane. Therefore, this work proposes to modify the configuration of the ground plane of the monopoles designed adding a rectangular stub, in order to optimize and improve the performance of such structures. The obtained results show that the introduction of that rectangular aperture in the ground plane allows an improvement of the frequency response for the considered antenna propotypes. It is observed a good agreement between the measured and simulated results. Finally, some proposals for future works are presented / Este trabalho apresenta uma investiga??o te?rica e experimental sobre as propriedades de antenas de microfita para sistemas de banda ultra larga. S?o consideradas configura??es de monopolos el?pticos com excentricidades diferentes, e monopolos circulares. Foram constru?dos dois prot?tipos para cada configura??o de antena, um com a configura??o t?pica de microfita e outro similar ao primeiro, mas com uma pequena abertura no plano de terra.
Assim, este trabalho objetiva modificar a configura??o do plano de terra dos monopolos projetados atrav?s da inser??o de um recorte retangular, para fins de otimiza??o e melhoria nos desempenhos das estruturas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a introdu??o dessa abertura retangular no plano de terra permite melhorar a resposta em freq??ncia das antenas consideradas. Observa-se uma boa concord?ncia entre os resultados medidos e simulados.
Algumas propostas para a realiza??o de trabalhos futuros s?o apresentadas
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Antenas monopolo planar com patch em anel circular para sistemas UWBSilva, Bruna Alice Lima da 14 June 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The microstrip antennas are largely used in wireless communication systems due to their low cost, weight, less complex construction and manufacturing, in addition to its
versatility. UWB systems have emerged as an alternative to wireless communications over short distances because they offer of higher capacity and lower multipath distortion than
other systems with the same purpose. Combining the advantages of microstrip antennas to the characteristics of UWB, it is possible to develop more and more smaller devices, with diverse geometries to operate satisfactorily in these systems. This paper aims to propose alternatives to microstrip antennas for UWB systems operate in the range between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz, with a patch on circular ring. Some techniques are analyzed and employed to increase the bandwidth of proposed antenna: the insertion of a parasitic elements and a rectangular slit in the displaced ground plane. For this, key issues are presented as the basic principles of UWB systems, the fundamental theory of antennas and microstrip antennas. The simulations and experimental characterization of constructed antennas are presented, as well as analysis of
parameters such as bandwidth and radiation pattern / As antenas de microfita s?o amplamente utilizadas nos sistemas de comunica??o sem fio devido ?s suas caracter?sticas de baixo custo, peso, menor complexidade de constru??o e fabrica??o, al?m de sua versatilidade. Os sistemas UWB surgiram como uma alternativa ?s comunica??es sem fio de curtas dist?ncias por oferecerem maior capacidade e menor distor??o por multipercurso que outros sistemas com a mesma finalidade. Aliando as vantagens das antenas de microfita ?s caracter?sticas do UWB ? poss?vel desenvolver dispositivos cada vez menores e com geometrias diversificadas para operar satisfatoriamente nesses sistemas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor alternativas de antenas de microfita para operar em sistemas UWB, na faixa entre 3,1 e 10,6 GHz, com patch em anel circular. S?o empregadas e analisadas algumas t?cnicas para aumentar a largura de banda das antenas propostas: a inser??o de elementos parasitas e de uma fenda retangular no plano terra deslocado. Para isto, s?o apresentados temas fundamentais como os princ?pios b?sicos dos sistemas UWB, a teoria fundamental de antenas e antenas de microfita. S?o apresentadas as simula??es e caracteriza??es experimentais das antenas constru?das, bem como uma an?lise de par?metros como a largura de banda e o diagrama de radia??o
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Nova konfiguracija širokopojasnog nisko-šumnog pojačavača u CMOS tehnologiji / А new design of ultra-wideband low noise amplifier in CMOS technologyĐugova Alena 27 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Nisko-šumni pojačavač (NŠP) nalazi se u prijemnom delu bežičnog<br />primopredajnika neposredno nakon antene. NJegova uloga je da ulazni<br />signal određene frekvencije i male snage izdvoji i pojača iznad nivoa<br />šuma prijemnika. U okviru doktorske disertacije prikazane su i<br />opisane metode za projektovanje širokopojasnih (UWB) NŠP u CMOS<br />tehnologiji. Ukupno je predloženo devet novih konfiguracija NŠP. Na<br />osnovu dobijenih rezultata, u 0,18 μm UMC CMOS tehnologiji<br />realizovan je i fabrikovan NŠP jednostavne topologije, koja<br />predstavlja zbir dva pristupa, pojačavačkog stepena kaskodne<br />strukture sa povratnom spregom i stepena sa višestrukim<br />iskorišćenjem struje. NŠP je projektovan za frekvencijski opseg od<br />3,1 do 5 GHz. Takođe, opisana je metoda za merenje parametara NŠP, a<br />zatim je i izvršena njegova karakterizacija.</p> / <p>In the transceiver chain the low noise amplifier (LNA) is placed in the frontend<br />of the receiver after the antenna. The LNA needs to isolate and amplify<br />received weak signal at a specific frequency above the noise level of the<br />receiver. In the scope of this doctoral dissertation methods for designing<br />ultra-wideband (UWB) LNA in CMOS technology are presented and<br />described. Nine new LNA configurations were proposed. Based on the<br />obtained results, simple LNA configuration, obtained by merging casode<br />feedback topology and current-reuse technique, was realized and fabricated<br />in 0.18 μm UMC CMOS technology. The LNA is designed for the frequency<br />band from 3.1 to 5 GHz. In addition, the method for measurement LNA<br />parameters is described and the proposed LNA was characterized.</p>
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Architecture de traitement du signal pour les couches physiques très haut débit pour les réseaux de capteur : Application à la métrologie dans un contexte aéronautique et spatial / Signal processing architecture for high-speed physical layers for wireless sensor networks : application for metrology in an aerospace contextHenaut, Julien 26 April 2013 (has links)
Lors du développement d’un nouvel avion, la phase précédant l’obtention du certificat de navigabilité est basée sur de nombreux essais au sol ou en vol. Dans le domaine spatial, le lancement est l’une des phases les plus critiques pour les systèmes et des essais au sol particulièrement rigoureux sont donc réalisés afin de vérifier que la charge utile ne sera pas endommagéeDes milliers de capteurs de pression ou de jauges de contrainte sont ainsi utilisés par les industriels du secteur pour ce type d’essais. Mais tous ces éléments sont aujourd’hui connectés par des fils, ce qui engendre des contraintes de temps, de coût et de limitation du nombre de capteurs. Leur remplacement par des réseaux de capteurs sans fil est une solution évidente qui permet également d’augmenter le nombre de points de mesure. Cependant, il n’existe aujourd’hui aucun protocole permettant de répondre aux attentes et besoins des professionnels de l’aéronautique et du spatial. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont ainsi vocation à répondre aux besoins d’un canal de communication très haut débit, basse consommation, à faible puissance d’émission, fiable et autorisant un grand nombre de nœuds. Un prototype de couche physique basée sur un système OFDM ultra large bande a été réalisé, testé et validé, et permet d’atteindre un débit de plus de 200 Mbits/s. / To evaluate a system's compliance with its specified requirements, Hardware System Testing is conducted on the complete and integrated system. This phase is essential in all industry branches, especially in the very regulated and critical aerospace world. In the final phase of the development of an airplane, flight test equipment gathers and analyzes data during flight to evaluate the flight characteristics of the aircraft and validate its design, including safety aspects. One of the most critical tests is the measure of the pressure around the wings during flight. All new aircrafts are computer designed with the use of virtual wind tunnels. So very accurate measures have to be done on the aircraft to validate the model before the aircraft can be industrially produced. In the case of satellites, vibration and mechanical stress are two critical phenomena a satellite endures during launch. This is leading to the necessity for accurate ground tests using strain gauges or thermal sensors before allowing a launch. All such systems used by aircraft and satellite manufacturers today are wired systems. Sensors put around the wings or inside the satellite compartments are wired to a concentrator inside the cabin or the operator’s room. Although good performances are observed in terms of measurement accuracy, these systems have strong drawbacks. The two most important ones are the weight and the cost of both the systems and their installation. An additional drawback concerning its use on aircrafts is due to the installation of a system that increases the weight of the aircraft and immobilizes it during many weeks due to the routing of every cable inside the wings. The cost and the complexity of such systems don’t allow a great number of measurement points. The replacement of conventional measurement networks by wireless sensor networks is not an obvious solution. Despite the great interest in wireless sensor networks in the recent years, the technological barriers are still very numerous and there is currently no protocol to meet the expectations and needs of aviation professionals. The work presented in this thesis aims to meet the needs of a high-speed, low power consumption, low emission and reliable communication layer. Measurements have been performed in real conditions using commercial devices based on the protocol MB-OFDM/Wimedia, the most common standard that approach the need expressed, and have served to define the basis of the study and have helped to select best development tracks. Measurements have demonstrated also the specificity of the propagation channel. In order to reduce the time between the choice of algorithms and their testing in real conditions, it became necessary to use a design flow called Specification - Exploration – Improvement based on automatic synthesis tools. This development cycle has identified specific material needs for the design of the demonstrator.The physical layer is based on an OFDM system and UWB to achieve a data rate of over 150 Mb/s. A fully functional demonstrator, implemented on FPGA and composed of four communicating nodes was presented and has been used to validate the physical layer. Finally first steps to develop a digital ASIC are presented to achieve the goal of low power consumption
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[pt] A futura saturação do espectro eletromagnético atualmente alocado para as comunicações móveis tem levado a comunidade científica a considerar o uso das vastas faixas de frequência disponíveis em ondas milimétricas. Esta contribuição se insere no esforço de pesquisa para caracterização dos canais urbanos em ambientes exteriores. O modelo desenvolvido utiliza o traçado de raios 2.5D, com base nos conceitos da ótica geométrica e teoria uniforme da difração. Foram implementadas diversas técnicas consideradas em um futuro padrão de comunicações móveis 5G para a transmissão de sinais de banda ultra larga em canais com e sem visada e consideradas várias classes de espalhadores, como árvores, postes e paredes rugosas com espalhamento difuso. Adicionalmente, foram feitas simulações e comparações em ambientes onde foram realizadas campanhas de medições, nas métricas de: potência recebida, retardo médio, desvio RMS e XPD. Os resultados comparativos mostraram boa concordância geral e foram investigadas possíveis causas de erro em previsões nas métricas adotadas. / [en] The future saturation of the electromagnetic spectrum currently allocated for mobile communications has led the scientific community to consider the use of the vast frequency bands available in millimeter waves. There are some technical obstacles limiting the immediate use of this band. In the radio propagation area, there is a research effort to characterize the outdoor urban channels. The developed model uses a 2.5D ray tracing algorithm based on geometrical optics and UTD concepts in outdoor environments. The model implements several techniques considered in a future standard of 5G mobile communications for the transmission of ultra wide band signals in LOS and NLOS channels with a high density of scatterers: trees, poles and diffuse scattering by rough building walls. In addition, simulations and comparisons were performed in environments where measurement campaigns were carried out, considering the following metrics: received power, mean delay, RMS deviation and XPD. The comparative results showed a good agreement. Possible model impairments were investigated.
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Compact-size linearly tapered slot antenna for portable ultra-wideband imaging systemsZhu, F., Gao, S., Ho, A.T.S., See, Chan H., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Li, J., Xu, J. 10 August 2012 (has links)
No / A compact-size asymmetrical linearly tapered slot antenna required for portable ultra-wideband (UWB) imaging systems is presented. The total antenna size is reduced compared with the conventional linearly tapered slot antenna by using a triangular slot on the left-hand side of the tapered-shaped radiator, whereas introducing a corrugated pattern of cuts on the right side. The antenna operates over a wide bandwidth extending from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with a maximum gain of 8.5 dBi. Stable radiation patterns are observed across the operational bandwidth, with cross-polarization levels below 20 dB. The realized antenna structure occupies a volume of 35 x 36 x 0.8 mm3, and possesses the essential time domain fidelity needed for UWB imaging applications. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2013.
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Estudio modal de antenas integradas en cuerpos geométricos y cavidadesLlanga Vargas, Aníbal 25 March 2024 (has links)
[ES] En esta tesis denominada "Estudio modal de antenas integradas en cuerpos geométricos y cavidades", se estudia en primera instancia la teoría de los modos característicos, enfocada en la interpretación física de sus parámetros, y se exponen brevemente diferentes metodologías para el diseño de antenas. A manera de guía inicial de diseño de antenas, se analizan los modos característicos de estructuras simples utilizando la herramienta de simulación FEKO.
A continuación, se aplican los criterios de análisis de los modos característicos a cuerpos geométricos 2D y su acoplamiento con estructuras simples de hilo. Entre los cuerpos geométricos planos estudiados se encuentran: una placa cuadrada y su acoplamiento con hilos radiales, un disco y su acoplamiento con discos pequeños en su interior.
En base a los resultados de estructuras planas, el estudio continúa con el análisis de los modos característicos de cuerpos geométricos tridimensionales, como un cubo y un cilindro, así como versiones alargadas de estas estructuras. Además, se analiza el cubo con radiales en diferentes orientaciones. También se estudian cavidades abiertas cuadradas y cilíndricas. Estas estructuras se examinan con elementos de alimentación, y se observan sus efectos en la respuesta modal. Por otro lado, se estudian las estructuras 3D compuestas para lograr, dependiendo el caso, antenas multipuerto con uno o múltiples haces, gran ancho de banda, buen aislamiento entre puertos, diversidad de polarización o polarización circular. En varios casos, se sintetizan o combinan modos para alcanzar los objetivos deseados.
Con el propósito de aplicar los estudios modales de cuerpos geométricos y cavidades, se realiza un análisis completo utilizando onda completa con el software de simulación CST Studio Suite. Estas propuestas se centran en aplicaciones de 5G y IoT. Además, la estructura cúbica con radiales se enfoca en aplicaciones de CubeSat. Varios de estos prototipos se fabrican y se llevan a cabo mediciones. Los resultados de las simulaciones y las mediciones se comparan para validar las propuestas.
Para concluir, se resumen las conclusiones de los resultados más relevantes obtenidos durante el desarrollo de esta tesis. Asimismo, se plantean posibles líneas de investigación futuras relacionadas con este trabajo. / [CA] En aquesta tesi anomenada "Estudi modal d'antenes integrades en cossos geomètrics i cavitats", s'estudia en primera instància la teoria de les maneres característiques, enfocada a la interpretació física dels seus paràmetres, i s'exposen breument diferents metodologies per al disseny d'antenes. A manera de guia inicial de disseny d"antenes, s"analitzen els modes característics d"estructures simples utilitzant l"eina de simulació FEKO.
A continuació, s'apliquen els criteris d'anàlisi de les maneres característiques a cossos geomètrics 2D i el seu acoblament amb estructures simples de fil. Entre els cossos geomètrics plans estudiats hi ha: una placa quadrada i el seu acoblament amb fils radials, un disc i el seu acoblament amb discos petits a l'interior.
En base als resultats d'estructures planes, l'estudi continua amb l'anàlisi de les maneres característiques de cossos geomètrics tridimensionals, com ara un cub i un cilindre, així com versions allargades d'aquestes estructures. A més, s'analitza la galleda amb radials en diferents orientacions. També s'hi estudien cavitats obertes quadrades i cilíndriques. Aquestes estructures s'examinen amb elements d'alimentació i se n'observen els efectes en la resposta modal. D'altra banda, s'estudien les estructures 3D compostes per aconseguir, segons el cas, antenes multiport amb un o múltiples feixos, gran amplada de banda, bon aïllament entre ports, diversitat de polarització o polarització circular. En diversos casos, se sintetitzen o combinen maneres per assolir els objectius desitjats.
Amb el propòsit d'aplicar els estudis modals de cossos geomètrics i cavitats, es fa una anàlisi completa utilitzant ona completa amb el programari de simulació CST Studio Suite. Aquestes propostes se centren en aplicacions de 5G i IoT. A més, l'estructura cúbica amb radials s'enfoca a aplicacions de CubeSat. Diversos d'aquests prototips es fabriquen i es fan mesuraments. Els resultats de les simulacions i els mesuraments es comparen per validar les propostes.
Per concloure, es resumeixen les conclusions dels resultats més rellevants obtinguts durant el desenvolupament daquesta tesi. Així mateix, es plantegen possibles línies de recerca futures relacionades amb aquest treball. / [EN] In this thesis entitled "Modal Investigation of Antennas Integrated into Geometric Bodies and Cavities," the theory of characteristic modes is explored initially, with a specific focus on the physical interpretation of its parameters. Various methodologies for antenna design are briefly introduced as well. To provide an initial guidance for antenna design, the characteristic modes of simple structures are analyzed using the FEKO simulation tool.
Subsequently, the criteria for examining characteristic modes are applied to 2D geometric bodies and their interactions with simple wire structures. Among the planar geometric bodies investigated are a square plate coupled with radial wires and a disk coupled with smaller disks within it.
Building upon the findings from planar structures, the study proceeds to investigate the characteristic modes of three-dimensional geometric bodies, including a cube, a cylinder, and elongated variations of these structures. Additionally, the analysis encompasses cubes with radials oriented in different directions. The study also extends to square and cylindrical open cavities, which are examined with feed elements to observe their impact on modal response.
Furthermore, composite 3D structures are examined to achieve various objectives, such as multiport antennas with single or multiple beams, wide bandwidth, strong isolation between ports, polarization diversity, or circular polarization. In several instances, modes are synthesized or combined to meet specific goals.
To facilitate the application of modal studies on geometric bodies and cavities, a comprehensive analysis is conducted using full-wave simulations with CST Studio Suite software. These proposals are primarily geared toward 5G and IoT applications, with a particular emphasis on CubeSat applications in the case of the cubic structure with radials. Several prototypes are fabricated, and measurements are carried out to validate the results obtained from simulations.
In conclusion, the thesis summarizes the most significant findings obtained throughout its development. Additionally, it proposes potential avenues for future research related to this work. / Llanga Vargas, A. (2024). Estudio modal de antenas integradas en cuerpos geométricos y cavidades [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203191
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