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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Signifikanta skillnader i spirometrivariabler observerad mellan en Jaeger MasterScreen och en Vyntus spirometer : En jämförelse studie mellan två olika lungfunktionsutrustningar / Significant differences in spirometry variables observed between a Jaeger MasterScreen and a Vyntus Spirometer : A comparison study between two different lung function equipments

Zilic, Ada January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: En av de vanligaste undersökningsmetoderna för att bedöma den respiratoriska funktionen är spirometri. Det är en undersökning som mäter lungvolymer och lungvolymsförändringar över tid. En fullständig lungfunktionsundersökning består av statisk och dynamisk spirometri samt mätning av diffusionskapacitet. Studiens syfte var att jämföra två olika utrustningar, en gammal (Jaeger MasterScreen Body och PFT) och en ny utrustning (Vyntus Body och One) om det fanns någon signifikant skillnad på mätresultatet mellan utrustningarna. Metod och material: Studien bestod av 24 testpersoner, 16 kvinnor och 8 män, alla undersökningar utfördes på Fysiologiska kliniken på Västerås sjukhus under februari och april 2020. Variablerna som undersöktes och bearbetades var vitalkapacitet (VK), forcerad vitalkapacitet (FVK), forcerad exspiratorisk volym på en sekund (FEV1), forcerad exspiratorisk volym uttryck i procent med vitalkapacitet (FEV%VK), total lungkapacitet (TLK), residualvolym (RV), mätning av diffusionskapacitet (DLCO) samt alveolär ventilation (VA). Resultat: Resultatet från studien visade att det förelåg en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan utrustningarna Jaeger och Vyntus. Lungfunktionsutrustningen Vyntus påvisade ett lägre mätresultat på samtliga variabler. Att det förelåg en statistisk signifikant skillnad kan bero på att utrustningarna använder olika mätmetoder, Jaeger har en pneumotach medan Vyntus har en ultraljudssensor. Slutsats: Slutsatsen är att det föreligger systematisk skillnad på den nya utrustningen Vyntus. Vyntus visade lägre värden på samtliga variabler. / Introduction: One of the most common measurements for assessment of pulmonary function is spirometry. It is a method that measures lung volumes and changes in lung volume over time. A complete lung function test consists of static and dynamic spirometry as well as measurement of diffusion capacity. The purpose of the study was to compare two different equipment, an older (Jaeger MasterScreen Body and PFT) and the contemporary (Vyntus Body and One) if there was any significant difference in the measurement result between the two equipment. Method and materials: The study consisted of 24 test subjects, 16 women and 8 men, all examinations were performed at the Physiological Clinic at Västerås Hospital between February and April 2020. The variables investigated and processed were vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced expiratory volume expression as a percentage with vital capacity (FEV%VC), total lung capacity (TLC), residual volume (RV), diffusion capacity measurement (DLCO) and alveolar ventilation (VA). Result: The results of the study showed that there was a statistical significant difference between the two equipments Jaeger and Vyntus. The lung function equipment Vyntus showed a lower measurement result on all variables. This statistical significant difference may be due to the fact that the equipment uses different measurement methods. Jaeger has a pneumotach while Vyntus has an ultrasonic sensor. Conclusion: The conclusion is that there is a systematic difference in the new Vyntus equipment. Vyntus showed lower values for all variables.

Robotic ball retrieving : A method to detect, collect and retrieve a ball / Bollkalle

Malachowska, Julia, Severinsson, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the presented thesis is to examine the potential of an autonomous football handling machine. It has been noted that the number of machines with the purpose of autonomously handling footballs, tennis balls, golf balls etc. are increasing but that no such machine is yet well established on the market. The performance of a robot that can both find, collect and retrieve a ball to a fix position is being examined. An area where the machine is intended to fill a purpose is for example penalty or free kick practice within football, where a single player stands relatively far away from goal and the ball does not necessarily bounce back to the player after scoring. Such a robot could make practice more efficient by relieving the player from the repetitive task of running back and forth to the goal, hence providing him/her with the flexibility of practicing alone. The results of the study show that ultrasound is not an effective technique for detecting a football, because of many reasons. One of the reasons is that the ultrasonic sensor doesn’t measure distance accurately enough when dealing with spherical surfaces. However, since the developed demonstrator is tested in a fixed setting, its success rate is high. With a few adjustment, the system as a whole shows high potential. The main recommendation for future work is to replace the ultrasonic sensor with a camera, and implementation of feedback control, for the steering of the robots movements. / Syftet med det presenterade arbetet är att undersöka potentialen hos en autonom maskin för hantering av fotbollar. Det har noterats att antalet maskiner med syfte att autonomt hantera fotbollar, tennisbollar, golfbollar och dylikt. har ökat, men att ingen sådan maskin ännu är väletablerad på marknaden. Prestandan hos en robot som både kan hitta, plocka upp och återbringa en boll till en bestämd plats undersöks. Ett område där roboten ämnas användas är till exempel vid träning av straffar eller frisparkar inom fotboll, där en ensam spelaren står relativt långt bort från målet och bollen inte nödvändigtvis studsar tillbaka till spelaren efter att bollen placerats i mål. En dylik robot skulle möjliggöra mer effektiv träning genom att bespara spelaren den repetativa uppgiften att springa fram och tillbaka till mål, och således delge denne med flexibiliteten av att kunna träna ensam. Studiens resultat visar att ultraljud inte är en effektiv teknik för att detektera en boll, av flera anledningar. En av anledningarna är att ultraljudssensorn inte har tillräcklig noggrannhet för att mäta avstånd till sfäriska ytor. Eftersom den framtagna prototypen är testad i en riggad situation är antalet lyckade försök trots detta hög. Med ett antal justeringar uppvisar systemet som helhet god potential. De huvudsakliga rekommendationerna för framtida utveckling av produkten är att byta ut ultraljudssensorn mot en kamera, samt att införa feedback-reglering för styrning av robotens rörelser.

AntiKli-MAX 5000 : A robotic head massager with an implemented distance sensor / AntiKli-MAX 5000 : En robot huvudmasserare med en implementerad distanssensor

Brehmer, Mathilda, Mattsson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Robots are increasingly being used in personal households for service-related tasks such as floor cleaning, lawn mowing or entertainment. However, there is still a lack of household robots performing tactile service-related tasks that requires human-robot interaction. This bachelor’s thesis considers the possible improvement of a robotic head massager performing a head massage by using feedback from a distance sensor. The construction consists of a robot arm with two degrees of freedom. The robot arm is holding a head massager that is implemented with a distance sensor. The distance sensor is used to explore the possible improvement of the safety of the product by stopping the massage whenever the distance to the head was less or equal to 3 cm. The embedded system was controlled by an Arduino Uno that was connected to a computer. The results showed that the distance sensor can in fact improve the safety of the robotic head massager, however it did not always work which opened up a discussion about counter productivity to claim the product as safer. / Användandet av robotar ökar mer och mer i privata hushåll för service-relaterade uppgifter såsom dammsugning, gräsklippning och underhållning. Emellertid finns det fortfarande en brist på hushållsrobotar som utför taktila service-relaterade uppgifter som kräver människa-robot interaktion. Den här kandidatuppsatsen undersöker en möjlig förbättring av en robotarm som utför huvudmassage med hjälp av en huvudkliare och återkoppling. Konstruktionen består av en robot arm med två frihetsgrader. Robotarmen håller en huvudkliare som är implementerad med en distanssensor. Distanssensorn används för att undersöka möjligheten att förbättra säkerheten hos produkten genom att stoppa massagen när avståndet till huvudet var mindre eller lika med 3 cm. Det inbyggda systemet kontrolleras av en Arduino Uno som är kopplad till en dator. Resultaten visar att en distanssensor faktiskt kan förbättra säkerheten hos robot-kliaren, däremot fungerar den inte varje gång vilket öppnar upp för diskussion gällande kontraproduktivitet att benämna produkten som mer säker.

PlaCo : The plastic collecting robot / PlaCo : Roboten som samlar upp plast i vattnet

Persson, Annie, Bergsten, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
The oceans are an essential global resource for all living organisms but especially for us humans. However, year after year we continue to neglect proper recycling of our waste, resulting in litter ending up in our oceans. The majority of said litter comes from single use plastic items. Through fragmentation and erosion, the plastic dissolves  to smaller pieces, once they are no larger than 5 mm theyare classified as micro- and nanoplastics. Little is known about these small plastic particles impact on marine life and marine environment. As a step towards understanding this, the robot PlaCo was created. PlaCo stands for plastic collecting which is exactly what the robot does. With the help of three filters PlaCo gathers marine debris, such as plastic, from the water in which it operates. The filters have decreasing mesh size resulting in the microplastics being caught in the last one. Once emptied, the finds can be examined and logged for future referencing. With the help of a sensor, blockages of the filters can be monitored and if detected, notice will be given to the user through a LED. In order for PlaCo to move forward and for water to travel through the filters, the robot was provided with two DC motors. A microcontroller, Arduino Uno, was used to regulate PlaCo’s functions. The performance of two different sensors, an IR-sensorand an ultrasonic sensor, were investigated as well as the robot's water cleaning capacity. The results indicate that the latter of the two sensors would be preferable due to its high reliability. However, the robot’s water cleaning capacity could not be measured due to the chosen motors not being powerful enough. In future iterations of PlaCo, thiswould need to be rectified. / Globalt sett är världens hav en viktig resurs för alla levande organismer men inte minst för människan. Trots detta fortsätter vi att, år efter år, försumma återvinningen av vårt avfall vilket resulterar i att skräp i stället hamnar i haven. Majoriteten av de sopor som hamnar där är resultatet av förbrukade engångsprodukter i plast. Genom sönderfall och erosion skapas allt mindre och mindre bitar av plast. Detta resulterar i att så kallade mikro- och nanoplaster skapas. De är mindre än 5 mm i bredd och om deras påverkan på det marina djurlivet och den marina miljön vet vi mycket lite om. För att minska kunskapsluckorna och för att få en bättre förståelse för deras påverkan har nu därför PlaCo konstruerats. Med hjälp av tre sorters filter kan PlaCo samla upp marintskräp, så som plast, i vattnet där den arbetar. Filtrens finhet varierar, där det första är mycket grovt medan det sista är fint nog att klara av att samla upp mikroplaster. När PlaCo sedan töms kan mikroplasterna undersökas och dokumenteras. När en tömning behöver göras indikeras detta för användaren med hjälp utav en LED. Roboten är försedd med en sensor som läser av hur fulla filtren är. För att driva PlaCo framåt och för att underlätta filtreringsprocessen är den också försedd med två 6 V DC-motorer. Allt detta styrs med hjälp av mikrokontrollern Arduino Uno. För att uppnå bästa tänkbara funktion hos roboten undersöktes två olika sensortyper, en IR-sensor och en ultraljudssensor. Det visade sig att ultraljudssensorn var betydligt mer pålitlig än IR-sensorn och därför valde man att använda denna. Det var även av intresse att ta reda på hur mycket vatten PlaCo kunde rena per sekund. Tyvärr skulle det visa sig att de valda motorerna inte var kraftfulla nog att driva PlaCo i vattnet. Det är därför något som behöver åtgärdas i en framtida version av PlaCo.

Metodologia teórica e experimental para determinação das características do ressalto hidráulico clássico / Theoretical and experimental methodology for determining the characteristics of classical hydraulic jump

Nóbrega, Juliana Dorn 10 June 2014 (has links)
Embora o ressalto hidráulico seja um assunto já muito estudado, é igualmente um assunto de grande interesse, acerca do qual ainda existem diversos questionamentos a respeito de suas características. Por essa razão, buscou-se neste projeto o desenvolvimento de estudos experimentais e a proposição de um modelo teórico. Os trabalhos experimentais foram desenvolvidos com o uso de um sensor ultrassônico, para aquisição de dados instantâneos da superfície livre, sendo estudados ressaltos com número de Froude na seção supercrítica entre 1,94 e 5,26 e duas condições de controle a montante: comporta plana e vertedor de soleira espessa. As seguintes variáveis foram avaliadas a partir dos experimentos: comprimento do rolo, comprimento do ressalto, intensidade turbulenta vertical, perfil da superfície livre e frequências dos sinais de saída do sensor. Os perfis da superfície livre, considerando-se separadamente os dados de comporta e vertedor, foram ajustados a partir de uma equação heurística e as frequências características foram comparadas com os comprimentos característicos do ressalto. Além disso, foram efetuados registros fotográficos do escoamento com uma câmera de alta velocidade e luz laser para uma condição experimental (com baixo número de Froude supercrítico), sendo a superfície livre detectada por meio de técnicas usuais de processamento de imagens. O perfil médio obtido com o sensor foi semelhante ao perfil das imagens. Em relação ao modelo teórico proposto, este foi desenvolvido a partir de dois volumes de controle (VC) fixos, sendo obtidas duas equações para a relação entre o comprimento do rolo e a altura supercrítica. Verificou-se uma variação de quarenta porcento entre os valores previstos com as equações e os dados experimentais, em função da própria divergência dos dados de comprimento do rolo indicados pelos autores. De forma geral, o estudo mostrou-se relevante por possibilitar a avaliação da estrutura externa do ressalto hidráulico por meio de diferentes abordagens metodológicas. / Althought hydraulic jump has been studied for a long time, it is equally a theme of large interest, which many aspects related to its characteristics remain unanswered. Therefore, the development of experimental studies and the proposal of a theoretical model was sought in this project. The experimental works were carried out using an ultrassonic sensor, in order to acquire instantaneous data of the free surface, being studied hydraulic jumps with inflow Froude number ranging between 1.94 and 5.26 and two upstream control structures: plane gate and broad-crested weir. The following variables were evaluated: roller length, hydraulic jump length, vertical turbulent intensity, free surface profile, frequencies of the output data sensor. The free surface profiles, considering individually the plane gate and broad-crested weir, were adjested using a heuristic equation and characteristic frequencies were compared to the characteristic jump lengths. Furthermore, the flow was photographed using a high speed camera and a laser light for one experimental condition (for low inflow Froude number). The free surface in images were detected trought usual image processing techniques. The mean profile obtained from the sensor was very similar to the images profile. Regarding the theoretical model, it was developed considering two fixed control volumes (VC), obtaining two equations for the roller length and supercritical depth ratio. A variation of forty percent was observed between the predicted and experimental values, due to the own divergence among the roller length data suggested by the authors. Overall, the study was relevant, because it allowed the evaluation of the external structure of hydraulic jumps by means of different methodological approaches.

Desenvolvimento de sistema de sensoriamento de posição e atuação para posicionamento dinâmico de modelos reduzidos em tanque de provas. / Development of both sensing and actuation infra-structure for the performance evaluation of Dynamic Positioning Systems for reduced scale model of ships in towing tanks or offshore tanks.

Santos, Alessandro de Oliveira 28 March 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo central o desenvolvimento da infra-estrutura de sensoriamento e atuação para a avaliação de Sistemas de Posicionamento Dinâmico de modelos reduzidos de embarcações em tanques de provas. Ele descreve a concepção, o projeto, a implementação e os testes de um sistema sensor de posição e orientação do modelo, assim como o hardware dos propulsores utilizados como atuadores do modelo. O sistema sensor é baseado na emissão e recepção de sinais acústicos sincronizados de alta freqüência (ultra-som). Utiliza-se o Método Esférico 3-D como algoritmo de triangularização, obtendo-se a estimativa da posição por meio da minimização de uma medida quadrática do erro. Além disso, foi também aplicado o filtro estendido de Kalman como algoritmo de estimação. São apresentadas de forma clara e objetiva as dificuldades encontradas no decorrer do desenvolvimento do trabalho, bem como as soluções adotadas para contorná-las, analisando as influências das condições atmosféricas e do ambiente laboratorial no processo de medição, os resultados obtidos a partir dos ensaios, a robustez e o desempenho do sistema sensor. / The main objective of this work is the development of both sensing and actuation infra-structure for the performance evaluation of Dynamic Positioning Systems for reduced scale model of ships in towing tanks or offshore tanks. It describes the conception, design, implementation and tests of a range and orientation sensor system, as well as the hardware of the propellers used as the model actuators. The sensor system is based on the emission and reception of high frequency synchronized accoustic signals (ultra-sound). A 3-D spherical method based on the minimization of a quadratic measure of the error is used to estimate the position of the ship model. Furthermore the extended Kalman filter is also used. The difficulties found during the development of the project are presented as well as the solutions adopted to circumvent them. The experimental results obtained are discussed. In particular, the influence of both the local atmosphere and the lab environment on the performance of the sensor system are taken into account.

Smarta parkeringsplatser : MultiTech mDot-baserade parkeringsplatser utan extern strömförsörjning

Svensson, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
Internet of Things är ett begrepp som innebär att alla tänkbara enheter kan kommunicera med varandra. Utvecklingen är snabb och antalet uppkopplade enheter ökar enormt. Detta medför bland annat att samhället blir effektivare vilket innebär både ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar. Genom att göra parkeringsplatser smarta kan de lediga platserna snabbare lokaliseras vilket minskar både miljöpåverkan och bränslekostnad. Eftersom strömförsörjning kan vara ett problem vid en del parkeringsplatser undersöks huruvida det är möjligt att åstadkomma smarta parkeringsplatser baserat på en enhet utan extern strömförsörjning. Undersökningen görs genom att konstruera en prototyp och på den utvärdera ström- och effektförbrukning samt batteritid. Dessutom analyseras om en annan design på prototypen skulle prestera bättre genom att uppskatta strömförbrukningen för en sådan design och därefter beräkna effektförbrukning och batteritid. Prototypens konstruktion bestod av en ultraljudsgivare inklusive styrenhet, en mikrokontroller kallad mDot, ett 9 V-batteri och en strömbrytare. Med mDot:en kunde data sändas till en server via LoRaWAN. De utförda mätningarna och beräkningarna visade att prototypen drar mycket ström. En enhet med tillräcklig prestanda är dock möjlig att konstruera genom att utföra beräkningar i mDot:en istället för i ultraljudsgivarens styrenhet. Detta skulle minska strömförbrukningen vilket förlänger batteritiden. Uppskattningar visade även att batteritiden för en sådan enhet ökar exponentiellt mot tiden i viloläge. Slutsatsen är att batteritiden varierar beroende på hur enheten är designad samt hur länge enheten är i viloläge. Det är dock möjligt att konstruera en enhet utan extern strömförsörjning som har tillräckligt bra prestanda för att åstadkomma smarta parkeringsplatser. / Internet of Things is a term for describing that every imaginable device can communicate with each other. The development in the field is fast and the amount of connected devices increases at an enormous rate. This means that the society becomes more efficient and some part of this is economic as well as environmental benefits. By making parking lots smart, the vacant lots can be located more quickly thus reducing environmental impact and fuel cost. At some parking lots there is no power supply. This report investigates whether or not it is possible to achieve smart parking lots based on a device without external power supply. The investigation is done by constructing a prototype and evaluate its current and power consumption as well as its battery life. Furthermore, an investigation is done to find out if another design can perform better than the prototype. This is done by making assumptions of how another design might look and from that estimate its current consumption and then calculating power consumption and battery life. The prototype constructed existed of an ultrasonic sensor including control unit, a microcontroller called mDot, a 9 V battery and a power switch. The mDot was able to send data to a server via LoRaWAN. The performed measurements and calculations showed that the prototype used to much current. However, a device with sufficient performance is possible to construct by doing the computation in the mDot instead of in the ultrasonic sensors control unit. This would increase the battery life of the device. Estimations showed that the battery life of such a device increases exponentially to the sleep time. The conclusion is that the battery life will vary depending on the design and the sleep time of the device. It is however possible to design a device without external power supply that has sufficiently good performance to enable smart parking lots.

Development of acoustic sensors for the extension of measurements to high temperature in the experimental reactors / Développement de capteurs ultrasonores pour l’extension des mesures acoustiques aux hautes températures dans les réacteurs expérimentaux

Gatsa, Oleksandr 30 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’étude et la réalisation d'une nouvelle génération de capteurs ultrasonore dédiés à la caractérisation des gaz de fission. Plus généralement, ces études concernent le développement de l’instrumentation du réacteur d’essai des matériaux Jules Horowitz (RJH), visant entre autre à effectuer le contrôle in situ de la composition du gaz libéré afin d’optimiser la durée de vie du combustible et le taux de combustion. La température de fonctionnement de ce nouveau réacteur devant se situer dans la plage entre 200 °C à 400 °C, la principale problématique concerne donc le développement d’un matériau piézoélectrique, capable de fonctionner dans la plage de température requise, et son intégration à un dispositif de détection.Nous proposons l’utilisation du sodium titanate de bismuth (NBT) développé par la méthode de la sérigraphie. Dans le but d'optimiser les conditions de fabrication des matériaux, plusieurs versions de matériaux piézoélectriques ont été produites au cours de cette thèse. Chacun des matériaux a été caractérisé (paramètres morphologiques, chimiques, électriques, diélectriques, piézoélectriques et électromécaniques) et des tests en fonction de la température ont été conduits. Après avoir démontré une bonne répétabilité dans la production du matériau, le protocole de fabrication des capteurs a été déterminé et un prototype de capteur ultrasonore a été réalisé.Ces capteurs ont été fabriqués par dépôt du matériau actif sur un substrat d'alumine. Après caractérisation des propriétés des capteurs, des essais ont montré une sensibilité acoustique importante à température ambiante. De plus, la possibilité d'une détection de gaz sur une gamme de pression de 50 à 70 bars a été démontrée par l'intégration d’un capteur dans une enceinte. Pour vérifier la possibilité d'application du capteur à la détection de gaz dans des environnements hostiles (haute température), un modèle théorique basé sur les propriétés électromécaniques et les équations d’adaptation d’impédance a été introduit. Il a été démontré théoriquement que le capteur est capable d'effectuer des mesures de gaz de la température ambiante jusqu’à 350 °C. / This Ph.D. thesis is dedicated to the development of a new generation of ultrasonic sensors devoted to fission gas characterization. More generally, these studies concern the development of instrumentation for the Jules Horowitz material testing reactor (JHR) aiming to perform in-situ control of the released gas composition for optimization of burn-up rate and fuel rod lifetime. The operation temperature of this new reactor will be in the range of 200 °C - 400 °C. Hence, the main problem concerns the development of piezoelectric material, able to operate in the required temperature range, and its integration with a sensor device.To resolve this problem, we propose to use the sodium bismuth titanate (NBT) ceramic material developed by the screen-printing technique. Several versions of piezoelectric materials were produced during this research, with the purpose of optimizing material manufacturing conditions Each material was characterized (morphological, chemical, electric, dielectric, piezoelectric and electromechanical parameters) and “tests as a function of temperature” were carried out. After demonstrating repeatability in material fabrication, the protocol for NBT sensor production was determined and a prototype of the ultrasonic sensor was fabricated.The sensor was fabricated by deposition of an active material onto an alumina substrate. After characterization of sensor properties, acoustic tests showed a high sensitivity of measurements at ambient temperature (25 °C). Furthermore, by integration of sensors into a pressurized enclosure the possibility of gas detection in the range from 50 to 70 bars was demonstrated. To verify the sensor’s applicability to gas detection under harsh temperature environment, a theoretical model based on electromechanical properties and impedance matching equations was introduced. It was theoretically demonstrated that the sensor is able to perform gas measurements from ambient temperature up to 350 °C.

Desenvolvimento de prot?tipo de coletor autom?tico destinado ? coleta de amostras de ?gua em corpos aqu?ticos para an?lise em laborat?rio

Ara?jo Neto, Ary Torres de 22 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:03:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AryTAN.pdf: 1949309 bytes, checksum: 336240ee8606021d63e4dcca774a40b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-22 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The aim of this approach is to describe the design and construction of a low-cost automated water sampler prototype. In recent years, there is an increasing need on the use of automated equipments for hydro climatic variables to be use in urban and rural environments. Such devices are always used to provide measured information which is of crucial importance on the development of water resources strategies at watershed scale. Actually, many research and water public institutions have been using these kinds of equipments. In most of the cases, automated equipments are expensive and need to be imported, generating a situation of technologic dependency. The prototype is based on an electronic system which controls a peristaltic pump functioning, five solenoid valves and an ultrasonic sensor connected to a datalloger. An interface with the user allows communication with a PC, when the equipment functioning parameters can be provided. The equipment has a hydraulic module composed by a 12V peristaltic pump connected to a distribution circuit composed by five solenoid valves, one of them being used to clean the circuit before each sampling procedure. Samples are collected by four 1.95 polyethylene bottles. The sampler body was made of acrylic material, with a cylindrical shape, and dimensions 0.72 m and 0.38 m height and diameter, respectively. The weight of the equipment without samples is approximately 15 kg, which infers to its portability. The prototype development total cost budget was approximately US$ 1,560.00. Laboratory tests aimed to evaluate the equipment performance and functioning demonstrated satisfactory results / O objetivo deste estudo ? desenvolver e apresentar um prot?tipo de coletor autom?tico de amostras de ?gua. Nos ?ltimos anos, tem havido uma crescente necessidade no uso de equipamentos autom?ticos no monitoramento de vari?veis hidro-clim?ticas, tanto em ambientes rurais como urbanos. Esses equipamentos s?o normalmente usados para gerar informa??o de vital import?ncia no desenvolvimento de a??es em recursos h?dricos na bacia hidrogr?fica. Atualmente, v?rias institui??es p?blicas e de pesquisa t?m usado esses tipos de equipamentos. Na maioria dos casos, os equipamentos autom?ticos s?o caros e necessitam ser importados, gerando uma situa??o de depend?ncia tecnol?gica. O prot?tipo desenvolvido tem como base um sistema eletr?nico que controla o funcionamento de uma bomba perist?ltica, cinco v?lvulas solen?ides e de um sensor ultra-s?nico acoplados a um datalogger. Uma interface com o usu?rio permite comunica??o com um PC, quando os par?metros de funcionamento do equipamento podem ser introduzidos. O equipamento disp?e de um m?dulo hidr?ulico composto de uma bomba perist?ltica 12V acoplada a um circuito de distribui??o com cinco v?lvulas solen?ides, uma delas usada na limpeza do circuito antes de cada coleta de amostra. As amostras s?o coletadas em quatro garrafas de polietileno, capacidade 1,95 ml. A estrutura do equipamento ? feita em acr?lico, com um formato cil?ndrico, dimens?es 0,72 m e 0,38 m de altura e di?metro, respectivamente. O peso do equipamento sem as amostras ? de aproximadamente 15 kg, o que lhe confere portabilidade. O or?amento referente ao custo total de desenvolvimento do equipamento foi de aproximadamente 1.560 d?lares americanos. Testes em laborat?rio, realizados para avaliar seu desempenho e funcionamento, foram bastante satisfat?rios

Desenvolvimento de sistema de sensoriamento de posição e atuação para posicionamento dinâmico de modelos reduzidos em tanque de provas. / Development of both sensing and actuation infra-structure for the performance evaluation of Dynamic Positioning Systems for reduced scale model of ships in towing tanks or offshore tanks.

Alessandro de Oliveira Santos 28 March 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo central o desenvolvimento da infra-estrutura de sensoriamento e atuação para a avaliação de Sistemas de Posicionamento Dinâmico de modelos reduzidos de embarcações em tanques de provas. Ele descreve a concepção, o projeto, a implementação e os testes de um sistema sensor de posição e orientação do modelo, assim como o hardware dos propulsores utilizados como atuadores do modelo. O sistema sensor é baseado na emissão e recepção de sinais acústicos sincronizados de alta freqüência (ultra-som). Utiliza-se o Método Esférico 3-D como algoritmo de triangularização, obtendo-se a estimativa da posição por meio da minimização de uma medida quadrática do erro. Além disso, foi também aplicado o filtro estendido de Kalman como algoritmo de estimação. São apresentadas de forma clara e objetiva as dificuldades encontradas no decorrer do desenvolvimento do trabalho, bem como as soluções adotadas para contorná-las, analisando as influências das condições atmosféricas e do ambiente laboratorial no processo de medição, os resultados obtidos a partir dos ensaios, a robustez e o desempenho do sistema sensor. / The main objective of this work is the development of both sensing and actuation infra-structure for the performance evaluation of Dynamic Positioning Systems for reduced scale model of ships in towing tanks or offshore tanks. It describes the conception, design, implementation and tests of a range and orientation sensor system, as well as the hardware of the propellers used as the model actuators. The sensor system is based on the emission and reception of high frequency synchronized accoustic signals (ultra-sound). A 3-D spherical method based on the minimization of a quadratic measure of the error is used to estimate the position of the ship model. Furthermore the extended Kalman filter is also used. The difficulties found during the development of the project are presented as well as the solutions adopted to circumvent them. The experimental results obtained are discussed. In particular, the influence of both the local atmosphere and the lab environment on the performance of the sensor system are taken into account.

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