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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uncertainty Estimation in Volumetric Image Segmentation

Park, Donggyun January 2023 (has links)
The performance of deep neural networks and estimations of their robustness has been rapidly developed. In contrast, despite the broad usage of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs)[1] for medical image segmentation, research on their uncertainty estimations is being far less conducted. Deep learning tools in their nature do not capture the model uncertainty and in this sense, the output of deep neural networks needs to be critically analysed with quantitative measurements, especially for applications in the medical domain. In this work, epistemic uncertainty, which is one of the main types of uncertainties (epistemic and aleatoric) is analyzed and measured for volumetric medical image segmentation tasks (and possibly more diverse methods for 2D images) at pixel level and structure level. The deep neural network employed as a baseline is 3D U-Net architecture[2], which shares the essential structural concept with U-Net architecture[3], and various techniques are applied to quantify the uncertainty and obtain statistically meaningful results, including test-time data augmentation and deep ensembles. The distribution of the pixel-wise predictions is estimated by Monte Carlo simulations and the entropy is computed to quantify and visualize how uncertain (or certain) the predictions of each pixel are. During the estimation, given the increased network training time in volumetric image segmentation, training an ensemble of networks is extremely time-consuming and thus the focus is on data augmentation and test-time dropouts. The desired outcome is to reduce the computational costs of measuring the uncertainty of the model predictions while maintaining the same level of estimation performance and to increase the reliability of the uncertainty estimation map compared to the conventional methods. The proposed techniques are evaluated on publicly available volumetric image datasets, Combined Healthy Abdominal Organ Segmentation (CHAOS, a set of 3D in-vivo images) from Grand Challenge (https://chaos.grand-challenge.org/). Experiments with the liver segmentation task in 3D Computed Tomography (CT) show the relationship between the prediction accuracy and the uncertainty map obtained by the proposed techniques. / Prestandan hos djupa neurala nätverk och estimeringar av deras robusthet har utvecklats snabbt. Däremot, trots den breda användningen av djupa konvolutionella neurala nätverk (CNN) för medicinsk bildsegmentering, utförs mindre forskning om deras osäkerhetsuppskattningar. Verktyg för djupinlärning fångar inte modellosäkerheten och därför måste utdata från djupa neurala nätverk analyseras kritiskt med kvantitativa mätningar, särskilt för tillämpningar inom den medicinska domänen. I detta arbete analyseras och mäts epistemisk osäkerhet, som är en av huvudtyperna av osäkerheter (epistemisk och aleatorisk) för volymetriska medicinska bildsegmenteringsuppgifter (och möjligen fler olika metoder för 2D-bilder) på pixelnivå och strukturnivå. Det djupa neurala nätverket som används som referens är en 3D U-Net-arkitektur [2] och olika tekniker används för att kvantifiera osäkerheten och erhålla statistiskt meningsfulla resultat, inklusive testtidsdata-augmentering och djupa ensembler. Fördelningen av de pixelvisa förutsägelserna uppskattas av Monte Carlo-simuleringar och entropin beräknas för att kvantifiera och visualisera hur osäkra (eller säkra) förutsägelserna för varje pixel är. Under uppskattningen, med tanke på den ökade nätverksträningstiden i volymetrisk bildsegmentering, är träning av en ensemble av nätverk extremt tidskrävande och därför ligger fokus på dataaugmentering och test-time dropouts. Det önskade resultatet är att minska beräkningskostnaderna för att mäta osäkerheten i modellförutsägelserna samtidigt som man bibehåller samma nivå av estimeringsprestanda och ökar tillförlitligheten för kartan för osäkerhetsuppskattning jämfört med de konventionella metoderna. De föreslagna teknikerna kommer att utvärderas på allmänt tillgängliga volymetriska bilduppsättningar, Combined Healthy Abdominal Organ Segmentation (CHAOS, en uppsättning 3D in-vivo-bilder) från Grand Challenge (https://chaos.grand-challenge.org/). Experiment med segmenteringsuppgiften för lever i 3D Computed Tomography (CT) vissambandet mellan prediktionsnoggrannheten och osäkerhetskartan som erhålls med de föreslagna teknikerna.


IGOR CAETANO DINIZ 22 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] Simulação de reservatórios de óleo e gás é uma demanda comum em engenharia de petróleo e pesquisas relacionadas, que pode requerer um elevado custo computacional de tempo e processamento ao resolver um problema matemático. Além disso, alguns métodos de caracterização de reservatórios necessitam múltiplas iterações, resultando em muitas simulações para obter um resultado. Também podemos citar os métodos baseados em conjunto, tais como o ensemble Kalman filter, o EnKF, e o Ensemble Smoother With Multiple Data Assimilation,o ES-MDA, que requerem muitas simulações. Em contrapartida, o uso de aprendizado de máquina cresceu bastante na indústria de energia. Isto pode melhorar a acurácia de predição, otimizar estratégias e outros. Visando reduzir as complexidades de simulação de reservatórios, este trabalho investiga o uso de aprendizado de máquina como uma alternativa a simuladores convencionais. O modelo Random Forest Regressor é testado para reproduzir respostas de pressão em um reservatório multi-região radial composto. Uma solução analítica é utilizada para gerar o conjunto de treino e teste para o modelo. A partir de experimentação e análise, este trabalho tem o objetivo de suplementar a utilização de aprendizado de máquina na indústria de energia. / [en] Oil and gas reservoir simulation is a common demand in petroleum engineering, and research, which may have a high computational cost, solving a mathematical numeric problem, or high computational time. Moreover, several reservoir characterization methods require multiple iterations, resulting in many simulations to obtain a reasonable characterization. It is also possible to mention ensemble-based methods, such as the ensemble Kalman filter, EnKF, and the Ensemble Smoother With Multiple Data Assimilation, ES-MDA, which demand lots of simulation runs to provide the output result. As a result, reservoir simulation might be a complex subject to deal with when working with reservoir characterization. The use of machine learning has been increasing in the energy industry. It can improve the accuracy of reservoir predictions, optimize production strategies, and many other applications. The complexity and uncertainty of reservoir models pose significant challenges to traditional modeling approaches, making machine learning an attractive solution. Aiming to reduce reservoir simulation’s complexities, this work investigates using a machine-learning model as an alternative to conventional simulators. The Random Forest regressor model is experimented with to reproduce pressure response solutions for multi-region radial composite reservoirs. An analytical approach is employed to create the training dataset in the following procedure: the permeability is sorted using a specific distribution, and the output is generated using the analytical solution. Through experimentation and analysis, this work aims to advance our understanding of using machine learning in reservoir simulation for the energy industry.

Uncertainty visualization of ensemble simulations

Sanyal, Jibonananda 09 December 2011 (has links)
Ensemble simulation is a commonly used technique in operational forecasting of weather and floods. Multi-member ensemble output is usually large, multivariate, and challenging to interpret interactively. Forecast meteorologists and hydrologists are interested in understanding the uncertainties associated with the simulation; specifically variability between the ensemble members. The visualization of ensemble members is currently accomplished through spaghetti plots or hydrographs. To improve visualization techniques and tools for forecasters, we conducted a userstudy to evaluate the effectiveness of existing uncertainty visualization techniques on 1D and 2D synthetic datasets. We designed an uncertainty evaluation framework to enable easier design of such studies for scientific visualization. The techniques evaluated are errorbars, scaled size of glyphs, color-mapping on glyphs, and color-mapping of uncertainty on the data surface. Although we did not find a consistent order among the four techniques for all tasks, we found that the efficiency of techniques used highly depended on the tasks being performed. Errorbars consistently underperformed throughout the experiment. Scaling the size of glyphs and color-mapping of the surface performed reasonably well. With results from the user-study, we iteratively developed a tool named ‘Noodles’ to interactively explore the ensemble uncertainty in weather simulations. Uncertainty was quantified using standard deviation, inter-quartile range, width of the 95% confidence interval, and by bootstrapping the data. A coordinated view of ribbon and glyph-based uncertainty visualization, spaghetti plots, and data transect plots was provided to two meteorologists for expert evaluation. They found it useful in assessing uncertainty in the data, especially in finding outliers and avoiding the parametrizations leading to these outliers. Additionally, they could identify spatial regions with high uncertainty thereby determining poorly simulated storm environments and deriving physical interpretation of these model issues. We also describe uncertainty visualization capabilities developed for a tool named ‘FloodViz’ for visualization and analysis of flood simulation ensembles. Simple member and trend plots and composited inundation maps with uncertainty are described along with different types of glyph based uncertainty representations. We also provide feedback from a hydrologist using various features of the tool from an operational perspective.


THIAGO DE MENEZES DUARTE E SILVA 09 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] O ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation (ES-MDA) se tornou um poderoso estimador de parâmetros. A principal ideia do ES-MDA é assimilar os mesmos dados com a matriz de covariância dos erros dos dados inflada. Na implementação original do ES-MDA, os fatores de inflação e o número de assimilações são escolhidos a priori. O único requisito é que a soma dos inversos de tais fatores seja igual a um. Naturalmente, escolhendo-os iguais ao número de assimilações cumpre este requerimento. Contudo, estudos recentes mostraram uma relação entre a equação de atualização do ES-MDA com a solução para o problema inverso regularizado. Consequentemente, tais elementos agem como os parâmetros de regularização em cada assimilação. Assim, estudos propuseram técnicas para gerar tais fatores baseadas no princípio da discrepância. Embora estes estudos tenham propostos técnicas, um procedimento ótimo para gerar os fatores de inflação continua um problema em aberto. Mais ainda, tais estudos divergem em qual método de regularização é sufiente para produzir os melhores resultados para o ES-MDA. Portanto, nesta tese é abordado o problema de gerar os fatores de inflação para o ESMDA e suas influências na performance do método. Apresentamos uma análise numérica do impacto de tais fatores nos parâmetros principais do ES-MDA: o tamanho do conjunto, o número de assimilações e o vetor de atualização dos parâmetros. Com a conclusão desta análise, nós propomos uma nova técnica para gerar os fatores de inflação para o ES-MDA baseada em um método de regularização para algorítmos do tipo Levenberg-Marquardt. Investigando os resultados de um problema de inundação de um reservatório 2D, o novo método obtém melhor estimativa tanto para os parâmetros do modelo tanto quanto para os dados observados. / [en] The ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation (ES-MDA) gained much attention as a powerful parameter estimation method. The main idea of the ES-MDA is to assimilate the same data multiple times with an inflated data error covariance matrix. In the original ES-MDA implementation, these inflation factors, such as the number of assimilations, are selected a priori. The only requirement is that the sum of the inflation factors inverses must be equal to one. Therefore, selecting them equal to the number of assimilations is a straightforward choice. Nevertheless, recent studies have shown a relationship between the ES-MDA update equation and the solution to a regularized inverse problem. Hence, the inflation factors play the role of the regularization parameter at each ES-MDA assimilation step. As a result, they have also suggested new procedures to generate these elements based on the discrepancy principle. Although several studies proposed efficient techniques to generate the ES-MDA inflation factors, an optimal procedure to generate them remains an open problem. Moreover, the studies diverge on which regularization scheme is sufficient to provide the best ES-MDA outcomes. Therefore, in this work, we address the problem of generating the ES-MDA inflation factors and their influence on the method s performance. We present a numerical analysis of the influence of such factors on the main parameters of the ES-MDA, such as the ensemble size, the number of assimilations, and the ES-MDA vector of model parameters update. With the conclusions presented in the aforementioned analysis, we propose a new procedure to generate ES-MDA inflation factors based on a regularizing scheme for Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms. It is shown through a synthetic two-dimensional waterflooding problem that the new method achieves better model parameters and data match compared to the other ES-MDA implementations available in the literature.

Reconstructing Historical Earthquake-Induced Tsunamis: Case Study of 1820 Event Near South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Paskett, Taylor Jole 13 July 2022 (has links) (PDF)
We build on the method introduced by Ringer, et al., applying it to an 1820 event that happened near South Sulawesi, Indonesia. We utilize other statistical models to aid our Metropolis-Hastings sampler, including a Gaussian process which informs the prior. We apply the method to multiple possible fault zones to determine which fault is the most likely source of the earthquake and tsunami. After collecting nearly 80,000 samples, we find that between the two most likely fault zones, the Walanae fault zone matches the anecdotal accounts much better than Flores. However, to support the anecdotal data, both samplers tend toward powerful earthquakes that may not be supported by the faults in question. This indicates that even further research is warranted. It may indicate that some other type of event took place, such as a multiple-fault rupture or landslide tsunami.

Quantification of the Effects of Soil Uncertainties on Nonlinear Site Response Analysis: Brute Force Monte Carlo Approach

Eshun, Kow Okyere 28 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

An Effective Field Theory description of 3He-alpha Elastic Scattering

Poudel, Maheshwor January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Uncertainty Quantification Using Simulation-based and Simulation-free methods with Active Learning Approaches

Zhang, Chi January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Robust Deep Learning Under Application Induced Data Distortions

Rajeev Sahay (10526555) 21 November 2022 (has links)
<p>Deep learning has been increasingly adopted in a multitude of settings. Yet, its strong performance relies on processing data during inference that is in-distribution with its training data. Deep learning input data during deployment, however, is not guaranteed to be in-distribution with the model's training data and can often times be distorted, either intentionally (e.g., by an adversary) or unintentionally (e.g., by a sensor defect), leading to significant performance degradations. In this dissertation, we develop algorithms for a variety of applications to improve the performance of deep learning models in the presence of distorted data. We begin by first designing feature engineering methodologies to increase classification performance in noisy environments. Here, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed algorithms on two target detection tasks and show that our framework outperforms a variety of state-of-the-art baselines. Next, we develop mitigation algorithms to improve the performance of deep learning in the presence of adversarial attacks and nonlinear signal distortions. In this context, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods on a variety of wireless communications tasks including automatic modulation classification, power allocation in massive MIMO networks, and signal detection. Finally, we develop an uncertainty quantification framework, which produces distributive estimates, as opposed to point predictions, from deep learning models in order to characterize samples with uncertain predictions as well as samples that are out-of-distribution from the model's training data. Our uncertainty quantification framework is carried out on a hyperspectral image target detection task as well as on counter unmanned aircraft systems (cUAS) model. Ultimately, our proposed algorithms improve the performance of deep learning in several environments in which the data during inference has been distorted to be out-of-distribution from the training data. </p>

Enabling Digital Twinning via Information-Theoretic Machine Learning-Based Inference Intelligence

Jeongwon Seo (8458191) 30 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Nuclear energy, renowned for its clean, carbon-free attributes and cost-effectiveness, stands as a pivotal pillar in the global quest for sustainable energy sources. Additionally, nuclear power, being a spatially high-concentrated industry, offers an unparalleled energy density compared to other sources of energy. Despite its numerous advantages, if a nuclear power plant (NPP) is not operated safely, it can lead to long-term shutdowns, radiation exposure to workers, radiation contamination of surrounding areas, or even a national-scale disaster, as witnessed in the Chernobyl incident of 1986. Therefore, ensuring the safe operation of nuclear reactors is considered the most important factor in their operation. Recognizing the intricate tradeoff between safety and economy, economic considerations are often sacrificed in favor of safety.</p><p dir="ltr">Given this context, it becomes crucial to develop technologies that ensure NPPs’ safety while optimizing their operational efficiency, thereby minimizing the sacrifice of economic benefits. In response to this critical need, scientists introduced the term “digital twin (DT)”, derived from the concept of product lifecycle management. As the first instance of the term, the DT model comprises the physical product, its digital representation, data flowing from the physical to the DT, and information flowing from the digital to the physical twin. In this regard, various nuclear stakeholders such as reactor designers, researchers, operators, and regulators in the nuclear sector, are pursuing the DT technologies which are expected to enable NPPs to be monitored and operated/controlled in an automated and reliable manner. DT is now being actively sought given its wide potential, including increased operational effectiveness, enhanced safety and reliability, uncertainty reduction, etc.</p><p dir="ltr">While a number of technical challenges must be overcome to successfully implement DT technology, this Ph.D. work limits its focus on one of the DT’s top challenges, i.e., model validation, which ensures that model predictions can be trusted for a given application, e.g., the domain envisaged for code usage. Model validation is also a key regulatory requirement in support of the various developmental stages starting from conceptual design to deployment, licensing, operation, and safety. To ensure a given model to be validated, the regulatory process requires the consolidation of two independent sources of knowledge, one from measurements collected from experimental conditions, and the other from code predictions that model the same experimental conditions.</p><p dir="ltr">and computational domains in an optimal manner, considering the characteristics of predictor and target responses. Successful model validation necessitates a complete data analytics pipeline, generally including data preprocessing, data analysis (model training), and result interpretation. Therefore, this Ph.D. work begins by revisiting fundamental concepts such as uncertainty classification, sensitivity analysis (SA), similarity/representativity metrics, and outlier rejection techniques, which serve as robust cornerstones of validation analysis.</p><p dir="ltr">The ultimate goal of this Ph.D. work is to develop an intelligent inference framework that infers/predicts given responses, adaptively handling various levels of data complexities, i.e., residual shape, nonlinearity, heteroscedasticity, etc. These Ph.D. studies are expected to significantly advance DT technology, enabling support for various levels of operational autonomy in both existing and first-of-a-kind reactor designs. This extends to critical aspects such as nuclear criticality safety, nuclear fuel depletion dynamics, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) analysis, and the introduction of new fuel designs, such as high burnup fuel and high-assay low-enriched uranium fuel (HALEU). These advancements are crucial in scenarios where constructing new experiments is costly, time-consuming, or infeasible with new reactor systems or high-consequence events like criticality accidents.</p>

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