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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uncertainty Quantification in Dynamic Problems With Large Uncertainties

Mulani, Sameer B. 13 September 2006 (has links)
This dissertation investigates uncertainty quantification in dynamic problems. The Advanced Mean Value (AMV) method is used to calculate probabilistic sound power and the sensitivity of elastically supported panels with small uncertainty (coefficient of variation). Sound power calculations are done using Finite Element Method (FEM) and Boundary Element Method (BEM). The sensitivities of the sound power are calculated through direct differentiation of the FEM/BEM/AMV equations. The results are compared with Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). An improved method is developed using AMV, metamodel, and MCS. This new technique is applied to calculate sound power of a composite panel using FEM and Rayleigh Integral. The proposed methodology shows considerable improvement both in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. In systems with large uncertainties, the above approach does not work. Two Spectral Stochastic Finite Element Method (SSFEM) algorithms are developed to solve stochastic eigenvalue problems using Polynomial chaos. Presently, the approaches are restricted to problems with real and distinct eigenvalues. In both the approaches, the system uncertainties are modeled by Wiener-Askey orthogonal polynomial functions. Galerkin projection is applied in the probability space to minimize the weighted residual of the error of the governing equation. First algorithm is based on inverse iteration method. A modification is suggested to calculate higher eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The above algorithm is applied to both discrete and continuous systems. In continuous systems, the uncertainties are modeled as Gaussian processes using Karhunen-Loeve (KL) expansion. Second algorithm is based on implicit polynomial iteration method. This algorithm is found to be more efficient when applied to discrete systems. However, the application of the algorithm to continuous systems results in ill-conditioned system matrices, which seriously limit its application. Lastly, an algorithm to find the basis random variables of KL expansion for non-Gaussian processes, is developed. The basis random variables are obtained via nonlinear transformation of marginal cumulative distribution function using standard deviation. Results are obtained for three known skewed distributions, Log-Normal, Beta, and Exponential. In all the cases, it is found that the proposed algorithm matches very well with the known solutions and can be applied to solve non-Gaussian process using SSFEM. / Ph. D.

Probabilistic and Statistical Learning Models for Error Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification

Zavar Moosavi, Azam Sadat 13 March 2018 (has links)
Simulations and modeling of large-scale systems are vital to understanding real world phenomena. However, even advanced numerical models can only approximate the true physics. The discrepancy between model results and nature can be attributed to different sources of uncertainty including the parameters of the model, input data, or some missing physics that is not included in the model due to a lack of knowledge or high computational costs. Uncertainty reduction approaches seek to improve the model accuracy by decreasing the overall uncertainties in models. Aiming to contribute to this area, this study explores uncertainty quantification and reduction approaches for complex physical problems. This study proposes several novel probabilistic and statistical approaches for identifying the sources of uncertainty, modeling the errors, and reducing uncertainty to improve the model predictions for large-scale simulations. We explore different computational models. The first class of models studied herein are inherently stochastic, and numerical approximations suffer from stability and accuracy issues. The second class of models are partial differential equations, which capture the laws of mathematical physics; however, they only approximate a more complex reality, and have uncertainties due to missing dynamics which is not captured by the models. The third class are low-fidelity models, which are fast approximations of very expensive high-fidelity models. The reduced-order models have uncertainty due to loss of information in the dimension reduction process. We also consider uncertainty analysis in the data assimilation framework, specifically for ensemble based methods where the effect of sampling errors is alleviated by localization. Finally, we study the uncertainty in numerical weather prediction models coming from approximate descriptions of physical processes. / Ph. D. / Computational models are used to understand the behavior of the natural phenomenon. Models are used to approximate the evolution of the true phenomenon or reality in time. We obtain more accurate forecast for the future by combining the model approximation together with the observation from reality. Weather forecast models, oceanography, geoscience, etc. are some examples of the forecasting models. However, models can only approximate the true reality to some extent and model approximation of reality is not perfect due to several sources of error or uncertainty. The noise in measurements or in observations from nature, the uncertainty in some model components, some missing components in models, the interaction between different components of the model, all cause model forecast to be different from reality. The aim of this study is to explore the techniques and approaches of modeling the error and uncertainty of computational models, provide solution and remedies to reduce the error of model forecast and ultimately improve the model forecast. Taking the discrepancy or error between model forecast and reality in time and mining that error provide valuable information about the origin of uncertainty in models as well as the hidden dynamics that is not considered in the model. Statistical and machine learning based solutions are proposed in this study to identify the source of uncertainty, capturing the uncertainty and using that information to reduce the error and enhancing the model forecast. We studied the error modeling, error or uncertainty quantification and reduction techniques in several frameworks from chemical models to weather forecast models. In each of the models, we tried to provide proper solution to detect the origin of uncertainty, model the error and reduce the uncertainty to improve the model forecast.

Power Electronics Design Methodologies with Parametric and Model-Form Uncertainty Quantification

Rashidi Mehrabadi, Niloofar 27 April 2018 (has links)
Modeling and simulation have become fully ingrained into the set of design and development tools that are broadly used in the field of power electronics. To state simply, they represent the fastest and safest way to study a circuit or system, thus aiding in the research, design, diagnosis, and debugging phases of power converter development. Advances in computing technologies have also enabled the ability to conduct reliability and production yield analyses to ensure that the system performance can meet given requirements despite the presence of inevitable manufacturing variability and variations in the operating conditions. However, the trustworthiness of all the model-based design techniques depends entirely on the accuracy of the simulation models used, which, thus far, has not yet been fully considered. Prior to this research, heuristic safety factors were used to compensate for deviation of real system performance from the predictions made using modeling and simulation. This approach resulted invariably in a more conservative design process. In this research, a modeling and design approach with parametric and model-form uncertainty quantification is formulated to bridge the modeling and simulation accuracy and reliance gaps that have hindered the full exploitation of model-based design techniques. Prior to this research, a few design approaches were developed to account for variability in the design process; these approaches have not shown the capability to be applicable to complex systems. This research, however, demonstrates that the implementation of the proposed modeling approach is able to handle complex power converters and systems. A systematic study for developing a simplified test bed for uncertainty quantification analysis is introduced accordingly. For illustrative purposes, the proposed modeling approach is applied to the switching model of a modular multilevel converter to improve the existing modeling practice and validate the model used in the design of this large-scale power converter. The proposed modeling and design methodology is also extended to design optimization, where a robust multi-objective design and optimization approach with parametric and model form uncertainty quantification is proposed. A sensitivity index is defined accordingly as a quantitative measure of system design robustness, with regards to manufacturing variability and modeling inaccuracies in the design of systems with multiple performance functions. The optimum design solution is realized by exploring the Pareto Front of the enhanced performance space, where the model-form error associated with each design is used to modify the estimated performance measures. The parametric sensitivity of each design point is also considered to discern between cases and help identify the most parametrically-robust of the Pareto-optimal design solutions. To demonstrate the benefits of incorporating uncertainty quantification analysis into the design optimization from a more practical standpoint, a Vienna-type rectifier is used as a case study to compare the theoretical analysis with a comprehensive experimental validation. This research shows that the model-form error and sensitivity of each design point can potentially change the performance space and the resultant Pareto Front. As a result, ignoring these main sources of uncertainty in the design will result in incorrect decision-making and the choice of a design that is not an optimum design solution in practice. / Ph. D. / Modeling and simulation have become fully ingrained into the set of design and development tools that are broadly used in the field of power electronics. To state simply, they represent the fastest and safest way to study a circuit or system, thus aiding in the research, design, diagnosis, and debugging phases of power converter development. Advances in computing technologies have also enabled the ability to conduct reliability and production yield analyses to ensure that the system performance can meet given requirements despite the presence of inevitable manufacturing variability and variations in the operating conditions. However, the trustworthiness of all the model-based design techniques depends entirely on the accuracy of the simulation models used, which has not yet been fully considered. In this research, a modeling and design approach with parametric and model-form uncertainty quantification is formulated to bridge the modeling and simulation accuracy and reliance gaps that have hindered the full exploitation of model-based design techniques. The proposed modeling and design methodology is also extended to design optimization, where a robust multi-objective design and optimization approach with parametric and model-form uncertainty quantification is proposed. A sensitivity index is defined accordingly as a quantitative measure of system design robustness, with regards to manufacturing variability and modeling inaccuracy in the design of systems with multiple performance functions. This research shows that the model-form error and sensitivity of each design point can potentially change the performance space and resultant Pareto Front. As a result, ignoring these main sources of uncertainty in the design will result in incorrect decision making and the choice of a design that is not an optimum design solution in practice.

Modeling and Analysis of a Cantilever Beam Tip Mass System

Meesala, Vamsi Chandra 22 May 2018 (has links)
We model the nonlinear dynamics of a cantilever beam with tip mass system subjected to different excitation and exploit the nonlinear behavior to perform sensitivity analysis and propose a parameter identification scheme for nonlinear piezoelectric coefficients. First, the distributed parameter governing equations taking into consideration the nonlinear boundary conditions of a cantilever beam with a tip mass subjected to principal parametric excitation are developed using generalized Hamilton's principle. Using a Galerkin's discretization scheme, the discretized equation for the first mode is developed for simpler representation assuming linear and nonlinear boundary conditions. We solve the distributed parameter and discretized equations separately using the method of multiple scales. We determine that the cantilever beam tip mass system subjected to parametric excitation is highly sensitive to the detuning. Finally, we show that assuming linearized boundary conditions yields the wrong type of bifurcation. Noting the highly sensitive nature of a cantilever beam with tip mass system subjected to parametric excitation to detuning, we perform sensitivity of the response to small variations in elasticity (stiffness), and the tip mass. The governing equation of the first mode is derived, and the method of multiple scales is used to determine the approximate solution based on the order of the expected variations. We demonstrate that the system can be designed so that small variations in either stiffness or tip mass can alter the type of bifurcation. Notably, we show that the response of a system designed for a supercritical bifurcation can change to yield a subcritical bifurcation with small variations in the parameters. Although such a trend is usually undesired, we argue that it can be used to detect small variations induced by fatigue or small mass depositions in sensing applications. Finally, we consider a cantilever beam with tip mass and piezoelectric layer and propose a parameter identification scheme that exploits the vibration response to estimate the nonlinear piezoelectric coefficients. We develop the governing equations of a cantilever beam with tip mass and piezoelectric layer by considering an enthalpy that accounts for quadratic and cubic material nonlinearities. We then use the method of multiple scales to determine the approximate solution of the response to direct excitation. We show that approximate solution and amplitude and phase modulation equations obtained from the method of multiple scales analysis can be matched with numerical simulation of the response to estimate the nonlinear piezoelectric coefficients. / Master of Science / The domain of structural dynamics involves the evaluation of the structures response when subjected to time-varying loads. This field has many applications. For instance, by observing specific variations in the response of a structure such as bridge or a structural element such as a beam, one can diagnose the state of the structure or one of its elements. At much smaller scales, one can use a device to observe small variations in the response of a beam to detect the presence of bio-materials or gas particles in air. Additionally, one can use the response of a structure to harvest energy of ambient vibrations that are freely available. In this thesis, we develop a mathematical framework for evaluating the response of a cantilever beam with a tip mass to small variations in material properties caused by fatigue and to small variations in the tip mass caused by additional mass that gets bound to the structure. We also exploit the response of the beam to evaluate nonlinear material properties of piezoelectric materials that have been suggested for use in charging micro sensors, vibration control, load sensing and for high power energy transfer applications.

Data assimilation and uncertainty quantification in cardiovascular biomechanics / Assimilation de données et quantification des incertitudes en biomécanique cardiovasculaire

Lal, Rajnesh 14 June 2017 (has links)
Les simulations numériques des écoulements sanguins cardiovasculaires peuvent combler d’importantes lacunes dans les capacités actuelles de traitement clinique. En effet, elles offrent des moyens non invasifs pour quantifier l’hémodynamique dans le cœur et les principaux vaisseaux sanguins chez les patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires. Ainsi, elles permettent de recouvrer les caractéristiques des écoulements sanguins qui ne peuvent pas être obtenues directement à partir de l’imagerie médicale. Dans ce sens, des simulations personnalisées utilisant des informations propres aux patients aideraient à une prévision individualisée des risques. Nous pourrions en effet, disposer des informations clés sur la progression éventuelle d’une maladie ou détecter de possibles anomalies physiologiques. Les modèles numériques peuvent fournir également des moyens pour concevoir et tester de nouveaux dispositifs médicaux et peuvent être utilisés comme outils prédictifs pour la planification de traitement chirurgical personnalisé. Ils aideront ainsi à la prise de décision clinique. Cependant, une difficulté dans cette approche est que, pour être fiables, les simulations prédictives spécifiques aux patients nécessitent une assimilation efficace de leurs données médicales. Ceci nécessite la solution d’un problème hémodynamique inverse, où les paramètres du modèle sont incertains et sont estimés à l’aide des techniques d’assimilation de données.Dans cette thèse, le problème inverse pour l’estimation des paramètres est résolu par une méthode d’assimilation de données basée sur un filtre de Kalman d’ensemble (EnKF). Connaissant les incertitudes sur les mesures, un tel filtre permet la quantification des incertitudes liées aux paramètres estimés. Un algorithme d’estimation de paramètres, basé sur un filtre de Kalman d’ensemble, est proposé dans cette thèse pour des calculs hémodynamiques spécifiques à un patient, dans un réseau artériel schématique et à partir de mesures cliniques incertaines. La méthodologie est validée à travers plusieurs scenarii in silico utilisant des données synthétiques. La performance de l’algorithme d’estimation de paramètres est également évaluée sur des données expérimentales pour plusieurs réseaux artériels et dans un cas provenant d’un banc d’essai in vitro et des données cliniques réelles d’un volontaire (cas spécifique du patient). Le but principal de cette thèse est l’analyse hémodynamique spécifique du patient dans le polygone de Willis, appelé aussi cercle artériel du cerveau. Les propriétés hémodynamiques communes, comme celles de la paroi artérielle (module de Young, épaisseur de la paroi et coefficient viscoélastique), et les paramètres des conditions aux limites (coefficients de réflexion et paramètres du modèle de Windkessel) sont estimés. Il est également démontré qu’un modèle appelé compartiment d’ordre réduit (ou modèle dimension zéro) permet une estimation simple et fiable des caractéristiques du flux sanguin dans le polygone de Willis. De plus, il est ressorti que les simulations avec les paramètres estimés capturent les formes attendues pour les ondes de pression et de débit aux emplacements prescrits par le clinicien. / Cardiovascular blood flow simulations can fill several critical gaps in current clinical capabilities. They offer non-invasive ways to quantify hemodynamics in the heart and major blood vessels for patients with cardiovascular diseases, that cannot be directly obtained from medical imaging. Patient-specific simulations (incorporating data unique to the individual) enable individualised risk prediction, provide key insights into disease progression and/or abnormal physiologic detection. They also provide means to systematically design and test new medical devices, and are used as predictive tools to surgical and personalize treatment planning and, thus aid in clinical decision-making. Patient-specific predictive simulations require effective assimilation of medical data for reliable simulated predictions. This is usually achieved by the solution of an inverse hemodynamic problem, where uncertain model parameters are estimated using the techniques for merging data and numerical models known as data assimilation methods.In this thesis, the inverse problem is solved through a data assimilation method using an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) for parameter estimation. By using an ensemble Kalman filter, the solution also comes with a quantification of the uncertainties for the estimated parameters. An ensemble Kalman filter-based parameter estimation algorithm is proposed for patient-specific hemodynamic computations in a schematic arterial network from uncertain clinical measurements. Several in silico scenarii (using synthetic data) are considered to investigate the efficiency of the parameter estimation algorithm using EnKF. The usefulness of the parameter estimation algorithm is also assessed using experimental data from an in vitro test rig and actual real clinical data from a volunteer (patient-specific case). The proposed algorithm is evaluated on arterial networks which include single arteries, cases of bifurcation, a simple human arterial network and a complex arterial network including the circle of Willis.The ultimate aim is to perform patient-specific hemodynamic analysis in the network of the circle of Willis. Common hemodynamic properties (parameters), like arterial wall properties (Young’s modulus, wall thickness, and viscoelastic coefficient) and terminal boundary parameters (reflection coefficient and Windkessel model parameters) are estimated as the solution to an inverse problem using time series pressure values and blood flow rate as measurements. It is also demonstrated that a proper reduced order zero-dimensional compartment model can lead to a simple and reliable estimation of blood flow features in the circle of Willis. The simulations with the estimated parameters capture target pressure or flow rate waveforms at given specific locations.

Otimização robusta multiobjetivo por análise de intervalo não probabilística : uma aplicação em conforto e segurança veicular sob dinâmica lateral e vertical acoplada

Drehmer, Luis Roberto Centeno January 2017 (has links)
Esta Tese propõe uma nova ferramenta para Otimização Robusta Multiobjetivo por Análise de Intervalo Não Probabilística (Non-probabilistic Interval Analysis for Multiobjective Robust Design Optimization ou NPIA-MORDO). A ferramenta desenvolvida visa à otimização dos parâmetros concentrados de suspensão em um modelo veicular completo, submetido a uma manobra direcional percorrendo diferentes perfis de pista, a fim de garantir maior conforto e segurança ao motorista. O modelo multicorpo possui 15 graus de liberdade (15-GDL), dentre os quais onze pertencem ao veículo e assento, e quatro, ao modelo biodinâmico do motorista. A função multiobjetivo é composta por objetivos conflitantes e as suas tolerâncias, como a raiz do valor quadrático médio (root mean square ou RMS) da aceleração lateral e da aceleração vertical do assento do motorista, desenvolvidas durante a manobra de dupla troca de faixa (Double Lane Change ou DLC). O curso da suspensão e a aderência dos pneus à pista são tratados como restrições do problema de otimização. As incertezas são quantificadas no comportamento do sistema pela análise de intervalo não probabilística, por intermédio do Método dos Níveis de Corte-α (α-Cut Levels) para o nível α zero (de maior dispersão), e realizada concomitantemente ao processo de otimização multiobjetivo. Essas incertezas são aplicáveis tanto nos parâmetros do problema quanto nas variáveis de projeto. Para fins de validação do modelo, desenvolvido em ambiente MATLAB®, a trajetória do centro de gravidade da carroceria durante a manobra é comparada com o software CARSIM®, assim como as forças laterais e verticais dos pneus. Os resultados obtidos são exibidos em diversos gráficos a partir da fronteira de Pareto entre os múltiplos objetivos do modelo avaliado Os indivíduos da fronteira de Pareto satisfazem as condições do problema, e a função multiobjetivo obtida pela agregação dos múltiplos objetivos resulta em uma diferença de 1,66% entre os indivíduos com o menor e o maior valor agregado obtido. A partir das variáveis de projeto do melhor indivíduo da fronteira, gráficos são gerados para cada grau de liberdade do modelo, ilustrando o histórico dos deslocamentos, velocidades e acelerações. Para esse caso, a aceleração RMS vertical no assento do motorista é de 1,041 m/s² e a sua tolerância é de 0,631 m/s². Já a aceleração RMS lateral no assento do motorista é de 1,908 m/s² e a sua tolerância é de 0,168 m/s². Os resultados obtidos pelo NPIA-MORDO confirmam que é possível agregar as incertezas dos parâmetros e das variáveis de projeto à medida que se realiza a otimização externa, evitando a necessidade de análises posteriores de propagação de incertezas. A análise de intervalo não probabilística empregada pela ferramenta é uma alternativa viável de medida de dispersão se comparada com o desvio padrão, por não utilizar uma função de distribuição de probabilidades prévia e por aproximar-se da realidade na indústria automotiva, onde as tolerâncias são preferencialmente utilizadas. / This thesis proposes the development of a new tool for Non-probabilistic Interval Analysis for Multi-objective Robust Design Optimization (NPIA-MORDO). The developed tool aims at optimizing the lumped parameters of suspension in a full vehicle model, subjected to a double-lane change (DLC) maneuver throughout different random road profiles, to ensure comfort and safety to the driver. The multi-body model has 15 degrees of freedom (15-DOF) where 11-DOF represents the vehicle and its seat and 4-DOF represents the driver's biodynamic model. A multi-objective function is composed by conflicted objectives and their tolerances, like the root mean square (RMS) lateral and vertical acceleration in the driver’s seat, both generated during the double-lane change maneuver. The suspension working space and the road holding capacity are used as constraints for the optimization problem. On the other hand, the uncertainties in the system are quantified using a non-probabilistic interval analysis with the α-Cut Levels Method for zero α-level (the most uncertainty one), performed concurrently in the multi-objective optimization process. These uncertainties are both applied to the system parameters and design variables to ensure the robustness in results. For purposes of validation in the model, developed in MATLAB®, the path of the car’s body center of gravity during the maneuver is compared with the commercial software CARSIM®, as well as the lateral and vertical forces from the tires. The results are showed in many graphics obtained from the Pareto front between the multiple conflicting objectives of the evaluated model. The obtained solutions from the Pareto Front satisfy the conditions of the evaluated problem, and the aggregated multi-objective function results in a difference of 1.66% for the worst to the best solution. From the design variables of the best solution choose from the Pareto front, graphics are created for each degree of freedom, showing the time histories for displacements, velocities and accelerations. In this particular case, the RMS vertical acceleration in the driver’s seat is 1.041 m/s² and its tolerance is 0.631 m/s², but the RMS lateral acceleration in the driver’s seat is 1.908 m/s² and its tolerance is 0.168 m/s². The overall results obtained from NPIA-MORDO assure that is possible take into account the uncertainties from the system parameters and design variables as the external optimization loop is performed, reducing the efforts in subsequent evaluations. The non-probabilistic interval analysis performed by the proposed tool is a feasible choice to evaluate the uncertainty if compared to the standard deviation, because there is no need of previous well-known based probability distribution and because it reaches the practical needs from the automotive industry, where the tolerances are preferable.

Otimização estrutural sob incertezas: métodos e aplicações / Structural optimization under uncertainties: methods and applications

Kroetz, Henrique Machado 18 February 2019 (has links)
A tarefa mais importante do projetista de estruturas é garantir a segurança em seus projetos. Obras cujas vidas úteis são medidas em décadas devem ser mantidas funcionais, garantindo níveis aceitáveis de segurança e conforto a seus usuários. Deve-se ainda levar em conta os impactos da estrutura, de maneira que o consumo de materiais, o preço, e mesmo os danos ambientais relacionados a ela não inviabilizem sua execução. A otimização estrutural permite a concepção de estruturas que atendem a requisitos desejáveis, e aliada à confiabilidade estrutural, fornece o corpo de conhecimentos necessário para a obtenção de estruturas seguras e viáveis. Apesar disso, a formulação de problemas de otimização estrutural envolvendo quantificação de incertezas envolve grande complexidade, e não foi ainda plenamente absorvida pela prática da engenharia. Nesta tese, diferentes abordagens de otimização considerando incertezas são exploradas e três métodos para a solução de problemas deste tipo são propostos. É apresentada também uma aplicação de otimização baseada em confiabilidade na calibração de coeficientes parciais de segurança. Além disso, aplicações de otimização de risco são estudadas, incluindo problemas que envolvem estruturas que sofrem degradação, e um problema envolvendo confiabilidade de sistema, cuja falha depende da trajetória dos carregamentos no tempo. A tese inclui ainda uma breve revisão e um estudo sobre técnicas de metamodelagem, que são aplicadas nos métodos propostos para a redução dos custos computacionais envolvidos na solução dos problemas de otimização. Os métodos propostos, bem como as aplicações exploradas, são estudados em vários exemplos, demonstrando-se assim a eficiência de cada um deles. / The structural designer\'s utmost important task is to guarantee the safety of the structures designed. Buildings whose lifespan is referred to in decades must be kept functional, with acceptable levels of safety and comfort to its users. The impact caused by the structure must be taken into account as well, so that material consumption, costs and environmental damage do not make its execution unfeasible. Structural optimization allows the design of structures that attend to specific requirements, and together with structural reliability, provides the knowledge required to the achievement of safe and viable structural design. However, the formulation of structural optimization problems including uncertainty quantification involves great complexity, and has not yet been fully absorbed by engineering practice. In this thesis, different approaches to optimization under uncertainties are explored, and three methods are proposed to the solution of this kind of problem. A reliability-based design optimization application to the calibration of partial safety factors is also presented. Moreover risk optimization applications to degrading structures and a system reliability problem, whose failure depends on the trajectory followed by the loads in time are studied. This thesis also includes a study about surrogate modelling techniques, which are applied to reduce the computational burden of the methods proposed herein. The methods and applications studied in this thesis are explored in several examples, thus demonstrating their efficiency.

Reduced Order Modelling and Uncertainty Propagation Applied to Water Distribution Networks / Modélisation réduite et propagation d’incertitudes pour les réseaux d’alimentation en eau potable.

Braun, Mathias 04 April 2019 (has links)
Les réseaux de distribution d’eau consistent en de grandes infrastructures réparties dans l’espace qui assurent la distribution d’eau potable en quantité et en qualité suffisantes. Les modèles mathématiques de ces systèmes sont caractérisés par un grand nombre de variables d’état et de paramètres dont la plupart sont incertains. Les temps de calcul peuvent s’avérer conséquents pour les réseaux de taille importante et la propagation d’incertitude par des méthodes de Monte Carlo. Par conséquent, les deux principaux objectifs de cette thèse sont l’étude des techniques de modélisation à ordre réduit par projection ainsi que la propagation spectrale des incertitudes des paramètres. La thèse donne tout d’abord un aperçu des méthodes mathématiques utilisées. Ensuite, les équations permanentes des réseaux hydrauliques sont présentées et une nouvelle méthode de calcul des sensibilités est dérivée sur la base de la méthode adjointe. Les objectifs spécifiques du développement de modèles d’ordre réduit sont l’application de méthodes basées sur la projection, le développement de stratégies d’échantillonnage adaptatives plus efficaces et l’utilisation de méthodes d’hyper-réduction pour l’évaluation rapide des termes résiduels non linéaires. Pour la propagation des incertitudes, des méthodes spectrales sont introduites dans le modèle hydraulique et un modèle hydraulique intrusif est formulé. Dans le but d’une analyse plus efficace des incertitudes des paramètres, la propagation spectrale est ensuite évaluée sur la base du modèle réduit. Les résultats montrent que les modèles d’ordre réduit basés sur des projections offrent un avantage considérable par rapport à l’effort de calcul. Bien que l’utilisation de l’échantillonnage adaptatif permette une utilisation plus efficace des états système pré-calculés, l’utilisation de méthodes d’hyper-réduction n’a pas permis d’améliorer la charge de calcul. La propagation des incertitudes des paramètres sur la base des méthodes spectrales est comparable aux simulations de Monte Carlo en termes de précision, tout en réduisant considérablement l’effort de calcul. / Water distribution systems are large, spatially distributed infrastructures that ensure the distribution of potable water of sufficient quantity and quality. Mathematical models of these systems are characterized by a large number of state variables and parameter. Two major challenges are given by the time constraints for the solution and the uncertain character of the model parameters. The main objectives of this thesis are thus the investigation of projection based reduced order modelling techniques for the time efficient solution of the hydraulic system as well as the spectral propagation of parameter uncertainties for the improved quantification of uncertainties. The thesis gives an overview of the mathematical methods that are being used. This is followed by the definition and discussion of the hydraulic network model, for which a new method for the derivation of the sensitivities is presented based on the adjoint method. The specific objectives for the development of reduced order models are the application of projection based methods, the development of more efficient adaptive sampling strategies and the use of hyper-reduction methods for the fast evaluation of non-linear residual terms. For the propagation of uncertainties spectral methods are introduced to the hydraulic model and an intrusive hydraulic model is formulated. With the objective of a more efficient analysis of the parameter uncertainties, the spectral propagation is then evaluated on the basis of the reduced model. The results show that projection based reduced order models give a considerable benefit with respect to the computational effort. While the use of adaptive sampling resulted in a more efficient use of pre-calculated system states, the use of hyper-reduction methods could not improve the computational burden and has to be explored further. The propagation of the parameter uncertainties on the basis of the spectral methods is shown to be comparable to Monte Carlo simulations in accuracy, while significantly reducing the computational effort.

Otimização robusta multiobjetivo por análise de intervalo não probabilística : uma aplicação em conforto e segurança veicular sob dinâmica lateral e vertical acoplada

Drehmer, Luis Roberto Centeno January 2017 (has links)
Esta Tese propõe uma nova ferramenta para Otimização Robusta Multiobjetivo por Análise de Intervalo Não Probabilística (Non-probabilistic Interval Analysis for Multiobjective Robust Design Optimization ou NPIA-MORDO). A ferramenta desenvolvida visa à otimização dos parâmetros concentrados de suspensão em um modelo veicular completo, submetido a uma manobra direcional percorrendo diferentes perfis de pista, a fim de garantir maior conforto e segurança ao motorista. O modelo multicorpo possui 15 graus de liberdade (15-GDL), dentre os quais onze pertencem ao veículo e assento, e quatro, ao modelo biodinâmico do motorista. A função multiobjetivo é composta por objetivos conflitantes e as suas tolerâncias, como a raiz do valor quadrático médio (root mean square ou RMS) da aceleração lateral e da aceleração vertical do assento do motorista, desenvolvidas durante a manobra de dupla troca de faixa (Double Lane Change ou DLC). O curso da suspensão e a aderência dos pneus à pista são tratados como restrições do problema de otimização. As incertezas são quantificadas no comportamento do sistema pela análise de intervalo não probabilística, por intermédio do Método dos Níveis de Corte-α (α-Cut Levels) para o nível α zero (de maior dispersão), e realizada concomitantemente ao processo de otimização multiobjetivo. Essas incertezas são aplicáveis tanto nos parâmetros do problema quanto nas variáveis de projeto. Para fins de validação do modelo, desenvolvido em ambiente MATLAB®, a trajetória do centro de gravidade da carroceria durante a manobra é comparada com o software CARSIM®, assim como as forças laterais e verticais dos pneus. Os resultados obtidos são exibidos em diversos gráficos a partir da fronteira de Pareto entre os múltiplos objetivos do modelo avaliado Os indivíduos da fronteira de Pareto satisfazem as condições do problema, e a função multiobjetivo obtida pela agregação dos múltiplos objetivos resulta em uma diferença de 1,66% entre os indivíduos com o menor e o maior valor agregado obtido. A partir das variáveis de projeto do melhor indivíduo da fronteira, gráficos são gerados para cada grau de liberdade do modelo, ilustrando o histórico dos deslocamentos, velocidades e acelerações. Para esse caso, a aceleração RMS vertical no assento do motorista é de 1,041 m/s² e a sua tolerância é de 0,631 m/s². Já a aceleração RMS lateral no assento do motorista é de 1,908 m/s² e a sua tolerância é de 0,168 m/s². Os resultados obtidos pelo NPIA-MORDO confirmam que é possível agregar as incertezas dos parâmetros e das variáveis de projeto à medida que se realiza a otimização externa, evitando a necessidade de análises posteriores de propagação de incertezas. A análise de intervalo não probabilística empregada pela ferramenta é uma alternativa viável de medida de dispersão se comparada com o desvio padrão, por não utilizar uma função de distribuição de probabilidades prévia e por aproximar-se da realidade na indústria automotiva, onde as tolerâncias são preferencialmente utilizadas. / This thesis proposes the development of a new tool for Non-probabilistic Interval Analysis for Multi-objective Robust Design Optimization (NPIA-MORDO). The developed tool aims at optimizing the lumped parameters of suspension in a full vehicle model, subjected to a double-lane change (DLC) maneuver throughout different random road profiles, to ensure comfort and safety to the driver. The multi-body model has 15 degrees of freedom (15-DOF) where 11-DOF represents the vehicle and its seat and 4-DOF represents the driver's biodynamic model. A multi-objective function is composed by conflicted objectives and their tolerances, like the root mean square (RMS) lateral and vertical acceleration in the driver’s seat, both generated during the double-lane change maneuver. The suspension working space and the road holding capacity are used as constraints for the optimization problem. On the other hand, the uncertainties in the system are quantified using a non-probabilistic interval analysis with the α-Cut Levels Method for zero α-level (the most uncertainty one), performed concurrently in the multi-objective optimization process. These uncertainties are both applied to the system parameters and design variables to ensure the robustness in results. For purposes of validation in the model, developed in MATLAB®, the path of the car’s body center of gravity during the maneuver is compared with the commercial software CARSIM®, as well as the lateral and vertical forces from the tires. The results are showed in many graphics obtained from the Pareto front between the multiple conflicting objectives of the evaluated model. The obtained solutions from the Pareto Front satisfy the conditions of the evaluated problem, and the aggregated multi-objective function results in a difference of 1.66% for the worst to the best solution. From the design variables of the best solution choose from the Pareto front, graphics are created for each degree of freedom, showing the time histories for displacements, velocities and accelerations. In this particular case, the RMS vertical acceleration in the driver’s seat is 1.041 m/s² and its tolerance is 0.631 m/s², but the RMS lateral acceleration in the driver’s seat is 1.908 m/s² and its tolerance is 0.168 m/s². The overall results obtained from NPIA-MORDO assure that is possible take into account the uncertainties from the system parameters and design variables as the external optimization loop is performed, reducing the efforts in subsequent evaluations. The non-probabilistic interval analysis performed by the proposed tool is a feasible choice to evaluate the uncertainty if compared to the standard deviation, because there is no need of previous well-known based probability distribution and because it reaches the practical needs from the automotive industry, where the tolerances are preferable.

Uncertainty Quantification in Flow and Flow Induced Structural Response

Suryawanshi, Anup Arvind January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Response of flexible structures — such as cable-supported bridges and aircraft wings — is associated with a number of uncertainties in structural and flow parameters. This thesis is aimed at efficient uncertainty quantification in a few such flow and flow-induced structural response problems. First, the uncertainty quantification in the lift force exerted on a submerged body in a potential flow is considered. To this end, a new method — termed here as semi-intrusive stochastic perturbation (SISP) — is proposed. A sensitivity analysis is also performed, where for the global sensitivity analysis (GSA) the Sobol’ indices are used. The polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) is used for estimating these indices. Next, two stability problems —divergence and flutter — in the aeroelasticity are studied in the context of reliability based design optimization (RBDO). Two modifications are proposed to an existing PCE-based metamodel to reduce the computational cost, where the chaos coefficients are estimated using Gauss quadrature to gain computational speed and GSA is used to create nonuniform grid to reduce the cost even further. The proposed method is applied on a rectangular unswept cantilever wing model. Next, reliability computation in limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) is considered. While the metamodel performs poorly in this case due to bimodality in the distribution, a new simulation-based scheme proposed to this end. Accordingly, first a reduced-order model (ROM) is used to identify the critical region in the random parameter space. Then the full-scale expensive model is run only over a this critical region. This is applied to the rectangular unswept cantilever wing with cubic and fifth order stiffness terms in its equation of motion. Next, the wind speed is modeled as a spatio-temporal process, and accordingly new representations of spatio-temporal random processes are proposed based on tensor decompositions of the covariance kernel. These are applied to three problems: a heat equation, a vibration, and a readily available covariance model for wind speed. Finally, to assimilate available field measurement data on wind speed and to predict based on this assimilation, a new framework based on the tensor decompositions is proposed. The framework is successfully applied to a set of measured data on wind speed in Ireland, where the prediction based on simulation is found to be consistent with the observed data.

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