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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing work stressors, union support, job satisfaction and safety outcomes in the mining environment / Nicolaas Wilhelmus Hertzog Smit

Smit, Nicolaas Wilhelmus Hertzog January 2014 (has links)
The mining environment is one of the largest contributors to the South African economy and provides employment and a livelihood to many South African households. However; the mining environment is one of the most hazardous and production-driven environments in South Africa and worldwide, often leaving households without their primary provider, as a result of accidents. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between work stressors, job insecurity, union support, job satisfaction and safety motivation and -behaviour, also to determine whether the levels of job satisfaction mediate the relationship between work stressors, job insecurity, union support and safety motivation and -behaviour. The role conflict scale (Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman, 1970), role overload (qualitative and quantitative) scale (Beehr, Walsh, & Taber, 1976; Sverke, Hellgren, & Öhrming, 1999), job insecurity scale (Hellgren, Sverke, & Isaksson, 1999), union support scale (Shore, Tetrick, Sinclair, & Newton, 1994), job satisfaction scale (Hellgren, Sjöberg & Sverke, 1997), safety motivation scale (Neal, Griffin, & Hart, 2000), safety behaviour scale (Neal et al., 2000) and a biographical questionnaire were administered to employees (N = 260) from the mining industry. A cross-sectional survey design was utilised. The scales demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency. Increased levels of work stressors and job insecurity were found to be associated with decreased levels of job satisfaction. Also, increased levels of perceived union support were associated with increased levels of job satisfaction and safety motivation and -behaviour. Finally, it was found that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between union support and safety motivation and -behaviour. Recommendations were made to be applied in practice, as well as for future research. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Assessing work stressors, union support, job satisfaction and safety outcomes in the mining environment / Nicolaas Wilhelmus Hertzog Smit

Smit, Nicolaas Wilhelmus Hertzog January 2014 (has links)
The mining environment is one of the largest contributors to the South African economy and provides employment and a livelihood to many South African households. However; the mining environment is one of the most hazardous and production-driven environments in South Africa and worldwide, often leaving households without their primary provider, as a result of accidents. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between work stressors, job insecurity, union support, job satisfaction and safety motivation and -behaviour, also to determine whether the levels of job satisfaction mediate the relationship between work stressors, job insecurity, union support and safety motivation and -behaviour. The role conflict scale (Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman, 1970), role overload (qualitative and quantitative) scale (Beehr, Walsh, & Taber, 1976; Sverke, Hellgren, & Öhrming, 1999), job insecurity scale (Hellgren, Sverke, & Isaksson, 1999), union support scale (Shore, Tetrick, Sinclair, & Newton, 1994), job satisfaction scale (Hellgren, Sjöberg & Sverke, 1997), safety motivation scale (Neal, Griffin, & Hart, 2000), safety behaviour scale (Neal et al., 2000) and a biographical questionnaire were administered to employees (N = 260) from the mining industry. A cross-sectional survey design was utilised. The scales demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency. Increased levels of work stressors and job insecurity were found to be associated with decreased levels of job satisfaction. Also, increased levels of perceived union support were associated with increased levels of job satisfaction and safety motivation and -behaviour. Finally, it was found that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between union support and safety motivation and -behaviour. Recommendations were made to be applied in practice, as well as for future research. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

G. Žilėno ūkio veiklos ekonominė analizė Europos Sąjungos paramos gavimo aspektu / Economic analysis of G. Žilėnas farm economic activity, in the aspect of European Union support receiving

Aleknavičienė, Giedrė, Rupšienė, Jelena 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe atlikta G. Žilėno ūkio veiklos analizė ir struktūrinės paramos priemonių poveikis ūkio restruktūrizavimui. Studijuojant Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių mokslinius veikalus, periodinę mokslinę literatūrą apie žemės ūkio gamybos įmones, Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymus, darbe nagrinėjama ūkio veiklos rezultatai bei ES paramos įtaka ūkininkavimo plėtotei bei ekonominės veiklos rodikliams. Apskaičiavus ūkio ekonominį dydį ir ūkininkavimo tipą, buvo palyginti augalininkystės ir gyvulininkystės sektorių veiklos rodikliai su žemės ūkio respondentinių įmonių veiklos rodikliais, siekiant nustatyti esminius dydžių ir sklaidos skirtumus. Naudojantis respondentinių įmonių finansinėmis bei veiklos ataskaitomis palyginti ir išsamiai išanalizuoti G. Žilėno ūkio finansiniai rodikliai. Siekiant įvertinti ES struktūrinių fondų ir valstybės paramos įtaką G. Žilėno ūkio konkurencingumui, esant skirtingoms valstybės paramos sąlygoms, apskaičiuotas daugiafunkcinis konkurencingumo indeksas. Apibendrinus gautus rezultatus, numatytos ūkio veiklos perspektyvos. / Analysis of G. Žilėnas‘farming activity and impact of structural support measures to the farm restructurization were performed in this master thesis. When studying scientific works by Lithuanian and foreign authors, periodic scientific literature about agricultural production companies, laws of the Republic of Lithuania, farming activity results and the EU impact on farming development and economic activity indicators were analysed in the thesis. Having estimated economic size of the farm and farming type, activity indicators of plant-cultivation and stock-raising were compared with activity indicators of agricultural respondent companies in order to establish the substantial differences in sizes and dispersion. Using financial and activity reports of respondent companies, financial indicators of G. Žilėnas‘farm were compared and thoroughly analysed. Upon different state support conditions, multifunctional competitiveness index was calculated in order to assess the impact of the EU structural funds and state support to the competitiveness of G. Žilėnas‘farm. Having summarized the obtained results, farming activity perspectives were anticipated.

Europos Sąjungos investicijos į alternatyviosios energetikos vystymą Lietuvos Respublikoje / European Union investments for alternative energy development in Lithuanian Respublic

Rudokaitė, Rasa 20 June 2013 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame magistro darbe apžvelgiami Europos Sąjungos paramos veikimo principai, alternatyviosios energetikos pagrindinės sąvokos, panaudojimo perspektyvos Lietuvoje. Atlikta patvirtintų Europos Sąjungos paramos priemonių, skirtų atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių panaudojimo plėtrai Lietuvos Respublikoje analizė, taip pat pristatytos žaliųjų tarifų problemos, trukdančios darnų alternatyviosios energetikos vystymą. Darbe išanalizuoti šiluminės ir elektros energijos suvartojimai ir kainos, kurie patvirtino atsinaujinančios energijos išteklių panaudojimo plėtros būtinumą. Siekiant atskleisti Europos Sąjungos lėšų įsisavinamo svarbą, buvo atliktas atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių panaudojimo investicinio projekto efektyvumo ir rizikos vertinimas. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 73 p. be priedų, 13 paveikslų, 24 lentelės ir 26 literatūros šaltiniai. / This master thesis provides an overview of operation principles of the European Union support, alternative energy main definitions and usage perspectives in Lithuania. Done analysis of approved by EU support instruments for renewable energy development in the Republic of Lithuania, also presented green tariffs problems that hinder the development of sustainable alternative energy. In thesis are analyzed the thermal and electrical energy consumption and costs, which confirmed renewable energy resources development need. In order to reveal the importance of EU funds absorption has been carried out efficiency and risk assessment for renewables investment project. The paper ends with conclusions and recommendations. Thesis consist 73 pg. text without appendixes, 13 pictures, 24 tables and 26 bibliographical entries.

Darnaus vystymosi principų įgyvendinimas ES struktūrinės paramos programoje / Implementation of sustainable development in EU structural support programmes

Navickas, Kęstutis 22 January 2009 (has links)
Darnus vystymasis tai vystymasis, kurio metu yra tarpusavyje derinami ekonominiai, socialiniai ir aplinkos aspektai, siekiant patenkinti dabarties kartos poreikius, tuo pačiu nepabloginant gyvenimo sąlygų ateities kartoms. ES struktūrinių fondų programų poveikio vertinimas laikomas svarbia sudėtine sprendimų priėmimo proceso dalimi bei naudojamas ES finansuojamoms programoms ir jų valdymui tobulinti, struktūrinės pagalbos veiksmingumui didinti. Šiame magistriniame baigiamajame darbe yra vykdomas paskesnysis (ex-post) vertinimas, kuris apima lėšų naudojimo, paramos veiksmingumo, jos poveikio įvertinimą ir pateikia išvadas dėl ekonominės ir socialinės sanglaudos politikos. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti, 2004-2006 metų ES struktūrinės paramos poveikį darnaus vystymosi nuostatų įgyvendinimui Lietuvoje. Magistro baigiamasis darbas sudarytas iš keturių dalių: Pirmoje dalyje apibrėžiama darnaus vystymosi politikos formavimo istorinė raida, pradedant pagrindinio darnaus vystymosi dokumento „Darbotvarkė 21“ formavimo apžvaga, baigiant Lietuvos Nacionaline Darnaus Vystymosi strategija. Antroje – nagrinėjamas darnaus vystymosi aprėptis, ES struktūrinės paramos Lietuvos strateginiame dokumente, 2004–2006 metų bendrajame programavimo dokumente. Trečioje - įvertintas Lietuvos 2004–2006 metų bendrojo programavimo dokumento darnaus vystymosi horizontaliojo prioriteto įgyvendinimas. Ketvirtoje – įvertos darnaus vystymosi nuostatų įgyvendinimo prielaidas įgyvendinant 2007 – 2013 m. ES... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sustainable development is a development Sustainable development implies economic growth together with the protection of environmental quality, each reinforcing the other and in the same time is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Assessment of EU structural funds impacts is considering as important constituent part for decision-making process and is used for to improve management and efficiency of EU structural programmes. In the present final master thesis is implementing ex-post assessment which includes assessment of financial efficiency, support efficiency and its impact assessment including provision conclusions concerning economical and coherent policies. The aim of the theses – assess impact of EU structural support to implementation sustainable development of period 2004-2006. The final master theses consist of fourth parts: In the first part define sustainable development policy development history, starting from the main sustainable development document “Agenda 21” and finishing with Lithuanian National Sustainable development strategy. In the second part the content of sustainable development in Single Programming Document (SPD) 2004–2006 is assessed. In the third part is assessed an implementation of sustainable development during 2004–2006 programming period. In the fourth is provided conclusions for preparation to implement sustainable development during 2007 – 2013... [to full text]

Kaimo turizmo veiklos Lietuvos kaime tyrimas ir perspektyvų analizė / Investigation of countryside tourism activities in Lithuania village and evaluation of perspective

Kuraitytė, Aistė 14 January 2009 (has links)
Lietuvoje kaimo turizmas yra viena iš perspektyviausių alternatyvių veiklų, kurianti darbo vietas kaimo vietovėse ir teikianti papildomas pajamas. Alternatyvios ir žemės ūkio veiklos derinimas padeda siekti pagrindinio tikslo – gerinti ūkio narių užimtumą, kelti gyvenimo lygį ir kokybę, o taip pat mažinti priklausomybę nuo neefektyvios žemės ūkio veiklos. Kaimo turizmas turi didelį plėtros potencialą, nes auga poreikis poilsiauti kaimo turizmo sodybose, ir didėja kaimo gyventojų, ketinančių imtis šio ne žemės ūkio verslo, dalis. Darbo tikslas – ištirti kaimo turizmo veiklą Lietuvos kaime, išanalizuoti jos perspektyvas. Atliekant mokslinį tyrimą buvo išnagrinėti straipsniai, įstatymai bei kiti teisės aktai. Naudotasi internetiniais puslapiais ir periodiniais leidiniais. Sukaupta medžiaga buvo nagrinėta naudojant anketinės ir tiesioginės apklausos, loginės analizės, literatūros šaltinių analizės, aprašomąjį ir statistinį metodus. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad per pastaruosius septynerius metus (nuo 2000 iki 2007 m.) kaimo turizmo sodybų skaičius padidėjo net keturis kartus. Daugiausia kaimo turizmo sodybų yra Ignalinos, Zarasų, Trakų, Klaipėdos rajonų savivaldybėse. Nors kaimo turizmas pastaraisiais metais tapo vienu iš populiariausių ne žemės ūkio verslų kaime, šių paslaugų pasiūla, kokybė ir įvairovė nėra pakankama. / Country tourism is one of the perspective alternative agriculture activities which creates new workplaces and give additional income. If we will match alternative and agriculture activities, we will be able to reach the main purpose – improve an employment, raise the standard quality of life, reduce dependence from not effective agriculture activities. The country tourism has a big potential of developmental. Main goal of this job is to analyze country tourism activity in Lithuania village and perspective of countryside tourism development. It was used analysis of memoirs, statistical grouping, logical analysis, descriptive and questionnaire methods. To determine relationships between two properties was used correlation analysis. From results we saw that during seven years (from 2000 to 2007) number of countryside farmsteads increase even four times. There was determining that the biggest amount countryside tourism farmsteads are in Ignalinos, Zarasų, Trakų, Klaipėdos regions. It was determined that the biggest influence to distribution of countryside farmsteads was water.

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