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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Saving Face in Front of the Computer? Culture and Attributions of Human Likeness Influence Users' Experience of Automatic Facial Emotion Recognition

Stein, Jan-Philipp, Ohler, Peter 06 September 2018 (has links)
In human-to-human contexts, display rules provide an empirically sound construct to explain intercultural differences in emotional expressivity. A very prominent finding in this regard is that cultures rooted in collectivism—such as China, South Korea, or Japan—uphold norms of emotional suppression, contrasting with ideals of unfiltered self-expression found in several Western societies. However, other studies have shown that collectivistic cultures do not actually disregard the whole spectrum of emotional expression, but simply prefer displays of socially engaging emotions (e.g., trust, shame) over the more disengaging expressions favored by the West (e.g., pride, anger). Inspired by the constant advancement of affective technology, this study investigates if such cultural factors also influence how people experience being read by emotion-sensitive computers. In a laboratory experiment, we introduce 47 Chinese and 42 German participants to emotion recognition software, claiming that it would analyze their facial micro-expressions during a brief cognitive task. As we actually present standardized results (reporting either socially engaging or disengaging emotions), we manipulate participants' impression of having matched or violated culturally established display rules in a between-subject design. First, we observe a main effect of culture on the cardiovascular response to the digital recognition procedure: Whereas Chinese participants quickly return to their initial heart rate, German participants remain longer in an agitated state. A potential explanation for this—East Asians might be less stressed by sophisticated technology than people with a Western socialization—concurs with recent literature, highlighting different human uniqueness concepts across cultural borders. Indeed, while we find no cultural difference in subjective evaluations of the emotion-sensitive computer, a mediation analysis reveals a significant indirect effect from culture over perceived human likeness of the technology to its attractiveness. At the same time, violations of cultural display rules remain mostly irrelevant for participants' reaction; thus, we argue that inter-human norms for appropriate facial expressions might be loosened if faces are read by computers, at least in settings that are not associated with any social consequence.

L’unicité écologique des communautés végétales comme critère de conservation dans les milieux humides lacustres

Dubois, Raphaëlle 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de déterminer si l’unicité écologique des communautés végétales est un critère approprié pour prioriser l’allocation des efforts de conservation dans les milieux humides lacustres. Pour répondre à cette question, j’ai utilisé des données d’inventaire végétal dans deux emplacements géographiques situés dans le sud du Québec et pour trois types de milieux humides (i.e., frênaies, aulnaies, tourbières). J’ai d’abord identifié les milieux humides statistiquement uniques en calculant leur contribution locale à la diversité bêta (LCBD). J’ai ensuite mesuré le degré d’association relatif entre les valeurs d’unicité écologique et plusieurs autres critères couramment employés pour déterminer les priorités de conservation, et ce, à l’aide de corrélations de Pearson et de partitionnements hiérarchiques. Les tourbières uniques avaient une grande valeur de conservation dans les deux régions étudiées, alors que les aulnaies et frênaies uniques montraient des signes d’altération de leur composition en espèces. La composition en espèces des sites uniques devrait donc être examinée pour en déterminer la valeur de conservation, puisqu’elle pourrait être affectée par le niveau d’intégrité du paysage. La proportion d’espèces rares ainsi que la présence d’espèces spécialistes sensibles aux perturbations étaient corrélées de façon importante et congruentes avec l’unicité dans les deux régions étudiées. Au contraire, la richesse spécifique était négativement corrélée avec l’unicité, ce qui suggère la nécessité d’un compromis. Une combinaison de critères complémentaires devrait donc être utilisée en plus de l’unicité afin d’identifier l’ensemble optimal de sites à protéger dans un contexte donné. / This study aimed to determine whether plant composition uniqueness is an adequate criterion for assessing conservation priorities in lake-edge wetlands. To answer this question, I used vegetation data from two large datasets of lake-edge wetlands located in southern Québec, which encompassed three wetland types (i.e., ash-dominated swamps, alder-dominated swamps, peatlands). I first identified statistically unique wetlands by computing their local contribution to beta diversity (LCBD). I then measured the relative association between ecological uniqueness values and other criteria commonly used to assess conservation priorities using Pearson correlations and hierarchical partitioning. Unique peatlands had a high conservation value in both study regions, while ash- and alder-dominated swamps showed more signs that their species composition had been altered. The species composition of unique sites should thus be examined closely to determine its conservation value, as it could be affected by the overall integrity of the landscape. The proportion of rare species and the presence of disturbance-sensitive specialist species were appreciably correlated and congruent with uniqueness in both study regions. On the other hand, species richness was negatively correlated with uniqueness, suggesting that there was a trade-off. A combination of complementary criteria should therefore be used in conjunction with uniqueness in order to identify the optimal set of sites to protect in a given context.

Évaluation de l'unicité écologique à grande étendue spatiale à l'aide de modèles de répartition d'espèces

Dansereau, Gabriel 05 1900 (has links)
La diversité bêta est une mesure essentielle pour décrire l'organisation de la biodiversité dans l'espace. Le calcul des contributions locales à la diversité bêta (LCBD), en particulier, permet d'identifier des sites à forte unicité écologique montrant une diversité exceptionnelle au sein d'une région d'intérêt. Jusqu’à présent, l'utilisation des LCBD s'est restreinte à des échelles locales ou régionales avec un petit nombre de sites. Dans ce mémoire, j'ai examiné si les modèles de répartition d'espèces (SDM) permettent d'évaluer l'unicité écologique sur de plus grandes étendues spatiales. J'ai également étudié l’effet des changements d’échelle sur la quantification de la diversité bêta. Pour ce faire, j'ai utilisé la base de données eBird et des arbres de régression additifs bayésiens pour prédire la répartition des parulines en Amérique du Nord. J'ai ensuite calculé les LCBD sur ces prédictions, ce qui permet de couvrir de plus grandes étendues spatiales et un nombre de sites plus élevé. Mes résultats ont montré que les SDM fournissent des estimations d'unicité fortement corrélées avec les données observées et montrant une association spatiale statistiquement significative. Ils ont également montré que la relation entre la richesse et les LCBD varie selon la région et l'étendue spatiale et qu'elle est influencée par la proportion d'espèces rares dans les communautés. Ainsi, les sites identifiés comme uniques peuvent varier selon les caractéristiques de la région étudiée. Ces résultats montrent que les SDM peuvent être utilisés pour prédire l'unicité écologique, ce qui pourrait permettre d'identifier d'importantes cibles de conservation au sein de régions non échantillonnées. / Beta diversity is an essential measure to describe the organization of biodiversity through space. The calculation of local contributions to beta diversity (LCBD), specifically, allows the identification of sites with high ecological uniqueness and exceptional diversity within a region of interest. To this day, LCBD indices have primarily been used on regional and smaller scales, with relatively few sites. Furthermore, their use is typically restricted to strictly sampled sites with known species composition, leading to gaps in spatial coverage on broad extents. Here, I examined whether species distribution models (SDMs) can be used to assess ecological uniqueness over broader spatial extents and investigated the effect of scale changes on beta diversity quantification. To this aim, I used observations recorded in the eBird database and Bayesian additive regression trees to model warbler species composition in North America, then computed LCBD indices on the predictions, thus covering a broader spatial extent and a higher number of sites. My results showed that SDMs provide uniqueness estimates highly correlated with observed data with a statistically significant spatial association. They also showed that the relationship between richness and LCBD values varies according to the region and the spatial extent and that it is affected by the proportion of rare species in communities. Sites identified as unique may therefore vary according to regional characteristics. These results show that SDMs can be used to predict ecological uniqueness over broad spatial extents, which could help identify beta diversity hotspots and important targets for conservation purposes in unsampled locations.

Dostavba objektů určených pro FA a FaVU VUT Brno v areálu Údolní / Completion of the area Údolní 53 for the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Fine Arts

Vrabcová, Anežka January 2017 (has links)
The proposed VUT Art Campus is situated around the area of the streets Úvoz, Údolní, Tvrdého, Všetičkova and Jiříkovského. It lies in between two of the Brno’s most attractive recreational spots, Špilberk and Kraví hora. The project offers a creative solution of connecting two VUT’s faculties, the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Fine Arts. An important part of the proposal is the gallery of the students’ works which also serves as a connecting element between the faculties. One of the main objectives is the creation of the Green Line originating at Špilberk and finishing at Kraví hora. As such, the campus works as a cultural point of interest on the way around the city. The whole concept aims to highlight the uniqueness of the faculties while stretching the importance of their interconnection and the need of a co-operation.


FERNANDO SILVA BRAGA 26 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de aplicar os conceitos e ferramentas da Análise Real e Álgebra Linear num estudo sobre a teoria de existência, unicidade e estabilidade de soluções de sistemas de equações diferenciais ordinárias, considerando sistemas gerais parametrizados, lineares e não-lineares. / [en] This dissertation aims to apply the concepts and tools of Real Analysis and Linear Algebra to the theory of existence, uniquiness and stability of solutions of ordinary differential equations systems, considering general parametric, linear and non-linear systems.


Val, Petran 02 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Regulated Feedback Networks with Degradation

Addai, Obeng A. 05 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the sensitivity of Biometric Data: A Comparative Analysis of Theoretical and Human Perspectives

Jose, Dayona January 2024 (has links)
Biometric technology, leveraging distinctive physiological or behavioral traits for identification, has transformed authentication methods. This thesis explores biometric data sensitivity from theoretical and human perspectives. Theoretical analysis examines factors like uniqueness, permanence, and potential misuse, while empirical research surveys societal attitudes towards biometric sensitivity. Discrepancies between theoretical constructs and real-world perceptions underscore the complexity of this issue. Privacy, security, and trust emerge as central concerns, emphasizing the need for comprehensive approaches in biometric technology development and policy-making. The discussion interprets survey findings, highlighting implications for stakeholders. Future research could explore cultural influences on biometric perceptions, conduct longitudinal studies, and investigate innovative solutions to privacy and security concerns. Collaboration between academia, industry, and policymakers is crucial for advancing biometric technology ethically and responsibly in an increasingly digital world.

Цифровизация процесса проведения проверки словесного или изобразительного обозначения : магистерская диссертация / Digitalization of the verification process for verbal or pictorial designations

Воронина, В. А., Voronina, V. A. January 2024 (has links)
Цель работы: проектирование сервиса для проверки средств индивидуализации на основе языка программирования Python. Объектом работы выступает: информационная система для проведения предварительной проверки изобразительного обозначения. Научная новизна работы заключается в проектировании информационной системы, позволяющей проводить проверку изобразительных обозначений в атематическом режиме – без использования человеческих ресурсов. Практическая значимость работы заключается в проектировании нового функционала, отличного от конкурентов, а именно поиск по изобразительному обозначению, автоматизированная проверка изобразительного обозначения путем использования сервиса сократит сроки предварительной проверки изобразительного обозначения как для компаний, специализирующихся на регистрации Товарных знаков, так и для частных лиц, желающих зарегистрировать свое обозначение. / Purpose of work: designing a service for the verification of individualization means on the basis of Python programming language. The object of the work is: information system for preliminary verification of image designation. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the design of an information system that allows to carry out the verification of image designations in athematic mode - without the use of human resources. Practical significance of the work lies in the design of a new functionality, different from competitors, namely the search for the image designation, automated verification of the image designation by using the service will reduce the time of preliminary verification of the image designation for companies specializing in the registration of trademarks, and for individuals wishing to register their designation.

Svenska konsumenters syn på secondhandkläder : Fördelar och nackdelar med secondhandkläder

Bohlin, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Datum: 26:e juni 2019 Nivå: C-uppsats, i företagsekonomi, specialisering marknadsföring. Institution: Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle - Luleå Tekniska Universitet Författare: Sara Bohlin Handledare: Maria Ek Styvén Titel: Fördelar och nackdelar med att konsumera secondhandkläder Nyckelord: Secondhandkläder, secondhand, traditionellt tillverkade kläder, kläder, miljömedvetenhet, prismedvetenhet, behov av att vara unik, modeintresse, behov av att visa status upplevelse av ofräschhet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för konsumenters drivkrafter när det gäller att köpa eller inte köpa secondhandkläder. Metod: Deduktiv studie med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångsätt som genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Slutsatserna som drogs efter intervjuerna var att de vanligaste anledningarna till att köpa secondhandkläder var miljömedvetenhet, prismedvetenhet och modeintresse. De av de intervjuade som köpte mycket secondhandkläder utryckte alla på något sätt att de också hade ett behov av att ha en unik stil. Den vanligaste anledningen till att inte köpa secondhandkläder var modeintresse. Detta visade sig genom att de flesta av de intervjuade som köpte få eller inga kläder på secondhand också svarade att de var intresserade av mode. / Date: June 26, 2019 Level: C-uppsats, thesis in business Administration, Specialization Marketing Institution: Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences - Luleå University of Technology Author: Sara Bohlin Title: Advantages and disadvantages of consuming second-hand clothes Tutor: Maria Ek Styvén Key words: Second-hand clothes, second-hand, traditionally made clothes, clothes, environmentalism, price sensitivity, need for uniqueness, fashion involvement, need for status, perception of contamination. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand what, motivates consumers to buy or not to buy second-hand clothes. Method: A deductive study with a qualitative approach that was implemented using semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The conclusions drawn after the interviews were that the most common reasons for buying second-hand clothes were environmentalism, price sensitivity and fashion involvement. Those of the interviewed who bought a lot of second-hand clothes all expressed in some way that they also had a need to have a unique style. The most common reason for not buying second-hand clothes was fashion involvement. This was shown by the fact that most of the interviewees who bought few or no clothes on second-hand, also replied that they were interested in fashion.

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