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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impactos econômicos de desastres naturais em megacidades: o caso dos alagamentos em São Paulo / Economic impacts of natural disasters in megacities: the case of floods in São Paulo

Eliane Teixeira dos Santos 17 December 2013 (has links)
A cidade de São Paulo, que abriga 11 milhões de habitantes, sofre constantemente os efeitos dos alagamentos provocados pelas precipitações intensas. Esses alagamentos ocorrem todo verão, em diversas partes da cidade. Além das perdas e inconvenientes sofridos pelos residentes, os alagamentos produzem prejuízos que ultrapassam as fronteiras da cidade, afetando a renda e o produto da região metropolitana, de outras partes do estado e do país. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar os impactos econômicos dos alagamentos na cidade de São Paulo por meio do uso de um modelo espacial de Equilíbrio Geral Computável, integrado a informações georreferenciadas relacionadas à localização dos pontos de alagamento e às firmas dentro dos raios de influência. Estima-se que os alagamentos contribuem para a redução do crescimento da cidade e do bem estar de seus residentes, além de prejudicar a competitividade local nos mercados doméstico e internacional. Foi identificada uma taxa de dano intra-cidade de 2,1, e uma taxa de impacto total de 4,9 para a economia brasileira. / The city of São Paulo, home to 11 million people, suffers constantly the effects of flooding caused by extreme precipitation. Localized floods occur every summer in various parts of the city. Besides the losses and inconvenience felt by the residents, floods produce damages that cross the city boundaries, affecting income and output in the metropolitan area as well as in other parts of the state and the country. The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic impacts of floods in the city of São Paulo through the use of a spatial Computable General Equilibrium model integrated to GIS information related to the location of points of floods and the firms within their influence. It is estimated that floods contributed to reduce city growth and residents welfare, as well as to hamper local competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. An intra-city total impact-damage ratio of 2.1 and an economy-wide total impact-damage ratio of 4.9 were found.

Estimando o preço implícito de amenidades urbanas: evidências para o município de São Paulo. / "Estimating urban amenities implicit prices: evidences from São Paulo City"

Bruno Martins Hermann 09 May 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho, utilizamos uma equação hedônica para estimar o preço implícito de amenidades urbanas a partir de dados do mercado de imóveis no Município de São Paulo. São testadas duas especificações: uma com as variáveis explicativas originais e outra com a construção de fatores para correção de multicolinearidade. Além de considerar a configuração monocêntrica tradicional, propomos a inclusão de um vetor de acessibilidade para o caso de uma cidade duocêntrica. A investigação sobre as variáveis ambientais relevantes é fundamentada na interpolação espacial dos resíduos. Concluímos que a proximidade das estações de trem, a presença de áreas verdes e o zoneamento estritamente residencial valorizam o imóvel para fins residenciais, enquanto a criminalidade reduz o seu valor. / In this work, I use a hedonic equation to estimate the implicit prices of urban amenities based on housing market data for the city of São Paulo. I test two different specifications, one with the original independent variables, and another with factors to correct for multicollinearity. In addition to the traditional monocentric model, I include an accessibility vector for a duocentric city. A criterion to select the appropriate environmental variables based on residual spatial interpolation is introduced. I conclude that proximity to train stations, green areas and strict residential zones raise rents, while criminality reduces them.

Localização residencial e demanda por recreação: um modelo para cidades litorâneas. / Residencial locaton and recreation demand: a model for coastal cities.

Marcus Vinicius Rolemberg Côrtes 15 August 2008 (has links)
Os modelos clássicos de economia urbana, que tencionam descrever a estrutura espacial e de preços de residências das cidades, são, em grande parte, focados nos custos de transporte, o que acaba dando grande ênfase à distância ao local de trabalho. A acessibilidade a outras amenidades é o âmago de diversos trabalhos recentes, entre essas a distância à praia. O alto valor de lotes à beira mar nas cidades litorâneas brasileiras e a crescente demanda por lazer sugerem que a acessibilidade e a vista para a praia estão fortemente relacionadas com o preço da moradia. O modelo desenvolvido neste trabalho aspira explicar a ligação entre a demanda por recreação e o custo da moradia em cidades litorâneas. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto são discutidos diversos aspectos entre eles a acessibilidade ao local de trabalho, o número de trabalhadores de uma família e diferentes preferências entre estes. / The classical models of urban economics tend to describe the spatial structure of housing as well as their pricing in urban areas. Therefore, they focus on the cost of transportation by giving emphasis toward the distance to the working place. The accessibility of other amenities, e.g. beaches, is at the centre of various recent papers. High prices for real estate close to the seashore in coastal Brazilian cities and the rising demand for leisure time imply that reachability and a view to the beach are strongly linked with the housing price. The model that is going to be developed in this paper aims at explaining the connection between the demand for leisure and the housing prices of coastal cities. In order to achieve this goal, different topics like the accessibility to the working place, the number of working family members and their different kinds of preferences are going to be treated.

Infraestrutura urbana da região metropolitana da grande Vitória : o caso da serra / Urban infrastructure in the Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória : the case of Serra

Barbosa, Rafael da Silva, 1984- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Claudio Schuller Maciel / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T11:33:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Barbosa_RafaeldaSilva_M.pdf: 3139373 bytes, checksum: 7dcc1b0727f22489e24adb3724559411 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Atualmente o território capixaba, mais precisamente a Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória sofre grandes transformações no âmbito econômico e urbano. O primeiro ativado pelo setor externo de commodities e o segundo como resultado, de certa forma, da pujança econômica da região; engendrando no espaço consideráveis mudanças que por sua vez trazem novas e antigas questões. Uma delas refere-se à infraestrutura, uma variável de suma importância para o desenvolvimento seja econômico ou social de qualquer território. Pois, a quantidade e qualidade de infraestrutura acessível no espaço qualificam e condicionam o processo de desenvolvimento. Desse modo, as análises que versam sobre a infraestrutura envolvem diversas dimensões e setores, dentre as quais se destacam a produtiva e urbana. Diante disso, que o esforço do trabalho consiste em investigar a distribuição da infraestrutura urbana "básica" à luz do desenvolvimento econômico e social do território serrano, salientando a atuação do capital da construção civil na região. Assim sendo, a pergunta que norteia o estudo é: como uma região que produz riqueza a distribui em forma de bens coletivos? Com isto, proporciona-se uma leitura da desigualdade sócioespacial para a cidade da Serra numa concepção de serviços e equipamentos urbanos "básicos", como esgoto, pavimentação, transporte público, coleta de lixo e iluminação publica / Abstract: Currently the capixaba territory, specifically the Metropolitan Region of Vitória, undergoes major transformations in the economic and urban. The first activated by the external sector of commodities and the second result, in a sense, the boom in the region, generating considerable changes in space which in turn bring new and old questions. One refers to the infrastructure, a variable of paramount importance for the economic or social development of any territory. Because the quantity and quality of infrastructure available in space qualifies and requirement the development process. Thus, the analysis that deal with the infrastructure involve sectors and many dimensions, among which stand out, the production and urban. Front of this, the work aims to investigate the distribution of "basic" urban infrastructure under the light of economic and social development of serrano territory, stressing the role of capital construction in the region. Therefore the question that guides the study is: how a region that produces wealth distribute it in the form of collective goods? With this, it gives a reading of sociospatial inequality for the Serra's town in a conception of services and "basic" urban equipments as sewer, sidewalks, public transportation, garbage collection and street lighting / Mestrado / Desenvolvimento Economico, Espaço e Meio Ambiente / Mestre em Desenvolvimento Econômico

Local policies, urban dynamics and climate change : development of a multiscale modeling framework / Politiques locales, dynamiques urbaines et changement climatique : développement d'un outil de modélisation prenant en compte différentes échelles spatiales

Allio, Cédric 17 June 2015 (has links)
Les échecs successifs des négociations internationales sur le réchauffement climatique, dont l'objectif est d'établir un cadre global de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, ont contribué à l'émergence d'initiatives locales de lutte contre les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, notamment à l'échelle urbaine. Les initiatives locales sont porteuses d'espoir, parce que les pouvoirs locaux ont la charge de décisions influençant les émissions : les décisions relatives à l'aménagement de leurs territoires, au développement des transports en commun, à la construction de logements. Cependant, les politiques locales à mettre en place pour réduire efficacement les émissions de gaz à effet de serre au niveau mondial ne sont pas, aujourd'hui, bien définies. Cette thèse présente un modèle qui permet de comprendre le rôle que peuvent jouer les politiques locales dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, et leurs interactions avec une échelle plus globale. La plupart des modèles existants utilisés pour évaluer le coût des politiques d'atténuation du changement climatique ne tiennent compte que des déterminants technologiques et négligent le rôle des dynamiques urbaines. Le modèle développé représente les liens entre la consommation d'énergie des ménages, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et l'organisation spatiale des villes / The failure of the international community, pointed out in the successive annual Conferences of the Parties, to implement global climate policies has fostered supports for local initiatives, in particular at the urban levels. Local action is believed to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions as local communities are at the cutting edge of the climate change challenge because they have responsibility for a wide range of decisions that affect emissions: land use planning, urban transport and housing policies. However, how to use efficiently local policies to reduce gas emissions at a global scale remains unclear. In this thesis, we developed some tools that can give insights on the role of local policies in climate change mitigation and their interaction with the global scale. The overwhelming majority of energy-economy-environment models conventionally used to assess mitigation costs of climate change focus essentially on the technological determinants of energy trends but do not capture explicitly the role of urban dynamics. We propose a step forward to the representation of the interplay between energy consumption, carbon emissions and the spatial organization of cities

Discrimination and public policies / Discrimination et politiques publiques

Deschamps, Pierre 06 July 2018 (has links)
Dans les trois chapitres de cette thèse, j’étudie l’effet des préjugés et des préférences discriminatoires sur le marché du travail. Je m’intéresse aussi à l’efficacité de politiques publiques qui ont pour objectif d’atténuer les effets négatifs de ces préférences. Dans mon premier chapitre, je m’appuie sur un arrêt célèbre qui a changé le pouvoir de monopsone des entreprises pour voir si, comme l’avait prédit Becker, les défaillances du marché ont un impact sur la discrimination salariale. Mes résultats montrent que lorsque le pouvoir de monopsone diminue, la discrimination salariale disparaît. Ce résultat montre que les préjugés ne doivent pas nécessairement se traduire par une discrimination salariale. Dans le deuxième chapitre, j’analyse l’effet d’une autre politique publique, une réforme de 2015 qui a imposé des quotas de genre dans les comités de sélection académique en France. L’objectif de cette réforme était d’améliorer les classements des femmes en augmentant la part des celles-ci dans les comités. En évaluant la réforme, je trouve l’effet inverse ; les femmes sont moins bien classées par les comités de recrutement après la réforme. Cependant, ce résultat ne montre pas que les femmes ont une préférence pour les hommes. L’effet négatif de la réforme ne se trouve que dans les commissions dirigées par des présidents de jury masculins, ce qui suggère que le comportement des hommes a peut-être lui aussi changé suite à la réforme. Ce chapitre démontre qu’il est nécessaire d’évaluer les politiques publiques, afin d’éviter que des réformes bien intentionnées ne causent plus de mal que de bien. Dans le troisième et dernier chapitre, je m’intéresse aux choix de localisation des individus. Je m’intéresse tout particulièrement à la question suivante : Les travailleurs préfèrent-ils habiter dans une ville avec une proportion plus importante de résidents du même groupe ethnique qu’eux, ceteris paribus ? J’utilise un modèle d’équilibre spatial qui permet de répondre à cette question. En contrôlant pour les salaires, les loyers, les revenus de transfert et les réseaux des individus, ces préférences sont comparables aux salaires réels dans les choix de localisation des villes des individus. Je simule ensuite le modèle pour essayer de voir quel est l’impact de ces préférences sur les écarts de salaires entre travailleurs blancs et noirs aux États-Unis. / In all three chapters of this dissertation, I try to see whether discrimination and own-group preferences exist, in different contexts, and what kind of public policies could mitigate or balance the negative effect of these preferences. In my first chapter, I rely on a famous ruling that changed the monopsony power of firms to see whether, as predicted by Becker, market failures have an impact on wage discrimination. I find that as monopsony power decreases, firms are no longer able to act on their prejudice, and wage discrimination disappears. This result shows that labour market context is essential in evaluating public policies, and that prejudice need not necessarily translate into wage discrimination. In the second chapter, I analyse the effect of another public policy, a 2015 reform that imposed gender quotas in academic recruitment committees. The reasoning of the policymakers was that increasing the share of women evaluators would improve the outcomes for women. I find the opposite instead; women are ranked worse by hiring committees after the reform. However, this result does not show that women discriminate against women. There is some evidence that this result is caused by the reaction of male jurors to the reform, since the negative effect of the reform is found only in committees that are helmed by male jury presidents. This chapter shows that it is necessary to evaluate public policies, lest reforms that are well-meaning in intention turn out to cause more harm than good. In the third and final chapter, I show two stylised facts: When cities decline, they tend to become more black, and black residents are disproportionately located in cities that pay low wages. One explanation for this could be that living in cities with a larger share of black residents is a positive amenity for black workers. I try to see whether workers have preferences for living in cities that have a larger share of co-ethnic residents, when controlling for wages, rents, transfers and network amenities. I find that these preferences are significant, and then try to see what share of the wage gap these preferences, and the imperfect sorting they imply, could explain.

Housing and discrimination in economics : an empirical approach using Big Data and natural experiments / Logement et discrimination en économie : une approche empirique mêlant expérience naturelle et Big Data

Eyméoud, Jean-Benoît 24 October 2018 (has links)
Le premier chapitre documente un paramètre clé pour comprendre le marché du logement : l'élasticité de l'offre de logements des aires urbaines françaises. Nous montrons que cette élasticité peut être appréhendée de deux manières en considérant l’offre intensive et extensive de logements. Grâce à une quantité importante de nouvelles données collectées et une stratégie d'estimation originale, ce premier chapitre estime et décompose les deux élasticités. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré aux possibilités offertes par le Big Data pour étudier le marché de logement locatif français. En exploitant des données en ligne de décembre 2015 à juin 2017 et comparant ces données aux données administratives classiques, nous montons qu’internet fournit des données permettant de suivre avec exactitude les marchés immobiliers locaux. Le troisième chapitre porte sur la discrimination des femmes en politique. Il exploite une expérience naturelle, les élections départementales françaises de 2015 au cours desquelles, pour la première fois dans l'histoire des élections françaises, les candidats ont dû se présenter par paires de candidats obligatoirement mixtes. En utilisant le fait que l'ordre d'apparition des candidats sur un bulletin de vote était déterminé par l’ordre alphabétique et en montrant que cette règle ne semble pas avoir été utilisée de façon stratégique par les partis, nous montrons d’une part que la position des femmes sur le bulletin de vote est aléatoire, et d’autre part, que les binômes de droite pour qui le nom du candidat féminin est en première position sur le bulletin reçoivent en moyenne 1,5 point de pourcentage de moins de votes / The first chapter documents a key parameter to understand the housing market: the elasticity of housing supply in French urban areas. We show that this elasticity can be apprehended in two ways by considering the intensive and extensive supply of housing. Thanks to a large amount of new data collected and an original estimation strategy, this first chapter estimates and decomposes the two elasticities. The second chapter is devoted to the possibilities offered by Big Data for studying the French rental housing market. By using online data from December 2015 to June 2017 and comparing this data with traditional administrative data, we find that the Internet provides data to accurately track local real estate markets.The third chapter deals with the discrimination of women in politics. It exploits a natural experiment, the French departmental elections of 2015 during which, for the first time in the history of the French elections, the candidates had to present themselves in pairs of candidates necessarily mixed. Using the fact that the order of appearance of the candidates on a ballot was determined by the alphabetical order and showing that this rule does not seem to have been used strategically by the parties, we show, first, that the position of women on the ballot is random, and second, that the right-hand pairs for whom the name of the female candidate is in first position on the ballot receive on average 1.5 percentage points less than votes.

Essays in Matching Theory

Jeong, Jinyong January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Utku Unver / My doctoral research focuses on the matching theory and its market design application. Specifically, I work on matching with property rights, where property rights not only mean the ownership, but also refer to the ability to determine how the good is used. In the matching with property rights model, an agent who owns a resource can claim how her resource is offered, depending on what she gets from the system. For example, in a housing exchange for vacation, an agent who gets a house with a car will offer her house also with a car. However, if she is assigned only a house without a car, she might refuse to offer a car. This restriction can be thought as a matching with externality, as someone's consuming my resource in certain way affects my utility. With property rights present, it is not clear how we can achieve a desirable outcome while satisfying the rights. I am currently pursuing two main lines of research in this topic that constitute the two chapters dissertation. In Matching with Property Rights: an Application to a Parking Space Assignment Problem, I introduce parking in urban areas as a matching problem. First, I model the street-parking market as a strategic game and show that the set of Nash equilibrium outcomes is equivalent to the set of stable allocations. However, it is not reasonable to expect drivers to reach a Nash equilibrium in the decentralized system due to lack of information and coordination failure. Therefore, I suggest a centralized mechanism that would enable a parking authority to assign available spaces to drivers in a stable way. The model incorporates resident parking spaces, such that visitors could access vacant resident spaces. To use the resident parking spaces, the system needs to protect exclusive property rights over their parking spaces. I show that, however, there is no mechanism that is stable and protects residents' rights. To resolve this issue, I introduce a new concept, a claim contract, and suggest a mechanism that protects property rights, is strategy proof for the drivers, and approximates a stable matching. Besides its market-design focus, this paper handles both priority-based and property right-based assignment, which considered separately in the matching theory literature. In Housing Market with Contracts, I study matching with property rights problem in the housing market framework. To introduce property rights in housing market, I assume the house can be offered in two contractual terms. Property rights requires that when an agent gets a house in a certain term, her house should also be offered as the same term. Moreover, when every agent owns a house, property rights reduces to an equal-term matching. After defining efficiency and core in equal-term domain, I show that, in a housing market with contracts problem, core may be empty. However, there always exists an efficient, individually rational, and equal-term matching in every housing market with contracts problem. Then I present a mechanism that always produces an efficient, individually rational, and equal-term matching. This is the first attempt to model a matching with contract in a exchange economy. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Economics.

The contribution of mixed-income housing towards social cohesion in Serala View Residential Development,Polokwane City, Limpopo Province

Lukhele, Themba Mfanafuthi January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2015 / One of the fundamental challenges facing post-apartheid South Africa’s urban settlement planning has been the requirement for social cohesion. For this reason, urban transformation interventions involved the construction of mixed-income housing, wherein social cohesion among low- and middle-income households could be enforced. Far from rhetoric and the drift of middle-income households into cities that were previously the preserves for white people, urban South Africa remains deeply segregated. It is against this background that the study assessed the determinants of the manifestation of social cohesion in the Serala View residential area, which consists of diverse races and different socio-economic classes. The study is in a form of a case study, and has adopted the normative together with the historical research design. The study used both primary and secondary data to complement each other. These data is both qualitative and quantitative. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the purposively sampled respondents, and an interview schedule was used to solicit data from the key informants. The International Business Machine-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM-SPSS) version 22 software was use for analysis, with which a non-parametric t-test was conducted to determine the intensity of the respondents on the different dimensions of social cohesion. Analysis results reveal there are three typologies of mixed-income housing, which are generally recognized in urban areas of many countries, and that the Serala View is a Gated Townhouse Complex typology. Importantly, this typology is mainly identified by six physical characteristics, which are central in determining the manifestations of social cohesion in the gated townhouse complex typology. Importantly, target hardening, which refers to security measures, is considered to be the most important aspect in Serala View residential development. From the analyses and interpretation of the theoretical and empirical evidence, the dissertation concludes that the contributions of mixed-income housing towards social cohesion are mixed and non-straightforward. However, there is theoretical validity of the notion that such an approach could cultivate social cohesion among different socio-economic classes. Results from Serala View Residential area largely confirm this theoretical positioning. This dissertation concedes that implementation discrepancies could be the real elephant in the room, rather than the fault of the idea itself. / National Research Foundation (NRF)

Four essays on location choice : theoretical and experimental studies / Choix de localisation des ménages : études théoriques et expérimentales

Busson, Henri 05 November 2015 (has links)
Les choix de localisation des ménages conduisent à divers problèmes tels que la ségrégation entre ménages riches et ménages pauvres et à des inégalités spatiales entre les régions. Cette thèse étudie ces phénomènes à l'aide de modèles théoriques et d'expériences menées en laboratoire. Pour commencer, une expérience dont l’objectif est d’analyser les conditions sous lesquelles est réalisée pour voir sous quelles conditions différentes structures urbaines peuvent être obtenues. En effet, aux Etats-Unis, les riches sont majoritairement en banlieue et les pauvres en centre-ville alors que l'opposé est observé dans les grandes villes européennes. Il apparait que le ratio « coût d'opportunité du temps/la demande de logements » est un facteur essentiel pour expliquer ces types de structure. Ensuite, une étude théorique est menée pour obtenir des structures de villes plus complexes, où les riches et les pauvres sont beaucoup moins en situation de ségrégation. La théorie montre que les politiques publiques peuvent donner des résultats très différents. Puis, nous étudions la répartition du capital humain entre les régions. Dans les pays où elle est inégale, on observe une croissance trop faible dans les régions pauvres et une augmentation des inégalités spatiales. Pour combattre ces inégalités, il est montré qu'il est possible de faire revenir les travailleurs qualifiés dans les régions pauvres car il existe des complémentarités avec les travailleurs non qualifiés. Des études ont montré que ces derniers augmentent la productivité des travailleurs qualifiés. Enfin, une étude expérimentale est faite pour étudier les choix de consommation. Nous testons l’hypothèse de l'existence d'un consommateur représentatif souvent faite en Nouvelle Economie Géographique. Il en ressort que les modèles existant ne prennent pas assez en compte l’hétérogénéité des goûts des consommateurs. / Several problems such as spatial inequalities between regions and spatial segregation within cities arise from households’ location choices. The purpose of this dissertation is to address these problems with theoretical and experimental studies. To begin, a laboratory experiment has been conducted in order to understand under which conditions different urban structures emerge. Indeed, in the U.S., spatial segregation occurs and the richer households are located in the suburbs while the poor ones are located downtown. The opposite pattern is observed in several major European cities. It appears in our study that the ratio ‘transportation costs/demand for land’ is a key factor for explaining these two types of segregation. Then, a theoretical model is used to reproduce several types of urban structures, where poor and rich households are located in the same neighborhoods. The theory predicts that policy interventions can lead to very different outcome. Then, the spatial distribution of human capital among regions is studied. Because skilled workers are mainly attracted toward wealthier regions, economic growth is lower in the poorer regions and spatial inequalities increase. The theoretical model predicts that it is possible to bring back the skilled workers in poor regions because there exists complementarities between skilled and unskilled workers. Indeed, the presence of unskilled workers enhances skilled workers' productivity, making their return more profitable. To finish, a laboratory experiment has been conducted to study consumers' behavior. Because in New Economic Geography models, the existence of a representative consumer is often assumed. The relevance of this hypothesis is tested. It appears that the existing models do not take enough into account heterogeneity in tastes among the consumers.

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