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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema viário estrutural de São Paulo e suas estratégias urbanísticas: planos, projetos e intervenções, 1930 a 2002 / Structural road system of São Paulo and urban strategies: plans, projects and interventions, 1930-2002

Isabel Morim Santos 28 May 2014 (has links)
O sistema de transporte tem importante papel para a dinâmica de uma cidade. Em São Paulo a partir do século XX o sistema viário passa a ser o principal elemento estruturador da cidade. Além de servir para o transporte urbano, este sistema serviu como base para a expansão urbana de São Paulo. No presente trabalho foi feita a análise do sistema viário estrutural paulistano. Foram analisados os planos urbanos entre 1930 a 2002 examinando suas propostas urbanas e suas diretrizes para o sistema viário. O Plano de Avenidas (1930) do engenheiro-urbanista Prestes Maia foi o primeiro plano de conjunto a estabelecer diretrizes para o sistema viário, englobando estas duas funções do sistema viário. O sistema viário radio-perimetral proposto neste plano repercutiu amplamente nas intervenções ao longo de todo o século XX. O conceito radioconcêntrico foi retomado em planos seguintes, mas houve uma tentativa de quebras deste paradigma no Plano Urbanístico Básico (1968) e Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Integrado (1971). Estes planos apresentaram o conceito de malha de vias expressas, um sistema totalmente independente do sistema viário existente, o qual diluiria o caráter mononuclear da metrópole. Dado as difíceis condições econômicas do período, o modelo não foi pra frente. Os planos seguintes priorizaram o transporte coletivo e para o sistema viário, retomaram o modelo radioconcêntrico. A partir da década de 1980, outro elemento passa a marcar o sistema viário paulistano: as avenidas de fundo de vale. Dada a falta de recursos para intervenções viárias, amparando-se no Plano Nacional de Saneamento, foram implantadas várias avenidas ao longo da canalização de corpos d´água. Também a partir da década de 1980 observa-se uma maior difusão das intervenções viárias. Antes concentradas na região central e o vetor sudoeste, neste período há uma ampliação na área de intervenção (sentido Norte e Leste). A descentralização destas intervenções viárias contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de centros locais dissociados ao núcleo central, o que havia sido proposto como estratégia urbanística para São Paulo desde 1958 com a publicação do estudo da SAGMACS. Desde a divulgação deste estudo, a descentralização urbana passou a ser integrar todos os planos urbanos propostos para a cidade com diferentes medidas estratégicas: desde o desenvolvimento de centros locais, até a descentralização política. Apesar disso, até o final do período estudado, continua a haver uma concentração de investimentos para obras de grande porte na região central e sudoeste. Segundo Villaça, em São Paulo as classes mais altas tendem a se concentrar no quadrante sudoeste do município, região a qual também se concentraram os investimentos públicos. Ainda segundo Villaça, uma vez que não obrigatoriedade de aplicação das diretrizes presentes no plano diretor, ele tem pouco servido para o equacionamento dos problemas urbanos e, na verdade, tem permitido a perpetuação de ações não igualitárias sobre o território urbano. / The transportation system plays an important role in the dynamics of a city. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, São Paulo´s road system has become the main structural element of the city. Besides serving for transportation, this system serves an important role for the urban growth of São Paulo. In this work São Paulo´s structural road system will be analyzed. It studies the city´s urban plans between 1930 to 2002 and examines proposals for urban planning and the guidelines for the road system. The Plano de Avenidas (1930) was the first urban plan to establish guidelines for the road system that assumed it´s importance as a growth structure as well as its function as mode of transportation. The radial-perimetral road system proposed in this plan resonated widely in the interventions in the system throughout the twentieth century. The Radioconcêntrico concept was taken up on later plans, although there was attempts to break this paradigm in Plano Urbanístico Básico (1968) and Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Integrado (1971). These plans presented the concept of expressways in form of a grid, a fully independent system from the existing road system, which would undo the heavy mononuclear aspect of the metropolis. Given the difficult economic conditions of the period, this new road system model did not go forward. The following plans prioritized public transport and the road system resumed to the radioconcêntrico model. Since the 1980s, another category of intervention marks the road system of São Paulo: the avenidas de fundo de vale. Given the lack of resources for interventions in the road system, several avenues were opened along canalized by use of the resources of a national sanitation plan (Plano Nacional de Saneamento). Also since the 1980s the road interventions had become more spread out then before. Until then a majority of the big road related intervention had concentrated in central and southwest quadrant. The decentralization of these roads interventions contributed to the development of local centers dissociated with historical city center. This descentralization had been proposed as a urban strategy for São Paulo since 1958 with the publication of the SAGMACS study. After the release of this study, urban decentralization became an important proposal in the urban plans for São Paulo. The descentralization strategies went from the development of local centers, to political decentralization. Nevertheless, by the end of the period analyzed in this study, there remains to be a concentration of in the central and southwest regions. According to Villaça, in São Paulo the upper classes tend to be concentrated in the southwest quadrant of the city, a region which also concentrated public investments. Also according to Villaça, since there is no mandatory application of the guidelines present in the master plan, this mechanism has not attended its purpose: the resolution of urban problems. It in fact, has allowed the perpetuation of non- egalitarian actions on the urban territory.

Uso dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica para a integração da gerência de pavimentos urbanos com as atividades das concessionárias de serviços públicos / not available

José Francisco Gómez Pantigoso 27 April 1998 (has links)
Neste trabalho são analisados os Sistemas de Gerência de Pavimentos Urbanos (SGPU) e os Sistemas de lnformação Geográfica (SIG) visando a obtenção de formas com que possam ser aplicados para a compatibilização das atividades de gerência de todas as redes de infra-estrutura pública urbana (pavimento, água, esgoto, telefone, gás, energia elétrica). Desenvolve-se um projeto piloto, utilizando o aplicativo de SIG TransCAD para a gerência de pavimentos sob duas condições: na primeira, através de uma interface com um programa de gerência de pavimentos urbanos já em utilização (URMS, desenvolvido na Universidade do Texas em Austin); na segunda, como plataforma para o desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de gerência de pavimentos, tanto em nível de rede como em nível de projeto. São utilizadas bases de dados para o pavimento e para a rede de água de abastecimento, criadas para a análise de viabilidade da compatibilização da gerência de pavimentos com as atividades de concessionárias de serviços públicos urbanos, a qual confirmou a grande potencialidade do uso dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica para a gerência integrada e racional da infra-estrutura pública urbana. / This work presents studies about Urban Pavement Management Systems (U-PMS) and Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) aiming their utilization as a tool for the harmonization of urban infrastructure (pavement, gas, electric power, sewer, water, telephone) maintenance and rehabilitation activities. lt is developed a pilot study using the SIG software called TransCAD for pavement management under two conditions: the first one, through an interface with an already in use pavement management system (URMS, developed at the University of Texas at Austin); the second one, as a framework for the development of a new pavement management system, at network and project levels. Data bases for pavement and water networks are used for analysis of the harmonization of pavement management with other public infrastructure activities, which confirmed the great power of GIS for utilization in a rational and integrated urban infrastructure management system.

Développement urbain et planification urbaine à Abu Dhabi et à Dubaï. Politiques, acteurs et mobilité / Urban development and urban planning in Abu Dhabi and Dubaï. Policies, stakeholders and mobility

Montagne, Clémence 02 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour projet de poser les premiers jalons d’une recherche sur les transports publics dans deux des villes du Golfe arabo-persique, Abu Dhabi et Dubaï. Toutes deux doivent faire face à de nouveaux défis pour pérenniser le développement de leurs territoires urbains. Elles souhaitent en effet conserver leur statut de tête de pont dans l’innovation urbaine au Moyen-Orient. Elles se sont ainsi engagées dans des plans de diversification de leur économie urbaine et de développement durable (Dubaï the Smartest City, Masdar City). Au cours de cette recherche, nous analysons les nouvelles orientations de leurs politiques de planification, prises dans le but d’adapter leurs territoires urbains aux nouvelles mobilités. Elles ont connu une croissance particulièrement rapide à partir de la fin des années 1990, qui est devenue plus que signifiante à l’échelle globale depuis le milieu des années 2000. Parallèlement, et presque consécutivement elles ont mis en place une série de plans de modernisation de leurs réseaux de transports publics à Dubaï d’abord (Dubaï Tram, Dubaï Bus, Dubaï Métro) puis à Abu Dhabi (DoT Bus). Ces nouveaux développements des infrastructures de transports publics ont conduit à une remise en question du mode de fabrication de la ville au niveau des politiques d’aménagement. Comment Abu Dhabi et Dubaï se sont-elles adaptées à la mise en place des nouvelles infrastructures ? Quels en ont été les conséquences ? C’est à toutes ces réponses que se propose de répondre la thèse qui analyse les nouvelles politiques urbaines, les projets immobiliers et les logiques des acteurs impliqués dans le développement urbain des deux capitales émiriennes. Ce travail s'appuie sur un nombre d’enquêtes de terrain très important de façon à comprendre comment sont utilisés ces nouveaux réseaux et quelles sont aujourd’hui les conditions spécifiques de la mobilité des habitants de Dubaï et d’Abu Dhabi. / This dissertation aims at setting the first bases for a research on public transport in the Arab Gulf. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two cities facing new challenges to sustain their urban developments, wishing to stay at the cutting edge of the race for the urban innovation in the Middle East. Both are engaged in diversification plans of their urban economy to sustain their development, labelled differently for both cities (Smartest City, Masdar City). We are reviewing planning measures taken to adapt these urban territory having known a spectacular growth since the 1990s which became significant on the global scale since the 2000s. Meanwhile, and almost consecutively a large modernization plans of public transport networks have been implemented in Abu Dhabi (DoT Bus) and in Dubai (Dubai Bus, Dubai Metro, Dubai Tram). Has the city making of both cities adapted to the new conditions due to the new policies and transit network? Has the new public transport infrastructure development in the induced a renewal of the city making processes? How has the city making process and regulation adapted to the new transit network? Few surveys and mostly qualitative interview of institutional actors in the several agencies that represent the operational and legal urbanism have been a tool added to the analysis of urban policies, the study of urban projects and actors strategy involved in urban development. We aim at putting into perspective the public transport policies, the official discourses and the urban sustainable planning, with the actual developments. We will study also the way the public transit networks is used to understand to which extent it fits the urban daily mobility requirements of Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Demands of Autonomous Vehicles on Urban Infrastructure : A Study of required transformations and global adaptability to AVs

Waqas, Apsara, Shishore, Esayas January 2021 (has links)
This paper aims to assess the limits of urban fabric for the autonomous vehicles and demands of AVs on the infrastructure. It includes the existing road situation and required transformation for successful adaptability of this smart mobility in future. It is predictable that the cities ought to be reshaped before this advanced autonomous technology takes over our roads and makes the current vehicular mobility less popular or perhaps obsolete. To host AV´s, the future city will have to be smart and data-driven. This paper also discusses different aspects of autonomous vehicle technology and their suitability. For the roads and networks to be suitable for self-driving vehicles, the infrastructure will surely be upgraded according to the level of automation that will rule the roads in a specific location. Three standard models are developed in attempt to create different scenarios for successful operation of driverless cars on roads of various functional natures. First of all, the paper introduces the concept of smart cities and its components. Then it unfolds the technological aspects of autonomous mobility and its related challenges. After a brief overview of the basic concepts, the paper primarily discusses the demands of autonomous vehicles on infrastructure in terms of standard road widths, lanes, geometry, complexity, parking needs and trafficability. The paper further proceeds with case studies from three different geographical locations. The model scenarios are implemented on these cities to evaluate possibility of their existing infrastructure to accommodate self-driving cars. These hybrid model scenarios are crucially important part of this research as they contribute to final conclusions and suggestions. However, they need further development and work in near future for further research in this field.

Infrastruktur och människors transportval : Omvandling av tidigare E4 genom Umeå från genomfartsled till stadsgata / Infrastructure and choices of transportation : Rebuilding of previous highway through central Umeå from passageway to city street

Karlsson, Nils January 2023 (has links)
After the breakthrough of the personal car in the early 20th century many cities were planned with the idea that every person should use their own car for transportation within the city. Highways were built, splitting neighborhoods straight through. However, car is a very space inefficient mode of transportation, and the roads and parking lots make other modes of transportation unpleasant. Therefore, it is a bad mode of transportation in cities, where space is valuable and an efficient land use prominent to create a safe, well-functioning and living city. This essay investigate what factors are most important when redesigning roads to encourage a usage of more sustainable modes of transportations, such as biking, walking and public transportation. By collecting previous studies, six themes (travel time, barrier, attractiveness, safety, security, acceptance) were chosen to be used in a thematic analysis of a traffic investigation by the consultant firm Trivector ordered by the council of Umeå. The traffic investigation analyzes how to rebuild a previous thoroughfare avenue through the city center to a more livable place. The purpose is to prioritize sustainable mode of transportation and minimize the number of cars using the road (but still allowing them to). The thematic analysis concluded that the traffic investigation was mostly suggesting measures that focused on changing the travel time between the means of transportation (in favor of biking and public transportation). It also suggested a lot of measures to increase the attractiveness of the roads for people walking. Traffic security was treated mostly by mentioning its importance. Safety concerns was regarded as something that was improved by the attractiveness of the area, since a more crowded area makes the place feel safer. Acceptance was not mentioned at all in the investigation.

Diseño de pavimento con adoquines permeables en calles de baja transitabilidad vehicular de la Urbanización San Carlos–José Leonardo Ortiz

Santillan Yzazaga, Andrea Cruz D’ Maria January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación se basa en la creación de pavimentos con adoquines drenantes, para vías de bajo tránsito vehicular en la Urb. San Carlos debido a la crecida de precipitaciones por fenómenos del niño; estos a su vez, serán trabajados con 2 diseños de mezclas: 10% y 15% de agregado fino, en el concreto permeable empleado para obtener una resistencia mínima de 330 kg/cm2 y un coeficiente de permeabilidad mínimo de 0.14 cm/s, cumpliendo con la ACI-522R. Tras los estudios realizados, se brindan los siguientes resultados: se demostró que la vía es de bajo tránsito o ligero, debido a que tienen un EALs vehicular de 0.80 x 10^5; tiene un intensidad máxima de 22.258mm/s; la pendiente va de la calle Av. Augusto B. Leguía a la Av. Dorado; para el diseño más óptimo, arrojó un f’c a los 28 días fueron de 385.13 kg/cm2, respectivamente y una permeabilidad a los 14 días de un máximo de 0.13999 cm/s, cumpliendo con la ACI 522-R. Asimismo, se diseñó un pavimento adoquinado con un adoquín de espesor de 80mm, una cama granular de 50mm, una base granular de 100mm, una subbase granular de 100mm, una tubería de 6”y una geomembrana de 0.50mm. Además, se analizó la rentabilidad de este pavimento a un precio de s/.3,052,290.65. / The present investigation is based on the creation of pavements with draining pavers, for roads with low vehicular traffic in Urb. San Carlos due to the increase of precipitations caused by the phenomena of El Niño; these in turn, will be worked with 2 mix designs: 10% and 15% of fine aggregate, in the permeable concrete used to obtain a minimum resistance of 330 kg/cm2 and a minimum permeability coefficient of 0.14 cm/s, complying with the ACI-522R. After the studies carried out, the following results were obtained: it was demonstrated that the roadway is low or light traffic, since it has a vehicular EALs of 0.80 x 10^5; it has a maximum intensity of 22.258mm/s; the slope goes from Av. Augusto B. Leguía to Av. Leguía to Av. Dorado; for the most optimal design, the f'c at 28 days was 385.13 kg/cm2, respectively, and the permeability at 14 days was a maximum of 0.13999 cm/s, complying with ACI 522-R. Likewise, a cobblestone pavement was designed with an 80 mm thick paver, a 50 mm granular bed, a 100 mm granular base, a 100 mm granular subbase, a 6" pipe and a 0.50 mm geomembrane. In addition, the cost-effectiveness of this pavement was analyzed at a price of s/.3,052,290.65.

Water Governance in Bolivia: Policy Options for Pro-Poor Infrastructure Reform

Maxwell, Daniel M 01 January 2013 (has links)
As the case with most countries across Latin America, unprecedented migration to urban areas has strained city infrastructure systems. More particularly, the region faces a pressing crisis of water security, where rapid urbanization has outpaced water sector development. This thesis addresses the water infrastructure reform in El Alto and La Paz, Bolivia, focusing on strategies to better promote water access for the peri-urban poor. The research investigates the level of progressivity of water service expansion and pricing regimes: in other words, does the present model of water distribution positively improve the lives of the poorest groups? By investigating these social dimensions of water management, this study brings perspectives on the broader dialogue on Bolivia’s economic development, along with issues of participatory governance. Resumen: Como es el caso en muchos países latinoamericanos, la migración a áreas urbanas a niveles sin precedentes ha superado la capacidad de infraestructura. Concretamente, la región se enfrenta a una urgente crisis en la seguridad de agua potable dado que la rápida urbanización ha sobrepasado el desarrollo de este sector. Esta tesis aborda la reforma de la infraestructura de agua potable en El Alto y La Paz, Bolivia, enfocando en las estrategias para mejorar el acceso a agua por parte de los residentes periurbanos pobres. La investigación averigua el nivel de progresividad de los regímenes de precios y expansión de servicios de agua potable. En otras palabras, ¿contribuye el actual modelo de distribución de agua al mejoramiento de la vida de los grupos más desfavorecidos? Al investigar estas dimensiones sociales en el manejo de agua potable, este estudio ofrece perspectivas en cuanto al diálogo amplio del desarrollo económico de Bolivia, así como asuntos de gobernanza participativa.

Vývoj městské zástavby a městské infrastruktury v Benešově v letech 1918-1939 / The developement of urban build-up area and urban infrastructure in Benešov in the years 1918-1939

Roubík, Michal January 2011 (has links)
In my diploma thesis "The Development of Urban Build-up Area and Urban Infrastructure in Benešov in the Years 1918 - 1939", I explore one chapter in the development of a small agricultural town during the era of the First Czechoslovak Republic. This thesis is a contribution to the history of Czech towns during the interwar period and its topic corresponds to the research project of the Institute of Economic and Social History at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, within the frame of which I worked on this thesis. The thesis was written mainly based on research of the resources in the State District Archives in Benešov (a branch office of the State Regional Archives in Prague) and of a wide range of relevant specialized literature. The introduction consists of a chapter offering a complex summary of the most important moments and changes in the development of Benešov during the examined period. Apart from the history of Benešov, it also shows the role of the town in the region and the relation of its development to other municipalities in the country. The focal point of the thesis lays in the extensive yet lucid chapters examining architectural development of the town (the essential moments, context, but also particular interesting buildings) and the development of its infrastructure...

Infraestruturas urbanas: uma contribuição ao estudo da drenagem em São Paulo / Urban Infrastructure: a contribution to São Paulo´s drainage studies

Monteiro Junior, Laércio 27 March 2012 (has links)
Este é um trabalho sobre as enchentes e as infraestruturas de drenagem na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Ele apresenta sua evolução histórica, na forma determinada pela submissão das diretrizes de drenagem aos interesses específicos no aproveitamento do potencial hidrelétrico das águas, na exploração capitalista do espaço de suas margens e na destinação de recursos de saneamento para a abertura de avenidas de fundo de vale. O trabalho observa que através deste processo a capacidade de escoamento das cheias na rede foi mantida em patamares abaixo do necessário, especialmente para atender vazões decorrentes do padrão de expansão da aglomeração, que resultaram em uma alta taxa de impermeabilização do solo e na paulatina ocupação das várzeas. O trabalho analisa a atuação do Estado e o desenvolvimento de diferentes programas de combate às inundações e planos de obra, focando a elaboração do Plano Diretor de Macrodrenagem, a partir de 1998. Então, é verificada a forma como os planos urbanísticos do município de São Paulo e das subprefeituras responderam às soluções propostas no plano de drenagem e os resultados obtidos até o momento com as obras de macrodrenagem. Conclui que a descontinuidade das soluções, a fragmentação das estâncias de planejamento e a ausência de uma unidade metropolitana de fato impedem que se estabeleçam soluções mais eficazes e, especialmente, que garantam a qualificação do espaço construído, levando em conta não apenas a demanda metropolitana pelo serviço prestado, mas também os aspectos sociais, econômicos e ambientais. / This paper focuses on floods and the drainage infrastructure in São Paulo Metropolitan Area. Firstly, it presents its evolution pointing out how economical interests in generating hydroeletric energy as well as in releasing new urban land prevailed over the initial drainage guidelines. It was also observed that confining streams within roads constrained its capacity to a low level to cope with growing peakflows demanded by the expansion of urban area which has led to increasing impervious surface rate. This was compounded by a gradual, but continuous, occupation of floodplains. State actions to deal with the above issues were analysed. Several flood control programs were developed leading to the 1998 Alto Tietê Watershed Macrodrainage Plan proposals. Then, these are studied in the light of how São Paulo\'s urban plans approached this subject, comparing their proposals with works built so far and the consequent outcomes. It is concluded that three main factors prevented that effective solution could come true: discontinuity of approaches, fragmentation of urban planning boards and lack of an actual metropolitan authority. Indeed, concerning drainage system, before these are overcome, many people still will long for urban improvement regarding social, economical and environmental aspects.

Da gleba ao lote: dinâmica e produção da insustentabilidade ambiental urbana / From parcel to subdivision: dynamics and production of non-sustainability in urban environments

Leonelli, Gisela Cunha Viana 07 April 2003 (has links)
O processo de crescimento urbano de grande porte das cidades brasileiras tem ocorrido com a ausência de instrumentos de planejamento urbano e gestão ambiental. Na prática, é por intermédio da aprovação pontual de loteamentos, sob a legislação federal de parcelamento do solo urbano (L.F. 6.766/79), que nossas cidades tem sido constituídas nas últimas duas décadas. É também neste período que a busca do desenvolvimento sustentável tem incorporado os centros urbanos e pautado - mesmo que teoricamente - os objetivos das agendas municipais, sejam por parte do poder público, do capital privado ou da sociedade civil. Diante disto, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar os vínculos entre a degradação ambiental urbana e a produção do parcelamento do solo. Para tanto, a partir da revisão bibliográfica sobre o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, com enfoque aos autores que versam sobre a realidade das cidades brasileiras, foi elaborado um quadro de \"cenários de insustentabilidade ambiental urbana\". Adotando como estudo de caso a evolução urbana do município de Jaú, foram construídos o histórico de processos de abertura de loteamentos e diversos mapas temáticos que subsidiaram a discussão junto aos cenários de insustentabilidade propostos. Por fim, conclui-se que o processo de parcelamento do solo urbano pode revelar uma dinâmica que produz e reafirma a insustentabilidade ambiental de nossas cidades, com a convivência do poder público, a atuação do mercado imobiliário e as limitações do aparato legal. / The process of urban sprawl in the greater part of Brazilian cities has occurred in the absence of environmental and urban planning instruments. In practice, the urban growth of our cities during the last two decades has been guided only by the regulations for approval of urban subdivision as determined by the federal legislation on urban land subdivision (L.F. 6.766/79). During this period, the effort towards sustainable development has also been incorporated by urban centers, if only on a theoretical level, as an objective in municipal agendas through the behest of government, private capital, or public interests. In view of this, the principal objective of this study is to analyze the relationships between the degradation of the urban environment and the production of urban land subdivision. For this reason, a bibliographic review of the literature on the concept of sustainable development, focusing on authors whose works discuss the reality of Brazilian cities, as well as non-sustainable urban environment scenarios are included. A case study of the urban evolution of the municipality of Jaú, including the history of the initiation of subdivision processes, several thematic maps and non-sustainable land development proposal scenarios are included in the discussion. Finally, this study concludes that the process of urban land subdivision can reveal a dynamic which not only produces but confirms the non-sustainability of our cities\' environments, attributed to the collusion between government power, the real estate market and the limitation of the legal apparatus.

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