Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban trees"" "subject:"arban trees""
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Anpassung an Trockenheit – Einfluss unterschiedlicher Bewässerungsstrategien auf die Trockenheitstoleranz junger GehölzeDreßler, Anne 09 January 2020 (has links)
Stadtbäume unterliegen besonders häufigem und intensivem Trockenstress. Der bereits stattfindende Klimawandel führt zudem zu einer verschärften Wirkung der Klimafaktoren auf das Pflanzenwachstum. Demnach ist die Wahl standortgerechter und an urbane Bedingungen angepasster Gehölze von besonderer Bedeutung. Nicht nur durch das Stadtklima und den Einfluss des Klimawandels, sondern auch zwischen Rodung und Pflanzung und insbesondere nach dem Auspflanzen an den urbanen Standort sind junge Gehölze oft erheblichem Trockenstress ausgesetzt, wodurch sich das Ausfallrisiko erhöht. Dem könnte durch die frühzeitige Anpassung von Baumschulware an Trockenheit vorgebeugt werden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher, die Möglichkeit der Erhöhung der Trockenheitstoleranz verschiedener Baumarten durch die Anwendung eines bestimmten Bewässerungsverfahrens während der Anzucht zu untersuchen. Zudem sollte die Trockenheitstoleranz der Arten in der juvenilen Phase eingeschätzt werden. Im Freilandversuch wurden dafür fünf Baumarten bei drei Bewässerungsstrategien, optimale Bewässerung (V1), geringe Bewässerung (V2) und zeitweise Bewässerung (V3), in den Jahren 2012 und 2013 kultiviert und in der anschließenden Vegetationsperiode 2014 Trockenheit ausgesetzt. Neben Zuwachsanalysen (Höhe, Stamm- und Wurzelhalsdurchmesser, Trockenmasse, Spross-Wurzel-Verhältnis) und Wassergehaltsuntersuchungen wurden Blattwasserpotential- und Chlorophyllfluoreszenzmessungen sowie Gefäß-analysen in den Jahren 2013 und 2014 durchgeführt. Somit konnten die artspezifische und bewässerungsabhängige Entwicklung während der Anzucht nachvollzogen und daraus die Stressbelastung sowie Trockenheitsreaktionen bzw. Strategien im Umgang mit Wassermangel und mögliche bewässerungsbedingte Anpassungen an Trockenheit abgeleitet werden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse von Sorbus aucuparia lassen auf eine gewisse Angepasstheit an zeitweise auftretende bzw. moderate Trockenheit in der juvenilen Phase schließen. Die während kurzfristiger Trockenheit entstandenen Wachstumsverluste konnte S. aucuparia durch Wachstumsschübe infolge von Wassereinträgen kompensieren. Hingegen zeichnet sich anhand der Wachstumsanalysen und Blattwasserpotentialmessungen eine geringe Toleranz gegenüber stärkerem bzw. langanhaltendem Wassermangel in der Vegetationsperiode ab. Das vergleichsweise gute Wachstum von SaV1 und SaV3 unter Trockenheit im Jahr 2014 steht vor allem in Verbindung mit dem durch vormals bessere Wasserversorgung höheren Wasserspeicher der Pflanzen. Infolge der verstärkten Bildung kleinerer und der geringeren Bildung großer Gefäße bei SaV3 steigt die Sicherheit vor Embolien. Um eine langfristig bessere Angepasstheit und gleichzeitig gute Wachstumsergebnisse zu erzielen, scheint für S. aucuparia eine Konditionierung durch zeitweise Bewässerung zur Anpassung an Trockenheit sinnvoll zu sein. Für Acer campestre lassen sich anhand der Wachstumsanalysen und Chlorophyllfluoreszenzmessungen eine geringe Empfindlichkeit gegenüber kurzfristiger bzw. zeitweiser Trockenheit und eine mittlere bis hohe Empfindlichkeit gegenüber langfristig mangelnder Wasserversorgung in der juvenilen Phase ableiten. Die Wachstumsergebnisse unter Trockenheit im Jahr 2014 deuten auf eine bessere Angepasstheit vormals optimal und zeitweise bewässerter Pflanzen (AcV1 und AcV3) hin. Eine langfristig bessere Angepasstheit an Trockenheit kann bei A. campestre jedoch vermutlich durch eine geringe Bewässerung erreicht werden, auch wenn mit schwachen Jahreszuwächsen zu rechnen ist. Dies leitet sich aus der geringeren Gefahr von Embolien aufgrund der stärkeren Bildung englumiger Gefäße, dem an Trockenheit angepassten geringeren Spross-Wurzel-Verhältnisses sowie der Aufrechterhaltung vergleichsweise hoher Pflanzenwassergehalte bei wiederholter Trockenheit bei vormals gering bewässerten A. campestre ab. Sowohl die Wachstumsanalysen als auch die physiologischen Untersuchungen weisen auf die hohe Trockenheitsempfindlichkeit von juvenilen Tilia platyphyllos hin. Die Gefäßanalysen bestätigen dieses Ergebnis. So erfolgte während Trockenheit weitestgehend keine Reduzierung der Gefäßgrößen. In Verbindung mit den Ergebnissen der Trockenmasseuntersuchungen lässt sich auf eine gewisse Angepasstheit von T. platyphyllos an wiederkehrende Trockenperioden bzw. vereinzelte Trockenjahre schließen. Vormals optimal bewässerte Pflanzen (TpV1) konnten einjährige Trockenheit im Jahr 2014 durch Nutzung ihres Wasserspeichers kompensieren und beste Wachstumsergebnisse bei gleichzeitig geringen Blattwasserdefiziten erzielen. Die vergleichsweise geringe Stressbelastung von TpV1 im Jahr 2014 spiegelt sich auch in den Chlorophyllfluoreszenzmessungen wider. Vormals zeitweise bewässerte Pflanzen (TpV3) wiesen zwar unter Trockenheit im Jahr 2014 keine bessere Wuchsleistung als TpV1 auf, jedoch deuten die Ergebnisse der Blattwasserpotentialuntersuchungen auf osmotische Anpassungsvorgänge sowie eine angepasste Stomataregulation hin. Die Gefäßanalysen belegen geringfügige trockenheitsbedingte Anpassungen von TpV3. Demnach kann bei T. platyphyllos sowohl durch optimale als auch durch zeitweise Bewässerung während der Anzucht eine gewisse Angepasstheit an spätere Trockenereignisse erreicht werden. Styphnolobium japonicum zeichnet sich durch eine sehr hohe Trockenheitstoleranz gegenüber zeitweiser und eine mittlere bis hohe Trockenheitstoleranz gegenüber langer und mehrjähriger Trockenheit in der juvenilen Phase aus. Dies spiegelt sich in den Wachstumsanalysen und in den physiologischen Untersuchungen wider. Die Ausbildung eines kräftigen Herzwurzelsystems mit tiefreichenden Senkerwurzeln ermöglicht es S. japonicum große Bodenwasserreserven zu erschließen. Die Wurzelanatomie, die Anatomie der Blätter und des Stammes sowie das physiologische Verhalten (geringe Absenkung der Mittags-Blattwasserpotentiale) zielen auf eine Strategie der Trockenstressvermeidung. Durch die geringere Bildung großlumiger und verstärkte Bildung kleinlumiger Gefäße während Trockenheit wird zudem die Sicherheit vor Embolien erhöht. Dadurch waren vormals gering und zeitweise bewässerte Pflanzen (SjV2, SjV3) auch an Trockenheit im Jahr 2014 besser angepasst. Die guten Wachstumsergebnisse lassen in Verbindung mit den Blattwasserpotential- und Wassergehaltsmessungen auch eine verbesserte Wassernutzungseffizienz, eine verstärkte Osmoregulation sowie eine Anpassung der Stomataregulation vermuten. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eine langfristig bessere Angepasstheit an Trockenheit und gute Wachstumsergebnisse durch eine zeitweise Bewässerung von S. japonicum erreicht werden kann. Populus nigra 'Italica' folgt ebenfalls der Strategie der Stressvermeidung mit geringen Blattwasserpotentialabsenkungen. Durch schnelle Ausbreitung des Wurzelsystems können größere Wasservorräte im Boden erschlossen werden. Die Entwicklung einer höheren Anzahl kleiner und einer geringeren Anzahl großer Gefäße während Trockenheit senkt die Kavitationsgefahr. Die Ergebnisse der Wachstumsanalysen der juvenilen P. nigra 'Italica' deuten unter Berücksichtigung der Blattwasserpotential- und Chlorophyllfluoreszenzmessungen auf eine mittlere Trockenheitstoleranz gegenüber langanhaltendem Wassermangel in der Vegetationsperiode und eine höhere Trockenheitstoleranz gegenüber zeitweiser Trockenheit hin. Es wurde ersichtlich, dass P. nigra 'Italica' in Abhängigkeit von Intensität, Dauer und Häufigkeit der Trockenperioden unterschiedliche Anpassungsmechanismen aufweist. / Due to their specific location urban trees are typically subjected to heavy and intense drought stress. The already apparent negative effects of climate change enhance the effect of climate factors on plant growth. Therefore, choosing trees well-adapted to urban conditions and suitable for the respective location is of especial importance. Aside from city climate and the influence of climate change, young trees suffer considerably from drought stress as a result of clearing and planting, especially after planting out, because of which the risk of failure increases. This could be prevented by an early adjustment of nursery plants to drought, in order to obtain long-lived, vital and robust trees.
Thus the goal of this work is to examine options of increasing drought tolerance in several tree species by the use of particular irrigation practices during cultivation. Additionally, there will be an assessment of the different species' drought tolerance during their juvenile phase. In 2012 and 2013 five tree species were cultivated under different irrigation strategies in a field experiment, with well (V1), with low (V2) and with occasional watering (3). Over the course of the subsequent vegetation period in 2014 they were exposed to drought. During 2013 and 2014, apart from analyses of growth (height, stem and root collar diameter, dry weight, shoot- root-ratio) and water content as well as leaf water potential, chlorophyll fluorescence and vessel parameters were measured. This enabled tracking the species-specific and irrigation-dependent development during cultivation and allowed conclusions on stress level and drought reactions or strategies to cope with water shortage. As well as possible irrigation-induced adaptations towards drought could be identified.
The results of Sorbus aucuparia suggest a certain degree of adjustment to periodic or moderate drought during the juvenile phase. Loss of growth caused by short-term droughts could eventually be compensated by growth spurts after irrigation or rainfall. However, growth analyses and the data on leaf water potential indicate low tolerance against longer and more severe periods of water shortage during the growing season, especially when coinciding with atmospheric drought. Sorbus aucuparia were well-adapted to drought in 2014 both when they were formerly well irrigated (SaV1) as well as occasionally irrigated (SaV3). Their comparatively good growth is related to their larger plant water storage caused by early on better water supply. In order to achieve both long-term adaptation as well as satisfying growing rates, occasional irrigation seems reasonable for allowing adjustment to drought through conditioning for Sorbus aucuparia. The formation of narrower vessels decreases the risk of embolism. The findings are also indicative of a higher water use efficiency of formerly occasionally irrigated Sorbus aucuparia.
Based on growth and chlorophyll fluorescence analyses Acer campestre seems to be less sensitive to short-term and occasional drought, but medium to highly sensitive to long-term water shortage during the juvenile phase. Growth during the dry conditions in 2014 indicates a better adjustment of formerly well and occasionally irrigated Acer campestre (AcV1 and AcV3). Probably a better adjustment in the long term can be achieved by early low irrigation, even if lower overall growth per year has to be expected. This is due to the formation of more narrow vessels that prevent embolism, and the low shoot-root-ratio well adapted to drought, as well as by keeping up a relatively high water content in recurring drought.
Both growth and physiological investigation suggest a high susceptibility to drought in juvenile Tilia platyphyllos in severe long-term water shortage during the growing season and in perennial drought. Vessel analyses confirm this result. Thus no reduction of vessel size occurred during drought. Only formerly occasionally (TpV3) and low irrigated plants (TpV2) show minor adaptation in vessel size. Combining with the results of the dry-weight analysis it can be suggested a certain adjustment of Tilia platyphyllos to recurring periods of drought and singular dry years. Formerly well irrigated plants (TpV1) were best at withstanding the 2014 one-year drought by using their water storage and showed better growth with simultaneously low leaf water deficits. The comparatively low stress level of TpV1 is also reflected by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Despite not showing higher growth rates during the 2014 drought, analyses of leaf water potential of formerly occasionally watered plants (TpV3) point to osmotic adjustment as well as adaption of stoma regulation. The vessel analyses confirm these findings. Therefore, Tilia platyphyllos seems to benefit from both ideal as well as occasional irrigation (TpV1 and TpV3) during cultivation to adjust to subsequent droughts. However, a conclusive recommendation on watering Tilia platyphyllos does not seem possible at this point.
Styphnolobium japonicum is characterized by very high drought tolerance towards occasional drought events and by medium to high tolerance towards long-term and perennial drought events during their juvenile phase. This is reflected by investigations of growth and physiology. The early development of a sturdy heart-root-system and deep sinker roots allows the acquisition of bigger soil water reservoirs. Not only root, but also leaf and trunk anatomy, as well as physiological reactions (slight reduction of midday leaf water potential) are main strategies to avoid drought stress. Here as well the protection from embolism is achieved by developing only medium to smaller vessels during drought. Therefore, formerly low and occasionally irrigated plants (SjV2 and SjV3) were even better adapted to the drought in 2014. Furthermore, together with analyses of leaf water potential and water content, the high growth rates suggest an improved water use efficiency, but also intensified osmoregulation as well as an adjustment of stoma regulation. The findings point to better long-term drought adaptation as well as satisfying growing rates using the occasional irrigation strategy for Styphnolobium japonicum.
Populus nigra 'Italica' also follows a stress avoidance strategy by slightly lowering its leaf water potential. Its rapidly spreading root system can obtain access to bigger soil water resources. Developing a high number of small vessels and a rather low number of big ones decreases the risk of cavitation. Considering the leaf water potential and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements, the results of the growth analysis of Populus nigra 'Italica' indicate a medium drought tolerance towards long-term water shortage during the growing season and a higher tolerance towards occasional drought events. Yet a conclusive assessment of drought tolerance and improved adaptation to drought by the usage of a certain irrigation strategy, especially when it comes to perennial water shortage, is not possible for Populus nigra 'Italica' given the present data. However, it became apparent, that Populus nigra 'Italica' shows different adjustment mechanisms that are subject to intensity, duration and frequency of dry periods.
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Growth and Establishment of Newly Planted Street TreesSherman, Alexander R 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Developing quantified establishment period estimates for newly planted trees will help set realistic goals for plant performance in the urban landscape. Nine years of tree planting records obtained from the city of Boston, MA and the town of Brookline, MA were used to derive samples of trunk caliper for hedge maple (Acer campestre), London planetree (Platanus x acerifolia), and red oak (Quercus rubra). Several site characteristics were measured to identify effects on newly planted tree growth.
Breakpoint estimates of the piecewise regression models fell at 4 years and 6 years for London planetree and hedge maple respectively, showing establishment periods for urban trees are longer than the conventional 3 years. Pit area has a significant effect on caliper growth for London planetree and red oak, with larger growing spaces yielding larger trees. Observed soil bulk densities did not have a significant effect on caliper measurement for any of the species tested. Mean soil bulk density was 1.4 g/cm3, 1.45 g/cm3, and 1.49 g/cm3 for hedge maple, London planetree, and red oak respectively. Soil texture was significant for hedge maple only, with percent clay showing significant positive effects and percent sand as marginally significant. Pit type showed a significant effect on caliper measurement of London planetree with grass strips producing the largest caliper trees followed by open pits. Planting locations with tree grates produced the smallest caliper trees. Presence of perforated air vents produced significantly larger caliper trees than sites with an air vent present for red oak.
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Plantering av trädarter i svenska städer : risker för introducering av nya skadegörare / Planting tree species in Swedish cities : risk of introduktion of new pestsEriksson, Ann January 2023 (has links)
Med dagens transportteknik är det enkelt för stadsplanerare att importera exotiska träd från hela världen. Med importerade plantor finns dock risk att det följer med nya trädsjukdomar och skadegörare till länder där dessa sjukdomar ej funnits tidigare. När nya skadegörarna väl har etablerat sig på stadsträden är näst steg spridning till omgivande skogar. Förutom skador på skogsekosystem kan dessa skadegörare orsaka stora ekonomiska förluster. Syftet med studien var att identifiera möjliga risker för introducering av nya trädskadegörare till svenska skogar och jämföra hur stor andel importerat planteringsmaterial som används i olika delar av Sverige. I materialet från totalt sex städer upptäcktes brister i dokumentation av planterade träd, framför allt saknades information om planteringsmaterialetsursprungsland. Ett bättre registreringssystem behövs för att proaktivt kunna minska risker att främmande trädsjukdomar och skadegörare kan etablera sig i Sverige.
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Assessing the Effectiveness of Urban Trees with Skeletal Soils in Flood Risk Mitigation / Utvärdering av effekten hos stadsträd med skelettjordar som översvämningsåtgärdBoberg, Molly January 2024 (has links)
With increased urbanization and climate change, heavy rainfall events and urban floods are becoming more frequent. To meet the demands for effective climate adaptation strategies and mitigation measures, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have received increased attention. The city of Stockholm has a long history of implementing such solutions for local stormwater management, to capture surface runoff by infiltration and retention at its source. Implementing urban trees with skeletal soil is a well-established approach with the potential as an effective mitigation measure. Nevertheless, the literature review found few studies with evidence of their effectiveness in terms of flood risk mitigation. To contribute to this knowledge gap, the aim of this study was to quantitatively assess the effectiveness of urban trees with skeletal soils. By investigating their effectiveness in reducing flood extent, runoff volumes, and peak flows during different rainfall events, the results are thought to provide new insights and support decision-makers. In fulfilling the study objectives, the hydrological functions of plant beds with skeletal soils were investigated, and an urban flood model was developed within the MIKE+ 2D Overland Module. Three scenarios, including a baseline scenario and two full-scale implementations of skeletal soils, were evaluated under different design storms. The results revealed that urban trees with skeletal soils have low effectiveness in flood risk reduction under heavy rainfall events, but are an effective measure for rainfalls with low return periods. For flood risk mitigation, this study emphasizes a hybrid approach, combining multiple NBS with traditional grey infrastructure. Uncertainties related to model performance and hydrological parameters raised concerns about the reliability of the results. Therefore, plant beds with skeletal soils should not be disregarded, but require further investigations. This study recommends alternative modelling approaches, such as coupling the 2D overland flow model with a 1D network model, and emphasizes the need for comprehensive analyses, empirical data, and field measurements. Future research should explore the collective impact of various NBS, and incorporate economic valuation through cost-benefit analysis (CBA). / Med en ökad urbanisering och påverkan av klimatförändringar blir intensiva nederbördshändelser och stadsöversvämningar allt vanligare. För att möta kraven på mer effektiva strategier för klimatanpassning och riskbegränsande åtgärder har naturbaserade lösningar fått ökad uppmärksamhet. Stockholms stad har en lång historia av att använda sådana lösningar för lokalt omhändertagande av dagvatten, med fokus på att fånga upp ytavrinning genom infiltration och fördröjning. En väletablerad metod innefattar användandet av stadsträd med skelettjordar, med potential som en effektiv skyfallsåtgärd. Trots detta visade litteraturstudien att det finns begränsat vetenskapligt stöd för deras effekt när det gäller översvämningshantering. För att fylla denna kunskapslucka syftar denna studie till att kvantitativt bedöma effekten hos stadsträd med skelettjordar. Genom att analysera deras effekt när det gäller att minska översvämningsmängder, avrinningsvolymer och toppflöden under varierande nederbördshändelser hoppas studien kunna bidra med nya insikter samt stödja beslutsfattare. För att uppnå dessa mål genomfördes en analys av de hydrologiska funktionerna hos skelettjordar, och en skyfallsmodell togs fram inom ramen för MIKE+ 2D Overland Module. Tre scenarier, inklusive ett nulägesscenario samt två fullskaliga användningar av skelettjordar, utvärderades under varierande typregn. Resultaten visade att skelettjordar har generellt låg effekt vid intensiva regn, men kan betraktas som en effektiv åtgärd för dagvattenhantering vid normala flöden. För att minska risken för översvämningar betonar denna studie vikten av att kombinera flera naturbaserade lösningar med traditionell grå infrastruktur. Osäkerheter relaterade till modellens prestanda och hydrologiska parametrar väckte dock tvivel kring resultatens tillförlitlighet. Således bör stadsträd med skelettjordar ej helt förkastas som skyfallsåtgärd. Studien föreslår alternativa modelleringsmetoder, såsom att koppla 2D-modellen med en nätverksmodell, samt understryker behovet av avancerade analyser och empiriska data för att förbättra modellens precision och tillförlitlighet. Framtida forskning bör inriktas mot att undersöka den samlade effekten av olika naturbaserade lösningar samt inkludera ekonomisk värdering genom kostnadsnyttoanalys.
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Estudo de dois métodos de amostragem para inventário da arborização de ruas dos bairros da orla marítima do município de Santos, SP. / Study of two sampling methods employed for the street tree inventory in the coastal neighbourhoods of the city of Santos, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.Gabriela Ignarra Pedreira Meneghetti 07 October 2003 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficiência de dois métodos de amostragem de árvores de rua para os bairros da orla marítima da cidade de Santos. Foram empregadas a amostragem sistemática simples e a amostragem estratificada por bairros. Cinco estratos corresponderam aos bairros Ponta da Praia, Aparecida, Embaré, Boqueirão, e, o último, denominado Composto, compreendeu três bairros vizinhos, o Gonzaga, o Pompéia e o José Menino. Dos 470 quarteirões não compostos integralmente por áreas verdes e localizados na área de estudo, foram selecionados 70 para compor a amostra (14,9%) tanto da amostragem sistemática simples quanto da amostragem estratificada. A fim de estimar o parâmetro populacional que representa a abundância de árvores, utilizou-se a variável número de árvores por quilômetro de calçada. Foi realizado um inventário qualitativo e quantitativo no qual foram anotados o perímetro dos quarteirões (incluindo as calçadas), o número de elementos existentes (árvores e arbustos vivos ou mortos) e suas características. Os dois métodos de amostragem foram eficientes para o levantamento de árvores de ruas nos bairros da orla marítima da cidade de Santos, mas deu-se preferência para a amostragem sistemática simples, uma vez que o ganho em precisão obtido através da estratificação por bairros foi muito pequeno. Para avaliar a riqueza e a abundância das espécies e as diferenças na composição de espécies dos estratos foram calculados os índices de diversidade de Shannon e de Jaccard. As sete espécies mais freqüentes foram Inga laurina (ingá), Sapindus saponaria (saboneteira), Terminalia catappa (chapéu-de-sol), Ficus benjamina (figueira-benjamin), Delonix regia (flamboyant), Lagerstroemia indica (resedá ou extremosa) e Callophyllum brasiliensis (guanandí). De cada um dos 1282 elementos vivos avaliados foram levantadas características relacionadas ao tamanho das árvores, ao tipo de condução ou poda, à qualidade da copa e do tronco, à fitossanidade, à compatibilidade com o local de plantio, à área livre de pavimentação, aos danos aos passeios e à presença de redes aéreas e de obstáculos ao desenvolvimento das plantas. / The aim of the present study is to examine the efficiency of two sampling methods for street trees inventory in the coastal neighborhoods of the city of Santos. Two methods have been employed: the simple systematic sampling and the stratification according to neighborhood. The five strata which have been analyzed correspond to the following neighborhoods: Ponta da Praia, Aparecida, Embaré, Boqueirão and one strata hereby called Compound, which actually comprehends three adjacent neighborhoods, namely Gonzaga, Pompéia and José Menino. Of the 470 blocks not entirely made up of green areas witch still situated in the study area, 70 have been selected to be the sample (14.9%), in the simple systematic method as well as in the stratified type. In order to estimate the population parameter representing the abundance of trees, the variable number of trees per kilometer of sidewalk has been utilized. A qualitative as well as a quantitative inventory has been drawn up in which we have annotated the perimeter of the blocks (sidewalks included), the number of existing elements (trees, bushes and shrubs, either dead or living) and their characteristics. Although both methods of sampling have proven to be efficient for street trees inventories in the coastal neighborhoods of the city of Santos, we have given preference to the simple systematic sampling type, since very little gain in accuracy has been obtained from the sampling method of stratification by neighborhood. So as to estimate the wealth and abundance of the species and the differences in the species composition between the five strata, we have calculated both Shannon and Jaccard diversity indexes. The seven most frequent species are the following ones: Inga laurina (ingá), Sapindus saponaria (saboneteira), Terminalia catappa (chapéu-de-sol), Ficus benjamina (figueira-benjamin), Delonix regia (flamboyant), Lagerstroemia indica (resedá or extremosa) and Callophyllum brasiliensis (guanandí). Of each of the 1.282 evaluated living elements, we have registered characteristics related to the following aspects: tree size, type of conduction or pruning, quality of crown and trunk, insect or disease problems, degree of compatibility with the planted site, areas devoid of paving, damage caused to pavements and the presence of wiring and cables or any obstacles to plant development.
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Estudo de dois métodos de amostragem para inventário da arborização de ruas dos bairros da orla marítima do município de Santos, SP. / Study of two sampling methods employed for the street tree inventory in the coastal neighbourhoods of the city of Santos, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.Meneghetti, Gabriela Ignarra Pedreira 07 October 2003 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficiência de dois métodos de amostragem de árvores de rua para os bairros da orla marítima da cidade de Santos. Foram empregadas a amostragem sistemática simples e a amostragem estratificada por bairros. Cinco estratos corresponderam aos bairros Ponta da Praia, Aparecida, Embaré, Boqueirão, e, o último, denominado Composto, compreendeu três bairros vizinhos, o Gonzaga, o Pompéia e o José Menino. Dos 470 quarteirões não compostos integralmente por áreas verdes e localizados na área de estudo, foram selecionados 70 para compor a amostra (14,9%) tanto da amostragem sistemática simples quanto da amostragem estratificada. A fim de estimar o parâmetro populacional que representa a abundância de árvores, utilizou-se a variável "número de árvores por quilômetro de calçada". Foi realizado um inventário qualitativo e quantitativo no qual foram anotados o perímetro dos quarteirões (incluindo as calçadas), o número de elementos existentes (árvores e arbustos vivos ou mortos) e suas características. Os dois métodos de amostragem foram eficientes para o levantamento de árvores de ruas nos bairros da orla marítima da cidade de Santos, mas deu-se preferência para a amostragem sistemática simples, uma vez que o ganho em precisão obtido através da estratificação por bairros foi muito pequeno. Para avaliar a riqueza e a abundância das espécies e as diferenças na composição de espécies dos estratos foram calculados os índices de diversidade de Shannon e de Jaccard. As sete espécies mais freqüentes foram Inga laurina (ingá), Sapindus saponaria (saboneteira), Terminalia catappa (chapéu-de-sol), Ficus benjamina (figueira-benjamin), Delonix regia (flamboyant), Lagerstroemia indica (resedá ou extremosa) e Callophyllum brasiliensis (guanandí). De cada um dos 1282 elementos vivos avaliados foram levantadas características relacionadas ao tamanho das árvores, ao tipo de condução ou poda, à qualidade da copa e do tronco, à fitossanidade, à compatibilidade com o local de plantio, à área livre de pavimentação, aos danos aos passeios e à presença de redes aéreas e de obstáculos ao desenvolvimento das plantas. / The aim of the present study is to examine the efficiency of two sampling methods for street trees inventory in the coastal neighborhoods of the city of Santos. Two methods have been employed: the simple systematic sampling and the stratification according to neighborhood. The five strata which have been analyzed correspond to the following neighborhoods: Ponta da Praia, Aparecida, Embaré, Boqueirão and one strata hereby called Compound, which actually comprehends three adjacent neighborhoods, namely Gonzaga, Pompéia and José Menino. Of the 470 blocks not entirely made up of green areas witch still situated in the study area, 70 have been selected to be the sample (14.9%), in the simple systematic method as well as in the stratified type. In order to estimate the population parameter representing the abundance of trees, the variable "number of trees per kilometer of sidewalk" has been utilized. A qualitative as well as a quantitative inventory has been drawn up in which we have annotated the perimeter of the blocks (sidewalks included), the number of existing elements (trees, bushes and shrubs, either dead or living) and their characteristics. Although both methods of sampling have proven to be efficient for street trees inventories in the coastal neighborhoods of the city of Santos, we have given preference to the simple systematic sampling type, since very little gain in accuracy has been obtained from the sampling method of stratification by neighborhood. So as to estimate the wealth and abundance of the species and the differences in the species composition between the five strata, we have calculated both Shannon and Jaccard diversity indexes. The seven most frequent species are the following ones: Inga laurina (ingá), Sapindus saponaria (saboneteira), Terminalia catappa (chapéu-de-sol), Ficus benjamina (figueira-benjamin), Delonix regia (flamboyant), Lagerstroemia indica (resedá or extremosa) and Callophyllum brasiliensis (guanandí). Of each of the 1.282 evaluated living elements, we have registered characteristics related to the following aspects: tree size, type of conduction or pruning, quality of crown and trunk, insect or disease problems, degree of compatibility with the planted site, areas devoid of paving, damage caused to pavements and the presence of wiring and cables or any obstacles to plant development.
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