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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunctions and quality of life in elderly men of vilnius city / Vilniaus miesto senyvo amžiaus vyrų šlapimo nelaikymas, erekcijos sutrikimai ir gyvenimo kokybė

Mereckas, Gintautas 28 December 2009 (has links)
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vidmantas Alekna (Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine at Vilnius University, Biomedical sciences, Medicine - 07 B). The aim: To estimate the frequency of urinary incontinence (UI) in men residing in Vilnius city community and nursing institutions, to assess risk factors for UI, to determine the frequency of erectile dysfunction in men with UI, and to analyse their quality of life. Object and methods: 788 elderly men residing in Vilnius city community and 168 - in nursing institutions were interviewed. The respondents were interviewed with the specific and general questionnaires for UI and quality of life. Statistical data analysis was performed by applying SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Conclusions: Frequency of UI among the men living in Vilnius city community amounts to 17.8% and 38.1% - in nursing institutions. The benign prostatic hyperplasia, stroke, senile cognition disorder, Parkinson’s disease, depression, constipation and use of the some medications increase the risk of UI among elderly men. Erectile dysfunction was diagnosed in 79.2% of the men with UI aged 55 and over and in 36.7% of the healthy men of the same age. In men with UI the physical health, psychological state, social relations and the environment domains of quality of life were disturbed. After two years the quality of life of the men with UI became lower in the areas of physical health and social relations. / Mokslinis konsultantas: doc. dr. Vidmantas Alekna (Vilniaus universiteto Eksperimentinės ir klinikinės medicinos institutas, biomedicinos mokslai, medicina – 07 B). Darbo tikslas: ištirti Vilniaus mieste gyvenančių senyvo amžiaus vyrų šlapimo nelaikymo ir erekcijos sutrikimų ypatumus bei gyvenimo kokybę. Tyrimo objektas ir metodai. Tiriamųjų grupė sudaryta sluoksninės imties metodu. Apklausti 788 asmenys, gyvenantys Vilniaus m. bendruomenėje ir 168 vyrai – globos įstaigose. Respondentai buvo tiriami interviu metodu, naudojant specifinius ir bendrus klausimynus. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta „SPSS 12.0 for Windows“. Pagrindinės išvados. Šlapimo nelaikymo dažnumas tarp Vilniaus m. bendruomenėje gyvenančių 55 metų amžiaus ir vyresnių vyrų yra 17,8 proc., o tarp globos įstaigose gyvenančių vyrų – 38,1 proc. Su amžiumi šlapimo nelaikymo dažnumas didėja. Šlapimo nelaikymo riziką didina gerybinė prostatos hiperplazija, patirtas insultas, depresija, pažinimo sutrikimas, Parkinsono liga, obstipacija ir kai kurių vaistų vartojimas. Erekcijos sutrikimai nustatyti 79,2 proc. šlapimo nelaikančių 55 metų amžiaus ir vyresnių vyrų ir 36,7 proc. sveikų vyrų, gyvenančių Vilniaus m. bendruomenėje. Esant šlapimo nelaikymui yra blogesnės šios gyvenimo kokybės sritys: fizinė sveikata, psichologinė būsena, socialiniai santykiai ir aplinka. Po 2 metų gyvenimo kokybė pablogėjo fizinės sveikatos bei socialinių santykių srityse.

Differences in pelvic floor muscle activation and functional output between women with and without stress urinary incontinence

MADILL, STEPHANIE 23 September 2009 (has links)
Introduction: The primary purpose of this research was to determine whether women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) demonstrate pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength or endurance deficits and/or changes in the motor control patterns used during maximum voluntary PFM contractions (PFM MVCs) and coughing. A secondary purpose was to determine the effect of age on these parameters. Methods: After first validating the use of vaginal pressure to study the functional output of the PFMs, three studies were carried out to address these objectives. In two studies vaginal pressure and PFM and abdominal muscle electromyography (EMG) data were recorded simultaneously during PFM MVCs and maximum effort coughs in continent women, women with mild SUI and women with moderate to severe SUI in both supine and standing. In the final study, the effect of continence status and age on PFM strength and endurance was measured with vaginal pressure. Results: Changes in vaginal pressure induced by PFM MVCs and coughing were found to reflect changes in urethral pressure. The women with SUI and the continent women were found to be equally able to produce peak PFM EMG and vaginal pressure amplitudes during PFM MVCs and coughs. Compared to the continent women, the women with SUI delayed activating their abdominal muscles during the PFM MVCs. During coughing, vaginal pressure and PFM EMG peaked simultaneously in the continent women, while in the women with SUI vaginal pressure peaked after PFM EMG. During both the PFM MVCs and the coughs, the EMG activity in all of the muscles tested was higher at the onset of vaginal pressure generation in the women with SUI compared to the continent women. No difference was found in PFM endurance between the women with and without SUI. The ability to generate peak vaginal pressure during coughing decreased with age. Conclusions: PFM weakness does not appear to play a significant role in SUI. Rather, the results of this research suggest that a combination of motor control deficits and delays in pressure transmission are associated with SUI in women. / Thesis (Ph.D, Rehabilitation Science) -- Queen's University, 2009-09-21 09:37:12.923

Understanding the relationships between pregnancy, childbirth and incontinence

Prendergast, Susan Unknown Date
No description available.

Att leva med urininkontinens : En litteraturstudie ur kvinnans perspektiv / Living with urinary incontinence : A literature study from a woman’s perspective

Abebe, Julia, Gustafsson, Linn January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Urininkontinens är ett vanligt förekommande tillstånd hos kvinnor som påverkar den psykiska hälsan negativt. Tillståndet påverkar det vardagliga livet och framkallar känslor som nedstämdhet och ångest hos kvinnor. De vanligaste riskfaktorerna för att drabbas är hög ålder och genomgången vaginal förlossning. Trots goda behandlingsmöjligheter söker kvinnor inte vård. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med urininkontinens. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Kvinnorna planerade sina vardagliga aktiviter för att kontrollera de oförutsägbara urinläckagen. Läckagen hämmade sexuallivet samt gav upphov till skam- och skuldkänslor. Urininkontinensen begränsade även kvinnornas förmåga att utöva sin religiösa tro. Trots de hinder som urininkontinensen medförde sökte kvinnorna inte vård då tillståndet inte ansågs vara ett legitimt problem. De kvinnorna som sökt vård hade erfarenheter av att inte bli tagna på allvar. Slutsats: Att skapa en positiv vårderfarenhet var av stor vikt för att få kvinnor att känna förtroende för sjukvården och våga söka hjälp. Urininkontinens gav upphov till skam- och skuldkänslor vilket vårdare bör beakta vid mötet med dessa kvinnor. För att kunna hjälpa kvinnorna krävs ökad kunskap om erfarenheter av hur det är att leva med urininkontinens. Klinisk betydelse: Förståelse för hur kvinnor upplever livet med urininkontinens kan ge vårdare kunskapen som krävs för att ge patienten en god omvårdnad. Sjuksköterskor bör ställa direkta frågor om urininkontinens för att legitimera problemet och på så sätt få reda på mer om sjukdomens påverkan på livet. / Background: Urinary incontinence is a common illness among women that has a negative effect on the mental health. The illness affects the everyday life and raise emotions such as dejection and anxiety. The most common risk factors for urinary incontinence are advanced age and post-delivery. Despite sufficient treatment options women do not seek help. Aim: To describe women’s experiences of living with urinary incontinence. Method: General literature study based on ten scientific articles with a qualitative approach. Findings: In order to control urinary leakage women planned the daily activities, adjusting to the unforeseeable nature of the disease. Urinary leakage interfered with their sex life and created feelings of shame and guilt. Urinary incontinence also hampered the ability to practice religion. Despite of the problems that urinary incontinence brought women did not see the disease as a legitimate problem and therefore did not seek care. Women who had sought help had experiences of not being taken seriously. Conclusion: Creating a positive experience of health care was of great importance to make women gain trust for the care system and therefore seek help. Urinary incontinence created feelings of shame and guilt which should be considered by caregivers when facing these women. In order to help these women knowledge is required about experiences of living with urinary incontinence. Relevance to clinical practice: Understanding how women experience living with urinary incontinence can bring caregivers required knowledge for nursing these women in the best way possible. Nurses should ask patients direct questions about urinary incontinence in order to legitimize it and gain knowledge about the disease impact on life.

Pagyvenusio amžiaus besikreipiančių į šeimos gydytoją moterų šlapimo nelaikymas ir jo sąsajos su gyvenimo kokybe / Urinary incontinence and quality of life among elderly women visiting the general practitioner

Jievaltienė, Goda 02 July 2012 (has links)
Šlapimo nelaikymas – dažnas vyresnio amžiaus moterų nusiskundimas. Įvairių autorių duomenimis šlapimo nelaikymo dažnis tarp vyresnio amžiaus moterų yra nuo 19 iki 65 proc. Populiacijai senstant, daugėja ir šlapimo nelaikančių žmonių. Šio darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti šlapimo nelaikymo paplitimą, jo rizikos veiksnius ir su juo susijusią gyvenimo kokybę tarp pagyvenusio amžiaus moterų, besikreipiančių į šeimos gydytoją. Uždaviniai: įvertinti šlapimo nelaikymo paplitimą tarp pagyvenusio amžiaus moterų; nustatyti pagyvenusio amžiaus moterų šlapimo nelaikymo rizikos veiksnius ir jų prognozinę vertę; įvertinti pagyvenusio amžiaus moterų gyvenimo kokybę, nustatyti šlapimo nelaikymo ir gyvenimo kokybės sąsajas tarp pagyvenusio amžiaus moterų; palyginti bendrinį ir specifinį gyvenimo kokybės klausimynus, vertinant pagyvenusio amžiaus nelaikančių šlapimo moterų gyvenimo kokybę. Tyrime naudota anketa. kuri buvo sudaryta iš 4 jau anksčiau tarptautiniu mastu validuotų klausimynų taip pat pridedant klausimus apie tiriamųjų socialines-demografines bei sveikatos charakteristikas: TPBT - trumpasis protinės būklės tyrimas, skirtas vertinti tiriamųjų pažintines funkcijas; GDS– geriatrinė depresijos skalė, skirta įvertinti depresyvumą; SF-36v2 bendrinis gyvenimo kokybės klausimynas; I-QOL - specifinis gyvenimo kokybės klausimynas, skirtas asmenims su šlapimo nelaikymu. Specifinis šlapimo nelaikymui klausimynas išverstas šiam tyrimui ir Lietuvoje yra panaudotas pirmą kartą. / Urinary incontinence (UI) is a health problem prevalent in various age groups. Due to anatomical and physiological peculiarities, this problem is more common in women, and especially in ageing stage of life. Based on scientific literature, the prevalence of urinary incontinence is 19% to 65% for elderly women. Urinary incontinence influences various aspects of quality of life and daily life. The aim of study was to evaluate the urinary incontinence, its risk factors and incontinence-related quality of life among elderly women visiting the general practitioner. The objectives of study: to evaluate the prevalence of urinary incontinence among elderly women; to determine the risk factors of urinary incontinence and their prognostic value among elderly women; to evaluate the quality of life of elderly women; to establish the associations between the urinary incontinence and quality of life among elderly women; to compare a generic and specific questionnaires for evaluation of incontinence-related quality of life among elderly women. The tool of measurement in the study was a questionnaire comprised of four previously validated at international level questionnaires: MMSE – mini-mental state examination, used for evaluation of cognitive function; GDS – geriatric depression scale, used for evaluation of depressiveness; SF-36v2 – generic questionnaire of quality of life; I-QOL – specific questionnaire of quality of life, constructed for subjects with urinary incontinence. I-QOL was... [to full text]

Understanding the relationships between pregnancy, childbirth and incontinence

Prendergast, Susan 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to explore the relationships between pregnancy, childbirth and incontinence (both urinary and faecal) and the effect of preventive activities during pregnancy on continence. Two papers comprise this thesis. The first paper, a scoping review, focused on examination of how pregnancy and childbirth affect continence in nulliparous women. Several key considerations were identified from the published literature that we suggest are crucial to understanding these relationships. The second paper, a systematic review, is focused on the effect of preventive measures during pregnancy on continence. Pelvic floor muscle training was found to be effective in reducing the incidence of incontinence at 3 months postpartum. Few studies met our inclusion criteria thus limiting analysis of data. Based on these two papers, further prospective research is suggested. The final chapter of this thesis outlines a developing PhD project that addresses gaps identified through the scoping and systematic reviews.

Pelvic floor dysfunction : a clinical and epidemiological study /

Uustal Fornell, Eva January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Univ., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Prevalência de perdas urinárias em uma amostra de mulheres de Botucatu

Vianna, Luana Schneider [UNESP] 22 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-13T14:50:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2013-02-22Bitstream added on 2014-08-13T18:01:35Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000743128.pdf: 537397 bytes, checksum: f87881424ed502d6e7d4f1c5a36b3473 (MD5) / O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a prevalência de Incontinência Urinária (IU), presença ou ausência de incomodo com a IU e observar as atividades mais comuns ao momento da perda urinária em mulheres da cidade de Botucatu. Método: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico transversal realizado nos dois hospitais com maternidade em funcionamento na cidade de Botucatu, Brasil. As mulheres foram entrevistadas durante internação para o parto, no momento pós-parto quando responderam a inquérito estruturado. Foram entrevistadas 299 mulheres, dessas 49 (16,4%) eram incontinentes e dentre as incontinentes 27 (55,1%) apresentavam Incontinência Urinária Mista (IUM) e 23 (46,9%) relataram incomodo referente a IU. Dentre as atividades mais comuns durante a perda de urina encontramos espirro, tosse, riso e quando estavam com forte desejo de urinar. Estes achados realçam a importância de investigações sobre a prevalência de IU assim como abordagem e assistência a mulheres com esse sintoma / The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI), presence or absence of bother with the UI and to observe the most common at the moment of the urinary loss from the city of Botucatu. This is a transversal epidemiological study made in two hospitals with maternity in operation in the city of Botucatu, Brazil. Women were interviewed during hospitalization for childbirth, at the time of postpartum when they responded the structured survey. Results: It was interviewed 299 women, of these 49 (16.4%) were incontinent and among the incontinent 27 (55.1%) had mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) and 23 (46.9%) reported discomfort related to UI. Among the most common activities during the loss of urine were found sneeze, cough, laugh, and when they were strong urge to urinate. These findings highlight the importance of research on the prevalence of UI as well as approach and care for women with this symptom

Polimorfismo do colágeno tipo 3 e da metaloproteinase 9 como fator de risco para a incontinência em muheres com diabete mellitus gestacional /

Almeida, Ana Paula Machado de. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Marilza Vieira Cunha Rudge / Coorientador: Angélica Mércia Pascon Barbosa / Banca: Rodrigo Castro / Banca: Cláudia Rainho / Resumo: Não disponível / Abstract: Not available / Mestre

Influência da visão e da dupla tarefa no controle postural de idosas com perdas urinárias

Ribeiro, Joane Severo January 2015 (has links)
A Sociedade Internacional de Continência (ICS) define que toda queixa de perda involuntária de urina é considerada incontinência urinária (IU), sendo que a IU é um processo natural do envelhecimento que afeta de 25 a 45% das mulheres brasileiras. Portadores de IU podem apresentar alterações no controle postural, pois a musculatura do assoalho pélvico é responsável pela estabilização das estruturas da pelve, possuindo assim íntima relação com o controle postural estático. Em virtude disto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo comparar o controle postural de mulheres idosas com relato de perdas urinárias e idosas continentes, nas condições de olhos abertos, supressão da visão e durante teste de dupla tarefa cognitiva e visual. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo observacional de caráter transversal, quantitativo realizado com 46 mulheres idosas, sendo 26 com incontinência urinária com média de idade 68,31 ± 5,79 anos e 20 continentes com média de idade 69,3 ± 6,87 anos. Foi utilizado um questionário de anamnese, para identificar aspectos gerais de saúde das idosas, onde incluía auto relato de perda urinária. A análise do controle postural foi realizada utilizando-se uma plataforma de força para a obtenção dos dados referentes ao centro de pressão (COP). As idosas foram avaliadas nas situações: olhos abertos, olhos fechados e teste de dupla tarefa stroop color. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se o programa estatístico SPSS 17.0. A normalidade foi verificada através do teste de Shapiro-Wilk e após, realizado teste t de Student e o nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Os resultados não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas em todas as variáveis do COP na situação de olhos abertos, nem nas variáveis COPap e COPml de olhos fechados bem como no COPap, COPml e COPvel na dupla tarefa. E as variáveis COPvel e COPelp na situação de olhos fechados e COPelp na dupla tarefa, apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas com p<0,05. Concluiu-se que as mulheres idosas com relato de perdas urinárias apresentaram um pior desempenho do controle postural estático no que se refere a velocidade média de oscilação e a área de oscilação, quando comparadas as idosas continentes. / The International Continence Society (ICS) defines that every complaint involuntary loss of urine are considered urinary incontinence (UI). The UI is a natural process of aging and affects 25-45% of Brazilian women. IU carriers may show changes in postural control, because the pelvic floor muscles is responsible for stabilization of pelvic structures, thus having intimate relationship with the static postural control. This study analyzed and compared the postural control of elderly women with urinary incontinence and continent. The data collection conditions were with eyes open, suppression of vision and with dual cognitive and visual task. It is an observational study of transversal, quantitative conducted with 46 elderly women, 26 UI with a mean age 68.31 ± 5.79 years and 20 continent with a mean age 69.3 ± 6.87 years. The anamnesis questionnaire was used to identify general aspects of health of older, which included urinary loss self-reported. The analysis of postural control was performed using a force plate to obtain data on the center of pressure (COP). The elderly were evaluated in situations: eyes open, eyes closed and dual task Stroop color test. Data were analyzed using SPSS17.0 statistical software, data normality was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test and after, performed t Student test, and Statistical significance was set at a p-value< 0.05. The results no significant differences for all variables to COP in open eyes, COPap and COPml in closed eyes situations, and COPap, COPml e COPvel in dual task. The results were statistically significant with p<0,05 for variables COPvel and COPelp in closed eyes situations and COPelp in dual task. It was concluded that older women reporting urinary losses showed a worse performance of the static postural control COPvel and COPelp in relation to continent women.

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